Aclvortiwiii ! il f · 2015. 6. 2. · h V. ft f THE PACIFIC --TIIS PACIFIC ' 0; mmerrial pwtiscr...

h V. ft - - TIIS PACIFIC ' f THE PACIFIC 0; mmerrial pwtiscr mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 13 PTBLI3UED PmLISHKD AT i ery Saturday Morning, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islam!. BY BLACK & AULD. JAvtoa of Aclvortiwiii . Space measured in Non- pareil 1 m. 2 m. 8 m. A m. , type. Six !" , r ' rj i li n - Ejm cj T-- .r.a ti i s iij in ks - - t j. - f i. x t mm mnam. m x f Ven r, f $ ti. 0 Lines (j Inrh) 1 n0 a 00 3 00 4 0l A 00 lo " of Ande !' iit Lines (1 inch) 1 hO 8 4 OO 001 S 00 ! part toany il 1 1 1 1 if! il f an pot- - :'H B ;h --rM 24 Lines (2 inclws)... 2 0O 4 0O 6 OU 7 60, 10 HI 1 t'O " ehrs-- l :16 Lines (3 Inches)... 3 00 6 00 7 SO 10 00 1 4 00 IS from 4 try 48 Lines (4 Inches)... 4 (X) g OO'lt' f!31 KI 18 00 2 H0 i Column 8 W 10 t'0 14 f0 1H 80 00' 40 10 l . : .. i m saw r t Column. 8 00 ! 00 10 00 W 00! S6 OC t 00 f vol num.. a ....... 12 oo is 0021 oo::o oo: 46 oc "o Whole Column.. 18 00 :.o 00 45 00 76 00 100 0C 1 'C " rr,"p i in the Kitstrrn l ulled Sts. , ? e: rf ,. . United Slates, can XT Advertisers residing ' Urrrnhack t r.i'ed rmy for their cards by cnrloflng States Potre 6tmps for such snmunt as thy wt.h f a,u r fcte swm ps- - ami their cards will be inserted as per above table, kr tl tlmt ald . PLAIX ASDFAVCT . ' XT Business Cards, when prepaid for a year, are allowed BIltVlW. AMD JCB PRINTINC. AND ADDRESS YOL. XV NO. 40;! IIpNOLULU; - HAWAIIAN ISLANDS,- - AIHIJ, 1. 1871. WHOLE NO. 775. discount when from jmi.l these or charged rjtes, which quarterly. are fi r transient st m U5iitrs5 .Caris. Snsnrantc CarDs. )anirstir roiutf. out. Talbot, of the Sqginaw . w U proer to H nu!U. lh.ttaod mil 1 -- .T..Cd Lkaunl, W5ih three f J tKt cp.iKd, the K : crv. iu Wl in U " i KhU Faun emMaf "b! Jr' ! Sow lei", o am (if flory I inn Tm!W' me b knril 1 Tlir'cfi"t th nation. pruoJ to muara him, - i ltd Iarel wreath and Jjrpie crown 4 WUh ao lmnrrul loe ajorn him. . thooaanil milWhe bral th Ao opn torx-bov- t all that tr him ? J ' "11c k a a f laiwl r k-- , . ) The yawm'r.f waltri drk bCr him. A tcady purp)e yarre4 bJ . . .... . .. T 1 To winth- - prUeiothatjrii raffl. . v,.- - . roll " - - ' J Thhu?ry w tbut wndly i Arwnl that oteaa-roc- k to ba.ile. j of it. roii whw wear the Woe! . fbiok of itipniatf wrecked moti lonely ! ' i - V fei ,if,! rin 5ron J ntamanJy mot:w rfwry only. .".-- - ! Lovrr the fl( h-- r lol o wrfl ! j ; Fire a Ut ToiUT oVr the billow ! "h cannoo-boo- hi ftiivral kneTI, F 1 TTi iiin ami rr h; mertAnr wClow. Cod fruit hm diath waa not 1c Tain I God svaot ba eomrail'S areLreathinf i Ta rrt the homx thy Ve r'". . J With am! fear and arelhing. Xiow Imh, ye wiml. tfeat bear relief! ; Oh ! may the iaii!msht of tbja (rief I . I Be ebangvil to nona with Heavea'a bleasinjr i : :'. .Vi w Vork, January 16th, 1S7L . i. O. Ai,- - VASIE' i . I ... - in old baoiieior Bays that - r 'tr- - t to b ue tLej would keep'tlonjin .',.' .f, o ij :. .'enough to. Tote UDtiJ.Aey gfc , j to j ititeret irt politico.' .. )urin It. 4 dcoxe fo a Jlliwiiwipr. . ; in took iwlin.T. A traveler, aaxioi; . m1. 2 J, S to th. nnjierturlel ms"rr i "il'i.? '.vlic-.-l- , k: naked f by ttie. bit'Rttppj'C .'lo- .i S . can't the riTer'-- 1 Xiitf ytu can Bee f - 'A overlicad." vYrJ.NreTvTed ine f , "bat till the hiler.bo8t ire 'ain't going j waj. l'ajeng?r werwto bed Batietied 5 lj;ie bt. Joseph (.uj.) Jl raid wis there. pe?;er f ire wis so much gume .0' thkt cUji l tlie : I'-- nt time, and thus enutaeratt: Keno, ira'.fcitd, Cipj, wild tarkey, "JIiIirJs uils. 'e jri-ii- p, elk, rondo, baStIo meat Chinese liack- - ; loion, b'lUirrew, uionte, prairier .'chickens, . i re. tame fovrl of every description, roulette, ? ck-Ltil- ed deer.-u-pin- s, bear meat, chuck-a- - t, tfc, m mniain ebeep, dominoes, sago hen, pigeon e, oysters, etc. The editor of the Cynlhiana News, in making ..'1 apcal to hid tubtcri'ers who nre in arrears ftl pay UP Kiy' 44 We hope they will settle m ty.out delay. Not that we twitt-th- e money )v'y.i uo! Ourink is given rt) hb, we Bteal oor ;pipcr, and we win our ( fV ------ -- eeven- - j' r.' it cocts imm ' ' : - ;'j . Pine, f - ' verthelera. an a ma ; ' ... n, and 't Vi te their conweiene ; vilF tk. ' '.1 t they cv un, if they will ee ii ira:i 1 '.trehr." I. JTl fd!o"ipg rid .Xfi" ..i;lv fnfurred in 'cl I of oar coort rf 1 : "". i ttic'jude t Hot tordam t t Tour natit- - ' " 1 pe no - r turtle f" i '... mi ututldr, . '."''hat did you ? V.'ba: ! i ; . i creak in the r a lie? ' I tii Ujijruae in do .! ; I crj in I.tcL " t': re waa . 'acrd !:it:2h, in which t: Ju ry, and Ir a Joined.'. The "itiieM m interrozatcd i i farther ahooA bijCtivie language. The following, by Js&h BlUinjrs, ia,opJy a trifle - u.crior to mime piacacs in nocD8on s i v ns," bj which nble ponn- - it was evidently ' ia Mired. Spring caniti hil : yr as inacU aa .. itaii, uuiuoun virzin : o.dvu yean" oiil erd upward bale and hearty old gal. welcom tr New York tate and partd ajaccnt.. Now the t iriU jaw, now the cattle holler now the pigs tut fivrnj niiua, now iiic nata elgil, rnd nature is fricky ; the virtuons bedbug and f l : en bby eockroach are wnging Yankee Doocle a i Coming thru the rhi.' Now may be seen the mutkeleer, that grey outlined critter of dc-- oi y, solitary and alone, examining his last year's Li!l ; and now i Iteard. with the naked car, the iioaree-Blangliig- h brawling in the barnyard." At tbia scauon of the year any information viti re" jiect to the expulsion of inocquitoes fruin ?j rxiu is fure to he acteptable. A write in a South Carolina (er tsays : I have tried the following, and find it to work like a charm, fake of gum cauitilior a niece about nnp-thi- rl She ize of an egg, and evaporate it by it 3 tu ..l. i, iw it over noiuing a lamp or 1 i mndle, Uking care that it does not ignite. The jaoke will Boon iL. II the room and expel , the aosquitoes. One nizht I was terrihlv snnnvl 3y tliera, when I thought of and tried the above, p iftor which 1 never saw or heard of them that jight, and the next morning there was not one be f Hind in the room, though the window had ! een left open aiTthat night. A Grsnixo .Welcome. An ancient Eastern f Ynaiden, one Susan U. Antlwny by name, is f V.ming to tliis city to deliver a series of lectures. antique harridan is welcome. We lnno- - fs- - r with a mighty longing; we yearn for. the fhnll cackle of her cracked larynx; we pant for the lively patter of her tireless tongue ! How cheerfully we shall fall upon her . ekinny . neck and trprvrikw I 1 j -- -r .,,ulT cuLTtse ncr m our emewv trms how tnnilingly her impale upon our pen nd rirt her in the blaze of a righteous ridicule! JT,e waters of anticipation drench ou -- ua a ae.icions IngKlity. Come, Soozie, ma-- 5 Jmrnecn; trot hitherward and, unbuckle thy I Judge ,peerle, platitudes shake . out thv ' wealth of wondrous words. Unfold thy tale " -- Exchange. ; . . J Mark Twain says of bia horse: I have a 1 torse by the name or Jericho. He is a mare I wave seen remarkable horses before, but none so t remarkable aa this. I wanted a borse that would ' shy, and this fills the bill. I bad an ida that VVinS indicated epirit., Jf js; rosr- - ha v lie most spirited horse on earth. He shies at f rerJth'nS he comes across with the urtnot4 ; impartiality. He appears L t..- - a nsgrtal dread t telegraph pola 1 - ; t ft F;tBDrce i as it is now, I rver f ti. off t ... in au ". t ' .; jo, H j.-kj1- g--t tQonovmoas attr s .vrLj, ' j ) I 'ature lay chied at tvers?i'.-,);"- , lV JWn I ""C1' iepi a hay-stac-- ' IIe wait " t- - tha ; wiUk. an iotrepui and rew.latene 1 t r t j atatl3hing. And it would fil a f : ! ' I..;,.. ... I , ' . " . I I V ' ,tlIe- - of a 4 Urk,f Xjb, I d ire-drv-il braTery will be the death this noree j Javime day. Il id not particularly Mt, but I t moa wiirtro all the work l wuSi- - He has only ontj fault 3 his tail ba-be- chor ti 2", or 1U Ik h.. kit ll,li t. . I 1 - , - - i nari s- a 1 time or 1 other, and has to Seht the flies wl.h . 1J- - This U ali verjr well, but when be u " Tr kick a Jfyoj.t:ietop bis bead with his ' '5 s too tuueh xt- variety. .: He is T !'u t j uiutmux 1 11 irouoie way soi I 7- He, J reaehes ronnd and bites my legs, td 1 aa Tic 1 care particularly about tliit--or-jlj -- to not ilk see s horse too sociable." - S. B. DOLE, ATIORXRV AT L..4.W. OFFICE OVER corner t Fort and Mercbint Sirreta. mil Iloooiula. S. MAGNIN, 1 ' " I IMPORTER AM) DEiLKK INGEXERAL. hi " MKHCHAXUlaK, lry Ooodi, Clouanc, boots and boKa, and Gent's Furnishing Goods. all Xanana g. eorcerof Warin. IIooo!old, H. I.' If A. W. PIERCE & CO., i (Siicce.ivr$ to V. L. Illchnrds tfc Cb.) CJIUP CH tDI,ERS AM) G EXER AL COM KJ MISSION XtKtuAM?. llonulnla, Hawaiian Islands. Abribik Mf. Peine a. (Ja41y- - Xi B. Pirruso. M. PHILLIPS & Co.,- - - - IMPORTERS AM) WHOLESALE DRAU JL erS in CluChinfC, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men1, KornhhiB(r and fancy Goods. t (uS 6ui Xu. 11 Knalmmanu el. Honolulq. ... M.' DICKSON, . ..." PHOTOGRAPHIC A'R'DIST. PICTURES I . . . - ! all Siy'es takoa and work ganraoteed. - Fort Street, Ki sKle betwtren King and Hotel- - ' e2fl ly J." w. Austin, . AND COI NSKLLOR AT L.A W. ATTORNEY . o29 Dm E. 0. HALL & SON, IMPORTERS A NI DK.4I.ERS IN IIARO- - , JL WAKt, Dry Uoods, ,ints, oils, and tieneral Merchandise. o29 Corner Fort and Kins Sts. ly H. HACEFELD & Co., EN ERA Lt COMMISSION AGENTS. G . Oi ly HONOLULU. THOS. G. THRUJi'S, TATIOVERY. CUTLER! AM) NEWS s Vvvot, and Circulating Library, (ate Uiack AQdrs Svand.4 Kngraing, On ligrapliy , ctencU Cutting, au.l Copying, an etui ed to. ol ly . Merchant Street. Honolulu. t-- s r t : li: . THEOD. C. HEUCK, -- . M PORTER AND COMMISSION" M ER-C11- AT, -- I "(oily) Honolulu, Oahu.41. I. W. L. GREEN, . nOMMIS'IOX MERCHANT. FIRE-PRO- OF ISuiiding, Qaeen Street, ol ly Honolulu, llawaiian Islands. A. S. 0LEGH0RN, 'M PORTER AND WHOLESALE AND . ItEf AIL DEALER IN General Merchandise, : Corner Quetn and Kaahuiuanu Sts, ol-l- y ouunii St., and comay Fort and Hotel Sta. JOHN RITSON, EALER IN WINES. SPIRITS. ALE AND, ol ly liONoLCLC. j ' DOWSETT & CO., T UMBER MERCHANTS AND DEALERS M- -A in Building Materials of all kinds. Corner Queen and Furt streets, Honolulu. J7 ly LEWERS k. DICKSON. Dealers in Lumber and DnilJlDg 31aterUI, 73 - " Fsrt Street. ly l. E. MelNTI'RE i BROTHER, Grscery, Teed Stare and Bakery, Corner of Kinj andort ctreeU, nooolulu, II. 1. 743 ly THOS. 6. THRUM. Stenrll Catter, Engraver, f dpyM and Ctiigraphtr. 740 No. 19 Merchant street, Honolulu. ly F. A. SCIIAEFER ii. CO. . Importers aud Conixlssloa 5Icrthants, . HONOLULU, - 733 ly U AW. ISLANDS. I JOHN 1IIOS. WATERHOUSE, Importer aad Dealer In General Merchandise, Quaen 8tre Honolnla. . ly FISCHER At ROTH,. 2IfTfu.iit Tailors. Fort Street, opposite Odd Fellow'a Hail. Honolulu, H. I. 72 ly ALE.t. J CA RTAVRlCillT. - r, Csmmlsalon aerehant and Genoral Shipping igeat, llwuwlaln. Uuhut ly C. S. BARTOW, ; lartioneer, Snlea Rsm n (luren Street, so door lrus ' 733 . Kaahumano street. ly ' ' WM. NKWCOMB, Dentbt, Offloe corner of Fort and Hotel Streets. 728 ly E. HOFFMANN, M.D. rkyslcfaa and Ssrgeon, Center Merchant and Kanbumanu sts., near Postofllce. ly Sf. O. CB ALLAH ai. - A. SLl'SS, , ClULLAMEIi k CO,,-:- : Importers and Dealers la Wines, Spirits, Ales, if., No. 8 NUUANV STREET, 729 Opposite Merchant street. Honolulu, H. I. ly R. G. DAVIS. Attorney at Law, Will Practice In all the Courts or the Kingdom, In both English and Hawaiian languages. 75 Offie on Queen Street, opposite the Court Uou: ly CIIDLAX BROT HER, 1)1 PORT BBS W AMD DKALEU3 IS China Goods of all Destrlptlsns, and In all kinds of , Dry Gooib, - Also, consUnUy on h.ind, a superior quality or Hawaiian Rice. 747 NVUANU STREET, HONOLULU. ly J. M. WHITNEY, D.'D. S.. Dentist, Ovficb ovbb Da. UorrMAJis's Drub Stobb, CORNER OF KAAHUMANU JIND MERCHANT STS. 747 Office hours from 9 a. m. till 2 r. u. ly II YM AN Ac BROTH ERS , - - mroBTiBii, ; Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, HATS, FURNISHING GOODS, Ladies' aad Gents' Boots and fehues, Yankee Notions, to., tc. Capt. Snow't Building, No. 20 MERCHANT ST., 1723 ly) HONOLULU. ' : , . McCOLGAN . JOHNSON, . 'v Mertbant Tailors, FOUT STREET, HONOLULU, ' B. 1- -, 72 Opposite Theud. C Heuck's. ly -- .' . . Li L. TORBERT, T ' Dealer la all Mads of Daildiog Materials, Foiat, OU, Wall Paper, Window and Picture Glass, Sah, Blind, loort,lrctrc. Orrica No. 20 Esflabapb. (727 ly) 0wwit Cwbt Hoosa ,T 1 hLINOlU ' M i CO., , a'OITBM AST OBALEBS Hardware, Cntiery, Dry Goods Taints and Oils, man arum urrtuanaise, 727 No. Hi KIXQ STREET, HONOLULU. ly IRA. RICHARDSON. Importer and Dealer in Coots, Shoes, Fine Clothing, 2'Z l FBralshiag Gowda, Perfnmery, tv rf "f Fort and Merchant Streets. " 70 HONOLULU, H. I if . . W. C. JONES, a -- ' Attorney at Law and Land Agent. Win.Pf J 'te Court, of the Kingdom. He wil lie Circuit Coons ou Kauai, Maui andlUwaiL and visit either of those Island oa special business. 743 Office near tie Court Haust. lT ly J. PERRY. Dealer la Ceneral Herehandtse, r FIRE-PROO- F STORE, Corner of Ilotd and Xuuanu Slreet, Honolulu, 27.1. 722 BetallXstaDlUliment oa Nnnana Street. Above the Fire-wo- of Store. ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., AD COMMISSION IV 1 KR IMPORTERS CIIANTP... .. - Corner of Fort ami Mcrchaut Clrevts. Dili ly ' - EDWIN JONES, ' AND SHIP CHANDLER, LA- -. GROCER . IIAl.NA, NALI. Money and Becruits furnishe 1 to Ships on Faorabl Terms. mis ly , . ""' THEO. H. DAVIES, . (Late J anion. Green & Co. j . i AND. COMMISSION MERC- HANT. IMPORTER ckmt roa Lloyds and the Liverpool Underwriters, SoHhem . Assurance ComiDy, and British and Foreign Marine Insurance Company. ; ; . . mil Fire Proof Buildings, Kaahumano and Queen Sts. ly ;"JYR. KINNEY, V ' - . A XA LVT1CAL CHEMIST. 1 25 6m 1&8 Nuaanu Avenue. - CASTLE & COOKE, AND DEALERS IN IMPORTERS MKKCIiANDISK, SHIPPINO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ' j28 No. 80 Kins: Street, Hunolulu, U. 1. ly '. BOLLES & CO., ... CII.INDLKRS AND COMMISSION SHIP MKltCHANTS. Importers and Dealers in Qeneral Merchandise. Queen Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Apenls for the Kaunakukai. Mnunalua and Kakaako Salt j 'i Works. 1 M. McINERNY, AND DEALER IN IMPORTER HaW, Caps, Jewelry, Perfumery, Pocket Cutlery, .and every description or Ui-n- i s superior i urni.-liin-g Ocxiils. ItT wenacri rmo " always on hand. N. K. Cobxer or Fo'st asd Mkhcbast Stbet3. Ja7 ly S. IValkkb. S. C. ALLB-- f - WALKER & ALLEN, HIPPING AND COMMISSION MER-HONOLL'L- C. CHANTS, H. 1. ' AGKST3 FOR Hawaiian Packet, Spencer's Plantation. Princeville Plantation. I iiuiieiiu rianiauuu. Onoroe Plantation.- - Greenwell's Coffee. Iniier:al Fire Ingumnce Company, London. Merchant's Mutual Marine Insurance Co., San Francisco, j7 1J , E. P, ADAMS, AND COMMISSION MERC- HANT. AUCTIONEER Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I. Ja4 ly A. W. JCDD. S. -- JUDD & LAYTON, AND PROVISION DEALERS, GROCERS Grocery and Feed Store, 32 Fort Street, Honolulu. dlO ly - 0. F. NICHOLS, M. D., PHYSICIAN, CORNER HOMEOPATHIC At Office, forenoon nfter 8 ; 3 to o P. M. House, 98 Ueretania Street. dI7 6m GEO. T. SHIPLEY, M. D. SDROBOS U. S. NAVY. CAN BE LATE at his residence, on the lower corner of Fort and Chaplain Streets. "10 r J;AK)NG,& ACHUCK, , PORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IM in General Merchandise. Fire-pro-of Store, Nuua-n- u Streets. dlO ly . A. F. JUDD, - AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ATTORNEY doors below Merchant Su ali ly ' : JOHN S. McGREW, M. D., - ATE SURGEON U. S. ARMY. CAN BE 4 consulted at his residence on Uotel Street, between Ali ke and Fort Streets. d12 ly M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., AND WHOLESALE DEAL IMPORTERS Clothinr, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and every variety of Gentlemen's Superior Furnishing Goods. Store formerly occupied by W. A. Aldrich, Makee's nl2 Block, Queen Street. ly ' '. . F. HORN, ' : . CONFECTIONER. NO. 4 HOTEL'sT., Honolulu. dl7 C. BREWER Si CO. Commission - and Shipping Merchants, ' e 743 . Honolulu. Oafas II. I.- - "ly W. UCMPHRCTS. FRANK BROW SI. HUMPHREYS Sc BROWN, Importer and Wholrsale Dealer In Wines, Spirits, " Ale and (Portcr, etr..ctrM; 729 MERCHANT STRKRT, HONOLCLC, n. I. - ly CHUNG HOON, Commission Slercliant and General Agent, Agent for the Paukaa and Ainaunlu Supar PlantaUons Im-- . porter of Teas and other Chinese Foreign Goods ' and wholesale dealer in Hawaiian Produce,- - 1st New Stone Store, NaunnnSt., below Kiuv. 733 ly ' ALLEN V .CHILLING WORTH, " ' Kawalhae,'Hawaii, ' Will coortinae the General Merchandiseaad Shipping business at the above port, where they are prepared to furnish the justly celebrated Kawaihae Potatoes, aud j such other recruits' as are roquired by whale ships, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Pirowood on ZXaiid. !vt , ly D. N. FLITNER, Continues his old business in the fireproof building, i r Knahnmana fUueet, f rated by observations of the sun and stars with a transit instrument accurately adjusted to the meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to fine watch repairing. Sextant and quadrant glasses silvered and adjusted . Charts and nautical instmments constantly on -- rT39 " r" hand and for sate.-- . . - - ly 1 . I u I r i - D C. WATERMAN Si. CO., .. . Comuissioa Merehants. "Esecial attention paid to the Interests of the Whaling Fleet by the furnishing of funds, purchase and sale of Exchange, Oil, Bone, General Merchandise, and the procuring of Freight REFERENCES. - Messrs. Isaac Howlaxb, Ja. & Co., New Bedford " W. G. K. Popb; Esq., -- do.-' J. C. MsKRiLi. & Co., San Francisco 739 ly .THOMAS SPENCER, .. Ship Chandler, Dealer In General Merchandise, Island ! Prodnce, ic, and Commission Merchant. Rrr,n'. Bay, Ililo. S. I.. Will keep constantly on baud i extensive assortment of every description of goods required by ships aed others. The highest price given for Island Produce. XT Money advanced for Bills of Exchange at reasonable rates. iy , PIAIVOS ! PIANOS !!...,; . ... .t...- - v J : : i i i rrnVO OF THE BEST HALLET Sc. CUM. A STON Plans, d24 - For Sale by '5 : C. BREWER CO. liAiVI AIVD KJBAIs ESTATE. SEVERAL PROPERTIES ON THESE Islands for sale, apply to ja7 - ' W. L. GREEN. Ma A liiVI It Y :iL ISTS . Buy Wallace's Patent Lauudrj List! Save time, trouble and be secured against lo&s. aanple can)" seen aad 'Orde'rs left, at If. SI. Wbitneyls and Tboa. G. Thrum's. Ladles', Gentlemen-s- , Children's and Family Lists . : 't ..;' I. Complete. 't ' i na4 PRICE, FIFTY CkCNTS. tf R. RYCROFT, , ; a .Practical Plumber Tcrt Street, nezt Avw door to the Government Yard. Orders for Hi use or Ship "Work promptly attended to. , . mil ly BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. J Vo. 44 FORT ST., (.LOITER DOOR) . - m4 if Opposite Lewers i Dlckion's. V WM. 'L. ROSE, ; Copper, Tin & .Sheet Iron" Worker, 'ON' BUILDINGS, ODTTBRS, WORK Koi-Ong- , or any ll.iug iu taj line, will be t . .; A l tended to vb Proiuptueas. . ' ...i i t : JByrpn's 3E3y iiilo. S. JL. Orders from any part of this Island will be attended Jul8 to with promptness. 3ra- - J.; T. CHAYTER, Ship and General. Blacksmith,, Shop on the J'splauade, utar the Cns-to- m Houst, Where he is preiared to execute all orders in his line with prom Knees and in. a, workmanlike manner. . Horse-nhoei- done with neattiets and dispatch. J.iH ly , R. WHITMAN, HAS OPfciNED A NEW ESTAB- - lisbment and will give his attention to Carriage Trimming, Saddle and Harness MAKING AND REPAIRING In all its branches. Every Description of Articles connected with the Rusiness constantly on hand, at moderate Prices. Give Him it Trial. No. 83 King Street. dlO 6m TAILOR, FORT STREET, oppoxit C. E. William1 Cabinet 728 Ware-rcoi- n. ly BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Ring Street, next to Bethel Vestry. Honolulu, II. I. 727 ly IJUrSCAiV & CKOCKETT, BLACKSMITHS, SHOP ON THE ESPLANADE, where all work from Ship or Shoru will be att'-- led to in a manner to wsrrant Bhtistaction. d2S ly J. H. WICKE, C AB3 iVET' "if 1 A Ix K Ml , ALAKBA STRKRT BKI.OW THB THBATBK. Furniture made and repaired at reasonable prices. .728 ly Ks:.:iix B.ETT, Bo6t fiiitli Jilioe IVJalrer. Manufaciuring and RepairiiiR dope in a Workmanlike Wanner. ;; 728 Hotel st, opposite the Bell Tower, ly P. D ALTON, Saddle mid ESarBies Tlkci, KING STREET, HONOLULU. Carriage Trimniing in all Its1 Branches. Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. 735 ly J. A. BUR DICK, Cooper & Ganger, Cooperage on Esplanade. wJTa HE IS PREPARED TO ATTEND j to all work in his line at his old stand on the Espla-sTrtrtpT- ft nde. He hopes by attention to business to iverit a continuance of the patronage which be has heretofore enjoyed, and for which he now returns his thanks. ' - o29 ly SADDLE ot HARNESS MAKER, CORNER Sf Fort aud Hotel Streets, Honolnln. feSkS 17" Carrlases Trimmed with neatness and dispatch. Island Orders attended to ptoniptly. . ; . . 743 ly - QQ ZlxiS Streoti oo ill. T. I V IV ?S ELL., ;, ' IMPORTER AMD OP , ' ,, . t ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE ! ' Suitable to this market. - Furniture repaired and Mattrasses of all de- scriptions made lo order. i Before buying else where call at 80 and 88 Kiuff street. ly v. riscsis:.:, Cabinet Maker and French Polisher i HOTEL STREET,; 727 Near thfe Drug Store of K. Strebs tf Co. ly Cooking JSIovcs, Ships' Cnhiu Stoves, Charcoal Furnaces, BEST LY RUBBER HOSE, Iron Withstands. Farmers' Cauldrons, Catt Iron Sinks, Douglass Pumps, No. 0 to Japanned Tin for Signs, Marble Wash Basins, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Dixon's best Stove Polish, Sheet Copper, 4 xO ft.--2- 0 to CO si. IIOUSEKtEPEUS Will also find every description of J A PANNED WARE, and many other thiORs useful in the Kitchen, at the Store of J. NOTT 6 CO., Practical Braziers, Copper and Tinsmiths, Where they are ready to furnish Planters and others with every ' description of Copper and Tin Work. ICT Work on Buildings, Gutters, Spouts, Water-pipe- s, Roof-finf- or any thing in our line will be attended to With prompt oes r , . , . ..hi , ... 724 At No. O Kanliunmm Street. . ly For Sale, Just Received KA M0I, FROM LONDON. BARRELS FRAN'ClS'SrPERIOR PORT-UN-O CEMENf, . . i Barrels Hamburg Star Brand Palw Ale, qta. and pts. 11 lids. Marriao's English Pale Ale, - t ' Cases of Angostnra Bitters, in whole and hf. bottles, Cases of Swedish Punch, ;. . Cases of Cock Tail, Casei of Hoorbon and German Whiskey, ' Cases of Elixir of Life,1 Cases of Cholera Bitters, '.'''.' , , ' Cases and Casks of Boonekamp Hitters, -' Cases Genuine Sheridan Gin, in stone glass bottle. Cases bhine Wine and Sparkling Hock, . ,"' . Casks or French Brandy in bulk, ' . Cases of Saperior French Claret. ' ' . t LSO-- - I CASE OF THE CELECUATED FARLA C0L0GSE. For SaIo Olaeap , ,.t...' . By . THEOD. . C. HEUCK, flS .wt Street. 1 The Hercliaiit's lTIaiiual, CONTAINING ' THE HAW All AX TARIFF treaties with foreign powers, and other useful Information to foreign Cur respondent. Price 60 cents each. For sale bv m a. m. wniTNKr. WILIil.Ul WEIGHT,. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, HAS REMOVED HISSHOPONE K door nearer Nuuauu Street. ' L J Opposite the Statiou ITonse, i V where he is prepared to receive orders for work in' Blacksmith ''m ' mg' 'U ; . l GIVE PARTICULAR ATTEXTIOy TO IORSE-ml- 8 SHOEING. 3m Itl . BEN FIELD, "Wagon and Carriage Builder, 74 and 76 ...."'.:-- .; : KiiS Sirrel, IIoelalu. . CARRIAGES BUILT TO ORDER and warranted., , Also, particular attention given to the repairing of Vehicles of every descrip BlfieLwpitlilns and IIore-Shodn- ;; Carriage, Sign . I and QtJnental Painting) Carriage Trimmlnp, .e., will , .., always be attended to In a manner to ITAR- - ; ' " J ' ''RANT' SATISFACTIONS : 13 Orders from all parts of the Islands promptly executed. H ly - C. E. WILLIAMS, Macnfaetnn;", Importer and Dealer In' Fnrnitnre '- - Of Every Descriptions m ' ' Furnituru Ware Room on Fort street j Workshop at the old stand. Hotel street, near Fort. N. B. -- Orders from other islands promptly attend! to. 742-l-y MAS. L. LEWIS, Cooper and Ganger, at the Old Stand,- - CORNER OF KING AND BETHEL Streets. A large stock of OIL SHOOK3 and all kinds of Coopering Materials constantly on band. .. Also, Shop, on the Esplanade near the Cnitoni Moose. He hopes by attention to business to merit a continuance of the patronage which lie has hitherto enjoyed, and for which be now returns his thanks. n5 6m - J. H. THOMPSON, General Blacksmith, Queen St., Honolulu. HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A D For Sale at the Lowest Market Prices, a cood assort- ment of the Best Refined Bar Iron, and the Best Blacksmith's Coal. ' , , , 1)5 ly F. H. & C. SECELKEN, Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron "Workers, A'naana Street, bet. Jlerthant and Queen, ' HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND Stoves. Lead Pine. Gxly. Iron Pipe. Plin and Hose liibhs, t'top Cocks, India Rubber Hi-s- e best y in '" lengths of 25 and 50 fret, with Coupling and Pipe" com plete. Al, a very large stock of Tinware of every descrip- tion. ' Jobbing and Repairing done to order promptly and war- ranted. Particular nttention given to Ship Work. Thankful to the c.t zens of Honolulu, a"d the Islands gen- erally, for thi-i- r liberal patronage in the past, we hope by strict attention to buahiess to merit the suine for the future. XT Orders from the other Islands will be carefullyaattended to . 08 ly PACIFIC BRASS FOUNDRY. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE-spe- ut fully inform the public that lie is prepared to cast and finish all kinds of brass and composition work with dispatch and at reasonable rates. XT All kinds of ship aud plantation worV furnished on short notice. XT Constantly on hand, hose coupuncs of the following, sizes: i, i, 1, 11, 2 and 2. Also, oil cups and gauge cocks. JAMES A. HOPPER, 748 ly King street. JOHN NEILL, 3VT. -- A. C? XI IKTIST! NO. 40 FORT STREET, where he will attend to all orders " in the . . . .. LOCK, ;r &, GEXEBAL REPAIR LIXE He will give special nttention to cleaning, repairing and reg- ulating dewing Machines, and all other kinds of Light Machinery and Metal Work of every description ALSO. ON HAND AND FOR SALE CHEAP, A Variety of Sewingr Machines, Guns, Pistols, Shot, AniuianltlcD, MACHINE IL, NEEDLES, Ac, Axe. Sewing Machine Tuckers, Binders, and ail other extra and duplicate parts of Machines supplied on short notice. Best Machine Twist. ; XT -- O COLB AGBST IS THIS USODOJt FOR The Celebrated Florence SewingMachines. ' n27 Also, Ward's Gas Generating Lamps ' ly KE V & CO . , Manixfacturers and Dealers IN ALL KINDS OF SOAPS ! . Leleo, King Street, Honolulu. Bee Mutton and Goat Tallow Wanted ! Orders Left at Ira Richardson' Boot find Shoe Store will useet with pro mot . ;' - Attendunee. jail , THE COPJIECTICUT Life , Insrance Company IIAIlTrORn, CONN. ORGAXIZED IS 1816. CHARTER FERPETCAL. A PURELY MUTUAL COMPANY ! , Nduibering over CO.OOO Mrmbers., Assets Jan. 1, 1870, over $27,500,000! ' : Surplus, over $9,600,000. Total Claims' by ' Death, (paid to date,) Over - 9,500,000. Total Dividends, (paid to dale,) Over $8,000,000. Current Dividend from Forty to Seventy per .'J Cent. ' Current Income, over $10,000,000 per Annum. Its Income from Interest alone More than Pays its - - ' ' i Claims by Death. , , . ' There being no stockholders iu Surplus belongs exclusively to the members, is equitably divided among them in ANNUAL DIVIDENDS, which may be applied in reduetien of premiums, or may be accumulated at interest for the benefit of the Assured, or may be received by them in Cash. - Paid-u- p Policies .are rrauted after two or more years Pre- miums have been paid, thus praCically making ; Policies Non-Forfeitin- g:. ( It Issues Policies upon all desirable plans of Insurance, and has adopted In its workings several SPECIAL FEATURES, original with this) Company and offered by no ether. : ., , LAST TEAR'S PROSPEROtS BrSIXESS. 11,860 Policies issued. Insuring about.. ...... ..$39,000,000 00 Income received and accrued................;. 9,034,069 68 Doritur Aa last fiscal year this Company paid in dirideads to the living and no .the policies of its deceaaed members, Two Millions Two Hand red and Forty-Fiv- e Thouasnd Two Hundred and Fifty-Tw- o Dollars, and st the same time added more than Five Millions Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars to it accumulated capital ":. ' J '. XT The whole record of this Company has been one of prudent management and prosperous advancement. 'Among the older and Leading Life Insurance .Companies iu average ratio of expenses to income has, through iu entire history, been the lowest of any. '.!.,.-- - ' ' Further information concerning this old and reliable Com- pany given by - . HENRY M. WHITNEY, Agent fur the Hawaiian Islands. . HoTKiluIa .October, I860. - - Ja7 Sui1 - t j;,i- i '.aVe'- -- .,. 00' 721 739 740 and 739 723 XT Old 74d and THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN ' MARINE INSURANCE COMP'Y, - " - (LIMITED,) : ACCEPTS RISKS AT THE LOWEST JH. KATES. The clauses iu the f olicies of this Company are specially advantageous. TUEO. il. DAV1E3. :'.. ' ' ; Agent. THE N0RTHESN ASSTJEANCE COMFY '; ' Issnes Fire and Life Pollrlcs : ' N THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. ALL Claims .or Lowes settled with promptitude. . : trl2 ly - THEO. II. DAVIES, Agent. 'F. A. SCHAEFER, A GENT Bremen Bourrf of t'nder Writers. Agfal Drrsdru Beard of I'silcrwrilcri, Agent Vlenaa Bonrd of Underwrllera. Claims against Insurance Companies within Ihe Jurisdiction of the above Boards of L'ndernr iters, will have to be certified to by the Agent to make them valid. 'd28 ly HAMBURGH-BREME- N FIRE INSURANCE. COMPANY. npiIE UNDERSIGNED, HAYING BEEN JL .Appointed Agents of the atovc Company, are prepared to insure risks against Fire on Stone and Brick Buildings, and on Merchandise stored therein, on most favorable terms. For particulars apply at the office of 745 ly . F. A. SCIIAEFER CO. NORTH BRITISH A1JD MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., !OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. ' ' Established, iso9. CAPITA L 2.000.000 Aecnutuloted and Invested Fund, 2,838,118 nmiE undersigned have been ai- - 1. POINTED AGENTS r the Sandwich Islands, and are authorised to Insure against Fire opon favorable terms. Risks taken in any part of the Islands on Wooden Buildings, and Merchandise stored therein. Dwelling Houses and Furni- ture, l imber, Coals, Ships in harbor with or without cargoes or under repair. 723 ly) ED. U)FFSCIILAEQKK CO BOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. fJMIE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE A. Boston Board of Underwriters, notify Masteia of Vesnels and others thst all bilU for Repairs on Vess'ls. and all bills for General Average purposes, must be approved by the Agent of the Boston Underwriters, a ho must also be represented on all surveys', or such bills will not be allowed. , a ty V. HllKYVEK & CO., Agents. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY. npiIE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE JL above Company, have leen authorised to insure risks on Cargo, Freight hdiI Treasure, from Honolulu to all porU of the world, and vice verra. o ly 11. HACKFELD Co. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, , OF LONDON. (Inatitnted 1 803.) CAPITAL, $8,000,000 IN GOLD! rgMIE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPARED M. to issue policies on Fire ttlsks with or without the aver age clause), on PlanUtion Buildings and Machinery, Private vweiiingK, tsricK. tume ana vt oouen Mores, Merchandise, Coals, Lumber, Ships in Port, &e., on the most favorable terms. . CAH loasra ndjuated and paid lor oere-X- For particulars apply at the office of WALKER ALLEN, 743 ly Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. Canton Hotel and Restaurant I DJOTEL STREET. BETWEEN FORT slJI and Nuuanu SlreeU, will be Opened on Sunday Morning, March 19th. TERM3 t Board, per Week $4 O0 to 15.00 Board, per Week, sent out..... fO 00 Board per Day.... ............ $2 00 Lodging per Week............ $2.60 All Board BUI moat be Settled Weekly. ml8 lm ACHONG &A KIM,' Proprietors. SUGAR PLANTATION FOR SALE I THIS PROPERTY CONSISTS OF 18 acres in Fee Simple, with Dwelling House, Sugar House, Boiling and Outhouses thereon. The Fixtures are a Small Mill with horse power, 1 Ctarifler, 1 Cooler, 20 Iron Dryers, 90 Wood Dryers, foundation for boil-i- n grates, five frame sut and smoke stacks, foundation for centrifugal and tank to centrifugal, sheet Iron for a boiling pan with tools to make it. 65 acres of Cane that will yield two tons to the acre on 180 acres of the best of sugar land. Cane ready for the mill Novem- ber next laud leased for 10 years at f 38 p rear, with privi-ile- ge of extention. Also, 1 two horse wagon, 1 horse, 4 har- nesses, 27 head of choice Cattle, Blacksmith Tools, Shop Tools, Plartaiiuti Tools. 4 c. This property I wish to dispose of, as we are about to leave the Islands XT Terms Cash or approved paper. Inquire of ROBERT BROWN, or WALKER ti ALLEN, Honolulu, or Cf. CHALET, on the premises, f 11 3m Waiohinu, Kau, Haw. Ilooisi. OPEN TO ALL, EVERY DAY wife IN THE M EEK. nonrs from 9 A. 91. to 10 P. SI., Up-atal- ra, In the Sailor Home. , The last Friday evening of each month reserved for the meet-ing- s of Ihe Y. M. 0. A. ' u8 ly IVT O T 33 ZEIS .A. JO 1 . ... BUT - Living Yet, and has been Living Honolnla the Last Fourteen Years I . TUR OLD ESTABLISHED lIOftOLUsLU SOAP lVOKEiS ! Rawlins & Mitchell Manufacturers OF - ALL KINDS OF SOAPS! Buyers of Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow! '' And nil blade of Soap Grenoe. ' We have received ex late arrivals from the United States and ., . Europe supplies of the , Dest Materials la oor Line for fllanafaetarlng , , Pnr poaee, 7 And will continue to be in receipt of fresh supplies by steam and sailing vessels, we are prepared to give satisfaction to all Dealers and Consumers of onr Speciality, M ho will favor us with their trade. , : A". B All Orders left. at the Store of II. Melnerny, Importer and Dealer In Boots od Shoes, ST. K. Corner of Fort and Merchant .Streets, will be thaok- -' ?' . " . fully reoeired and promptly . ..j f . 1 attended to. RAWLINS Ai M IT C II E LL, ,. , r ..... Praetleal Soap Boilers, V ' jali ly Leleo, King Stl, llonolala. ; VRITIWC IfjlCS Oii jCTand aiid Jor Said : Tlf AT5ARD Sc. KOVE8 BEST BLACK INK, XNM.. .t: i- - quarts, pinU and cones. .,. ,., Davids' best Black Ink, quarts, pinU and cones. Davids' best Copying Ink, quart and pinU. ;'' Maynard s Noyes' best Copying Ink, quarts ami pints. ' i Bank of London best Oopyiog Ink, quarts and pinU. -- . .Araold'f Writing Fluid da quari and pinU,, received dl rect from London. ' " ' " ' Arnold's Copying Fluid, ! David's bestBlue Ink, in cones; " v David's best Carmine Ink, in glass sUnd; ; .: .., todeltble Ink, for marking linen. , 2Toe but the Dest of Writing Ink kept for sale "' By H. M. WHITNEY WASHINGTON MARKEV , TFV'4' MENSRS.RORMIOI.Tt; fr. ". tir'J lU'NN, Butchers. Nuuanu Hre.t, U gl,iff next to Love's Steam Bakery, are XmkI s prepared to supply Heel". Mutton. Veal and 1 uaili, at all hours, o-- i the most reasonable terms. A share roiiAge solicited. The I'mb-rsigne- i hereby give nolice that from at March 1st, 1871, they are prepared to , Furnish their Customers and tho 1 1 - genersll with tho v CHOICEST MEATS at a CE PER POUND. i4 C. IK)RNIlOLT . ' HI A U1V A I.EA MAHU No. 4 Hotel Street. Wr!?Wrw.' BO HERT LETT UEGH (Milh to inforin the public that hr has 6 , f,P,'nei' ,he ,K, market, and that . i m At he has procured the services of i.a m.J? .First CInss SJulcEic -- ! Ue trusts, that. by Killing only the IZvsi, , Cat lie ! and paying every attention to the business to merit ' a i ro r f the public pal ronage. Href & Pork Sausages, Colognas k DIood Ta. vzf, made to order. I7TERM S- -C IIEAl FO II C A H,t I j Honolulu, Dec. 31, 1870. ' " .: 1 A. S. CLEGHOKN, FOR THE jCENT WAIMFA TANNER1 746 ly , L. DUFFINS MARKET. i. WALLUK, ' KING STREET, HONOLULU. , ,4 ly Wail&pu INanfalioii, II. C'ornvrell, Proprietor. SUGAR AND MOLASflEa T1ROM THIS PLANTATION FOR SALE 2' In lots Ir. ...i r.nM.l....ur. A A at n u iusej ru SWl 'UI s sJ saw. v I I" 743 ly GEO. C. MoLK'.N, Agort. PRINCEVILLE PLANTATION. Sugar and Molaare Crop 1870, DOMINO IN, FOR SAIE IN (IV A .Ml J TI KS to suit purchasers, hy d28 Om WALKER ft ALLEN, 4 HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY! B. LOVE & BEOTHEES, Proprietors,, NUUANU. BTUKLT. ,' 13 1 LOT, MEDIUmTnO NAVT BKiilAD, always on hand and made to order. ' Also, Hater, SkUi uwl Duller Craekf v, JKMnv utiD oansui. a.. r , fi(lll DIlDAl) HEUAKED on the sllortrst iiotlce. FAMILY BREAD, made of the Best Floor, baked dally and always on hand. N. B. BROWN BREAD OF THE BEST CUJLITY ' ' 742 ly For Sale, Two Elegant . , ROSEWOOD COTTAGE PIA&OS ! , 4,a. - .... .ml fm MANUFACTURED HV T.K.fl. TtT1n Meyer at Hamburg, a strings, Socuve, f a full aud brilliant tone. 2 IjAIE iisojv sites, Burglar and Fire Proof, for examination at the Ptore of t . fl8 .. . THEOD. 0. HEUCK'S, Fort ft. STONE MASON, BRICKLAYER, Slater and Plasterer. THE UNDERSIGNED MAY r- - be roana at his place or business on King s)v" street next .(oor to Dennett ihee shop. He is prepared to execute all work In Vl II he with promptness rnd In a satisruetory manner. Orders h um the other Islands attended to with dispatch. J. KKOIIOKII, otherwise called Joe Hitw.-Dooolul- March 18, 1871. ,ml at -- A. Now:Work on American Commercial Law ! A COMPLETE AND iFE GUIDIS FOR the correct transaction of every kind of luln.t i plain and full Instruction with practical Um; adapted to all the stales of the Union. By Fsamklis Cham. auLis, Esq., of the United Stales Bar. lhis aors is designed lo meet a great and long Mt want among ail s of people, in every occupation in life. The Bights, Duties, and Liabilities of every citisen, In all Business Mat tern, are suu-- with great clearness and precision. Tho forms given a, s free rroiu all verbiage and useli-s- s repetition, renting pl,:, and concise models for every btgal instrument. Sold only t aub-scrip- tir n. J.G. WOOD, Av.ut. AIn A vent for the Secarily Life lasaruere Company of New York. 14,18 C. BREWER & CO. OFFER FOR BALK rIiJTZ BARK IVA-ROI- J DIRECT , ' VU OiTI It O. TOJV. QCMBERL1ND COAL, HIDE POISON. Korio, Ilubber Hone, ' Hall Twine, Spruce Tvni, 3 Hoop Paneled 'ni'v ' ' Pure CIr??r Vlt ftrnr. Cut JNTalloj, Pine & Cypress Barrel Shpoks FOR MOLASSES. PINE SUGAR SHOOK S! i ! If XcIIriTxjiy'H - Oysters ! f 11 1 and 2 lb. Pplced, 1 and 2 lb Fresh. ' Un "fall: season IS70. BEST A 1 HAiVAlLiX MESS BEEF! ' ' : , PACKED BT 1 C. BKRTLEMA.NN, K AU A. ( , , ' , AND WARRANTED.', f " XT The above Beef Is packed by an experienced Bautier enred In Liverpool Salt, and packed In Turk's Island rVd The best reference can be glvcav. , for sale is quantities Ut suitby '' . . . v . - ' Ja7 8m' - - - . - ' THEOD. C. HEUCK. hew map of t.hb. Uawallan Islands and North Pacific. JUST RECEIVED, A MAP OF THE II Islands and Islands Northwest of Ibis lrou( w rar as Midway Island, with all ths Reef, Ac Issued by tue llydrographie Bureau, Washington, and for sale t.y : - jalSm. - - . - ' . II. Ai WHITNEY.

