Adam Conner - Facebook & Government


Transcript of Adam Conner - Facebook & Government


Adam Conner Facebook Public Policy

Mission Make the world more open and connected

Globally, borders are being replaced with connections

800M users worldwide

The web is being built around people

At scale...

Every single day...

50% + Americans Get News

From Friends & Family

Pew Internet

43% of Facebook users were more likely to vote

Pew Internet

37% contributed to the creation of news, commented about it, or shared it via postings on social media sites like

Facebook or Twitter Pew Internet

66% of all government agencies currently use

some form of social networking

Saba and the Human Capital Institute

Connected Government

Citizens want to Connect A Page for Every Agency

Facebook Pages

1. Speak with an authentic voice

▪  Think about how your content appears on Facebook

▪  One shot at delivering your message

▪  Image, key message, headline, see more, etc.

▪  Click is the “bonus”

2. Deliver your Message

3. Be timely and informative

▪  You can not turn off comments on posted items

▪  Facebook does not work without comments

▪  Wall posts can be turned off

▪  Encourage you to allow posts

▪  Have a posted comments policy like the US Army

▪  Use profanity and moderation filter


5. Multimedia

6. Words Can Have Power Too

7. Insights

8. Facebook is more than just

9. Secure your accounts

1.  Terms for US State and Local Governments

2.  Security: DTM-09-026

3.  Risk/Liability Questions

4.  Archiving: Backupify and Nextpoint

5.  “Interagency Cooperation”

10. Other Government Issues







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