Afterwards by Rosamund Lupton - Excerpt

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Transcript of Afterwards by Rosamund Lupton - Excerpt

  • 8/2/2019 Afterwards by Rosamund Lupton - Excerpt


  • 8/2/2019 Afterwards by Rosamund Lupton - Excerpt

  • 8/2/2019 Afterwards by Rosamund Lupton - Excerpt


    Tjiq heeo iq l }exo ec atieg' Gl`bq& ajlxlatbxq& hrqigbqqbq& exmlgi{ltiegq& ~flabq& bsbgtq&

    lgd igaidbgtq bitjbx lxb tjb ~xedrat ec tjb lrtjexq i`lmigltieg ex lxb rqbd atitierqfy' Lgy

    xbqb`hflgab te latrlf ~bxqegq& fisigm ex dbld& bsbgtq& ex fealfbq iq bgtixbfy aeigaidbgtlf'

    Ae~yximjt 8>==1>==

  • 8/2/2019 Afterwards by Rosamund Lupton - Excerpt



    Iaerfdgt `esb& get bsbg l fittfb gmbx ex l iaobx ec lg byb' Iaerfdgt e~bg `y `ertj te qaxbl`'I qtxrmmfbd& lq jlxdlqIaerfd& te `esb tjb jrmb jrfo tjlt `y hedy

    jld hbae`b& hrt I }lq txl~~bd rgdbx tjb jrff ec l slqt qji~ }xbaobd eg

    tjb eablg eex lgd `esigm }lq i`~eqqihfb'

    @y bybfidq }bxb }bfdbd qjrt' @y blxdxr`q hxeobg' @y sealf aexdqqgl~~bd ecc'

    ^itaj-dlxo lgd qifbgt lgd qe jblsy ig tjbxb? l `ifb ec dbgqb }ltbx

    lhesb `b'

    Egfy egb tjigm cex it& I qlid te yqbfc& tjigoigm ec yer& lgd I qfi~~bd

    ert ec tjb }xbaobd qji~ ec `y hedy igte tjb hflao eablg'

    I q}l` r~}lxdq te}lxdq tjb dlyfimjt }itj lff `y qtxbgmtj'

    Get l `ifb dbb~ lctbx lff'

    Hbalrqb I }lq qrddbgfy ig l }jitb xee`& hximjtfy mfbl`igm& q`bff-

    igm ~rgmbgtfy ec lgtiqb~tia' I jblxd seiabq lgd `y gl`b'

    I ql} tjlt tjb hedy ~lxt ec `b }lq ig l jeq~itlf hbd' I }ltajbd

    l deatex jefdigm `y bybfidq e~bg lgd qjigigm l fimjt igte `y bybq?

    lgetjbx }lq ti~~igm `y hbd hlao& lgetjbx ~rttigm lg IS igte `y lx`'

    Yer }egt hb lhfb te hbfibsb tjiq' Yerxb l `lg }je dl`q xisbxq lgd

    afi`hq `ergtligq& l `lg }je oge}qtjb fl}q ec gltrxb lgd ~jyqiaq'

    Jem}lqj, yersb qlid te tjb TS }jbg lgyegb tlfoq lhert lgytjigm

    ~lxlgex`lf Lftjermj yerff hb oigdbx te yerx }icb get aegqimgigm

  • 8/2/2019 Afterwards by Rosamund Lupton - Excerpt


    8 X E Q L @ R G D F R ^ T E G

    bz~bxibgabq de jl~~bg' Yer xbld lhert it ig tjb ~l~bxq& jblx ~be~fb

    tlfoigm lhert it eg tjb xldie'

    Hrt ic tjiq }lq xblf& }jlt qjerfd I de5 ^rqj `y }ly tjxermj tjbdeatexq lgd bfhe} ert tjb grxqb }je }lq qjlsigm `y jbld5 Bzarqb

    `b, Mlgm}ly, Qexxy, @y hedy& I tjigo' I` ximjt jbxb latrlffy,

    Tjigoigm xidiarferq tjigmq hbalrqb I }lq lcxlid'

    Qiao& meeqb hr`~q& qjisbxigm lcxlid'

    Lgd lq I cbft lcxlid I xb`b`hbxbd'

    Hfiqtbxigm jblt lgd xlmigm l`bq lgd qrccealtigm q`eob'

    Tjb qajeef }lq eg xb'

  • 8/2/2019 Afterwards by Rosamund Lupton - Excerpt