Transcript of Aclvortiwiii ! il f · 2015. 6. 2. · h V. ft f THE PACIFIC --TIIS PACIFIC ' 0; mmerrial pwtiscr...

Page 1: Aclvortiwiii ! il f · 2015. 6. 2. · h V. ft f THE PACIFIC --TIIS PACIFIC ' 0; mmerrial pwtiscr mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 13 PTBLI3UED PmLISHKD AT i ery Saturday Morning, Honolulu, Hawaiian

h V.


0; mmerrial pwtiscr mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm13 PTBLI3UED PmLISHKD AT i

ery Saturday Morning, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islam!.BY BLACK & AULD. JAvtoa of Aclvortiwiii .

Space measured in Non-pareil 1 m. 2 m. 8 m. A m. ,type.

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" rr,"p i in the Kitstrrn l ulled Sts. ,? e: rf ,. . United Slates, can XT Advertisers residing'Urrrnhack t r.i'edrmy for their cards by cnrloflng

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a, u r fcte swm ps- - ami their cards will be inserted as per above table, kr tl tlmtald .

PLAIX ASDFAVCT . ' XT Business Cards, when prepaid for a year, are allowed


AND ADDRESS YOL. XV NO. 40;! IIpNOLULU; - HAWAIIAN ISLANDS,- - AIHIJ, 1. 1871. WHOLE NO. 775. discountwhen


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i ltd Iarel wreath and Jjrpie crown4

WUh ao lmnrrul loe ajorn him. .thooaanil milWhe bral thAo opn torx-bov- t all that tr him ? J '

"11c k a a f laiwl r k-- ,.

) The yawm'r.f waltri drk bCr him.A tcady purp)e yarre4 bJ . . .... . .. T

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of it. roii whw wear the Woe! .fbiok of itipniatf wrecked moti lonely ! '

i - V fei ,if,! rin 5ronJ ntamanJy mot:w rfwry only. .".-- -

! Lovrr the fl( h-- r lol o wrfl !

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"h cannoo-boo- hi ftiivral kneTI,

F 1 TTi iiin ami rr h; mertAnr wClow.

Cod fruit hm diath waa not 1c Tain I

God svaot ba eomrail'S areLreathinfiTa rrt the homx thy Ve r'". .

J With am! fear and arelhing.Xiow Imh, ye wiml. tfeat bear relief!

; Oh ! may the iaii!msht of tbja (riefI . I Be ebangvil to nona with Heavea'a bleasinjr i :

:'. .Vi w Vork, January 16th, 1S7L . i. O. Ai,- -

VASIE' i .I ... -

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b ue tLej would keep'tlonjin .',.' .f, oij :. .'enough to. Tote UDtiJ.Aey gfc , j to

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k: naked f by ttie. bit'Rttppj'C .'lo- .iS . can't the riTer'-- 1 Xiitf ytu can Beef - 'A overlicad." vYrJ.NreTvTed inef , "bat till the hiler.bo8t ire 'ain't going

j waj. l'ajeng?r werwto bed Batietied5 lj;ie bt. Joseph (.uj.) Jl raid wis there. pe?;erf ire wis so much gume .0' thkt cUji l tlie

: I'-- nt time, and thus enutaeratt: Keno,ira'.fcitd, Cipj, wild tarkey, "JIiIirJs uils.'e jri-ii- p, elk, rondo, baStIo meat Chinese liack- -; loion, b'lUirrew, uionte, prairier .'chickens,

. i re. tame fovrl of every description, roulette,? ck-Ltil- ed deer.-u-pin- s, bear meat, chuck-a- -

t, tfc, m mniain ebeep, dominoes, sago hen, pigeone, oysters, etc.

The editor of the Cynlhiana News, in making..'1 apcal to hid tubtcri'ers who nre in arrears

ftl pay UP Kiy' 44 We hope they will settlem ty.out delay. Not that we twitt-th- e money)v'y.i uo! Ourink is given rt) hb, we Bteal oor;pipcr, and we win our ( fV ------ -- eeven- -j' r.' it cocts imm ' ' : - ;'j . Pine,f - ' verthelera. an a ma ;' ... n, and't Vi te their conweiene ; vilF tk. ' '.1 t theycv un, if they will ee ii ira:i 1 '.trehr."

I. JTl fd!o"ipg rid .Xfi" ..i;lv fnfurred in'cl I of oar coort rf 1 : "". i ttic'jude

t Hot tordamt t Tour natit- - ' " 1 pe no

- r turtle f"i '... mi ututldr, . '."''hat did you

? V.'ba: ! i ; . i creak in ther a lie? ' I tii Ujijruae in do

.! ; I crj in I.tcL " t': re waa. 'acrd !:it:2h, in which t: Ju ry, and

I r a Joined.'. The "itiieM m interrozatcdi i farther ahooA bijCtivie language.

The following, by Js&h BlUinjrs, ia,opJy a trifle- u.crior to mime piacacs in nocD8on s

i v ns," bj which nble ponn- - it was evidently' ia Mired. Spring caniti hil :yr as inacU aa

.. itaii, uuiuoun virzin : o.dvu yean" oiilerd upward bale and hearty old gal. welcomtr New York tate and partd ajaccnt.. Now thet iriU jaw, now the cattle holler now the pigs

tut fivrnj niiua, now iiic nata elgil,rnd nature is fricky ; the virtuons bedbug and

f l : e n bby eockroach are wnging Yankee Dooclea i Coming thru the rhi.' Now may be seenthe mutkeleer, that grey outlined critter of dc-- oi

y, solitary and alone, examining his last year'sLi!l ; and now i Iteard. with the naked car, theiioaree-Blangliig- h brawling in the barnyard."

At tbia scauon of the year any informationviti re" jiect to the expulsion of inocquitoes fruin

?j rxiu is fure to he acteptable. A write in aSouth Carolina (er tsays : I have tried thefollowing, and find it to work like a charm,fake of gum cauitilior a niece about nnp-thi- rl

She ize of an egg, and evaporate it by it3 tu ..l. i, iw it overnoiuing a lamp or1

i mndle, Uking care that it does not ignite. Thejaoke will Boon iL. II the room and expel , theaosquitoes. One nizht I was terrihlv snnnvl3y tliera, when I thought of and tried the above,

p iftor which 1 never saw or heard of them thatjight, and the next morning there was not onebe f Hind in the room, though the window had

!een left open aiTthat night.A Grsnixo .Welcome. An ancient Eastern

f Ynaiden, one Susan U. Antlwny by name, isf V.ming to tliis city to deliver a series of lectures.

antique harridan is welcome. We lnno- - fs- -r with a mighty longing; we yearn for. thefhnll cackle of her cracked larynx; we pant forthe lively patter of her tireless tongue ! How

cheerfully we shall fall upon her. ekinny. neck andtrprvrikw I 1

j -- -r .,,ulT cuLTtse ncr m our emewvtrms how tnnilingly herimpale upon our pennd rirt her in the blaze of a righteous ridicule!JT,e waters of anticipation drench ou

-- ua a ae.icions IngKlity. Come, Soozie, ma--5Jmrnecn; trot hitherward and, unbuckle thy

I Judge ,peerle, platitudes shake . out thv' wealth of wondrous words. Unfold thy tale "-- Exchange. ; . .J Mark Twain says of bia horse: I have a1 torse by the name or Jericho. He is a mare Iwave seen remarkable horses before, but none sot remarkable aa this. I wanted a borse that would' shy, and this fills the bill. I bad an ida that

VVinS indicated epirit., Jf js; rosr- - hav lie most spirited horse on earth. He shies atf rerJth'nS he comes across with the urtnot4; impartiality. He appears L t..- - a nsgrtal dreadt telegraph pola 1 -; t ft F;tBDrce

i as it is now, I rver f ti. off t ... in au ". t '

.; jo, H j.-kj1- g--t tQonovmoas attr s .vrLj, 'j ) I 'ature lay chied at tvers?i'.-,);"- , lV JWn

I ""C1' iepi a hay-stac--' IIe wait " t-- tha

; wiUk. an iotrepui and rew.latene 1 t r tj atatl3hing. And it would fil a f :! ' I..;,.. ... I , ' . " .

I I V ' ,tlIe- - of a4 Urk,f Xjb,

I d ire-drv-il braTery will be the death this noreej Javime day. Il id not particularly Mt, but It moa wiirtro all the work l wuSi- - He has

only ontj fault 3 his tail ba-be- chor ti 2", or1U Ik h.. kit ll,li t. . I 1 -, - - i nari s- a 1 time or1 other, and has to Seht the flies wl.h . 1J--

This U ali verjr well, but when be u " Tr kick aJfyoj.t:ietop bis bead with his ''5 s too tuueh xt- variety. .: He is T !'u tj uiutmux 1 11 irouoie way soi I 7- He,J reaehes ronnd and bites my legs, td 1 aa Tic

1care particularly about tliit--or-jlj --

to not ilksee s horse too sociable." -

S. B. DOLE,ATIORXRV AT L..4.W. OFFICE OVERcorner t Fort and Mercbint Sirreta.

mil Iloooiula.

S. MAGNIN,1 ' "

I IMPORTER AM) DEiLKK INGEXERAL.hi " MKHCHAXUlaK,lry Ooodi, Clouanc, boots and boKa, and Gent's Furnishing

Goods.all Xanana g. eorcerof Warin. IIooo!old, H. I.' If

A. W. PIERCE & CO.,i (Siicce.ivr$ to V. L. Illchnrds tfc Cb.)CJIUP CH tDI,ERS AM) G EXER A L COMKJ MISSION XtKtuAM?. llonulnla, Hawaiian Islands.

Abribik Mf. Peine a. (Ja41y- - Xi B. Pirruso.

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,- - - -IMPORTERS AM) WHOLESALE DRAUJL erS in CluChinfC, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men1, KornhhiB(r andfancy Goods. t (uS 6ui Xu. 11 Knalmmanu el. Honolulq.

... M.' DICKSON, . ..."PHOTOGRAPHIC A'R'DIST. PICTURESI . . . - ! all Siy'es takoa and work ganraoteed.

- Fort Street, Ki sKle betwtren King and Hotel- - ' e2fl ly

J." w. Austin, .AND COI NSKLLOR AT L.A W.ATTORNEY . o29 Dm


, JL WAKt, Dry Uoods, ,ints, oils, and tieneral Merchandise.o29 Corner Fort and Kins Sts. ly


THOS. G. THRUJi'S,TATIOVERY. CUTLER! AM) NEWSs Vvvot, and Circulating Library, (ate Uiack AQdrs

Svand.4 Kngraing, On ligrapliy , ctencU Cutting, au.l Copying,anetui ed to.

ol ly . Merchant Street. Honolulu.t--s r t :

li: . THEOD. C. HEUCK, -- .


--I "(oily) Honolulu, Oahu.41. I.

W. L. GREEN, .


ISuiiding, Qaeen Street,ol ly Honolulu, llawaiian Islands.


