Advantages of Computers

A Computer is a powerful and useful tool because it gives you a number of benefits, including the ability to produce high-quality work quickly. It also enables you to learn new skills that are an important part of today’s technological world. * SPEED Computer allow you to perform many everyday task more quickly. For example, if you mail a letter to a friend, he or she may receive it in a few days. However, if you send email, it will be received in a few minutes. Similarly, if you manually compose a newsletter, it may you a week, whereas using a computer, it may take just an afternoon. * QUALITY The tools that come with a computer enable you to create high-quality documents and drawings, even if you are not a typesetter or an artist. With just a few simple techniques, you can create documents that look professional or are exactly suited to your present task. * NEW SKILLS Because we live in a computer age, you often require basic computer skills to accomplish many daily tasks. Typing on a keyboard, using a mouse, and other basic computer skills are useful in many different situations and are often required by employers. The advantages of computers are quite clear. With computers, you can ask this question and I can answer it. That helps both of us. With computers and the internet, businesses can sell their products to people far from where they are. Computers can be used to help create and test new products. ADVANTAGES The advantages of computers are obvious and have been covered by the previous answers. I would like to discuss the disadvantages. Computers have put millions of people out of work. For example, they have ravaged the book-selling business. Book stores are closing all across the country because it is so much more convenient to buy books online and so much easier to find the books you want. But in many cases it is possible to read books on the monitor or to print them. Computers have created jobs but not as many as they have displaced. They are only in their infancy, too. More and more shopping is being done online. Even the supermarkets are being affected. It looks as though the cities are going to be transformed in coming years, and many small towns are already being wiped out of existence. The advantages of computers are many. One advantage is their time saving nature. It is much quicker to type a letter than to write one with a pen. The connection to the internet is of great use. The ability to research something or ask questions in real time is


English Essays

Transcript of Advantages of Computers

Page 1: Advantages of Computers

A Computer is a powerful and useful tool because it gives you a number of benefits, including the ability to produce high-quality work quickly. It also enables you to learn new skills that are an important part of today’s technological world.

* SPEED Computer allow you to perform many everyday task more quickly. For example, if you mail a letter to a friend, he or she may receive it in a few days. However, if you send email, it will be received in a few minutes. Similarly, if you manually compose a newsletter, it may you a week, whereas using a computer, it may take just an afternoon.* QUALITY The tools that come with a computer enable you to create high-quality documents and drawings, even if you are not a typesetter or an artist. With just a few simple techniques, you can create documents that look professional or are exactly suited to your present task.* NEW SKILLS Because we live in a computer age, you often require basic computer skills to accomplish many daily tasks. Typing on a keyboard, using a mouse, and other basic computer skills are useful in many different situations and are often required by employers.

The advantages of computers are quite clear. With computers, you can ask this question and I can answer it. That helps both of us. With computers and the internet, businesses can sell their products to people far from where they are. Computers can be used to help create and test new products.

ADVANTAGESThe advantages of computers are obvious and have been covered by the previous answers. I

would like to discuss the disadvantages.Computers have put millions of people out of work. For example, they have ravaged the book-

selling business. Book stores are closing all across the country because it is so much more convenient to buy books online and so much easier to find the books you want. But in many cases it is possible to read books on the monitor or to print them. Computers have created jobs but not as many as they have displaced. They are only in their infancy, too. More and more shopping is being done online. Even the supermarkets are being affected. It looks as though the cities are going to be transformed in coming years, and many small towns are already being wiped out of existence.

The advantages of computers are many. One advantage is their time saving nature. It is much quicker to type a letter than to write one with a pen. The connection to the internet is of great use. The ability to research something or ask questions in real time is amazing. The amount of data that can be stored, manipulated, and retrieved is phenominal. Using the computer save natural resources by limiting our need of paper and pencils.

Given the fact that our world is generated by computers (including enotes), this might represent a large advantage. The presence of computers demands an understanding of it. In understanding it, one possesses a distinct advantage in "cracking the code" of information and processing it. The presentation, organization, and storage of information is another clear advantage of computers.

Page 2: Advantages of Computers

Computers and the Many Benefits 

Computers play a huge part in many all of our lives in one way or another. They have many purposes and are used in various types of environments, such as medical facilities, government offices, and many households. They also are the reason we are able to surf the internet, watch animated television shows and see movies with special graphics. Computers have impacted our lives in many ways. You may not notice it but they did make life a lot easier. Without computers, the world would be a harder place to live in. Thanks to computers, everyday life is easier for us. Some people may disagree but most wouldn't. Computers have made the impossible possible.

