Advertise Cairns SEO Proposal

Think Like Giants Online Marketing Proposal - SEO Packages

Transcript of Advertise Cairns SEO Proposal

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Think LikeGiants

Online Marketing Proposal - SEO Packages

Page 2: Advertise Cairns SEO Proposal

O!ce M3B, The Pier, Pier Point Road, Cairns Queensland 4870.

Online Marketing Proposal

Search Engine Optimisation(SEO) is the process of maximising the

position of a website in search engine

results. Search engines rank websites

according to many variables which

principally fall into two areas; relevance

and credibility. The relevance of a

website to a given search will determine

if it is to be included in the

results. The credibility of the website will

determine how close to the top of the

page the website will be listed. Relevance

has to do with the structure of the code

and text on the website. Credibility is

primarily the product of references to the

website in the wider internet.

SEO Stages

Stage 1 - Keyword Research

One of our most important responsibilities is to de!ne the most e"ective set of key phrases. SEO

Account Managers begin by getting to know your business and the objectives of your campaign.

Working within the parameters of your budget we’ll conduct in-depth research into the online

behaviours of your customers, search volumes, market factors and your competition. Our objective

is to identify key phrases that will produce the result you are after, be it a phone enquiry, form

submission or online purchase. This will not always be the key phrases that have the highest search

volume. Conversion rates are more important than tra#c alone.

Stage 2 - On-Page Optimisation

Your SEO Account Manager and your SEO Technician will review and amend various components of

your website to maximise its relevance to the key phrases. Our objective here is to control the search

engines understanding of your website, in accordance with the search engines guide lines. With so

Page 3: Advertise Cairns SEO Proposal

O!ce M3B, The Pier, Pier Point Road, Cairns Queensland 4870.

Online Marketing Proposal

many clients we are in the fortunate position of being able to observe trends and reverse engineer the

search engine algorithms.

Besides the text content, the changes we make to your site are obscure to the human observer,

so generally the look and feel of your website will not be e"ected at all. We can make these

improvements directly or via a content management system where available. We can also provide a

report if you where this isn’t possible for your own developers or in-house web master to implement

the changes.

Our competitors would dearly love to get their hands on our proven methods for the optimisation of

websites, so we won’t go into too much detail here but there are some standard items that we’ll be

looking out for.

URL structure

Search engines use folder and page names to

help them determine the subject matter of the


Links & Sitemap

The way your pages link to each other can help

or hinder the search engine in !nding its way

around your site. We’ll also submit a sitemap


Page titles

The titles that appear in the header of your web

browser are also given a high degree of atten-



Both site users and search engines prefer

websites that load quickly.


Search engines look at the way copy is

presented on your website. Such things as

headings, bold text, how many times certain

words appear on the page, which words are

towards the start of a sentence etc.


As search engines favour sites with unique

content, we look to eliminate content

duplication, both within the site and externally.

Page 4: Advertise Cairns SEO Proposal

O!ce M3B, The Pier, Pier Point Road, Cairns Queensland 4870.

Online Marketing Proposal

Stage 3. Conversion Analysis

Our job is to deliver quality visitors to your site. If none of them do what you want however (make a

purchase, !ll out a form, call your number etc...) then the bene!ts of our work are not fully realised.

We’ve worked with every type of website you can imagine so we know what works. Part of our service

is to help you structure your website with clear and concise pathways to conversion.

Stage 4. Analytics

Analytics is an online tool that provides detailed analysis of

activity throughout your website. Most importantly it

allows us to see how many people are visiting your website

from various sources, like direct links and search engines.

We can also tell what phrases are being used to !nd your

site. Other important metrics such as the bounce-rate

(people leaving your site soon after arriving) and visits to

critical pages such as shopping carts and enquiry forms

can be tracked. This helps us determine the best

performing phrases and identi!es any issues that might be

impacting on your conversions. We’ll ensure that Analytics

is properly set up for your site and run you though how to

properly view the data.