General Merchandise, :

Corner Quetn and Kaahuiuanu Sts,ol-l- y ouunii St., and comay Fort and Hotel Sta.



T UMBER MERCHANTS AND DEALERSM--A in Building Materials of all kinds.

Corner Queen and Furt streets, Honolulu. J7 ly

LEWERS k. DICKSON.Dealers in Lumber and DnilJlDg 31aterUI,

73 - " Fsrt Street. ly

l. E. MelNTI'RE i BROTHER,Grscery, Teed Stare and Bakery,

Corner of Kinj andort ctreeU, nooolulu, II. 1. 743 lyTHOS. 6. THRUM.

Stenrll Catter, Engraver, fdpyM and Ctiigraphtr.740 No. 19 Merchant street, Honolulu. ly


Importers aud Conixlssloa 5Icrthants, .


JOHN 1IIOS. WATERHOUSE,Importer aad Dealer In General Merchandise,

Quaen 8tre Honolnla. . lyFISCHER At ROTH,.

2IfTfu.iit Tailors.Fort Street, opposite Odd Fellow'a Hail. Honolulu, H. I.

72 ly

ALE.t. J CA RTAVRlCillT. - r,Csmmlsalon aerehant and Genoral Shipping igeat,

llwuwlaln. Uuhut ly


lartioneer,Snlea Rsm n (luren Street, so door lrus' 733 . Kaahumano street. ly

' ' WM. NKWCOMB,Dentbt,

Offloe corner of Fort and Hotel Streets. 728 ly

E. HOFFMANN, M.D.rkyslcfaa and Ssrgeon,

Center Merchant and Kanbumanu sts., near Postofllce. ly

Sf. O. CB ALLAH ai. - A. SLl'SS,, ClULLAMEIi k CO,,-:- :

Importers and Dealers la Wines, Spirits, Ales, if.,No. 8 NUUANV STREET,

729 Opposite Merchant street. Honolulu, H. I. ly

R. G. DAVIS.Attorney at Law,

Will Practice In all the Courts or the Kingdom, In both Englishand Hawaiian languages.

75 Offie on Queen Street, opposite the Court Uou: ly


China Goods of all Destrlptlsns, and In all kinds of, Dry Gooib, -

Also, consUnUy on h.ind, a superior quality or Hawaiian Rice.


J. M. WHITNEY, D.'D. S..Dentist,


747 Office hours from 9 a. m. till 2 r. u. ly

II YM AN Ac BROTH ERS, - -mroBTiBii, ;

Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing,HATS, FURNISHING GOODS,

Ladies' aad Gents' Boots and fehues, Yankee Notions, to., tc.Capt. Snow't Building,

No. 20 MERCHANT ST., 1723 ly) HONOLULU. '

: , . McCOLGAN . JOHNSON, . 'vMertbant Tailors,


72 Opposite Theud. C Heuck's. ly--

.' . . Li L. TORBERT, T 'Dealer la all Mads of Daildiog Materials,

Foiat, OU, Wall Paper, Window and Picture Glass,Sah, Blind, loort,lrctrc.

Orrica No. 20 Esflabapb. (727 ly) 0wwit Cwbt Hoosa,T 1 hLINOlU 'M i CO., ,


Hardware, Cntiery, Dry Goods Taints and Oils,man arum urrtuanaise,727 No. Hi KIXQ STREET, HONOLULU. lyIRA. RICHARDSON.

Importer and Dealer in Coots, Shoes, Fine Clothing,2'Z l FBralshiag Gowda, Perfnmery, tvrf "f Fort and Merchant Streets. "70 HONOLULU, H. I if

. . W. C. JONES,a-- ' Attorney at Law and Land Agent.Win.Pf J 'te Court, of the Kingdom. He willie Circuit Coons ou Kauai, Maui andlUwaiLand visit either of those Island oa

special business.743 Office near tie Court Haust. lT ly

J. PERRY.Dealer la Ceneral Herehandtse, r

FIRE-PROO- F STORE,Corner of Ilotd and Xuuanu Slreet, Honolulu, 27.1.

722BetallXstaDlUliment oa Nnnana Street.

Above the Fire-wo- of Store.


Corner of Fort ami Mcrchaut Clrevts. Dili ly


GROCER . IIAl.NA, NALI.Money and Becruits furnishe 1 to Ships on Faorabl Terms.

mis ly , .

""'THEO. H. DAVIES,. (Late J anion. Green & Co. j . i


Lloyds and the Liverpool Underwriters, SoHhem . AssuranceComiDy, and British and Foreign Marine Insurance

Company. ; ; . .

mil Fire Proof Buildings, Kaahumano and Queen Sts. ly

;"JYR. KINNEY, V ' -.

A XA LVT1CAL CHEMIST.1 25 6m 1&8 Nuaanu Avenue.


SHIPPINO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 'j28 No. 80 Kins: Street, Hunolulu, U. 1. ly

'. BOLLES & CO., ...

CII.INDLKRS AND COMMISSIONSHIP MKltCHANTS.Importers and Dealers in Qeneral Merchandise. Queen Street,

Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.Apenls for the Kaunakukai. Mnunalua and Kakaako Saltj 'i Works. 1

M. McINERNY,AND DEALER INIMPORTER HaW, Caps, Jewelry, Perfumery,

Pocket Cutlery, .and every description or Ui-n- i s superiori urni.-liin-g Ocxiils. ItT wenacri rmo "always on hand.

N. K. Cobxer or Fo'st asd Mkhcbast Stbet3. Ja7 ly

S. IValkkb. S. C. ALLB-- f



Hawaiian Packet, Spencer's Plantation.Princeville Plantation. I iiuiieiiu rianiauuu.Onoroe Plantation.- - Greenwell's Coffee.

Iniier:al Fire Ingumnce Company, London.Merchant's Mutual Marine Insurance Co., San Francisco,

j7 1J


HANT.AUCTIONEERQueen Street, Honolulu, II. I. Ja4 ly


AND PROVISION DEALERS,GROCERS Grocery and Feed Store,32 Fort Street, Honolulu. dlO ly -

0. F. NICHOLS, M. D.,PHYSICIAN, CORNERHOMEOPATHIC At Office, forenoon nfter 8 ;

3 to o P. M. House, 98 Ueretania Street. dI7 6m

GEO. T. SHIPLEY, M. D.SDROBOS U. S. NAVY. CAN BELATE at his residence, on the lower corner of Fort

and Chaplain Streets. "10 rJ;AK)NG,& ACHUCK, ,

PORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAILIM in General Merchandise. Fire-pro-of Store, Nuua-n- u

Streets. dlO ly

. A. F. JUDD, -

AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.ATTORNEY doors below Merchant Su ali ly'


4 consulted at his residence on Uotel Street, between Alike and Fort Streets. d12 ly

M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.,AND WHOLESALE DEALIMPORTERS Clothinr, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,

and every variety of Gentlemen's Superior Furnishing Goods.Store formerly occupied by W. A. Aldrich, Makee's

nl2 Block, Queen Street. ly' '.

. F. HORN,' :


CONFECTIONER. NO. 4 HOTEL'sT.,Honolulu. dl7

C. BREWER Si CO.Commission - and Shipping Merchants,'

e 743 . Honolulu. Oafas II. I.- - "lyW. UCMPHRCTS. FRANK BROW SI.

HUMPHREYS Sc BROWN,Importer and Wholrsale Dealer In Wines, Spirits,

"Ale and (Portcr, etr..ctrM;



Commission Slercliant and General Agent,Agent for the Paukaa and Ainaunlu Supar PlantaUons Im--

. porter of Teas and other Chinese Foreign Goods' and wholesale dealer in Hawaiian Produce,- -

1st New Stone Store, NaunnnSt., below Kiuv.733 ly

' ALLEN V .CHILLING WORTH," ' Kawalhae,'Hawaii, '

Will coortinae the General Merchandiseaad Shipping businessat the above port, where they are prepared to furnish

the justly celebrated Kawaihae Potatoes, audj such other recruits' as are roquired

by whale ships, at theshortest notice and on the most reasonable terms.

Pirowood on ZXaiid.!vt , ly

D. N. FLITNER,Continues his old business in the fireproof building,

i r Knahnmana fUueet, frated by observations of the sun and stars

with a transit instrument accurately adjusted to themeridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to

fine watch repairing. Sextant and quadrantglasses silvered and adjusted . Charts and

nautical instmments constantly on--rT39 " r" hand and for sate.-- .

. - - ly1 .I u I r i -

D C. WATERMAN Si. CO.,.. . Comuissioa Merehants.

"Esecial attention paid to the Interests of the Whaling Fleet bythe furnishing of funds, purchase and sale of Exchange, Oil,Bone, General Merchandise, and the procuring of Freight

REFERENCES.- Messrs. Isaac Howlaxb, Ja. & Co., New Bedford" W. G. K. Popb; Esq., -- do.-'

J. C. MsKRiLi. & Co., San Francisco739 ly


Ship Chandler, Dealer In General Merchandise, Island! Prodnce, ic, and Commission Merchant.

Rrr,n'. Bay, Ililo. S. I..Will keep constantly on baud i extensive assortment of every

description of goods required by ships aed others.The highest price given for Island Produce.

XT Money advanced for Bills of Exchange at reasonable rates.iy

, PIAIVOS ! PIANOS !!...,;. ... .t...-- v J : : i i i

rrnVO OF THE BEST HALLET Sc. CUM.A STON Plans,d24 - For Sale by '5 : C. BREWER CO.


ja7 - ' W. L. GREEN.

Ma A liiVI It Y :iL ISTS .Buy Wallace's Patent Lauudrj List!

Save time, trouble and be secured against lo&s.

aanple can)" seen aad 'Orde'rs left, at If. SI. Wbitneyls andTboa. G. Thrum's.

Ladles', Gentlemen-s- , Children's and Family Lists. : 't ..;' I. Complete. 't ' i



a .Practical Plumber Tcrt Street, neztAvw door to the Government Yard.

Orders for Hi use or Ship "Work promptly attended to., . mil ly


- m4 if Opposite Lewers i Dlckion's.

V WM. 'L. ROSE, ;

Copper, Tin & .Sheet Iron" Worker,

'ON' BUILDINGS, ODTTBRS,WORK Koi-Ong- , or any ll.iug iu taj line, will be t . .;A l tended to vb Proiuptueas.

. '...i i t :

JByrpn's 3E3y iiilo. S. JL.Orders from any part of this Island will be attended

Jul8 to with promptness. 3ra- -

J.; T. CHAYTER,Ship and General. Blacksmith,,

Shop on the J'splauade, utar the Cns-to- m

Houst,Where he is preiared to execute all orders

in his line with prom Knees and in. a, workmanlike manner. .

Horse-nhoei- done with neattiets and dispatch. J.iH ly

, R. WHITMAN,HAS OPfciNED A NEW ESTAB- -lisbment and will give his attention to

Carriage Trimming, Saddle and HarnessMAKING AND REPAIRING

In all its branches. Every Description of Articles connectedwith the Rusiness constantly on hand, at

moderate Prices. Give Him it Trial.No. 83 King Street. dlO 6m

TAILOR,FORT STREET, oppoxit C. E. William1 Cabinet

728 Ware-rcoi- n. ly

BOOT AND SHOE MAKER,Ring Street, next to Bethel Vestry.

Honolulu, II. I. 727 ly


SHOP ON THE ESPLANADE,where all work from Ship or Shoru will be att'-- led toin a manner to wsrrant Bhtistaction. d2S ly

J. H. WICKE,C AB3 iVET' "if 1 A Ix K Ml ,


Furniture made and repaired at reasonable prices. .728 ly

Ks:.:iix B.ETT,Bo6t fiiitli Jilioe IVJalrer.

Manufaciuring and RepairiiiR dope in a WorkmanlikeWanner. ;;

728 Hotel st, opposite the Bell Tower, ly

P. DALTON,Saddle mid ESarBies Tlkci,


Carriage Trimniing in all Its1

Branches.Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. 735 ly

J. A. BUR DICK,Cooper & Ganger, Cooperage on Esplanade.

wJTa HE IS PREPARED TO ATTENDj to all work in his line at his old stand on the Espla-sTrtrtpT- ft

nde. He hopes by attention to business to iverit acontinuance of the patronage which be has heretofore enjoyed,and for which he now returns his thanks. ' - o29 ly


Sf Fort aud Hotel Streets, Honolnln. feSkS17" Carrlases Trimmed with neatness and dispatch. Island

Orders attended to ptoniptly. . ; . . 743 ly -

QQ ZlxiS Streoti ooill. T. I V IV ?S ELL., ;,



ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE !' Suitable to this market. -

Furniture repaired and Mattrasses of all de-

scriptions made lo order. i

Before buying else where call at 80 and 88 Kiuff

v. riscsis:.:,Cabinet Maker and French Polisher

i HOTEL STREET,;727 Near thfe Drug Store of K. Strebs tf Co. ly

Cooking JSIovcs,Ships' Cnhiu Stoves,

Charcoal Furnaces,BEST LY RUBBER HOSE,

Iron Withstands. Farmers' Cauldrons,Catt Iron Sinks, Douglass Pumps, No. 0 toJapanned Tin for Signs, Marble Wash Basins,Tin Plate, Sheet Iron,

Dixon's best Stove Polish,

Sheet Copper, 4 xO ft.--2- 0 to CO si.IIOUSEKtEPEUS

Will also find every description of J A PANNED WARE, andmany other thiORs useful in the Kitchen, at the Store of

J. NOTT 6 CO.,Practical Braziers, Copper and Tinsmiths,Where they are ready to furnish Planters and others with every

' description of

Copper and Tin Work.ICT Work on Buildings, Gutters, Spouts, Water-pipe- s, Roof-finf-

or any thing in our line will be attended to With promptoes r , . , . ..hi , ...

724 At No. O Kanliunmm Street. . ly

For Sale, Just Received



Barrels Hamburg Star Brand Palw Ale, qta. and pts.11 lids. Marriao's English Pale Ale, -

t' Cases of Angostnra Bitters, in whole and hf. bottles,Cases of Swedish Punch, ;. .Cases of Cock Tail,Casei of Hoorbon and German Whiskey,

' Cases of Elixir of Life,1Cases of Cholera Bitters, '.'''.'

, ,' Cases and Casks of Boonekamp Hitters, -'

Cases Genuine Sheridan Gin, in stone glass bottle.Cases bhine Wine and Sparkling Hock,

. ,"' . Casks or French Brandy in bulk, '

. Cases of Saperior French Claret. ' '.

t LSO-- -


For SaIo Olaeap ,,.t...' . By .THEOD.. C. HEUCK,

flS .wt Street.

1 The Hercliaiit's lTIaiiual,CONTAINING

' THE HAW All AX TARIFFtreaties with foreign powers, and

other useful Information to foreign Cur respondent. Price 60cents each. For sale bv

m a. m. wniTNKr.


HAS REMOVED HISSHOPONE Kdoor nearer Nuuauu Street. ' L J

Opposite the Statiou ITonse, i Vwhere he is prepared to receive orders for work in' Blacksmith



Itl . BEN FIELD,"Wagon and Carriage Builder, 74 and 76...."'.:-- .; : KiiS Sirrel, IIoelalu. .


, Also, particular attention given to therepairing of Vehicles of every descrip

BlfieLwpitlilns and IIore-Shodn- ;; Carriage, Sign. I and QtJnental Painting) Carriage Trimmlnp, .e., will ,

.., always be attended to In a manner to ITAR- - ;' " J ' ''RANT' SATISFACTIONS:

13 Orders from all parts of the Islands promptly executed.H ly -

C. E. WILLIAMS,Macnfaetnn;", Importer and Dealer In' Fnrnitnre

'- - Of Every Descriptions m ' '

Furnituru Ware Room on Fort street j Workshop at the oldstand. Hotel street, near Fort.

N. B. --Orders from other islands promptly attend! to. 742-l-y

MAS. L. LEWIS,Cooper and Ganger, at the Old Stand,- -

CORNER OF KING AND BETHELStreets. A large stock of OIL SHOOK3 and allkinds of Coopering Materials constantly on band. ..

Also, Shop, on the Esplanade near the Cnitoni Moose.He hopes by attention to business to merit a continuance

of the patronage which lie has hitherto enjoyed, and for whichbe now returns his thanks. n5 6m -

J. H. THOMPSON,General Blacksmith, Queen St., Honolulu.

HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A DFor Sale at the Lowest Market Prices, a cood assort-ment of the Best Refined Bar Iron, and the BestBlacksmith's Coal. ' , , , 1)5 ly

F. H. & C. SECELKEN,Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron "Workers,

A'naana Street, bet. Jlerthant and Queen, '

HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HANDStoves. Lead Pine. Gxly. Iron Pipe. Plin and Hoseliibhs, t'top Cocks, India Rubber Hi-s- e best y in'" lengths of 25 and 50 fret, with Coupling and Pipe" com

plete. Al, a very large stock of Tinware of every descrip-tion. ' Jobbing and Repairing done to order promptly and war-ranted. Particular nttention given to Ship Work.

Thankful to the c.t zens of Honolulu, a"d the Islands gen-

erally, for thi-i- r liberal patronage in the past, we hope by strictattention to buahiess to merit the suine for the future.

XT Orders from the other Islands will be carefullyaattendedto . 08 ly


fully inform the public that lie is prepared to castand finish all kinds of brass and composition work withdispatch and at reasonable rates.

XT All kinds of ship aud plantation worV furnished on shortnotice.

XT Constantly on hand, hose coupuncs of the following,sizes: i, i, 1, 11, 2 and 2. Also, oil cups and gauge cocks.

JAMES A. HOPPER,748 ly King street.


NO. 40 FORT STREET,where he will attend to all orders

" in the . . . ..

LOCK, ;r &, GEXEBAL REPAIR LIXEHe will give special nttention to cleaning, repairing and reg-

ulating dewing Machines, and all other kinds of Light Machineryand Metal Work of every description


A Variety of Sewingr Machines,Guns, Pistols, Shot, AniuianltlcD,

MACHINE IL, NEEDLES, Ac, Axe.Sewing Machine Tuckers, Binders, and ail other extra and

duplicate parts of Machines supplied on short notice.Best Machine Twist.; XT --O


The Celebrated Florence SewingMachines.' n27 Also, Ward's Gas Generating Lamps ' ly

K E V & CO . ,Manixfacturers and Dealers


. Leleo, King Street, Honolulu.

Bee Mutton and Goat Tallow Wanted !

Orders Left at Ira Richardson' Boot findShoe Store will useet with promot

. ;' -Attendunee.jail ,


Life , Insrance CompanyIIAIlTrORn, CONN.


A PURELY MUTUAL COMPANY !, Nduibering over CO.OOO Mrmbers.,

Assets Jan. 1, 1870, over $27,500,000!' : Surplus, over $9,600,000.

Total Claims' by'Death, (paid to date,) Over

- 9,500,000.Total Dividends, (paid to dale,) Over $8,000,000.

Current Dividend from Forty to Seventy per.'J Cent.

' Current Income, over $10,000,000 per Annum.Its Income from Interest alone More than Pays its

- - ' 'i Claims by Death. , ,

. ' There being no stockholders iu Surplus belongs exclusivelyto the members, is equitably divided among them inANNUAL DIVIDENDS, which may be applied in reduetienof premiums, or may be accumulated at interest for the benefitof the Assured, or may be received by them in Cash.

- Paid-u- p Policies .are rrauted after two or more years Pre-

miums have been paid, thus praCically making

; Policies Non-Forfeitin- g:.(

It Issues Policies upon all desirable plans of Insurance, andhas adopted In its workings several SPECIAL FEATURES,original with this) Company and offered by no ether.: ., , LAST TEAR'S PROSPEROtS BrSIXESS.11,860 Policies issued. Insuring about.. ...... ..$39,000,000 00Income received and accrued................;. 9,034,069 68

Doritur Aa last fiscal year this Company paid in dirideads tothe living and no .the policies of its deceaaed members, TwoMillions Two Hand red and Forty-Fiv- e Thouasnd Two Hundredand Fifty-Tw- o Dollars, and st the same time added more thanFive Millions Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars to itaccumulated capital ":. ' J '.

XT The whole record of this Company has been one of prudentmanagement and prosperous advancement. 'Among the olderand Leading Life Insurance .Companies iu average ratio ofexpenses to income has, through iu entire history, been thelowest of any. '.!.,.-- - ' '

Further information concerning this old and reliable Com-

pany given by - . HENRY M. WHITNEY,Agent fur the Hawaiian Islands. .

HoTKiluIa .October, I860. - - Ja7 Sui1 -


j;,i- i '.aVe'- -- .,.








XT Old





ACCEPTS RISKS AT THE LOWESTJH. KATES. The clauses iu the folicies of this Company arespecially advantageous. TUEO. il. DAV1E3.

:'.. ' ' ; Agent.

THE N0RTHESN ASSTJEANCE COMFY'; ' Issnes Fire and Life Pollrlcs : '

N THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. ALLClaims .or Lowes settled with promptitude. . :

trl2 ly - THEO. II. DAVIES, Agent.

'F. A. SCHAEFER,A GENT Bremen Bourrf of t'nder Writers.

Agfal Drrsdru Beard of I'silcrwrilcri,Agent Vlenaa Bonrd of Underwrllera.

Claims against Insurance Companies within Ihe Jurisdictionof the above Boards of L'ndernr iters, will have to be certifiedto by the Agent to make them valid. 'd28 ly



JL .Appointed Agents of the atovc Company, are preparedto insure risks against Fire on Stone and Brick Buildings,and on Merchandise stored therein, on most favorable terms.

For particulars apply at the office of745 ly . F. A. SCIIAEFER CO.



' Established, iso9.

CAPITA L 2.000.000Aecnutuloted and Invested Fund, 2,838,118nmiE undersigned have been ai- -1. POINTED AGENTS r the Sandwich Islands, and are

authorised to Insure against Fire opon favorable terms.Risks taken in any part of the Islands on Wooden Buildings,

and Merchandise stored therein. Dwelling Houses and Furni-ture, l imber, Coals, Ships in harbor with or without cargoes orunder repair. 723 ly) ED. U)FFSCIILAEQKK CO


fJMIE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THEA. Boston Board of Underwriters, notify Masteia of Vesnelsand others thst all bilU for Repairs on Vess'ls. and all billsfor General Average purposes, must be approved by the Agentof the Boston Underwriters, a ho must also be represented onall surveys', or such bills will not be allowed. ,

a ty V. HllKYVEK & CO., Agents.


npiIE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THEJL above Company, have leen authorised to insure risks onCargo, Freight hdiI Treasure,

from Honolulu to all porU of the world, and vice verra.o ly 11. HACKFELD Co.




M. to issue policies on Fire ttlsks with or without the average clause), on PlanUtion Buildings and Machinery, PrivatevweiiingK, tsricK. tume ana vt oouen Mores, Merchandise, Coals,Lumber, Ships in Port, &e., on the most favorable terms. .

CAH loasra ndjuated and paid lor oere-X-For particulars apply at the office of

WALKER ALLEN,743 ly Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

Canton Hotel and Restaurant I

DJOTEL STREET. BETWEEN FORTslJI and Nuuanu SlreeU, will be

Opened on Sunday Morning, March 19th.TERM3 t

Board, per Week $4 O0 to 15.00Board, per Week, sent out..... fO 00Board per Day.... ............ $2 00Lodging per Week............ $2.60

All Board BUI moat be Settled Weekly.ml8 lm ACHONG & A KIM,' Proprietors.


THIS PROPERTY CONSISTS OF18 acres in Fee Simple, with Dwelling House,Sugar House, Boiling and Outhouses thereon.

The Fixtures are a Small Mill with horse power, 1 Ctarifler,1 Cooler, 20 Iron Dryers, 90 Wood Dryers, foundation for boil-i- n

grates, five frame sut and smoke stacks, foundation forcentrifugal and tank to centrifugal, sheet Iron for a boiling panwith tools to make it.

65 acres of Cane that will yield two tons to the acre on 180acres of the best of sugar land. Cane ready for the mill Novem-ber next laud leased for 10 years at f38 p rear, with privi-ile- ge

of extention. Also, 1 two horse wagon, 1 horse, 4 har-nesses, 27 head of choice Cattle, Blacksmith Tools, Shop Tools,Plartaiiuti Tools. 4 c.

This property I wish to dispose of, as we are about to leavethe Islands

XT Terms Cash or approved paper.Inquire of ROBERT BROWN, or

WALKER ti ALLEN,Honolulu, or

Cf. CHALET, on the premises,f 11 3m Waiohinu, Kau, Haw. Ilooisi.OPEN TO ALL, EVERY DAYwife IN THE M EEK.

nonrs from 9 A. 91. to 10 P. SI.,Up-atal- ra, In the Sailor Home. ,

The last Friday evening of each month reserved for the meet-ing- s

of Ihe Y. M. 0. A. ' u8 ly

IVT O T 33 ZEIS .A. JO 1

. ... BUT -

Living Yet, and has been Living

Honolnla the Last Fourteen Years I .



Rawlins & Mitchell ManufacturersOF -

ALL KINDS OF SOAPS!Buyers of Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow!'' And nil blade of Soap Grenoe. '

We have received ex late arrivals from the United States and., . Europe supplies of the ,

Dest Materials la oor Line for fllanafaetarlng, , Pnr poaee, 7

And will continue to be in receipt of fresh supplies by steamand sailing vessels, we are prepared to give satisfaction to all

Dealers and Consumers of onr Speciality,M ho will favor us with their trade. , :

A". B All Orders left. at the Store of II. Melnerny,Importer and Dealer In Boots od Shoes, ST. K. Corner

of Fort and Merchant .Streets, will be thaok- -'?' . " . fully reoeired and promptly . ..j

f . 1 attended to.

RAWLINS Ai M IT C II E LL, ,., r .....Praetleal Soap Boilers, V '

jali ly Leleo, King Stl, llonolala.

; VRITIWC IfjlCSOii jCTand aiid Jor Said :

Tlf AT5ARD Sc. KOVE8 BEST BLACK INK,XNM.. .t: i- - quarts, pinU and cones. .,. ,.,

Davids' best Black Ink, quarts, pinU and cones.Davids' best Copying Ink, quart and pinU.

;'' Maynard s Noyes' best Copying Ink, quarts ami pints. 'i Bank of London best Oopyiog Ink, quarts and pinU. -- .

.Araold'f Writing Fluid da quari and pinU,, received dlrect from London. '

" ' " 'Arnold's Copying Fluid,! David's bestBlue Ink, in cones; "

vDavid's best Carmine Ink, in glass sUnd; ; .: ..,todeltble Ink, for marking linen. ,

2Toe but the Dest of Writing Ink kept for sale"' By H. M. WHITNEY

WASHINGTON MARKEV ,TFV'4' MENSRS.RORMIOI.Tt; fr. ".tir'J lU'NN, Butchers. Nuuanu Hre.t, Ugl,iff next to Love's Steam Bakery, are XmkI s

prepared to supply Heel". Mutton. Veal and 1 uaili,at all hours, o-- i the most reasonable terms. A shareroiiAge solicited.

The I'mb-rsigne- i hereby give nolice that from atMarch 1st, 1871, they are prepared to ,

Furnish their Customers and tho 11 - genersll with tho v


i4 C. IK)RNIlOLT .

' HIAU1V AI.EA MAHUNo. 4 Hotel Street.

Wr!?Wrw.' BO HERT LETT UEGH(Milh to inforin the public that hr has 6 ,

f,P,'nei' ,he ,K, market, and that .

i m At he has procured the services of i.a m.J?

.First CInss SJulcEic -- !Ue trusts, that. by

Killing only the IZvsi, , Cat lie !and paying every attention to the business to merit

'a i ro r f

the public pal ronage.

Href & Pork Sausages, Colognas k DIood Ta. vzf,made to order.

I7TERM S- -C IIEAl FO II C A H,t I jHonolulu, Dec. 31, 1870. ' " .: 1


746 ly, L.



Wail&pu INanfalioii,II. C'ornvrell, Proprietor.

SUGAR AND MOLASflEaT1ROM THIS PLANTATION FOR SALE2' In lots Ir. ...i r.nM.l....ur. A A at nu iusej ru SWl 'UI s sJ saw. v I I"743 ly GEO. C. MoLK'.N, Agort.

PRINCEVILLE PLANTATION.Sugar and Molaare Crop 1870,

DOMINO IN, FOR SAIE IN (IV A .MlJ TI KS to suit purchasers, hyd28 Om WALKER ft ALLEN, 4



13 1 LOT, MEDIUmTnO NAVT BKiilAD,always on hand and made to order. '

Also, Hater, SkUi uwl Duller Craekf v,

JKMnv utiD oansui. a.. r ,

fi(lll DIlDAl) HEUAKED on the sllortrst iiotlce.FAMILY BREAD, made of the Best Floor, baked dally and


' '742 ly

For Sale, Two Elegant . ,

ROSEWOOD COTTAGE PIA&OS !, 4,a. - .... .ml

fm MANUFACTURED HV T.K.fl.TtT1n Meyer at Hamburg, a strings, Socuve, f a fullaud brilliant tone.

2 IjAIE iisojv sites,Burglar and Fire Proof, for examination at the Ptore of

t. fl8 .. . THEOD. 0. HEUCK'S, Fort ft.

STONE MASON, BRICKLAYER,Slater and Plasterer.THE UNDERSIGNED MAY r--be roana at his place or business on King s)v"street next .(oor to Dennett

ihee shop. He is prepared to execute all work In Vl II hewith promptness rnd In a satisruetory manner. Orders h umthe other Islands attended to with dispatch.

