ACIPSS nl 09-19 · ACIPSS-Newsletter 19/2009 2 0954/09 Swedish National Charged with Hacking and...

ACIPSS-Newsletter 19/2009 1 ============================= ACIPSS-newsletter - collecting intelligence news of today that will become intelligence history of tomorrow - ============================================================= nr: 19/2009 date: 7 May 2009 from: contact: [email protected] ISSN: 1993-4939 Table of contents: TOP HEADLINES 0917/09 Umstrittenes NATO-Manöver beginnt 0918/09 Angebliche russische Verschwörung vereitelt 0919/09 Österreicher in Syrien freigelassen HOT SPOTS / WARS 0920/09 Taliban wussten fast alles über Steinmeier-Besuch 0921/09 Taliban are finding cell phone service to be a growing problem 0922/09 A GEOINT Analysis of Terrorism in Afghanistan 0923/09 Taliban: "Lasst die Finger von den Mohnfeldern" 0924/09 Al Qaeda No. 2 Now Calls the Shots 0925/09 Preventing Nuclear Terrorism: A Global Intelligence Imperative 0926/09 The international kidnap & ransom business: Avoiding The Snatch US 0927/09 State of play in the Harman case 0928/09 Case against pro-Israel lobbyists likely to be dropped 0929/09 Clandestine defense hub prepares to open at UM 0930/09 The Iraq Investigation Needs to Cover More Than Torture 0931/09 CIA reportedly declined to closely evaluate harsh interrogations 0932/09 Torture debate threatens to damage US relationship with foreign intel 0933/09 Vermutlich keine strafrechtliche Verfolgung wegen Terror-Memos 0934/09 Iran Survives The Scams 0935/09 U.S. Treasury Department blacklisted Chinese company Limmt 0936/09 FBI warns exporters to be wary of Russian foreign intelligence agents 0937/09 Pentagon durchsucht Siemens-Büros 0938/09 FAST: US Seagoing Security Swat Teams 0939/09 Estonian officers among trainees at US Military Intelligence School FORMER SOVIET UNION 0940/09 Moscow may expel NATO Information Office head from Russia 0941/09 Ukrainian financial intelligence highly assessed by MONEYVAL 0942/09 Russian military intelligence special-task brigade to be relocated NEAR / MIDDLE EAST / NORTH AFRICA 0943/09 Iraqis need help with intelligence gathering 0944/09 Hamas and Fatah are drifting father apart 0945/09 Mossad-Pleiten in Libanon 0946/09 A Syrian Comeback in Lebanon 0947/09 Israels Geheimdienst Menschenrechtsverletzungen vorgeworfen 0948/09 Israeli police arrested nine Arab terrorists 0949/09 'The Champagne Spy' tells story of Israeli intelligence agent 0950/09 Linking aid to access to AQ Khan won’t help US 0951/09 An Algerian Nuclear Bibliography FAR EAST & ASIA 0952/09 China bans foreigners from new spy museum EUROPE (GEOGRAPH.) 0953/09 NATO expels two Russians over Estonia spy scandal

Transcript of ACIPSS nl 09-19 · ACIPSS-Newsletter 19/2009 2 0954/09 Swedish National Charged with Hacking and...

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ACIPSS-Newsletter 19/2009 1

============================= ACIPSS-newsletter - collecting intelligence news of today that will become intelligence history of tomorro w - ================================================= ============ nr: 19/2009 date: 7 May 2009 from: contact: [email protected] ISSN: 1993-4939 Table of contents: TOP HEADLINES

0917/09 Umstrittenes NATO-Manöver beginnt 0918/09 Angebliche russische Verschwörung vereitel t 0919/09 Österreicher in Syrien freigelassen


0920/09 Taliban wussten fast alles über Steinmeier -Besuch 0921/09 Taliban are finding cell phone service to be a growing problem 0922/09 A GEOINT Analysis of Terrorism in Afghanis tan 0923/09 Taliban: "Lasst die Finger von den Mohnfel dern" 0924/09 Al Qaeda No. 2 Now Calls the Shots 0925/09 Preventing Nuclear Terrorism: A Global Int elligence Imperative 0926/09 The international kidnap & ransom business : Avoiding The Snatch


0927/09 State of play in the Harman case 0928/09 Case against pro-Israel lobbyists likely t o be dropped 0929/09 Clandestine defense hub prepares to open a t UM 0930/09 The Iraq Investigation Needs to Cover More Than Torture 0931/09 CIA reportedly declined to closely evaluat e harsh interrogations 0932/09 Torture debate threatens to damage US rela tionship with foreign intel 0933/09 Vermutlich keine strafrechtliche Verfolgun g wegen Terror-Memos 0934/09 Iran Survives The Scams 0935/09 U.S. Treasury Department blacklisted Chine se company Limmt 0936/09 FBI warns exporters to be wary of Russian foreign intelligence agents 0937/09 Pentagon durchsucht Siemens-Büros 0938/09 FAST: US Seagoing Security Swat Teams 0939/09 Estonian officers among trainees at US Mil itary Intelligence School


0940/09 Moscow may expel NATO Information Office h ead from Russia 0941/09 Ukrainian financial intelligence highly as sessed by MONEYVAL 0942/09 Russian military intelligence special-task brigade to be relocated


0943/09 Iraqis need help with intelligence gatheri ng 0944/09 Hamas and Fatah are drifting father apart 0945/09 Mossad-Pleiten in Libanon 0946/09 A Syrian Comeback in Lebanon 0947/09 Israels Geheimdienst Menschenrechtsverletz ungen vorgeworfen 0948/09 Israeli police arrested nine Arab terroris ts 0949/09 'The Champagne Spy' tells story of Israeli intelligence agent 0950/09 Linking aid to access to AQ Khan won’t hel p US 0951/09 An Algerian Nuclear Bibliography


0952/09 China bans foreigners from new spy museum EUROPE (GEOGRAPH.)

0953/09 NATO expels two Russians over Estonia spy scandal

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0954/09 Swedish National Charged with Hacking and Theft of Trade Secrets 0955/09 Wem gehört die EU? 0956/09 Members of Bulgarian parliament to be ques tioned over leaking 0957/09 Czech Commandos In Chains 0958/09 Is former Poland’s Prime Minister Buzek re sponsible for CIA prisons 0959/09 Lech Walesa verklagt polnischen Präsidente n auf Schmerzensgeld 0960/09 Polen: Lutherischer Bischof tritt wegen Ge heimdienst-Vergangenheit ab 0961/09 Former Serbian state security ex-chief's w ar crimes trial to resume


0962/09 Briten beenden Irak-Einsatz 0963/09 Britain steps up anti-terror aid to Pakist an 0964/09 Der Überwachungs-Betrug 0965/09 GCHQ speaks out about its Intelligence mis sion in the Internet age 0966/09 USB-Stick verloren: MI6 musste Undercover- Operation platzen lassen


0967/09 Marokkaner fühlt sich ausgenutzt: "Ich war Agent beim Geheimdienst" 0968/09 Die Deutsche Bahn und die Spione


0969/09 Neue Bedenken um Biometrie-Pass AUSTRIA

0970/09 NEWS-Interview mit früherem Al-Qaida-Kämpf er


0971/09 Colombia: A Touch Of Iran AUSTRALIA

0972/09 Defence 'rejected' minister spy link conce rns AFRICA (SUB-SAHARA)

0973/09 Rwanda Rebels Refuse To Retire THE CYBER BATTLEFIELD / CIVIL RIGHTS

0974/09 NSA-Chief: US needs 'digital warfare force ' 0975/09 Taking over the Torpig botnet 0976/09 Intellipedia Celebrates Third Anniversary with a Successful Challenge 0977/09 US Military Mashups Matter 0978/09 Der Browser weiß Bescheid 0979/09 Virtual Al Qaeda Rocks 0980/09 S. Korea: N. Korea engaging in cyber-war 0981/09 Secuvoice ist zugelassen für den Einsatz i n Behörden


