Adobe photoshop for beginners 2



Adobe photoshop for beginners Chapter 2 Belajar adobe photoshop bagi pemula 2

Transcript of Adobe photoshop for beginners 2

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Page 2: Adobe photoshop for beginners 2

Resizing an image

“Straightening” an image

Cropping an image

Adjusting brightness and contrast

Adding layers

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Image, Image Size Pixel Dimensions

Document Size


Jangan mencoba tanpa membuat salinan file Simpan dengan nama baru

Simpan dengan Photoshop format (.psd)

Controls Resample: Going smaller > Sharper

Constrain Proportions

Scale styles (layers)

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Buka file Willie.jpg Perhatikan ukuran% di bagian atas jendela


Seluruh gambar akan ditampilkan

Save as .psd

Image, Image size Set pixel width 200

Terlihat lebih Sharper

Klik OK

SAVE AS Williesm.jpg

Buka kembali Willie.psd Image, Image size

Constrain proportions OFF

Pixel width 200 (Klik OK) Select, Edit, UNDO

Pixel height 200 (Klik OK) Select, Edit, UNDO

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Buka Willie.psd

Pilih sebuah Filter


Artistic, Dry Brush

Save file dengan nama yang berbeda


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Re-landscape the campus


Lovett on the lake

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Image, Rotate Canvas 90 or 180 Flip Horizontal or Vertical

Open Lovett Save as .psd Image, rotate image, flip vertical

SAVE AS lovett flip.psd

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Banyak gambar dapat "dikelompokkan bersama-sama" untuk membuat gambar baru

Mulailah dengan "kanvas" kosong atau gambar yang sudah ada

Menyisipkan gambar ke kanvas KompositSETIAP PENAMBAHAN BARU disisipkan ke LAYERBARU

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Untuk gabungan gambar, mengubah ukuran kanvas pada satu ukuran

set Image, canvas size, double ht, dan “anchor”(lokasi gambar yang ada) yang sesuai Defaultnya center

Contoh ini adalah kiri atas

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Open Lovett.psd

Image, canvas size, double ht, set anchor to top, right

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Open Lovett flip.psd

Filter, Distort, Ocean Ripple

Save as ripple

Select all, copy

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Return to lovett.psd Edit, Paste

Move the ripple image to the bottom of the canvas

(You can also DRAG rippleto the other canvas)

Save as LovettLake.psd

Lovett on the Lake

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“Straightening” an Image Rotation is fun!

But you may loose quality

AND you will loose a bit of your image

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Straightening “Guidelines” Use a Horizontal line to

determine the angle and direction needed to “right the picture”

Use a central Vertical line to determine the angle and direction needed to “right the picture”

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Open Tippy

Select Image, Rotate canvas, Arbitrary

Angle 15, CW; Select Edit, Undo

Angle 10, CCW; Select Edit, Undo

Angle 3 CW

Is it straight?

Use the Marquee tool,Select the portion that is useful; copy and paste to new file.

SAVE AS straight.jpg

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With Precision Open Tippy again

Select the Ruler tool(right-click the eyedropper)

Choose a horizontal line ora CENTER vertical line

Click at one end, then click at the other

Select Image, Rotate canvas, Arbitrary, the angle will be supplied


Is it straight?

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Using Part of an image Delete part of the original image

Save with a different name

Extract part of an image

Copy & paste to a new file

Save with a different name

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Crop an Image(discards part of the image)

Open Willie

Choose the Cropping Tool

Select the part of an image that you like

Crop the image

Save with a different name CRview.jpg

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More Tools for Selecting Image Parts(Delete or Copy)

Marquee Tools

Lasso Tools

Magnetic Lasso

Magic Wand

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Select Parts of Images

Willie: Use Magnetic Lasso (drag and click) to select statue from background

Lovett2: Use Oval tool to select building

Conducting: Use Magic wand to select black, use Select, Inverseto get “hands and baton”

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More Editing Tricks Brightness/Contrast


Sharpen an image

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Adjust Brightness and Contrast Open Lovett

Select Image, Adjustments, Brightness/Contrast

Original Modified

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Variations Use Lovett again

Select Image, Adjustments, Variations

OriginalLighter & Darker



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Sharpen an Image There are many options in Photoshop

Try Filter, Sharpen, Smart Sharpen

100%, 0.2 pixels, Lens Blur

Enlarge to view detail

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Layers Tool to enable complex compositions

Allows “stacking” of image parts

Layers may be added and deleted at will

Go back to “Lovett on the Lake”

Look at the Layers

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Flattening Layers Save before flattening

Save with new name after flattening

Flattening is necessary for many techniques including saving with some file types

Select Layers, Flatten layers

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Adding Layers # 1 Open lovett3.jpg

Choose Text tool A new layer is automatically


Type Lovett Hall

Set Font, Size, and Color

Flatten Image


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Framing: Adding layers # 2 Open Tower.jpg

View, Ruler

Carefully select center of image with marquee

Copy, then Paste (new layer)

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Adding Layers # 2, cont. Select Background layer

Fade background layer with Brightness/Contrast

Select Layer 1 Style, Drop Shadow, Outer Glow Flatten image and save

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Review of ToolsTool Usage

Paint/Brush paints a soft line (brush definition)

Pencil paints a hard line

Eraser erases pixels

Move drag a selection or layer

Marquee select rectangles, ellipses

Ruler use to determine

Crop removes portions of an image

Lasso draw selections in whatever shape

Mag. lasso snaps to the edges of defined areas

Magic wand select a color range

Color Fg/Bg defines default colors

Type add text

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