AcuPoints iii, midterm ii

Points III, Midterm II A comprehensive study guide to auriculotherapy, four needle technique, and extra points.

Transcript of AcuPoints iii, midterm ii

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Points III, Midterm IIA comprehensive study guide to auriculotherapy, four needle technique, and extra points.

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Auriculotherapy (Ear Acupuncture)

Auriculotherapy is based on the fact that the ear is a microsystem that reflects the entire body, represented on the auricle, the outer portion of the ear. Conditions affecting physical, mental, or emotional health are treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear.

Similar practices include reflexology, that the feet represent the entire body, and through stimulation of different areas, different illnesses can be addressed.

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Ear Anatomy

Darwin’s Tubercle

Supratragic notch

Infratragic notch

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Fingers - On scapha, above Darwin’s tubercle. Pain or hindered movement of finger joints.

Wrist - On scapha, level with prominence on Darwin’s tubercle. Pain or hindered movement of the wrist.

Allergy - On scapha, medial to Wrist point. Allergic diseases.

Shoulder - On scapha, level with supratragic notch.

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Elbow - On scapha, midway between Shoulder and Wrist points. Pain of elbow joint.

Clavicle - On scapha, level with Neck point on antihelix.

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Triangular Fossa

Uterus - Slightly above the parting of the two crura of the antihelix, in the triangular fossa. Obstetrical and gynecological diseases, sexual dysfunction in males.

Pelvic Cavity - In the lateral angle of the triangular fossa near the intersection of the superior and inferior crura of the antihelix. Pelvic cavity inflammation, painful menstruation.

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Triangular Fossa

Neurogate / Shenmen - In the triangular fossa, medial and superior to the Pelvic Cavity point. Regulates excitation and inhibition of the cerebral cortex. Sedative, analgesic, anti-allergy effects. Used for neuropsychiatric disorders (hysteria, psychosis, etc.), hypertension, coughing, allergic asthma, itching symptoms, and pain. Important point for anesthesia.

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Triangular Fossa

Wheezing- In the triangular fossa, between the Uterus and Pelvic Cavity points. Anti-allergy, suppresses wheezing, bronchial asthma.

Hepatitis - In the triangular fossa, between the Wheezing and Pelvic Cavity points. Acute and chronic hepatitis.

Hip Joint - In the triangular fossa, below the Hepatitis point. Often used for pain of lower limb joints or buttocks.

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Triangular FossaConstipation - In the triangular fossa, below the Adnexa point. Constipation, bleeding from hemorrhoids.

Lower Blood Pressure - In the superior angle of the triangular fossa where the superior crus meets the helix. Hypertension, headache (due to hypertension).

(New) Distal Segment Rectum - At the inferior angle of the triangular fossa where the inferior crus of the antihelix meets the helix. Enteritis, constipation, hemorrhoids, prolapsed anus.

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Triangular Fossa

(New) Urethra - In the triangular fossa, medial to Uterus point and near the border of helix. Frequent and urgent urination, painful urination, incontinence, retention of urine.

(New) External Genitalia - In the triangular fossa, anterior and superior to Uterus point. Sexual dysfunction, leukorrhea, excessive menstruation.

(New) Proximal Segment Rectum - In the triangular fossa, above the (new) Urethra Point. Functional disturbance of the colon.

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Superior Crus of AntihelixToes - On the lateral, superior angle of superior crus of antihelix. Pain or functional hindrance of the toes.

Ankle - On the medial, superior angle of superior crus of antihelix. Pain or functional hindrance of the ankle.

Heel - On the medial, superior angle of superior crus of antihelix.

Knee - On the superior crus of antihelix, level with superior border of inferior crus of antihelix. Pain or functional hindrance of the knee.

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Superior Crus of AntihelixKnee Joint - On the superior crus of antihelix, ⅓ the distance from the Ankle to the Knee point. Pain or functional hindrance of the knee.

Hip Joint - On the superior crus of the antihelix, ⅓ the distance from the Knee to the Ankle point. Pain or functional hindrance of the hip.

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Superior Crus of AntihelixSympathetic - At the intersection of the superior border of the inferior crus of antihelix and medial border of the helix. Used for numerous diseases related to disruption in autonomic (both sympathetic and parasympathetic) nervous system. Strong analgesic and relaxant effect upon internal organs. Specifically, for relieving pain associated with ulcers, stomach spasm, round worm in bile duct, gall and urethral stones. Dilates blood vessels. Useful in treating circulatory and ophthalmological diseases, and excessive sweating. Important point of anesthesia.