0982/09 Amerikanischer Germanist nennt Kempowski U S-Spion 0983/09 Mit Zeitweckern die Stasi ausgetrickst


0984/09 Tactics in Counterinsurgency 0985/09 Lashkar-e-Taiba: From 9/11 to Mumbai, by S tephen Tankel 0986/09 Army Intel Journal Back Online 0987/09 Cold War Times Vol. 9, Issue 2 0988/09 Concept of Operations for Police Intellig ence Operations


0989/09 CIA: Structured Analytic Techniques for Im proving Intel Analysis 0990/09 The British Empire and the Second World Wa r, by Ashley Jackson


0991/09 Aviso: 9. ACIPSS – Arbeitstagung am Freita g, 5. Juni 2009

MEDIA ALERTS 0992/09 Media - alerts

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0917/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Umstrittenes NATO-Manöver beginnt --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Seit dem Morgen hält die NATO in Georgien ein von R ussland scharf kritisiertes Militärmanöver ab. Bis Anfang Juni sol len NATO-Angaben zufolge über 1.000 Soldaten aus 13 Staaten an der Übung tei lnehmen. Moskau warnte mehrfach, das Manöver könnte die Lage in der gespaltenen Kaukasusrepublik neun Monate nach dem Krieg weiter destabilisieren. Aus Protest sagte der Kreml das nächste Treffen mit der NATO ab und wies zwei kanadische NATO-Offiziere aus. Die Manöver ohn e Panzer finden in einem Übungsgelände, 20 Kilometer östlich der Hauptstadt Tiflis, statt. -manoever-beginnt/ 0918/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Angebliche russische Verschwörung vereitelt --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ In Georgien hat das Innenministerium nach eigenen A ngaben einen von russischen Geheimdiensten geplanten Militärputsch v ereitelt und mehrere Offiziere festgenommen. Tiflis habe Informationen, nach denen Moskau Massenunruhen provozieren wolle, um die Führung des Landes zu stürzen, sagte Georgiens Präsident Michail Saakaschwili am D ienstag in einer Fernsehansprache in Tiflis. Der Kreml wies die Ansc huldigungen in Moskau zurück. Ein Sprecher empfahl Saakaschwili, sich "an einen Arzt zu wenden". Zuvor hatte auch das Moskauer Außenministerium Saak aschwili "krankhafte" antirussische Tendenzen vorgeworfen.

(a) liche-Verschw%F6rung/662869.html

(b) 0919/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Österreicher in Syrien freigelassen --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Der Ende vergangener Woche in Damaskus verhaftete ö sterreichisch-syrische Doppelstaatsbürger Assad Khayad ist möglicherweise vom syrischen Geheimdienst entführt worden. Der Sohn des Verschwu ndenen, Zenon Khayat, bestätigte heute gegenüber dem Ö1-Mittagsjournal, d ass sich sein Vater öffentlich "regime- und systemkritisch" geäußert ha be. Der 66-jährige herzkranke und auf Medikamente angewiesene Assad Kh ayad befand sich nach Angaben seines Sohnes auf Besuch bei seiner 94-jähr igen Mutter und wurde beim Einchecken vor dem Heimflug nach Wien umstellt und abgeführt. Der 66-jährige ist bei seiner Familie und wohlauf , bestätigte laut ATV-Aussendung der Sprecher des Außenministeriums, Pete r Launsky-Tieffenthal. Die Gründe für die Verhaftung bleiben weiter unklar . Der Sohn des Verschwundenen, Zenon Khayat, erklärte am Montag, d ass sich sein Vater öffentlich "regime- und systemkritisch" geäußert ha be. Deshalb sei zu befürchten, dass er durch den syrischen Geheimdiens t entführt worden sei. Von syrischer Seite liegt kein Kommentar vor.

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0920/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Taliban wussten fast alles über Steinmeier-Besuch --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Das Auswärtige Amt hatte die Reise des deutschen Au ßenministers bis zu seiner Ankunft in Afghanistan geheim gehalten. Denn och waren die Taliban "fast minutiös" über die Planungen informiert. Aus Geheimdienstkreisen verlautet, es gebe "klare Hinweise", dass die Talib an gute Quellen in Deutschland besitzen . Trotz der Geheimhaltung des Besuchs von Außenminist er Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) in Afghanistan muss nach den Erken ntnissen westlicher Geheimdienste sein Aufenthalt den Taliban am Hinduk usch "fast minutiös" bekannt gewesen sein. Es gebe inzwischen "klare Hinweise", dass die Taliban mittlerweile gute Gewährsleute von Islamisten in De utschland haben, die sie "auf dem Laufenden halten", war aus Geheimdienstkre isen in der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul zu erfahren. "Auf bisher ungeklärt er Weise haben die Taliban ihre Finger in deutschen Stellen drin", sag te ein Geheimdienstexperte. mentid=16474317 0921/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Taliban are finding cell phone service to be a gro wing problem --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The Taliban are finding cell phone service to be a growing problem. As more rural areas get service, and people get their cell phones, the police tend to quickly get calls about Taliban movements . Efforts to halt the spread of the cell phone towers have failed, because the cell phones are so popular. Although a poor cou ntry, the cell phone is one aspect of modern technology that Afghans can ho ld and use. So they scrape together the cash for the phones and pre-pai d service. Afghans are very family oriented, and the cell phones are seen as a way to stay in touch. But it has also changed the way Afghans comm unicate. Before the appearance of cell phones, Afghans were reluctant t o report on the Taliban, because it had to be done in person. This was dange rous, because if the Taliban found out you were a snitch, you were dead, and perhaps many members of your family as well. But Afghans quickly discovered that informing on the Taliban via cell phone was much sa fer . 90506.aspx 0922/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- A GEOINT Analysis of Terrorism in Afghanistan --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ It is possible to discern potentially significant p atterns in terrorist activity through an analysis of geospatial intellig ence information concerning terrorist incidents, the DNI Open Source Center (OSC) says. A recent OSC study of terrorism in Afghanistan illu strates the growing sophistication of geointelligence analysis tools. By analyzing parameters such as location, timing, frequency, lethality and other such characteristics, the OSC study identified “hotspots ” for terrorist activity and changes over time. It also provided data for e valuating an OSC predictive model of terrorism in Afghanistan.

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ACIPSS-Newsletter 19/2009 5 (19 MB !) 0923/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Taliban: "Lasst die Finger von den Mohnfeldern" --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Westliche Geheimdienste befürchten «verheerende Ver geltungsschläge» der Taliban bei einem umfassenden militärischen Vorgehe n gegen die Drogenproduktion am Hindukusch. «Lasst die Finger von den Mohnfeldern», haben die r adikal-islamischen Taliban bei ihrer angekündigten Frühjahrsoffensive gegen die ISAF-Truppen wissen lassen, war aus Geheimdienstkreisen am Woche nende in der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul zu erfahren. Ein Ange höriger des US-Geheimdienstes CIA wies jedoch ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass Washington versuchen werde, in den nächsten Monaten mit der ma ssiven Truppenverstärkung in Afghanistan auch «nachhaltig mit militärischen Mitteln» gegen die Opiumproduktion vorzugehen.

