ADIVIDEND New-Vobk. ^..wilS&K^ tÄtt»TlW, ROOFING,...»Vpoty to JAMESUDALL.Oreat Neck. LongIriand...

ARM LANDS for BALE-Tbe ILUBOK ITNTBAL PAILRs'AD COMl'ANi now pnpvvi M M TWO MILLION OP ACRJbS FARMING L, A N P S. U Ta*ci> or Foarr Acba* and Lr***«, On lono carniTs row llffll Or INTEREST. ..... ..f li,,. hairwad ul aeeawd*" T? ."-..J tÄtt»TlW, M>Tlk«~ir<>M ucree« m t^^ltig by U migration, Ac .«fori a a-uostentte. and growing nun* demanc » J^a*^«, r'oh rrx'.d. *rom <*.'' t0 fiTB ,a depth. U ¦natf* rolling and peru.ia.-ly fitted for grexiog Cattle end Sheet S »bA cultivetnen of Wheat. Itdian t orn. Ac Eotneeai ia cultivating and greet pr>-or ti venae* art to* we.l-kn.wL cbarattertatica of llllisoi* land* Treat arc not re qtared to be out down, atcrnp* grubbed, or atone [ tried off. a* W .-euerallj the caae in cultivating t ear lend In tha older State* Tae fi**tcrop of Ii dien torn, planted on tbe new.y Broken and, rtr'T repay* the eeet of plowing and foicing. TV beat eoera on the oew'.y tiiri-ed aoJ t* anre to y.».d eery tar** eiotita. A men with a |4ow and taro yoke of oian wiJ break owe and a beat to two eere* per day Contraria can be made fcr breaking ready for coin or wheat, at trorn *>2 !..+.-¦ ¦er acre By iudieioe* rnanafement the ibr-l may be p.owed and lanced the tuet, and under a higa atete of tu tivatiou the ^ore'orahl, Cattle, etc wil be fwwardad at raaaoaabl* MteeteCmcagofor the Fasten.i market and to Catr for tal* beeiaam. The lere er yield on the eb-ep land, of tiltnoi* over the hUb priced lenca hi the Eas-eni and Middle Sfeeee a known to bejBMcb more than lamrlent to pay the difference of trans¬ portation to the Kaa'ern market , Biruaninoa* Coal ii mined at aererv point* along the Road and «* a cheer »td desirable foal It can ha delivered at see- are! point* along the Road at Bl to Bt per ton, Wood can b~ bed at the tame ret** per cord. Thee* who inn a of aettUng in lews or Minnesota ahmla bear as aatad that land- there of any value, along tbe water courw* and tor many miles inland, have been disposed of, that for those located In the interior there are no convenience* for transport tog the produce to market, railroad* not having been introduced there I the' to aead the produce of these land* one or two bond red Dille* by wagon to market would eo«t mach more than th* Ox pea** of caltivattng them, and hence Oiverbmen' land* thus attoetud, at 0I 25 per acre, are not eo good investment* a* th* lead of this Company et the price* fixed. The aaaae remarks bold foa In relation to tbe land* la Ran¬ ge* sod Nebreska, tor although vacant landsen ay be found nearer the WaAer-eoeeee*. the dieUnce to market i* rar greater, and every hundred mile* the produce of these land* te carried gather la wagons, or interrupted weter communication*, ln- areeea* the expeaee* of transportation which must bs home by the eStteere, In the rtdur-d price* of their products; and to that astet t peecloely are the income* from «beir fem» en'lor eoura* On their biveettr.- nt*.auiioaJly atd every year reduced. Txte great fortuity of tbe land* new offered *.¦* aale by this Contpaev and their taMMB field over tboee of tbe t -tern and KtJ<*'»'">täte* ¦* «tuen more then ¦ .'..n.-ot to pay the drf- tareoee in »be cost of fra- «portation. e* vecra ly in vi<-w of the face)rale* fareashed by this Rotl. and otHar* with which it con¬ nect*, thotaperetton* of which are nrt interrupted by the low grater ef Seanaaer or the fi oat of W inter. PRICE AND TERMS of PAYMENT. The pnre will vary from *.'. to BaW, according to location, auanty lie. Contract* tor Deed* may be made during the year l*An, stipulating the pi.-cn «r mom j to be peid in five annual Iiei*»*1 eiantt.tae firat to btcome due u. two year* from the date of e-onrract, and the other* auaualiy thereafter. Tbe last payment will become dae at the end of the *ixtb year from th* date of the contract (btebbst will be chabced at only thbkk fSS cent 1-1 a annum. Ba a security to tb* performance of tbe contract, the first two year*' interest nail be paid iu advance, and it must be under- atood that at least one-teuth of I be land purchased (hall yearly Be brought under cultivation. Longer credit*, at six per cent per annum, may be negotiated by gpre-iaJ application. Twenty rar rent frees the credit price will he deducted for cash. Tha orripseiy'* r instruction bonds will be received a* cash. Ready frames Farm Buildings, which eau be set up in a few Stays can he obtained from responsible penona. Thay wld be U feet by 20 feet, divided Into ona living and three bedroom*, and will coat complete, letup on ground choeen any where along tbe road, at ft*M in cash, exclusive of traue portaiion. Larger buildings may be contracted for at proportion¬ ate rwtee. Th* Company will forward all tha material* foi such Baildkos* ever their load promptly. Special arrangement* with dealer* ean be made to supply tboee purchasing the Company'* land* with fencing materials, a*rt. eltural tool*, and outfit of provision* in any quantity, at the loweet eeta^leeale price*. It ia Believed that trie prine. long er-dit, and low rate of inter¬ act cherged for 'beae land* will enable a man with a few bun dred dollar* in caeh and ordinary Inoastry to make himself inde¬ pendent before all the purchase money becomes due. In the mean taxee, the rapid settlement of the country will probably have Increased their value four or five fold A'hen raqotrea, an experienced pereon will accompany applicant* to give In- B>rtBat<on and eld in (electing land*. Circular*.containing numerous Instances of fuccet*ful farm¬ ing, idgned By retpectable and wall knows farmer* living In the n-'ixbbort>.»ed of the Railroad land* throughout tha State.alee, the coat of tetictag, price of catde, expense of bar verting, thrash¬ ing, ate., by contract.or any ether information.will be cheer¬ fully fiveta, on application, either pemonally or by letter, la EugaBtB, French, or Oerman,addressed to JOiiN VVILSON, Laud CommuMioner of the Illinois Central Railroad Co., _No. 32 Michigan av , Chicago, IUIboI*. P)R SALE.A tplendid COUNTRY SEAT at Youkat*. directly on th* Biver and commanding uusur- peaaed view* ledh North and South. The grounds embrace^ acre*, heaatifully laid out. with fouutaina, flower garden*, fruit- treoe, aad a large unmber of foreat treeeaiirroundii gaud ahadiug Ute booae. The Honte Is in Italian style, large and very com Clete, bavtaggas and hot and cold water throughout, furnace, nil* tube*, Ac There is a large green-bonse and brick stable. Tbe fexxillore. which waa mad* to order lu tbe c'tv and isof the Wark'-nokUxtr;' *i'm^^r),: ÜW'j tiJW&^&US Building-_ OR SALE.The two-story-aiitJ-iittic BRIOK DOUBLE HOUSE and LOT of OtOCND ,, ., Bide of Franklin at and known a< Not lige of House, **> by «Ofeet deep; »i/o f It' j I Bja) d«p. About Ä»1 feet east ot Broadwav. Foi lurthei particular* apply to _BAKER V " 1 E AS, Auctioneer*. No. 6 Pins *t NEW ROCdELLE PROPERTY for SALE .The HOMESTEAD formerly the retidenre of SAMUEL BOWNK, with about five acre* of land, beautifully bMated, aanjoyleg a rommatding view of Dtveoport'* Neck and the Bound ea far a* the eye c*n reeck, fronting on three avenue*; fruit and for- ». treea; a good nee BARN, 12x30 feet, which ran ba made into a dwelling-house. Also, STABLE eud CAR RJAOE house S0x?2 feet. Possession immediatelv. In £ulre of WILLIAM BIlYSON, on the premiie*. or of E. H. f'DLOW A Co., No. 14 Pine-st., New-York. (1251) RK8IDKNCE in NORWICn, CONN..A large, old faahloned MANSION, tha former reiideue* of the Hon. J. W. Hantingtou, bui.'t ia the mod careful and «iibetanrial mataer, wattacoted :.. tha principal rooms,uowly painted, and It. tbe meet perfect order, with large Stable*, Carriage Uouie, Wood Honae, erc.a'highiy cultivated Qgffdea and Orouud* well .tockeo with grapes, fruit», ahruhbeiy auj tl jwer», and having a brook rumnng Ibiongh dtuatad on tbe public square; shaded with rnagniBcent old elm*; near «choola, eburebee, I' n ot,.... and atramboat roinmunication: a popular high * 1. wltbln .X* mile of tbe Erre Araiemy. juat flnlsliiugat acoatof neatly 9' . and poaeeasing all tne advantagea a family of taste axd reapeaMaM ity would aeek aid arprertate; iu *ix hour* from Mew York by redroad or ateamboet three time* a day. Noraraob l* -mdoubteely the moat pirtureeque and beautiful Sown iu N-wEneLiol, and proverbially healthy. It will be sold for g>3la*X Foeeeaaion n>Ny be had at o-ice Apply to HOMER lVtORf*AN,Pln«-*t.,N.Y.,Metro|K,litanRarik Building. (3u74| TARRYTOWN PROPERTY..Twelve acres of very choice LAND opon the ridee next above tba Crototi Aqueduct, and opptxile tba mansion of Mr Mallory overlook¬ ing the entire Villages of Tarr> town and Beekmautowa, and attordlng a very rxtenitve and delight!ul river prospect. Thi* properly i* *o situaieJ tbat it can be easilv divide.1 into fsverei VlLLR SITES, and is contideied to be one of tha bast located eituatiac* on the Hud*ori for a Residence or for a Country Seat. Teruieeaty. Aiplv to WAIID CARPENTER. Tarrytowu. _JOHN WARE IN, No 48 Maideulane, N Y. WATER-FRONT PROPERTY..For Sale, e* 114 acre* of good LAND, 19 mile* from New-York City, tan Ihe north abore of <n< ia.n l, nearly oppotlte Olen Cove. (0acres af which i* a beautiful gn>ve on Hemne'ead Barhur oae-euatler of a mde from Maubaa»>t Sleamboar Land- big, wall adap/od ia evtry way tor a fin* country reallence. »Vpoty to JAMES UDALL. Oreat Neck. Long Iriand or at No Bt f roul-et., from I to 2 p. ¦ ot ALFRED A. MOTT. _Jnotrnction,_ BOOK KEEPING, ttc."FOSTER, DXXOH Sc Co. have opened an It eticntioa at No. 346 Broadway, which evtl roefee inca'cnlable benefit* noon tbe marrant lie community loa'etictkan In WRITING, ARI rllMETIC and HtMlKKKKP- 1NO a* aflortied by them In the moot substantial, practical and Bxpe^trgas manner Never before in one eaUbliishmant waa so much abtlty united for tht purpose* of tetchlug. Mr. DIXON |g the moat liahed Pel man wa ever eaw. Tbe other gen- tlemea mi ehe firm are Csvoreldy known, and their ex'endve ac- ajuaintaoee enable* theos to render essential aid to «Tanger* ia securing ellgiUe aitttatu-na." [Courier. COTTAGE HILL SEMINARY. Pouchkeepsie, New York.-MII.O P. JEVVETT, Principal and Pripr.e- lor. In tba COTTAOE niLI. SEMINARY It !. prjjv.iad to eon- duct the raretv! and thorough training of * limited nuuiher of Toting Iadiee.roaetltBtliii: a SELECT FAMILY SCHOOL. Able and experienced rue or* are emp.ov..,, in all Depart n.ent* and th* uutubcr of Taachen it large ia"proportion to the paptla It is the aim of'he laatiiationtogice toall it* member* a aolid, practical and uatfW education, adding every pleasing aecom- pliaheriaxaL Mo location can be more luitabie for tbe purpi*** contem- ¦HtBd than the City of Pough»eep*ie.a townsurpaaeed by none in beauty ot situation, salubrity of climate, and (he intelligence and reen. ei . et it* cltiAene. EapeolalatteaUoa I* given te the health of the pnpil*. The agenctswreUad <m are,exercise iu tbe openalri a liberal use of evater. coli and tepid an abundant .um. v of wholeeome fool; ai d perrect ayetem, order aad punctuality ia all ScbavoJ and Bemu^dutie*. In addition to j^J, wüu ,-,lrtn, Iae heantilul enviroia of Poughkeepeie. and iw..a,l.u lu ihe piaa grouudsof U* »eminary. tlymn.MV and Calistbenic exercise, are regularly praoticed under the direction tf th* Teacher*. Boerden era aaver parmittad to viait confectionery saloon*. . ^"0*»*«d»»;>-»aar wB commence on the fla of Sep¬ tember There will be a recea* darin« th* Hoiiday* Pupd* may enter forori* Quarter only: all Sita rV.ncb being payable Ui odvar ce Those who enter forth- 8cSo'a.n- V.J tbe lAlti* *** ,tin9<>( t*nuamoa- th» remainder on Expense*. Ifembertof tbe fsmdy it the Principal will be charged for board per auarter. B50. This ioclade* ed Roouu, Fuel i.ogbl atd Wgahi, g. Young l.euie* ar* expected to provkle tbeexeselre* with 'he usus, article* for personal n*e,|iUg Towai Napkin* Sever Deaeert Fork and Spoon, and Napkin Bing Tt'irio.v rxa Qcabtkb. For tb* Regular Couxae, uigiudtng Ei gluh. Lstin. French and Voced MBasic. t>iX Fepite*>a>t pursuing the Regular Courea are rbarged as fol¬ low*: Fagheh. BIO; Freueb »1» Lariu, Piauo-Forte and as* of iBBtnaxasrt. .