Admin on SA commands

New 0.2 Spec Commands… Command Lv l Description /spec <playerid> 0 Allows you to enter player spectator mode and view what the specifed player current sees. If the player dies (on foot) you will automatcially re-spec them after they respawn (3 seconds). Use /specoff to exit spec mode. /sve <vehiclenumb er> 0 Allows you to enter vehicle spectator mode and view the area around the specified vehicle. Use /specoff to exit spec mode. /specoff 0 Exit from player or vehicle spec mode. New 0.2 Admin Commands… Command Lv l Description /tirepop 4 Enables or disables tire popping for all players… most vehicles have tires that can be popped which will reduce the vehicles handling. If you disable tire pop and your tires are already popped they will remain popped until the vehicle respawns. / forceclassselec t <playerid> 3 Sends the specified player back to the class selection screen… useful for new players who ask how to change classes. Not to be used to annoy players. The shortcut for the /forceclassselect command is /fcs. /respawnvehicle <vehiclenumber> 4 Respawns the specified vehicle number (not id), if a player is in the vehicle they will be ejected. Two special numbers exist: specify 888 and all RC vehicles in the RC Battlefield (/grc) will be respawned or specify 999 and all vehicles in the game will be respawned. /gvn <playerid> 2 Get the specified players current vehicle number (if any). If a player id is not


helps to SAMP admins

Transcript of Admin on SA commands

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New 0.2 Spec Commands…

Command Lvl Description

/spec <playerid> 0

Allows you to enter player spectator mode and view what the specifed player current sees. If the player dies (on foot) you will automatcially re-spec them after they respawn (3 seconds). Use /specoff to exit spec mode.

/sve <vehiclenumber>

0Allows you to enter vehicle spectator mode and view the area around the specified vehicle. Use /specoff to exit spec mode.

/specoff 0 Exit from player or vehicle spec mode.

New 0.2 Admin Commands…

Command Lvl Description

/tirepop 4

Enables or disables tire popping for all players… most vehicles have tires that can be popped which will reduce the vehicles handling. If you disable tire pop and your tires are already popped they will remain popped until the vehicle respawns.

/forceclassselect <playerid>


Sends the specified player back to the class selection screen… useful for new players who ask how to change classes. Not to be used to annoy players. The shortcut for the /forceclassselect command is /fcs.

/respawnvehicle <vehiclenumber>


Respawns the specified vehicle number (not id), if a player is in the vehicle they will be ejected. Two special numbers exist: specify 888 and all RC vehicles in the RC Battlefield (/grc) will be respawned or specify 999 and all vehicles in the game will be respawned.

/gvn <playerid> 2

Get the specified players current vehicle number (if any). If a player id is not supplied your id will be used instead (ie it will return your current vehicle number). Once you know the vehicle number you can use it for /sve <vehiclenumber> (Spec Vehicle).

/gipv <playerid> 2Get In Player Vehicle… puts you the admin into the specified players vehicle as a passenger. If they are not in a vehicle you will be informed.

/giv <vehiclenumber> <seatnumber>


Get In Vehicle… puts you in the specified vehicle number and seat. If the vehicle is occupied you will be informed. If the seat number is not supplied the drivers seat (0) will be used by default. Some vehicles have more than one seat available even though in the normal game only one person can enter at a a time. Placing too many people into a vehicle or into non-existant seats will cause a crash.

/ppiv <playerid> <vehiclenumber>

4 Put Player In Vehicle… puts the specified player into the specified vehicle number and seat. If the vehicle is occupied

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you will be informed. If the seat number is not supplied the drivers seat (0) will be used by default. Some vehicles have more than one seat available even though in the normal game only one person can enter at a a time. Placing too many people into a vehicle or into non-existant seats will cause a crash.

