Polc11 10:27-38( 1999) AEROBIOLOGICAL D YNAMI CS 01' THE CUPRESSACEAE IN SPAJN, 1992-98 Belmonte, J .'; Canela, M.'; Guardia, R. '; Guárd ia, R.A. '; Sbai, L.' ; Vendrell, M.'; Cariñanos, P.'; Díaz de la Guardia, C. '; Dopazo, A.' ; Fernández, D.' ; Gutié rrez, M.' & Trigo, M.M.• ' Unid ad de Bo:áni ca, Facultad de Ci enci as, Unive<sidad AutorlOma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcel0113, Spa n. ' de Mat emática Aplicada y Análisis, Universi dad de Barcolona, 08007 Barcelona, Spain. ' Depart amen to da 8iot ogla Vegetal , Campus do Rabanales, U niversidad de Córdoba, 14071 Córdoba. Spaln. ' Departamento do Biología Vegetal, F acultad de Ci encras, U niversldasd de Granada, 1 BOOt Granada, Spain. ' Departamento da Biol ogía Vegetal, Facult ad de Farmacia, Universidad de Sant iago de Compostela, 15706 Santi ago de Compostela, Soain. Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de l eón, 24071 l eón, Spain. ' Departamento de Biología Vegeta l ti, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense. 28040 Madrid, Spain. Depanamento de Biologla Vegetal, Facultad ce e encías, dad de Málaga, 2BOSO M álaga, Spa n. SUMMAKY. In Spil.i n. lhc Cuprcss:accac famil y l'Oli1JR ÍSCS !wo native gencr:1: Jun i pl'n,s spccies) a nd Tt'ttar!wu (one species). 11 also includes CXOi iC:: gene ra grown :l S or such as (numcrous spcc1c s. bul C. umpcrvin ·n:r. and C. ariz.011ico are 1hc m ost :Jbund:In l), Ci1amatcyparrs and Pla:ydndu.) (TiuiJn; :ts t hc most common gcnus. The type (; .qn essoccae iucludes lhe T:t:<:lCC3C :. nd Ta\odiJ ccae, and rheir pollcns show crnss· rt:3Ciivil)In rec.::nt 01llc rgy lo thcsc po llcns h3s becn rccogni zc d This study an alyses 1 he pollcn 11 . -cords f or thc pcriod 1992-98 at 15 sncs 1n the Span ish A c10b1ology f\ ctw ort (R. ·d f." f ¡Jdlioln rl•• Ano/)inlngfrl. REA). TI.ere i> no p .:ut of Spai 1 fr ct of Cu( m:s.s3Ceae pollea and ils abun<b ncc d cpc ads on the num!xr of ornamen1:d in t he surrou ndings of thc u-ap and not on gcographical paramctcrs. In urb:m hu gc \'ari:Hion in thc quanli tic:. of pollcn fro m ycar to year is no t only due to we a ther bu l ;:¡lso to ga rc.lening man ipul alions of thc ornamcnl3l spccics. Thc po llcn is prt scnl all ytM r nund, rolli nali nn beginain,g in Sc¡ncmbcr :md t: nding in August. and thc ma.\ im um conccnLr:tl ions occurring usu :J. Il y in FcbruMy. lnu S OIIl t:.limcs in , \larch. January. O er:cmber. or A¡¡11 l. In most localions, thc po ll en c.tmcenlr:llina.!i werc hig.hes1 in the periods 1 99G-9'7 and 1 997- 98. In lh is thc use of 1 >0 llcn CJ tcgori cs IR Slcad of polleo conccntnl i ons is rccommcndcd. Th is is 10 sim¡Jiif y lh-: of ttl e inforr.ulion. spcci:l.lly whcn 4.1cfi ncd pecificall y for 1 he pollcn type aud 11king in lo coasider 3Lioo lhe allerg) sensiliza l ion le, el. Thc concer • of m:1 in pollen ,;c:aso:. (M P S) docs n OI St:e m for lhe ch3rx:erizJtion of the Cupressacc3C :u:rob1ol og.ic:al dynamks. KEY WORDS: A crobioklg), Jlkrgy. t:uprcssaccae , Cuprts.s l<j , Jwupu us. pullcll c:1tcgorics. ¡JOIIcn le .. Spain. 27



Polc11 10:27-38( 1999)


Belmonte, J .'; Canela, M.'; Guardia, R.'; Guárd ia, R.A .'; Sbai, L.' ; Vendrell, M.'; Cariñanos, P.' ; Díaz de la Guardia, C.'; Dopazo,

A.' ; Fernández, D.'; Gutiérrez, M.' & Trigo, M. M.•

' Unidad de Bo:ánica, Facultad de Ciencias, Unive<sidad AutorlOma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcel0113, Spa n.

' Depa~amento de Matemática Aplicada y Análisis, Universidad de Barcolona, 08007 Barcelona, Spain.

' Departamento da 8iotogla Vegetal, Campus do Rabanales, Universidad de Córdoba, 14071 Córdoba. Spaln.

' Departamento do Biología Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencras, Universldasd de Granada, 1 BOOt Granada, Spain.

' Departamento da Biología Vegetal, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15706 Santiago de Compostela, Soain.

• Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de l eón, 24071 l eón, Spain.

' Departamento de Biología Vegetal ti, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense. 28040 Madrid, Spain.

• Depanamento de Biologla Vegetal, Facultad ce e encías, Unr1a~> dad de Málaga, 2BOSO Málaga, Spa n.

SUMMAKY. In lhc Cuprcss:accac family l'Oli1JR ÍSCS !wo native gencr:1: Jun ipl'n,s (si~ spccies) and Tt'ttar!wu (one species). 11 also includes ~evcr3l CX Oi iC:: genera grown :lS

orn:~omcntal or fore~:l lrc~.s . such as C11prt.U11~ (numcrous spcc1cs. bul C. umpcrvin ·n:r. and C. ariz.011ico are 1hc most :Jbund:In l), Ci1amatcyparrs and Pla:ydndu.) (TiuiJn; :ts thc most common gcnus. The pollc~ 1 type (;.qnessoccae iucludes lhe f:~milies T:t:<:lCC3C :.nd Ta\odiJccae, and rheir pollcns show crnss·rt:3Ciivil)'· In rec.::nt d~cadcs. 01llc rgy lo thcsc pollcns h3s becn cle:~.rly rccognizcd This study analyses 1he pollcn 11.-cords for thc pcriod 1992-98 at 15 sncs 1n the Spanish Ac10b1ology f\ctwort (R.·d f." f¡Jdlioln rl•• Ano/)inlngfrl. REA). TI.ere i> no p.:ut of Spai 1 frct of Cu(m:s.s3Ceae pollea and ils abun<bncc dcpcads on the num!xr of ornamen1:d pl :.nt.~ in the surroundings of thc u-ap and not on gcographical paramctcrs. In urb:m :m~as. hugc \'ari:Hion in thc quanlitic:. of pollcn fro m ycar to year is no t only due to weather bul ;:¡lso to ga rc.lening manipulalions of thc ornamcnl3l spccics. Thc pollcn is prtscnl all ytM rnund, rollinalinn beginain,g in Sc¡ncmbcr :md t: nding in August. and thc ma.\imum conccnLr:tlions occurring usu:J. Il y in FcbruMy. lnu SOIIl t:.limcs in ,\larch. January. Oer:cmber. or A¡¡11 l. In most localions, thc pollen c.tmcenlr:llina.!i werc hig.hes1 in the periods 199G-9'7 and 1997- 98. In lhis p:~ptr. thc use of 1>0 llcn CJ tcgorics IRSlcad of polleo conccntnl ions is rccommcndcd. This is 10 sim¡Jiify lh-: ¡m:~cn l a liun of ttle inforr.ulion. spcci:l.lly whcn 4.1cfincd )¡pecifically for 1he pollcn type aud 11king in lo coasider3Lioo lhe allerg) sensiliza lion le, el. Thc concer • of m:1 in pollen ,;c:aso:. (M PS) docs nOI St:em rde\~Jnt for lhe ch3rx:erizJtion of the Cupressacc3C :u:rob1olog.ic:al dynamks. KEY WORDS: Acrobioklg), Jlkrgy. t:uprcssaccae,<j , Jwupu us. pullcll c:1tcgorics. ¡JOIIcn le .. el~. Spain.



, Bclmomc & al.

ltESUt\JEN En Esptul a ll r!lmHia Cuprcs~:CCJC e~tá COI'ljJUCSIJ !"'f dos génfiO$ n:llivos,

ilm ip~nu (con )t:l) C) pt! CI C"') )' Tc'lrudmiJ (unil especie). y diversos gtncros exóticos cuhivadn' cnrna o rr~ ."'lm ent.alc ~ o como e.~[)ecics forcstnlcs: Cltpr,·~.~us (dtversas espcl"ic), siendo C. ump(1n·tr~IIS )' C. ari:.onira I3S mis abundantes). Cham("'' ypnris '! P!atyrhulus (1/mJo ) lo:. m~s comunes. El tipo polímco Cuprcssnc:e:u: incluye las familils Taxaceac )' T:u()([j,"'cea~ y lm pólcnr.s pr.;~elltan rcactivid:~d cruz:Jda. En IM últim:JS d~cadns. 1:1 alergia a estos pólenes ha sido cl:'t ...,mcntc rcconac:tda . En cHe u abajo se analizan los registros polínicos dt· Cuprc>s:.tct=ac de 15 eslilciones de J;¡ Red Espaiiol:a de Aerobiologia (RilA), recogidos dura n1e el p~riodo 1992-1998. Prácticamente. nc hay ninguno zon:1 de España hbrc de polen d.: cuprcd ceas Su abundJ.ncta dc:pcn :lc dd núrr.ew de pl:uuas Otnamentales Cl"Jcan::~s al t.:aptador i' no guarda rel:~.ción con ~árr:etms gcozr.ilicos. En las árl"35 urb.lnJs se observ~n irt{lúrt:uucs variac.oncs inten.ouales en las c.Jnlldadcs de polen. debid:ts no sólo a IJ mclcorolo~i:t sino (;lnlbt~n :1: los tnlbJjo:, de jauhncría. El polen c~t3 pr~sentc en 1:~. :t lmó:, fcn dur:mtc tocio r: l :ld(); la polinizació:-. e npicu en Septiembte y acaba en A_goslo, y la' conccmracioncs mh inus se dan nornu:mc nh~ en f'ebrcr01 )' al&ur:os años en M3rzo. Enero. Diciembre o ,\btil. Los periodos 1996-91 )' 1997- 98 han snlo los mis ricos en ¡JO!cn en t.-J;,a todas las IOC:'! hdadt.'S En este trat.ajo se dan :ugumcutos a. fa~·or del uso de categorías polinica< en lugar de cmK:cntr:~ciones1 pt~r:t simplificar la prtscntación de la infor. m ación y especialmer1tt: Cll:l ndu s~ dctin~n c.s¡x·dlic .. mcmc para el tipo polínico y tomando en con ~idl:rJtión el nivt.•l de SC'r.sibili :w.ciÓil ;:!\é,gica. El concepto de f'críodo de Polinita~·ión Principal uo p:1rt c."t nccesa:io p:tra caracterizar la dinámlC3 Jcrobio16giCl de Cuprcssaccae. PALABRAS CLAVé: Aerobiulogí3, a!~rgia. C3tcgcrf:J.s polfnic:.s, Cuprcn:tccJc, CupnnrtJ. E~paña . Jrmip. rus, niveles Jl')l'nicos