(a) (b)

0924/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Al Qaeda No. 2 Now Calls the Shots --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Al Qaeda’s No. 2 thug has “emerged” as its operatio nal leader after seven years on the run with the same $25 million bounty o n his head as Osama Bin Laden. Despite years of Bush administration claims that Ay man al-Zawahiri - an Egyptian doctor turned Bin Laden deputy - was on th e lam with his boss and unable to exert control, the opposite is now true, a State Department report said Thursday. “Al Qaeda has reconstituted some of its pre-9/11 operational capabilities ” in Pakistan’s tribal safe haven on the Afghan border, replaced lost lieutenants and achieved “the restoration of some central control by its top leadership , in particular Ayman al-Zawahiri ,” the annual Country Reports on Terrorism said. a-no-2-now-calls-the-sh.html 0925/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Preventing Nuclear Terrorism: A Global Intelligenc e Imperative --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ As Mohamed ElBaradei's term as head of the Internat ional Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) draws to a close, the organization is struggling to choose a new leader. After deadlocking on an initial vote in March, a new round of nominations closed on April 27, with the next vote scheduled in the coming months. While the IAEA sorts out changes at the top , the United States should try to expand the agency's mandate and respo nsibilities. One such change would be the establishment of a full-fledged intelligence office, which would dramatically improve the agency's abili ty to identify and deter the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (W MD). CID=3048

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0926/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- The international kidnap & ransom business: Avoidi ng The Snatch --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ In Israel, the problem of kidnapping is even worse than in other nations, because Islamic militants have long sought to take individual soldiers in order to use them as bargaining chips for releasing jailed terrorists. This is somewhat in contrast to other Islamic groups, li ke those in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It's well-known that the Taliban routinely kidnaps people, but they often have different objec tives in mind than Hamas or Hezbollah. People kidnapped by the Taliban and A l-Qaeda are just as likely to be beheaded on camera, forced to join the insurgents (if they are locals), or ransomed for funds, as they are to be h eld in exchange for political concessions or the release of prisoners. Different groups develop different goals and modus operandi in their kidnapp ing activities. 090503.aspx 0927/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- State of play in the Harman case --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Rep. Jane Harman has hired lawyer Lanny Davis, a fo rmer special counsel to President Bill Clinton during the Lewinsky affair, as a media advisor, The Cable has learned. The enlisting of the heavyweight help is the latest sign that the California Democrat intends to push back hard again st what she sees as an attempt by current and former national security off icials to damage her reputation by providing alleged excerpts from transcripts of her surveilled phone conversations to the press. In the end, Harma n may be able to make a public case that she was the victim of an abuse of power, including by the decision of Porter Goss, a former fellow House inte lligence committee member turned director of central intelligence, to authorize a wiretap of her. She may also argue that the leaks of the alleg ed wiretap excerpts constitute a criminal act that merits prosecution.

(a) state_of_play_in_the_harman_case

(b) an-congresswoman-jane-harman-believes-that-wacky-israe l-lobby-theory-.html

0928/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Case against pro-Israel lobbyists likely to be dro pped --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The Justice Department asked a judge Friday to drop espionage-related charges against two pro-Israel lobbyists , a move expected to end a politically sensitive case that focused on whether U.S. secrets had been leaked. Prosecutors said recent court decisions would have made the case hard to win and forced disclosure of large amounts of class ified information. But defense lawyers and some legal experts said the gov ernment was wrong in the first place for trying to criminalize the kind of i nformation horse-trading that long has occurred in Washington. The intrigue surrounding the case against the two f ormer lobbyists for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee already wa s chock-full of

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references to top-secret intelligence matters and M iddle East politics. But it intensified in recent weeks with reports that Re p. Jane Harman (D-Venice), a staunch supporter of AIPAC, had been cau ght on federal wiretaps in 2005 offering to aid the two lobbyists in exchan ge for help in obtaining a coveted House committee chairmanship. a-aipac2-2009may02,0,7294178.story 0929/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Clandestine defense hub prepares to open at UM --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The projects to be launched at a top-secret Univers ity of Maryland research center would make "Q" - James Bond's owlish gadget- meister - blink with tears of envy. In the coming months, teams of the nation's top the oretical mathematicians, behavioral scientists, software engineers and futur ists will assemble to figure out how to make U.S. intelligence better, fa ster and more efficient. The idea of the Intelligence Advanced Research Proj ects Activity , under construction at the university's M-Square research park near the main campus, is to investigate new ideas for intelligenc e agencies that are too preposterous for government bureaucrats or private contractors to consider.,0,7946262.story 0930/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- The Iraq Investigation Needs to Cover More Than To rture --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ There's a good case for creating an independent com mission to assess the legality of U.S. torture policy. There's a better c ase for investigating torture within the larger question of why the U.S. invaded Iraq at all. Of course we tortured as a matter of national polic y. Everyone pretty much figured that out when hooded, naked prisoners from Abu Ghraib exploded onto our TV sets. Was it illegal? Certainly . No matter how twisted the logic of Bush-Cheney era Justice Department lawyers, U.S. la w is about as clear as U.S. law can be against torturing prisoners. A comm ission delving into the uses of post-9/11 torture techniques would confirm the obvious. What we don't know is the answer to a question New York Times columnis t Frank Rich posed in his April 26 opinion piece. Tha t is, was the purpose of torture directed toward making the U.S. safer from terrorist attack -----or was it used in an attempt to build a now discredite d case that Saddam Hussein was working in league with Al Qaeda to attack the U.S. on 9/11? 3 0931/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- CIA reportedly declined to closely evaluate harsh interrogations --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The CIA used an arsenal of severe interrogation tec hniques on imprisoned Al Qaeda suspects for nearly seven years without seeki ng a rigorous assessment of whether the methods were effective or necessary, according to current and former U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

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The failure to conduct a comprehensive examination occurred despite calls to do so as early as 2003. That year, the agency's inspector general circulated drafts of a report that raised deep conc erns about waterboarding and other methods, and recommended a study by outsi de experts on whether they worked.

(a) a-interrogate26-2009apr26,0,5771981.story

(b) emos_and_the_bush_adm.html

(c) What Cheney is Right About:

0932/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Torture debate threatens to damage US relationship with foreign intel --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ An issue might best be described as practical conce rns associated with the "harsh" interrogation techniques used by the CIA: F irst, did these interrogation techniques (waterboarding) yield valu able intelligence that, in fact, saved American lives, and that could not h ave been obtained by other means? Second, will full and public disclosur e of these techniques hurt the security of America by undermining America n intelligence collection efforts in the future? These two questio ns are briefly addressed in the following paragraphs ... debate-threatens-to-damage-us.php 0933/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Vermutlich keine strafrechtliche Verfolgung wegen Terror-Memos --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Die Beamten im US-Justizministerium, die die brutal en Verhörmethoden der CIA genehmigt haben, sollen einem vorläufigen Beric ht zufolge nicht strafrechtlich zur Verantwortung gezogen werden. Zw ei der drei betroffenen hohen Beamten sollten möglicherweise disziplinarisc h bestraft werden, verlautete aus Ermittlerkreisen in Washington. Die Gewährsleute betonten jedoch, dass ein entsprechender Bericht der Ermittl er an Justizminister Eric Holder noch vorläufig sei. Über das letztliche Vorgehen werde Holder entscheiden. keine-strafrechtliche-ver-cfb2994.html 0934/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Iran Survives The Scams --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The U.S. is again prosecuting a Korean-American, Ju whan Yun , who earlier served 30 months in prison for offering to export 5 00 bombs full of nerve gas. Yun didn't have the 500 pound bombs, or the ne rve gas, but he had entered into negotiations with Iranian officials , who were very interested. Iran has nerve gas, but very low quality stuff, and were eager to obtain higher grade sarin gas. 0090505.aspx