In a household a computer possibilities are endless. All that is needed is internet connection and the computer. Computers are beneficial because one can pay bills, go to school and stay connected to family and friends all over the world. One can pay bills without having to write a check or placing the bill in a postage envelope. The bill will be paid within the next 72 hours or so. The benefit in that is that there is no paper trail, no chance of the bill getting lost in the mail and no late charges because the bill has been paid and confirmed. Going to school does not have to be in a classroom but in the comfort of your own home. Many people have chosen to take internet classes because otherwise they would not be able to continue their education. Talking to family and friends does not have to be done over the phone or through mail the computer has made it possible to chat with family over the internet or via e-mail. Not only is chatting possible but using a web cam will allow you to see your loved one and a microphone will allow you to talk to one another, no matter where they are. Deployed soldiers can see there children and wives from anywhere as long as they have a web cam. Computers are making so many things possible.

Page 3: Advantages of Computers

Advantages of computers: Increases speed of computing and processing information in any other way. People can use sophisticated statistical and mathematical tools for decision making and further purposes without

learning in details the algorithms used for computing. This way people can use much more sophisticated analytical tools that would have been possible with only manual information processing.

Computers can store large volumes of information without occupying too much space, as is in the case of information stored in form of books and paper documents.

Computer processing eliminates the human errors of computing and information processing. Information once entered in computer system can be easily accessed by the same person or other persons at

different times for different persons. This reduces the work load of capturing same information multiple times for different purposes. It also makes it possible for different person to work with same information, avoiding the possibility of different persons using different versions of the same information.

The work of entering and editing information is made mush more easy and simple by software that offer many powerful user friendly features for performing these tasks.

Computer now offer sophisticated and powerful software for representing information in rich formats with visual and video facilities.

Computers combined with communication technology offer very fast speed and rich communication facility at low cost.

Computers, with all these features are now used for automating all kinds of equipments and processes.


With the advent of technology, computers can now make many well-informed decisions that managers or office workers may deem unnecessary for a human to make. These decisions may include crunching profit numbers to determine future layoffs or gauging whether certain global offices should remain open or not. If you are evaluating whether computerized decision making is right for your organization, there are advantages and disadvantages to implementing the technology into your corporate strategy. While human brains can contain a high level of information to use in making a decision, a computer's "brain" can contain even more data and information, depending on the storage space it is connected to. With a higher capacity for more data, especially data that a human brain might not retain, such as complex equations, more information can be incorporated into the "brain" or algorithm of the computer in its decision making, leading to better results.

Computers can process information much faster than a human brain. One advantage to computers making decisions is that you will have decisions made faster and more accurately than a human brain, which may get hung up with different factors involving the decision, leading to slower overall results. Also, unlike people who can become tired or suffer from a lack of concentration and deliver inaccurate decisions, a well-tuned computer is always alert and can process reams of information without growing bored or tired, leading to more precise results.The high cost of purchasing the right computer equipment, including a high amount of computer memory and store, is one disadvantage to computer technology in decision making. Also, the cost of a computer professional to write the algorithm you'll need for your type of decision can come at a high price. By the time your equipment is purchased and your algorithm is written, it may also already be obsolete since technology is constantly advancing and building on what already works to make it better


The computer is a very popular technological invention. It was invented in the mid-twentieth century. It has very quickly ascended to the top of people’s list as to what they need to survive the day. The computer is a very famous and [sometimes, usually] helpful invention to all. It is used by millions of people around the world, for different purposes.

Computers are changing the face of the world. the ability to gain access to information regardless of where one is , has got to be one of the biggest advantages. We can learn so much more infomation in a quicker period of time

However computers also help take away some of the ingenuities of man. People can easily use a computer to figure out a math problem, find an essay or learn how to build a bomb. Nothing is original anymore , nothing is safe.