The Cupressaceae family consists of l7 genera, with about l l3 spccics distributed in both thc nonhern and somhern hemisphcrcs. They are evergreen rcs iniferous trees and sh rubs, usual! ) high ly and regu larly branchcd wilh relalively slow growth rates. Their lea ves are opposi1e or in " hmlsofthree, and are small, scalc-hkc, imbricate, and closely prcsscd 10 1he shoot in most specics. Ho"e­ver. lhey can be acicular in juvenile plants and in severa! Jump<'ms spectes. lnfonnation on ihc Cupressaceac fam ily can be found in BOLOS & VIGO (1984). CHAMDERLAIN (1%5), HEYWOOO( 1964),LÓ!'l.!ZGONZ.IJJ:z ( 1986),MABOERLEY (1987).and\VEBERLING (1989).

strobili. Usually, fcmalc strobili are posiuoned in 1hc uppcr pan ofthecrown while s1amina1e strobili are mainly found in 1hc lowcr parl. Each st:uncn bcars thrcc 10 seven pollen sacs on 1he lower surfacc. Pollen is usually released in ucmcndous quanlilios from cach individual and m ay be seen as yellow clouds when branches are moved (the planls are wind-pollinatcd). Mos1 gcncrn produce small, dry, and woody eones whereas others, such as Jwripcnrs, produce small, ne; hy, :md berry-likc eones.

Only 1wo genera are na1ive 10 1he lbcriun península, but another four genera are of1en plantcd :md occasionally becomenaluralized. The genera Jrmipcrus Gunipcr) is thc mosl common, wi~1 at lcas1 six spontaneous spectes nativc 10 Spain. Most of these constitute ~lC brushwood of the evergreen oak forcsL~ or severa) scrubcommumltcs in the MedJ1erranean

regJOn. lelmcluu.! nmmlarn tS a monoectous trceendcmic 10 1he NW of Africa and thc SE

Plants are commonly monoecious, but 1hcrc are sorne dtoecious species (Jrmipems).

1 'í\J \vC:I ;::, l!f C di \ Yd } :, Utll~t!XU IJ I ; :,U IU i l. WllnOut

a perianth, and spirallr arranged in eones or

28 Polen


of Spain (in thc mountains ncar Cartagena). lt is :tlso u sed for orn~mental purposes.

Among cultivated specics, thc rnost importan! genus is Cupressus, with 13 species in the northern hemisphere. The most comrnon cyprcss sp"cics in thc arca is C. sempe1virens; it is native to the Aegean region and has beenlong planted and naturalized in many places. C. ariwnica is also frequently planted. Other genera often cultivated as forcst trccs or as ornamental plants are Chamaecyparis :tnd 1'/aryc/adus (71wja).

S~ciu flo"-1'ÓIIf!¡X'ri00 lllbitat

AniptrU.SCOtJri:JU•sL A¡11"ii-M:tr Ocly)

Maiuly~cclly mm:lla1n~

Palynology of Cupresoceae in Spoin

Tablc 1 summarizes the floral phenology and the main distribution charactcristics fo r Cupressaceae on the lberian peninsula.

The palien grai ns from Cuprcssaceac cannot be differcntiated un der ligh t microscopes, even at the gcnus leve!. nor can the palien grains of Tax:~ccl\e (Taxus boccato, nativc ro the lberi~n península) or Taxodia­ceae (Cryptomeria japouica, frequently planted as an ornamental). In the aerobio­logical studies, all these taxa appear under the name Cupressaccae.