>!.',, (eultar, Bl"'; Harp, B35; Drawing, #10: Pemuog|(*»»te* eelor*), *>10; Peintlrg la Oil, B*0i t jo*J Mask- (reqeirad of ell ptipiUl * M. Oei*l-wu«i foiwiehrd o- art. a.i M P JEWETT. r».g*Wu j».y », liH. AKl ON BIIXJE MJMINAKY for YOUNO I AHO a Toe Re» B S. HI'KTINOTOH. A, M . Prtn mal -Tn>. echo*! be* awn la at-ieeaful opa-ajior for am» «rar» Bt tree leal beet r'rcn.meneed for a " veat««ea piijrral mental .rid reli.M " f airei ..neat* la oil i-prrUf i the comfort end improve 'TITRATION -Ajto«. Kincr «In Delaware Cootj't, Pa 1* katUa B. W.from I'hll.delphia. aod an eertblr by railroad ««¦ eSei t .me. a dar. It i. Cv, mile, west of the on the road to B.ltimors. and ona and a half ...Ue. east from the H«kdale Ste'ion ou the new roed from Philadelphia to V\ * heater ¦.UV-K AI. ADVANTAGES-TV situation i. very ele aid weaeeditaiemreepect of thirty e*Ro», mJ Uifor bealthine** »¦ d beaut, of are.,-,y. lu a.l»ant«*a. over e star loratlea ere eery eerloe* and important. - Her«/ .ay. a nerriit the ebeek.' acquire e i.and the frame a rigor of teiloe. lllne-hM ever occurred, aod ^"IT^ wiihoet e.reptian. b.a hj prereaj In beai-h TheH rxten.ive lawn, with wall.. ttktm .h.-uhb-ry an! tele Wee., attor, a a ide lange lor retrained UWIII tbe rn.Tont.miur and fine araoery impart < insertulues. ef .pint. The retirement .erure. the pupil* from ....fsvorable irft-ieure. and the ln.ited number end family el eras of Ue «boof aßotd them the many romfort. and adVantagee of a quiet Chna thing, cmreen .-- ai d nbe .trict lindtaikrc of *dmla*ion« to forty. with fire teaeii- er.j «ture.tie.rb nnpU a large .hare of atten-iun. THE BUILDINGS combine beauty of architecture with am¬ ple aceommtdative, aid modern convenience, of barb room., furnace, *pnng water on every floor, terrace, verandah, ttC. The aleeptnr room, are commodion*, well ventilate.), head- aomelv lurni.hed and confined to two or three occupant. a eon- WMatoiv eotiotcla with the library end parlor, and all the In¬ terna.' arr.r.#enmtit. of the household are accordant with re¬ fine.1 s^otiat-ioria, and conducive to refined taetea and bahlt. a--., -on the pupil.. THE COURSE OF STUDY, aided by Lecture* and appere tu., compiler* all the brauche* of e thorough English Ednee- thai, together with the I.aric and French Lea.u.gee, Music aal Drawing. In. coorrdetiou i. optional with parent., aod i. certi- fied l.y a Diploma. » THE FRENCH LANG! AQE i* spoken bv the prirnnal*. Mr*. HiNTiacioa ha. had tba advantage of'nina year.' resi¬ dence in Pari». THE RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE ha» been epokea of by clergymen, parent, and pupil, ia .uch term, aa the following: " Tbe Church may be thankful f. r each a eeh?o.." "Never ".ball 1 firget tbe impreaaiot. I bfkye received there at family womn ir "The mind, and hearts of pupils bear fruit, of "admirao.eChrl.tian Warning" Bound evangelical inetruc- " ticna,ani a healthful religious influence are hron.-bt t, bear " directly on the forming character of the pupil*." The pupil, attetd Episcopal services at the Hemmary, unies. eietwbore di¬ rected bv patents. ACCESS..In 1| hour., via Media .rid Rockdale, from Eigh¬ teenth and Market streets Philadelphia. seventeen mile* to the Roche ale atation, and 11 miles east from thence, by carriage or .tage ; or. '. > boor., via Chester, from Prime and Broad streets, Pl.Jadoipuia.15 miles to Cheater, and 5 miles we.t from thence by carriase or etage. lERM-i per ae.iion of five mouth., for Bo.rd and Tuition. *)U& Mu.V, t Latin, French and Drawing, each Incidental., eitra. To those who prefer a .teted ran for every¬ thing including tbe use of n hool books, .beet music and draw¬ ing material., nKAVivo so extra charge oj any description, avVil- .eer. + i<' t «r a»aao.:, The .es.wn. commence on the firat Wednesday, in Septem¬ ber nod Peb'uarv. Vacation, in July and Atsgust. REFERENCES..Tbe eetool i. .trongly recommended by parent, and evangelical clergymen of tbe F.piscopal and other cbuTche. in Dearly every State, wboee name., with all other information, will be furniabed on application tn the Principal. Addieet, REV. B. S. HUNTINOPON. Village Greeu P. U., Delaware County. Pa. R,S. OK ELL " BOAKDINd aod DAY 8CHOUL wul be re opene-i on TUESDAY, Sept. 9. Cl'colar. ran be obtained at ber reaidence, No*, ft and 10 Clin¬ ton-place, tihat. _ REV. HARVEY NEWCOMB'8 SEMINARY for YOUNG LADIES. No. 90 Orange-.f., Brooklyn N. Y., will reopen Monday, Septembers'. Boarding Pupil, limited to twelve. CEDOWTCK* METROPOLITAN ACADEMY O and GYMNASIUM. Noe. 93 and HitUb^v., aear Washing- ton-aqnare. B J. SEDOWICK. A. M., Princiiial. TARRYTOWN INSTITUTE..Circulars, with rtferences, view of 'die Inalitute, lc. may be obiained at 0 Sbepard A Co.*. Bookstore. No. Ii3 I u.ton-t. Ol E. H. WUcuz, No. 293 Broadway, or by . A. NEWMAN, Principal. #iano-irortfs ant) AXwit. BENNETT, SENIOR & Co. PREMIUM PIANO-FORTES. Menofectory eui Wareroom., No. Let Broome st., 1 door eeat of Broadway. Pianos TUNED, REPAIRED, and SECOND HAND IN¬ STRUMENTS taken in exebaege. Piano, to lute CHAMBERS'* PIANO-FORTES, MS Broad- way.N. Y.A Hue assortment of auperior Piano*, war ranted to every re*pect Al»o. a few eecoud hand Pianos, of dif¬ ferent make., Chickering'a, Gilbert's, Stodait'* Ac, for aale at »St" BIS, $ 110 and .>!.¦" Piano, to hire and exchanged. T. B. CHAMBERS, No. Ste Broadway, near Whitest, A II. BAJiMORE. No. 'MS Bleecker-Bt., a offer a large assortment ef elegant riaMtm. made in tbe heat manner, and warranted, wilb Iron Frtme aon i>........ .j Scale, at the lowest poesible pric e. Also, .uperior Secood h.ud Pianos, oue by Chlciering, one by Nunna, and one hy Stodderd. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS in PIANÖ~- FOKTES-Moser*. LIGHTE, NEWTON k BRAD- Bl RYS.No. 421 Broome .t , re.pecriuliy Imite attention to their PIANO- FORTES, com nie' d with the patent ARCH .. aim at* ...... ........ . u......... uij i.Aiea ea*Wsaa«S*al t ever I] trodu. ea into this popular l-jstrument, C~yÖLD~MEDAL PIANI)-FOR TES-Mannfac- H tured by STF. IN WAY k SONS, Noe. 81 and B8 Walker- .t.. near Broadway. New-York. These Piano, have received THalEX riRfl PRI.MIU.MS within the last year iu eompo- tition with Piano, made by tbe ranat celebrated maker, of Boa- ton, New Y irk, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Prices low. H~ AZLETON BROTHERS. PIANO-PORTE MANUFACTURERS. No. 219 Centrest., New York. When- may he found a fine aaaortment of PIANOS in plain aud on an,. t«! caaea, Waiumid i vsi RrAüsnn is and fi aiTv or Tone. I>IAN(»-PORTES..Those iu want of a mod PIANO at lea. than m.nufat lurei.' price, t an arcure one or two, if called for thl. week, at No 431 Hroome at,.one a lull 7 octavo, round corters; tbe other, b'n round comers, baud- aomely finbh.d and of good make; has been hut little used; wiil be wild very low fcr c.wh., flaruroarf, and Iran. ADIRONDAC COLD BLAST CHARCOAL Pia IRON, bv the Compiiny'* Agent, _John w. cii incv, Wo. 98 Wiiiiam-rt. COOPER'9 TRUSS HOOPS.-^OO »fit aiaorted airea COOI'kr'B edoe tools. Atbertson, Congor, Uortoal Batten, and other maker*. COOVER'S BIVETS A large assortment. coovkr's hammers, drivers. BECK irons, he For aale by _CHAR. s. LITThE k Co., No*. 88 and 94 Foltoa-st. HORSE-SHOE NAILS. We invite tne atteution of the trale to the improved I1CRSE-.SHOE NAILS, manufactured by the American Horse Nail Company of Providai re, r. 1 from tbe beat quality Noiway Iron, and aold hy n*. their only Agents. 1 he reputation of the*- Nail* has now Income verv favor¬ ably eelaldiahed, and the demand for them I* constantly in- paagatjg, They are packed in keg. of 2T>, .VI and 100 lb each. Sir."*, 5, o, 7, g, 9, lo BUSSING, CROCKER A DODOE. _No. 32 Cllff-st., New-York. HAMME RED SALISBURY IRON.From cold blast charcoal Pig, and wholly worked in charcoal Is of extrscrdtbdv strength and quality. On bend J to 4 ioebe* .quaie. Oiher size* made to order. JOHN W. IgUINCY, No. 98 Will.*: *. Ageut of the Napanoch Iron Co. HUDSON PIQ IRON is excellent for Foundery end Forge purpose*. The No 1 Extra i. warran*ad lo mix ore scrap and to be euperiir for all purposes to any Scotch Pig. JOHN W. UUINCY, No. 98 William *t, Agent for the Hudson Itou Corrrpany. AMES & FOV SHOVELS »nd SPADES. e -For Mle by JOHN W. QUINCV, No. 98 William .t. o R B M O V A L . . THOMAS DOUGLASS, AOEtsT FOR BEES BRACB, Commiaaiou Merchant Manufacturer and Wboleiale Dealer ia every description of AMERICAN HARDWARE. No. 83 Beekman-st , New Yoik. PELTER, ANTIMONY, BANCA TIN, CUT NAILS, for sale bv JOHN W. QUINCT. No. 98 William at S THOMAS PIG IRON.Soft. free, itronc aud a warranted tnhetitute for Scotch Pig JOHN W. QUINCY. -tnmllore. COTTAGE and ENAMELED FURNITURE. r leg. nt well made .uite», a* low a* 015, at the inane factory No. t34 Broadway, belcw Bleecker ft, GAS-HEATERS or NURSE LAMPS.. W. F. SHAWS PATENT, Botton. Mates. TS cents each, at retail. Atmcwpheric Air and Illuminating Ga* uaed a* fuel, to eecare leady means of heating a small ipiantity of w.ter. one piut eiU boil in five minute* Place lb- Heater over any bat wiog or ¦a f#* gs. bun er. the air flows kg at the bottom, and ooi:n.le* ^ithtbegi»; iftite this on the Hp of the gauge *mfece and vi-u peodtife intense heat and b'tie flame, which i* rarroirjided by a flnely perforated tin cylinder, by which tae tiame ar>l pro¬ duct* of combuMion are «applied with atmospheric air at a very high temperature, necemary for a complete chemical aaiou or perfect combuetiou of tbe mixed gave Witboat this surrouniiug nertoiaxsd metal, they fb.m not only noxious odor*, bat those deadly poisoD*. fomic acid end eJdeayde. As the appvretua it corttructed by me, the moot sensitive test* cannot detect their rreaeue. In communication* from Prof. A. A- Have*. J. M, VVighfTben. esq., and other *cientific gentlemeu tbe aheenee at attributed wbollv to .urrcanding tbe wire gauge aurfaoa with Erforated m*tal. Inqair* for SHAW'S Pa 11 NT GAS- EATER. M> name, end date of Patent, I* stamped oa each one. Kor .*.'«, at whole*.!* and retail, hv w F. Shaw A Co Boeton, ktist, No. 171 Waahugton *C Comehes Biker k Co., Phaadaiphia, Pe Taylor k HodgetU, No. (." Beekmao .»., N. T. L.laire 1 Grt>*yean, No. te Beek man en, N. T. .. A.'-a, at i.tail bt all the prte.r pal House Furnishi'J aad Gas- FiAture FatahUehmaeU in I he State* W. F 811 AW fe Co. it .j i I.. a great aariety of <*as and Air Room Heataag aad looking eii .re* patented by W. P. BHdW. Dratriaa* aad desenf tst as wU Is forarerded by atari wiea re^nested. ISAMPLED Fl'RNIl PRE .H. F FAR- J P. UMTOS hew row ready for v.le an at'eastve m* r-tn-al .irvi F.NAMH.Mi CHAMBER r> RVll RE. ail patterns «cd colon, and elehnreiety decorated m ludviwi, figure* «od floweia. »i Hi* Manefectoiv Wicnomi, No* V, and Woe* irr «I , betwe. a Broane and favrBBal ..< EARTHENWARE tod CHINA . ISO crated Bo. t«'e " r-ydei barn ehep* White Otauite. !.« rrales Coc moa Goad* a*rra<«aM It Willow.-' plaia .'-« . Joa*f- Grid Latter J. fa to Lark B: dgw-.od't'' Cuia*. kor aai» to the trade la origan* parket*- at) I to] BI RG F..SB, DALE v OODDAttw, No'76 Pearl-st. Agent* for the Manufacturers. URNITURE .Parlor and Bedroom Futniiur*. Iron f-d-teadt end Ha- pure Hu) . J -i tre>«ee, mi hand ar d meile to order oo the tL .ru'. Alao, twr art* of Rosewood Parlor Furniture la rntneori plash. X per atari lower than any other house in N-w-Torfc. WM. PERRY. No 1TI Centre at near the corner of Canal. SPLENDID m'lTES of ENAMELED FUENI- ÖTT'R)". Wh'.e-aleend RaB*». W AR REN U ARU. No. 3? Can*; r. TnE PATENT DOUBLE ICE PITCHERS . When Woodworth »eng ao rweer!» to Braise of " the old bairn i rket," It was hefoce the iara'ot modare inventions. Mow. the people har* " kicked the hacker." and drsw water from their wetl* with a chair.. To th a of chaining up the water In this land of liherty' We mar ret read of " The beautiful chain, the troo linaed chain. The iu.c plated chain that rerolees in the well." The thirst j citixens aus', obtain their suppliee of wenr through the ur.der«ronnd proeeea, and withal so warm as to require ice to mako it peiatahle welch leads to e demand for Pit.