J. KKOIIOKII, otherwise called Joe Hitw.-Dooolul-

March 18, 1871. ,ml at

--A. Now:Work onAmerican Commercial Law !

A COMPLETE AND iFE GUIDIS FORthe correct transaction of every kind of luln.t iplain and full Instruction with practical Um;adapted to all the stales of the Union. By Fsamklis Cham.

auLis, Esq., of the United Stales Bar. lhis aors isdesigned lo meet a great and long Mt want among ail sof people, in every occupation in life. The Bights, Duties, andLiabilities of every citisen, In all Business Mat tern, are suu--with great clearness and precision. Tho forms given a, s freerroiu all verbiage and useli-s- s repetition, renting pl,:, andconcise models for every btgal instrument. Sold only t aub-scrip- tir

n. J.G. WOOD, Av.ut.AIn A vent for the Secarily Life lasaruereCompany of New York. 14,18





Korio, Ilubber Hone,' Hall Twine, Spruce Tvni,

3 Hoop Paneled 'ni'v''

Pure CIr??r Vlt ftrnr.

Cut JNTalloj,Pine & Cypress Barrel Shpoks


PINE SUGAR SHOOK S!i !IfXcIIriTxjiy'H - Oysters !

f 11 1 and 2 lb. Pplced, 1 and 2 lb Fresh. ' Un

"fall: season IS70.



C. BKRTLEMA.NN, K A U A. ( , ,'


XT The above Beef Is packed by an experienced Bautierenred In Liverpool Salt, and packed In Turk's Island rVdThe best reference can be glvcav. , for sale is quantities Ut

suitby '' . . . v . -' Ja7 8m' - - - . - ' THEOD. C. HEUCK.

hew map of t.hb.Uawallan Islands and North Pacific.

JUST RECEIVED, A MAP OF THE IIIslands and Islands Northwest of Ibis lrou( w rar

as Midway Island, with all ths Reef, Ac Issued by tuellydrographie Bureau, Washington, and for sale t.y

: - jalSm. - - . - ' . II. Ai WHITNEY.

Page 2: Aclvortiwiii ! il f · 2015. 6. 2. · h V. ft f THE PACIFIC --TIIS PACIFIC ' 0; mmerrial pwtiscr mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 13 PTBLI3UED PmLISHKD AT i ery Saturday Morning, Honolulu, Hawaiian

weather, wr teh has been unfavorable for the cuwtera in bnnf- -in( forwsr produce and island orders.

The iale foreign arriTala brio advice, that our iaUnd pro.bcid at fair priri in Australia, and New Zealand, and

tmt in San Praneiseo. Heretofore the shipments made by theAustralian steamers hare bm smaU. the Tense!, hern toemail to take aa much aa was offered 'he ateamera baring to

load up with owing to the lung distance between 'Joe porta.Br advert hwmeot it will be seen that the Webb-Hnllad- ar

Hoe is to oosomerjes miming, the firnt 1earner, the Ifevodo,to ieare 3-a- France oa .he 8th at April, and to arrive hereon the Whoosh no subsidy ha. yet been granted by the Thus -.

Heath, Mia. L Heath, Mia. FC. 3. Oorerravoit. The will be followed by the ""J : nd 3 children. A 11 Green. finsta-broMl-o,

both an Urge, well ventilated ships, and capable ot ; T, w'if and ,fe, R.,bert Farmer J Morns, O Doud, wife and

taking here dtlO tons freight, or more if required, tm all 2 children, C Day. C GavaU, W Iiendenon-3- 3..... - . . Svdby Per City of Melbourne,

pons .or wtata tney are aavea ruu. uj -ftrsdasa aeeonunoilations for pjisfengera. Tbes-reM-eis wjU

take snzxr in kegs or bags, and any other freight offi red.-i n, u.-i- followed ov the SSotf

Txtftor, which i now undergoing thorough repairs for the er--tee. Xevada ami XetraMiM, on their return tn s, wua

only proceed u ar it ilunoiuln, and ibenee return to Auck- - ;

land and other ports, connecting at Honolulu with the M rises ,

. There is but - bat these I' ' r tat Han Francisco. no question ' T

aill take ail the fn-ix- oflVred jnd deliver it in good

to the cuBlinnation rf rhe present line : Hull'n) ,

ing fleftnaely known, although it is reported that the thirdsteamer win be and 'JUe Hoe run through to gaa ,

Fraacseo.The steamer Jjiue sail with a till freight, and a

n" ot vasBeogrra, tor Hia Franriam.Tis K 31ni tmum with a foil eargn, lor Bremen.

P Bfzamtimm and Cantlthum will both sail during themmmr week. . '

The bark. Delta, 13S days ont from LooiW, to Thee. II.Dum, Is folly tue.

The mrx R. HT. fTood nilc4 from 2jdrvrr Feb. IOtb, rfth Sriney Y. 17! b, wHb eoals.

learn that the following whaleships, cruising in theSnaua Sesa, h reeemily touched at Norfolk Island for


euppnt i

Jan. I flarii fur A war. CleroUul, of Sydney, 9 months, 130nerrn and law whale.

4 Sn Highland Mary, of 3aar Oarb., 42 months, 60sperm sad 1AO wbaie.

22 Barft Sobert T jwt.s, of Sydney, 9 months,law 'Wierm and to whl

Barb em Lht, M. Baker, of New London. 33WMmtba, 1.7oU suerm and 4od whale ; IcO sincelearinf the Uar "I Ulanda in Defnher.

25 Ber Ovoianit. WHIiains. of .New Bedford, 27 months,4)1 pern) aud I.dne wite-F- i.

I Oar a NnpoK-- Filler. t .terr Bedford, SI months,lyCii mfrerm and suu wbaie.

Xae New Zealand HrraJd of March ton, fires fo:lowiug

whalers rrport at Oar fWfAf.ras IiiD- - P-- b- 23 Muiiiesofa. Pirrrr, frnm

gnota --Ii as. I2UU barrels oil. and 1L0 barrels whale L Fb.27. Crownn-hield- . Fiaro, fmm :utb deas, with ,ZiHmrrtHm sperm oil. 'iO barrels wliale ml. and iMiO iha. bone.Mmrrti i r.unerlaue, Kordham, has just amml, but notyet been reported.

W m Lass OoT-wi- Feb. 23. Ionia, Norton, for 17. 3.Anvnca. a lull earro niL

The lona, Xi rtiu arnred on lbs lh jf Feb. with 300barrels sperm oil and barrels whole oiL Reports tlie fol-

lowing vessels aa mm diirtne rraitf : iinnter, Uhnse. 2JOObarrets ail Ciiza. Uimond. barrels all toid: seaHanger. Allen. 4i harrets all trrtd. The Ionia has put in torrrtl. inictediii fmm fie re to New Brl!ord.

The barque Kliza. Ditnond. arnrrrl rq nnilay, 12th Feb.,(roa. whaling zroami. baring :krn 4O0laiTrfs nn oil sincelearlnc last April, miking a total of llil barrel, al told.Cap. Ihraowd had fcrran to tranih p iuto the Ionia for horse.

The following whalers were Ijmr at Nurfiik. Island on theKeb. Tlie Horsmanky with X barrels fwmi oil, and

ItiOO IsuTeis whale oil; the M riming Ught, with 120 bairel.snarnt hI moot leavinr the Hsr iMsndt : R Towns,with 10 ts perra nil and 10 tons black oil; the Onward,9 tons rrra.l. since Juoxrf 1; the I'nnv, Fisher, easpty.

COMMERCIJL ITEMS.Nrrtr to JlkMirin. The wxbned letter and enrlosnre.

rwieired fn-u- i the British Consul al Bataria, reporting dis-covery uf a hitherto unkrefwn ret I or rock in the Great North-east Channel nf T.wm Straits, appear, in I he rfyiiuer Gazetteof rpteober :

"Brrti.h Consulate, Bataria. Angnst J7lh, 1870 el r. Ibare (he hour to nrtng to the kunwlerlg? of j"ur Excellencythaa Captain i. Psrqnbar, of tti HritUh bark f.otk Jtee. re-- t

;wted to me tbe iiirarerr of a htthemt nnknnwn reef rin Htm Ntha( ;)anna-- l i4 Torres Hlraits. from thenwt nf his baling en !t ir; straniled thereon, on his passagetbrongh same, the North fierman srhonnrr Hrmniulu, in anabanaoweia Mate, no 20tu Jnlr last ; in corroboration of whichI beg to enrVse a ccrir J aa ertrart of the JuwM Aver' log ,

hnos. Ftowi irwt u time, said master was prerentei fromtaking tbe bearmgs or lu gnin a rooremrrect knewletlge f sasdrret. 1 am, c, w. T. ITaarr,

U. n. l. a Acting Consul..To his Kiorlleney llie GuTemor of New dunth Wales." i

Extrart frrm the lu of the talk Lack Jier. of IjMlrm,James Parrrhar. master, from Newcastle, .N. d. W., towardsBataria, via Torre, ritnuta. Jnly, 1870: j

Wermesda-- . 2th. At I P. M. passed the North Germanthrce-wiasie- trbooner oaeiuiis. wruch sailed from Newcas-tle, mat inlen (tiesiiiiatiow unknown), on Monday, June 'JTlh.Mrandeii na an unknown mrk or reef in tbe fairwar of tbeirel .N..rTheat Itlnimi 4T ... wtia. FnaUoo of y n l inno wfien passing, was ut northeasl fmen

Haudle ItUaw. and iiortbesst half north from tbe NinernnBark.- - Wreck was lytrg with her head to the seathwartl. with

bnlwaxks under water, jibs still op and flying to pieces. ;

mnaaU lownid down, fnressil and IRvcallanlsKd airparemlyUe same ae when ship Mrack. mainsail had been unbent, mix-- '

it Mil partlr lowered down and blowing to pieces, tbe greater '

pnmoo. rf ttarboard bttt.varies and staorhuios torn "IT. and ;

deck and bowse bad been raasinagrd evidently by tbe natives, '

Ml bans h none were seen near tbe wreck. No boats or anycna 4 te crew nc any al. them were seen near toe wreck or '

wsfcse alitwwgh a strict Isnaxwu kept anon the shore;ban aw 4 disirese was ru Ide from any of the ialands

I im. llrr-- tilbwlnritr .Wlh nailkanf i

. Mtor siMk markai ii iHif,ii IBM' " '.

DWT-n- uiiHLLti mi . irpnn on iuc cultureheetwoe in tirea Britain, and the distl'laUon. of beet-roo- f1 :

sfsrtt. by Ur. Augustus Voeicker, P. R. d , has recently benpwmisaed. and tbe Ltmert is glad to sire prominence (o fiie ;

swbfers, became the entliratitrft of tbe mot for tbe pnrprves ofusMiuaUon is like--y to gain gmwnd in Knxlat d. hatnngwteenearned rm in Prance, (irrtnsnT and Belgium tor more tban a

uailu of a eeciurr. Pmra this rerort it appear, that theree Uv etttef ranet lew d bert. of wtiich the Mileeiaa is mest

largrry rrown. aa it prod aces the greatest weigbt of roots andit wagar acre, sugar beet s now grown, in AUTisk. BVr- t-snire, and Surrey, and tbe average omoont sngar hr mots is firrsn f to 10 per it. Tht report is pab-- TItaosd at the tnstaace r4 Messrs. 1. Haralle A Col. who havetUttfi upwards ot beet-ou- t ttistiilerwa i Burnpe, and

nniy us Greaa Britain, five of which are as- 11Moot inBerfcafcare, onw at lnlh, aad. own in the neashberrsMd ui Nor--


PQ3.T OT U O IT O I. UX. IT , H. I- - j



Man 35Am wt, bk ffcneB Kciley, rrrsn o,hward isrTTriouE !e smith, fro. sotbw.i,45 bbis sperm. I

nrtMd Fellow. Makahl, front Haa-ai-l. j

eVbr KInaa. Wabie, Maui. i

-- ebr etti Memiu ;rane. from Wak, Maui. i

r Am rmr Aux. S S Fiord 9 daTs 10 hoars frnm:" 'ui Francrsri i

T A m mh bk Roman.! Jerneran. from southward. I

H iperm, 00 wh. i09 Hrhr 1 1st tie. Kale, fmm T.yj2 ebr Laaa, Ksai. fmm Mani. j

J Wefir Ka lot. Powers, fmm Maui.3 r),r Mf Uuee-- i. Kaaina. front Kaoai.J3 rr-h- r Mrr. Kcoki. from Kauai. !

. --T Ketrit Lonalilo, Kr.rtih, from Am ship irren, V. a Jotaann. 128btrs from Boston.

Am n bk V Mitchell, 9 tana oatfmra New Bedlorit, lis) qem, 12 whale, (ittx boardTOsnerm.)

. Km hh rtTirt7, A 0hoerie, rrotn Cnast Califor-nia. 140 wiiafa? ofr Am acbr C M Ward. 6 B Riekman. 2V dars fromllnrwianti's 1. land.

Ui A in srh bk Olirer Cmrker, J II Fisher, from aonUVward. 14 rrrm.

Tl Am ba D C Murray, X T Bennett. 19 daTa fromMan Frar-riseo- .

31 rWrr Warwick. John Bull, from Mololtai.31 JennT, Oiaicit, from Koai.

April 1 rtefcr Nettie Mernli, Crane. from II ant. I a'


Sar. 2i irhr Jennr, Dndnii, for Kraai. J27 Am srhr wary A Resd. Rewm. for Pflropatil-k- i.;

ST Am bk Vietnr, Walker, for rVw Townsend. . it17 iVhr Ai tim. Kaisna". for Kanai.27 hr Mannosawat. Kaapnni, for Slaui. ;H iehr Pdlow. Makabi. for Uawaii.a --hr Nettie Merrill. Crane, lor Msuu , of28 Wassla. Adams, for Metokai. the2S rtrhr Osrana, Makanabelebete. for Maui.


28 H-hr Prince. Howard, for Hawaii. butJ9 Bnt stmr ity of Meibonrne. (irausrer. for A nek land,

wb hie sy liesd, ,iflocd. 10 --rr;rsi our29 Am wh bk Coocnniia. Joce. to cruise.JS Am wb sbip Reindeer. Urreland. lorrow.29 Hewr Kate te. West,.r Hswaii. !

i --Hrtr Drtdort- - r lltsy.J eVhr flufcaieie. Booth, for. Kanai.

br Hai tie, Kaie. for Kami.rtr-h-r Marr. Keofci. for Kanai.

3 eli irr Kinase Wats. or Maai. ,So lrhr Pairy Qneen. Kaaiaa, for Kanai. .

Am bk (.rare Huberts. Kurte, for Man Francisco.wm " im iu a, ir!iy, t rrnise. in


T!a X.wtii Pariile TrsJisTortail'VfcBW Ajmjt. risyd ODssmacder, left San Frinrw-- o at A. m on the!

Mtfc, wd arrtTPd oCthta port at fhii r. . on h57ih. resell ;

rierwntw ''Iz.'tt tft ,n "?nearfy the ent-- trip. Brines !.lar normals, and 2a en rate In AiwtnOia. uon, or 8wis ST.tsteft Boston Nov. 23d. 1870.

Tin Sm week ooS exnerienred a constant succession of NV otherw jsma, rrry likt NK tra-W-. Dec 12th; Ut1,- - w,X,kn9.21o swk sWp Onward, from Mamithist-- . rk. Dee. 21st, emMsd IS-- eOTntnr In lour. 31 0 W,

psinS Im aiHs w r !Knd Ferdinand Vneon- -aa. m 1AO H, Vnng. W, wer rmi-Int- bran as3lll n saip. tMswrtained w material damace. Jan. Jlst, I

aw Htatsa Land. Jan. mad Cape irars 1 darsJaw Um mnwalam nn Hermit and Waitastna ialands- d wtsj snow. Were 23 days from Cape Horn is 1st.

-'- .Ion. St V, ?th almost a constant sacreaalon ofW riieaaad heavy houi ssss Frsws Itam tn 1st. Sfto H. j

i- d W, (sscn w lbs SK trades.) wis. greatimt a: vmsitly from JIW. llsd tbe Hf; iraues rery lishtand than

i wuh a heary swell from BSW. boat Its eav trade.t f. Kwic lla March lth. erosssd ha equator ! nousw

u in w. Marr. isth. ut. i , tan. iai o w, saw j who'"- ! ako"sr. March 19tk. trk th N H traaVa. in ; of

-t-- ; - N.ios. i24 Wm Uad tao SB iriias.wrS t tks whomVL.Ntnl wit K t mttmr .J VJ. m-- K Mik mm.m tlw.H-- 4W. Bmvrrtx srb,t r. hw hT Csco t

fs, any. frsm, Ussaos. u. a. Jwutans. . nameer or Evnonac C JL Wd, Carr. O. V. B;cs- - jItii, Rroniuas F'b. iZik tor Phonriz Island, arrived

there Feb. 2ili. for Enderhnry'. Island Frh. 36th,

arnred at A. M. the nunc day- - Left Ewierbury's for Bsker's

I.lan.1 Marrh 2d. and arrivi MarrU 4lh. Left Baker's

IStn.Yet .Te- - Dr















wasstx-s- si







too. had.




- !

Island Murrli rtiii. and arnred at itl' ihr Honolulu l -- - 1-

i ciein . hjp 0tl0 x Anionic, at Baker'. Island, with W tonguano on board.


RKrOBT op Babk d. c. McaasT First part, moderatej wixxla flne wealher, mul'lle part, light favorable wind.j ffom pnia 0f the eomniu. and calma. ". Prt'

moderate wind, from eastward and flne pleasant

P1SSESGEBS.. : X. V. Oi.K )4 fT

J TltrmmV H KrflyVE B. ? Ha-- ku P G

J, Mr, Munney and child, W Monks, Mr- : trmrltll from S.m fratunteo A ft Green, Dr

' ri VV..If and wife, Fanner. Jno UeaUi. Miss LHe. Miss le?' rNrinfTwomZ Mrs GUdeoux and

rhMmu John Bedford, CUas Garvaia, Wm benderson,Mrs Marshall Total, J&

Fo H F!cnco Per Grace Boberta. March 2ihJohn Slinion 1

C. M. Ward. March 30thKOHW l IT A 7tl 1HLAKD --Pern'. n ii .,,.1 Mr. 17 laborers 13.

pBo "i.t Fbancikco Ppt 11. t. .wurraT'. .uarcn jisiMrs II CuraweiL B CorawHI. Miss L Irwin, Dr D EDudley, wle and child, Mr TJ-w- Steerage Mr Wdbay, Mr Noah flora, and 8 Chinese 17.. .


Fnow Bomtow Per ?yren. March 30lh t I nkes Carriaget w Pratt 1 tun llnnks and Clothing to E O Hall Se stoa:1 pkg llks to U BiiiglMUO ; I Iron. Hale to C Long ; 10U ca--

Kernsene--, lu MHtches to T G HencS ; 1 box B.ka to B j

JrTErAustin-- , l. bux Merruandise, 14 bsdis Bhods to towers


wjlirrn Ah. 5 --is CutU.r Fail 1- -

Uait PLirt j,, rx! Ah Flaufc, 171 pes CeoUr Plank, 75

coils lion". IO finiiU lUrrow. 11 bra uitto. 200 Oars, 100 baiea .i

Oalcnm. 1 Steering W heel. 1 box Bmn BnfTers. 30 bbls- - Tar.... n:.., . ., ,w A n uum. l(A hhla Cement. 12

..tores. 5 cs Salt. 10 bxs Corn Starch. 30 Ititta Mackerel, 2iesks Uread, IS cm Vest Powders, 40 Preaerred Meats, 78 ;

nkn Furniture. 2 hales xeelskr,.l bnul and 1 ca Chairs, 32 i!

cm and pkgt Wagons and Crriagea. 4ca duoltes, 1 case Hubs,34 bndls Uim..4 bndU hhalta and Foles. 6 btti!s Hows. 1U csCliarcoal Irons. I cstse Mule Colors. 1 case Wheelbarrows, i ;

rs floss. 1 cs Hay Cutters, 2 ca Buad dcrapers, 1 case Har-ness, iii kgs iNailav 44 eou C'roage. att uests Fails, & d"aitnrea. a loe WasbrMarns. 2 r Axe Handles, ol bales Duck,4 bndls Twiiie. 18 biles Ueuiins. 25 bbls Dried Applet SbWsPrk, 06 bnJIs Oil Hliuoas. Q csas Heads and Hoops. I.EMbndls Barrel nhooks, 107 containers Heads. 2.oos bnuis HairBarrel --h.s. 1,000 ronltiners lleJa. 3.S32 pre 11 at Lumber,1 bix Ficlun-s- . 1 box riewing Marhine la C Brewer C. v 1


pkg Merchandise to Mrs L P Judd ; 4 00 bndl H;f Barrelj

ribookt, 217 contsiners Uekds to II Hackleid 6c Co; 2 bxaMerchandise tr Ur C U Kittriuec ; 8o0 ca Eeroaenr. o9 cs To-luc-

14 Oats. 1 liox fccrews. I Dry Gooils, 1 pkg-- i

hrtt, I Wioeitwiie. I pair Shafts, 74 kgs Naila. 22 ca Lum-ber,


rt brail r!ialt. 100 C Matches, 25 rs ilitto, 118 kgs NaiU,107 eHnres. J2 Hnjlers. V I kts loe Ware. 21 kgs Nail. 2 kgsFaint. 5ii ns tlii. I kS Hivef s, 20 cs Matches and 1S cs aud


bales Ciif-c;ti(r- d Merrhamlise to Order ; 1 Yacht to 1 U

FkomHowlaicd's ishxd PerC. M.MT.-trd.Marr- 30th:120 Empty Barrels. 20 pkg. OH Copjier to C A Williams.

Fbojs PKascti-c- o Per D. C. .Murrnv, March 31st :

9 pkg. MerchantlHe to Cattle Cie ; 3 Ikg Haper to II i

M WniUrjr: 16 ca Merchandise to (Jeo C McLean ; 5U biiisCtment to V L Green ; desks Bread to Order ; 400 ur and ;

50 bf sks Flour, a coils Rope, .1 cs .Merchandise. 60 bales Hay, '

1 Ckk to Uoile HCu; 70 Uoorm 4 pkg. B inds, 1 pkMercbaiMiise to Lewer tc bicksm ; 75 bmtls Broom, to KHotlsrbiaeger ic Co ; nOO sks Potatoes to C Brewer Co ;UCii Emulv bUrreii. 4 hf and 'ii bbls Salmon to H Iluckfeld '

to. I'ai i ijO bags timund Ufcri--- y to C lla u.w HO liags I i round ,

Barley to E P Adiuns ; 'J& pks Bope, 5 Imlts Duck. 5 bxa ;

(Studies. M bnlea 11a.)'. 'M Osrs. 1 rae Merritundise, 17 csksBread, 25 foils to A W Pi rre Ac Co; 100 bbls Lime. 50

;ca Bread, lfio ks F'.iatfs. 120 !tli Hy to Walker K Allen ;1 rs .Merchandise to A Campliell ; 91 sks Osts, 2W qr sks i

Flour, 77 ks llran. 20 ks Potatoes. SO tins Crackers. 25 bxs .

Hriail. 40 pkus Arted Merchandise to II B Mrlntyre StBro ; 3.012 It Cedar Luinlwr to L L : 2 tornIrUMtons fironrtl d to C P Ward ; HO sks Groundbales llay. '00 bndls rfhin!es. 125 pkgs Assorted MwnauuUe, I

12 qr 4fc Flour, 40 sks Oais to Order.j

EXPORTS.Pits HCKI.A aicn Hrnxsr Per City of .Melbourne,

March 25ih :

Molassen. sails......... 618i!upur, Ths 5,72Puhi. biles....... .. 2 Ur Milse, pkts

V:ilue lJoiiieic....16J ; Fnrergn. ......In transitu from &ai I'rancisfvi :

Brooms, rs. 11 Rubber Goods, case.... IPersonal Cffeeta. tniuk. 1 Unsueciaed ildse, nkgs. 32HniruiiTir, uuu .- - m,

:pn aAS Fraxitisco Prr Grace Roberts. March 2lh :

Bananas, burns 26 Molasses, gal sUide. cs a... oTl,eftS

Value Domestic $47,020 73, '



a AStrw. 71yyt. rr Ban SVwuljsw, ibis Amy.Am ship Syren. Johnson, dischsrslng-- .

Bntifh bark Henry Adderter, llarrnan.Ilaw'n nsrk Ka Moi. Cleerken, for Bremen, this day.Hawn barb Uoeen Emma.Ara bark D. ('. Murray, ilischanrin?.British bark Castlehow. Campbell, np for Sydney.BrttUh brig Byzantium. Calhoun, blading for Sydney.Am brig Curlew. Christian, op lor San Francisco.Am sehr C. M. Ward, Kirk mail, for Jarria Island, April 4th.

waatga.. :

b" Kmn- - Jernegan. Ara wh bk Qeorge, Osborne,.tlirer tiwier. SlSIier. -

. Fnnny. Williams, off and on.Carlolls. Smith, off and on.

.Haw'n brig Onward Uaw'n bri.'n W. IT. Allen. 'm m m m mm '


i;ASH In Honolulu. .March 26th. Carlton Parr, aged stmt45, natlre 4 Fnutklin, VermuuL for tbe last twenty years arestdent i these islands, !


Sweietse--- I ssbm rises .1Ief M. J


Hiwimf TximiK X.i. 21. F. At A. it. ileeu first Monday

i,;t.CJ ,.1U.,., r v., ,., o x .fAets ilona.iy rveenuisf m ri-.- i month. m Kini? rt. ;

EiCEijiiiiH Lod:;e. No. I. I. ' i. of ' ). J?. ilx-- ti tAcb lues-da- y j

ev-nn- ii m hM FcL'oTi' QaU, Fort t. t

UtTtJA THnw: IiiwB Xi). 1. I. O. o i. T. Meets eiirh I

Qcbi ilii5A Lowir No. i. J. O. rf O. T. Meet. each Mim- -TorT ilU'HTiiirilK WKATioM.-ilue- W lat FridayHm-hamu- ;' BKsr.-r- r I'.vios-M- ntu nmnd Fnoaytvxuiuf

iiouafo1 iub"' -Ur!lt.month j


Hoxnuxu Fun; DnpABtTiEXT. -- Meets first Thumdav v(-n- - i

.nsmicli wnib, M Kmine Hum f Mechuiii .o- nim sr.

Hosn.m.v iLvnrsK Co. Xn.i.-ii- crt. an Wc-lnesd-ay itmi. .

Hu in h month, at thwr U.m. Kin st. '

MKrHajrrr txr.wisfo. No.irMe am vrimy wro-- :

ins in auva month, at their BTtiiwj, Union ht.Hattaji Ksoinf. Co. n.u 4- .- iiers tirrt Tuesday evrnimr in j

esi-- iwm;5 at tunr imn, .miumiu hi. ,

kothtji iuwik .v udiikhi o. .i. 1. mku am Jlim- - :

oar in su-- mimrb, at th-- 'r llonsfi. 1 mon nt.'Pxtrmc fTK Cn. S'. 1. Mii-- t ermd Monday evpninsf in j

each month, at Thrir IIoilw, Kirur xt. j

HoMOLTXr lima: 'oBrs. iltt-t- s iirt Kiiday enrnins; in I,net. nrntli itrill c-r- y k'liiluy Xii;ht.

French Celebration of Peace. i


By ropiest of lions. Callieu, the CommissionerFrance at these Itdands, speciaJ prayers were

ni'l In t,i I '.,rl.K niw.l, ,.r l.: i

Sunday moming last, following the celebration ofi

high uias. TSra prayers were for the rest of those j

who have died in defending their country, ami for :

thanksgiving for tlie of peace inEurope.

anBj the following rainuni?ation, which! .hula toe Balliett has ilone us tlie honor offending,

will be ecn that a fair wiil be held at thatI

lady's residence on the U)ib Imt.. for the benefitI


the French widows and cTjiiona, made such bywar which has just ctieed. We cannot doubt


that this appeal will meet the response fromcomflmmty which tlie prawe-wortb-y tihject

. .Iemaxsl.4 :

Ifoxoitxr, iUrch 27, 1871.Jlessr. hlnric Jc AuldL, FulAULtr. P. C. Advertiser:

From the time tLat the protobilities of. peace have .

become evident, a number of cities in the world, hareoccupied themselves with auctions, fairs and lotteries

behalf of French widows and orphans.hope that the city of Honolulu, which has been

generous towards the wounded generally, will alsointerest itself in the French widows aud orphans,

I' have thought that it was my place to take theinitia.tiro.

On Monday, the 10th of April. I shall soil at auc--. ... .

at my bouse, wttn tne assistance 01 Mr. Uirtow, .series of articles that I; lutTe. made myself, with, The

articles also, and to them I shall add those thatpeople may willing to send to me. ' ' -

Afterwards, I shAll endeavor to render the evening ?

attractive an possible.101request of"yon gentlemen, to be good enough tothepublish mj letter in order thai my idea- - may be ,

known, and, in the meantime, the particulars of theevening wrrangetL: Yon.' .will hare rendered roe, m

serriee, and as I appeal to no other sentimenUcharitable ones, I hepe to see gathered at ray tbe

on in evening ci ue iota Ol Apru ail tnoeefeet interested in the poor little children deprived

their fathers, and in tbe tmharvrrr women- - fromtbe war lias taken their BUptort--

TLe proceei3 will be sent direct to France in lhe!

of tbe inhabitants of Ilonolalo.With my antLspated thanks and my beet regard, j

I remaia, gentlemeB, Maete Baixixt. I it

T333 PACIPIC&nmnerrial Sii&crtiscr.