Al titude lml Goo¡:rnphknl dlstrlbtnLon

,lti-1400 C.NanJSEofllx!ti;uc x:nu ~Sul.a

OiOO) Uurope. Asi:t. Jnd North Amcric.J

}!w.jJo.,u.sOJ.¡urltJ4!iL M.xh-Apil D:y !'jl!s nuinly n~ [)-1200 Thro-J~OUI lberhn penlnsub ~in ~l'l,V

lheoon¡t 1\blilt!lrdlr.'llll"rgil)l\

.rur.iJJt"fiL'if..iJiinoillfi\(;;:~KI (-.J. ~·~h ~britimc sards 51»-100>

Soulh of lbcrian pcninsull ~tjrt'Jntl ~ump. l tl'.lllll'f!'l"Jiil

1-r:nro) l!ndcmk

}:u!lpMIS photnl«rt L f'tb1Uli}'-~1X<'h D:y hll:S 1)-1400 "'E:rKJSoflberi.'Vlpc:nimul:t.

Mcd il<'rmne:u. u:;.ion and Mac-~si.a

Jmu'prntsrhr.rifrrrrL. C. E aad Sof ll.:!ri:n ¡r.nim:nl:!

J~uary-M:~y D.' 300-l l(() ai()Ull:\m! Froxh r\lps. Cotsica. S¡)ain an.l N or

t\f1ica ·

Jur;,'p(fkJJttbir..aL Apoil MOIIttl.nS 1400-2750

E of tb<;_ri:ln penirtSub. ::md Cln~ri;:m m~unUII\$

Carld Soffu~. NofArri<!3!lnd \Vof Ni a

Tmurful t..Stlft¡ruf,rn (VatiJ f<b"")' Dry hill$ ~~d cuhi•·Jied Near Crn:t~t."tt:l

M:~~lers ~t:Lit:a.CyJlnas , SEofStx1Uí :.KlNof Africo.

O:¡:ml..S.ICI~nirm.\ L. J:Cinua~y -A¡¡ri l Foolong~ ..OO arnl Throup.hout Spain sometirn.."1 r.~ttnli~ed l":ath·c o( rc~imr

C11?rm..s nrb:11tiM EL Gretne J~·-Mlrch Pbnicd kx" timbtr .llld TbiOI ~IOUI S¡ldin ;J,i(ln;unou.;¡l NofMc ~~;ico:311'1d SW ol t.:ni~edSute¡

Cllprt .. JIU lltlt'mc-.. qx¡ H:lltwq; O.:IOOr:::'-~;.ba Plarred lé.l' s.hcll::r :l~-4.1 ,.,~,s.,;.,

:lj (ITI:IJT'CIIt."'J Nl th·cors ofCaliforri:.

CJ1prmM.J lu.ii!tv:IC~I Milkr f<bru:f)· -April Pbn:~d lór timbet md Th10ut:l100t S¡xüu .. ~ Na ti ve of Mexko ll'd Gu.1tcnd:.

O•r.nVN'{)1Jo':tÚ l<!WSQrl(r~.o:n (A,¡,ril Pbn:~d ~ll ~hehct ur.d 1~<00~I$p:Un

~=~!-~\.(~:;r'J ;a<;(Ifl;lrr1CJIL11 N:ui,·r: ofW ofU1ritcrl St•~

r!'r.rrdr .. fwsoritmaús{L.) Fr.lllCO l-brch-/.pril M:a.llyp:.llliCdas Thmngho&n Spain (•71tr~a~Jriclu.Mul..) (lll.lf\ltllUI NJti,cofOiina

TAB~E 1. Floral phenology and dislrioution of the Cupress.<~oeae species on the lberian península

Vol. 10 ( 1999) 29


Bc/mome & al.

Despite the d1'erSlly of spectes included in thc poli en type Cup1 cssucea.::. most of the polleo collected in thc :tcrobiologi.:al traps corresponds tu Cupressus. Other ornamental ,pecics are le.<~ abundan t and pcriodical prumng eltmmatcs most of the1r flowers. Wild spccte (hmiperus. Ta.\1/S, nnd Tetracli11is) pollinate with lcss intensity. ~nd usually grow far awny from s:unpli ng;sites.

authors also found cross-reacli\'ity w11h Crypromeriu jupu11ie11 in 65% of ca es, and Wllh 1tiXIIS IJnrrarn in 4% of caseS.

According tn LEWIS el al. (19R3), thc Cttprcssus specics (Ca lifo rnia cndcmic species. C. nri~otl ica . and C. sempervircns)

are more likely to cause inhalan! allcrgic rcactions than uthcr Cupressaceac species (Ciwmaccypari.r, .ftmipem s. Libocedm.r, und Tlwja ). In Europc. a llergy to Cuprc<saceae pollcn was considcred a rari1y until 1975. bul it is now a clcnrly ddincd clinical cntity (PANZAN I el al. , 199 1).

