Adonis powerpoint

Where it all began; Grandma My Grandmother has always been a big part of my life. Although she has passed on to be with her savior, she is still a big part of my life. She gave birth to my mother and without that There is no me. She planted the love for baseball and history in my heart so early in life that I can not even think of how old I was when she did. We would listen to the Mets game on the radio and she would reminisce about the days when the Dodgers played in Brooklyn and how proud she was to root for Jackie Robinson. My Grandmother loved me and I love her too. Her memory makes me happy. A lot of what I love and enjoy comes from my Grandma. I Miss Her.

Transcript of Adonis powerpoint

Where it all began; GrandmaMy Grandmother has always been a big part of my life. Although she has passed on to be with her savior, she is still a big part of my life. She gave birth to my mother and without that There is no me. She planted the love for baseball and history in my heart so early in life that I can not even think of how old I was when she did. We would listen to the Mets game on the radio and she would reminisce about the days when the Dodgers played in Brooklyn and how proud she was to root for Jackie Robinson. My Grandmother loved me and I love her too. Her memory makes me happy. A lot of what I love and enjoy comes from my Grandma. I Miss Her.

MommyMy Mother comes from my Grandma and I come from my Mother. She is my strength in this world. She believes in me no matter what the odds are. She encouraged me to stick with things when they got tough and I learned resilience from my Mother. I learned to dream of a better tomorrow from my mother. She taught me how to love another individual by the examples that she illustrated on the daily basis, and boy did I make days and nights rough for her. I’m in school because of her encouragement. I’m alive because she never stopped loving me, even when I stopped loving myself. She is my Mommy and she is Beautiful. She is the best parent I could have been born to because I know she feels like she has the best sons on earth, no matter how bad we falter at times. My Mother’s name is Strength and her alias is Unconditional-Love.

DA FAM!!!This is my fam. “The Man” always watching us, but Mama always kept her three little black boys safe. From any and everything. By size one can tell the age order. I love this picture because I know that the Christmas following this summer was smaller that others. Growing up it was either summer vacation, or a big Christmas. We chose summer vacation this year. We loved to drive together and make memories. We’re older now and spend less time together but I keep this picture on my desktop because it reminds me of growing together with my family. I was happy in this picture and I have a large gap in my smile to prove it. We were happy.

The Latest Addition to Da FamFred came at a crucial time in my life. I had backed myself into a corner emotionally and didn’t know how to break out. No one understood my condition internally. I wasn’t happy and I had no vision for my life. I hated myself. Then one Halloween day, My Big Bro brought Fred home. Fred understood immediately. He still sleeps by my side when I’m home. Along with support from my mom, Fred is why I am still here today. He loved me no matter what I thought of myself and he taught me to love again. Now I’m good at it. Thanks Frederick!!!

Marry That Girl; She’s Already Family

Fred taught me to love again, and then, She came along. I believe that everything happens for a reason. She is my best human Friend.

I miss days like TheseFred is a big part of my life and I can’t wait to hold him and smoke a blunt with him. He always down to chill, no matter what. I mean, who else is begging to walk to the store with you in the middle of a blizzard. Human’s best friend. My best Friend, Fred.

They Make Me Happy too, and Sad when they stink it upThese guys here. I adore each player. I respect each coach. We worked so hard together and everyone, players and coaches included, improved by leaps and bounds this season. It was right before leaving for Beloit. We were the worst team in our league. It was worth every second, it was worth all the pain and defeat. We won our last game and celebrated like it was the World Series. I’ll never forget.

My Big BroHe bought Fred. He believes in me and he shows it in the most awkward ways. Growing up, he made me tougher. He made me take responsibility for my actions and he was the only one in the family that didn’t treat me like a Baby. He didn’t want a punk for a little brother. It’s funny now because he’s pretty protective in my adult years. He is someone that I admire and I am very proud to say that he is my Big Bro. I’m sure he’s proud of his little bro. I came a long way from where I was before and he was the one who was pissed about where I was before. He knew that life I entertained was not for me. He’s tied for best Big Bro.

My Bigger BroMy Grandma instilled the seed for the love of baseball in my heart. My Bigger Bro watered that seed. As much as he loved sports and the fact that I loved to play, he was the first person to call me smart (after years of both big brothers calling me slow lol). He never doubted that I was going to do whatever I set out to do in life, even after my many failures. I still remember his facial expression when I lost my baseball scholarship and how disappointed he was in my choices, but I also remember how reassuring he was about how we all make mistakes and how sure he was that my life would not stop there. We have had issues in our adulthood, but I love the person I know he is. I love my Bigger Bro.

METhis was me. This is me. This time period in my life wasn’t as happy as the picture illustrates. I don’t remember many happy times at this age and that is why I love this picture. Always have. I also keep this picture close by me. If I could smile at this time in my life, I can smile always. I’m thankful for hard times now because I know that one can find happiness in any circumstance. My mom took me to Martha’s Vineyard in this picture and we biked the entire island. I was happy that day. Happier than most days I can remember.

Us in 1 ½ Years: HopefullyI am excited for the day when my fam gathers at Beloit to be happy with me. Spring 2016 will be a happy time. My Fam showed so much support for My Community College Graduation and I am so thankful. They motivated me to get us another picture like this one. I was happy here too. We left the Commencement early, but we didn’t care. We were together. I can’t wait to walk for the Beloit Ceremony.

Me in Twenty Years; With Her. HopefullyMy Best Friend. She may be crazy enough to Marry me one day. I hope so. I really do.