Adhd symptoms in adults to watch out for and its medications

ADHD Symptoms in Adults to Watch Out For and Its Medications


( - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is known to affect children at school age. What most of the human population did not think was adults may also suffer from the behavioral disorder. It is characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. These behaviors cause adverse effects on the adult’s personal life, career and relationships. Despite of its prevalence, only few adults actually seek professional help and get treated for it.

Transcript of Adhd symptoms in adults to watch out for and its medications

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ADHD Symptoms in Adults to Watch Out For and Its


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Affecting children at school age

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is known to affect children at school age. What most of the human population did not think was adults may also suffer from the behavioral disorder. It is characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. These behaviors cause adverse effects on the adult’s personal life, career and relationships. Despite of its prevalence, only few adults actually seek professional help and get treated for it. One might say an adult has ADHD symptoms if he always gets lost in the middle of conversations or has difficulty concentrating, organizing tasks and stuff, and fail to follow even the simple directions. These undesirable behaviors require medical attention before it can cause severe damage to one’s life.ADHD symptoms in adults are more difficult to outline than children’s. The symptoms are said to have been present since childhood and persisted into adulthood. Despite of this, experts based the diagnosis on the diagnostic criteria used for children.

ADHD Symptoms in Adults to Watch Out For and Its Medications

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Due to the number of things an adult needs to handle, being disorganized is more evident. Their room or table is cluttered and results to losing stuff like pens or markers. Focusing is a big problem for them. They tend to be preoccupied with other things. Inattention can lead to reckless driving and meeting traffic accidents.

Poor listening skills lead to missed appointments and misunderstandings. Communication is very important in all areas of life, without listening and understanding what’s being said can cause a lot of problems. Restlessness and extreme distractibility are other ADHD symptoms in adults. They can’t seem to relax and very little noises can divert their attention away from what they are doing, as a result, completing a task is very arduous.

Distracted from things

ADHD Symptoms in Adults to Watch Out For and Its Medications

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Emotional Difficulties

Adults with ADHD have emotional difficulties as well. They often have anger outbursts and feel frustration and low self-esteem.

Several treatments for ADHD are available depending on the severity of the condition. Lifestyle improvement, psychotherapy, vocational counseling, family therapy and medication are some of these. A higher percentage of stimulants are prescribed to adults with ADHD. Based on studies, stimulant drugs cause great improvements. Medication aims to avoid aggravation of health problems. Just like medications of other illness, ADHD medications may also have side effects. Anxiety, insomnia and blood pressure changes are the common side effects of stimulants. Serious risks are also associated with stimulants, such as cardiovascular risks, psychiatric problems and drug abuse.

For patients with history of hypertension, they might experience a sudden surge of blood pressure. That is why a thorough medical history is gathered before medications are prescribed. Every history of illness, the patient’s and his of families should be mentioned to the doctor to reduce the risk of side effects.

ADHD Symptoms in Adults to Watch Out For and Its Medications