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0935/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- U.S. Treasury Department blacklisted Chinese compa ny Limmt --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ On April 7, 2009, the U.S. Treasury Department desi gnated as a proliferator Li Fangwei, the commercial manager for the Chinese company Limmt, for providing support for Iran's missile program . Treasury also blacklisted eight aliases of Limmt, which was originally design ated in 2006, in addition to six other Iranian entities. The same da y, the Manhattan district attorney's office, acting in coordination with Treasury, unsealed a 118-count indictment against Li and his company f or attempting to conceal transactions that transited the U.S. financial syst em. While the Treasury action was hardly surprising -- given the number of Iran-related designations over the past several years -- the rol e of other law enforcement agencies in the Iran effort is a fairly recent trend, one that the Obama administration should encourage as negoti ations with Tehran move forward. wing_the_book_at_tehran.html 0936/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- FBI warns exporters to be wary of Russian foreign intelligence agents --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ FBI Supervisory Agent Matt Espenshade of Midland to ld 30 businessmen and women at the CEED building between Midland and Odes sa that the overseas business world can be a tricky, deceptive place whe re technology and trade secrets are stolen as smoothly as pickpockets worki ng the Via Veneto in Rome, Midland Reporter-Telegram reports. The FBI of ficial spoke before participants in the West Texas Global Compliance an d Strategic Export Marking Seminar. He warned the business people of “some bad actors” willing to get American technology on the international scene. Quoting a Fr ench government official, he said, "The conquest of markets and tec hnologies has replaced territorial and colonial conquests. We're living in a state of world economic war”. 0937/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Pentagon durchsucht Siemens-Büros --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Ermittler des Pentagon haben Büros des Siemens-Konzerns in den USA durchsucht. Genaue Hintergründe sind nicht bekannt, offenbar steht die Aktion aber in Zusammenhang mit einem medizintechni schen Auftrag. Die Durchsuchung betraf Büros der Sparte Siemens Me dical Solutions in der Nähe von Philadelphia, welche innerhalb des Siemens -Konzerns auf medizintechnische Produkte und Dienstleistungen spe zialisiert ist. Siemens zeigte sich kooperativ. Anfang April hatte Siemens Medical Solutions einen Auftrag über 267 Millionen Dollar vom US-Verteidigu ngsministerium erhalten. Laut Pentagon sollte das Unternehmen Röntgensysteme und damit verknüpfte Anlagen unter anderem für Heer, Marine, Luftwaffe u nd Marine-Infanterie entwickeln. Die Siemens-Tochter bestätigte die Durc hsuchung. Sie stehe im Zusammenhang mit einem Pentagon-Auftrag, sagte ein Konzernsprecher.

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0938/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- FAST: US Seagoing Security Swat Teams --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The U.S. Marines have troops trained for many speci al missions, but none as special as their FAST (Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team ) force. These units were first organized in 1987 and there was no shortage of volunteers. There were eleven FAST platoons, organized into thr ee FAST companies. Each platoon is commanded by an experienced captain , plus a senior NCO, three or four sergeants, three or four corporals an d about thirty other marines. There are about 500 FAST marines overall, including 20 officers. Three platoons serve seven month tours at overseas bases. In addition, one or two platoons are on alert in the United States a ll the time, ready to be flown to any hot spot anywhere. Often, the FAST pla toon will be sent to a marine amphibious task force that is near a potenti al trouble spot. Half the FAST platoons will be training at any time, but in the past few years, FAST marines have spent about half the year oversea s. 090506.aspx 0939/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Estonian officers among trainees at US Military In telligence School --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Peeter (Vaga) Feldmann tells in an Eesti Elu newspa per of National Estonian Foundation of Canada about regular trainings of Est onian officers at the US Army Intelligence School and Centre in Arizona. The historic military base of Fort Huachuca (Apache Indian name for Thunder) which was founded in the 1870’s by the US Cavalry to protect ranchers and settlers from the Apache Indians in th e area is now the home of this US Army Intelligence centre. Every year thr ough mutual international agreements many officers from foreign nations come for training at the Intelligence School and most years there have been Estonian officers among them. At this time there are two off icers from the Estonian Defense Force in attendance at the fort each in separate introduc tory intelligence classes, according to Eesti Elu contri butor. They are Captain Ants Kiviselg from Tallinn who arrived in October 2 008 and Kuldar Kesküla, also from Tallinn, who came out in mid March of thi s year. 0940/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Moscow may expel NATO Information Office head from Russia --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Retaliation measure to expulsion of two Russian dip lomats, employees of the Russian Permanent representation office with NATO, from Brussels will follow in the nearest future. According to informed circles, the Russian side had already actually defined the reply to the decision of the North Atlantic Alliance, which was officially approved to day by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium.

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ACIPSS-Newsletter 19/2009 11 0941/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Ukrainian financial intelligence highly assessed b y MONEYVAL --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ the evaluation of anti-money laundering measures an d the financing of terrorism (MONEYVAL) is satisfied with the efforts made by the Ukrainian authorities to combat money laundering and the fina ncing of terrorism, the press service of Ukraine's State Financial Monitori ng Committee (SFMC) reported on Tuesday. As SFMC Chief Ihor Cherkassky said, the assessment of Ukraine's achievements by the CE Committee has confirmed the considerable progress made by the Ukrainian state in that field. "Ukraine has managed to create a really effective and modern system, which has becom e a reliable tool in fight against economic crimes," he said. 0942/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Russian military intelligence special-task brigade to be relocated --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The 24th separate special-task brigade of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the Joint Staff of Armed Forces of the Rus sian Federation will be relocated from Ulan-Ude to Irkutsk, online paper NE WSru reports, referring to commander of the Siberian Military District Colo nel-General Alexander Postnikov who told that to the press during deliver y of keys from apartments to officers of the Siberian Military Dis trict. He said that the relocation had already begun. It w ill come to the end by December 1, 2009, when the brigde will completely b e placed in the territory of Irkutsk higher military aviation engin eering school. 0943/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Iraqis need help with intelligence gathering --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Iraq's prime minister said Tuesday that Iraqi force s are ready to take over their own security as the U.S. begins to withdraw b ut that the government still needs help gathering intelligence to target i nsurgents and prevent attacks. Nouri al-Maliki also stressed his government's deci sion not to extend the June 30 deadline for the withdrawal of U.S. forces from urban areas includes northern areas of Mosul and Diyala, despit e continued insurgent activity there. "The timetable for the U.S withdraw al is a definite date," al-Maliki told The Associated Press, speaking aboar d his plane en route home from Paris. "We will not accept any change."

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0944/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Hamas and Fatah are drifting father apart --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Hamas, backed by Iranian cash, weapons and advisors , and able to use terrorism (against Israelis and Arab opponents) fre ely, sees itself having a good shot at eventually controlling all Palestini ans. Fatah, run by the old school, and quite corrupt, Palestinian politici ans, believes it can at least stall Hamas. For one thing, Fatah knows only too well how revolutionary fervor eventually evolves into self-s erving corruption. Signs of that are already appearing in Gaza, where famili es of Hamas leaders are living much better than less well connected Hamas m embers. Another Fatah advantage is that the West Bank is adjacent to dens ely populated parts of Israel, and a very well guarded border. Gaza is nex t to the most thinly populated parts of Israel, with few targets for ter rorists. Israel will do whatever it takes to prevent Hamas from taking over the West Bank. 90504.aspx 0945/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Mossad-Pleiten in Libanon --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Seit September 2008 flogen in Libanon acht Spionage zellen auf, sechzehn Topagenten wurden identifiziert und verhaftet. Der jüngste Coup, so die Tageszeitung As Safir am Montag, gelang vergangene Woche: In Bourj Al-Barajneh, südlich von Beirut, wurde das »Sehmarani- Netzwerk« enttarnt. Haytham Sehmerani, Chef des Spionagerings und Serge ant in der Informationsabteilung der Polizei, gestand, »seit 2 004 mit dem israelischen Geheimdienst zu kollaborieren«, schreibt die Zeitun g Al-Akhbar. Seine Ehefrau verfüge über »eine bedeutende Menge an Info rmationen«. Libanons Sicherheitskräfte »konfiszierten bei Sehmerani eine PC-Anlage, mit deren Hilfe er Kontakt mit seinen israelischen Führungsle uten herstellte«. Zudem sammelte der Expolizist »detaillierte Informationen über Offizielle und Mitglieder des islamischen Widerstandes sowie über Büros der Hisbollah in Dahiyeh (im Süden Beiruts)«. In der Vernehmung gab er zu, »eine große Anzahl von Zielen markiert zu haben, die während de s Libanon-Krieges 2006 (von Israel) zerbombt wurden. Seit vielen Jahren ha be er auch Daten über Aktivitäten von Hisbollah-Chef Hassan Nasrallah und seine engen Berater gesammelt«. (junge Welt-Artikel)