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Inferior Crus of Antihelix

Sciatic Nerve - Slightly medial to mid-point on superior margin of inferior crus of antihelix. Sciatica.

Buttocks - Slightly lateral to midpoint on superior margin of inferior crus of antihelix. Pain of hip and sacroiliac joints, atrophy of gluteal muscles.

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Lumbar Vertebrae - On the prominence of the antihelix, level with Distal Segment of Rectum point. Low back pain.

Thyroid #2 - On medial margin of antihelix, medial to Neck point. Regulates function of thyroid gland; may also be used in shock to raise blood pressure.

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Cavum Concha

Mouth - On superior, posterior wall of the opening of the external meatus. Ulcers in the mouth, stiffness in the temporomandibular joint.

Esophagus - In the cavum concha, below midpt of the crus of helix. Functional constriction of larynx, difficulty in swallowing due to hysteria, belching.

Pylorus - In the cavum concha, below the crus of helix and posterior to Esophagus point. Pyloric spasm, belching, constriction of diaphragm causing regurgitation.

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Cavum Concha

Stomach - In the cavum concha, where the crus of helix ‘disappears’. Diseases of the stomach including indigestion, acute and chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, distension of stomach, belching, insomnia, etc.

Hepatitis Area - Between Stomach point and Right Hepatomegaly Area, in cavum concha. Acute and chronic hepatitis.

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Cavum Concha

Spleen - Between Blood point and Right Hepatomegaly Area, in the cavum concha. Indigestion, muscle atrophy (in general), blood diseases, abnormal uterine bleeding, prolapsed anus, weakness following a disease, prolapse of viscera, muscle weakness.

Heart - In depression at center of the cavum concha. Strengthens heart, anti-shock, regulates blood pressure. Used for various mental diseases, heart disease, glossitis, Buerger’s disease, anemia.

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Cavum ConchaUpper Lung, Lower Lung - Two points, one above and one below the Heart point, near the center of cavum concha. Various respiratory and skin diseases, rhinitis, mutism, night sweats, spontaneous sweating. Also used as analgesic points in acupuncture anesthesia.

Bronchi - Two points anterior to and between the Lung points, naer the center of cavumconcha. Acute and chronic bronchitis, asthma.

Trachea - Between and medial to the two Bronchi points. Diseases of the trachea.

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Cymba Concha

Prolapse - In the cymba concha, above the Stomach point and posterior to the Duodenum point. Prolapse of the viscera.

Duodenum - In the cymba concha, between Prolapse and Small Intestine points. Duodenal ulcer, pyloric spasm, hypoacidic stomach.

Small Intestine - In the cymba concha, above midpoint of crus of helix. Indigestion, enteritis, distension of intestine by gas, heart disease.

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Cymba ConchaLarge Intestine - In the cymba concha, above crus of helix, anterior to Small Intestine point. Enteritis, dysentery, diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, diseases of respiratory system.

Appendix - In the cymba concha, between Large and Small Intestine points. Acute and chronic appendicitis.

Blood Base - In the cymba concha, between the Prostate and Large Intestine points. Allergic colitis, ulcer of the colon, intestinal polyps, bleeding in lower digestive tract, diarrhea due to schistosomiasis.

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Cymba ConchaProstate - In the cymba concha, medial to the Bladder point. Prostatitis, urinary tract infection, blood in the urine, painful urination, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation.

Bladder - In the cymba concha, above the Large Intestine point. Cystitis, frequent and urgent urination, incontinence, retention of urine, enuresis, low back pain, neck pain.

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Cymba ConchaKidney - In the cymba concha, above the Small Intestine point. Strengthening point, beneficial to the cerebrum, Kidneys, and hematopoietic system. Used for incomplete development of brain, amnesia, neurasthenia, vertigo, headache, lassitude, nerve deafness, tinnitus, advancing deafness, loss of hair, diseases of the eyes, gynecological and urogenital system diseases, assist in bone mending, loose teeth, aplastic anemia, leukemia, edema, chronic pharyngitis, electrolyte imbalance, etc.

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Cymba ConchaUreter - In cymba concha, between Bladder and Kidney points. Kidney stones, renal colic.

Pancreas - In cymba concha, above Duodenum point. Acute and chronic pancreatitis, diabetes, indigestion, pancreatic diarrhea.

