Africa (the problem with computers)


Transcript of Africa (the problem with computers)

Page 1: Africa (the problem with computers)
Page 2: Africa (the problem with computers)

"I come here every Sunday," says 12-year-old Lesley Harrison, an IT consultant-in-training. I read my email, chat and look at car pictures. I also play games and register for competitions. What I like the most about the internet is that you can find out such interesting things. And I can also email my auntie who lives in London." (BBC World News, August 2001

Page 3: Africa (the problem with computers)

"Thruvti shows Martinus Van Schalkwyk the leader of South Africa's New National Party, how to make drawings on the computer at a school outside of Johannesburg"

from Disconnected Continent by Magda Kowalczykowski. Harvard International Review Cambridge:Summer 2002. Vol. 24, Iss. 2, p. 40-43

Page 4: Africa (the problem with computers)

from Sebastião Salgado "the majority world" three photo essays, 1977-92

Page 5: Africa (the problem with computers)

…sadly Australia too seems “almost completely devoid of modern infrastructre”!

Page 6: Africa (the problem with computers)

The proBleM wIth cOMPuters iS thAt

there IS nOT eNouGh AfriCA iN THeM

Brian Eno, ‘Wired’ magazine 3.05, May 1995 “Gossip is Philosophy” (

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Page 9: Africa (the problem with computers)

bridging the digital divide ( credit “fly_luanda_96” by Dave Robertson – hand-tinted b&w photo

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…users of WebCT as e-learning software of choice(

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