PANZANI 1'1 al. ( 199 1) notcd in a clinical "ucly 1har in 80'lt or case• skin tests 10 ¡,.,,;pems commwris corrclated with skin tests lO Cuprossus sem¡>ervirens, whilc with T/utja thccorrclation was lower(60%). Thcsc

Gror;nplMc.11l cb.·uxttristiC'1

Ccq;ro~phkal H'tt:km

,\CI"Vtli~¡;ic.i l St:uioa 1\ltitud (ml GtC¡;n~ pt•kal


G""" 11.5 •II" S! N,OZO~'E Mac,. 2~1 ·W'-' N.OrJO'E

Norlh·E.ill"l U.CA:~ lúl " "lTN.OO'Jro l:kU.acrr.a ;¡¡ .w :;rN.0?'06'1~

llu<d<Au "' ·.W2~'N. OZ"09'E

T .• :n ;.::na " -41'"\li" S.CrlS E

~-Wcsa ~..t i.J•¡:o 210 -ll"Sl'XOS" n" Y. Vi¡ o so ~2'" 14'N,OS'.13'W

""'"' 1..00 8JC 4?"~'N.DS" '5' Y.

Ccoocr M .... h~ 600 .at)l7 N. 03"' 4SW

c.;. .. ooa l l.l 371 SON,0:<- 4S'W

S...c. ¡ . .., l OO l 7' 46 N. 0~-1TW G .ar..L.J us J?" ll KOJ"JS W ~1....a.,. S lll~1 N,OJ" I9'W h.M'¡M :U o .36"::.5 N.OS" 09'W

The dcfinnion of critical thresholds ror allergy symptoms in paticnts has no1 yet been undertaken.

Cuprcssaccae pollcn appcars in thc atmosphcric pollen spcctra or all Spantsh localnics (as reported by SC\'eral authors in REA (Red Esparioln de lt erobiología ) bullctins 1 and 3-5). For instance, GALÁN et al. ( 1998) analyscd datly variations in Cuprcssaccac polleo cot1nts from Córdoba, 10gc1her with climatic variables; and llELMONTE & ROURE ( 1991) includcd the comparison of the Cuprcssaccac pollen dyn:uuics at scvcral Sp:mish localiues.


In 1he presenl paper. Cupressaccac polleo aerobiological data frorn 15 Spanish localities during the pcriod 1992-98 wcre

(.1i.muir cNi~lntsdcs

r:~l:·~~.·~·~~. A•m·~~:;;~~·~n C'llrmltt'"~ rCa Ptl19SU

IJP 7-0) ~1:dmr--..

]Jj EOl M-.. 1'~ "' Medunnn~.l'l

15.2 611 M(Xf¡talowltJII

lú.S 59l Mcdiwmnc-. 16,7 •Sl ~~e.

12.9 m:s Tcmper..te coM tu o~~.:

i'.9 1412 Temp::rate coi ~ O«Jnic

10.0 sso T~cold c . .-.inmu.l

i'P <.:6 T~coij '\II'IIClll.ll

1~0 (f<) 17.0 59l MoJim:1~1~::.~ conunmul I.S. I @ 1~) 51 S ~~c.'dilcrnl\c. i~.ll

16.0: jj6 MoJi.tcmn:aa~qical

TABLE 2. Aeroblological sampling statioos and maln geograohical and clima! e characieristics

JO !'o/ en


analysed All of the stalions are integmted in REA. the Spanish Aerobiology Nctwork. Tabl c 2 contains lhc namcs uf the aerobiological sampling stations and thcir m a in goographical and climatic clmroctcri;tics. The duration of the sampling pcriods at each station is shown in Table 3.

All dala wcrc obtaincd using scvcn-day volumetnc HirsHype spare traps (HIRST. 1952), following the methoo adopted by REA (DOMÍNGUEZ et al. , 1991). Due to the flowering phenology and pollination dynamic; of thc Cuprcssaccac >pccics, thc year penods ha ve been taken from Septcmber to August.

Only complete annual series havc bcen included in thts study. Gaps in the dm series ha ve becn fillcd by linear interpolation. When thts was not realistic because of the amount of missing data. the whole annual series was cxcludcd from thc study. Thc basic data are, as usual, the mean daily palien concentmtions exprcssed in !he number of palien grains per cubic meter of a ir (plm').

In !he analysis of the variation of thts IJOllen in !he localities studied (Table 3), four aspects have been considered. In the annual summary, we gi1'e, for each station and year, th~ su m ofthc365 mean daily conccnlrations (annua l sum), the htghest mean datly concemration ofthe year(maximum), and the corrc>ponding dale. Wc ha ve cstablishcd !he main palien season (MPS) fo llowi ng NILSSOI\ & PERSSON (1981) and have included in the summary thc total pollen during !he MPS, !he beginning and ending dates, and !he duralion.

In the thi rd aspect of the analysis. datly palien conceutrations have been transformed into an ordinal. 0-4 ~cal e. Thc categorics for

Vol. JO ( /999)

Pa/yuologv of Cupremrene i11 Spam

the ordinal se ale were detincd in a previous study (BELMONTE et al.. in prcss) and are based on the author's expcrience. The ordinal se ale defincd for trccs (Cupt e~saceae in this papcr) j ¡ prcsentcd in Tablc 3, whcre "n" de­notes the mean daily polleo concentrations.

Finally, looking fnr a graphical synthcsis ofthe annual palien dynamics at each si te, a week has been uscd ns the time un it. Follol'ingthcconvcntion that !he fi rst week of the ye; r is the one that comai ns the first Thursday, we have cotwcrted cach daily data series into thc correspondmg mean weekly pollen concentrat ions. Titen wc have calculated. for each station and weck of the year, the mean value and the highest value of the perioo studied. Two l>Crics for cach si te. one for thc mean, and the other for the maximum.areplol!ed in each ofthe line chans ofFigures l. 2, 3 and -1.