Oar column, are open to all contributors, writing oa matters

of general interest, and avoiding personalities ; but we do notby admitting correspondence, endorse the view's expressed.

The Postal Service.A fitting sequel to our article of last week un-

der the above heading, will he a statement ofour postal relations with our nearest neighborthe United States.

As from year to year the foreign population i

and material interests increased in these iblandr. TI

jjje importance of a PoBtal Treaty between this I

i Government and that of the United States, eatab--i liahing, regulating and Bimplifjing the exchange j

j Qf rrrespcndence, became urgently imperative,and in 1370, the Hon. Elinha H. Allen, Chief j

Justice of the Supreme Court and Chancellor ofthe Kingdom, who was commissioned, as the

! King's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni-- Ipecerrtiary to Washington, in-- conjunction withthe Hon. J. A. J. Cresswell, Postmaster-Gener- al

of the I'nited Statea. nerotiiifrl n Pustjil ( Vin- -vention, which was cigned at Washington on the4tb of May, IS, U, and duly ratified. It went i

into operation July 1st of the same rear.Article Lt of tlie Convention provides for the '

subsidised line of the United StaiLx .. ain i i ii ir t mi wpin n n nmniunn nil i innii iiiii fl u i

.n u i. i i,wen an 1 1 v iiemKKinHj Mipumpm. arm nv siiiinir' a I

VPvIrt nmninrr lictwivn TTini-iTiifi- i anil thtr-nnrt- I

of San Francisco,. California, Portland, Oregon, iI

!or porta m Puget Sound,. Teekuiet, Olvmpia, and !


. .whii'h mnil rtsow will..... h mm in un am i im rh-r- ? I" ,i iare San Francibco, New York. Buum.rPortland,0. T., Teekalct, 01 vmpia, and Port Towasend,.. rr .in tlie United Stated, and Honolulu and iiliO in

, .. ,n r ,

,lha rata of international letter poBtage was j

fixed by tha Convention at sis cents on each lotter j

- !

weighing half an nunco or lens, the ordinary j

letlnr npVf.T nxrv?fliiin Mint ami nn niiilitinnia I

rate of oix-

cents for each additional weight of;Loir .,,v,. .. r...:;. n. f : ti '

umi u, uuuto ui H..U1UU uicicui, ill nu uinabe prepaid, by means of postage stamps, at thef.l r.'O ill mqi itiit in t r i n v. sr n nt tt I .ia 1 a r,

0 . ...' ",D

By those rates, letters to the United States hadto. be prepaid fifteen cents potae; to GreatTJrirniri- - thii-fvi- ppnto fn Prnnofl f 1 W rrAn. - . (ntrta ' anil m t tin I ..itt v.raa f 1 fi ,u

Under the present law, letters mailed in the!

.1liawaiiun Kingdom and addressed to countries. r i

bevond the United .States, with which the United i

States have direct postal relations, mnV befor- -..... I

!w:iluea n.ugnwa unuea jtaies to tneir re-- .

specuve uesnnauons, sunject to ti.o same auai- :

tional postage charges as arc paid by the in--habitants of the United States to such countries,which, in all caseH where prepayment is obliga-- J

U.ry in the United States, may be paid by thesenders 111 trio Hawaiian JsJanus, by affixing un--cancelled United States postage stamps of sufB- -cicnt value to effect such prepayment.

The following table, for which wc are indebtedto the courtesy of the Postmaster-Genera- l, willshow the rates of postage required to lie prepaidilt fll Tlnwrtiinn I ist1- -. .fRnM nit mtti! mnrtnii in

.foreign countries, with the exception of theTT"i foi 1 Qfrra"Xn tu t rt rta rn nntraiMnarT vwfirnT

L t ' t 1 j .. ,.lIIV Vm TTIllttl in ULJIIUIiai



- I !


' 2 !


;T sif ,fI 3 a I .5Mailed Fob 'a. a.' S.-t- -

United Htatrw.. ....... ........ 6 15 15 aBritain................. 6 15 M

(aermany. ........ ....... .... a 1& 8 3British Columbia............. a 15 5 SI tCanada ...................... a 15 5 2 I 2 ;

New ronth W;Jes 124 2 .. j

New Zealand................. 121 2Prance....................... 10 2 j

Denmark..................... 9 111 15 aSurwn.y ........ ...... I 13 I 15 3Hweden ...................... i 11 I 15 8 i

Austria ...................... 9 I 7 15 3China and Jfna..... ........ 2 fAsoreaor Western Isisnls. .... in 115 !

Holland - I IV f 15 j 4Kxst Indim... 10 ..West Indies 10 I 15Panama ...................... a 10 I 16 2Chile a 22 j 16 4P.n a 22 j 15 4Mnlre. ! 10 .. 3

The clauses ol Article 4 of the Convention, re--specting newspapers, read as follows.--

lne Lniteu states shall levy and collect onnewspapers, (whether transient or sent to regularsubscribers,) addroed to or received from tlieliawaiian Kingdom, the estahliblietl rates ofr.;M. qtotM t j.

..v jiuouo." The Hawaiian Post-offic- e sliall levy aud col-- ,

leot on. newspapers and other articles of printed i

matter, addressed to or received from the Unitedf. M. . i r ... ., 01

' " vf. jwowo iiniLsiuiuthereon hy the laws or regulations of the Ila- -waiian Kingdom-- " !

Ttw the- - present postal laws of the Lmted ;

States, newspapers 6ent to rrgnlar suhporibera ;

are subjected to a charge of twenty crnts per ''

annum, inrtead of $1.04, a lormerfj. and bj !

the terms of the Convention onr residents receivethe benefit of the reduction. But ui lUO iia--rr

"Wa"" P0 muet lje 11'" ;

on all newFpapers sent to any country, ... e,, ! j

V Cbarged XlIIeCte1.. icwitcu iruui t lorugfi ooun--

try. Thw charge we consider as excessive, andliterature.



each country shall retain to own uso tho post--I j

asres which it collects.

Tho German Peace on Saturday last, according to the

prograiutnu. oernmii nags were pientt--1fullv diPt-lnvc- all over the city and bv shin- - :

. 'ping m port, ttnd place were

n. A I II . . ..T. 1? O. . '

Church well-die- d with an attentive audience i


Lhe consisted of Voluntary on theOrgiui, Mr; Uoffischlaeger ; Prayer, by the.!

Hev. Father Hermann: Choral. " Nun rlank.t, Kr- - Hof&chlaeger;

Address, by Dr. Ilillebrand ; Choral, Ein' feetc j

Burg i6t unscr Gott " Luther's famous hymn ; I

..... . . . .w. tuj4 J AaiUtl UlAUll J

music and singing: were very fine, as theyalways are when, performed by Germans tbeorgan seldom if ever ont such tones

. ,a r 1 a f

mMie . rrvarch-- d thrnnrh rrrinftinal nrtnt.t i i -

singing cneermg ia front or tJae l'aiace andresidenee of Conanl - tbe Clnb

Room on Fort street, music and sineinw, and ! rtnutual eongratulation. on. the .rf;occupied time, a Abonfire the ei3e of Punchbowl up thelandscape, daring half niht, jost below

appeared" the word in- - German, in large

illuminated letters. The residence of the Consul,

and those of several German residents were illu-

minated during the evening, and congratulatory

calls were made and received. Altogether, the

German Peace Festival was a notable occasion.

The details of the demonstration were carried

out successfully and in an orderly manner which

at once reflected credit upon the discretion of theGerman element in our population, and mani-

fested their stronjr love of Fatherland, and theirrespectability in. point of numbers. But it isonly fair to state in addition, that has been

no little amount of criticism evoked the

foreign community at large, extending even to

Germans as well aa others, in regard to what has, i..... t '

Deen termeu tile exclusive Spirit Ukpmvcu u .

mnnmmr nf rl. thrrrfinn. in failinff to in-- ;

the cooperation- - and vmpatav ov ait nauou- - .

alities on occasion. ruulirand with manifest justice, that final conclu- - J

sion of a gigantic war and the restoration ot .

peace was an event in winch. tLe wnoie wonu. isalike interested, and its celebration an occasionon which all peoples and races could appropriatelyjoin their thanksgivings and their mutual con

gratulations. The right to publicly express the j

general satisfaction and joy upon tlie welcome j

return of peace to Europe, pertained aa much to j

Americans and Englismen , tc Germans and in ,

a nigner. to jreinaimcu, wuiwo muuujI

has been so sadly ravaged by the horrors of wiur.It was not an occasion on which to indulge infeelings of triumph over victories won, or ot pnn--

with semiurent "expressed by one of the grandW hmnu an, Ir. th ,hrh . fcima. fiir Z2 trfuv u t " j " u iruw -

thank God.T .1 " - .... .. 1L w...K1J. unll.ui uius giviujj utkt:risiii iud

uieiik vriiiuu Hits urcriutcu auu uccu uijipressed in regard to the eiclueively natiunal

.facharacter- - maintained in the lata celebration, weare far from sharing in the apprehensions Mrhich

have been frequently declared in tlie liberal press,more particularly of England, and lhich we have

ilttVU UUI1U irUTtllCa 1U UUU UI 3U 11UI I HI UJO bUVk'. -that the eStabllBhment 01 the DeW Empire ofGermany will brima with it danger to German


political freedom, and to the pragretia and civili- -. .

zation of Europe. It is true, that tlie rule of the... .. , ,

r ' J Jsuccesssul, is emphaticaliv a personal Oovei n--m in ii nrt maruinuililn mmitilrv ft tfviniat""-"-- t 'r""""'" ..j ,.:. i 1, ;.1...J u... i: . i

UUUUl UIUUIUUUY. IUUCCU. UUb uoiuauiuiiuu V'

VJIM Cl xi luujl l. iiui iiicjt? in liti uu;a. til uciumuvof the fruitful remis at political developiuentThe rising stream of democracy is oversowingthat country as well as the rest of the world, j

In frin pintmli7.ntiiin nf th TvmnirA f.!i niLriiinnl i

unity finds to-d- ay its safeguard. A grandcareer ot leaderslup m human projrxesa is now i

. .openint? up to bermany. i.yen now, all omcesr .are open to men of every class ; all property ia. r , , ,", , j I

L- - ... tl'tlon, and Compulsory military 6emce lor allcIafiSeg witW exception are gradually removinga;I dlstinction8 between man and man. In themmmi.ndiDrr which German Empire i

hns 6uddenly amed in the afiuim of nations, i

we recognize, not a foreseen result of selfish j

schemes of statesmen, but the finger of God, I

nmntino-- nnwnrri fxt th ivtiniiTr millpninm nf uni-- ,

f" a aveisal civil and religious liberty.

A Comparison.We often hear remark by thoughtless

people, that Hawaiian are by nature a sloth-

ful, effeminate race;; that they will not work;;i

and that no civilization or education can eradicatetneir inborn indolence of disposition how -ever, is a mistake. They arc simply the creatures j

of circumstances. In declining to toil when aliving-- can be obtained in ildeness, they differ j

nothing from the rest of mankind when placed j

under bimilar circumstances. Their wants arefew and easily Bnpplied, and they have not in the

'fifty or sixty years in which thay have been in j

in contact with enviliization, acquired taste,or experieecd tlie want of many of the luxurieswhich older nations regard as necessities. But i

their progrea upward ban been fast, and still j

steadily goes on, as may be easily seen by any ;

observer who was here twenty or thirty years ago,and who now takes the pains to travel with his j

eyes open in the agricultural districts: ,, '!

These brief rejections occurred to us recently !

while reading some notes of travel in North Caro!lina. The " old North State," as it was called,was settled by a good clasn of emigrants, mostly j

English Protectants and a few French Huguenots,who hail fled from religious persecution to enjoy !

their liberty and make homes in the wilderness.This was from 1640 to 1050. Now read the fol- - I

lowing description of some of the degenerate de--scendants of thow pioneers, and then compare '

prccuit with the former condition of theHawanans : j

Ona mtpA nnt fn lnn amn .


7-- rIanU8 10 that tbt-r- e is a Urge number ofwnite without habitual occupation entirelyuneducated and poverty-stricke- n. They have lit-- ,

Uw Prt'Pry. mvo tlwir owu bodies, own nut a font .

soil tueir wnole estate otten not beinc wol thfifty UolllllS Tl..... .1.. . l.r . t 1 1 '

only by the day or job. when uiiveu to it by nece- - i

fi"7- - Jrauniies 1 have seen witbin tbe past weekliving in little log or board shanties, baring a;bark ronf shelter Trnm th rain hut with onenfides tbut at night one on the outside can readilydiacern a11 the movement of theoreupants. Theyhave less furniture and mean of comlort lhau ttirudest California mining cabin..

" They cultivate a few sweet potatoes, peas andcolewort. with perhaps an acm ol coi n. St.metiine

l.... Ko nkirh lin.l thuir lii-ini- rtney nave a lew; r Pr sure to own a gun j

and iog9 he men much of their time inhunting. Carrying their game to town, it is theircheif rlliance lor buying whisky andpuwutT. railing iuis, iuejr nuujetiuie wuriv mrtu" "ff?hUonng and more tbriltv farmers. geiUug

We Appreciate. The following is clipped fromthe San Jose Mercury, a real " live newspaper,and very neatly printed :

Tmrrvivri Tim Pr-r-ir-ir nnimmtrt-in- l Q,li.My-tr-v

of Uonolulu, accuses the Alia of stealing from itscolumns iv earexuuy coiiaiea account or tne loss or!he. U- - S- - S-- Satrinaw, together with aa account ofilidway L&i&nd, and. the operations; there, and pas- s-

uigit oil as original ; also of appropriating wit lion t3 .1... --.1 .. ATT 1 .. l ii T,.l I k. ; U

tLe to be graved. We ;

thought at the time the account appeared as original ;

in tua ,iUa that tbe publishers were entitled to no j

little credit for enterprise in-- the matter, notdreaming that they had " nipped ' it alL We agreewith tbe --itirer f weT when it says : Tbe Urceny ortbe frait of one's time and brains is meanerthan stealing his pocket-boo- k. - j

A Growl. Someone writing in the San Francisco j

.. ...MMU.rM w j 1' ;

of our Postmaster General : - I-

BaiCK-Wo- on A Rotxi. Hawaiian- - Postsmtii. The j

most concentrated yuece of red taie in the word is probably '

the Postmaster at lloooiuio. a party named Brickvood. lierefused ts aUow the mail tn come op on the clipper, D. C.!Unrraf. because, he thought the steamer, which was to sail


7l - Briekwnod .PT fnas head, while the seeood itenne. tae nvaicziu us wiucn u j

made.There is no grorT reason for the above. xnejaur--,

y, : though a lucky dipper, does not always makej-

tnirty, :Jia paesngn to v.aiiunu!s nw wwj ; jsthan those fr, for well-tnow- n, reasnns., , . jThe j

brTtheerit1send our mail by her. ' '

tax I ior tneir inuor irom tsuy cents iu a uouar, auuunwise on boarding themselves. Farmers do not like to em--It is proFided the terms of the Convention, j ploy them, preferring the black freedmen as more

that no accounts be kept between the-Poet-- j amiable. The poorer class ol whites are as su--!. I perstitions as the blacks believing in witchcraft,office departments of two countries upon tho ; aad. all bad luck to the ageucy of evil

correspondenco exchanged, between them, but spirits."its


theof business closed





u 11C1

before gave



? )





guns ws fired at noon, and at 8 o'elocfc inJ J.touevenirwr a-- larce rrrocessioil of German resi ! forwarded the mail by her. and made op a supplementary one. , . . , . ... . " i come by the steamer, which i not doe here nntU to--



peace, the until late hoar:an lighted'

the whilepeace,








the madethe












SOTICS.iBOCT TO LEAVE THEBEING I hereby request all person, T com

against me to present the same for payment b.,1JKnday of ApnL u ,

Uonoluln, April I, 1871.

DISSOLTTTIOJr 02II K R E T O--miDEJL the undersigned, is thiii dy'-vJb- y

mutual otLent. All person, baring -"1

either oTthe late ttrm. are requested to settle the aame

the partner, before the 20 iuslant. y ggQ KLK"KN,

G. StUKLttJii-Honolul- u,

alApril I. 1871. .


CNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DA VTHE F ofander the --Nwneinto a t

nf.,L' wl'w . .... ,i .11 mirnr tin in all its nrancnes.. . . 1 .. . ... . t v a, M.I Kwn Misrchanl iflflSt SUB Ul'l StUIHl, I" iV W .VUUMIW

Queen streets, tit Limine of

TIsi. Cspper, Ziue aadSbret Irn w.rHers.Q. 8KGP.LKEN,H. K1STLKR.

Honolulu. April I, 1871. al 3t



Series of Public Readings & LectnresTo be given in the OLIMPIC BALL of tin. place. The

tertailimeIlt be a EaadlUg1,w(U Sheldon

Thnda EveniMSr, April 61,-a. Uaa anrl 1isar- - I mm nw LXa- - tdlltlW tiuur am

there fter, i. t, on the sJOth mf a rit and the 4tls mtMay.

Tne following LECTURES will be delivered at thesame place:

APRIL 13 em.

W.. C. JOSES, Ba. V

XxWBAIa gTih-Kfc'TP'an- dtho Ka.?liutt. j. vr. jibsxi.

MAT !! HON. A. 3. HAHTWKrij

Admission, Fifty Cents.Tickets for the Series, Two Dollar.

Tickets can. be procured at Castle Cooke's. B. O. HallSon's, II. M. Whitney's and T. t. Thmm', Htatiouurs. al

Q. BEGkLKJt!t. .'' - - USTLKB.

C. SECELKEH i CO.,TLrt, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron "Workers,

Xanana Street, bet. Jlertuant and Queen,

9 II AVK COXSTA NTLF ON HAtDStores, Lead Pipe, Univ. Iron Pipe, Plsin and HoseBibbs, f'ti.p Cocks. India Rubber Hose bent 3.nly in

Jl :i lengths of 25 and 50 fret. wth Coupling and Pipe corn.ulete. Al a very larre stuck of Tinware of every desert p--cum. Jobhing hikI llepairrng done to order pmniptly and war--ranted. Farticulsr attention given to snip nore.

Thankful to the citizens f Honolulu, ai d the fslnnds genfor tl.eir lih--ml ..trr,nire. in the iiast. we hone by strict'

attention to to merit the same for tbe future.rj" uraers iroro me utDr i&iuii win ims ittriunjr nv.irsiiicu


coming in, for sale in Uiiiitiiies to suit purehaters,al tim By W ALriKll at A L.LKM , A gunta.


II I L O , II. I.CG I R AXD MOUSSES.CROP COM1SCs ill aud for sale in quantities to suit purchasers by

al 6m WAUtKR a A1LEM, AKents.

SOLE AND SADDLE. LEATHER,Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins,

rfOXSTAMTLT ON HA. ASD FORSALt-- ,from the weiU.nown

WAXHEA. TANNERY C. NOT LEY.By (al ly) A. 3. CLKG1IOUN, A went.


(pRO P OF 19T1 SCGAR At MOLASSES,ais For Sale by C. UilKH liH Co., AKdits.


XjAhitina. .Waul.ROP OP'1871. For 9ile bvc al 3m C. BKJSWEU Co., AcPTits.- -

WAIIiXTKIT PLAUTATI0B"!maui. CT R t OP 18 7 1WAitrar, by C. BUJSWEK.& Co..

al' 3m Agents..'


. ., -

Has Received. '


ill GROCERIES-- I'Eil-


Fni alr ai, Nn 5Q FOK Sf."3uc al It



hasoeive 3

lep IStcssisies" iijas:,.A. Fine Assortment

-- 0F-



Yiy-Sem-ile Falls and Valley.. Big Trees, Mirror

Lake, fcc, and of

SCENES OF NOTED INTEREST' Along tbe Centra PaciBe Badrsad..

Stereoscopes, asstd. sizes &, prices.A 1.80


Am. Cap, and Snper Boya Whatman'. IVmjr. Medium, Im-

perial, Klephant, Atla. ami Antl)tiarlan.

TRACING in Sheets and Holla,TRACIXO CLOTH, in roil,9 inches wide.

raber. Artisu No. 2 PcnciU, new style,Taaer's Ciraioe d Bio IVoeiis,

Urea Pencil Sharpeners, nr km.Man's U-u-r Books snd C.yU.g ftheet.

Tlk Mu-ra-- u. u..Keferene yiie..


" And tbe fofinwloff

Additional Worka for tho .

Tom Crresle, Log", d Cmim of tbe Midge, the best Sea'Stories ever written.

Earl's Dene Daisy Nichol, Sealed Packet, A Siren, ;

Gold and Name. Dorothy fra, Sir Harry Gourpwr,

Cryptogram, Mr Danghter i3insr, and others. 'J

itie Cnmxh Aronna taw Corner."

s. arffe ttorimtnl of-.v JL v J. aswwsakr', win be added a

Supply ofChildress Goods.,' - al lm , i ' 'I -



la:Increased, in jS"et Assets the pastYeover


Company in the "World, ,ry

"Famishes Insurance in any approved form, combiningadvantages of all other Companies, o


A.ppli cation forlnsnrarice can be made toJT. E. HELEN, Special --A.ger

Permisgion, toMca-r-a. C. R. Bielswy U. Csw, Dankeri, noonig'

A. J. Cartwrigbt, Esw IIobsJ

and others. Tlonoliilo. j,

E. P. ADA3I3, Local Aeat, aueen St:

Refers, byMllm Ex Heairr A. Peircef f-



Resident Minister of United Stale, of America.

mI8 Jf. S. Walhsr. K.FE5TS BTnLDDJ-- LOT F021 SALE.

J I"V FORT STREET, OPPOSITE TDKGovenunent School Ilnnse.

for naruculara anulr tom2i St j. w. AtrsriN.

Horse Sliocr FarricroAND.

General I2;.c2tsrciit5a.THE CXDERSIfiXED nERSTOnotify hit friends and the public generally,tbst he has established himself iu tbc above 0buiinese, at tlie well known stmm, on

King" Street, Dirertlv Oppnsite the Station Honse,where by prompt attention and stmi work, be hope, to meritand receive a .hare of public paironge.

m25 3m B. B. HARPER. 1


barrels and half barrels. For sale byjaS BOLIDES ft CO.


jt.-- for sa'e by




f EST ARRROATII MANUFACTUUB.U ssMMted lumbers, in boml or ilaty paidj28 Kor ale by HOIXKH M U(l.

nioiT stocs: aitchohs,CJIZES, FROr lOO I.BS.TO 4,000 LBS..k7 in Bond or duty pMd. For sale by

ja'JS B0LLK3 It CO.





PER- -



Blue Cottons ami Blue Drills,

Black Cuimr'j and Alpacas.

Fizic Colored and lEIacl.IfSepIiioes.

m-'C- Thibet, and Cashmeres, Black Italians,' White Moleskin?, Victoria Lawns,

Plain and Checked Siainsooks.

White Marreille. and Sateens.While and Colored Cainhrica, Fin Bpot Net,Silk Ktuion. B.ark Crape,Bine aud White t'lannel, Wool Barege.

Uaabrclla.vCotton, Italian Cloth and Silk.

Entontcaa, nBspimdrrs,

GenuiiiQ Lubin's Extracts.Ilair Nets in great variety.

A Fine Assortment ofBRAIDS & TKIMMWfiS.



Tnsrttnns and Empiric., Tnrlla Rubber Chair, Bar Blmja,lodia liubber Belts, Bed frtogrs.


SriRKT LEiD, LEAD PIPE. SHOT.. Percussion Caps. Gunpowder, Urindsconra, Jewsharp.,


Trni Wire or all shsea. Fencing Wire, Copper,. Oalraniaod Iron Pipes and r ituns.

Candles; Salad Oil,. Unstard, Camphor,

t,IROTSTOCE A.CHOKSCSAI3'3, 3-- 8 and 7-1- 8 Iach.

Best Entliih T. &. Beltlor. 4 ply. 4 and loch wide,Via',3oe-.jaa- d os . . .

Copy Books, letter Paper. WrappinS Paper.' i

CEriUiriE RHINE VIHES,Riult&Jici.neT. DHdeahtiriwr, NlersUinerr- -

Frencli'WI nes, -

' Hast Saoternea, Chataaa d Tqnaa,, Haat Birsar, Ptatt Canet, ?t. Jaiien.

IFixxOL IO riJLtli c?a. -.

iUrtelCa, and Otard Dopok OOk

PortrWino,' llladeira, &C-- , &c..FOB SALE AT

ED. EOFFSCniJEGER & Co.'S. . ..;...wBt3t,'-"-

. ;. " "








ofChoicest Meat, fmm finest herd. Pooltry, nh, 0

4re., furntsbed torder. ait A.tin


tT AIIj u 11

K tlKing SU, next door to Bradley '. Barber Shop, Bonolula. solth.For Sale. rreiad

TTIRKR CTI.IXURICAL TlXKS.Cparity ol each, liuO gallons. WeiITor vale by tbe u--

mU HONOLrLH IRON Wi)H t r.",t

vTantcd.OT.n CAST I t OX -2 T t CENT WJI

ifteefM. jMMtordLnr ia tfin.lltv l.v iImn'li lill.N.11,1 HO!f Wi,RKS(l,u,u

EOT S.Uc, Cases of the Celebrated n

I)IV PART! RXV Wr"E 131) TICORIt b iaiabd. at

f IS



' els ley C HH . IA


salt.Java - for mm br BOLLES fj

best Eraiisn poetlaud ciau.SI


WE H1TR A R ERF LA R. tlTIM'Lr Woeti bntiut Hatita, Cms Lims Kilus. vhica

a. to sell at Um luwoot rales.jaja DOLUS tr C:


GROCEiltESAlways on Hand!


jaUS 11ULI.K8 a

tm noxoiuLU m wm (

ajcb all Ktsim orV5






And.' All: Sand Heavy Chcet Iron Wo:

CASTINGS hi lQt, BRASS ANO IIMade to Order, aad particslar ausotloa U to

iSlalp SmithingITAnthracite, Cumberland &, Softer

On Hand and for Sale. Alan,

Vslres, Cocks, and Brass Work of ail kinds.Centrifniral Wire OIoUk, of rariwi. meshes.

rias la:kin. Rubber Parkins and llcltinf.I'ipintc, Elbowa, Tres, Bends. Mppiet.

Steam aid water rssrs.Bralsr tnnioff. rsrlon. swat

Shafiinff, Bar, Plat, and Anrie Irra, VPI iroa for ballad, Hersp Iroa.

Nuts, Bolu, Washers, IllrsU,

Fire Clay, and a full Aatortment. of StrKALSO


1 Ttok Jctce Ptunp ' jL.Perforated Bras. Pistes for V,

1 Small smcd harar Mill,1 mall siaed finsar MiU for cattle power, sseend band,

f1 florrsontsl nteam rkiut, )eil, seeond hsnd, ri2Torbtue Wlieels rr rnnuii r eentnfual with M Jil

bsad of water,1 Dolling down atarata. far tallow, t1 Cpnsbt Hotler, a horfs power,

'1 SmaU Tubular Boiler, 2 bars, power. v ,

ri-- D. Sawingand Vood WartKXKCVTHO TO OttDKK,


for which tbe Work. bar. unusual UcililM. If

l'lj,X ALKXANfKB. TOVXa. Manse hi



n:Comet and lzihoh9

J. xx d XL a. to u2L. x-- x--1

. - rA LES SCPKRIHIt KXCtlMI Plali- - ,,B Isiret ft yrs. 1

Bale. Amoekeac Dsntrns, Iwasy. J

Cases V late tlouon nswiK Owlon. ' vCase. U lust's Ibrr. (set ilsndbw Aaes.

Cs ZZc7,ZziTVnym OystersCssss iUH Bawfcinc.

Cbareosl Irens with sl.toMs,

CascsHeii's superior Calf Boats 5:II

Case. Men1. Sapsrkv Cx,grrm. MsUer.. Cases Jda esperric Iwovaaa, (i

Case. !''ColeesW fWire C Ositers,Cam .a's MIsm n. ers, ff

1 tcrJ NMe. . :a .:


iriDiARUD3crr..: iiacc:, with ! J

! - Cnapllnc. ceenpitx. j

C i GA II dilTeretit quililiea.Gopjiof Prrsesa, wita stands. .

irKHTVX. A.XT) ronBaT.itoai

rm'g Tolacco !


Page 3: Aclvortiwiii ! il f · 2015. 6. 2. · h V. ft f THE PACIFIC --TIIS PACIFIC ' 0; mmerrial pwtiscr mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 13 PTBLI3UED PmLISHKD AT i ery Saturday Morning, Honolulu, Hawaiian

1 .saaanaaa



0( TTilJ be offered a

xrgG Assortment of:j?chandise!

Co prising in part of

1R Y O OODS:frkorv Strip. Bloe tin Brown Prill. Whit Md

oarn, Cofcurr. Alpacas, Print of Varioos tvje, k.C

n and Fiirnisuing GoodsCotton Pull, Wooing Calico mad Linen SEirts,

--. etc-- - -

Perfumes," Fancy Soaps, Thread,I Needles, etc, etc.