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ACIPSS-Newsletter-Kommentar : Der Titel dieses Beitrages ist etwas missverständlich: Es mag sein, dass die Zerschlagun g von Spionagenetzen für den jeweils betreibenden Nachrichtendienst eine „Pl eite“ darstellt. Umgekehrt lässt sich aber auch behaupten, dass es d em Mossad gelungen ist, den Libanon ganz erfolgreich geheimdienstlich zu pe netrieren. 0946/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- A Syrian Comeback in Lebanon --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ A U.N.-backed tribunal on Wednesday ordered the rel ease of four Lebanese generals, who had been accused of involvement in th e plot to assassinate former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri four years ag o, from Lebanons al

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Roumieh prison. Chief prosecutor Daniel Bellemare s aid there was insufficient evidence to continue their detention. STRATFOR is frankly not surprised that these men — Maj. Gen. Jamil Sayyed, former chief of Lebanons General Security; Maj. Gen . Ali Hajj, former head of the Internal Security Forces; Brig. Gen. Raymond Azar, former chief of military intelligence; and Brig. Gen. Mustafa Hamda n, former commander of the Presidential Guard have been released. Nor are we surprised that the international tribunal for the al-Hariri case has y et to indict or identify any suspects in the plot. The assassination was a s how of force by the Syrian regime, meant to demonstrate that the territ ory encompassed by Lebanon is territory firmly within Syrias grasp. If political leaders like al-Hariri chose to meddle with Syrian designs for L ebanon, they would pay the price. rian_comeback_in_lebanon.html 0947/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Israels Geheimdienst Menschenrechtsverletzungen vo rgeworfen --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Eine regierungsunabhängige Organisation in Israel h at dem Geheimdienst des Landes Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Umgang mit pal ästinensischen Patienten vorgeworfen. In einem Bericht beschuldigt die Organ isation "Ärzte für Menschenrechte" den israelischen Inlandsgeheimdiens t Schin Beth, Patienten aus dem Gazastreifen, die sich in Israel behandeln lassen wollen, unter Druck zu setzen und vor einer Einreisegenehmigung m it Verhören zu bedrängen. Wenn sie sich den Verhören verweigerten, würden sie vielfach zurückgeschickt. eimdienst-menschenrechtsv-ee974b3.html 0948/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Israeli police arrested nine Arab terrorists --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Last month, Israeli police arrested nine Arab men, aged 18-22, and accused them of terrorist activities. For the last four mon ths, the nine Arabs have been attacking motorists driving near their village of Shfaram in northern Israel. The suspects were inspired by a desire to g ain revenge for the January war with Hamas in Gaza. Their terrorism con sisted of chopping down power line polls across roads, and throwing rocks a t vehicles. The teenage terrorists also made an attempt at arson, and were, in general, working their way up to some real mayhem. Their home villag e, Shfaram, is home to Druze, Christian and Moslem Arabs. The suspects the mselves were Bedouin. 090505.aspx 0949/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- 'The Champagne Spy' tells story of Israeli intelli gence agent --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ When he was a teenager, Oded Gur-Arie learned a sec ret that, if revealed, could have ended his father’s life. Ze’ev Gur-Arie, also known as Wolfgang Lotz , was a spy for the Mossad , Israel’s intelligence service. He operated in Egypt during the 1960s, a time when that nation was one of Israel’s most lethal enemies.

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His story — and the impact of his job on those who loved him — is the subject of “The Champagne Spy,” a 2007 film by dire ctor Nadav Schirman. 18117/The-Champagne-Spy-tells-story-of-Israeli-intelligence-agent 0950/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Linking aid to access to AQ Khan won’t help US --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The United States has asked Islamabad to allow Amer ican intelligence access to Pakistan's disgraced nuclear scientist A Q Khan, US' special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke has said . Responding to lawmakers, who demanded greater accou ntability from Pakistan, Holbrooke said, while the Obama Administration had raised the issue of Khan with Islamabad, it was not in favour of making US a id conditional on the matter. -to-access-to-AQ-Khan-wont-help-US-Holbrooke/455219/ 0951/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- An Algerian Nuclear Bibliography --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Algeria is one of the Middle Eastern nations that h as the scientific and technological capacity to develop nuclear weapons if legal, political and other barriers to nuclear weapons proliferation dec line and lose their efficacy. “Algeria has the expertise and the means to produce nuclear weapons” should it decide to do so, said independen t researcher Mark Gorwitz, and he added that it might be able to acco mplish the task in just a couple of years . 0952/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- China bans foreigners from new spy museum --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

A new Chinese spy museum exhibits guns disguised as lipstick, hollowed-out coins used to conceal documents and maps hidden as a deck of cards. What you won't find there, however, are foreigners. A sign outside the Jiangsu National Security Education Museum in a park in the eastern city of Nanjing states that only Chinese

citizens are allowed inside , a policy designed to keep the communist regime's cloak and dagger methods secret — no matte r how timeworn they may be.

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(e),2933,518489,00.html (f) um-'for-Chinese-

eyes-only ' (Special thanks to Dieter Bacher for this info !) 0953/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- NATO expels two Russians over Estonia spy scandal --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ NATO has ordered the expulsion of two Russian diplo mats over a spy scandal in which an Estonian official was jailed for passin g secrets to Moscow, a NATO diplomat said on Thursday. "Two Russian diplomats have been told they are not welcome here," the diplomat said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The pair were attached to the mission Russia has at NATO headquarters alth ough it is not a member of the alliance. The diplomat said they were expell ed over the case of Herman Simm, an Estonian jailed for more than 12 ye ars for treason in February for handing more than 2,000 pages of infor mation to handlers in Russia's SVR Foreign Intelligence Service. NATO ordered the diplomats out on Wednesday, the sa me day the alliance resumed formal talks with Russia at ambassadorial l evel, eight months after contacts were suspended over Russia's five-day war with Georgia last August. Russia regards improving relations with NAT O as part of a broader effort to improve relations with the West, and in p articular with the United States. Ties with Washington sank to a post- Cold War low under U.S. President George W. Bush. 48723 0954/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Swedish National Charged with Hacking and Theft of Trade Secrets --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Philip Gabriel Pettersson , aka "Stakkato," 21, a Swedish national, was indicted on intrusion and trade secret theft charge s. The five-count indictment includes one intrusion co unt and two trade secret misappropriation counts involving Cisco Systems Inc . (Cisco), of San Jose, Calif., which is a provider of computer network equ ipment and producer of Internet routers. According to the allegations in t he indictment Pettersson intentionally committed an intrusion between May 12 , 2004, and May 13, 2004, into the computer system and network of Cisco . During the alleged intrusion some Cisco Internetwork Operating System code was allegedly misappropriated. The indictment also charges two intrusion counts in volving the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA ), including computers at the Ames Research Center and the NASA Advanced Supercom puting Division, located at Moffett Field, Calif. l

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0955/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Wem gehört die EU? --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Die Frage, wem die EU gehört, kann und muss auf ver schiedenen Ebenen beantwortet werden. Zunächst einmal, und das entspr icht dem gegenwärtigen Stand des Eindringens in diese Problematik, geht es um die Frage der Vermögenskonzentrationen, seit der europäische Inte grationsprozess so richtig in Gang gekommen ist. Die Reichen sind imme r reicher geworden und dafür gibt es eine Fülle von empirischen und statis tischen Indizes, auch wenn sie bislang in keiner Weise zureichend systema tisch erschlossen und analysiert worden sind und auch wenn hinsichtlich d er Frage, was Eigentum – und sogar Geld - unter den heutigen Bedingungen ist , Klärung aussteht. (Studie im Auftrag der Europaabgeordneten Sahra Wag enknecht, Mitglied in der PDS-Delegation in der Konföderalen Fraktion der Vereinigten Europäischen Linken/Nordische Grüne Lin ke (GUE/NGL) im Europäischen Parlament.) u-web.htm (Special thanks to Yvonne Schmidt for this info !) 0956/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Members of Bulgarian parliament to be questioned o ver leaking --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Twenty two members of the Bulgarian Parliament will be questioned over the leaking of classified information from the National Assembly, opposition member of parliment Dimitar Badzhiev told the press , Bulgarian News Network (BNN) reports. According to him they had access to the investigation files of the State Agency for National Security’s operati on against ill-famed Haskovo Mayor, Georgi Ivanov. The later had been sh aring details of the report before members of the media, and parliament members are the only way he could have obtained it. 0957/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Czech Commandos In Chains --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Once again, Special Operations troops in Afghanista n have run into problems with ROE (Rules of Engagement). This time around, C zech commandos were recently sent home because their ROE prevented them from doing what commandos do. In at least one case, Czech commandos were held back from an operation because it was considered too dangerous. In other situations, the Czechs opted out of an operation because they belie ved they did not have sufficient manpower. 0501.aspx 0958/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Is former Poland’s Prime Minister Buzek responsibl e for CIA prisons --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Is this the turning point in the investigation of t he existence of a secret United States CIA prison in Poland’s Mazury area? S o far the blame has been thrown primarily on the Prime Minister Leszek Mille r, daily Dziennik writes. Now it appears that it was the Solidarity E lectoral Action (AWS)

