Advanced nGrinder 2nd Edition

1 nGrinder 초초초 초초 초초 초초초 + 초초 (2nd Edition)


nGrinder 심화 과정 (3시간분량)

Transcript of Advanced nGrinder 2nd Edition

  • 1. nGrinder + (2nd Edition)1

2. ? 2 3. 2500 2000 1500 ApacheNginx1000Nginx-caching 500 0 1251050100200 # (Think Time )3 4. ? ? ? ? ? 5. TPS(Transaction Per Second / ) 6. ?ApacheBench? LoadRunner? MacOS? 6 7. ? / 7 8. .! 9. .. 10. Affordance ( ) 11. nGrindersince 2010 12. nGrindersince 2010 !12 13. nGrindersince 2010 14. 15. 0 / 1~2? SE (10 )N 2000~3000 X 16. +1 2 17. +1 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 18. - SVN + 19. - 20. IDE + + + / / 21. LP T IDC 22. LP T IDC L4 / SSO x5 x5NAS / DB x10 x5 x10K IDCT IDCM IDCNIDC 23. . 24. .. 25. N 1100 / 25,400 / 90% 26. nGrinder Architecture 27. Dynamic Architecture 28. Static Architecture (Single) 29. Static Architecture (Cluster) 30. nGrinder / 31. : java -XX:MaxPermSize=200m -jar ngrinder-controller-3.3.war http://localhost:8080 admin / admin 32. Easy Cluster Cluster NAS Cubrid One Single Servercontroller (region1)~/.ngrindercontroller (region2)controller (region3)H2 TCPServer 33. Easy Cluster H2 : H2 DB (bin/ java -jar -XX:MaxPermSize=200m -jar ngrinder-controller-3.3.war -p 8080 -cm easy -clp 10010 -r region1 -cp 9001 34. 35. ?123456712462 36. RAMP UP 37. RAMP UP 38. RAMP UP 39. RAMP UP 40. CPU/Mem/Network / IP ETC/HOST / IP L4 41. A1 A2IP_AA3L4 B1IP_BB2 B3L4 42. A3L4 B1IP_BB2 B3L4 43. nGrinder Scripting Basics 44. - Groovy 45. Script Executions(Groovy) 46. MyTest object = new MyTest(); GTest test = new GTest(1, 1) test.record(object, sendMessageToGoogle) 1 0 47. - MyTest object = new MyTest(); GTest test = new GTest(1, 1) test.record(object, sendMessageToGoogle) class MyTest { public void sendMessageToGoogle() { 1 HTTP , . 1 } } 48. - GTestTest 49. FAIL 50. SUCCESS 51. GRINDER HTTP PluginApache HttpClient + Grinder Http Plugin + (Response Time ) 52. GRINDER HTTP Plugin HTTPRequest GET/POST/PUT/DELETE 53. GRINDER HTTP PluginJSON POST 54. 55. / Groovy Maven 56. (Jython / Groovy) (Groovy Maven Project)pom.xml ! 57. 58. 59. GrinderUtils.threadUniqId (groovy ) 60. JSON 61. XML 62. LOG LEVEL 63. nGrinder Scripting Samples 64. DB TEST 65. DB TEST - iBatis 66. DB TEST - iBatis 67. Zookeeper 68. Zookeeper - pom.xml 69. Zookeeper set upZK 70. Zookeeper Read/Write 71. Zookeeper - 72. SocketIO ASYNC??? 73. SocketIO 74. nGrinder .. 75. .. Self Sign Up SSO !! .. network overflow plugin ?Die Hard Plugin () 76. JVM (GC/ PermGen / ) ? .. .. JVM Monitor Plugin.. C++ .. How to bind native lib .. 77. nGrinder~~