Liver - In cymba concha, above Left Hepatomegaly Area. Acute and chronic hepatitis, eye diseases, iron deficient anemia and other blood diseases, arthritic pain, neuralgia, headache, vertigo, stomach gas and pain, gas in the Gi tract, hemiplegia, seizures, muscle spasms.

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Cymba ConchaPancreas/Gall Bladder - In cymba concha, between Liver point and Kidney point. Indigestion, pancreatitis, diabetes, cholecystitis, gall stones, round worm in bile duct, chest and rib pain.

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Adrenal - At the prominence on inferior part of tragus (if the ear has only one such prominence, the point is on the inferior border). Functions to stimulate adrenalin and adrenocortical hormones, used for inflammation, allergies, shock, rheumatism and serious poisoning symptoms resulting from bacterial infection. Affects the dilation and constriction of blood vessels, hyper and hypo-tension, capillary hemorrhage. Regulates excitation or inhibition of respiratory function. Used for fever, certain skin diseases, and chronic illnesses.

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Infratragic Notch

Endocrine - At the extreme anterior portion in the bottom of the intertragic notch. Regulates disturbance of endocrine function, aids in metabolic function of absorption and excretion. Has antiallergic and antirheumatic function. Used for gynecological and urogenital diseases, for dysfunction of the digestive system, blood and skin diseases, malaria.

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Parotid Gland - On antitragus, medial to Stop Wheezing point. Parotitis, obstruction of parotid ducts. Effective in relieving itching symptoms of many skin diseases.

Brain - On antitragus, between Stop Wheezing and Brain Stem points. Regulates excitation or inhibition of cerebral cortex. Used for disease of nervous, digestive, endocrine, and urogenital systems; hemorrhage.

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Brain Stem - On the border of the lower segment of the antitragus, near Neck point. Disorders of the cerebral blood vessels and meninges, e.g., apoplexy, hemiplegia, convulsions, stiffness along nape of neck, etc. Also used for sequelae of cerebral shock, incomplete development of the brain.

Vertigo - On antitragus, between Brain point and Brain Stem point. Aural vertigo, prevents motion sickness.

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Ovaries - On anterior, inferior part of the inner wall of the antitragus. Irregular menstruation, painful menstruation, infertility, developmental gynecological disorders.

Subcortex - On anterior side of the inner wall of the antitragus. Regulates excitation and inhibition of cerebral cortex. Often used for insomnia, lassitude and other neuropsychiatric disorders. Also for inflammation, excessive sweating, and pain.

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Pituitary - At the bottom of inner wall of antitragus. Regulates function of pituitary. Used for dwarfism, acromegalic gigantism, polyuria. Also used for shock, improper contraction of uterus after childbirth, sexual dysfunction, and disease resulting from disturbances of endocrine function.

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Diaphragm - On crus of the helix. Spasms of diaphragm, hemorrhage, pruritus, hemorrhagic skin disorders, hematological diseases.

Branch - On crus of helix, midway between Bladder and Brain points. Usually used for incontinence.

Midear - Center of crus of helix. No indications.

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Ear Apex - When ear is bent toward tragus, this point can be found at tip of fold on superior aspect of helix. Prick point for fever, inflammation, hypertension, revival from hepatic coma, or for analgesic or sedative effect. Use moxibustion for keratitis.

Ear apex

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Four Needle Technique

Four Needle Technique is a procedure to balance the meridians based on elements theory. The first step is to determine which organ is out of balance, the next is to identify whether it’s an excess or deficient imbalance.

For excess patterns, sedate the son & tonify the grandma.For deficient patterns, tonify the mother & sedate the mother-in-law.

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Deficient Example

You’re presented with a case of a deficient Large Intestine. In ‘deficiency’ cases, we tonify the mother, and sedate the mother-in-law.

Tonify Mother = Find the master point of the LI channel (LI-1) and find its mother = LI-11.Tonify Mother’s Channel = Because LI-11 is an Earth point, we’ll tonify the Earth master point = ST-36.

Sedate Mother-in-Law = Find the master point of the LI channel (LI-1) and find its mother-in-law = LI-5.Sedate Mother-in-Law’s Channel = Because LI-5 is a Fire point, we’ll sedate the Fire master point = pick between SI-5 or SJ-6.

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Excess Example

You’re presented with a case of Heart excess. What do you do?(Excess = sedate son, tonify grandma.)