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government which signed the documents which were th e basis for the creation in Mazury of a US intelligence base. Rzeczpospolita wrote today that the Public Prosecut or's Office of Appeal in Warsaw which for a year has been examining the case of secret CIA prisons in Poland, has not received any documents from the Intelligence Agency on this issue. The intelligence services have been rel uctant including with the transfer of those who signed, where at the head of government AWS (to a certain moment in coalition with the Union of Freed om) was Jerzy Buzek. 0959/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Lech Walesa verklagt polnischen Präsidenten auf Sc hmerzensgeld --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Der polnische Ex-Präsident Lech Walesa verklagt das amtierende Staatsoberhaupt Lech Kaczynski auf ein Schmerzensge ld von 100.000 Zloty (22.700 Euro). Zusätzlich verlangt er eine Entschul digung. Walesa wirft seinem indirekten Nachfolger vor, ihn beleidigt zu haben. lagt-polnischen-Praesidenten-auf-Schmerzensgeld 0960/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Polen: Lutherischer Bischof tritt wegen Geheimdien st-Vergangenheit ab --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Wegen einer früheren Zusammenarbeit mit dem kommuni stischen Geheimdienst gibt das Oberhaupt der evangelisch-lutherischen Kir che in Polen, Bischof Janusz Jagucki, den Vorsitz ab. Die Kirchensynode h abe ihm nach Vorlage eines Berichts der Historischen Kommission mit 31 g egen 26 Stimmen das Misstrauen ausgesprochen, berichtete die Tageszeitu ng "Rzeczpospolita" am Montag. Den Angaben zufolge war Jagucki von 1973 bi s 1990 als "informeller Mitarbeiter" des Geheimdienstes registriert. base/25530.html 0961/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Former Serbian state security ex-chief's war crime s trial to resume --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The Hague-based United Nations war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia ordered the resumption of the trial of f ormer Serbian state security service chief Jovica Stanisic and aide Fra nko Simatovic, news agency ADNKronos reports. As AIA also reported earl ier, the trial was interrupted last year due to Stanisic's poor physic al and mental health. 0962/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Briten beenden Irak-Einsatz --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Sechs Jahre nach Beginn des Irak-Krieges hat die br itische Armee ihren Kampfeinsatz offiziell beendet. Auf ihrem Stützpunk t in Basra übergaben die Briten ihre Aufgaben im Südirak an die Amerikaner – einen Monat früher als geplant. Der Abzug der 3700 Mann starken britischen Truppe soll Ende Juli

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abgeschlossen sein. Danach sollen nur noch 400 brit ische Soldaten im Land bleiben und irakische Sicherheitskräfte trainieren. Auf dem Höhepunkt des von den USA angeführten Milit äreinsatzes hatte Großbritannien rund 45 000 Soldaten im Süden des Ir ak stationiert. Bei dem Einsatz kamen 179 britische Soldaten ums Leben .

(a) ak-einsatz/ (b) t-really- 0963/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Britain steps up anti-terror aid to Pakistan --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Britain is stepping up its military and intelligenc e presence in Pakistan to help in the fight against the Taliban and al-Qai da, Whitehall officials have told the Guardian. About 20 "military advisers" will liaise with the P akistani army and particularly with the Frontier Corps, an ethnic Pas htun paramilitary force on the frontline of the battle with the Taliban. Br itain will also increase the number of intelligence officers in Pakistan , according to the officials, increasing an already large MI6 presence in the country . MI5 is also in the country investigating links to suspecte d terrorist plotters in Britain.

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(b) 0964/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Der Überwachungs-Betrug --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Bei den Plänen der britischen Innenministerin Jacqu i Smith, auf eine zentrale Datenbank mit Kommunikationsdaten aus Date nschutz-Gründen zu verzichten, handelt es sich nach Aussagen interner Quellen um eine reine Nebelgranate. Nach Angaben der IT-News-Seite The Register und der britischen Zeitung The Sunday Times wird in den Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) derzeit fleißig an einem Projekt namens "Mastering the Internet" (MTI) gearbeitet. Zu dem Projekt sollen "Tausende von Dee p Packet Inspections" in den Netzen diverser Telekommunikations-Provider geh ören. Zur Analyse stehen massive Großrechner-Kapazitäten im Hauptquartier de r Behörde in Cheltenham, dem sogenannten "Donut", zur Verfügung. Laut "gut i nformierten Quellen" wurden längst private Partnerfirmen mit der Umsetzu ng des Projekts beauftragt. Einer dieser Leute sagte: "Bei MTI werd en Computer-Kapazitäten nicht auf die traditionelle Art, in GB, TB, Megaflo ps oder Teraflops gemessen... sondern in Tonnen!... und sie haben ein e Menge davon."

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0965/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- GCHQ speaks out about its Intelligence mission in the Internet age --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The Government's Intelligence Agency GCHQ, made a r are statement at the week about its plans for monitoring of UK web and c omms traffic. This is what GCHQ said: "GCHQ has two important mis sions: Signals Intelligence and Information Assurance. Our Signals Intelligence work provides vital information to support Government in the fields of national security, military operations, law enforcement and economic well being. The intelligence we provide is at the heart of the stru ggle against terrorism and also contributes to the prevention and detectio n of serious crime. GGHQ supplies intelligence to the UK armed forces, where ver they may be deployed in the world. Information Assurance is about protec ting Government data - communications and information systems - from hacke rs and other threats. ?sid=19893 0966/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- USB-Stick verloren: MI6 musste Undercover-Operatio n platzen lassen --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Der britische Geheimdienst MI6 musste einem Bericht des Fachmagazins Secure Computing nach im Jahr 2006 eine Millionen Pfund te ure, verdeckte Anti-Drogenermittlung einstellen, nachdem eine Agentin e inen USB-Stick, auf dem streng geheime Daten gespeichert waren, verloren ha tte. Die Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) bestätigte den Fall n un Ende April.

(a) (b),mi6-s crapped-major-

drug-operation-after-data-loss.aspx 0967/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Marokkaner fühlt sich ausgenutzt: "Ich war Agent b eim Geheimdienst" --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Es war eine Mischung aus den Wirren deutscher Bürok ratie und eigener Nachlässigkeit, die den Marokkaner Yassir Miloudi i n die Bredouille brachte. Weil der 24-Jährige sein Studentenvisum ni cht verlängerte und Behörden ihn anscheinend falsch beraten haben, soll er Deutschland verlassen. Diese Notlage habe sich der Verfassungss chutz zunutze gemacht. "Ein Mitarbeiter warb mich an, um in der linken Sze ne Informationen zu beschaffen." Im Gegenzug sei ihm zugesichert worden , für einen legalen Aufenthaltsstatus und einen Studienplatz zu sorgen. Doch in wenigen Tagen droht die Abschiebung. "Ich fühle mich vom Verfassu ngsschutz ausgenutzt", sagt Miloudi. war-Agent-beim-Geheimdienst.html 0968/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Die Deutsche Bahn und die Spione --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Neue Enthüllungen im Datenskandal der Deutschen Bah n: Die Detektei, die für den deutschen Staatskonzern mehrfach Konten von Mit arbeitern ausspähte, hat ihre Ursprünge beim britischen Geheimdienst. Und ge gen die Detektive hat die Datenschutzbeauftragte des Landes Nordrhein-Wes tfalen Anzeige erstattet. Die Firma gebe Anlass zur Sorge, so die Datenschützer.

