ADF4113 Frequency Synthesizer 驅動程式實作

Chien-Jung Li Nov. 2013 Analog Devices ADF4113 Frequency Synthesizer

Transcript of ADF4113 Frequency Synthesizer 驅動程式實作

Page 1: ADF4113 Frequency Synthesizer 驅動程式實作

Chien-Jung Li

Nov. 2013

Analog Devices ADF4113 Frequency Synthesizer

Page 2: ADF4113 Frequency Synthesizer 驅動程式實作


Analog Devices ADF4113

Page 3: ADF4113 Frequency Synthesizer 驅動程式實作


ADF4113 Spec. Abstract

RF characteristics were not shown, since we are focusing the design of digital interface here.

DSN-3019 Spec. (I guess 3.3V DVDD is used in the packaged module)

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Timing Diagram

10 ns 10 ns

25 ns 25 ns

10 ns

2 ns

It’s quite easy to meet the timing requirement.

MSB go first


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ADF4113 Pin Function

Digital Section:

1. 24-bit input shift register / 14-bit R counter / 19-bit N counter (6-bit A counter + 13-bit B counter).

2. Data is clocked into the 24-bit shift register on each rising edge of CLK MSB first. 3. Data is transferred from the shift register to one of four latches on the rising edge of LE. The

destination latch is determined by the state of the two control bits (C2, C1) in the shift register. These are the two LSBs, DB1 and DB0, as shown in Figure 2. The truth table for these bits is shown in Table 5.

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4 Types of the Latches

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R Counter Latch

(0, 0) 14-bits div. ratio (0 is not allowed)

PFD deadzone cancel

(0, 0) normal

How LD is set (not important)

Not important


Byte[1] Byte[0]

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N Counter Latch


Byte[1] Byte[0]

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Function Latch

Byte[2] Byte[1] Byte[0]


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測試結果 (I) – 初始化 1. Init: 80,00,C3 = 1000, 0000, 0000, 0000, 1100, 0011 2. R = 00,00,28 = 0000, 0000, 0000, 0000, 0010, 1000 3. N = 00,4C,49 = 0000, 0000, 0100, 1100, 0100, 1001

Initial Latch

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1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1




Fast Lock Disable

Normal + RDIV


Init Latch


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

R Latch Normal 3 cycle Normal 3 ns 10 Dec


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 N Latch Gain1 18 Dec 76 Dec


P = 32, B = 76, A = 18, R = 10

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測試結果 (II) – 設定頻率為2476 MHz

Function Latch

1. Func: 80,00,C2 = 1000, 0000, 0000, 0000, 1100, 0010 2. R = 00,00,28 = 0000, 0000, 0000, 0000, 0010, 1000 3. N = 00,4D,31 = 0000, 0000, 0100, 1101, 0011, 0001

A = 12 Dec B = 77 Dec

R= 10 Dec

P= 32 Dec

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測試結果 (III) – 更改功能並設新頻率 功能改為LD精度5 Cycles, abp時間1.5ns, 電流量為ICP6, counter控制為43個

PFD cycles, MUX設為除N輸出

頻率改為2423 MHz

1. Func: 9B,50,A2 = 1001, 1011, 0101, 0000, 1010, 0010 2. R = 11,00,28 = 0001, 0001, 0000, 0000, 0010, 1000 3. N = 00,4B,5D = 0000, 0000, 0100, 1011, 0101, 1101

ICP6 (datasheet上的CPI6) 43 PFD Cycles 除N輸出

A = 23 Dec B = 75 Dec

R= 10 Dec

P= 32 Dec

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API函數 在main()中可以呼叫以下三種函數來設定Synthesizer

HalSynInit(void):初始化晶片,在main()開頭使用,只要初始化一次即可(寫在while(1)的super loop外)。

HalSynStart(uint16 rf_Freq):使晶片開始於新設定的頻率,rf_Freq填入數字即可,單位是MHz。例如要設定新頻率為2558 MHz,使用HalSynStart(2558)即可。

halSynSetFunc(uint8 funcSet, uint8 mode):設 定 晶 片 功 能 , 第 一 欄 填 寫 設 定 之 類 型 ( 見hal_adf4113.h),第二欄填寫要更改的功能屬性 (見hal_adf4113.h)。

extern uint8 HalSynInit(void); extern uint8 HalSynStart(uint16 rf_Freq); extern uint8 halSynSetFunc(uint8 funcSet, uint8 mode);

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應用程式main() #include <ioAT89C52.h> #include "hal_adf4113.h" #define BTN1 P3_bit.P3_2 #define BTN2 P3_bit.P3_3 void main() { TriWire_LE = 0; BTN1 = 1; BTN2 = 1; HalSynInit(); while(1) { if (BTN1 == 0) { delayms(50); if (BTN1 == 0){ while(BTN1 == 0); HalSynStart(2476); } }

if (BTN2 == 0) { delayms(50); if (BTN2 == 0){ while(BTN2 == 0); halSynSetFunc(ADF4113_SET_LD_PREC, ADF4113_LD_PREC_5CYCLE); halSynSetFunc(ADF4113_SET_ABP, ADF4113_ANTI_WIDTH_1P5NS); halSynSetFunc(ADF4113_SET_CURRENT, ADF4113_ICP6); halSynSetFunc(ADF4113_SET_COUNTER_CONT, ADF4113_TCOUNTER10); halSynSetFunc(ADF4113_SET_MUX, ADF4113_MUX_DIVN_OUT); HalSynStart(2423); } } } }

功能設定可以重複調用,等所有功能都設定完, 最後記得執行HalSynStart()才會送出設定訊號給晶片

3-wire I/O設定在 hal_adf4113.h 裡面