Affordable Gums/ Periodontal Treatment in India

Affordable Gums Treatment in India Book Appointment: +91 9891647510


Gums problems are very comman diseases which is growing very fast now a days. Periodontal Treatment is a suitable option for removing these type of dental problems, some other gums treatments are Bad Breath Treatment, Deep Cleaning, Gums Surgery, Socket Preservation Therapy, Full Mouth Scaling & Polishing, Laser Gum Depigmentation, Mobile Teeth Solution with Splinting etc. Book a dental appointment now in New Delhi with Dr. Garg Multispeciality Dental Centre on +91 9891647510 or log on to

Transcript of Affordable Gums/ Periodontal Treatment in India

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Affordable Gums Treatment in India

Book Appointment: +91 9891647510

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If food is allowed to accumulate between the tooth and the gum margin, it forms plaque along with the microbes. The resultant irritation of the gum margins produces a condition called as GINGIVITIS characterized by redness, bleeding and swelling of the gums. If proper attention is paid at this stage the condition is perfectly reversible. However in untreated cases the condition further deteriorates leading to the destruction of the tooth-supporting tissues. The condition is then called PERIODONTITIS or PYORRHOEA.

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Non-surgical treatment involves scaling and polishing of teeth. The procedure aims to remove food particles, plaque and calculus accumulating around the tooth. The effectiveness of the procedure depends largely on the stage of the disease, the efficiency of instrumentation and the maintenance on the part of the patient.

The Surgical approach to treatment is usually recommended for resistant cases where complete removal of the irritants from root surface of the tooth is not possible by scaling alone due to the deep penetration of the deposits.

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Halitosis (Bad Breath)

Halitosis commonly called as Bad Breath is a symptom in which an unpleasant odour is noticeable in the exhaled breath. The odour might be persistent or periodic. It is the third most common cause for which people seek dental care after tooth decay and gum diseases.

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Treatment of Halitosis (Bad Breath)The most important part in treating halitosis is proper diagnosis of the cause of bad breath. When the cause is poor oral hygiene, restoration of oral health by the dentist produces immediate results. Bad breath resulting from chronic sinusitis may be a recurring problem, especially if it is caused by a structural abnormality of the sinuses. Bad breath the results from a systemic illness may be a long-term problem that can often be controlled with proper medical care.

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Periodontal Deep Cleaning

This is preferred line of treatment for mild to moderate cases of periodontitis. In such cases food debris can accumulated in gum pockets and get hardened to cling to the tooth root surface. Instrumentation below gum margin is painful, so the procedure is done under local anesthesia. It is a conservative procedure wherein no incision is made and hence no sutures are needed. The aim is to clean plaque, calculus and food debris located below the gum margin which normal scaling is unable to clean.

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Deep Cleaning Laser TreatmentDeep Cleaning is done on one half of each jaw at a time. Depending on how comfortable the patient feels more area can also be safely involved. Local anesthesia is administered in the involved area. Using special instruments designed for subgingival instrumentation the deposits are removed using both hand and mechanical scalers. The root surfaces are then planed to make them smooth for gum attachment

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Deep Cleaning Advantages and Weakness

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Socket Preservation

With the advances in the restorative dentistry, planning for tooth placement begins even before the tooth is extracted. The aim is to preserve the maximum amount of bone which can later be a deciding factor in the technique of replacement be it dental implant, dentures or bridges.

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Socket Preservation TherapyFor socket preservation therapy, atraumatic extraction technique is needed. This involves little or no damage to socket walls and is achieved using special instruments as periotome and luxators. After tooth extraction, the socket is carefully debrided to remove any granulation tissue, tooth or bone pieces. The socket is then packed with artificial bone substitutes called as bone grafts and the mouth of socket is sealed with a resorbable membrane to prevent the graft from spilling in the mouth. As the healing takes place, blood clot entangles into the bone graft and ultimately it is replaced by the natural bone.

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Gums / Periodontal Treatment in India

Dr. Garg's Multispeciality Dental Centre(Center for dental excellence since 1973)

J-115 Main Mkt. Rajouri Garden,New Delhi-27 India.

Phone: 9891647510, 9810232685

Fax: (011)25935541Email: [email protected]

“Gums Treatment in India” - “Periodontal Treatment in India”