Adv Meteo Notes for 2 Day Course

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  • 8/8/2019 Adv Meteo Notes for 2 Day Course


    Student Notes 4/02/06 (Revision 2)

    Lasham Advanced Meteorology For Soaring Pilots

    Course Instructor Matt Ruglys FRMetS and CMet

    Notes also available at

    Soaring Adviser David Masson

    Notes by Bruce Nicholson


    A two day classroom course run by a professional meteorologist to satisfy the demand for

    advanced met instruction well beyond the Bronze C level. For pilots interested in the

    technical detail of Met who cant get round to teaching themselves!

    To help soaring pilots get more out of their soaring by improving their knowledge of the

    detailed mechanics of soaring weather.

    Quality Instruction, Practical Exercises, and a Bound Set of Course Notes to take home.

    Small & Friendly - Only 12 students Per Course.

    When ?

    Course 1/2006 21-22 Jan

    Course 2/2006 25-26 Feb

    Course 3/2006 18-19 March

    On Weekends in the Winter.

    Sat & Sun 9am-5pm Both days Breaks for Lunch and Tea.

    All going well Lasham will then run further courses next winter, starting from Oct 2006.

    How Much ?

    Course fees for the complete course lasting two days.

    Lasham Members

    Adult Flying 75

    Under 26 Youth 56.25 (25% Reduction)

    Under 21 & Cadets 37.50 (50% Reduction)

    A maximum of two concessions (ie cadet or under 21/26) per course.

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    Non-Lasham Members

    Members of other Gliding Clubs 89

    Members of other gliding clubs are very welcome.

    Accommodation & Food Available. Information from Lasham Office.

    Temporary daily membership fees do not apply for a ground course.

    We cant offer reduced charges to cadets or the under 21/26 who are non-members.

    We only subsidise Lashams own impoverished youngsters, not those of other clubs.

    The Met Office is offering advanced met courses for gliding for a charge of over 230.With up to 25 students per course, and you have to go all the way to Exeter to boot. This

    is why we are running our own courses for Lasham and for other BGA club members.

    Booking Conditions

    Thefull amount is paid at the time of booking.

    Booking via the Lasham Office Tel 01256 384900

    The maximum number of students per course is 12.

    Once there are over 12 for a course LGS will start a reserve list to fill any dropouts.


    Any student booking must be aware that if they cancel, assuming they want their feerefunded, the onus is on them to find a replacement person to take their place (under

    normal circumstances). LGS office may be able assist with names from the reserve list.

    The course needs to run with 12 students to help keep the charges pegged down foreveryone.

    If our course instructor, Matt Ruglys, has had to cancel a course, then obviously we will

    re-schedule everyone on another course with Matt as soon as possible.

    Who is this aimed at ?

    Experienced solo soaring pilots with at least the Bronze C met theory passed (or

    equivalent qualification). This is nota course for anyone who wants to get through the

    Bronze C meteorology paper, nor is it suitable for someone who hasnt done a fairamount of soaring. It will involve technical detail and a quite a few graphs!

    Where ?

    At Lasham in the TV Briefing Room or in the Brown Elephant Briefing Room

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    What do I get out of it ?

    A large quantity of quality information, a set of course notes , a good sociable time at

    Lasham on a dull winter weekend, and hopefully some inspiration to carry on learning

    about the weather yourself.

    Course Preparation -

    Read a gliding Met Book before coming on the course. Youll be surprised at what

    youve forgotten.

    Derek Piggotts Understanding Flying Weather covers the basics that everyone should


    But you are strongly advised to read Tom Bradburys Meteorology and Flight if youwant to get the most out of the two days.

    Both available from the LGS office/Amazon etc.

    A working knowledge of the internet and use of personal computers is an advantage. You

    will still learn if you dont know the internet but this is where we get our information


    What to bring -

    A sense of humour.

    Coloured Pens/Pencils, Ruler, Calculator and Pad.

    Your favourite weather questions.

    Beer money for buying Matt a beer in the bar on Sat eve.

    About Matt Ruglys - Lasham Advanced Met Course Instructor

    Trained in meteorology by the Royal Navy, Matt has worked as an aviation forecaster at

    Air Stations in the UK as well as at sea and in the Antarctic. Matts present day job is

    running the Navy's Meteorology Training Unit in Plymouth where he has considerableexperience in teaching officers to be forecasters

    The course has been put together by Matt with generous assistance from the Lasham

    Soaring Guru, Mr David Masson.

    Matt says -

    I am keenly looking forward to running the course -

    It is easy to spot the good gliding days and the bad, but what about allthose days when it could go either way? This course will show how to

    make the best of the wealth of meteorological information available on

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    the internet, and use it to tease out the detail required of a successful

    glider pilot.

    Lasham Advanced Meteorology For Soaring Pilots

    Written & Presented by Matt Ruglys FRMetS and CMet

    2 Day Course Syllabus & Timetable

    Day 1

    0900 Introduction & Aims of Course

    What makes weather Vertical Motion

    Atmospheric Stability Thermodynamics

    Tephigram Skew T Log P Diagrams

    1030 Coffee

    1100 Cumulus & Thermal Forecasting With Practical

    1230 Lunch

    1330 Wind With Practical

    1500 Tea

    1530 Temperature, Fog, Stratus, Stratocumulus With Practical

    1700 Ends

    Bar Opens for Further Research.

    Day 2

    0900 Streeting, Waves With Practical

    1030 Coffee

    1100 Numerical Weather Prediction

    1230 Lunch

    1330 More on Vertical Motion, The Upper Air, VorticityDevelopment of Surface Pressure Systems

    1500 Tea

    1530 Forecast Chart Interpretation With Practical

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    Meteograms, Cross Sections

    1700 End