Stage 5 - Rank Development

Establishing your online assets and properly optimised the content so that search engines understand

you is a critical !rst step towards claiming your piece of the online pie. This unfortunately is as far as

most SEO providers will go. This may have been e"ective some years ago when doing any form of SEO

set you apart from your competitors. Today, that’s not enough, because everyone is doing SEO – you

have to do it better than they are.

We understand that establishing your relevance to the key phrase set is just the beginning. Search en-

gines will now include you in their results but not necessarily too far up the order. With 96% of clicks

to a website occurring on the !rst page of any given search it’s essential that you get up there. How

does a search engine decide if you should be there? It rates your credibility, which it establishes by

what others have to ‘say’ about you. A search engine is of course a program so it does this by looking


Page 5: Advertise Cairns SEO Proposal

O!ce M3B, The Pier, Pier Point Road, Cairns Queensland 4870.

Online Marketing Proposal

for references to your website on other websites.

This is why a link from an external website to your own

will improve your search engine rankings.

These links can be bought or manufactured. Search

engines take this into account so they not only look at

the number of links but things like how many sites

the links are coming from. They also look at the quality

score of the linking website and the relevance of the

content of the site to your own.

The SEO team will establish references to your website

on other websites with particular attention to the

quality of the links as well and the quantity. We’ve also

learned that the process of rank development must be

conducted gradually, as it would under normal

circumstances for a popular website in your !eld.

These links will be sourced in a variety of ways. We’ll include your website in online directories, indus-

try association sites etc. We’ll also look at publishing articles about you and your product or services

both on your site and in other places around the web. The search engines will notice your growing

pro!le and as a result move your listing closer and closer to the top for searches conducted for your

target phrases.

How long will it take?

Our SEO campaigns run for a minimum term of 12 months. We are often asked if our work can be

focussed in the initial months to achieve immediate results. The answer unfortunately is, no. In fact,

too much activity in a short period of time can work against you.

Search engines also value your history. If your domain name is new or has not had a website hosted

previously the search engines won’t pay you much attention. Website that are at least 12 months old

bene!t more from our work than new ones. The relevance of your domain name is partly a factor.

Domain names that contain your primary key phrase are an advantage, which is why domains like and are worth millions of dollars.

We expect the average website to be indexed or re-indexed within a couple of weeks. From this point,

Rank Checker / Analysis

Page 6: Advertise Cairns SEO Proposal

O!ce M3B, The Pier, Pier Point Road, Cairns Queensland 4870.

Online Marketing Proposal

if your website has no SEO credentials, you’ll see a rapid accent through the rankings in the !rst few

months. When competition for key phrases is low, we often see Page 1 results within 90 days. As your

rankings move closer to the top, you’ll be competing against websites that have stronger credentials.

Moving past these websites will be more gradual.

Ultimately the time involved will re$ect the level of competition you face for the key phrases weighed

against the budget you have set for the campaign. You may also considering combining a pay-per-

click advertising campaign to run alongside the SEO program as it gets up to speed as pay-per-click

advertising creates an instant presence.

Rank Checker

During your campaign you’ll be given access to our proprietary rank checking tool. Here you will

be able to monitor the current position of each of your key phrases and compare the results with

previous reports.

Bene!ts of SEO

The internet has opened up markets previously un-dreamed of. Companies are doing business with

customers around the world - but this also means many

more competitors. Businesses live and die on the ease

with which they can be found and online search is the

number one tool customers use to !nd products and

services and make buying decisions.

More Tra"c.

96% of click-throughs occur on this !rst page of a search

engine and the activity is highly focused around the top

natural listings. Natural results account for about

70-80% o" the click-throughs, so these top placed sites

receive the lions share.

Highly Targeted

Visitors to search engines enter a search phrase, preview the results and then click on likely sites that

suit their needs. The tra#c is therefore highly quali!ed and more likely to purchase.

This ‘heat-map’ was created by tracking the eye movements of Google users and clearly outlines the bene!ts to those websites listed closer to the top of the organic search results.

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O!ce M3B, The Pier, Pier Point Road, Cairns Queensland 4870.