-hers that will contain the ice a Iota time betöre it melt*. That demand een be supplied at the well known stand at the foot of John at. Plated and Brttaonle Doable ICE PITCHFR4 from BSBj . **> fur aale at Noe. 4 end .. Barliua slip. by LI cu 4 h ART Prn °3oous- BLANKETS.. BOO raae>a ribbon-bound Family BLANKETS, from cradle mm U> 114. and ol various qeali- tiers 1 together with Negro. Indie*, and Hone Blanket* from tba Rochdale and (leg ic Mills Will be sold low. N AVSMITH A Co.. AsecU. No. 71 Broadway. CLARK" SPOOL COTTON. For It* Strength. Bmoo»hne*» aol Elasticity obtained a PRIZE MEDAL at the OREAT PARIS EXHIBITION of lSAf. All numbers and assortments received regu.arir and for gale by OKORUE A. CLARE, No. 52 Dey tX. CLARK'S SPOOL _COTTON. FINE PLANKETS..Frein invoice* of the beat qualitiee. tor aale by NESMITHBCo., No. Tl Broadway. FINE BROWN GOODS..600 bale* Rocking- bam, iiopa and other makers for sale bv N'.SMITH A Co., He. Tl Broadsea*. ANTEAUX DE VOYAGE; °rA TRAVELING (LOA KB. OEOROE A HF.ARN. N>. t- Bmedtrey. AVELINO CLOAKS.. ja mks ÄTheARN, No. 77.5 BKOADWAV, Abo\e Ninth st. HIITEROCK MANITACTURING Co.'a BLEACHED GOODS, for aale by M - M ITH 1 Co., Bole Agent*. M W faints, ©üb, ©läse, &t. EXTRA QUALITY REFINED LARD OIL. Very pure, burns brightly snd as long as sperm, and never crusts the wirk; being free from gum, it la rery gupen>r for machinery. Also, COBt'RN'S PI.'RE TALLOW OIL. superior for burning, will eland col,'.er weather, aid will outwear th* beat spawn oiL BerielslW lo 40 gallons. Only Agent JOHN W. QCINCY, No. H WUIUmgt. IE BRECKENRIIXJE COAL and OIL COMPANY are now prepared Bo *uppl* COAL OIL* at their Manufactory, et Cloverport, Kentucky, consisting of LI'- BRICATING OIL, BL'RNINO OIL. BEN/OLE, end CHL'UE COAL OIL Particalare furniahed at rhe Company's Omca, corner of Wallet, and Broadway, New-York; or on application to J. A W. CAIRNS, i verport. Ry. ITJatcljfe, JcwR.rn, &t- JEWELRY and DIAMONDS VERY LOW.. The subscriber, for the last eighteen year* in business ia Wall at., i* selUng ell descriptions of fine (.old, Diamond, and all other k nda of Jewelry, at wboleeale and retail, at much leas than the usual price*. L»iB>t' l- .tit .1 Gold, Cameo, Mosaic, Carbuncla and Pearl set Ear rings, Pins and Bracelets in each, boxes.?» *0to BIOS 00 Ladas' Pine, Gold, Cameo, Mosaic, Pearl and Carbun¬ cle.*2 50 to *>30 M each. Lades' Ear-rings, Gold, Cameo, Mosaic, Pearl, Carbun¬ cle, *r.........?<. 50to . % On a pair. Gobi Guard Chains, Chateleltie Chains, rob Chain, and Vest Chakne.B9 00 to ? »'. 00 eech. Pnre Gold Wedding Ring*.#2 50 to «9 00 each. Ladies' Gold Bracelet*.¦*? 00 to +-.0 00 each. riain and Chased Gold Ring*.TSeeBsig to +a 00 each. gentlemen'* Seal Rioga.»3 00 to *>» 00 each, aniei. <ipei.Pearl andother Stone Rings. »>.' 50 to «¦* 00each. V. Gobi>2 .V) to BS 00 eech. Gold Guard K-vs, Fob Keys ami Meats. ..B] 50 to s>25 00 ea. h Gold Pens arid Pencil.*S 00 to 015 00 each. Gold PeiK-ilr.+ 1 Qfl to *7 06 each. I.a 'iea' Porte-moiitiaies.*>l 'A to 015 09 each. Gold ('roe*a and Necklaces.| i 00 to »17 00 each. Gobi and Stone Sleeve Buttons and Studs. i>i 00 to + 00 a set. (.old Spectacles and Eye (Basses.Bl 75 to *>in 00 Diamond Ear-Rfnga, Pins,Finger-Rings A Crosses. + 00 to a)50B Gold Armlets, Scarf Pins and Silver ThimWea.37 cts. to * It 00 GEORGE C ALLEN, Importer Of Watches and Jewelry, wholesale aud retaQ, No, 11 Weil¬ st., second floor, near Broadway, up stairs. (TopartntToljip Notices. DISSOLUTION..Notice hereby given that the Copartnership heretofore existing between tae under¬ signed, uuder the firm ot 8LOTE A JANES, is diaaoved. Either patty is authorised to settle the buaineas of the eonosam. .Dated July 1, 185ti. 11;Mt V L. HLOTK. JONATHAN JANES. - LIMITED rARTNKRSHIP..Motice ks hereby gtren that the uidetMSLcd, eccording to-the provisions of the Revised Statute* ol the Ptatg of few Ycrk, have formed a li".par- tenabip, and that the name or lirm under which su:h partner abip is to be conducted is SLoTE A JANES; that the g-uersi naltreof the business intended to he transacted is the msrjra- fecturuig and Sellin« of BLANK BOOKS' and STATIONERY ; that the name of the general partners interacted therein are IIFNRY L. SLOTE. who resides in the Ciry of New York, ka the State of New York, and JONATHAN JaNES. wbe resides in the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings and St*'* of New- York aforesaid: that 'be name ot tbo special partner interested therein i* WILLIAM H U r lib tvbo retidei in the City of New York. State of New-York; tiiat the amount of capital which the said special partner has <ontrihuted to ihecomuaon sto. k ia $) 10,000. and that the period at which the said partner¬ ship it to commence it Iba first day of July, lBJfi, and the pecv*J at which it will termiuate ia the tirst day'of July. 1 Re,i _Dated New Yotk, July 1. 11SB ML SLOTE, fmm JONATHAN JANES, W. H WEBB _Vapet ©oreljATneEf. PAPER WAREHOUSE.-^J. T. DERRICK- SON k Co., No. Jo Beekiuau at., offer for Bale ua (be iarw est terms: Writing Papers, English, French ait AaaericesL News Paper, all gjieg, weights and qualitiee Book Paper, aM slxea, weights aud <iueltti*t. Tissue Pafev. fancy eolora and white, of the beet qnalley Hv «ii t Paper, white and colored, different width*. Hairers' Paper, rhu and of the bee: quality. Cloth Paper Sbxtti and 40x48. English Hardware Paper, a large arsortanent, Jest arrived Bheath:ng Paper of the best qaaiitv. Wrapping Pa; «- Htraw, Bag and ftanllla. Tea Paper of different tiaea. Tar Roofing Paper, suitable for roofs, la roBa Alisrellanrons. BOOTH & SFDGWICK ' LONDON CORDIAL (.IN need* only to be tiled to ktnev it* medicinal and food qualitiee. For aale by the sole Agent* _SIMPSON BROS., No 19 Beaver et. BRAZIL W O O D. .StT quintals BRAZ IL W OOD. (in bond and duty paid i, for aale bv SPOFFORD, T1LESTON A Co.. No 29 Broadway. CLIREHUGH* WIGS and TOUPEES combine elegance. Iigbtueaa aud beauty of fiulsh witb a rorreeuieae of fit and carahiliiy uneaioaled. Vl-\ require but to be seea to prove their superiority. Factory, 162 Fulton st cor Broadway Ctattjing- HATS less than Broadway price*.. © f-F For elegance and durability thev cannot be excei.ed. Seat Hata. B2 50. BHOWN. No. 210 Canai sL jBonrtts Canb COarranta BOUNTY IAN D-WARRANT OFFICE, No.C3 W sll-et . New-York..Tte highest market price paid for LAND WARRANTS, and all wsnanre sold by u* are guaraav teed and forwardeJ, by mail or otherwise, ob receipt of reDaft- tacrea. Land Warrant* procured Cor Buldien and others entitled to Bonntv Lauds. H application to J. C. COLE MAN A Co. No 63 nil st f AND WARRANTS WANTED.. U TAYLOR BROTHkR-S, Banken, No. Wall sr. New Tovk. We . ill snj-p'T orden p'-r .pr.» B'vrranU always on hand. Professional1 IVottfr«. BOOTH A SEDGWICK'* LONDON CORDIAL OIN, eaperior to any Gin sold in th.t market, tc be had at _SIMPSON BROs K 5 Beaver tt. UNITED STATES PASSPORTS.By J. B. BONES, Notary and Caaunlaai v^r fix every Stet*. No. H Warrts st. Hmturtlutfi ettxeas mar. rarodisct «eantacat**. financial Phisi» Bavb Nr» Yoee.l J«M» t«< I APIYIPENP of FOUR (4) PER CENT. has THIS DAY h-ee dA-l«ml« k* saw Suvkkolder«, «0.^*.!,^,»., «Vit' Batso^eshier. Mr»u avtii r Raa«.. Nee Vork. Jniy I JUS. ADIYTPKNP of FIVE (5) PER CEMT on ihr C.rHta. 0tock of thi* Rook bat beao leeler< 1. psyab.'e an the IMA Int» ' Tb« Transfer Bockt wm b- r.Jte«! oalü 'list ieV E J. BLARE Cateiec Oincc or the Ohio Lur I»siba\ch ud TavrrCo.,1 New-Vobk. Jede l". Iii«. » ADIVIDEND of roUl PKK CKNT from the net ear. :oti of "be lest six moi.'hi L»i be-o dedarel bv thii Company to Cincinnati, pavebie et thie office, on end if er the Uta inet., to the eUckholder* r»ti«t*r-d on 'be b>-kt of the New-York Agency._<DWg LfPL< lV\ . Cashier BROOKLYN CITY RAILROAD COMPANY. .A DIV IDEND of FU R PER CENT on the capital paid ia bat been dec » -d pat able August 1. The trai ler U-okt will lie doted from the ZOth baftagjl A'.antt 1. i: c.naive..Dated Jolt I. lAai. CflAS. C. BETf* Se. r-'axy. iNMiviioi i- a*r CnctnaTI R»m«o*D Comfabt. 1 UD!A»»roni». It 1.. JuIy7\lS5ti. 1 DIVIDENP NOIICE-THE BOARP OF IMRiCToRS of THE INDIANAPOLIS AND CIS l.NNAT! R AI.'. R1' A It ('') M P A N Y. tf.-ir. i .?. :.,.a.-i » SEM.-ANNUAL DI\IDENu oi FUl'R PER CENT from the net earnmee of the road for the all month* ending July 1. payable In rteh oa and after the 25th keja Cpon all *toek regis- tered in the transfer bookt of the Company, at the office ot the Ohio Life h.sursrxe and Truat Com pens, Sew York, on the 2'.ih of June, dividend 1* pavaVe at taid office. Cpon all other atnrk «I*tiead I* payable at the office of the C.npauv la Indian- taajBa By order._A, WOilTH, secretary. DIVIPENP.-RUP.ERS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.Office No. 17» Chatham «quare. eoraer Mo<ttt, New York. July «. lS'o.-The Board of Director* have thi* day declared * aemi-annual Dividend of SIX PER CENT,payable to the .toekholder* on the !*t of August next. The rrattter bock* wul be coned from the 24th istt. unui Aug. 1. By crier. E. B. FELLOWS. Secretery. |,i od Ctrv Bask. No. l*i Bboadwav,) New Yoat,. June 3d, 18.«. ) DIVIDEND.. The President and Directon have thit day declare.! a seml-ennael Dirideod of THREE ami ONE HALF PER CENT, payable on and after the l«th July, proximo. The Transfer Book* wll be closed until that dene. WM. STEH HISS Cashier. IVIDEND NOTICE..MICH IO AN SOUTH- ERN AND NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY..Tee Beard of Director* have THIS DAY de¬ clared a Semi Annual Divideni ot FIVE PER CENT ou the foil Stock of thi* Companv. parable to Sbx kholder* on and after the Ut day of Aagtut nezn The Transfer Bookt will be eloaed from the 1 "h July p. m., to the day of paymeut,.New- York, June ZT, law. EDWTN C LITCHFIELD. Treasure*. k.xcklsiob El bb ISitUBAXCC COVtEA.vv. i Office No C Broed tt., New-York. Julv I.IMB. » DIVIDEND..The IMreotorH have thig day de¬ clared a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT, payable en demand. _HENRY QCAt EENBOSS Searetary. DIVIDEND..MECHANICS and TRADERS' FIRE-INSURANCE COMPANY,Oflhe No. Wall-it New-York, Joly 2. 185*.The Board oi Director! have THIS DAY declared a Semi Annual Dividend of SEVEN PER LENT, rwyeble on and after 10th init. The Tremfer Book* will be clewed until that date. JAMES R. LOTT. Secretary. Wataktow v iid Rum Riil.Boin Comfim ) Treasurers Office, Watertowu, Jtiiy 1. 18v> S DIVIDEND NOTICE..Stockholders are bet* hj i.,tifie.l that a DIVIDEND of THREE AND ONE- HALF PER CENT bat heeu dec lire-i. payable ou and after the 15th of July init. The trantfar bookt will be eloaed from the lit day of July to the day of payment. Payment will be made to the bolder* of *toek regitnered ia New-York at the People'* Pa: k No. 142Canal it m that city. R. E. HI NliERFORD, Treasurer klYIDEND.N. Y. EQCfTAHLE INSUR- ._" RANCE COMPANY..Nrw YoBB, July 5th, U'aJ.-Tbe board of Dlrecbt.ti have THIS DAY declared a temi a-mual dielend of TWENTY PER CENT, payable to the stockhold¬ er! ou and after the 10th U*t. JOHN Mil.I.gR, Secretary, Ornri: or the William>bcbch Citv Fibr I.v» Co.,1 July 3, 185«. 5 DIA'IDEND..The Board of Directors have thi* day declared a lemi-annutl DIVIDEND of SIX If) PER I KNT, payihle on a'ol alter th» 7Ui inat. The Trtuafer Book* will be cdo*ed ontil after that data JOHN D. Bl'RTNETT, SecreUry. AST RIVER BANK..The Directors of the Etat River Bank have THIS DAY declared a Semi Au- aagj Dividend of THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT, payable on Ibe H". of ... next. Tranifer I! ». will be doted until the lllhof July. WM. B. BALLOW, Caahier. /"GROCERS' BANK DIVIDEND..The GRO- ¦ ¦ CEBJP BANK, New York, bat thi* day declared a SEMI¬ ANNUAL DIVIDEND of FIVE PEK CENT, and an EXTRA DIVIDEND of FIVE PER CENT, payable ou and after WEDNESDAY, July 2. 1850. Bv order of the Board, New York, June A jtjfc 11 P. WILLIAMS, Cnhier. METROPOLITAN BANK.DIVIDEND.A DIVIDEND of FOUR PER CENT on the capital of thit Bank .ri,i«io<., ha* he^-i> lulind iwl ibe profit* of the last ait niufihe,va.aaie on or after MONDA i, the 7tb ot July next, at the Banking house. No. Ii« Broadway. The Tranifer Book* will I* eloaed from thi* date until the 7th proximo. By order of the Board. H. A&lOS.jr., Itshler. New-York, I'm- ISM. ARK ET BANK.DIVIDEND..A Dividend of FOUR PER CENT on the Capital Stock of thi* Bauk ItOVi.oou) he* been declared out of the p-olit* cf the left «ix mouths, payable on and after July 10. The Tranifer Book will b< closed fiom June 30 until Juiv 10. By order of the Boerd. _R. H HAYDOCK, Oathier. VASSAU BANK DIVIDEND..A SEMT- 11 ANNUAL DIVIDEND of FOUR PER CENT on the CAPITAL of the NASSAU BANK will be paid to the Stock- holden or their representative*, ou and after the 15th iuet. The Transfer Book i* eloaed till that date. N»w York. July 2. A. TOOKER, Cashier. PROVIDENCE AND WORCESTER RAIL¬ ROAD COMPANY.