/weather <weatherid> 3

Sets the weather for all players to the specified value. You should be careful with some of the higher weather ids as they DO NOT work at certain times of the day. Also, be aware that some people do not like rain as it lags them (they have lower spec machine)… so don't leave it raining for a long time. Note: when it is raining the waves in the sea are higher.

/gravity <gravityvalue>


Sets the gravity for all players to the specified value. The normal gravity setting is 0.008 - be careful with changing gravity as very high settings will cause players to die on spawn. Low gravity settings cause people flying planes or helicopters to drift upwards without control.

/setname <playerid> <newname>


Allows you to change the name of the specified player. You cannot change the name of a registered player. Please use this command responsibly. Also, do not use any spaces or special characters in the new name.

New 0.2 Explosion Commands…

Command Lvl Description

/explodeplayer <playerid>

2Makes the specified player explode… they may need more than one explosion to kill them. The shortcut for /explodeplayer is /ep.

/setexplosion <size> <type>


Sets the size and type of explosion created when you use vehicle explosions or /explodeplayer. Size 10 type 7 is the most powerful. When you join the server your explosions will be set to size 10m and type 10 which is a medium-low impact explosion. The shortcut for the /setexplosion command is /se.

/setexplosionpos <distance>


Sets an explosion point at the specified distance in front of your current position. If no distance value is suppled 10m will be used. You can then start or stop explosions at that point by typing /explosions. The shortcut for the /setexplosionpos command is /sep.

/createexplosion <distance>

4Creates an explosion at the specified distance in front of your current position. If no distance is supplied 10m will be used. The shortcut for the /createexplosion command is /cp.

/vehicleexplosions 4Enables or disables explosions in front of your current vehicle when you hold down the fire key. It uses your /setexplosion settings. The shortcut for the /vehicleexplosions command is /ve.

New 0.2 GamerX Object System…

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Command Lvl Description

/loadobjectset <name>


Load Object Set allows you to load a previously saved set of objects. The set will only be loaded if there are enough free object slots (150 maximum). The name of the object set should not contain any weird characters or spaces. The shortcut for /loadobjectset is /los.

/saveobjectset <name>

3Save Object Set allows you to save all objects currently in the server to a file that can be loaded later (using the /loadobjectset command). The shortcut for /saveobjectset is /sos.

/createobject <objectID> <distance>


Creates the specified object id at the specified distance in front of you. You cannot specify a "bad" object id as they are filtered out automatically. If you do not specify a distance the object will be created 10m in front of you. Each object you create counts toward the 150 object limit we have. Some objects are not solid and some are only visible from one direction. Once created the object number will be returned which allows you to select and position it. The shortcut for /createobject is /co.

/selectobject <objectNumber>


Allows you to specifiy an object number (not id) to allow positioning. If you have a gamepad you use the right analog stick to move the object. If you do not have a gamepad your control will be limited… use the numberpad keys to move the object: you may need to get into a vehicle to allow some directions to work. Gamepad object control mode is toggled on or off with the /gamepad command (your setting is saved for next time). You can type /ohelp to view an onscreen list of the keys and their related function for object positioning. The shortcut for /selectobject is /so.

/duplicateobject <objectnumber> <distance>


Creates a copy of the specified object at the specified distance (X offset). If a distance is not supplied the default of 10m will be used. Each object you duplicate counts towards the 150 object limit. The shortcut for /duplicateobject is /duo.

/gotoobject <objectnumber>

3Teleports you to the specified object (if it exists). If the object is large you may end up inside and need to use /gz <distance> to move up and above it. The shortcut for /gotoobject is /go.

/viewobject <objectnumber>


Allows you to view the specified object number from above. If the object is large it may not be visible as you maybe inside it. If the object is in an interior and you are not then you will only see the object and not the surroundings. The shortcut for /viewobject is /vo.

/undodeleteobject 2Allows you to restore the last object you deleted… useful if you delete something by accident. The shortcut for this command is /udo.

New 0.2 GamerX Object Controls…

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ModeGamepad Mode Description

Up Number Pad 8 Analog Stick Up Moves the object towards north.