Tablc 3 c:m be analysed from severa! pain!S of view. Looking nt lhe annual sum column, thc stations can be decreasingly ordered as follows: Manrcsa. Madrid, Grnna· da, Tarragona. Barcelona, Málaga, Lleida. E.'tcpona. Gimna, Bellaterra, Jaén. Córdoba. Santiago de Compostela, Vigo, and León. This ordering is approximately the same as that obtaincd on thc basis of the maximum dailyconcentrat ton in thc Scplembcr-August pcriod.

As could be expcctcd for a pollcn typc mainlycompased of plants u sed as ornamen­tal, no gcographical cxplanation was found for the above-menuoncd ordenng.

1 r we compare the di fferent annual sums and maximum concentra! ion in each station,



--Belmmue & al.

¡\íoll1~1•") MM11Nin! Srll ..,n Numb<r J d*)J 1~ í~~·r\-s

Annwl Ma•l""" \h,lrllll!l r~~a. lln,¡n..¡w I'IVIIMP l)!rratiun C:M. I Cat. 1 fHI. l r~'· ·' Cat. ~


l,;ite \ 'u ,,.. 1'11'11' t'hn1 U .tiC' , .... .... nm Jtir dll)( IIKI) th~.c'.n) Ukndtl l!foal<l~) 4n>l~)

Gintllil ~~·7 ,..., lll ;nm. .5~31 !110 ""' m IJI :J) .. " " 1'»7·" 5679 JJO l!.<ll .51~ IS!JI .... " '" m 11 "

,. ~b•rn• l!t~97 1115 19l0 12All n~ '"'o '"' 171 "' "' ... " " IY'fl.J.JI O!J6 1()\7 !6.0! .,, ~1). ·~.o.; :J '" ... 11 1 lJ r---

l.kkb 1!1%" 10!'S7 1016 '""'' 927l ! 1'10 '"' , .. '" 111 ., lJ lJ 199'7·98 ... , "'

,..,, ~:07 Wll 21.()) 111 "" 1>3 9 9 ll

19'J..l.95 • JOO ,.. l..Wl 3011 "'' ""' IJ I "' 1"' " 1 10 190$-% .,., JO! l<OJ ""' 1$110 nni '" "' "' ll " • ~·,.,.~ 199Ml iM! &Ol ll.Ol 711J '"'o 1' .6' "' ... lll .. ll " tm-'• ... , m '"" .a m !YI! ''"

,,. '" ,.,

" 9 IJ

,_,5 6J9J 4)6 ll.Ol J1jj llAI ,., ll1 "' ... ;)? l " I<JI JUhtiU •m.,.; 71<>6 4S6 II.Ol "" lll1! !Hl-1 U l ,,. , .. " " " t9'Jib.97 1161J 1077 ll.Ol 10-t:}.a WIO ... '" IJ.I IJ7 4$ ll " 199'?.91 "'"' m I.Ol "" 7~1 ''" " 16! ll9 JI ' ll

Tarnru1~1 1996 97 11Vl7 ,,. l).ol 1~! 211110 i ll' 171 121 1!7 51 ll " 199?-'Jij C12Z:Z .. , 5~) ,., l fi l l JI>' 109 m , ...

" 11 11 1-

199)·94 "' ., 5.0) H9 lll ' o o "' 1"'!1 !S<S "'

!WM&ia~eu 4e 199-195 10!7 .. lj,O) 9l3 l !l!l '')$ '" ... 111 .D ' o 1995·'1<1 ,., 7 1101 !.:6 111! Ur.oé '" "' ICI D D o

CGm¡ot.o.~ tla 11}96.97 ,.., 118 ll.\ll '"' 1:!.01 '""' " ::.3 111 .. ' 1 19'97-9! 1160 7l 1002 II<S 9.ol '""'

., :m ll9 " ' o

191S·96 500 .... 2l0l .,, 2111 - IH "" m • D o

\1CIJ 1$%-97 1119 .., U.{'ll Ul i5 !1112 ""' 117 ,., "" " ' o

159'7-98 :32 107 10'01 '" IE/ll Jti{l} 101 lJE "' ' 1 1

j9'}.a.9~ <07 " 11{)1 "' W tt '""' ,., !61 101 o o o

l.t'lín 1?91·?6 ~55 " lHlJ "" 11110 '""' m .,,

''" ' o o 19?6-?7 '" "' 6'<1.! '" j~l 16.0t 102 .,.,

" . o o 19'17-?S "' .. ..,, 'JI(t ! !Ull l.IOJ M lOI ll 10 ' o

IW) -9.a ""' ... 110.! ""' 10.'1! , ... .. "' .>J " " ,,

Madrkl J9)t.91 .... '"''