TON Ci R D matches: .cp fV I Mount DiaJtlo EaperSne Floor.

t cci'ics & Crockery:fra. Sardines, Ttast Powders, Lard. Jams,

Com, Prone, Groaad Girger. Boaa, Plates,y and fancy Nappies, Tumblers, Spittoons, etc

.r' "4 also :

1;.J hail liOt Furniture,err 1 Bedsteads, Manrassrs, Carina, tie. -3

EZ.B. P. ADAM3. AnctV.i '"i r - -


A L ESTATE!- ox ,

hards' Street, Honolulu., I't RSCAXCE OF AX ORDER ISSUED

m ' Die cspreia- - Court ' the Hawaiian Islands, byrcs:et, . :.t U trtwetl. View Chaaeailor. on ibsi Hia.aay ofK2ii,A. f 1S7L, the andertiKnrd, Administrator of the Es--

f I: M;estv. II. K. aAPAfcU UAILi,tn late goeea

ff f 'i ! mowed, will cqk t fee s-- at public soctiua on

lL fl.y, the 13th Day of April Next,lo-- i :' premisr on Richards' Street. Honolulu,lit); a'cta-a-- noon, all the riffit. title and imprest

T bflrs of ssi-- l aVeeascM, in and all thatL sitnf-- l mi Birlitrrlf' rurert. Ilooololo. which k

"s "'""? ' 1 owner Preio anl is known as th- - -- J.hnP".2 , and is described io Boy si Patent No. Thir-fs-

si.tains tix iluiHird and "rty-eve- n squarelk m aseasurr Om UaiMlrca and Twenty-thre-e

t ,jils' ftrt. ao4 is liiuulre I and Sixty-clsh- t( .t. rnrre ia a larce Dwelling lloa-teo- the premises,

tg ci' r " raneas. and other buildings.i ftinsKr particulars apply to

f J. W. ACSriN,- f ' OrC. KAN AINA.

IV I Adi&inistrators of the lta of Iler Majesty II. K.T 1 4 Kaiiakahaili, Uoeen Irwager.

r rri.a .ci March 20, .

J K. P. ADAMS. Anct'r.


w r v mrry an n sr sD fitii tT C mT

:i5 per Ton of 2240 Pounds,By tbe Load delivered in Honolulu,

s Ira A pply to W. L. CRKES.V

-- .A. SCHAEFER & CO.,fttl ' Offer to tho Trade,...iLriri and Well Assorted StockSSI'.: - i

kccr, . I: I K K I H A iM 1 1 1 S K I

n:. t Ex Lato Arrivals,H e sonablo Rates and on Lib- -


7ircA Terms to suit tho Times.rr- - :

OAGKFELD & CO.CO.' OlTer For Sale,


awaiiaii Bark Ka Moi!





Selected with Great Care


: ISU FRIXTS. FAXCr LILIC, AXD9ntrsin; Rrints, Twdlrd Chiuis Prints. Fancy

Si, Victoria Lawns. Misqiito Mettiog,! B ack Uihoars. Blark Alpmrra. . .k MYnos and Cr-- , Woolen Dress Good,

' : and Bloe Bruad Cloth,c n Clwttis, H Moleskins.t m Drills. White back.

Hairrh4h. White thrrtin and LonrcMh.I aey Hed Cloth, Brown and Blue Cotton Drills,' try Br wo an I B ue Cotloa, Tickiog.m Denims, very heavy,nicets, large size assorted colors,


Athambr Red Quilts, '

Miits. Fine Unen Imrterfala. , ,r. Lnn and Cotton Tnrk-- y Toweis, - -- Tior I ktv--n Handkerchief,

'I tVun HaiKlktrehlrftj,'Lf4 mn'1 Yelto Uaodkerehiefs.Whrte riaaael.Twilled flannel.

o- fir Mertno boeka.f Mised Sock. Laa white Hose,0: t "J TMe Covers.

Silk Neckties, fancy Alpacea Blonses,

i :j Linen Bosom Cottna Shirts,:y Ciico bhirts, ll'icknry Chirrs,

'J y Merino Cmlershirts,, Imitation L'ndershina.' n Cotton rndershirts.i ' i-- y Ked itoppenders. Black Silk fmljrella.

-k Silk Elastics. Bloe Cotton Threa tK w and Calio tiirtna. Feather Ihiters, ..ipllcl liinsccil Oil!le ttoe Paint, 3rouod Whit Lead,

'Jeore and Teoetian Red,ps. 8U Twine. Scotch Hemp Caavaa, '. .

a rwck. krbt and heavy.til Fenrtn, Wfc--

'VI 4 Irne,fro3 Inch toll inch, ' . i- -

led Saucepan, witti Covers, Bhbits Metal.vaniard (ias Pipes, to inch,Vanhr4 I mo Backets asd Tubs, - - iiH Lamps and Lanterns,

C, Iron with twaas guards.

i Packet Knives and Steel Sciaaor. J

8afar, French Chacolate--' Feaae aa aat.ret. .

alaga ad Sallaoa Raisiaa.Jbrraatsto Jar Salad OtL . . .J."

' Jodlrvee UiL Carry Powder. .

of l4eHd Ataoooda. - -

'vsrjaol 6 , aaosagea ia Tina, ... ,I hiltahire Lnaf Cbee?,'""ten Loaf Cheese. M alt Vinegar ia Demijohns and bhla.Vaaas af Tarur. 8-- d Btseoita.lia in Baskets and Boxes. Kass In Barrels,B l Cnf k Cm AJe, Claret la Bases, .(Mow Wfae.ftckierlaai A mm Iie Bebnanoa.vnvaw frisk Wkiakey. sfaaiU Horse lUmm,yekhotai Tar, Piteh in half Barreis.froUn4 Cessent, Fire Bricks ssaasn and arch.WkWilk tJn.L - i

1 Y,lto Xetal and C'wnaoaitloa Kata,Rifle Powder la lb TWQbrrH. New OU Shook,4 Toes Vast Hartley foeam CsaL



AT 10 O'CLOURVA. M., AT SALES ROOM. .Wilt be Eokl t

Aii Assortment ofDry Goods, Lot of Clothicjr,

Lot of Crockery and. Tin "WaieV

AL.E AXD PORTER,Also,' Just Received, a Select


California and European Flower andVegetable Seeds !

Csrefo ly selected by eminent narMry men, and will be soldio smaB assorted parcels to suit the parcbasers. " v.

Ladies1 Fancy Articles, BeadAVork !

Socb as Pin Casbkras, Watch Pockets,- Janey Boxes, Fancy Ketienles, larfenod small, ' j

Card Baskets, and a variety of other '


- - '" '" S ' G. 8. BARTOW. Auctioneer.,

FOR SALE!0ooiie,s Cane Knives,

Double Barrel Mtot Guns, Pistols," '-- - - -- ' Target Sharp Shooters,

Silver PInted Harnesses ! : itLinen Horse Covers and Sheets,

Spurs ami Bills etc., etc.


Bark KaMoi,S. UCtKKEN, Master. .. i

Will Sail Tkls Day, Snlnrdoy, Arll I at.For Freigbt or Passage, Apply tom4 II. HACKFKLO k Co. Agents.


ITorth Pacific Transportation Company's

STEAillSIliP A J A X!R. 8. FLOYD. Commander,

Will Leave lor San Fraucisco

Saturday, 1st of April, at 4 P. M.For Freight or Paassge apply to the. Company's Agents.


ANorth Pacific Transportation Company.

San Francisco and Honolulu Route.

The Catnpany'a Splradid A 1 .

I or


Will Leave San Francisca,0a or about.,... ..April 16th rith

Cargo for San Francisco will be received at all times 'in theSteamer's Warehouse and receipts for the same given by theunderpinned. No choree for Storage or Cartage.

Fire risks in Warehouse not taken by the Company.Insurance guaranteed at 1 wer rates than, by sailing vessels.

Particular care tnken of shipments of Fruit.XT Shipments from Europe ami the United States, intended

for these lolands, will be received by the Company in San Fran-ciic-

if consigned to thein, and be forwarded by their Steamersto Honolulu, yree of charge, except actual outlny...ty Passengers are requested to take their Tickets before 12o'clock on the date of sailing, and tn procure their Passports. JL

AU Bills against tbe Steamer must be presented before 2 nesso'clock on the day of sailing, or they wilt have to lay over tillthe return of the Steamer for settieraeot.

oSSm H. 11ACKFELD k CO., Agents.of




S "5T JFSL... .FOHXSO.V, Mailer. ....

2Tow in Port, will Loud with Dispatch for-e-w

- ., - Bedford direct. j

Shippers of OH, Eone, Wool, nod other merchandise,Will find this desirable opportunity. .

Ca.b AdvmMcea Slslpissrsits). sis, d34 3m C. BB.F.WF.R k Co., agents.





1VT TTi TTT . TH A 9 79Due here from San Francisco on die th of April, AU



iaeklaad, Xew Zealand.Wrlllagtass. New Zealand,

Lfltlrtsa, Xew Zralaad,Part Chalmers. New Zealaad.

Connecting with Steamers for ;

and fromStT XeW Soalfe) Wales, rMelbsarke, Vlelarlsi..

For Freigbt or Pasafe to Ports of New Zealand, apply toI II. H ACKFsLI k Cm.. Agents.



Brig. Qurlew,CHRISTIAN. Master.

THZZ have Immediate Dispatch for the Above Port,. Fir freight or passage, apply to

- H. UACKFKLD k Oo Agenu"

Hawaiian Packet JLine' . .. ''FOR' . r r ' -- T: ' A


' ' XnB m PA.CK5T. BARK. .

MTiTray,N.' T. BENNETT, Master. " "ina Sail Positively for the above Port on

SATCRDATV- - - i - AHRlLj TAlh.For freighter Willpassage, having superior seommodatiooa. tot

eabia and steerage passengers, plT to . t . , iX- WALKER k ALLEN, Agents, f dlOFor SYDNEY DIRECT


st &"t X olio w f.

' ' 11 at Lloyds, 14 years,WillCampbell..,, .........master, or

I now loading for IheVbove port, and wril bw dispaichedn!2

On or about Satnrd'ay the nth Karen iFor or caasara. annl La ; Ads f r . THEO. H. DAVIIS.

Ilorae Enterprise.Mr. Editor : I think it is the duty, and should

b the pride, of every man, who baa the welfare ofthese islands sincerely at heart, to encourage asmuch as in him lies home enterprise, home artt andsciences, home manufactures ; and it is with suchan end in view that I feel impelled to oiler my testi-

mony in matters wherein I can speak knowingly andfrom personal experience. And I must confess alsomy strong desire to render tbe tribute of praise,well and honestly earned, to a gentleman whose in-

telligent assistance and faithful and skillful work-

manship will be recognized by many otherg besidesmyself. Furthermore, a gentleman in whom thespirit of enterprise is thoroughly ingrained. Letme speak of the T. Spencer Plantation, gracefullyfringing our little town of Ilito, first Etarted and forsome years owned by Chinamen, who may be con-

sidered the pioneers of sugar culture on this island.This plantation came into my possession in Jane,186C, and until the present season was worked onthe old fashioned open train system, never verysatisfactory to me. I need Dot trouble, you with mycogitations on the subject! ""They were weigniyandmanifold, and here is the result. , I am now .using avacuum pan, which "with the attendant pumps andapparatus were manufactured complete and entire at(he Honolulu Iron 'Works, from ' tbe designs' andplana and under the immediate supervision of Mr.Alexander Voting, 'and erected and delivered over tome by his every way worthy assistant, and deputy.

To say simply that I am satisfied does, not Satisfyme. I must speak with more emphasis. I am oV

lighled with . the .smooth perfection ,of ;the wholething ;- - the admirable way in which all parts act inunison, from tbe pumps worked by water power tothe pmu itself and all he detaila therewith connected.And as for the steam boiler, I'll venture to say, that

could not be excelled, for its kind, in any part ofiheworkl. '. ; . . (

And it is solely that I. wish credit to be givenwhere credit' is due; viz. : ' to Mr. Alexander Youngand his intelligent assistants, and at tbe same time

call attention to the pleasing fact that success so

eminently crowns home enteiprite, that I desire tormake it publicly known through tbe columns ofyour paper. - . r

I have no wish to puff, but may be allowed whilstwriting to sny, that the sugar, we are now 'turningout at tbe works, is a curative for sore eyes. No onecan look at it and not feel better for it. It is so gar

pure and simple " yet more rescmbliDg sparklingjuvenile diamonds. ..The result of this season's cropwill speak for itself, and I wish no worse than thatevery plantation on these islands of ours, wherehome enterprise is encouraged by something moretangible than words, may be able to report their results as gratefully as I do. May success also attendMr. Young in all bis undertakings !

, i ' -

" He either iears his fate loo much, ,Or his deserts are small,W ho will not ut it to the touch,

' To win or lose it all." - -

- Yours truly, Thomas Spenceo.

nilo, March 25th, 1871.


in the City or Country by a Oentlcman of o years experience in and thnrougl acquainted with the Honolulubusiness. Best reference can be given,

mil Address II B Post Office, Box 21.

FOR JLE THE COTTAGE ON TUBbeach at Waikiki, formerly occupied ly Miss ilout-goiuer- y.

Apply too29 tf W. L. OREEN.: .i " . - -

FURNISHED COTTAGE TO LET ATtt AIKIKI. TheCnttsge recently occupied by W. UGreen, at he Beach, Wiktki. Kent, 41 0 per month,

by the year at $35 per monlu.Apply to w. it. uithJi.N.


SEVERAL COTTAGES, PLEASANTLYlocated, and suitable for large and small families. Theyare entirely EV, handsomely finished, and supplied

all the necessary out houses and modem Improvements.d24 tf Apply to - HUGO STANUKNWALD, &L D.

TO LET. .THE HOUSE LATELY OCCUPIED BYU. A. Widemaon, on Jodd Street. Apply to



. existing between I ALTON k BLACVKLT. in the busiof SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKING, King Street,

Honolulu. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent.The business will be conducted at the old stand by the un-

dersigned, who will collect all accoanta due and pay all debtsthe late firm. - P. 1 ALTON.Honolulu, March 2, 1871. m4 3t


QUARTO AND CAP FORM. AND VERY?a Ceata sail tl.OO each.

ta'ib 2t For gale by H. M. WHITNEY.

FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET.FOR FOUR OR FIVE MONTHS, FROMMay 1. For further particulars, inquire ofnl ' H. M. WHITNEY. .

.. NEW POST OFFICE. 1;KEY CHECKS OR TAGS FOR THE NEWOFFICE BOXES furnished to order at bO (mil 8t) T11Q8. Q. THK.CM.

TO RENT.THE HOUSE A S D PREMISES NO.M 148 NCCANU AVKNLE, at present occupied by Dr.

Kennedy ; possession given April 1st. Accommodations,MMms, Kitchen. Bath ani servants Rooms, Store-roo-

Carriage house, Stable, Loft, ke. Slay be had luruished orotbeiwise by application to . J. xl. WOOD,

March 4, 1S71. (mf ln) Nauanu Plantation,




Frames, Anchors and Snperior Locks.. ALSO .

Cellar Grating. Veulilatar. Iraa Vrraa-ta- bSapparts. Ac,

carefully made to order. Knqoire of ;

ni2d 3m " ' CASTLE COOKE.''


For sale by .

Ja28 B0LLE3 k CO.


UN, eu., etc A full assortment for sale byjuts . BOLLK3 ft; CO.

Regular Packet for llanalei, Kauai.THE CUPPER SCHOONER


- Will Sail as a Regular-Pack- et as 6om - '-

For reerght or passage appiv to lis. .aw u



IBrig Byzantium,.CALHOUN. Master. , i

Will Follow the Robert Cowin for the above port.

SAILING-ON- . THE St a INST.Freight or Paage, apply to

ALg, fc ALLEN.



Cbb Refnlarly bet wren Thls'Port ui UhilM,. , LEAVING

HoboIbIi every Headmj and LAhalna crery Thirsdaj.n. HACKFELP k Co Agents.

j4-- b -

Schooner Active,M ELL1SH. - Mnaier ' "

run as Regular Packet to the above port. For FreigbtPassage apply to--

m WALKER & ALLEN, Arentn.


bond or duty paid.Ja23.

9 k t 5BOLLKS CO.




The Mails for the East will be dispatched persteamer Jijax this day, closing at the Post Office at3 o'clock P. M. .


Oxb Thocsaxd Defacitebs. We learn that thereare no less than one thousand names of defaultingtax payers on the books, now in tbe Police Court for

prosecution.Masonic The regular monthly meeting of Ha-

waiian Lodge Kb. 21. F. & A. M., will be held attheir rooms, Makee's building, on Monday eveningnext, at 7 o'clock, v

Ukfaib The Friend copies an obituary notice

from us, and credits it to the Gazette, The notice

first appeared in that journal, but was so fall of in-

accuracies that we rewrote it. .'

, ,'


Twexty-tiy- h Per Cekt We notice that theMinister of Finance calls upon subscribers to HotelBonds, to pay twenty-fiv- e per cent, on their subscrip-

tions on or before the 15th inst. , ..

Pbofesoob Alexandek. We learn that this gentleman, who has so long and aDiy nned the positionof President of Oahu College, has resigned, and hasaccepted: the office oF Surveyor General nnder theGovernment. ' '


k ',l- Supreme Cocbt. Tbe April Term commences onMonday next. We are requested by the Marshal to

6ay that the attendance of the foreign jurors who

have been summoned will not . be required untilfurther notice. ' :

Slightly Mixed. It would appear by our vener-

able cotemporary the Friend, that the Crusadershave been lecturing in this city on the siege of Jeru-

salem. They certainly ought to know. all,and it is very kind in tbem to tell.' - However, it isowing to a comma, misplaced. .

..The Stolen Lamps. The lamps, some eight innumber, which were stolen from Kaumakapili churchsome time ago, have never yet been recovered, as er-

roneously reported. : ! Tbe affair was evidently a bonafide theft, and not a " lark," as intimated, and it isthought some clue to the thieves has been discovered.

Ocb Outside. On the first page will be found abeautiful poetical tribute to the memory of the latelamented Lieut. Talbot; whose remains repose in thesolitary grave at IlanaleL On the last page, a spicycommunication from Hawaii, on ' Public Improve-

ments ; " About Dogs ;" and a " Protest againstu

Charivaris." ' -

Boat Race.' On Tuesday last there was a raceoutside tbe reef and, back, between the yacht boatsKing Phillip and Fearless, for a purse of 60. Therace was won by the latter boat, beating her antago-

nist some twenty minutes. We hear that the Ar

Phillip, nothing daunted, will try it again on Mon-

day next.New Yacht. By the Syren from Boston, we note

the receipt of a fine new yacht boat, built for I. B.Peterson and otbers. She is of a beautiful model,sits like a swan on the water, is called the Henrietta,and looks as though she ought to sail like the wind.Her dimensions are 22 feet C inches long and 8 feet10 inches beam.

Not a Hawaiian. It was stated sometime since '

that a kanaka, named Henry Drill, was under trial j

in San Francisco for setting fire to the whaleship i

JUassacauseiis. lie now learn mat tbe man wasfound 'guilty and sentenced to three years imprison-ment, and that he was not a Uawaiiao, but a negrofrom the Southern States. "

Dr. Livingstone Again A letter from theBritish Consul at Zanzibar, under date of November18 stages that news had been heard from Dr. Living-stone, and that dispatches and supplies had been for-

warded to him. It was confidently hoped that theintrepid explorer would reach the coast in February,and be in England the coming summer.

St. Patrick's. Dat m San Francisco The Irish-men of San Francisco turned out almost en masse onthe 17th. An immense procession marehed throughthe streets, and the California Theatre was crowdedto hear an oration and an original poem, and In theevening there was no less than ffve " grand V ballsand a banquet by the St. Patrick's Society.

.. Scribner's Monthly, an illustrated journal,published at New .York, is rapidly taking a leadingplace in periodical literature. J. O. Holland, knownas Timothy Titcomb,' is the editor, and its list ofcontributors includes the names of some of the bestwriters of the day. For three dollars per annum,Scribner furnishes an immense amount of readingmatter. ..

Central and Union Pacific Railroad. Mr. J.T. Preddey,: Agent of the Central and Union PacificRailroad was a passenger by tho mail steamer Cityof Melbourne. Mr. Preddey, we . understand, hasmade an official tour of the Australian Colonies; forthe purpose of disseminating information respectingthe route from San Francisco to New York. Partiesinterested, aad indeed all would do well to seeMr. Preddey before his departure for San Francisco.

, Readings! The Young Men's. Christian Associa-tion have made arrangements to give a series ofpublic literary entertainments in the Olympic Hall,similar to those of a year ago, which were held inBufiam Hall. There will be three evenings devotedto readings and three to lectures. By advertisementin another column, it will be seen that the first of thefortnightly readings will take place on Thursdayevening next . ...

Liscs Natcrjs This week, some curious look-ing creatures, half insect and half fish, were foundin a taro patch at Waikiki. So far, no one has beenfound who ever saw the like befpre. Tbey are ofalight brown color, half an inch in length, from thebead to near the tail is covered with a transparentshell, and the belly is-- provided with two rowsof vertical Cos. and they ' move about in the waterquite briskly. They can be seen at Judd & Lay ton's.

Outrageous "Where away so Vast?" 'inquiredwe of a friend yesterday, who was going down townat a rapid pace. We ought to have known that itwas' imprudent to ask, Aim any questions! I amgoing right off to see about this cattle disease.", wasthe reply. Seeing ns surprised he added coolly," Of course, you have heard that every body is ex-

pecting tbe murria n 1 .''Oar feelings may be imag-ined when we discovered that . the reckless manmeant they expected the Murray in ! ' ' - '

The Victoria Reoia. Or Regind, perhaps, butas the Showman observed, Whichever you choose?my little dears ; you pays your money and you takesyour choice." This plant, which, the Gazette had itwas on the way from Australia, did not come.' Andit could hardly have been expected, when we re-

member that tbe plant is extremely rare and valuable,and the introduction of it to Australia from Englandwas accomplished at a cost of 5,000. Our friendsat the antipodes, though they may accommodate nswith new plants, seeds, birds, and even some kan-garoos on a pinch, will hardly put themselves to theexpense of gratifying our'longing for the queenly"Victoria Regia, ; 1. '.' ."

, Public . Lectures. In this age of lectures, nono-lul-u

is remarkable for seldom or never having any.But our people appreciate tbem, as witness the largeaudience which listened to the Rev. Mr. Fletcher ofMelbourne, who discoursed at the Fort Street Churchon the evening of the 27th ult., on tbe ;nhject of theSiege of Jerusalem. ' The Reverend gentleman, (whois on his way, to Europe) added to a good delivery,

showed an intimate and scholarly knowledge of bissubject, and highly ' interested and entertained his

audience. .' 'As we have remarked on a previous occa-

sion, we. have among ns a plenty of good material forlectures, and hope to ece an effort made to bringthem out. A 1 '"' '

His Majesty the Kixg, as we learn, proposes tosail for Molokai, in his yacht the Pauahi, on Mon-

day next, to be absent several months.

Installation. On Sunday evening last, March26th, tbe Rev. Walter Frear was installed as pastorof Fort Street Church in Honolulu. A full congre-gation assembled, and tbe following was the order o.exercises on the occasion ; ;

Reading of tbe Scriptures, aDd declaring the resultof tbe Council, by Rev. Hiram Bingham.

Sermon by Rev. S. C. Dtmon.Installing Prayer, by Rev. L. Smith, D. D.Charge, to the Pastor, by Rev. B. W. Parker.Right Hand of Fellowship, by Rev. A. O. Forbes.Charge to the People, by Rev. II. II. Parker.Benediction, by the Pastor.

; ;' - .

The Escaped Prisoners. The two men, Keaweand Kalama, who have been previously mentionedas having absconded from the chain gang some threeweeks ago, are still at large, although rewards havebeen offered by the Marshal for their apprehension,and their whereabouts at one time has been known.They were supposed to be in the mountain, somewhere between Palama and Moanalua, and lastFriday a large party of police started from theInsane Asylum and dividing into squads, thoroughlysearched the caves and . gullies as far as possible fora human being to go.. At about 5 o'clock in theafternoon, when the party had met together on a flatin the upper part of Kalihi valley, Keawe boldlyshowed himself at the top of a neighboring precipice,and shouting some jeering and insulting words toha would-b- e captors, disappeared as suddenly as hehad come. In order to get' to the spot where he wasseen, it would have been necessary to make a longdetour, occupying a long time, sufficient for him tohave securely, hidden among the fastnesses of themountain in the darkness which was coming on, andthe party gave np the attempt for the time. ' Anotherparty is to be organized, among which will be guidesfamiliar with. the paths, among the fastnesses of themountains, and provided with the necessary outfitfor camping at night. : Keawe, the eldest andshrewdest of the two convicts, is under sentence forlife, for arson in ihe first degree, and is a prettydesperate character. The prospect of life-lo- ng serv-

itude leaves him nothing to hope for and but little tofear. His partner, Kalama, is under sentence for aprevious attempt to escape from prison while servingout a term for larceny, and had he remained wouldnow have been a free man. Meantime the fugitivesfind plenty to eat in the wild bananas and' fern rootswhich abound, and comfortable lodgings in the nu-

merous and roomy caves among the rocks and gullies,and by frequently changing their quarters, andperhaps with some aid from' friends, may eludepursuit for some time to come. ' " I- -'

Mutiny, on Shipboard. By. the whaleshipRoman, Captain Jernegan, of New Bedford, whicharrived on tbe 27th ult. from a cruise to tbe southward, we learn that a serious mutiny occurred onboard that ship while lying at anchor at one of theMarquesas ' Islands, whither" Bhe had put in forrecruits.. The ' crew, ta the number of fourteen,headed by three boatsteerers, demanded liberty tovisit the shore, which being declined by the Captain,they refused duty, and attacked the first and secondofficers who endeavored to quell tbe mutiny, andconfined the master to his cabin. The two officers

were badly cut and beaten, and barely escaped withtheir lives.. The mutineers left for the shore, takingthree boats, with gear, clothing, &c, threatening tocome back and take the ship. This the Captainprevented by slipping the cable in the night andsetting sail for Honolulu. The Jlrc.tic, Capt. Tripp,at the same group, had some difficulty with thecrew and tbe first : officer is reported as injured.The Carlotta and Fanny, both lost men by desertionin the same neighborhood, and altogether, therewere at last accounts some thirty runaway sailors onDominique Island. All these troubles appear to

have originated from the fact that ram was plentyand cheap on shore, being manufactured there, andthere being no law or authority to preserve order.The result must be that whalers will be inclined togive the Marquesas. Islands a wide berth hereafter.If there was an American vessel of war here justnow; there would be an opportunity to secure some

pf these mutineers of the lionuin, and bring themto justice. When will the American Navy Depart-

ment learn the wisdom of keeping a vessel always ator near these islands?

For the information of shipmasters who may haveoccasion to call at Resolution Bay, where theRoman's men deserted, we append a list of theirnames as furnished by Capt. Jernegan :

Boalsteerers J. Hilo, Tom Wallis, Joe Baker,'George Clark. The last three Hawaiians.

Seamen J. Merrill, Ned, Tom Ascension, Saffron,Andrew, John Wallis, Harry, Peter, Sam Rotoma ;

Hawaiians Kaaumoana, Ailuena, Pa, Levi.

v . ;From Japan. Advices are received from Yoko-

hama to Jan. 23d.. The principal news of. interest isin regard to the small-po- x, which was making greatravages, both among the natives and Europeans.

The disease had assumed a malignity seldom ornever witnessed In'Europe, and the contagion spreadwith a virulence and rapidity only equalled in thecholera epidemic of 1848. Two European: hospitalswere soon filled, and two others improvised by

American and Russian authorities. Under the di-

rection of foreign physicians the Japanese Govern-

ment have initiated a general Bystem of vaccination,

at Yedo and Yokohama, to be gradually extendedthroughout the country, and made compulsory when

the prejudices of the people are overcome."' On tbe 18th an attempt was made to assassinate

two foreigners in Yedo. The Government did all in

their power to arrest tbe culprits, but without' suc-

cess, and nothing could exceed the kindness and at-

tention bestowed upon tbe sufferers. A Chinaman,with two Japanese accomplices, who had forgedpaper money, was beheaded.

A gas company with a capital of $100,000 had

been started by some German residents, which, ifpermitted to be carried out by the Government wouldprobably prove a success.

On the first of 'January, a permanent first-cla- ss

light-hou- se was illuminated for the first time onRock: Island. . It' is .in sight, of Tries', Island, wlenthere is an active volcano. . .

A case of complaint against the Government wasmentioned as. of considerable importance, and one

which might lead ' to' serious misunderstanding ifpersisted in, through the course of tbe Governmentin forbidding Japanese merchants from trading atVan 'Reed's Rice Stock Exchange, in direct and

open violation of the American Treaty. . . . 4 ... : JPork, which until lately was interdicted in Japan,

appears to have reached its apotheosis. Two thou-

sand dollars it-i- s stated, was the actual price givenfor a sow and litter by a native speculator, and an-

other had ordered out 500 via the Suez CanaL Thereason for the Budden --rise in swine was said to be

owing to the Government being about to adopt a meat

diet for the army and navy, and ordered the farmersto go to pig raising.

A Sr. Patrick Wasted. There . was a . time, notvery far remote in the history of these then happyisles, when there was no vermin here, no scorpions,centipedes nor tarantulas, bed-bag-s, fleas nor mos-quito- s.