T: HT-3 (Water point)T: KD-10 (Master Water point)

S: HT-7 (Earth point)S: SP-3 (Master Earth point)

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Zang Organs - Five Shu PointsJing-WellWood





LU (metal) LU-11 LU-10 LU-9 LU-8 LU-5

SP (earth) SP-1 SP-2 SP-3 SP-5 SP-9

HT (fire) HT-9 HT-8 HT-7 HT-4 HT-3

KD (water) KD-1 KD-2 KD-3 KD-7 KD-10

PC (fire) PC-9 PC-8 PC-7 PC-5 PC-3

LV (wood) LV-1 LV-2 LV-3 LV-4 LV-8

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Fu Organs - Five Shu Points






LI (metal) LI-1 LI-2 LI-3 LI-5 LI-11

ST (earth) ST-45 ST-44 ST-43 ST-41 ST-36

SI (fire) SI-1 SI-2 SI-3 SI-5 SI-8

UB (water) UB-67 UB-66 UB-65 UB-60 UB-40

SJ (fire) SJ-1 SJ-2 SJ-3 SJ-6 SJ-10

GB (wood) GB-44 GB-43 GB-41 GB-38 GB-34

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Extra Points

These are acupoints without a meridian to call home.

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Migraine headache

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3rd eye

Stops infantile convulsions


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1 cun below border of jaw between hyoid bone

For speech problems and snoring

Oblique 0.8-1.2 toward root of tongue

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Ear apex

For nebula (abnormal covering of the eye)

Prick to bleed

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Above eyebrow in line with pupul.

For twitching of upper eyelids.

Subcutaneous 0.3-0.5

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Vertex of the head, 1 cun anterior, posterior, and lateral.

Poor memory.

Four points, four needles!

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In the same vicinity as ST-1 (lateral ¼ of infraorbital margin)

Eye disease

0.5-1.2 perpendicular

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1 cun lateral to Ren 24 (@ chin)

Facial paralysis, deviation of mouth

Oblique 0.5-1

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Jinjin (L) and Yuye (R)

Underside of tongue on two veins

Swelling of tongue

Prick to bleed

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Commonly used with LI-20

Highest point on nasal groove

Sinus problems

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0.5 anterior to ear lobe

Clear HT fire: mouth ulcers

Oblique 0.5-1

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1 cun posterior to SJ-17

Eye and ear problems

Perpendicular 0.5-0.8

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Between SJ-17 and GB-20

Empirical point for insomnia

Perpendicular 0.5-0.8

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0.5 cun lateral to Du-14 (C7)


Perpendicular 0.5-0.8

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0.5 cun lateral to any vertebrae

T1-T4: LU and upper limb problemsT4-T7: HTT7-T10: LV & GBT10-T12: SP & STL1-L2: KDL3-L5: UB, LI, SI, uterus, lower limbsAll perpendicular. Depths vary:Thoracic = 0.5-1. Lumbar = 1-1.5.

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2 points!

1 cun lateral & 2 cun above Du-14 (C7)


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1.5 cun lateral to lower level of T8Located on UB channel.

Empirical point for diabetes

Oblique 0.5-0.7

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Below L5

Local back problems & dysuria

Perpendicular 1.8-2

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2 cun above tip of coccyx


Subcutaneous upward 1-2

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3.5 cun lateral to L1


Perpendicular 0.5-0.8

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3.5-4 cun lateral to L4

Lumbar pain

Perpendicular 0.8-1.2

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4 cun below & 3 cun lateral to umbilicus (Ren 3)

Benefits uterus, promotes conception

Perpendicular 0.8-1.2

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Between LI-15 & anterior axillary fold

Shoulder problems

Perpendicular 0.8-1.2

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Tip of any of the ten fingers

Prick to bleed after strokes

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8 points!Located on palm of hands.Midpoint of proximal interphalangeal joints

Prick to bleed

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Midpoint of interphalangeal joint on middle finger

Stops reverse flow of qi

Moxa only

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8 points!Margins of the web between fingers (typically Ying-Spring pts...good for heat!)

Pain or swelling of the hands and fingers

Oblique 0.3-0.5 or prick to bleed

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Dorsum of hand between 2nd & 3rd joints

Invigorates qi & blood in neck

Make loose fist

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2 points!Dorsum of hand between 2nd/3rd or 4th/5th fingers

Good for acute low back pain

Oblique 0.5-1

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Between SJ-4 and LI-5

Epigastric and chest problems

Perpendicular 0.3-0.5