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ACIPSS-Newsletter 19/2009 20 ie-deutsche-bahn-und-die-spione;2262614 0969/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Neue Bedenken um Biometrie-Pass --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Der Schweizer Pass der Zukunft speichert Informatio nen über den Passinhaber auch in elektronischer Form auf einem Chip. Bei der Passkontrolle werden diese Informationen per Funk ausgelesen. Ist die Ko mmunikation zwischen Pass und Lesegerät sicher? Lässt sich ausschließen, dass jemand abseits der Passkontrolle und ohne Wissen des Passinhabers an d ie im Chip gespeicherten Daten herankommt? Beim Bundesamt für Polizei (Fedpo l), das den biometrischen Pass entwickelt hat, wurden diese Fra gen stets mit «Ja» beantwortet. Sie wurden auch am Montag noch mit «Ja » beantwortet, obwohl Zeitungsberichte an diesem Tag vermeldeten, dass ei ne Untersuchung des Bundesamtes für Kommunikation (Bakom) im vergangene n Jahr gravierende Mängel an älteren Lesegeräten entdeckt habe. ung_vom_17_mai_2009_/einfuehrung_von_biometrischen_paessen/neue_bedenken_um _biometrie-pass_1.2502179.html 0970/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- NEWS-Interview mit früherem Al-Qaida-Kämpfer --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Das Nachrichtenmagazin NEWS veröffentlicht in seine r am Donnerstag erscheinenden Ausgabe ein Exklusiv-Interview mit ei nem früheren Al-Qaida Kämpfer, der die Mitglieder der österreichischen Te rror-Zelle in Afghanistan persönlich kennen gelernt hat. "Sheikh Abdurrahman" wie der Kampfname des Ex-Al-Qa ida-Mannes lautet wurde bereits von Ermittlern des BVT und von der deutsche n Generalbundesanwaltschaft einvernommen und wurde im Januar 2007 von US-Behörden in Pakistan verhaftet und im August 2007 n ach Europa ausgeflogen. Abdurrahman war in Afghanistan als Sprengstoffausbi ldner tätig. Im NEWS- Interview nennt er Abdulrahman Hussein, der von hei mischen Behörden als Kopf der österreichischen Zelle identifiziert wurde , "den wichtigsten Mann aus Österreich". Er habe Hussein in Afghanistan übe r Vermittlung von Scheich Al-Tunisi kennen gelernt, da "mein arabisch damals noch nicht so gut war und Hussein als Österreicher deutsch sprich t." TS_20090506_OTS0207 0971/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Colombia: A Touch Of Iran --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Kidnapping continues to decline, with 437 people ta ken last year, compared to 2,882 in 2002. That's an 85 percent drop in six years, and means Colombia is no longer the "kidnapping capital of th e world" . There have been problems finding out how many of the victims a re still held. Current numbers range from 125 (after an examination of pub lic records) to nearly 2,000 (estimate of an victim advocacy group). The l ower number is the result of a careful examination of the records, and current activity of those believed still in captivity. Many commonly ac cepted facts do not survive close examination.

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ACIPSS-Newsletter 19/2009 21 090506.aspx 0972/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Defence 'rejected' minister spy link concerns --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Defence officials responsible for a covert inquiry into Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon's relationship with businesswoman Helen Liu believe she has had links with China's military intelligence agency . The officials, who are the subject of two high-powe red inquiries, claim to have raised concerns within the Defence Department that Mr Fitzgibbon was receiving gifts from and living in a Canberra house owned by a woman they believed was connected to the Second Department of the People's Liberation Army general staff headquarters. The Second Departm ent is responsible for intelligence collection covering military, politica l and economic developments outside China. The officials formed the view that Ms Liu was linke d to Chinese military intelligence following inquiries that extended to her business a ctivities, her contact with Chinese diplomatic and consular of ficials assessed to be intelligence officers, and her connections with sen ior Chinese Communist Party officials and PLA officers. minister-spy-link-concerns-20090506-avc4.html 0973/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Rwanda Rebels Refuse To Retire --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The UN continues to conduct “follow operations” in North Kivu province to prevent the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) from reassembling. Congolese Army units are participatin g in the sweeps. Results are decidedly mixed. Aid workers in the area have c alled the UN-Congolese operation a failure. Refugee agencies report that a t least 100,000 people have been forced to temporarily flee the fighting. There are also reports of FDLR militiamen murdering civilians. This echoes reports of reprisal attacks by the FDLR in early April. FDLR militiamen blamed Congolese civilians for giving away their hiding places when the Rwandan Army and the Congolese Army were conducting their joint offensiv e in January and February 2009 against the FDLR (which are the remna nts of the Hutu mass murderers who fled Rwanda in 1994). 0501.aspx 0974/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- NSA-Chief: US needs 'digital warfare force' --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The head of America's National Security Agency says that America needs to build a digital warfare force for the future, accor ding to reports. Lt Gen Keith Alexander, who also heads the Pentagon 's new Cyber Command, outlined his views in a report for the House Armed Services subcommittee. In it, he stated that the US needed to reorganise i ts offensive and defensive cyber operations. The general also said m ore resources and training were needed.

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The report, part of which was outlined in an Associ ated Press news agency story, is due to be presented to the subcommittee o n Tuesday.

(a) (b),46978.html (c) ereitet-sich-auf-

kriegsfh-c3fdd55.html (d),1518,622986,0 0.html

0975/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Taking over the Torpig botnet --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

Botnets, networks of malware-infected machines that are controlled by an adversary, are the root cause of a large number of security threats on the Internet. A particularly sophisticated and insidious type of bo t is Torpig, a malware program that is designed to harvest sensitive information (such as bank account and credit card data) from its victims. At the beginning of 2009, UC Santa Barbara researchers took control of the Torpig botnet for ten days.

Over this period, they observed more than 180 thous and infections and recorded more than 70 GB of data that the bots collected.

(a) x.html (b) the report: ig.pdf (c) cherheitsexperten

_infiltrieren_das_torpig_botnet/ 0976/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Intellipedia Celebrates Third Anniversary with a S uccessful Challenge --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ In an effort to break free from the constraints of physical location and celebrate Intellipedia’s successes in locations aro und the world, another Intellipedian came up with the idea to rally Intell ipedia users to achieve something that had never been done before: 15,000 c ontributions to Intellipedia in one day. -archive/intellipedia-celebrates-third-anniversary.html 0977/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- US Military Mashups Matter --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

The Department of Defense and the CIA and other intelligence agencies are eagerly adopting the "mashup" techniques used to quickly and easily comb ine visual and text data from many sources into a singl e screen full of more useful information. It's anothe r example of the whole being more useful than the sum of the parts.