The non-existe- of the latter three has been '

doubted by some, but the fact that there is no origi-

nal name in the language to designate those insects,

Is of itself a good proof that the natives had ao acquaintance .with tbem. The name for a louse is uku,so a bed-b- ug is known as uku-li-o literally a horse-lous-e,

though why that noble animal should be sad-

dled with such a disgusting thing it is difficult tosurmise. A flea is an uku-lel-e, jumping louse, and amosquito is Hawaiianized into a nuikika. Snakeshappily so far, are only theoretically known here,though we had a very narrow escape some time agoof getting an interesting colony of cobras from tbeEast Indies. They would have been at home in ourforests and jungles. The' translators of the Bible,finding no equivalent for tbe word serpent, adoptedIrom the Greek the word nahesa. " Mice, ioe, '


IA I ; : . . j .i.i. ? . j

were indigenous, but rats, now so abundant, werebrought here. The ant naonao literally swarm-

ing," is a native, but we have received from abroadmany accessions to the emmet family, red, white,black, and flying ants, and tbe pest is increasing inits destructiveness. Nothing is safe or exempt fromits ravages. It worries man and beast, destroys treesand plants, eats into wood and undermines houses,attacks and conquers other, and vastly more power-

ful insects, bees, caterpillars and centipedes, andhas been koown to kill canary birds, attacking themin the eye. Besides all this, it has a literary taste,and attacks rare and valuable books, eating withavidity through the finest passages of poesy and wit.Common house flies are of course plentiful, and insultry weather or jast before the approach of rain areso very pertinacious in their attentions upon thegenus homo that we doubt if even Uncle Tobj's pa--

Ltience would have held out, world-wid- e as was his

charity. But of late we have had a new importationlhere of the genus musca in the shape of a green fly.said to have come from Australia, and which is in-

creasing rapidly. This creature is poisonous as wellas annoying. Meat upon which it lights, speedilybecomes putrid, and it is attracted by sores thatmay be exposed to tbe air. We saw an instance,recently,' where a person had got a small bit of skinknocked off a finger, and upon which one of thesegreen flies lighted for an instant. A slight pricklingsensation was felt, and nothing farther thought ofthe matter, but in a few, hours, first the finger, then

the whole hand, and finally the arm became swollen,plainly indicating the presence of poison. A timelyapplication to a. physician prevented what mighthave been serious results. Now our critics may say,"Why all this expose of the drawbacks to a resi-

dence here ?? You will frighten people away, what

with your earthquakes and other Bcares." Nevermind ; let us tell tbe truth, and shame tbe arch-tempt- er,

. Bat we want a Saint Patrick. . .

Pronunciation. Get your Webster's Unabridged,and see how near you are to a correct pronunciationof the following: - " ! ' ''

We gazed contemplatively He took precedence ofhis friend An isolated position Schemes of finance

Tbe cerements of the grave Tbe carotid arteryThe eyry of the eagle The bright Ilalia skies Alovely bouquet An aspirant for future honors Arecitative should be delivered recitalively -- Suburban

dwellings are of course in the suburbs Thejudge whose position is a sinecure, promulgated histheory, and having no qualms of conscience, song apsalm and took a recess Let me quote it, and see ifit is comparable to the other Let us tarn to anotherepoch. What is the quotient ?

Peace CparMEWoRATiON in San Francisco. March22d, the anniversary of the birth-da- y "of the Emperor,was selected by tbe Germans for a peace jubilee, andby the arrangements of the committee which arc print-ed in the Bulletin of the 17th, it appears that it wasintended to be a grand affair. In addition to theunited military companies of the city, four morewere expected from Sacramento, with a band. Invi-

tations had been issued to the State, city and federalofficials and to foreign Consuls, to join in the cele-

bration, many of whom had, however, declined.Four hundred persons had agreed to close theirpi ices of business. - , ,,r- -- - 'i.i , . - -

Death of Horace Hawes. This gentleman, anold and prominent resident of San Francisco, diedMarch 12th. Someof our older residents may re-

member him as a resident of Honolulu for a time in1846. He came here from Tahiti; where he was U.S. Consul. From here he went to California in theearly days of its gold mining history, became promi-nent as a lawyer and politician, was a close businessman, and unlike a good many of the earlier Califo-rnia's, not only made money, but kept it. His estateis valued at $2,000,000 or more. A week before bisdeath he made a deed, granting property worth morethan S1,000,000 for the establishment of a University,though encumbered with conditions that may defeat

the object The heirs, it is eaid, will contest thedeed, and have it set aside on the ground of tbe insanity of the testator, for which, however, there is noapparent grounds, although he was undoubtedly avery eccentric person. ' '; " . ...MRIM DF THE LIAILS!

i ' ". I .

Ten Days Later.By the arrival on Monday night last of tbe N. P.

S.N. Co.'s S. S. Ajax. Capt. Floyd, in 9 days fromSan Francisco, we are in possession of dates fromthat city to March 18th: .

European.' ' London, March 10. Napoleon has addressed acommunication to the President of, the French As-sembly, protesting against the vote by which tbatbody declared that bis dynasty has forfeited thethrone, as unjust and illegal. Tbe Assembly hesay 9 was created only to make peace, and has ex-ceeded Its power. The foundation of all publicright is tbe Plebiscite, to that ho is ready to bow,and to that alone. ...

Paris. March 10. The Journal Official in aneditorial this morning openly favors the Republicas being tbe form of Government best calculatedfor tbe interests of tbe nation, and the one whichwill, be certainly chosen in the end as the definiteform of Government of. France. Tbe same paperalso asserts that the present Government pledgesits power to establish and maintain a Republic.

Tbe public indignation of the press bas beenaroused by intelligence recently received here oftbe circulation of a petition in Germany demandioga plebiscite in order to decide the future form ofGovernment for France. The petition, it Is etatod,has been framed by Prussians and will be circu-lated among the French prisoners for signature.

Bafpn Baude. Gen. Bailie, M. ill. Goulard andDectug have been appointed by tbe French Gov-

ernment to represent it in tbe negotiations whichwill Hbortly be eoromenced for a final treaty, ofpeace between France and Prussia.

Tbe New York Herald special correspondent atParis sends tbe following, March 10th : r "Greatexcitement prevailed in Tarls to-da- y, by the actionof a body of French ailors belonging to tbe forcesrecently, defending the city. They attempted tosubstitute the tri-col- or for the red flag of theRepublic of France at the Column of July Theact caused serious disturbance. Tte sailors werefinally arrested and the flair replaced. Eightbattallions of the National Guard have w'uedand plundered a number of carriages containingarms and ammunition. ..Two Gardes Mobiles werewounded while defending the carriages.

Paris March 12. General Vinoy has Issuedorder suspending the publication of the Vungeur,Mot D"Vrdre, C'ri du , Petpel Caricature, PertDachesne and Bouclvtde Fer.- - Tha publication ofnew political or social .

economical journals isforbidden. '

The Germans evacuate Versaillesand French troops w ill immediately , occupy thetown. ..' ".. .

The Marquis de Bonneville bas been appointedFrench Ambassador at Vienna, snd M. AlilletelPrefect of Police. .

, Tbe health of the city is improving.The Syndics of tbe Chamber of Commerce have

decided tbat no German shall be employed in tbetrarrea of Paris. '

Daily political journals must.

lodge 24,000 francssecurity. .

The Ronen Indeptnderd, for advising the peopleto display mourning, was suppressed and fined1,0011 francs. " ;" ."' -

Lonron, March 13. Tn the House of Lords EarlGranvile announced tbat the Conference of Powerson tbe Eastern question had closer, and a treatybad. been signed at the Foreign Office abrogatingtbe restriction on the adminsion of foreign men-of-w- ar

into the Dardanelles and Bopphorus. !

The Pannbian Commissioner says tbe twelveyears protocol expressly declares that no Powercan relieve Itself of tbe obligation of tbe treatywithout the consent of all tbe signers.; - .

London, March.J4. Roebuck, In ah address atSheffield, to-nig- denounced tbe liberation ofFenian fconvicts as a dastardly act, and their re-

ception' in America a disgrace to, tbe country andanother proof that sbe is England's bitter enemy.

- Berlin. March 15. The Czar bas sent a deputa-tion, of distinguished officers of the Russian armyto saint the -- Emperor of Germany on bis way toBerlin.- - ' They will bo presented to tho Emperorby Field Marshal Von Wrangel. j

Berlin, March 15. A lonjr conference was u'eldat the Foreign Office yesterday and to-da- y. VonArnim snd Bulan were present, and received' fullinstructions before proceeding to Brussels to negotiate tue Bnailreatv of peace.

Paris, March 15. By the new compulsory law

everybody serves coinpulsorily three years in theregulars, and afterwards in the reserves.

London. March 16. It is rumored the. PrincessBeatrice marries tbe Marquis of Ely.. It is said MenotU Garibaldi bas arrived bero.

London, March 16. The Times nnticipatos aneasy settlement of tbe fisheries quention, but Is notsanguine with regard to the Alabama question. Itregrets tbe Commissioners' limited powers.

Paris, March 15. Metternlch, Austrian Ambas-

sador, bas presented bis credentials to Thiers; also,the Portuaruese Ambassador. Denmark and Swedenhav recognized thn Republic .

At a Cabinet Council to-da- y. Thiers presided.Dissensions prevail at Montinartie. The journals

continue to spur thu Government to crush tho;; . " '.,'

pARirt. March 15. Bismarck bas informed Thierstbat, being embarrassed io organizing politicallyand commercially the ceded provinces, wing totbe determined resistance of the inhabitant. urJ'lthe representations that German commerce will bedumaged by competition with Mulhouse manufac-turers, he will abandon Alsace and Lorraioe if thoindemnity is increased one and a half milliards.

London, March 15. The lmes says the recep-

tion of the Fenians iu America was discreditable.It appeals to honest Americans not to judge Eng-

land by Fenian orators. -

Vienna. March 14 The President or Reicharatbis defending the prohibition or the German peacecelebration. Ha said Beiist's defcptcht bopifig foran lncreaso of friendship with Germany, would notaffect AiiRtro-Hungar- y friendship. The prohibitionwas aimed at tbe preservation of order, which theGermans would value but little if tho Governmentwas unable to rulo at home.' ' i

Vienn a, March 16. The Emperor Francis Josephbas despatched Count Potocki to Berlin to salutethe Emperor William upon his succession to theImpel UI Crown of Germany.

New York. March 1 6. The Tr ibune's , Washing-ton correspondent of the 15th says there is a rumor

it is uot generally known; of advi&'sreceived "Iro'uf Minister Sickles, submitting, us theresult of his negotiations fur several months put.a proposition from tho Government of Hpain for thesale to this Government of tho Islands of Cuba andPorto Rico. The amount owked is believed to be$100,000,000, payable iq installments. .

Napoleon seems to have been released with theOther French prisoners lu. Germany, and ,b; liasstarted for his wife's residence at Cbiselhurst,where be will doubtless set tip in biiHlrtess as aMartyr. and live on the sympathies of Cockneys.Those who claimed tbat Bismarck was keeping himat Wilhelmshobe, preparatory to restoring him tothe French throne, will doubtless be disappointedand disgusted to learn that tbe fallen Cmperor waspermitted to take biinself off without renioiietrauee

.or nt teni ions from the risen one. Meuntimn onlybis former private Secretary of I ranuu ba beenpoor enough to do him reverence.

The Official Journal of France declares for a Re-

public as the fixed Govcrnmeut of the country andadriEes the people to make no disturbances, astranquillity is the only hope of the country. . i

Thiers will soon dissolve the National Assemblyand appeal to the people to vote upon the fonntfpermanent Government for France. The armyofficers, Faidherbe. Chanzy and Ducrot, are re-

ported as BoriapartisU. l'aladiuesgt vi s assurancetbat he is a Republican. . ... .

"United Rtntcs. -

Washington. 'March 10. In the 'IlrjmWeancaucus yesterday, when it was determined to takeSenator Sumner from the Chairmanship of theCommittee on Foreign Relations, a discussionarose. Senators Sherman, and Morrill of Vermont,the minority of the Committee, deprecated theproposed change, and warmly opposed it, believ-ing that Sumner had done nothing fo merit binremoval from a position be bad held so long withso much credit to the Senate and cotintrf. Messrs.Howe and Nye. cf the Committee, replied to thisand said tbat tbe interests of tbe Administrationdemanded change ; that Mr. Sumner was boslileto Ks foreign policy; that be was not oh KucUterms with the President or Secretary of Stale asrendered it proper for l im to be the confidentagent for one of tbe most important Committees oftbe Senate. He had assailed tbe foreign policy ofthe Administration and the President in terms notbecoming a Republican Senator. Sumner waspresent, but did not participate. He was confidentto tbe last that lie would not be deposed, nnd onlygave up when lis colleague's motien to recommitwas lost a -

Washington. MarchxJ 3. The removal of Mr.Sumner from tbe Committee of Foreign RiSTionscontinues to be the exciting topic of conversationia all political circles, and its probable effect ontbe future of tbe Republican party and tbe renom-- in a im of General Grant Is freely discussed. All

the R publicans except a few of buruner'fi personalenemies In Iho Senate srree tbat the occurrence isvery damaging to the party, and may prove disas-trous. In sbui t. thai it was a gross political blun-der. , Tbe Demoti-- 'i are highly ejated about theaffuir. They say tbat tbe renomination of Grant isinevitable, because there is no man of . sufficientstrength to oppose bim, but that bis defeat' willfollow as a necessary result of dissension occa-sioned among the Republicans. ' "'

If Congress is not in session at the time the SaoDomingo Commissioners reach Washington" aspecial Executive Session of tbe Senate will becalled by the President to act on the treaty ofannexation. . . ........... (

From present prospects Congress will not adjourn;before tbe Commissioners arrive, and if so, thedisciiRsion of the annexation project will be auadditional cause for a prolonged session. '

Each Commissioner is preparing a draft of hisreport, and as yet tbe separate drafta have notbeen compared. Upon most of tbe points specifiedin the resolntion of Congress the reports pf theCommissioners will show a condition of affairsfavorable to annexation...From San Domingo come continued accounts ofa growing aversion to annexation, and it is saidHayti is secretly fomenting the dissatisfaction.

WAsniNGToK.VMarch 13. Mr. Sumner presentedan address to tbe Senate of the United States ofNorth America," remonstrating against the pro-posed annexation of San Domingo, signed byThomas Bnbadilla, late President of the CentralJunta of the Government of Dominican Republic,he late President of the Supreme Court, late

Minister of State and Senator of said Republic,aud along list of ex-offici- of the' San DomingoRepublic. After considerable discussion, it Whdecided that tho memorial could not bo received.

: Washington, March 15 IIourg. On motion ofWood, it was resolved that the Committee-o- n

Foreign Affairs, when appointed, bo requested toexamine into and report at tbe next session ofCongress, whether the Territory of Lower Cali-fornia would be a valuable acquisition t theUnited States, and. If so. with such recommenda-tions looking to that object as may seem to thatCommittee just and expedient with referencethereto.

Washington, March 1C The session of the JointHigh Commissions are held daily. There is a fearprevailing in some quarters that recent discussion;bas developed differences of opinion which mayprevent a peaceful settlement. In reply to aquestion yesterday, one of the American Commis-sioners said in a significant manner, that if theCommission, was able to reach satUfkctory conclu-sion nt would terminate its labors 'by tiemiddle of April, it i.i believed that tbe difflculfylies in tbt; inability ot tbo English ComrniHsiunersto meet the preliminary requirements for tbe nego-tiations by the American Commissioner as to tbeAlabama liabilities.

Tho Xetes of the World ot March 18th, publishesa supplement, containing London dates to the 17thand New York to the 18th. By tbe former is givena synopsis of the proceedings in the conference onthe Black SeV question, and the revision of tbetreaty of Paris. ' Everything appears to' have beensettled amicably, nnd Russia gains her point, tbeGovernments of Turkey- - aod Russia to conclude aconvention relative to tbe number and strength oftbeir respective fleet in the Black Sea.

New Yore, March 18. A letter or Capt. Temple,published yesterday, revealine tbat PresidentGrant bad ordered tbe navy to protect tbe Govern-ment of Baez against any demonstrations by Hayti,is conarmea . uy omciai correspondence, which Isalso published this morning. Thin correspondencefurther shows tbat Admiral Porter and MinisterBaRsettbad also notified the llaytien Governmentof tbe order of the Executive. .

Greelet once wrote something: about "Suburbanjournalism advancing." The compositor thought itwas one of bis agricultural articles, and launched outwildly with " Superb Jerusalem artichokes."

It Is remarkable that tbe wealthiest citizens ofNew York are all at an age when mot men aretoo infirm for affairs, yet they are not only bale and

igorons, but actively engaged in conducting theirbusiness. ,Wm. B. As tor is nearly 78 AlexaadeeT. Stewart, 70 ; Cornelius Vanderbilt. 78 ; DanielDrew, 71; Peter Cooper, 9; George Law, 73;while tbe majority of our millionaires are over 60.

vi t ii ; . . i ' . i j (Prextick Multord, who ever since reading Bret

Harte'a VUethen Chinee," has patronized a ChU,nese laundryman, writes a pathetia account of anoutrage recently perpetrated on him. He says, usingfrom habit tbe editorial wet 1They sent home withour washing yesterday a thing that branches 'off intwo' ways a little below the top, like a railroad "Junetion, and has puckered frills edged with tating oqeach'end of the divide. We don't know what it la;an we're a poor friendless man, with only one virtue,and .none but villians would seek to injurs that",

"j ' .: ... . .....

Page 4: Aclvortiwiii ! il f · 2015. 6. 2. · h V. ft f THE PACIFIC --TIIS PACIFIC ' 0; mmerrial pwtiscr mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 13 PTBLI3UED PmLISHKD AT i ery Saturday Morning, Honolulu, Hawaiian

wKO. A. r-i--Yf & CO.,

Shipping and Commission Kerchanla,srisrT. sew eocni wales.

J'cdU far Ue Craw II Fir Jt. Hriie Iarie C.Mefertnc'l :

f. A. Mnefcr Co. Tlonohjlw

Maeoatfray Co -- -- franckscoof AMtradiiA. jooey

U. 6. Laora 4 Co-- .3 Oorr 1 ard, LiJttAmni &. Lowknml da


Forwarding &CocsmLssion Merchants

IVrith and luring equaled faetlitie for



Wt are to fin Orders for Goods V j Qur Stock ii the on the Pacific......hi. iiM m V mil &venbt !, w. i ' . ! rtmt ninlr.llMlU


lrrttaa4.r. rTnrrT,

31 froot Ban frueuto.


Wholenale Cr ioc e i--k


Forwarding and Commission Merchants.PUaTLA.VD, OKEGO.V.

PartlciUr iUcmLUi paid ! CnIjmmfnU f1 Ikwkli Ialaa4 Prrfiee. 1


General Shipping & Commission3IKRC1IAMH,

405 JVoaZ SI red, corner of Cliy St., Sao, Francisco.7 ly

JAN. ON, RHODES & CO.,Commiioii lUercIiants,

VIelwrLa. VtMTe' lalaaaL

!.B. PartIaratUntUw paid toeoiwigaawittofSandwleaIsland Prod aee. .

Victoria. .L,Janoary I.JS. 733

DAIIKO.I A: Al'STIIV,Merchants & Commission Agents,

BTfcXHT. J, s. w.awaswaaw. '

XT A ptaeraJ aaaortoaeiit f fclJp Chandlery, Ship' Storessa4 ail kuuis o' hajis; Ucar oo html.

fy Order tui flUii at Ike iborteM uotire And vwri ram.rr Waalen' ii:u of Kscliaogc urgotill oa the m"t avor-b-

teraM. 7J5 lr


Eaa PraacUco.


WM.WOKTUS.Portlaod. O.


Forwarding & Co a mission Merchants31 g raOXT CTBEET, CORN KB COMUEKCIAL,

SAX FRAXCISCO.Particmlar Attention paid to ConilraaenU of bland Prodoec.

o2-- i 1


ViM by all Dmitri xhmntttn thm WorM.


FcfT Btuder-KnAel- d of "677 bore, and fori the Ilenry, aad MrUni-Heor- y Kifle of,' . MUttf1. W..

InartBaent, alao of 500 bore for Militaryilillea.

WATKBPROOF CZXTKAL-riR- ME-TALLIC CARTKIUOES vita enUrredrlava (oramall bcrea.adopbnl by Voreira(IftreruwoU lur cotMrerted Chaaeepat,Derdan, Beninrtoo. anaMhrr Uifle alaoCartrklea tut fialUrdSthe Biwncer, aadAoMiaaa IJeary Kepeaung Rifle.

The "ELET BOXER" are the enea peat' Cartridree bDova.carryioc; Uteir on Irra- -

ds I '

w wm aaa at ara a aT kfV fl a4

11 IJ k. K- - II-


beioa wboOy metal, waterproofcliaiata.

Cartridre (rtnpty) alirs,different ayetema Ureeeh-loedi- ne Kiflea,wllhoat aaitaUe Balletaand Jlaehlne Bniaiuog Car-trldgr- a.

BOXER CARTRIDGES BevoWinc P'xtoU,Majeety'c Mary.

COPPER CARTBIDOE3 tixet, SmithWeaaoo'a. Tranter, Pocket Keroirer.

PIM-C- RTRIDOKS Lafanehetn Kevotrer


Doable Waterproof Cap. Patent Cartridge,Wadding Krereh Loader,

deaerlptioo BporUug Military AjnmaoiUoo.


.734 WHOLKSALE ONLT. eovly




W W rX O fO D r


P s'ttioo, and aiade of ara and

la any .

The above eawa of all and lor theof ean be had with or

the fur the

of 454 bore torawed In Her

RrM FIRg of all forand ether

lor of 12-- fl--

aa4 7hbv. bore.and (or all il

aad of andr and E. B. WireFrit Gun fur and Mazxl and every

of and

Ia E A


. TO B8 TIIKohjijY eivcTtoxo z

r. . - - -





CAUTION AGAINST FRAUD.The occea of thia aroat delieioa and nnriralled Condiment

having caoaed eertain dealer to apply the name of Woree-trr-

KaaRe7 to their own iuferr coin pan rxlt, the Public I

hereby informed that the only vay to aecor the genaine, ia to

ASK FOR LEA & PERKINS' SAUCE.a--- d to are that their name are opon Die vrapprr, labtlt,Hopper and bolte.

. Soeoe of the foreizn aaarketa having been aapplb-- d withpaiioa W orcrstenliire Hmoet, a poo the arrapper and labela of

wittcQ the nam of Lra and I'emn bare lorrea, 1. amiT. give notice that Ibey bare fJrntahcd their eorreapondentWith power of attorney la take Instant proceeding agint

, aianaCaetnrer and Vendor of aoch, or aoy other imilalionaby which ueir rlrht oiay lie inrrioged.Aik for LEA at PKK.IUNS' 8ALCB aod tee Nam on Wrap

per, lAbet, Ilottle, andand for Export by the rrvrietor, Worcester!

iroaae and KiackweU, Looaoo, Ac Ac-- i and by Urocers andVtimea nuieraiiy.

n IT TTIEO. II. DAVIE8. Agent. Honolulu.


Celebrated Oilmen's Stores' ALL OK SUPERIOK QUALITY.















;r ' yORKSHIRB PORK ATJC3. '; !.'. !,



Trik tupptU t A.M may ayt . hnd frtrm everv, ; ' Storektrper tkromgkOMj tk irord. . .


,To prereat the fraad pf refilling the bottle or jar with aatire

, r prodocUoo, Utey fboM imvariabp it eVafroyedwhen empty.

flood ihooM always be examined upon rfellrery. to drtcct anyattemrt ubetlUitio ol article of inleyier bramist



i2a.o7 Bquaro,' Xibncicii.At the Pari KxhiMtlmt of 17, THREE Prixe Medal were

awarded to CROSS B at BLACKWBLL, for the markedsuperiority of their prodoctions. 729 ly






White Goods, Perfumery, Pocket Cntlery,HOHIEBT, ZKPHTR "STOOL, kc

Vl0 RKSIDEXT BITERS IX THEKat and in Karope, d helnr Jo direct eoantDanicatkio

with tle maaulactare. we re enabled, to ret Goods oa uej best Una sod to aeericdinj :y.

prepared on Largesttens.



Especial attention of Ilonolaln Merchantto an examination of the him.

Particular aUor.tioo jrirea to Or5-- r.

TOBfS, UXOS IAVI205,Cnrue foXxer k Eansome 5 treets,

o? Fra iiriK, ( la.


At Chcape8t Rates.D. NICHOLSON & CO.,

Bilk, Woolen & Manchester "Warehonsemen(H'holeaale and Krtait)

India, Colonial and Foreign Outfitters,SO TO 52 T. PAUL'S CIIL'ttCIil'AKD.

(GymTa- - Cluipl'le.) . . .. London.KatabliaWd 1843.

ATTBXTIOX orFA5IlfIKSIXVITETHK to tlrHr lliastraml 120 catalorae,crotaiouir fall particulma aa to Woolen, i!k aod ColUm tiotxlaof every lperiji!on.Ladir' CItliC LJaea. Iltrrr. CUe,

Ki ba.n, HaUrdaakrrr, Jewellery. JccCtraclrra for Miliury anI Police AccoutrrmrDta.

Iloooehold Furulturt, MusicaJ lo.lrameiitf, Ironawxiri-rr- ,

Pire rm, Arriecltural Implnnenta, i'rrtWrj, Oiragn,iUrldlery and liararw, BooU and unea, H luea.. A lea. berra, Proriaiutja, MaucAtrry,

Jtotk. Toye, Ae , Ac.' Mil .pl at Lft Fxport Prlee.

frikt AfrtAM tut the " Wanir" an J too M UrftooDia" tieviorMacUiM-- a Jr City of Lotidoo.

Poreirn VrmXaof dupoaed of for A CommiMioo of 21 per cent.Price Lil uiot free.

I. XICIIOLSON Co, .' AO. 5 1 and 62 Bt. Past' tauKrbyard, Luaioa.

TrtVIH - Vr Imi thimn Ail am! n .M9fMn?i.ffk TmWt, and IteUDee (rural Kil of tdtnr. vH ftm

STEAM. IN THE PACIFIC!" 1S71 1871 ';ITlie Commercial


For tho North Pacific.HAVING OBEX KOK TWKXTV VE.4RSII in thia Cily as Aent for

ean aad Campeaathe leading Amen

TYTo rro rrinnci Sr IKJckTrrci-nnnav- n

j And enjoying ttie best facilitira for sapplying Sabscrib--rr at the Ixiwext Pouible Cus', ,

The Undenirned solicl: the continuance of the patronage ofhis friend nd patron, who will be sirred with proniptoesand entire tir.-ictinn-, eren in the small-- t matters.

. As the HTKAM A.VA' is now eubli;hed, onneetlng Ho-Bol-ala

with San Franctaeo and the Colonies monthlySew York, Lendon and lastrailan PubliratioDS

Will be furnished to ufsrritnWflhlai Ten lo Twetity Inya from tUe Dayr I'ublicnliwM X

And at price that barely cov?r the coat of suliscriplion andpostage thereon. - .

J'ajjerg tree of Postage or father Charges, in any jMirt of Ute Grovp.

Back numbers of the leatiiug Monthlies and Weeklies alwayson hand. Files made np at abort notice If W haiemen andTravelers.

Subscriptions Payable Always in Advance.AMERICAN SKM'SI'aPERS

New Tork Weekly Herald .$5 00N. T. Weekly Tribune.. 6 00 N. V. Weekly Time....- - 6 00

- " Weekly Ledger, (a sty paper) a WTh New York Weekly, (a stry paper) 6 00The New Tork Irish American 6 00The Home Journal.. .... 6 00' Boston Weekly Ad rertiaer 6 00Scientific Am.rkan 4 Weekly True Hal 5 00Botf! Weekly Journal.. 00;Tbe New Tork Nation..The Cilisea and Boaod TableNew York CourW d- - lasts Cni (French)....I"iew York Weekly ZHaog (lierman)New York O Novo Mondo (Portuguese, lllustraUrd),,...

ILLUSTRATED PAI'EIiSHarper's Illuntrated Weekly

. . " Baxar.....Leslie' " Weekly

' Zitung (German)" Chimney Corner...... ...........

Budget of Foo...Appleton's Ilustrated Journal (monthly pans)........Boston Krery Saturday (monthly partsjHearth and Home (lor the family and larm) .......London Illustrated New

41 Uraphic.SU J Inrton Weekly Punch.MISCELLAM.OUS PAPERS

New of the World, 12 numbers, 25 cents each .........Steamer Bulletin. ,

The American Apricaltoralist (monthjy)...Bud((-- t of Fun (monthly)....... .'

The Country aenlletnan (weekly)Kur&l .New Yorker (weekly).Armyaud Nary Journal...;

H VK.MLE PERIODICA ISOur Toang Folks (monthly)The Youth's Companion (weekly). ..................J.DeovMvst's Young America (monthly)...The Chicago Little Corporal (weekly)...Tlie Boston Nursery (monthly)..Merry' Jli'seom, (mniithly) ; ;Cbildreo's Hour (monthly)

CA LIPORM A PERIODICALSSaa Francisco Weekly Bunetin..... .'." AltaSacramento Union........Sao Francisco Cnnnvrcial lltrrald..." Weekly PaciOcBan Francisco News Letter 8 00 ; Dai) v A Ita California . .Orerland Monthiy 00j Daily Bulletin..