-DIVIDEND-A Dividend of THREE PER CENT (Three Dollar* on each share) lit* been declared, payable on tbe 2tit lust at tie Treasurer'* office, dar¬ ing bank hour*, to thoae holding «tm-k, a* recorded on the bwk* of the rorporatioa at the cloae of butine** ou the 10th init. Transfer Booki dried fit m the 10th to the .'1st iuit., incluiive. .Providence, July 2, ia.l*3. _JOHNJt. BALCH, Treasurer. Orncx or Tin PBornx's Fibc l_»i»'.vrE Co.,) IKrw VeBK, Juue x. laid. J THE BOARD of DIRECTORS of thin Company base this day declared a DIVIDEND of FIVE (5) PER CENT, payable on and after the 1st of July next, until which time the Transfer Books will be ted. _Byordor. W. F. I NDERH1LL, Secretary. Omer or ntl SIebcaistii.e Fibe Insvbince CeX.I No. At Willst., New-York, Juae 28, 18« f Tm: DIRECTORS of this Company hare this dav 1 e DIVIDEND of Eigbt 18) per cent, payable on the lit day of July nexn JOHN BaKEK. Sec'y. Oi rice oi the Harmon v Kihi IvtOBAlrei Co., I No. 6 Broad *n, S TNew-York, July 2, '85t>. > HE BOARD of DIRECTORS have THIS DAY declared a DIVIDEND oi ElUHT PER CENT ou of tbe profit* of the last six month*, eatable to the Itoi kholder ou denntiJ._R. O. OLOVER, Secretary. D' ^ Oiricr ot CosTi.M.\rm ls.iM.vit Co rpiIE Pireetors of this Company have thi* A dav declared a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDKND ot V]\ V. Vi R CENT and an EXTRA DIVIDEND ,t FOURTEEN PER ( ENT payable to the Stockholder* or their legal r .pro .entetive* on ami after the l>n iust , until which time the tianil-r bo b-are tluted. OEO. T. ID)PF, Seci'tiry Omer or the Wixdsob Mimvo Comfast ) No 6.'. Wall st N. Y July 3, 185C. J AN ASSESSMENT of ONE POLLAR has beon levied on each ahare of Wock of the WINDSOR MININO COMPANY, payable to tbe Treaaurer, at thi* office, ou the 1st day of August next. B y order of the Director*, _NATHANIEL UAYDEN, Treaenrar, Prortr s Fiat IftwaAVCI Co.,) »,» _ Ni.w fotx June >», I85ri. 1 T an ELECTION held 17, 1h66, tbo fol- lowmg genUemen were elected Direewr. «f thi* Couipanr rei thi eaeutag year: DIRECTORS. Blehard Varick. Oavlord 8 Hubbell, William M Wüsea. D. Jack.on Steward, Jam et S Brouwer, Abrahtm Legtttt Freeman Campbell, Jotham C Maoker, Lyman ChapiS Bemud Btrdsell, Solomon Banta, John W. Lewi*, Edward L. Lynch, Oeorg* Werner, Thomi* WUliamj Peter R Christie, William Moir. Edward P Clark James S. Lew». Edward D Netten, Mortimer Brown Cortteliu* Stephens. Matthias Clark, Philip A Boneaieel Simon Shindler, Christopher Owyer, Alfred Ba/uiore Wro. p Waahbura, John M.merpenny. CharletH Mcfa'tyr*. Joan P. kelvertoq, George D Crtgin, Dtt'.d F. Baker Oideon DeAngelit, Mathia* Bb tdtatwid. At a subsequent meeting of »he Board RH HARD VARICK esq., wa* unaaioaoualy re-eie<-ted Preei<lenn _W f. UNDERHILL. SecretAry. Omer or the Ri'Twxes Kibe I.vsibaxce Cowrtxr / f New Vobk iTueeday. July 3 1858. Jf A T au ANNUAL ELECTION held on Monday f\ ÄÜJlaÄ'fi' S * i0"0"^* named geattemeu were elected DIRECTOBS of this C. mpany for the eusuuig year jgW,0.¦at**!*. 'eaxe.De^W, Abr.-u, S. Scrihuer. nUeB FQ ru'dy, John W Ketcham, James Y WaUia* Wnaon Small Samuel Ravoor. Chaa D Bailee Jonathan Furdy, J^hn Robtnsoo, M.rk Step^nsoa, iS&LMt}?*< , JohDn Simr-oe lohjiPett^.w Whliarn H. Adams, Olivas W V, oooford.John Ash Au*ud W noting, Geo. H. Porter, Joteph Rosa Geo. J Hamüton. Joseph Whitfieid, Harnte- Hall TUn-.Bs W.lice, John H. Bowie. W:llum Simpson Menitt H Sminh.jr ,Daria H. McAipia, James L Stewart W.liiem Peet. Edwin A Hoakiae. At a tubaequent Meetn-g of thi Board. ISAAC O. B ARKFR giA^J'11'1 llJiFiwident, *aJ JNo. W.' RETt HAM esr \ -P--.: _EDWARD B. FELLOWS, Secretary. ri LTON COPI'ER COMPÄNY.-Notico k JL hereby r,en th.r in. f41ewU< Stock ia the Pultoo Coaaat Coauiwny ,i forfeited fur n,,n payment ts^ lue Dai 1J lBAAan.l kea. 11. 18«, and that tfae s. . w hb* sold^ls g^tesytJ u. at tit. Office sg tba S^,.l^y*NJ.TH^v^ Ob MONDAY, the Itth of July next tt_i _. .At o'clock a ax,, ' t/avlaa* pravtotxtty redeemed eeuBKis or cgaTiricartc S, it lfw m\ no. Ill.lilirs. iu, us, |jg ,. m ,m S8. 12, V,. mi. *T. ». l£i 13», |ij, |g. 17, «7 IU ir 5 B M. Ifi. 107. i4s.S7. IM. 14&. ie.« eg tmi , 11 ta ae .¦* )li KiyVAS?*^^ rrai NEW-TORK CENTRAL RAILBOAD 1 COMPANY. TRFABURKR'8 OfFO-»2,^ IM-.-T1... Corrpewy having paid, la eea* o* «# rrewne.tb* tum S aevee hundred and fearte^ l«ew^ thew. rr..ndr.d *xd twenty ÜBee eVdlere er- '(>rty "*e j;-; BM, on I.IIlT of the pr.o ipe! of «he dee*. ¦*Jf*g IT" fo. (hi KTtnl comp«*« .i-tiii* at the tün« «ho mmmriUmtlm of the l.a* waes. -'¦ upoa. which debts then Of IM (UM WM es r e.i u|"". - .-- --rr., ., i ,-lf.J ¦Ulioa adee hundred »ad forty .even ^'^jff'XTT*" turag .1 Ms-rent ,.tB»ewftex** *l»e 7~rla\« -Li^of nl' WtVb cue .«*n, ... 1*67 «I b». been nanleed kr hef » conformity'* the *.««^ >^<l'* Fharxid Circular. m$M\ Re-art.ef«»<. « f^^lÄ kwurd .tope.leforrWusgtb-prtoc... of toy V.r s «ras-Ä^Ä*« vr.; rÄ,: M .rd fif'eeu dotier, and seventy .wo rente,b»J«»"g ¦ ledupon t,r*w.l.H ferasrelar«. to »JIMM» '«?» ^..wilS&K^ pai if* «ftil unpaid ruey render aeeireo. wm v _^ ^y. mW ich an escherg* of eerarttiee "fT*" *U *Va«e mmol mmol Theae »Wis rw of «w deoetrmoertoa ef ? I .»*» I IiI IltVill "L- kllwfwSl alto, bed, Bad b* med. w> Ka, X e^ou of twenty year, fr,» ^^"^"^ e twrni-einuelly .ttharetest seven psr < But per »wem. at tb.^m^^Ar-^"« U-Cir» cf New York, on the Oret ley of February ixd Angust in each jeer. . - A Sltking Fend of three per cent per annum o ofth* loeorne ot tfce Coemny, on the whole amount of the eeU bond., which 2a?at any time have been laaeed aid which shall not have sna- 3d hesVen established by the Director, which fani by Itt ,e*Hv sppsicetou to the of the debt, or by .up- LVtoa meene to be used evee.e.llv fer ttel perpee*. wtU la It ieff lor a large portion of the .eeue before o^1«*»^ TL- Sinking r*w3 wili be iuveated in the ouUUodnut obUga IjeZa A thU Cempeny, ¦ ivirg a preference to tboee of^tAiiibtM rf th-v ctn b- prornred at rabre a* m.orable ae it. other li*«ea. Any rerami hoidtrr. at y of the outefandina ebl.rvtt vue of eltrier ot'the former compeniea beer In« the like rat* of iiitereef a* the i»«ee, the payment of which baa been a «mail, *. >e- r»reT.tared, by thai Compeny. any ttnae. rurreader «och oi.Iiratton» to thin Company, in turn* not !ee» taae on* th<^n*o4 and receive .a place thereof bouda of thw lawue; theiu^ tereef a. coont to be adjuited et the time of the ejuthenei bet the Company reeerve* the rieht oa «lvi»« ten dave- IjOTlM riblic notice in at leeet two daily n*w.pap*r. publi^ed in th* iry ol New Y.rt*. to withdraw thia pernmawn a* te part e* whi. do nor apply to n-ake auch eicaaafe before the eiptratio« r""r lnTit*1* T^TlZlftZmt fv. hondred thoaaand dollar, of thee* bouda. bei..« tie whole amount r ow .trended to be Uiued. .uch propjamU to be in j,r.ed, rropoael. for New-York Centre, ftailr. «iCtaMa£ Bond.," and 'o be addreawd noder aeal to the uiUe. . «ned. at Aiha..y. by whom the eatne wUt be received antil U o clock (aocn. od the 17th day of July imvteut. at which mmkm. pevaaia wiUbe opened *. preeence of the Compeuy. or ot a Committee of their number, at the Treaaur- art (;«ce. in the Hachau«* in the City . t The .-it k) re^rved to rejecr eiy propoeal which it may not be cornered for the int»re.t of Um Company to .«.J^vJ^ amor of ai.y proioeal which may be accepted i. to be paid et the ^ure/.POmc. ht Alb«,, or «^.be de.^ettod to ri,, credit of the Compeny eaaaam .""¦»H^a.^lfflreyg k Co>. Banker., New Vork. or w.tb Meear* J. B. TtlATM A BRÖTHFR, Banker. Boatou, on the lit dayof A.uriet aeat, or, wbLh day the bout, will bear date Uli AM amount paU previcual; intere.t wUI be allowed to that day. at the rate of tevea per "o' I*""** Boerd of Directora. JOHN L PRl YN. Treaenrer. SAVINGS BANK..MARINERS' SAVINGS INSTITUTION, corner of Sd ae. and »h ^-°Pe»to S rlaa-e.ofpereor«. Intereet alBtarwd on depoelu of »-^and ander at the rate of ft per c*»t, and on aum. over ¦» U th* rate of 5 per cent. Depoett. made on or before Taeailay, the lMh of July will be allowed lutere.t freai the firat of July. Baak open daily from 9 a m. to i p. m., and ou tv edueeilay. and Saturday, from i to IlMt r P. W.Kkgi, { vice Pmrideaiea. I.iac T. Smith, S,c'y. Cita». Mmr.», I_ Mtcmvui' an Taiocai' Bikk, j Naw Yoaa. Juue 2J, laW. i VOTICE to the Stevckholdert if herobj «iveo il thai aa ELECTION for DIRECTORS of thi. Buik will be held at the Bankin* Houae ou TUESDAY, the »th dayof July neat. The Poll will he opeo from I to 3 o rlcek p. rn.1 Alao at eame rime and pler*. an Election will b* hold for THREE INSPECTORS of the real elec tion for Directors ef said Bank. By order of the Board E. D. BROWN, Cashier. EIJ.:CTI0N of DIRECTORS..Office of the i L1NTON COUNTY COAL Co Pa.. No. Wall-et, New-York .The stockholders of tha Clinton County Coal Cora- panv of Pennsylvania are hereby LOtitied that the Anuoal Eiee tiou' for Directors (and also for Inspector, of the neat Annual Elec'iou) will he held at the office of the Company. No II Wallst, New York,on FRIDAY,the llth dayof Julyuaat, botweeu the hours of IS onjock m. and 1 o'clock p. m. JOHN C. MALLORY. Präsident. OtUfl »%n Pr\\\( » RaiLBoao Co., I PiTTsat'BuH, July 7th, i«5« 1 VOTICE to the STOCKHOLDERS of the ll OHIO and PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PAM .In pursuance of a eote of the Stockholder, ot the Ohio end Pennsylvania Company, an ELECTION will be held at the Room of the Board of Trade, in the City of Pitta- t':r<b.ou the 3f>th ot thia m inth, between the ho'ir.of SI o'clock, a in and S o'clock, p m., for fifteen persons to serve aa DIRECTORS of tha PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE end t HICAOO RAILROAD COMPANY, to serve for one year, and in t. their successors are chosen according to law J. P. HINDI RBOM, s, c'y of the O and P. B. R. Co. T~IIE ftTOCKHOLDERS of the ACCESSORY TRANSIT COMPANY (of Nicaraaus) are requeaunl to meet at the office of SAMUEL F. TRACY. No 1*4 wav. on TUESDAY next, the 15th lust at 1 o'clock p m. A full" and ponctnal attendance is requested, as business of impor¬ tance will be bronght before the meeting. Niw-Voii, July 8, l»5o\_ I.Nst iTt'TioB ros rni Saviacs or Mrn< imsti' Ctr.Ba.. > a.vd Othkbi, No 516Broadway, > opposire St. Nicholas Hotel, July 10, vi. > THE TRl'S'I EES have ordered that interest be psid to depositor, entitled thereto for ilie six month, ending Jure 10, a. follow,: Oa sums of +"> and not oeer + VM, at the rate of }> cent |> ana cm, and on sums oeer BN I at the ra'e ot i cent i> an- inni. pajsble ou and after MONDAY, the 21«' inst. All interest will be cred.'rd to depositois as principal. 1h» Bank is opeu from 10 to 2 o'clock,and on Tuesday,Thurs¬ day and Saturdav Evenings from5 to 7 o'clock. MOSES EL OR1NNKLL, Preaideut. A*0S( w Wnwtl, Secretary. Bask DariarMKaT, Albany, July II, lAw, JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to I the Statute in such case mile .ml provided, that ail the gfianUting notes iseued to S I, BANKS, an individual Banker, jPlHENIX BANK OF BAINBRIDOE.) must be presented at the Office of the Superintendent of the Rankine Department of the Stale of New-iork for payment within two years from the date hereof, or the funds deposited for the redemption of the gireulatirig notes issued ro the said Banker will be given ap. Jyl * lawTyF M. SCUOONMAKER, Superintendent. S~ÄVINGS BANK..INSTITL'TION for the SA\ INOSot MERCH.VNThV CLERKS and OTHERS. No. M6 Broadwav, opposite 8t. Nicholas Hotel. All moneys deposited on or b fore TUESDAY, July 15, wrlB draw intereet tbe same as if deposited 1st July. Bank open daUy frum 10 to 2 o'cloek. and on TUESDAY, THURsBAY, and SATURDAY from 5 to 7 o'clock p. m. MOSES U (/it INN Ei.I.. President WaBNES, Serietary. ROSE HILL SAVINGS BANK, No. *r>I 3d-av , one door above 2lst-st, Open daily lo De post tort from II a. m. to 2 p m, and WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS from 5 to 8 p ni. Depoeits made in this Bank on or before the 15ttt of JuJy will draw interest from tbe let WILLIAM Ii. PLATT, President. JAMES R. REELER, Vice President. H. Looraoaaow, Secretary. IRVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No. 9»3 l Warren St., near Oreenarich..Open daily, from 1" a. m. to t p Bi., and Irom 4 to 7 p. m ,ou Mondays, Thoredays and Sataz- interest at six per cent on from 91 to e *st. All deposit, mad -. fn Ti. the nut VaaoraaiLT L. flan s Secretary eposits msde on or bwbVs the 12th of July arill take inter. st frcrn the first. WALTER W. CONCKLIN, President, Bans. DrrtaTvtr.nt, State or Nrw You ) I alsa.v. July 5. ia>i I rPHE BANK of LANSINGBURGH has this a, **^$mimm 'hli^ffi.