,..,, ,,.. L1! ltoJ. " 1!0 "' 11 16 ll 197Mtl ""' 59) ..,, :'il6 ll'l! J7,0} .. 1.9 197 1! 11 ll 190697 llJIS llS7 18101 lOJVJ ""' ll.Ql 111 119 il! " ll " 1917·?1 '""' 3'.15.! 11.Ql ..... ll(ll '""' 55 llO "' 1o :o !1

lW29J •m ,,, 1.&101 ,,.. 2~1 l J .Ql " 106 116 17 ll 11

IArdt.IIJll 1Wl·9-1 1"137 lll 2110l lln !711! llW " l ll lll ll • • 1~ ·95 "' il !C.Ol 181 JOOI .... 1!6 2!1 IJI 11 1 o ~~-96 "" 4lj S.UJ ~ll )~! ¡ ¡ ,U) 5~ '" IJ9 7 ' " ,,.., 1149} "9 l1KJl 1031-' l.uiO !I..U "' '" 117 " " JO 199'7·91 5 ... 770 IC.OZ OJI IIIJI >UJ " '"

,,. 16 " IJ

Jaf,¡ 199697 7-'1! 667 '"'' ~ ... mo

;: 1 I)J m lll 19 " " 1997·98 - )01 IS.Ol "" lnl '" :e! '" lO ' •

199!·9J ""' ,.., lLOl 1)jJ

·~· !OOJ " ... u 19 19 17 199J.9J ..... l!}.a 2602 n., M>l 16tl .. 1!0 lll ll ll ll

Gn~t~tl• 1\lfJ-P)j "'" 97! 21.()2 5125 !.01 ,., ., Hj 1 .. ll • " IW$-96 """ ... 2M13 ""' ~O! 151>' 67 1% lll lO 11 li 19%-91 19103 IOU IMU """ 211110 !SOl "' llll ,., lO " l7 IWMé l i615 1137 16.{)J ~~~ IJ.OI 50! ,

'" "' 11 1) "' 1992·9l .,., "' 2~~ ,..., 21..1:! 21fJ) .. :m 101 !O " 1o

199l·~ 37S: ''" l'IQI ,,.. ll.OI !J!ll "

,., 119 " 10 lO ~Ubc:J. 11)9J·91 lliO 1.\6 ""'

,.,, 16.11 .... l!l m IJI ,. ID • 1)91·96 IIMS 1067 "2~1)2 ""' 1;.m ••• " ... IH " 7 ,, 1')1)6.97 ·- l01 21.0l I~J'j 2:1.10 1-LOJ "' "' 119 JO l! ,, ¡()9'] .9& '"" Ul lJ"l 5JCII l.t.10 IS<)J "l lJ)J "' " " 19

I·:&Ct ¡r.>IU 199· ·96 """ "' ll.I.Ol "'"' l l/10 ,..,

"' m I IJ " 11 • 199697 10&96 "" 1),{1! 101116 tt.'lO 2.10) 171 "' lll JJ 11 , TABLE 3. Pararreters to evaluate the presence and inpad ol Cu;¡cessaceae po:'en n S&~eral Spanish local«ies.

32 Polen


we can see that there is a huge variation from year to year. The period 1996-97 was thc highest m airbome Cupressaceae polleo, with León bcing the exception. When the senes was long enough, 1997-98 was the second highest in abundance, with thc cxccptions bcing Barcelona, León and Málaga.







10 IS

::~ o ..

10 IS





Pa/ynology of Cupresaceae in Spai11

In most stations, the highest maximum ofthestudy period coincidcd with the highcst annual sum, exccpt for Girona. Vigo, Madrid, Córdoba.and Granada.

Themaximum mean daily concemration was obt:tined in February in 61.8% of the cases. in March in 23.6%, and in January in 1 0.9%.


3S 45 50

FIGURE 1. Graphlcal synlhesis of lhe annual dylll!mics ol the Cupressaceae pollen atthe REA si tes wi:h higllesl conceotralioos. For each station and week ol the year, the mean concentration and tho hrghest concentralon of the per.od studied are plo"ed.

10/. 10 (1999) 33


Bclmollle & ni.

Thc carliest maximum in thctablecorresponded to Madrid. with IQ.ll plm' on 1 4/ 12/9~. and the lates! al Málaga, with 156¡>'m3 on041t»/95.

Now that it is gcncrally acccptcd that Cupressaceac pollen causes allergic reac· tions. thresholds have lo be invcsligated. As


10 1.1 10 P/n.,1




a ftrst step. the authors propose the use or categorical poli en. Frequencies forcategorical data are given on the right sidc of Tablc 3. Aftcr the experience ofthe Catalan research group. le veis O and 1 ( < 20 plm') are nol suspected of causing allcrgic rcactions. Problcms in highly scnsitized pauents may

Córdoba (1992·1996) 1

30 35 40 45 so

;o 35 ~o 45 5()

FIGURE 2. Graohical s.vnthesL~ of thP ~nruLal ti,\IMmit-J:.t"l.thPCJ.f!lJ.AAAS~..."VUU.t'l,;W~ .. ..;..·'.:'I' J\v¡~A sites with median concentralions. For each stafon and week of ll1e year, the mean concontration and lhe highest concentration of the per1oé sluc.ed are plotled.