KKLIGIOUS PAPERSNew Tork Indejiendent (Cotirrecallonal ortran) .......Christian Union (II. W. Beeer' paper)... ..,Chicago Adraoce (Congregational)...................Boston Congtegationa list ............................New York Obserrer (lreslyterin). . ...... ...........

KrsogiHist, ' ..................... Tablet (Catholic)...

Boston, Pilot (Catholic)I.OXDOX PAPERS -

London IIIustratel OO'London Examiner.. .....13Oaxrtte.l: .......13

Krening Times), - f)epalcb... ....M OOiLondon Weekly Times..

Fttarday Keriew..l3 Nature...Lloyd' Weekly .....1000

T OMIOV XiriVTIII.IPOlLondon Journal. .'...14 OOlBelgrarla Magasine..'.;

Bociety Sisgaxine.. 00: Temple Magazine.... 7rornl.UI Mm!. 00 KnaUh

All the Round. (IlickeuV Magasine).... .... ......Blackwood's Monthly.... 6 00 Vetminter Quarterly..Chambers' Journal 6 00!Uinburgh Quarterly...,

4 OOjXorth British Quarterly.,London Quarterly 4 00 . .

AMERICAN MONTHLIESLltteir Llriog we kly).Horvt's Merchant's Magaxin..... .'.Boston Warerly Magaxine 8 00' Demorert's Monthly .Hectic Blagasine 6 00 The Oa'axy .Harper's Magaxine 6 00 Orerlsn.l Monthly.

6 00. 6 00. b 00. 8 00

8 00

. 6 00

. 6 00

. 600

. 6 00

. 6 00

. 5 00

. 600

. 6 00

. 600

.14 00

. 800

. 3 00

. 3 00

. 2 SO

. 8 60

. 300

. 4 00

. 8 00

. 3 00

. 60

. 308

. t 60

. 260

. 260. 260i . ;

. 600

. 600. 0 OO.10 00'. 600.20 00.19 00

. 4 00. 4 00. 4 00. 400. 400. 4 00. 00.400

New. 14 00Pull Mall 00 - Bell Life. 00

Mail . 30 00.1000

00 8 00" Time 1

Art 7 007 Bar 00T Sucietr


Good Word 41

Age, (,



7 006 004 00400400

.10 00600600600

. 600Atlantic Monthly. ...J... 6 00,PrfTon' Magasine 3's Monthly. 6 001 Arthur's Lady's Magaxine 3 00Leslie's Magazine 6 00jOurVoung Folk, 3 00Godey'a Lady's Book 6 001

Sabbath at Home (Tract Society's Monthly) 4 00

AUSTRALIAN PAPERSAustralasian, (weekly)... 10 00 Melbourne Illua'ted NewsllO 00Town Country Jouraal. 10 00) Weekly Sydney llerald.i 00

DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO MUSICHitchcock' Magazine.. 4 00 Peter' Musical Monthly.. 4 00

tr Any Perioilical. not in this list, will be ordered at anytime, aad supplied at cost and charge. .

Addrcsa - II. M. WIIITNEV. :

Ja7 , 2m


j fa Eg": ;s:.l?ir.

About the Dojpii, EtcJla. EiiiTOB : AEoir roe tliroogh tLe medium of

jour journal to bring tLe tllowiDg facta before tLe

proper autLorities. The brutal manner In wbich tLe

Dog Saisance Act is being earned out, ongLt to

bring a blaeh of eLame on tLe cbetk of every rigbt-mlod- ed

man. Bj what right can a policeman draga poor dumb brute, its feet drawn together by a tano.

PublicTIcre good


madets. Wood,"

thewhibt tujand to

thmnirh th it .ml imttermT Who in retsDonaible ! fcnow anTtbins of euch matters, and lees

for the of aet to the rising genera- - They adopt the happy Toot's philosophy ;

tionl iJiilytiiisanernoon.ieawaean-ioaaoiaea'-- ii anH (when they cry at all. " it isn i me i

doza besiueared with blood an J brains, no eoTenng . ci htptoer the eart. eurroandei by the nsaal crowd of; - iabtless. this a Terr comfortable condition

M first, I tomt accident bad , of lb-- ffjr fin ineBpij0!nUii ministry, who flyly

occurred U me. H bat the txmaeqnencea of j fc tfaeir M tfaeir DatareHruch r.gbta m.ght be to nerroag people or , a XTierciit on the onerous and toI--delicate state of healtn, l leare tne puoue to jaug- - f Alajthe ..bhndne oi-- uhu? publ.cTWhy. in a well regulated town battbers are not .1--lowed to coorey clrcaasea through the etreet. with- - ! have no pubUe, and that - what s tlieoat a coTerinir to protect from public iew. ( To state a case, certain fortunate genUemen

nuisance ahould be put down. Who will do it I ; of luwcellaneoua antecedents receive trom an ;

the other day I aaw a judge a poor i dalent budget certahr banddome eakries " fFIpriaoner with a beaTy black. Saw jadge 1a a proo.t-- to do it" and anotber certain or pieas- - j .

nent at church Sandaja. ?ow this is ant proclivities, elegant profeanor of laasitudo

prisoner can be sued for assault, and if foand guiltyse"ere!y panihrL .

Ia Sin Francisco the municipal autborities employspecial conetablea rid the city of dogs wbich are.... . . . a - 1 J




uaue unoer toe a; a wagon v, v f . , an(J with thebyoTXerTi. eTawS. and all, satined with theme,.liu till good catch is The dole-- Ihey their way men, andfol -- ikazes and looka of injured innocence some that in the laadations receive in print,

doggies were Tery suggeetire to mind of , get theirsome of the genus homo en route forTyburn Tree orBotany Bay. can't we bae a cart here t Itmight eome in bandy for.conveying jolly topersthe bouse. . xot a i

Tonrs,jloxoLCLc, March 21, 1871. '

' ' " 'Japanese Progress. ' ;

. Nrw Japanese Mist. Following the example

far as





benefi- -


abo.ejy they they

the old my


station bad


which mywit,



( for

of the are have A sanction of Lo' the financialof their own. will that j

t and ench tricks with thesome time since Hongkong built mint and makeit op in firrt-cla- ss style at cost over 100,- - But what ? called to000 and, but Cor most power l for these Is ever, ufc

vested .interests," there very .little i hauled over the hot Jievef !doubt but the Hongkong mint would have j Alas ! Outre no cookJ. believe, thatbeen it j Were it for his genius, whichwas the manifest Is the though busy is not to

from the Straits settlemcnta !. on the top or

Government or toslH)w the peopleand it was to and placed : the moon which the wind andvery cut-ton- e building, con- - f prjntl op their upon it Gazette,structod for the where the operation for f bedak for an under the head

will in the coinage "Koads and Brickes," and set hisiai uuiisist ui goiu iu, o, uiiu uoiiar pieces ;

and silver tfollars, and SO. 20, and 5 cents ; andcopper, ana j cents and mill this latterbeing probably the smallest modern minted com.Tlie were. from Japanese and weresent from ; but, owing to the reverse !

in each case not very effective, somethought judicious have b';en

. , it . . i u I ,. . . . . . . .uuvtvi. huiciw e;uiu wms win j leel getting JUimtbe in the tied j out, and so, the

surrounded by the and ! " with m.i; T 7 , . . " "uums io apanese.. toe reverse nas taethe arms of Jar-a- the round redabove and which are the flower ofthe Tlie fancy of the fordragons and without waves has fully

wnne, tne same time, tne coinagewill be and striking, and far in advanceof the mintage. With the

ong: bear

ly liiiiii'jiio ui j ciijuu vui mvebe ; but the is all






; 4


" soIi. the


baa not as as waswas

outLindsay, is

... of glimpses.. . but at

tbe wasthe

" '.

York Photograph !

"aLwT J A. W m Jm A V JB J 9








ecial 'for.,'



,; GOODS, .



,. Coburgs aad r - v...

.' ( i ' ' '

. :. - , -

"'.' . i;. .

', ." , ,

'' - '; -

Slcn?s . Merino" ' ' '- Jand. 3 Sheeting, and -


Llneti 1 - ' - ', and. Can .

. ,I Paten -

. ., .ri ., . ., ,, ,1' 2

fJ 'i ' ' v;- - : J; fc v... 'V

,PhilqcDme, j ,




' be a

of fuffl to

the " " presaWork," Concrete,"

goes,ita ones, nobodj


spectators.fatlad indifference

n--not 1ST




ana in etui more u f Tl i2 ill IX j

ciaiiy, ana me iuau;ijieMo r


honest I h;Tgoeaon aof of

I we onebe who

that iasubject, ' to- -

if Yes, nonothing. of

are mercurialhr io thei of is

bands hethe b .xchequr at of a rate

to a amint Jt be recollected;

a fitted as economistsa of Is be

; that he to originalcalled " is

l doa successful However, possible

stopped, to of whole soaring; theto Japan. of erecting a

Sjauna Punchbowl Hilltransferred in a jn

handsome remarks for theof


1 1

dies designs,England




- he u it !

our prom ieea niajority the j b.

I ofthat be hunent

itlet us be to it. 1

' EUTiDOBe a a in tnn. vptA o ,.r i.i sit r.uii me ui me an gooa citizens in

Japane-- c in an (not that I bave least ideaknot, valao loni? nwr it

J-- .- -- e" "Tin center


Cage beennc

reerct to


be if his .

be" draw '


didHe ben ' -

, idea, !

"ot tlie tlie woikjubc

before the officials is a (like other Tiatient animals)ui iui

tn wiririlieu luachinery placidly, liftofbest and T. W. Kinder i to the

a man of; considerable has had occasional Giver of Good Things, andsome Eastern occupied tlie the usual amount of Higha similar, position tlie Hongkong mint. to the long will tlie blind

with j L-.-id the blind until we all fall into the ditch.,the well-know- n of 1 Mr. Editor tell me how many of" Plumbago Batter- - know ofsea. Some regret is felt that tbe building is the Inland of Howfar and on such a dangerous many what meant by roada'Oaaka or therefore, and Which of your

been the site. citizens can the ports ofitnes.

Some of the Canadian newspapers are aozryat Geo. F. Butler tbat they omit capital let-ters in printing hi name.

Thb KfccrxT EtrupsK. The result of tbevarious expeditious fitted to observe the recenttotal eclipse been favorablehoped. But very little done by any ol them,except the private expedition fitted by

which stated to obtained ninegood The rest all badweather. Some them sought brief oftbe through broken

points sun entirely obscured. Onwhole it may b that

information ban been audmuch is felt scientific circles.


.TriisT ?







Sp this Ij(


DRYFAN lZ 1-- ,

-- AS-

CASHMERE MERINOS.S IUrlheus, Italian Cloth,..,;

Blue, Brown .and White Cotton Longctoth,riearr lniin, Saperlor White Linen,Bleached Moleskin, ...i-iJ- i .....White Muslins aud Jaconets,

? Black and Mixed Broad Cloth,!'"Victoria Lawos, White aad Blue Flannel,'' Hack Towels,

S It irLinen Handkerchiefs,

i Linen Coating WaddingWhite Sewing Cotton, assorted,

: vCorw Thread. V'Linen Par Collar, CottonWhite Qaills, butch "..

Cottoai uulLadies' White CotUin Uose, .:..Vi- 'tGem's Brown Cottuo hose,

Blags, v.-:-- .

Krown and While Cotton Undershirts,nigtoand 'Playing Cards,' ill'.

andc:-- .


Mr. Emtob seems

oDneeeaarj clatter from time

by Cabinet Public

"Stone Sec.,

as outeide

Clique favored arpearspeople

example cruelty


Again, beating




Hawaiian Bark Moi,


now men eiegaus puntv, TITl'TT' fl 11"Citizens- ,- how beaatifuUy, and how UJt ULlU II IX

tnir.g isaone, eo mey to tunnerwiui FLANNELS.wth-Ee- d

-t-ion.obtained- -

moneythink! must concede to of

theee gentlemen.'eren reigns eoorer department present

Public Improvements," someactive, not efficient enterprise. isalways doing Jhis

dierxjed. 6ometimeaimpulsion that spirit who said to find special

idle- - to do," ravagesKing no end under

Japanese about certain headingledger, plays fantastic

might hungryecp. then accohi.t

conservative vagariea? anexpreteion; coals?"

that again isfortunately,

conceiveprictj windmill,

The Japanese bought tlie machinery, LoaOsaka, way blows,


coining commence oteequious





genu at work tor getHe'd I'arlmmencaixi

liave heard some this friendsand Ttfirtisans say. is and meanswell. Tbat saying much, Lia as-sociations, vet. willim: believe

intro-- Hull in i ehnn ImnpHh center,, flat

inextricable will








would well for this officialepitaph written forthwith, letting char-ity take in hand and it mild as iorinstance:

ITe not do much harm, nor yet much good,- -lwould hare much better if he could."

A Utopian utterly impracticable For eolong as nobody wants to know,, where.'e the

luture working undertaking, ot telling N as patientundoubtedly Heavy, as















" citizensburdens so

meekly, pay taxes so promptly, acquiesce in etu-th- ej pidity eo and their hats ho toadily

Perpetrator Illustrious Blunders andconstruction, Captain is


acumen, and eo long asyears' experience, having constituencies send

at The Intelligence Senate, somelting department is furnished completely

manufactures Morgan's pray yon toPatent Crucible Company," j your patriotic " citizens " aught public

so improvements on Hawaii?inland, river as is know is "mountain

Hiogo Yokohama, would mud enterprievingliave much prelerred as London merchant tell. whether


photographs. experienced


safely inierred very littleadditional'












White Mourning


.Croche Eikenyarn, ..lit


pentHacassar Oil












llonouiulino nnd Kaholalele are in the Desert ofa or in County Connaught? Dc 3'Otircasuals,' returning from a venturesome tour on

Hawaii render instant and grateful thanksgivingfor getting safely through the Ililo road, and dothey consider the Paukaa light house an engineer-ing triumph ? Have any of them discovered thatthe capital city, even Hiio, by the gracious gen-erosity of the Improving gentleman aforesaid,fiossesses one portable lamp post, now illuminatingthe dirty little Station-hous- e, and anon sheddingeffulgent radiance . over the empty harbor.? isthere a single tax-pay- er in tlie circle of your acrtyuaintance who can say how much money hasbeen thrown away on bucTi and similar " improve-ments," simply because a " willful man mauiiLae hie way - v . . .

Hid it not occur to anybody who might makesuch knowledge profitable to the nation that acovered bridge might last longer than an openone, that painted timber 6tands the weatherbetter than unpainted, that . a civil engineer islikely, to know more ol. roads, bridges andharbors than an analytical chemist or a marine

.' ' 'apothecary?- Eitltcr from want of- - knowing, or in defiance ofsuch knowledge, what egregious follies arc per-petrated ! What sleepy stupidity steers the State!What sublime the (Ibeg pardon ! Citizens, ')" W hat smooth rettorts

tne lost ana ueau uai m "711enviable inspires asking for ! J tail

..Are we not really the tribe once called fsachar,sweating between our burdens? For they sweatus and .we sweat, whilst the Elegant Eulogist ofthe Cabinet saunters along with the true tone .

of languid officialism towards his office and pensnis precious tnoutes to " Diana of the Lphehians,"set in jewels of his own peculiar cutting, andextols the inestimable virtues of his pcradventnrepredecessors and the quiet beauty (and conven-ience) of patient patriotism.; i . .

ow, I am inclined to present a picture ,pfanother color. . In an aunivenarv address. to theInstitution of Civil Engineers, (llritish) it wasstated that Victoria, Australia, with a revenue of

3,000,000, spends 300,000 yearly on triads andbridges. Ceylon, with a revenue of 1,000,000spends 230,000, ditto. Mauritius, with arevenue of 050,000, spends 70,000, ditto.Cape of Good Hope, with a revenue of 800,000,spends 50,000, ditto. . Exclusive of railroads.

And I'll vcnture to say that had one-fift- h ofthese sums resulted in utter failures after thefashion on Hawaii, ' citizens " would have " gottheir backs up' to a purpose baply unknownhere on these bunny Isles of Eden. .

Hawaii, March 19, 1871.

A. Protest Against Clini'l vrtflw.To the. Editor of the Pacific Commercial Advertiser:

; Permit, mo a . small space in your paper toask a few questions. In our quiet little town ofHonolulu of late it Las been the practice of a fewdisreputable persons that we have here to turn oatwith what they call a sbivcrree, that is, a lot a)(kerosene' cans and koak shells, with which theymake a practice of annoying, every person who getsmarried; "not only them, but the whole neighbor-hood where it may be. This is a most horriblenuisance. A few weeks ago a couple were married,and their residence was visited by this gang, whenthey were told that the party was not there.. Leavingtben.tbevmaue tlieirway toJNuaanu valley, thmlunsto find the party there, and had the impudence to gointo a person's garden, and knock down and break!trees and "plants, iortanatdj for them it was aquiet family or they possibly might have not got offsoeafy. , ..... t ,


I wouli like to know if we have any police, andwbere they might be on such occasions I It seems tome that the musio most be very amosing to themor that they are bo, sound asleep that it does notawaken them. . 11j the way, I noticed tbat the lastshiverree as they call it on Saturday night, March11th, lasted 'but a short ' It happened 'tb berather' close to oof iMarsbai's Ksidenee, and it wasstopped. ... I. suppose they , were hardly game to goInto his garden. There jis one thiiig I will promiseto the shiferree gang, that, should it ever be my lotto go into matrimony," they may rely upon get-ting more! than they have ever got at any weddingyt '

. lours, As old Kesidecte. r

Our correspondent is .rather,, severe. oa the pur--tioipauts in what he calls a " shiteri ee-- " , Io doubtthe hideous Dotses to which he refers are ofteu make one sinter ; bat let u set our friend riglitin his etymology. Charivari is a French word, pro- -'nounced thar-e-var-t-e, and ia defined aa a mockserenade of dtsoordaat musie, kettles, tin horns, &o tdesigned to annoy and iosult --Jt was at first directedagainst widows who married,.a second time, at an.advanced age, but it is now extended to other occaEions of riocturn&I annoyance and insult.' ; It has In"

other countries' not infrequently resulted seriously tothe serenaders, and is a custom more honored iu the


breach tnan the observance. J ul

Par Sale in Quantities to Suit,


-- PER-

; Ka




?i:rfitmery,LIQUOES, WINE3, ALE, &c, &c.

Samples ready for inspection Store c,









fcr If. C'U.


are note at the

II. At

OF- -





Hemp and Manila Cordage, all Sizes !


Spunyarn, Marline, Hooseiine, ' 1 ' - ' '''" '. r.- feetxinr ttoff. Catting Falls, - '


. Patent, Iron Strapped and - Bushed, .3 to 16 inches.'

Jib Uanks and Mast H'xps,gheares, bushed an- - pntent ;

Hook aud Tliimblrs, Connecting Shackle,

Boat Timbers, stems and sterns !

Boat Boards,

O .x . of all lenstlisi...... . r ... : -

Rnwlorks, Bathings, Fleering Braces, Boat Nails,Wrought NaiU, Cut NaiU, KireU pf all Mixes,


Kerosene, "Wliale and Sperm OilsTar, Bright Varnish, 1'amp and Figging Leather, Copper and


' '


Iroo Tacks,

BREAD, FLOUR, BEEF, PORK, PICKLES,Preserved Meats, Pie fruiis. Green Corn. ,

Green Peas, fcpict, aad rarious other groceries. 1

. i

Also, Brand's Bomb Lances !

Pelrce--' Whaling Gans. . T' . . .i s, t ; ...-- .

TABLE, DAIRY AND COARSE SALT,from the Puuloa Bait Work.


And Various other Merchandise' -- CAEEFULLT SETLKCTKD, FROM THB

' .. : Y . f 1. ':'' - i ::-California, Eastern & European Markets i

Orders from Vie Other Ishvuls carefully attended to.Ja28

Tim.indifference stills people, ' iOFFEKS

uury apjiroprrations : ; Mr . j

impertinence " Oliver JJ WraaLlli ' I





will be Due in March



ii , )









TWO ELEGANT. PARK PH ETOllS,. Suitable for bouble and Single Harness.

RansomeSinis & Co's Heavy Ploughs.

Etc.,One Trash Turner,.,.



JiAnd Devenish's Celebratedc h a mr!acWe a um j

. ... '. ;.






rwTOLMI ES C O O LER S--Also, on Hand! ?











Tlifco. Iff. ''Davie's.





'" '"'- "' : (i'rtto 00 soia ax lowBY- -

CASTLE. & COOKi,cWcj JLon't,JIcan to be Ucatcn.


Groceries. Hardwarc( Stationery,23rrr Goods GvtHcYTf, Croclic-py- '

e " sWf ' ' '"M m TTT 11

: : i c j Iron and Steel.j -

Caaaia, Pepper, Clorr, A lUploe, Mace, Houursa, Olnirr,




Matard. Caasla In f ibm n




inniHfliM , mm iiairy lt, Vcasi fwUir, Uuro march.FIKEST FLATORI.N'O EXTRACTS. Lemon. V.oilla, , Virrj, ac ., , . i' jCrosse Blarksrrtl's Vine PickMs. rim KrolU. Jam ami Jdk rTOCasli(e Snap, TallM Soap, " "Ture 013 Snrt wioaaor vnenucai wr-- " varo. Ruoa aud Cream Tartar, o , AC, a

THE riflMl n i.m mu. a riinil IK 1IIK M ..

Printed Marseitl. Virrw, Br.tliants, Cashmeres and Twills, Pnoled Un-- o; li-- n Pan! Rtuff., Roto.Kobes aud faroilures. faocy Tweed, linen IHjrks and lr.Ua. Haff Liocn. a Ursad CkAha, Uoeakiu. .


Corduroy and Bediord Cord, Fine Nary MucTwill Mannel, sinr aad doulrte t . .- Fancy Flanoeta, new styles, Arliilr-- n' wear. I tNkS I.OOUS : fcfllurs, M to 100 luchta, Pillow LiiiwJ

' Ctntnu theetin?. rea Lineo. IloiUod. Maatle Linens, lloairspun Linen, WO.

Bleached and LuWeached Linen iaroask, Buest qoolity Turkey Ked and lllo Plaid Eamaok, - Pan... L.I.J. , b pamaak Napkins, a ar ry raUra. Ltiien and Cajnbrve IJandkerrhH-f- , llemituchad Uamlkrn

Kuatua Liaper, ycry chrap, Kussia Crash, Uuckabock. All wcl aud C, V . WaUr prouf Cloth, Aasurtc I101'

.. ; ii".' .Li ' i ' ' A1"

' " 'A fine assortment of Gent' and Buy'. Ladle, MJes' and Children' nose, Meach-- 1 and nnhtntehed. inBlack Lace cnawls. Poarv Shawl, rery cliesp, Hilk Net, Fane Keck Ties, Collar, ft-tu- Wrist Uandi, aVt i t ItPearl button. Hooks aud tyes, Twist, bbetland Sljiiis,A One assortment of Trimminu Brrids. e. Alpacas. Coburra. Alp Poplin, atrtnnl Grenadines, lyblack tilk of the Bonner maim, ttraw llaU for Meo and Boy. Assorted Vt 0.4 Hat, , .

Inlant White lllaiikets, Quills, lieary HUcJitW. Lh and medium, haary at finest Illeaclied t'lililrach ,

A of New bilk ltimmns, Elasiie Corl..Jaa Canvas. Ojiera FUnnel, )B J' M ilaars Needle from 1 to 12 in paper or cski, Orr At MtSaoghfa cpoo) Coltoo trom 10 to 100, c, Acr,.,

C $2ir'i'i .:.'2 ' ' . v ' ) th

FINEST CAST STFKL 8AW8 : Hand. Ripping Back, Coupas. Bolcher'a. Clrrnlar and Pit. .Butcher, Cane, rih and Table Knire. Bpokshavea. Brh), Plant. Irons, Squares, naiaimra, Ci ,

Gauges, IliU, Atxxvn, KiretlniK Hammer, Mnb'a File, rpear aad laekaoti' Files. Hat, H.ind, M.nrt, u

.1". ,MiU, Bastard Fije. Baepi,'liutd Kpa. bindt Vp. Copper lack, Blon Hammer, Bnnigt uamiumjunj


Plows, 8paile of rll kinds and prices, Fhorel of all kind and price.Forks, Hakes, Scoops, uoc. Mattock, Picks, IlatcbeU, Meat-kuire- s, Planter Iies, Ac






ERY.Cap and Tetter Paper, cheap and th hrt qnalily. Note and Bill Paper, cheap and bet quality,Knrelor. all aires and uric, Urrrland Pa tier. LelU--r and Sioe, U ranisnr Parwr. htk Paper, bet.Alemoraudum Bo s. Bristol Board. Letter Cliiis, Coiiying Ink, lnkstaud. Pens and livldvis, AC. i.c Ac '





i i - . - . ... . iwrKnrlish Saddles, cheap. Medium and best Bridles, Bit. liesdstall. Stirrup Leathers, Martlnral)', U1111

tkalars aod.liaines. Uuzkles, Turret, fwired, Pwsl llouk. tin ainrls liurry liar BraW v

TTIIV AXI HOLLOW WARE.'' ' ' ' '-f i, : ; on

Pots, Kettles, Haae Pans, Fry Pans, Palls, Caddies, Tans, Dippers, Fonnels. Broilers, Hilk Pans, MTbuiirn.Coffe e Pou. Oil Cans, Cullenders, Pails, bish Ptnii, 8iee, Jelly and lilano Jdanae Molds, Mraiurra, 1

Camp Kettles, Funnels, Nurse Lamps, 8oup furreeus, Xust Pan, Cake Hoie, Pie PUtes, PuaT Pant, CauTtBiscuit Paos, Sponge Psua, AC. Ac. Ac. Jitn,


. ' . - ,A tew soperior Dinner Bets, warranted aaperinr to any the market, Moi iom Pels Kappiea, Chan.Unf,pnPlates, Pitchers, twt--r and Basins, Cup Pauours, Ac. fj,t(

.PAHTT OIL, BOILED ANDEAW, CASTOE OlX, NE ATS FOOT 0H &Bright Tarnish, A uperior Carriaire VarnMi ration can. Immar, Copal, Coach and furniture VmWHubbnek Mo. 1 White Lead, not Ute ro"d or medium quality but the LeiL Ued Lvad, Patty, Vctm qjChrome Tellow, Rosin, Umber, Drop Blsek, Klenna, Ac. Ac.

. s u iv D iri-- u sr;; .j .. . ,nutBRCSI1KS kind. Paint. Tarnish. Tlair. Teeth. Crumb. Centriforal. Minder. A--e. ilicdWrought Iron, assorted fis-- s round and Bat, Beet Cast Steel, Vctaron trom A to inch, Carbon Filler, Charcoal ,Sheet Zinc. Galraoized and Tub. Fence Wire, receiredla in splendid order aad coated with Tar.

. watfw f ' av mm & mm mm s m mm mmw at aim wm mm mm mw m- m m. m. mm a m m, mm wJ.... t



Amcricnn Iffard ware,"' AriciiUixral FmpIcRinV t'A LAMPS, New Styka Burner, Jn


BOWJVEIIS-KEROSKIVIS OIL from KosloitJByam's 8 Mitoliow, ixt; lowest ra',

The Celebrated Paris Plows and Extra Points. &c.f &c"i;i -


nr. . .... -ti -' ; 'r

r rv r ttat ' c rrrr r,V V W VjjT JL V JLU

Cabooses, Ship's Stoves, Two-Ho- le FurnaceOF ALL SIZES AND PRICES TO SUIT EVERY PURSE AND THE Tfdl.

Magna Charta," 6, 7, 8, 9-i- ri,

:"CiviUan7)8r94n,it V a m mm a

"naceiv y-i- n.


"Gray Jacket," 7 and 8-in- .,

,,f SHamVocki" f--2 and 6-i- n.






At No. .Kaahumanu Street, BanKy,









LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON IIA.NIL kept by any oa tltss Island, aud

For Sale' kt the Lowest Prices !

Ja29 - -

- - -t'


1 T 1


I - .1 .

- -


r - " - 8


A STRAND, BEST dUALlTYduty paid.





Qtcl are." Iroui

for sale

By CO.

loehrl.Ju hood htB0LLE3 A CO.


llubtwrd' MUi Irim,T. W., Lead , , .jH-- .


- a!

: faints, a general aasortmenu ...for sale BULLE3 k CO.



Amonic avlilcli will founderFirst-CLis- M Cooking

THEPlain Extension Tp. Cwr Uidi

lleuervoir. Warm :ioHtt,


Verjet frAtHrs. sllop, m'11

pron.anee.l luy,- -

To bo Cooking C,'.


Til 3-1,




Ac. JLc. Ac.






er ti


I'tiet best,



Cake Ac.

V(n so.and Ate Ac

tit oneand


of allTliL

Pails Cak in










M bu







awl Ttn

' "'ht t

And by all who now hare hai


"""" ... .. - J-i-

w . . r""1 in...


' " '

in fl.l


i-- 2 im;ii.'l


Ayjii ' OFFER LOV. . Jhe

-- i 9 just above the


i i ;






;, , ,

' raocyby

awl Iron




jn cks, row. VOi.vftJv

town. (K-W- ) Call


exper'-snr-ed Hutttier,--,C'l't

aale by.' ' '



. . ... ana nf


siac. (jaBV '




r I




ju r



w a.














v ;

1 tp Hi




at ).


m i l

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... M VI t