<'?J,,no,'r. of th* apiiointment of Messrs. WHITE A STORM in the City of New York aa Age»ts for the redemption of its circalering not«*, tog*-her with t*ygsllvVfwaw .PP?"i'mentof PEPOON, HOFFMAN v TEB BROF.C K as such ageou. agreaahle to the act entitled An »cttoameudth*sever*lserereratingtolrieorporate.i Baaks Lit_i:^.. AAWvsalions IBd Individual Baakers," passed April 17 1»'._JAMES M. COOK, Superintendent. DREX EL, SATHER & CHURCH, BANKERS BAN FRANCISCO, Cel., draw Bill, of - ~ ~ DREXEL A Co., PHiLADELPUiA, paytw. eitie. of th* I nlted State*. rmmm9mt Collections mad. at San Pranelsco, and ko the intarier of the Bute and peooeeds promptly remitted. Collections .,,. h* seat direct to D. 8. k Cn or tbroagh DREXRL k Co Fhlla dejohia, or L > LAWRENCE k Co No. 164 Naeeau «t ti t Exubaoge on Ban Francisco for sal*, in seme to *m't 'fa* DREXEL A Co.,Philadelphia, and L. S. LAWRENCE A Co Naw Ysrk. OFFICE IL H. GOODMAN & Co., No. 7 WaU- at.We have for sale the following Securities- ? liO.OCO 8e\en Per Cent Bond*, Hardin County Blta.iOO Sn Per Cenr B. n,ls Da\i.l*,n County'Teiia BIM.0O0 f leht Per Cent Bonds. Iowa County iv.e. »aO r no Eirht Per Cent Bonds, Mineral Point Whr. Alao. a great variety of City, County and Raitteay Securitie. Ul -n.a.. .- .ote. SMALLEY & BARTLETT, No. 54 Wall at., Net*, Loa» and Stoek Commlas^n Brokers..Paper payable at any Point in the Uu.led States and Canada collesjted aaat ae. 0X0. C. 8MALLEY, - , . . . ALFRED W. BARTLETT. ^References: Moees Taylor, rsq. j Wm. B. Aetor, eeq INSURANCE SCRIP.-Dealen with M^töS Iuaurance Companies can SELL their SCRIP In laree oa Baasil sum*, at oar of&ee, WM. C. OILMAN v BON, Nc II Merchant*' Kxshanga Ä 100 Ofli^tLEVELAND CITY WA- SrA}^TER LOAN SEVEN PER CENT BONDS, being tiaai issue* of eeid Loan, on sal* by DUNCAN. SHERMAN A Ca. ßaUs bg QTnmorr Bv *. M Mebwib. Auctiotieer. \BANa,0S,,,r,BROTHEK & CO.-Trade-SBle Room. No. 13 Park row. .K. H,.'«LAR YKlL TBADE BALE will be com- ueicad ob TIEBDAY,. September fr. at 8 Jd.eUrT Co. B?.e>ne lf"? I' S,«?°,TP«,r Book- pn^,arry<m"jrt; fcC ''Ut'C',*r ggkkg IWU put to 0 V, iw5 C,°°K, Auctioneer, will Seil T0- ''AY (Friday! at o'clock, at No 442 Broadw.. o-ar Howardet . .uperior sgeel of Ro^wood g - ""^ ' »«a: Parlor .-.ue.. Chaiaha" doT Dmm. i NM|k, Ctwetec. Wart*., Ii«. 0«K4UU /.Hla*^Y-*«ro7»* AIM-FIF f. 8 4«. r..r sale (himmim jJijj |"f h t COATKff, Wo 27» Pearl 14. Y. 7T^)Bjjj»f ufff, i»u;» ULTRA" KOOWIftl i)üKlirHT-WATK« riWF-W^,». etrtaeagte* ^LT, .n.*i,l ..amuse I«. highly elaet*. »-uJ <* he n.J. . .rteaTiiplirewMn to ««" roiensleacy of mm«. II m "_w^.. hudMi a- .1 miprova* It. (Ma uu rive**, beer. caw im.» ii ...... _ .. reeor, a* wate* ha/dea* at .1 unprwea it. Old mm rose*, haar« eve* wo* m-eaten ..;..! leal*, will bweeaveuted end made eeeat to new. by A. L. U8BORN. Meeoo end Beeide*. 117 Canst «, beet srticlee for covering roofs la TAR BOOFINt) I* AP»« which we trap eonetrnttj on bead, end will aall la tare* aaäf am all guaatrtlet to or it i>tirr baawra. _JAR T. DP.Bhlf KSON 4. Co . No M Re..*.nanat ROOFING, KOO F I N Q~. WARRKVS IMPROVED FIBE aad U ATE» PROOF UU and COMPOSmtM ROOFING. JAM KS II. JOHNSON A Co.. mam pa* rtage». No. 41 I' ... «i. New Tort. 0+d at d leaky Metallic Roof, oorered wt»b a pores oiioa! eaal Btaatat Coating, _Getan Quamtv*. tCc- Nrw Tom» in Livkkpool U. 9 M H S. Co. 88 W aflsCf _ Nr* Ton llii ft, ltd, 1 NOTICE .Th« rate of FraLsht h> the StoatPstjej*. of" ttiM Una. troaa Liverpool, m redaced te si 4 per taa aaaay- eerru: -i.t. ontS further notice. K A COLLIN8L STEAM BETWEEN NEW-YORK mk GLASGOW. ¦ DfNBURCiH, JS00 tu a*. WM CffMVlNO. C**a*****a*« Ptmtr.rttRK, JLWtee*. ROBERT CRAM. CeenaeavAe». .LAJWOW 1 Jo".' tan*. JOHN DUNCAN, Comasiado*, Tba OLAÄGOW and NEU-YORK STEAMSHIP OwAw* PAATT Inland aailmg their aew and powerfal Itsirasa. troaa Raw Too* fi« <»i*.« <w direct, aa under: BBJINHI R< ft. Seturwav July 1?, at 12 oVjloek aoeav BATHS tie1 PASSAGE: rirat Cite*.mm Third Claae, foaad with rooked proTWiot a. mm Am eiparaoaed Sergeeo attached to each Siearsjar. Par Freight or Passage appiy Ui JOHN mx.SYMOM, No 17 Bmliw, ¦Taw York City BUI* or Gold only receleed foe FOK CHARLESTON and FLORIDA..SEMT- WEEKLY I'NITED STATES MAIL LINK. - Tab* aew. niaauifi. entan.l fast tot n.- Steamship NASHv, Caen* aiotloj* Berry, will leave Tier N<>. 4, North River, oa SDhi- BAY, July 6, at I o'clock a m., pr orderly. Por freight tpaday eu board, where all hülset 'vim . will b* sigued aud roe Btxa* ¦axe, at the office of BPOKI'OIS P, TiLEttftlN A Co.. No. *. Broa.fwar. ubui wv f . The *pl*t<dal Sreamabie /AS. AUGER will eacoeed. and leave oa aATCBOAT. July it The favorite Steeuwv CAROLINA .. < re*umed bee raa;u4a*> tripe lo various Lautlina* oti the St John'* River, Florida, java- aect* with the Steamer* New iork, leant.* Cbarferkoa every TCFSDAY, at 2 o'clo, k p. m. Tare tali Txkeu to Jaafc- eeuville, *>3i : I'ilatka. «>a». i FOR CHARLESTON aud FLORIDA.SEM7- WEKKLY I'NirEr STATES MAfI. LINK .Tba aew and iu«Auiticent at«am*hi|> JAMES AUuRft Cape, & C. Turner. < ommai der, will leave Pier No. I, Nortn Illver, oa SAT¬ URDAY, July 13 at 4 o'clock a. w. prwciaely Eue Kreter* eppU ou board, where all Bill*of l.admr a.!i atetwad, and Aw Pa«Mi* at the Office of 8POKEORD Til, ES TON k Co.,Nm. %) Broailwey. The favorite (teamer CAROLINA bevine; ra- .omed her reealer tripe to varino* lemliaa* en the St. JoAara River, Morula, will conaert with the New-York ateamera and leave Cbailectoa every TCESHA Y at i o'clock p. m. TkeoaAetj ticket* to Jackaoaville. *>3I, to PUetke, .>». FOR BREMEY'rTr SOlfTHAMITON.Tie» I nited State* Mall Steamahip HERMANN, K. Idxeloe, Commander. WÜ1 aail for BREMEN, touchlnf at SOUTH¬ AMPTON to lead the mail* and Mxaenaer* for attv elaud and Eranee. on SATURHAY, July £ at Uo'elookea., lroa> Piei No. 37. North River, rail k or raa*aes raoit me vou to «h riu»rr.ii am leewre. In Plrat Cabin. Main Saloou.«19) In Km .t Calila, Lower Salooa. It*) le Second Cebta.. 4* Au expeneaced Sureeon it attni-he.1 to each aleauier Hpeete) lelirered in Havre or Lurnlon. No parrel* received nri the degr of eailiri«. All letter* maai p**e thmufh tb« Po*r Ofhoe. Faf Paene«1' or Freight, apply to C. H. SAND. Agent, No. II Booth U Hi* new. The «reamer WASHINGTON will eucceed the HERMANN, end **il Aagaet 9. 1MIE NEW-YORK and LIVERPOOL l/!JTt% ED STATES MAIL STEAMERS..The ehipe agayaayja tof_thl* line are: The ATLANTIC, Cent. OI'vee Plldrldgei The BALTIC, Cent. JoaepH Com'tock: The ADRIATIC, Capt. Jame* Weat Tbe«e chip* have lieeu built by contract eepreeely for tike ayg*> eennientaerrice, every care ha* been token In their eerjetraaeAM. a* alto in their engine*, to inture «treogth end tpoeJ, and taaaf eecomtnodation* for paaaenger* are uneoualed for nhgtiane mmW eomfort. ~ Free of peaaage from New York to Liverpool, In rirat iibAe . ISO in «ecoiid do , t)7V From Liverpool to New Tor* B end 2ii t.iMiea*. An eiperienced enrgeen attacbe.1 to eech eLha. ¦to hertb* can be eecured until paid for. The ahlp* of Uiu ILne have Iniproved water tight bulkhead*, and to avoid d.tager fruea ke, will not cro** the Bank* uorth ot U degreee until aAar ttie fl»*t ot Auguat, PROPOSED DAT4C8 OP 8AIMN0. renn mkw-vork. reoM livbipooi. SATURDAY -e*« wvaweyaa, .jjM. 8ATURDAYt...Oec. 6, i:>«., w I.. wee- iv, latJa. BAT t R1» A Y.... Dec 20,1AV1. WEDNESDAY.. Dee. M, lH'ai v.,r Bma2* nr nutate aonlv to LIN8, No. M Wall-et., M. T. For freight or pateage. apply ¦» EDWARD K. COL r.liwAHij rv rtllitiiwet wn\ mm ttmi i BROWN. SHIPLEY A Co., Liverpool. STEPHEN KENNARD A Co., No. 27 A int... Friere, f,< B. O. WAINWRIGHT A Co., Parle. The owner* of tbeae *h<p* will Dot be accountable for fatal, ¦Over, bullion, ipecie,Jewelry, preclou* (tone* or meteU, unleeg Mil* of lading are dgned therefor, aad the value thereof eat- aee**ed therein. IjMtOM NEW-YORK to HAVRE DIRECT.. BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAJXi BTKAM PACKET COMPANY. BTNA.Capt Millei EMEU.i apt Small Ji RA.Capt. Wlckman LEBANON.Cap*. Cook CAMBRIA (peddle wheel).Capt, BroeroJeei Palette money for first class passengers only, (for whom ftjatw I* excellent accommodation.) 4)10", Inclnding provisions anal Steward'* fee, but without wine* or lii|uor*, which raa te ob» tallied on hoard. The 8tat«.n»m* are unusually large aad weil ventilated Anvone wi*blr.g to take pa**age I* invited iu vktit the ahip. Freight taken at molerate retea. Apply to _E. CUNARD. No. 4 rtriwliog-sj^taa. IjV>R LIVERPOOL.Steamahip LEBANON, T Co. k. commander. Thi* new end powerful itiieats* will tail from the Britiah and North American Royal Mel Steam Packet Company'* Dock, at Jersey City, on Till RS- BAY. July 24. Paaiage money for nr*t elas* pasaesiger* only. (im whom there Is excellent accommodalion* A100, including aTRViaions aud Stowtrd't fee, bat without wh*e* or liquor*, wbtcb can be obtained on board. Freight taken at reasonable rate* Apply to_E. CI'NARD. No. t Bowlmg-*>reea. ^HE BRITISH and NORTII AMERICAN ROTAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. r«oti » r h v o i i To Lirttt oo l. Chief Cabin Piesage.Vi Second Cabin P.- 1 raow b j.tos to niVKtroon. Chief Cabin Paeaage.fuo Second C'ahiti Patsage. 68 4JBe shin* from Boe'on cell at Halifax. PUMA.CM JaAJrlai, CANADA,Capt. Lang, AivABlA'CaUt-1 .Stou.' AMERICA,CapC Wtckmaei, fSA< C«P'- F.- O. Loet, NIAGARA. Capt. Rtrie. AKRICA. Capt Shannon, EUROPA, Capt Lelu-a, TTiese veaael* carry aclear white light at mast heal, gties >ra eterboard how; red ou port bow. ASIA, Lou.leavee N. York, Wednesday. Jely i, lk'st .AJJADA, Lang.leavea Boeton. Wedneeday, July 18, ll'ti Ak RICA, Shannon..leave* N. York, Wednesday, July 23, (AM NIAGARA Leiuh..leave* Boston. Wednesday. July jet,' |SJ| PERSIA, Judkine...leave* N. York, Wednesday, Aeg. «, |gS8 ARABIA, Stone.leave* Boatoo, Weduealey, Aag 13 18M Berthe not secured until paid tor. ' An experienced surgeon on board The owner* of these «hip* will net be accountable for Gold. 88ver Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Preclou* Stone* or Metal* unle**Ml!* of lading are .igxted therefor aad the vahi* thereW Hierein expreated. For freight or passage eprdy to _E CUNARD. No. 4 Bowling<raeeA. \OTICE to PASSENOERS snd IMl»ÖRTBBa. tHr»?oMV)Nv.^|00,,' »\U,I^'>/LPHIA STRAJja- ¦"if, *,OMFANy I si lendid and powerful Steauavhioe CITY OF BALTIMORE.I.W tmw. t .ptR LeVrca. CITY OF WA8HJ NOT* iN. ..1^80 tuns. .Capt W «Ä'v, KsaTIOAROO.1.474 tun*. .Capt B, Ewiaa Are intended to tan a* foUewet _ Faon PnmxoKi.rHia. C1T\ OP BALTIMORE.THURSDAY.August T. __ Feoat LivtxpcioL. CPTT Of BALTrMORK.WHDNRSDAY, Atjeeayt V. an.. -~ ~. BATES OF PASS At ik. Mm »Mtu.K>M aocordmg t, SUteraoma. mi?? 'f1 »»b?r0f TJilrd cle*. Passenger, will be taken freave £^¦1^'* end Liverpool, and found In provuloo from Pniladerpkda.g>ao Prom These tteaaaship* are constructed with loaeroved eraUr-ttsS leaapartmeate and each veaael earriee an axpeetaaeed i.asisT Farnes wwhkig to bring out their friend, eta obtain ceetJa- tosof peseage and draftt oa Liverpool in sums of *. _ depward. Apply to JOHN G. DALB^mT^ or SABEL A gWja^^^^ft \E.W LDOZ of NEW-YORK aad LIYEJkV- rOpfcWß*B^ä!k*mmm LINK..Ttsle Uwe trfl mrH^^rf s v^ ^WS n,w eisdfu*t^4ss«tgUp* via: SlJlVni nlay-JeW taa*....Capt D.tid Caalkkna. f^J#K°TlN.tJWtan*....Capt Daniel H. Traetatv w IYe'irVsS!^ . . . C»K Gaorg* 8. URL .SjHf^t"^ mmm... .OlZ Waatall tsarrttA. The above shape have bean recently built, aud are the larawai -*0,t .",brteatial In the trade. They are sosaas.«!**!!*» aantleenen of eapertence and ability. "Sbalr ace n*i liHifj ere very «aparvor, and every exertien will as m*.rt to primetsl .Meomfort of pameg.*. and theeeavealeaeeef ihlgpiej. Por ft.lghl or pastsge apply to BPOFPORff, TILPSTON k Co., No. 28 Broedwaf. AfaaUlaLlrsrpool, _C ORIN8HAW A Ca. No. 18 ( "OR LIVER POOL-PATRIOTIC LINK. The new end B OOTH A SEDOWICK'" LONDON COSDUL GIN.A superior rartrttr ard tome Ear ta a thee*te 1(8. 8IJJ1W*!, BPaOi., Me. II Beam48. ,