34 Polen


Paiyno/ogy of Cupresaccne in Spain

bcgin when leve12 (20-50 p/m3) and lcvcl 3 of allergic palients (GALÁN ct a/., 1998). In (50-1 00 p!m') are n::achcd, and thc pollen clearly Vigo, the prevalence of Cuprcssaccac skin causes allergic responses in people when positives in pollinotics was l% (BELMONTE concentralions reach level4 (> 100 p/m3). eral., 1998).1n Zaragoza. C14pressus pollen

In Córdoba, a posilivc skin tesl reaction affected less than 1% of 1hc pol li notics (BELMONTE er al. , in press). Thesc results

to Cupressaceae palien was observed in 3.5% suggest that our proposal of categorization of



500 Glrona (1996-1996)


300 :!()()


o 10 15 20 25 JO 35 JO 45 50


~1ft ==~1 10 Jl lO 25 lO 35 JO 45 50

I'lm' (,00

lOO Bellatcrra (1994-1998)


300 200 JOO

o l'hn1 JO J5 lO 25 lO 35 40 45 50

~lA Barcelona (1994-1996)

~ :::;::::: JO 15 20 25 lO 35 JO 45 50

FIGURE J. Graphical synthesls of theannual dynamlcs of lhe Cupressaceae palien at sorne of the REA sites wilh median concentrahons. For each stalion and week of the year, lhe mean concentration and the highest concontration of the period studied are ploued.

\lo/. 10 (1999) 35


Be/monte & al.

acrobiologtcal dala for Cupressaceae needs revision. Howcvcr, more data on sen~itiz.11 ion

are needed.

As could be ex¡x.--cted, thcrc is a correlation bctwccn high annual sums of Cupressaccac pollcn and the number of days when pollen levels reach 3 and 4. whilc low annual pollen sums occur in sues where leve! 4, and evcn level 3, coums are rarely reached.

Figure l . 2. 3 a11d 4 illustratc the preva­lencc o f Cuprcssaceac pa lie n. Allcntion needs to be paid 10 the scalcs in the graph, which show thal Cuprcssaccae pollcn is continuously prcscnl in thc atmospherc of


P/m~ 10 15

10 15

the si tes studied. Annual curves presenl sim­ilar forms at all si tes. 11~1h high concentrations during wintct-~::lrl y springand autUJnn. Thc>c rcsults coincide with those obtamed by BELMONTE & ROURE (1991), whorcport that for Jwlipems spccies poliinat ion takes place in summer.

This paper does nol intend 10 discu;s thc ways in which mctcorological factors affcct Cupressaceae pollination and aero­biolog¡cal dynamics. llowever, even bemg cautious, it can be said lhat palien valucs ar..: mll only affc ctcd by wcatltcr, but also by human a~t ivit ics, such as thc introduction or elimin:llion of plnnts, pruning, and watcring.

Sanliago de Composlcla (1993·1998)

JO JJ 50

"'"""' ···¡ lO ll ~)

ÁGURE 4. Graphical synthesis ol lho annual dynamics of lhe Cupressaceae potlen at lho REA sites v.;th tower concentral ions. For each station and week of lhe year, lile mean concentration and the hlghesl concentral ion of the period studied are plolted.

36 Polen


The use of the MPS to ch:traelerize Cupre­ssaceaepollencurves isquestionable. E ven ifit is more useful for Cupressaceae than in othcr c11scs, MPS-rclatcd paramctcrsareso inOuenced by thc amounts of ¡xJllcn in the annual season thatthey do not produce any new information.

lt is the author's opinion that a more useful way to describe aerobio logical dynamics of allergenic palien typcs is by using taxon-specific catcgorics, dcfincd according lo di ffcrcnt sensitiz.1 tion levels.


There is no pan of Spain free fro m Cupressaceae polleo. The presence of this polleo type in the a ir depends on the prescnce of ornamental spccics ncar thc acrobiologiclll stmion. No rdation was found with geographical ch;¡ractcristics, exoepl for polleo comming fnom wi ld species. Among the locali ties studied, León, Vigo and Santiago de Compostela produced the lowest levels. Progrcssivcly higher levels of Cupressaccac polleo wcrc found in Córdoba, Jaén, Rcllaterra, Girona, Este pona, Lleida, Málaga, Barcelona, Tarragona, Granada, Madrid, and Manresa.

Cupressaceae pollen was continuously prescnt in the atmospherc of thcsites studicd, and thc highesl valucs wcrc reachcd during winter-spring and autumn. During the rest of the year, the air was almost free ofthis polleo.

The use of categories instead of pollen concentrations seems advisable for simplify the presentation of the information. These categories should be dcfined by taking into account allcrgcnic thresholds.

As expected in plants frequently planted as ornamental, humans will be a cause of variation in the poi len levels together with meteorological parameters.

\lo/. /0 (1999)

Pal)'nolo,~~· of Cupresace<le in Spain


Thc data from Barcelona, Bellaterra . Girona, Lleida, Manrc.~a. and Tarragona are part of the research project "Aerobiologi e<~ l

network of Catalonia" (Xarxa Acrobiologica de Catalunya, XAC). involving 1hc Botanical Unit ofthe Universidad Autónoma de Barce­lona and Laboratorios CBF-LETl, S.A. The authors are gratcful to thc CICYT fur funding projectANffi-0457-C07_


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