Page 4: Advantages of Computers

1.You can stay in contact with the world. People you haven't seen in decades, loved ones in other states. Keeps people from being lonely as they get older, if they move, or have to be apart from loved ones.2. Entertainment:Great games to pass the time away. Enjoyed alone or with others. Free Porn, music, movies, books and more.3. Great for the everyday things. Pay your bills, access your bank account, pay your fines at the DMV, find a job, check movie times and buy tickets, watch a t.v. show you missed, check your stocks, Read the paper or 5 papers form across the nation, get directions from here to anywhere, make a resume, write a term paper, turn on your AC so the house is cooled down by the time you get home from work, pay your electric bill, use an organizer that also has all your addresses with picture reminders, keep and share all your photos with family across the world. You name it you can do it from your computer.4. Shopping- you can get everything and anything with one click. You can also find better prices, or compare prices at local stores so when you go out you know where to go.5. Multitude of information- Write a term paper on anything. Look up an actor you just saw on t.v. See a bug or bird you don't recognize? Type in its color, and are of the world your in and find out all you want to know. Kids have a science fair project due get ideas and step by step instructions. Download Google Earth and see what car is parked on 1st Ave in Dundalk Ireland, or how the roads lead away from the great pyramids, or what car was parked in your driveway when the last uploaded satelite picture were taken! Not feeling good? Diagnose diseases by looking up whats ailing you that the docs can't cure and realizing that symptoms you thought were unrelated, so you didn't mention to your doctor, all point to so and so. 4. The CV is complete: The CV of one who has on it 'computer training' listed is indeed complete. There is no organization today worth its salt that does not use computers in some or other field in their systems. A person who seeks a job and has some basic training in computers says that the person is upto date with the existing technology and one who can do justice in a modern environment. Thus, one who has the computer training will always be chosen for the job interview/job vacancy over the one who does not - sometimes even if the latter is more qualified.5. Intelligent and informed decision making power: Using the computer, one can analyze data and take informed decision about the future course of action. Those who do not understand computers and cannot use them, will not be able to profit of the in-depth analysis that a computer can put on your desk in matter of seconds after pressing a button. Not only that, you will be able to play around with the data and see what and where are the worst dangers of failure so you can plug these up with appropriate measures.

Page 5: Advantages of Computers

6. Business plan forecast: The computers are the best tools for predicting to a large extent what type of results a business plan would throw up. The banks base their sanctioning decision on the soundest possible plan and its financial forecast. Without computers one would have to work very hard to project the real balance sheet manually. The business forecast depends upon many factors which can be simultaneously taken care of by a computer while calculating the profit - loss sheets. However, with the manual method this is a cumbersome process which allows a lot of scope for mistakes. Sometimes a good plan is the only difference between a loan sanction and rejection.7. Stay in touch: Electronic mail has spread rapidly to cover the whole globe in less than a decade. Now, the Internet is courting the telephone and today you can speak across the globe at the minimum possible rates and also see one another though web cameras. What a few decades ago was reserved for the sci-fi section of the libraries is today the truth. It is wonderful to see how you can communicate instantly with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Those who do not know to use the Internet for emails are total losers in the fact that they stay isolated or dependent on the snail mail when a few keys on the computer would bring them instant connectivity to their near and ear ones.8. Saving time: Knowing computers is actually synonymous with simplification of life mundane tasks. Whether it is recording your favorite TV show in time and for the right duration or it is drawing up an annual financial plan for your company for the annual general meeting, computer usage cuts the time required to less than one tenth than it would have taken to do the task manually; up and above it, manual operations almost always allow for human error.9. High accuracy of results: Computers being machines, provide highly accurate answers and calculations. Hence, a projected plan, a financial estimate, a profit and loss balance sheet are dependable once they are computed. The accuracy with which it can project and analyze data helps the computer literate understand better the ground reality of any given scenario while the computer illiterate would need to base his decisions on how dependable are the calculations and data of the staff who presented it.10. Elimination of repetitive tasks: There are many times when you have to send 500 letters to prospective clients. A computer literate would use a database and mail-merge to get the whole thing on the road in no time, despite the fact that each letter would have a personalized printout addressing each of the prospective customers by their first names. One who does not know computers would not only need a week to complete the task, it will also make the task of repetitively writing addresses again and again.11. Higher productivity: A computer literate can use his/her time better ensuring that results roll out faster and better. He/she can analyze accurately the data for any discrepancy or fault and correct it in time. He/she can also project the demand, most likely growth curve and the best expansion plan possible. Each of the above translates into higher productivity and benefit to the organization.12. Self-learner culture: A computer literate will be constantly in need to upgrade his/he computer skills. He/she will also develop a self-learning attitude which is extremely conducive in any type of jobs. Employers are aware that those who have learned the use of computers are most of the times enthusiastic self-learners.13. Problem self-diagnosis: Whether you are an engineer, a doctor or a common office manager, all must have at one time or other encountered different types of problems in the course of your job. When faced with a problem, most organization used to convene a meeting and brainstorm to seek a solution.

A computer literate would use the computer to check out where the problem is. Once the problem is identified, the computer will again be used to help eliminate the problem.A computer literate has tremendous advantage above those who are not. This is why most high schools and even degree colleges insist today on their students to complete the computer courses offered whether they feel they need it or not. You cannot really survive in today's technological jungle without

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knowing how to handle a computer. There is no reason I can think of not to get a computer and learn how to use it. In the past the expense was one. But now they are so inexpensive and are already downloaded with everything you need to operate it straight out of the store. So go get one and Enjoy!