Transcript of ADIVIDEND New-Vobk. ^..wilS&K^ tÄtt»TlW, ROOFING,...»Vpoty to JAMESUDALL.Oreat Neck. LongIriand...



    FARMING L, A N P S.U Ta*ci> or Foarr Acba* and Lr***«,

    Onlono carniTs

    row llffll Or INTEREST...... ..f li,,. hairwad ul aeeawd*" T? ."-..J

    tÄtt»TlW, M>Tlk«~irM ucree« m t^^ltig byU migration, Ac .«fori a a-uostentte. and growing

    nun* demanc

    » J^a*^«, r'oh rrx'.d. *rom -or ti venae* artto*

    we.l-kn.wL cbarattertatica of llllisoi* land* Treat arc not reqtared to be out down, atcrnp* grubbed, or atone [ tried off. a*W .-euerallj the caae in cultivating t ear lend In tha older State*Tae fi**tcrop of Ii dien torn, planted on tbe new.y Broken and,rtr'T repay* the eeet of plowing and foicing.TV beat eoera on the oew'.y tiiri-ed aoJ t* anre to y.».d eerytar** eiotita. A men with a |4ow and taro yoke of oian wiJbreak owe and a beat to two eere* per day Contraria can bemade fcr breaking ready for coin or wheat, at trorn *>2 !..+.-¦¦er acre By iudieioe* rnanafement the ibr-l may be p.owedand lanced the tuet, and under a higa atete of tu tivatiou


    ^ore'orahl, Cattle, etc wil be fwwardad at raaaoaabl*MteeteCmcagofor the Fasten.i market and to Catr for tal*beeiaam. The lere er yield on the eb-ep land, of tiltnoi* overthe hUb priced lenca hi the Eas-eni and Middle Sfeeee a knownto bejBMcb more than lamrlent to pay the difference of trans¬portation to the Kaa'ern market ,

    Biruaninoa* Coal ii mined at aererv point* along the Roadand «* a cheer »td desirable foal It can ha delivered at see-are! point* along the Road at Bl 5« to Bt per ton, Wood canb~ bed at the tame ret** per cord.Thee* who inn a of aettUng in lews or Minnesota ahmla bear

    as aatad that land- there of any value, along tbe water courw*and tor many miles inland, have been disposed of, that for


    located In the interior there are no convenience* for transporttog the produce to market, railroad* not having been introducedthere I the' to aead the produce of these land* one or two bondred Dille* by wagon to market would eo«t mach more than


    Oxpea** of caltivattng them, and hence Oiverbmen' land*thus

    attoetud, at 0I 25 per acre, are not eo good investment* a* th*lead of this Company et the price* fixed.The aaaae remarks bold foa In relation to tbe land*

    la Ran¬

    ge* sod Nebreska, tor although vacant landsenay be found nearerthe WaAer-eoeeee*. the dieUnce to market i* rar greater,


    every hundred mile* the produce of these land* te carriedgather la wagons, or interrupted weter communication*, ln-areeea* the expeaee* of transportation which must bs

    home bythe eStteere, In the rtdur-d price* of their products; and to


    astet t peecloely are the income* from «beir fem» en'lor eoura*On their biveettr.- nt*.auiioaJly atd every year reduced.

    Txte great fortuity of tbe land* new offered *.¦* aale by thisContpaev and their taMMB field over tboee of tbe t -ternand KtJ3la*X Foeeeaaion n>Ny be had at o-ice Apply to HOMERlVtORf*AN,Pln«-*t.,N.Y.,Metro|K,litanRarik Building. (3u74|

    TARRYTOWN PROPERTY..Twelve acres ofvery choice LAND opon the ridee next above tba CrototiAqueduct, and opptxile tba mansion of Mr Mallory overlook¬ing the entire Villages of Tarr> town and Beekmautowa, andattordlng a very rxtenitve and delight!ul river prospect. Thi*properly i* *o situaieJ tbat it can be easilv divide.1 into fsvereiVlLLR SITES, and is contideied to be one of tha bast locatedeituatiac* on the Hud*ori for a Residence or for a Country Seat.Teruieeaty. Aiplv to WAIID CARPENTER. Tarrytowu.

    _JOHN WARE IN, No 48 Maideulane, N Y.WATER-FRONT PROPERTY..For Sale,e* 114 acre* of good LAND, 19 mile* from New-York City,

    tan Ihe north abore of ve on Hemne'eadBarhur oae-euatler of a mde from Maubaa»>t Sleamboar Land-big, wall adap/od ia evtry way tor a fin* country reallence.»Vpoty to JAMES UDALL. Oreat Neck. Long Iriand or at NoBt f roul-et., from I to 2 p. ¦ ot ALFRED A. MOTT.