Down Number Pad 2Analog Stick Down

Moves the object towards south.

Left Number Pad 4 Analog Stick Left Moves the object towards west.

Right Number Pad 6Analog Stick Right

Moves the object towards east.

Jump Jump Key Jump ButtonDeselects the object you currently have selected.

Action Action Key Action Button Moves the object up in the Z plane.Crouch Crouch Key Crouch Button Moves the object down in the Z plane.

Other Admin Commands…

Command Lvl Description

/antispam 5Enables or disables automatic kicking of players (non admins) who attempt to spam or flood the chat area, /me, /me2, /pm, private IRC chat (#) or teamchat (;).

/sticky <playerid> 2Allows you to stick to the specified player. Type /stickyoff to disable it.

/getid <partialname> 0Allows you to supply a name or part of a players name, if a match is found their id will be returned.

/drop <playerid> 2Drops the specified player 50m above their current height. They may not die if they have armour and full health or land on something on the way down.

/drop2 <playerid> 2

Same as /drop but only drops the specified player 20m above their current height. They may not die if they have armour and full health or land on something on the way down.

/gav 2Teleport to the underwater admin vehicles. Non-admins cannot enter this area.

/settime <hour> 2Sets the current SAMP world time to the hour you specify. Valid numbers are from 0 to 23 (24 hour time). The shortcut for the /settime command is /st.

/whattime 0 Displays the current SAMP world time hour.

/lockserver 5Locks the server preventing new players from joining (unlock the server again with /unlockserver or restart it).

/unlockserver 5 Unlocks the server allowing new players to join again.

/end 6End the current Gamemode (calls GameModeExit function). This command should never need to be used.

/givegun <playerID> <weaponname>

2 Gives the player the specified gun with 3000 ammo (if applicable). A list of the accepted GamerX weapon names will be posted soon. The official wiki list is available here.

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Giving yourself a weapon to fight other non-cheating players is not acceptable. The shortcut for /givegun is /ggu.

/fe 3Gives you full a Fire Extinguisher… do not annoy players with this weapon, use it on cheaters only.

/sethealth <playerid> <health>


Allows the health value to be set for the specified player. Valid values are between 1 and 244… normal maximum health is 100. Some cheats allow a player to lock their health to 208, the GamerX AC's (Anti Cheat) will detect this and alert you.

/getlevel <playerid> 2Displays the level for the specified player. Click here for more info on GamerX User Levels.

/tmplevel <playerid> <level>

5Sets the temporary level supplied for the specified player… it will remain until they leave the server.

/setlevel <playerid> <level>

5Sets permanently the level supplied for the specified player… it is saved in their user file.

/clear 5Clears the server of all players except for the admin who issued the command.

/wmi <location name> 2Displays your current X, Y and Z coordinates and echos them to IRC. The location name is optional.

/myreports <playerid> 2 Display Reports submitted by the player./dreports <playerid> 2 Delete report(s) submitted by a player./treports <playerid> 2 Display the total report count for a player.

/shortcuts 2Displays the admin command shortcuts (eg /g is a shortcut for /goto)

/invisible 4Removes you map icon from the radar so other players cannot locate you if out of visual range (your player tag displays when close).

/visible 4Restores your map icon on the radar so other players can locate you.

/adminshelp 2 Displays a link to the GamerX Wiki (this site)./say <message> 2 Displays the message you supply as a say in the chat area.

/countdown <time> <freeze>


Displays a countdown from the supplied time in seconds. If freeze is set to 1 all players will be frozen until the countdown ends… ONLY use this if all players are involved - other people don't appreciate being frozen.

/savepos <name> 2Saves your current X, Y and Z coordinates to a file on the server. This is an old command… use /s <slot> and then echo it to IRC with /e <slot>.

/jailme 0Sends the admin or player to normal jail (where players go when they type /jail).