Online Marketing Proposal


You can see how many people are visiting the website and where they came from, even what pages

are being looked at the most. This real time data makes it easier to determine what is working and

what isn’t, so that marketing strategies can be constantly improved.

Return on Investment

Whilst paid advertising has its place, click-throughs from natural results are free. Once a website is

ranking well for an e"ective search term, the cost of acquisition per customer is greatly reduced.

Page 8: Advertise Cairns SEO Proposal

O!ce M3B, The Pier, Pier Point Road, Cairns Queensland 4870.

Online Marketing Proposal

SEO Pricing Guide

We aim to deliver a positive impact on your bottom line. Selecting a package that suits your

objectives, expectations and markets is the !rst step to achieving this goal.

The table below is designed as a guide to help point you in the right direction.


Entry level service suitable

only for small businesses

targeting a local area & a

low competition market.


Recommended for

businesses targeting

local areas only or

metropolitan areas in

niche markets only.


For national campaigns

targeting niche markets

or metropolitan

campaigns in

competitive markets.

10 Phrases

$350 - $450per month + GST

$450 - $700per month + GST

$700 +

per month + GST

20 Phrases

$475 - $650per month + GST

$650 - $950 per month + GST

$950 + per month + GST

30 Phrases

$650 - $900per month + GST

$900 - $1,200 per month + GST

$1,200 + per month + GST

National campaigns in competitive markets, international campaigns & extremely

competitive key phrases will require a custom quote from a sales representative.

There are a number of factors that will in$uence a campaign and how quickly results can be achieved...

Domain name & age of website.

Domains that contain the principal key word/phrase are advantageous. Also, older websites that have

a history with the search engines are more credible, even if the site has changed over time.


Generic phrases that do not stipulate a suburb or metropolitan area are signi!cantly more competitive

and therefore more di#cult to achieve high rankings. Search Engines are now also placing a premium

Page 9: Advertise Cairns SEO Proposal

O!ce M3B, The Pier, Pier Point Road, Cairns Queensland 4870.

Online Marketing Proposal

on the location of a business. This assists websites that are optimised for the area in which the

business is located.


The more attention competitors are paying to SEO the more attention we need to give the website in

order to compete. Some industries are highly competitive due to the value of the products (e.g. home

loans, life insurance). Others are competitive because they are naturally suited to online marketing

(e.g. web designers, coupons, adult sites) and some are competitive for certain regions (e.g. mining

jobs WA).


(PPC) advertisements are paid listings that appear based on the search phrase. The position of the

listing is determined by the amount that you ‘bid’ for a click-through. A higher bid amount will result

in a higher placement. The amount you will need to bid is determined by the level of competition for

the phrase. You are charged every time someone clicks on your link.

Our PPC specialists work with you to de!ne a target audience and then research the market to

determine the best set of key phrases and bid amounts, to maximise your return on investment. We’ll

also help you with the copy writing of your advertisement so that as much as possible, only quali!ed

prospects are clicking your link.

Bene!ts of PPC


Unlike SEO, there is no lead time for PPC. Your advertisement will appear immediately and you

can make changes whenever you wish. This is particularly useful for things like Christmas specials.

However, unlike SEO there is no legacy – once you stop investing in PPC your presence is lost.


In addition to selecting appropriate phrases we can control the geographic region in which your

advertisement is displayed. This is particularly useful if your business is only targeting a local area or

city. We can also control the time of day, day of week etc and set a maximum daily budget – so there

will be no nasty surprises.

Page 10: Advertise Cairns SEO Proposal

O!ce M3B, The Pier, Pier Point Road, Cairns Queensland 4870.

Online Marketing Proposal

Cost Matrix

500 Phrases $295per month + GST & Ad Spend

100 Phrases $495per month + GST & Ad Spend

100+ Phrases Negotiable

AgreementSEO Pricing Guide

Low Medium Heavy

PPC Advertising

500 Phrases 100 Phrases 100+ Phrases

Signature ______________________________________________________

Name ______________________________________________________

Company ______________________________________________________