    _Jnotrnction,_BOOK KEEPING, ttc."FOSTER, DXXOH ScCo. have opened an It eticntioa at No. 346 Broadway, whichevtl roefee inca'cnlable benefit* noon tbe marrant lie communityloa'etictkan In WRITING, ARI rllMETIC and HtMlKKKKP-1NO a* a flortied by them In the moot substantial, practical andBxpe^trgas manner Never before in one eaUbliishmant waa somuch abtlty united for tht purpose* of tetchlug. Mr. DIXON|g the moat liahed Pel man wa ever eaw. Tbe other gen-tlemea mi ehe firm are Csvoreldy known, and their ex'endve ac-ajuaintaoee enable* theos to render essential aid to «Tanger* iasecuring ellgiUe aitttatu-na." [Courier.

    COTTAGE HILL SEMINARY. Pouchkeepsie,New York.-MII.O P. JEVVETT, Principal and Pripr.e-lor.

    In tba COTTAOE niLI. SEMINARY It !. prjjv.iad to eon-duct the raretv! and thorough training of * limited nuuiher ofToting Iadiee.roaetltBtliii: a SELECT FAMILY SCHOOL.Able and experienced rue or* are emp.ov..,, in all Depart

    n.ent* and th* uutubcr of Taachen it large ia"proportion to thepaptla

    It is the aim of'he laatiiationtogice toall it* member* a aolid,practical and uatfW education, adding every pleasing aecom-pliaheriaxaLMo location can be more luitabie for tbe purpi*** contem-

    ¦HtBd than the City of Pough»eep*ie.a townsurpaaeed by nonein beauty ot situation, salubrity of climate, and (he intelligenceand reen. .¦ ei . et it* cltiAene.

    EapeolalatteaUoa I* given te the health of the pnpil*. TheagenctswreUad . echo*! be* awn la at-ieeaful opa-ajior for am»«rar» Bt tree leal beet r'rcn.meneed for a


    veat««ea piijrral mental .rid reli.M"

    f airei ..neat* la oil i-prrUf i the comfort end improve

    'TITRATION -Ajto«. Kincr «In Delaware Cootj't, Pa 1*katUa B. W.from I'hll.delphia. aod an eertblr by railroad ««¦eSei t .me. a dar. It i. Cv, mile, west of theon the road to B.ltimors. and ona and a half

    ...Ue. east from

    the H«kdale Ste'ion ou the new roed from Philadelphiato

    V\ * heater¦.UV-K AI. ADVANTAGES-TV situation i. very eleaid weaeeditaiemreepect of thirty e*Ro», mJUifor bealthine** »¦ d beaut, of are.,-,y. lu a.l»ant«*a. over

    e star loratlea ere eery eerloe* and important.- Her«/ .ay.

    a nerriit the ebeek.' acquire e i.and the frame a rigorof teiloe. lllne-hM ever occurred, aod ^"IT^

    wiihoet e.reptian. b.a hj prereaj In beai-h TheHrxten.ive lawn, with wall.. ttktm .h.-uhb-ry


    tele Wee., attor, a a ide lange lor uüretrained UWIII tbern.Tont.miur and fine araoery impart < insertulues. ef .pint.The retirement .erure. the pupil* from ....fsvorable irft-ieure.and the ln.ited number end family el eras of

    Ue «boofaßotd them the many romfort. and adVantagee of a quiet Chna

    thing, cmreen.--ai d nbe .trict lindtaikrc of *dmla*ion« to forty. with fire teaeii-er.j «ture.tie.rb nnpU a large .hare of atten-iun.THE BUILDINGS combine beauty of architecture with am¬

    ple aceommtdative, aid modern convenience, of barb room.,furnace, *pnng water on every floor, terrace, verandah, ttC.The aleeptnr room, are commodion*, well ventilate.), head-aomelv lurni.hed and confined to two or three occupant. a eon-WMatoiv eotiotcla with the library end parlor, and all the In¬terna.' arr.r.#enmtit. of the household are accordant with re¬fine.1 s^otiat-ioria, and conducive to refined taetea and bahlt.a--., -on the pupil..THE COURSE OF STUDY, aided by Lecture* and appere

    tu., compiler* all the brauche* of e thorough English Ednee-thai, together with the I.aric and French Lea.u.gee, Music aalDrawing. In. coorrdetiou i. optional with parent., aod i. certi-fied l.y a Diploma. »THE FRENCH LANG! AQE i* spoken bv the prirnnal*.

    Mr*. HiNTiacioa ha. had tba advantage of'nina year.' resi¬dence in Pari».THE RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE ha» been epokea of by

    clergymen, parent, and pupil, ia .uch term, aa the following:" Tbe Church may be thankful f. r each a eeh?o.." "Never".ball 1 firget tbe impreaaiot. I bfkye received there at familywomn ir "The mind, and hearts of pupils bear fruit, of

    "admirao.eChrl.tian Warning" Bound evangelical inetruc-" ticna,ani a healthful religious influence are hron.-bt t, bear" directly on the forming character of the pupil*." The pupil,attetd Episcopal services at the Hemmary, unies. eietwbore di¬rected bv patents.ACCESS..In 1| hour., via Media .rid Rockdale, from Eigh¬

    teenth and Market streets Philadelphia.seventeen mile* to theRoche ale atation, and 11 miles east from thence, by carriage or.tage ; or. '. > boor., via Chester, from Prime and Broadstreets,Pl.Jadoipuia.15 miles to Cheater, and 5 miles we.t from thenceby carriase or etage.lERM-i per ae.iion of five mouth., for Bo.rd and Tuition.

    *)U& Mu.V, t Latin, French and Drawing, eachIncidental., eitra. To those who prefer a .teted ran for every¬thing including tbe use of n hool books, .beet music and draw¬ing material., nKAVivo so extra charge oj any description, avVil-.eer. + i!.¦" Piano, to hire and exchanged.

    T. B. CHAMBERS, No. Ste Broadway, near Whitest,

    A II. BAJiMORE. No. 'MS Bleecker-Bt.,a offer a large assortment ef elegant riaMtm. made in tbe

    heat manner, and warranted, wilb Iron Frtme aon i>........ .jScale, at the lowest poesible pric e. Also, .uperior Secood h.udPianos, oue by Chlciering, one by Nunna, and one hy Stodderd.

    GREAT IMPROVEMENTS in PIANÖ~-FOKTES-Moser*. LIGHTE, NEWTON k BRAD-Bl RYS.No. 421 Broome .t , re.pecriuliy Imite attention totheir PIANO- FORTES, com nie' d with the patent ARCH.. aim at* ...... ........ . u......... uij i.Aiea ea*Wsaa«S* t ever I] trodu. ea into this popular l-jstrument,

    C~yÖLD~MEDAL PIANI)-FOR TES-Mannfac-H tured by STF. INWAY k SONS, Noe. 81 and B8 Walker-.t.. near Broadway. New-York. These Piano, have receivedTHalEX riRfl PRI.MIU.MS within the last year iu eompo-tition with Piano, made by tbe ranat celebrated maker, of Boa-ton, New Y irk, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Prices low.


    When- may he found a fine aaaortment of PIANOS in plain audon an,. t«! caaea,Waiumid i vsi RrAüsnn is and fi aiTv or Tone.

    I>IAN(»-PORTES..Those iu want of a modPIANO at lea. than m.nufat lurei.' price, t an arcure oneor two, if called for thl. week, at No 431 Hroome at,.one alull 7 octavo, round corters; tbe other, b'n round comers, baud-aomely finbh.d and of good make; has been hut little used; wiilbe wild very low fcr c.wh., flaruroarf, and Iran.

    ADIRONDAC COLD BLAST CHARCOALPia IRON, bv the Compiiny'* Agent,_John w. cii incv, Wo. 98 Wiiiiam-rt.

    COOPER'9 TRUSS HOOPS.-^OO »fit aiaortedaireaCOOI'kr'B edoe tools. Atbertson, Congor, Uortoal

    Batten, and other maker*.COOVER'S BIVETS A large assortment.coovkr's hammers, drivers.BECK irons, he For aale by_CHAR. s. LITThE k Co., No*. 88 and 94 Foltoa-st.HORSE-SHOE NAILS.We invite tne atteution of the trale to the improvedI1CRSE-.SHOE NAILS, manufactured by the AmericanHorse Nail Company of Providai re, r. 1 from tbe beat qualityNoiway Iron, and aold hy n*. their only Agents.1 he reputation of the*- Nail* has now Income verv favor¬

    ably eelaldiahed, and the demand for them I* constantly in-paagatjg,They are packed in keg. of 2T>, .VI and 100 lb each.Sir."*, 5, o, 7, g, 9, lo

    BUSSING, CROCKER A DODOE._No. 32 Cllff-st., New-York.

    HAMMERED SALISBURY IRON.From coldblast charcoal Pig, and wholly worked in charcoal Is ofextrscrdtbdv strength and quality. On bend J to 4 ioebe*.quaie. Oiher size* made to order. JOHN W. IgUINCY, No.98 Will.*: *. Ageut of the Napanoch Iron Co.

    HUDSON PIQ IRON is excellent for Founderyend Forge purpose*. The No 1 Extra i. warran*ad lo mixore scrap and to be euperiir for all purposes to any Scotch Pig.

    JOHN W. UUINCY, No. 98 William *t, Agent for the HudsonItou Corrrpany.

    AMES & FOV SHOVELS »nd SPADES.e -For Mle by JOHN W. QUINCV, No. 98 William .t.o


    Commiaaiou MerchantManufacturer

    and Wboleiale Dealer ia every description ofAMERICAN HARDWARE.

    No. 83 Beekman-st , New Yoik.

    PELTER, ANTIMONY, BANCA TIN, CUTNAILS, for sale bv JOHN W. QUINCT. No. 98 William atS

    THOMAS PIG IRON.Soft. free, itronc aud awarranted tnhetitute for Scotch PigJOHN W. QUINCY.


    COTTAGE and ENAMELED FURNITURE.r leg. nt well made .uite», a* low a* 015, at the inanefactory No. t34 Broadway, belcw Bleecker ft,

    GAS-HEATERS or NURSE LAMPS..W. F. SHAWS PATENT, Botton. Mates.TS cents each, at retail.

    Atmcwpheric Air and Illuminating Ga* uaed a* fuel, to eecareleady means of heating a small ipiantity of w.ter. one piut

    eiU boil in five minute* Place lb- Heater over any bat wiog or¦a f#* gs. bun er. the air flows kg at the bottom, and ooi:n.le*^ithtbegi»; iftite this on the Hp of the gauge *mfece andvi-u peodtife intense heat and b'tie flame, which i* rarroirjidedby a flnely perforated tin cylinder, by which tae tiame ar>l pro¬duct* of combuMion are «applied with atmospheric air at a veryhigh temperature, necemary for a complete chemical aaiou orperfect combuetiou of tbe mixed gave Witboat this surrouniiugnertoiaxsd metal, they fb.m not only noxious odor*, bat thosedeadly poisoD*. fomic acid end eJdeayde. As the appvretua itcorttructed by me, the moot sensitive test* cannot detect theirrreaeue. In communication* from Prof. A. A- Have*. J. M,VVighfTben. esq., and other *cientific gentlemeu tbe aheenee atattributed wbollv to .urrcanding tbe wire gauge aurfaoa with

    Erforated m*tal. Inqair* for SHAW'S Pa 11 NT GAS-EATER. M> name, end date of Patent, I* stamped oa eachone. Kor .*.'«, at whole*.!* and retail, hvw F. Shaw A Co Boeton, ktist, No. 171 Waahugton *CComehes Biker k Co., Phaadaiphia, PeTaylor k HodgetU, No. (." Beekmao .»., N. T.L.laire 1 Grt>*yean, No. te Beekmanen, N. T.

    ..A.'-a, at i.tail bt all the prte.r pal House Furnishi'J aad Gas-FiAture FatahUehmaeU in I he State* W. F 811 AW fe Co.

    it .j i I.. a great aariety of RVll RE. ail patterns«cd colon, and elehnreiety decorated m ludviwi, figure* «odfloweia. »i Hi* Manefectoiv Wicnomi, No* V, and 4« Woe*irr «I , betwe. a Broane and favrBBal ..<

    EARTHENWARE tod CHINA . ISO cratedBo. t«'e " r-ydei barn ehep* White Otauite.!.« rrales Coc moa Goad*a*rra«ee, mi hand ar d meile to order oo the tL .ru'. Alao,twr art* of Rosewood Parlor Furniture la rntneori plash. X peratari lower than any other house in N-w-Torfc.

    WM. PERRY. No 1TI Centre atnear the corner of Canal.

    SPLENDID m'lTES ofENAMELED FUENI-ÖTT'R)". Wh'.e-aleend RaB*».

    W AR REN U ARU. No. 3? Can*; r.

    TnE PATENT DOUBLE ICE PITCHERS .When Woodworth »eng ao rweer!» to Braise of " the oldbairn i rket," It was hefoce the iara'ot modare inventions.Mow. the people har* " kicked the hacker." and drswwater from their wetl* with a chair.. To th a of chaining upthe water In this land of liherty' We mar ret read of

    " The beautiful chain, the troo linaed chain.The iu.c plated chain that rerolees in the well."

    The thirstj citixens aus', obtain their suppliee of wenr throughthe ur.der«ronnd proeeea, and withal so warm as to require iceto mako it peiatahle welch leads to e demand for Pit.-hers thatwill contain the ice a Iota time betöre it melt*. That demandeen be supplied at the well known stand at the foot of John at.Plated and Brttaonle Doable ICE PITCHFR4 from BSBj . **>fur aale at Noe. 4 end .. Barliua slip. by LI cu 4 h ART

    Prn °3oous-

    BLANKETS..BOO raae>a ribbon-bound FamilyBLANKETS, from cradle mm U> 114. and ol various qeali-tiers 1 together with Negro. Indie*, and Hone Blanket* from tbaRochdale and (leg ic Mills Will be sold low.