/setscore <playerid> <score>


Allows you to set the specified players score to the supplied value. Used to restore their score if their account gets corrupted. Not to be used to set your own score to a high value.

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/setdeaths <playerid> <deaths>


Allows you to set the specified players death count to the supplied value. Used to restore their deaths if their account gets corrupted. Not to be used to set your own deaths to a low value.

/setskinplayer <playerid> <skinid>

3Allows you to set the specified players skin to the supplied skin id. Click here for a list of skin ids. The shortcut for /setskinplayer is /ssp.

/addvehiclecomponent <componentid>


Add the specified vehicle component to your vehicle… this command does cause EVERYONE to crash if you use the wrong component id. The shortcut for /addvehiclecomponent is /avc.

/rvc 2Re-adds the special vehicle components to GamerX RC Cam (pot) vehicles (adds 10 x NOS, Mega Wheels and Hydraulics).

/nos 0If a player, adds 10 x NOS to the vehicle if it is an Infernus. If an admin, adds 10 x NOS to the vehicle if the vehicle is compatible with NOS.

/playsound <soundid> 4Plays the specified sound id for all players. Some sound ids are music and will continue until they are stopped with sound id + 1.

/disableplaysound <playerid>

5Disables the use of the /playsounds command for the admin specified.

/echovehicle 2

Echos the position of the vehicle to a file on the server and also to IRC. Allows us to add new vehicles to the gamemode by collection vehicle positions in game. The shortcut for /echovehicle is /ev.

/removemoney <playerID>

3Removes all money/cash from the specified player (bankrupts them).

/setmoney <playerID> 4Sets the specified players money/cash to the specified amount.

/givemoney <playerID> <amount>

3Gives the specified amount of money to the player - the money does not come from YOUR money… its "new" money.

/mute <playerid> 2 Mutes a player preventing them from using chat, PM or /me.

/unmute <playerid> 2Un-Mutes a player allowing them to use chat, PM or /me again.

/track <playerid> 2Displays details for the specified player: Health, Money, Stats (Kills, Deaths and Admin Kills), Team Name and the distance in metres to the player.

/ban <playerID> <reason>


Bans the players IP address from GamerX. At this moment we do not have a forum for unban requests! We will soon have an IRC channel where we can unban IP addresses for accidental bans.

/kick <playerID> <reason>

2 Kicks the player from the game without banning them permanently. A player is free to return to the game if they

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rejoin the server.

/kickall 5Kicks all players from the game (you should not have any need to use this command).

/killplayer <playerID> 2Kills the player, and a message saying "xxxx was killed by admin xxxxx" appears in the general chat.

/remove <playerID> 2

Removes the player from their vehicle. Does not work on players using a jetpack, and it can cause lagging, ie the car appears somewhere else on your screen compared to the players screen.

/freeze <playerID> 2

Prevents the player from controlling their character. A "/kill" will not work and it also freezes their camera movement. IMPORTANT: It also freezes the players health causing them to be invulnerable. Therefore freezing and shooting is not an adequate way to test for health hacks. Freezing ones self is an option if you need to do some "paperwork" (otherwise you will be shot down within a minute). However, do not abuse this command by freezing yourself or another player whilst fighting.

/unfreeze <playerID> 2Unfreezes the player, i.e reverses the action of the /freeze command.

/disarm <playerID> 2Disarms the player. This is a great way to test a player for weapon spawning as after a disarm most cheaters will stop for a second and then spawn their weapons again.

/goto <playerID> 2Teleports you to the specified player. If they are inside you are now able to goto them without falling (the shortcut for goto is /g).

/gotointerior <interiornumber>


Teleports you to the specified interior number (not ID). Refer to this page: goto-interior-list. You can safely use /s <slot> to save a point in an interior… but it is best to not allow vehicles to teleport there (eg use /s <slot> 1 - the 1 means no vehicles). The shortcut for /gotointerior is /gi.

/setinterior <interiorid> 3

Allows you to set your current interior id (not number) to the one supplied. Valid interior IDs are from 0 (outside) to 18. Click here for a list of interior ids. The shortcut for /setinterior is /si.

/hideout <playerid> 2Sends the specified player to the Hide Out (Burglary House). If a player id is not supplied the player who typed the command will be sent.

/godmode <playerid> 2 Activates a timer that the specified players health to 250 every 100 milliseconds which makes them immune to most things (except heli blades and knife slash to the throat etc). If a player id is not supplied the id of the player who typed the command will be used instead. If you type /godmode again once it is on it will be deactivated (ie it toggles everytime you type /godmode). If you are a level 3 admin or

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lower and you have godmode activated and kill someone it will be automatically deactivated.

/bring <playerID> 2Teleports the specified player to you. If you are inside an interior this command will also work correctly if you stand where there is enough space to bring the person to you.

/lock 2Locks the doors to the car. This prevents players from car jacking. This command is not to be abused, eg locking your doors and going on a driveby spree.

/unlock 2 Unlocks the doors to the car (if they are locked).

/watch <playerID> 0

Allows you to see the watched player from above. Your physical body while doing so is hanging in the air over the person you watch, so careful not to ban other /watch'ers for airbreak. The nick of anyone who uses this turns white, so you can see in the ID list who's doing it. /watch requires more bandwidth than normal, so lag might be a problem…. it may also appear like you have timedout, when you haven't.

/score <playerID> 0Shows you the stats of the player, including money and number of deaths and kills. /stats without any specified ID gives you your own stats.

/announce <message> 3This allows you to display a brief message in the centre of the screen for all players.

/announce2 <message> 3This allows you to display an outlined message in the chat area so all can see it.

#<message> 0Use a "#" in front of your chat text message in-game to talk with peopl ein IRC only. This chat is not visible to any admins or players in game.

;<message> 0Use a ";" in front of your chat text message in-game to talk with other players on the same team. Admin players are all on the same team. This chat is echoed to IRC.

@<message> 2Use an "@" in front of your chat text message in-game to talk with other online admins in admin chat. This chat is echoed in IRC.

!<message> 4Use a "!" in front of your chat text message in-game to talk with other online level 4 and above admins in admin chat. This chat is not echoed to IRC.

/q 0

This command quits the game, and works for everyone. Some people try tricking people to type it by saying they'll get money or whatever by doing it. If so, tell them to stop tricking people.


Command Lvl Description/manhunt 4 Starts a Manhunt for the specified player with the reward of the

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<playerid> <amount>

specified amount going to the killer. The hunted players colour is changed to white during the Manhunt. If they die without a killer they Manhunt continues and they are fined some money. If they leave the server the Manhunt is cancelled.

/manhuntstop 4Stops the current Manhunt. The hunted players colour will still remain white until their next death.

/mhamount 4 Allows you to set the new cash reward for the current Manhunt.

Admin "All"…

Command Lvl Description

/bringall 4

Brings all players to the current destination (on foot) and places them in a line starting from where you stand. Bringing all players annoys some people whilst others seem to really enjoy it. Also, having many people in one spot can cause timeouts so this command should not be used.

/healall 4 Sets all players health to 100./minigunall 4 Gives a Mini Gun to all players./flamerall 3 Gives a Flame Thrower to all players./paraall 2 Gives a Parachute to all players./sniperall 3 Gives a Sniper Rifle to all players./molotovall 3 Gives Molotovs to all players./grenadeall 3 Gives Grenades to all players.


Command Lvl Description/rc 2 Displays the "Report Cheaters" message text for all players./rh 2 Displays the "Register Help" message text for all players./lh 2 Displays the "Login Help" text for all players./tt 2 Displays the "Type /teles" text to all players./tm 2 Displays the "Type /minigames" text to all players./tf 2 Displays the "Type /fix to repair" text to all players.