    N AVSMITH A Co.. AsecU. No. 71 Broadway.

    CLARK" SPOOL COTTON.For It* Strength. Bmoo»hne*» aol Elasticity obtained a

    PRIZE MEDAL at the OR EAT PARIS EXHIBITION oflSAf. All numbers and assortments received regu.arir and forgale by OKORUE A. CLARE, No. 52 Dey tX.


    _COTTON.FINE PLANKETS..Frein invoice* of the beatqualitiee. tor aale by NESMITHBCo.,No. Tl Broadway.FINE BROWN GOODS..600 bale* Rocking-bam, iiopa and other makers for sale bvN'.SMITH A Co., He. Tl Broadsea*.


    N>. t- Bmedtrey.


    No. 77.5 BKOADWAV,Abo\e Ninth st.


    M - M ITH 1 Co., Bole Agent*.


    Wfaints, ©üb, ©läse, &t.

    EXTRA QUALITY REFINED LARD OIL.Very pure, burns brightly snd as long as sperm, and nevercrusts the wirk; being free from gum, it la rery gupen>r formachinery. Also,COBt'RN'S PI.'RE TALLOW OIL. superior for burning,

    will eland col,'.er weather, aid will outwear th* beat spawn oiLBerielslW lo 40 gallons. Only Agent

    JOHN W. QCINCY, No. H WUIUmgt.

    IE BRECKENRIIXJE COAL and OILCOMPANY are now prepared Bo *uppl* COAL OIL* at

    their Manufactory, et Cloverport, Kentucky, consisting of LI'-BRICATING OIL, BL'RNINO OIL. BEN/OLE, end CHL'UECOAL OIL Particalare furniahed at rhe Company's Omca,corner of Wallet, and Broadway, New-York; or on application

    to J. A W. CAIRNS, i verport. Ry.

    ITJatcljfe, JcwR.rn, &t-

    JEWELRY and DIAMONDS VERY LOW..The subscriber, for the last eighteen year* in business iaWall at., i* selUng ell descriptions of fine (.old, Diamond, andall other k nda of Jewelry, at wboleeale and retail, at much leasthan the usual price*.L»iB>t' l- .tit .1 Gold, Cameo, Mosaic, Carbuncla and

    Pearl set Ear rings, Pins and Bracelets in each,boxes.?» *0to BIOS 00Ladas' Pine, Gold, Cameo, Mosaic, Pearl and Carbun¬cle.*2 50 to *>30 M each.Lades' Ear-rings, Gold, Cameo, Mosaic, Pearl, Carbun¬

    cle, *r.........?2 .V) to BS 00 eech.Gold Guard K-vs, Fob Keys ami Meats. ..B] 50 to s>25 00 ea. hGold Pens aridPencil.*S 00 to 015 00 each.Gold PeiK-ilr.+ 1 Qfl to *7 06 each.I.a 'iea' Porte-moiitiaies.*>l 'A to 015 09 each.Gold ('roe*a and Necklaces.| i 00 to »17 00 each.Gobi and Stone Sleeve Buttons and Studs. i>i 00 to + 00 a set.(.old Spectacles and Eye (Basses.Bl 75 to *>in 00Diamond Ear-Rfnga, Pins,Finger-Rings A Crosses. + 00 to a)50BGold Armlets, Scarf Pins and Silver ThimWea.37 cts. to * It 00

    GEORGE C ALLEN, ImporterOf Watches and Jewelry, wholesale aud retaQ, No, 11 Weil¬

    st., second floor, near Broadway, up stairs.

    (TopartntToljip Notices.

    DISSOLUTION..Notice i« hereby given thatthe Copartnership heretofore existing between tae under¬signed, uuder the firm ot 8LOTE A JANES, is diaaoved.Either patty is authorised to settle the buaineas of the eonosam..Dated July 1, 185ti. 11;Mt V L. HLOTK.JONATHAN JANES.


    LIMITED rARTNKRSHIP..Motice ks hereby gtren thatthe uidetMSLcd, eccording to-the provisions of the RevisedStatute* ol the Ptatg of few Ycrk, have formed a li".par-tenabip, and that the name or lirm under which su:h partnerabip is to be conducted is SLoTE A JANES; that the g-uersinaltreof the business intended to he transacted is the msrjra-fecturuig and Sellin« of BLANK BOOKS' and STATIONERY ;that the name of the general partners interacted therein areIIFNRY L. SLOTE. who resides in the Ciry of New York, kathe State of New York, and JONATHAN JaNES. wbe residesin the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings and St*'* of New-York aforesaid: that 'be name ot tbo special partner interestedtherein i* WILLIAM H U r lib tvbo retidei in the City ofNew York. State of New-York; tiiat the amount of capitalwhich the said special partner has . >HE BOARD of DIRECTORS have THISDAY declared a DIVIDEND oi ElUHT PER CENT ou

    of tbe profit* of the last six month*, eatable to the Itoi kholderoudenntiJ._R. O. OLOVER, Secretary.



    Oiricr ot CosTi.M.\rm ls.iM.vit Co

    rpiIE Pireetors of this Company have thi*A dav declared a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDKND ot V]\ V.Vi R CENT and an EXTRA DIVIDEND ,t FOURTEENPER ( ENT payable to the Stockholder* or their legal r .pro.entetive* on ami after the l>n iust , until which time thetianil-r bo b-are tluted. OEO. T. ID)PF, Seci'tiry

    Omer or the Wixdsob Mimvo Comfast )No 6.'. Wall st N. Y July 3, 185C. J

    AN ASSESSMENT of ONE POLLAR has beonlevied on each ahare of Wock of the WINDSOR MININOCOMPANY, payable to tbe Treaaurer, at thi* office, ou the1st day of August next.

    B y order of the Director*,_NATHANIEL UAYDEN, Treaenrar,

    Prortr s Fiat IftwaAVCI Co.,)»,» _

    Ni.w fotx June >», I85ri. 1T an ELECTION held 17, 1h66, tbo fol-lowmg genUemen were elected Direewr. «f thi* Couipanr

    rei thi eaeutag year:DIRECTORS.

    Blehard Varick. Oavlord 8 Hubbell, William M Wüsea.D. Jack.on Steward, Jam et S Brouwer, Abrahtm LegttttFreeman Campbell, Jotham C Maoker, Lyman ChapiSBemud Btrdsell, Solomon Banta, John W. Lewi*,Edward L. Lynch, Oeorg* Werner, Thomi* WUliamjPeter R Christie, William Moir. Edward P ClarkJames S. Lew». Edward D Netten, Mortimer BrownCortteliu* Stephens. Matthias Clark, Philip A BoneaieelSimon Shindler, Christopher Owyer, Alfred Ba/uioreWro. p Waahbura, John M.merpenny. CharletH Mcfa'tyr*.Joan P. kelvertoq, George D Crtgin, Dtt'.d F. BakerOideon DeAngelit, Mathia* Bb tdtatwid.At a subsequent meeting of »he Board RH HARD VARICK

    esq., wa* unaaioaoualy re-eiee-

    r»reT.tared, by thai Compeny. any ttnae. rurreader «ochoi.Iiratton» to thin Company, in turn* not !ee» taae on* th an-inni. pajsble ou and after MONDAY, the 21«' inst.All interest will be cred.'rd to depositois as principal.1h» Bank is opeu from 10 to 2 o'clock,and on Tuesday,Thurs¬

    day and Saturdav Evenings from5 to 7 o'clock.MOSES EL OR1NNKLL, Preaideut.A*0S( w Wnwtl, Secretary.

    Bask DariarMKaT, Albany, July II, lAw,JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant toI the Statute in such case mile .ml provided, that ail the

    gfianUting notes iseued to S I, BANKS, an individual Banker,jPlHENIX BANK OF BAINBRIDOE.) must be presented atthe Office of the Superintendent of the Rankine Department ofthe Stale of New-iork for payment within two years from thedate hereof, or the funds deposited for the redemption of thegireulatirig notes issued ro the said Banker will be given ap.

    Jyl * lawTyF M. SCUOONMAKER, Superintendent.

    S~ÄVINGS BANK..INSTITL'TION for theSA\ INOSot MERCH.VNThV CLERKS and OTHERS.No. M6 Broadwav, opposite 8t. Nicholas Hotel.

    All moneys deposited on or b fore TUESDAY, July 15, wrlBdraw intereet tbe same as if deposited 1st July.Bank open daUy frum 10 to 2 o'cloek. and on TUESDAY,

    THURsBAY, and SATURDAY from 5 to 7 o'clock p. m.MOSES U (/it INN Ei.I.. President WaBNES, Serietary.

    ROSE HILL SAVINGS BANK, No. *r>I 3d-av ,one door above 2lst-st, Open daily lo De post tort from IIa. m. to 2 p m, and WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS from5 to 8 p ni. Depoeits made in this Bank on or before the 15tttof JuJy will draw interest from tbe letWILLIAM Ii. PLATT, President.

    JAMES R. REELER, Vice President.H. Looraoaaow, Secretary.

    IRVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No. 9»3l Warren St., near Oreenarich..Open daily, from 1" a. m. to

    t p Bi., and Irom 4 to 7 p. m ,ou Mondays, Thoredays and Sataz-interest at six per cent on from 91 to e *st.

    All deposit, mad-. fn Ti. the nutVaaoraaiLT L. flan s Secretary

    eposits msde on or bwbVs the 12th of July arill take frcrn the first. WALTER W. CONCKLIN, President,

    Bans. DrrtaTvtr.nt, State or Nrw You )I alsa.v. July 5. ia>i IrPHE BANK of LANSINGBURGH has this

    a, **^$mimm 'hli^ lf"? I' S,«?°,TP«,r Book-pn^,arry3i : I'ilatka. «>a». i

    FOR CHARLESTON aud FLORIDA.SEM7-WEKKLY I'NirEr STATES MAfI. LINK .Tba aewand iu«Auiticent at«am*hi|> JAMES AUuRft Cape, &


    Turner. < ommai der, will leave Pier No. I, Nortn Illver, oaSAT¬

    URDAY, July 13 at 4 o'clock a. w. prwciaely Eue Kreter*eppU ou board, where all Bill*of l.admr a.!i b« atetwad,

    and AwPa«Mi* at the Office of 8POKEORD Til, ESTON k Co.,Nm.%) Broailwey. The favorite (teamer CAROLINA bevine;


    .omed her reealer tripe to varino* lemliaa* en the St. JoAaraRiver, Morula, will conaert with the New-York ateamera andleave Cbailectoa every TCESHA Y at i o'clock p. m. TkeoaAetjticket* to Jackaoaville. *>3I, to PUetke, .>».

    FOR BREMEY'rTr SOlfTHAMITON.Tie»I nited State* Mall Steamahip HERMANN, K. Idxeloe,Commander. WÜ1 aail for BREMEN, touchlnf at SOUTH¬AMPTON to lead the mail* and Mxaenaer* for attvelaud and Eranee. on SATURHAY, July £ at Uo'elookea.,lroa> Piei No. 37. North River,rail k or raa*aes raoit me vou to

    «h riu»rr.ii amleewre.

    In Plrat Cabin. Main Saloou.«19)In Km .t Calila, Lower Salooa. It*)le Second Cebta.. 4*

    Au expeneaced Sureeon it attni-he.1 to each aleauier Hpeete)lelirered in Havre or Lurnlon. No parrel* received nri the degrof eailiri«. All letter* maai p**e thmufh tb« Po*r Ofhoe. FafPaene«1' or Freight, apply to C. H. SAND. Agent,No. II Booth U Hi* new.The «reamer WASHINGTON will eucceed the HERMANN,

    end **il Aagaet 9.

    1MIE NEW-YORK and LIVERPOOL l/!JTt%ED STATES MAIL STEAMERS..The ehipe agayaayjatof_thl* line are:The ATLANTIC, Cent. OI'vee PlldrldgeiThe BALTIC, Cent. JoaepH Com'tock:The ADRIATIC, Capt. Jame* WeatTbe«e chip* have lieeu built by contract eepreeely for tike ayg*>

    eennientaerrice, every care ha* been token In their eerjetraaeAM.a* alto in their engine*, to inture «treogth end tpoeJ, and taaafeecomtnodation* for paaaenger* are uneoualed for nhgtiane mmWeomfort.


    Free of peaaage from New York to Liverpool, In rirat iibAe. ISO in «ecoiid do , t)7V From Liverpool to New Tor* Bend 2ii t.iMiea*. An eiperienced enrgeen attacbe.1 to eech eLha.¦to hertb* can be eecured until paid for. The ahlp* of Uiu ILnehave Iniproved water tight bulkhead*, and to avoid d.tager frueake, will not cro** the Bank* uorth ot U degreee until aAar ttiefl»*t ot Auguat,

    PROPOSED DAT4C8 OP 8AIMN0.renn mkw-vork. reoM livbipooi.

    SATURDAY -e*«wvaweyaa,

    .jjM.8ATURDAYt...Oec. 6, i:>«., w I.. wee- iv, latJa.BAT t R1» A Y.... Dec 20,1AV1. WEDNESDAY.. Dee. M, lH'ai

    v.,r Bma2* nr nutate aonlv toLIN8, No. M Wall-et., M. T.

    For freight or pateage. apply ¦»EDWARD K. COLr.liwAHij rv rtllitiiwet wn\ mm ttmi iBROWN. SHIPLEY A Co., Liverpool.STEPHEN KENNARD A Co.,

    No. 27 A int... Friere, f,<B. O. WAINWRIGHT A Co., Parle.

    The owner* of tbeae *h