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The military and intelligence agencies are using th e mashup to rapidly assemble data for analysis and planning. The milita ry wants to give commanders the ability to quickly collect all avail able data (locally and worldwide) so that battle plans can be put together and executed before the enemy can realize, or react to the changing situati on. Speed is a critical factor in planning, and lack of information was alw ays a major impediment. As with the business world, the military now has en ormous quantities of computerized data. The mashup techniques enable all this material to be quicky accessed and assembled in useful ways. 0504.aspx 0978/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Der Browser weiß Bescheid --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Webbrowser wie Internet Explorer, Firefox oder Oper a sind keine besonders loyalen Programme. Sie verraten Fremden über das Su rfverhalten im Zweifel mehr, als den Nutzern lieb ist. Mit bestimmten Eins tellungen lässt sich die Privatsphäre einigermaßen wahren, allerdings leidet dann mitunter der Surfkomfort. 0979/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Virtual Al Qaeda Rocks --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Last year, the al Qaeda Internet media operation (mostly in Iraq, but in other countries as well) was taken apart . This was an aftereffect of the defeat of al Qaeda in Iraq, where many of their key Internet people were operating. These terrorist geeks were either captur ed or killed. Some escaped, and joined the many Islamic terrorist Inte rnet specialists who don't get their hands dirty. These guys are pretty smart, and have useful Internet skills. They quickly rebuilt the al Qaeda network, maintaining 15-20 sites that are designed to be difficult to shut down. These sites frequently shift their IP address, and the servers they operate from. This effort employs the same tools and techniques that I nternet criminals use to stay ahead of the police. 0090501.aspx 0980/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- S. Korea: N. Korea engaging in cyber-war --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ North Korea is operating a cyber-reconnaissance uni t that targets South Korean and U.S. military networks, South Korean int elligence personnel said Tuesday. The Korean People's Army has been operating for yea rs a "technology reconnaissance team," charged with collecting infor mation and disrupting military computer networks in South Korea and the U nited States, South Korean intelligence sources told the Yonhap news ag ency. The team has about 100 people -- mainly graduates of a military academ y in Pyongyang -- who hack into South Korean and U.S. computer networks, extract classified information and, on occasion, insert a virus into t he systems, the sources told the South Korean news agency.

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ACIPSS-Newsletter 19/2009 24 rea-engaging-in-cyber-war/UPI-23791241529612/ 0981/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Secuvoice ist zugelassen für den Einsatz in Behörd en --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) gibt grünes Licht für die Secusmart-Lösung für abhörsichere mobile Sprachkommunikation. Secuvoice , die Lösung für abhörsichere mobile Sprachkommunik ation, ist vom Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) für den Einsatz in Behörden zugelassen. Bereits im November 2008 ha tte das BSI der Lösung Secuvoice durch die vorläufige Zulassung VS-NfD (Ve rschlusssache nur für den Dienstgebrauch) sein Vertrauen ausgesprochen. D ie Entscheidung ist ein weiterer Meilenstein für das Unternehmen Secusmart aus Düsseldorf. Secuvoice wird von Behörden und der privaten Wirtsc haft, darunter auch die geheimschutzbetreute Industrie eingesetzt. rt/rss 0982/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Amerikanischer Germanist nennt Kempowski US-Spion --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

Frankfurt am Main - Der Schriftsteller Walter Kempo wski (1929-2007) hat nach Angaben des amerikanischen Germanistik-Professors Alan Keele nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg doch als Spion für die USA gearbeitet. Kempowski habe dem US-Geheimdienst CIC, der Vorgäng er-Organisation der CIA, seine Dienste freiwillig ange boten und dessen Quartier in Wiesbaden öfter aufgesucht, sagte

Keele der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung". Der im US-Bundesstaat Utah lehrende Wissenschaftler beruft sich auf seine Eins icht in Geheimdienst-Akten und persönliche Gespräche mit Kempowski. Der Autor habe ihn gebeten, dieses Wissen erst nach seinem Tod zu veröffentlich en, sagte Keele.,1518,62 2464,00.html 0983/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Mit Zeitweckern die Stasi ausgetrickst --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Interview mit dem DDR-Oppositionellen Siegbert Sche fke: Kanzlerin Merkel hat in der Gedenkstätte Hohenschönhausen an die Opf er der Stasi erinnert. Der Journalist Siegbert Schefke wurde jahrelang obe rserviert. ''Operativer Vorgang Satan'' nannte die Stasi ihn. Im Gespräch m it erzählt er, wie er den Staat bekämpfte.

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0984/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Tactics in Counterinsurgency --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ “Tactics in Counterinsurgency” (pdf), a new U.S. Ar my Field Manual, expands upon the Counterinsurgency doctrine of the best-sel ling December 2006 manual (pdf) on that subject. The new manual was previously circulated in an inte rim, draft form and then abruptly withdrawn from public access. (“‘Tactics in Insurgency’ Aga in Online,” Secrecy News, April 6, 2009). Now it has been finalized and formally released . 0985/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Lashkar-e-Taiba: From 9/11 to Mumbai, by Stephen T ankel --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ A sixty-hour-long 'terrorist spectacular' in Mumbai brought the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) to the attention of the world. Known primarily in the past as a Pakistan-based group focused on li berating Kashmir and waging a wider war against India, the group's recen t acts, culminating in the Mumbai attacks, suggest progression toward an a l-Qaeda-style global jihad targeting Westerners. Can similar attacks be expected of LeT in the future? ICSR Associate Fellow Stephen Tankel's paper 'Lashk ar-e-Taiba: From 9/11 to Mumbai' contextualises recent acts by the group, pr esenting a detailed overview of LeT's evolution since 2001, its relatio nship with Pakistan's central government, and its transformation from an independent insurgent movement to one increasingly affiliated with an al- Qaeda-style global agenda. StephenTankelReport.pdf 0986/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Army Intel Journal Back Online --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The U.S. Army last year blocked online public acces s to the Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin (MIPB) , an Army intelligence journal, and moved the publication archive to the password-p rotected “Intelligence Knowledge Network But in response to a Freedom of Information Act req uest from the Federation of American Scientists , the Army promptly handed over a softcopy of the MIPB archive, as it was obliged to do. (One except ion: A Fall 2007 issue on Biometrics, marked FOUO, has not yet been approv ed for public release.) Back issues of the MIPB through the end of 2008 are now available on the web.

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0987/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Cold War Times Vol. 9, Issue 2 --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The May 1 issue of the Cold War Times is now posted for viewing online at . Over the past decade, the Cold War Museum has mad e great strides in honoring Cold War veterans and pre serving Cold War history.These recent developments have opened chann els of communication with Prince William County and Isle of Wright County to explore the benefits of locating the museum in their municipalities. All options are back on t he table including partnering with a museum or univers ity interested in adding the most comprehensive Cold War collections to its holdings. Everything happens for a reason. The museum is a functional mu seum in all aspects except for brick and mortar. 09.pdf 0988/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Concept of Operations for Police Intelligence Ope rations --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ This conceptof operations (CONOPS) establishes a b road approach to provide Police Intelligence Operations (PIO) capabi lities and supporting requirements for the United States Army across the spectrum of operations. PIO is the military police (MP) integrating functio n. PIO integrates, connects, and shares information and intelligence c ollected during the conduct of the other four MP functions (Law & Order , Internment/Resettlement, Maneuver and Mobility Supp ort, and Area Security). It supports the operations process through the incl usion of police engagement, police information collection, criminal intelligence, and police investigations to enhance situational unders tanding, battlefield visualization, and protection, to focus policing op erations and support social order (Rule of Law). 0989/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- CIA: Structured Analytic Techniques for Improving Intel Analysis --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ This primer highlights structured analytic techniqu es—some widely used in the private sector and academia, some unique to the intelligence profession. It is not a comprehensive overview of h ow intelligence officers conduct analysis. Rather, the primer highlights how structured analytic techniques can help one challenge judgments , identify mental mindsets, stimulate creativity, and manage uncertainty. In sh ort, incorporating regular use of techniques such as these can enable one to structure thinking for wrestling with difficult questions. -intelligence/csi-publications/books-and-monographs/Tradecraft%20Prim er-apr09.pdf 0990/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- The British Empire and the Second World War, by As hley Jackson --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ As the title indicates, this work deals with the ro le the 60 or so political entities -- crown colonies, dominions, ma ndates, protectorates,

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Indian Princely States, and many others -- more or less tied to the United Kingdom played in the 'British' war effort. One wo uld think this a well-told tale, but, as the author notes, though India a nd the Dominions have been more or less well covered, the rest of the Emp ire has not received much attention. The author provides a unique insight into the extre mely complex strategic concerns of a truly global empire in a truly global war. For example, events in the Indian Ocean might suggest threats to the Falklands or how Vichy-ite administrations in some French colonies m ight have threatened the security of small but strategically critical imperi al outposts or how the generous support of the war effort by an obscure pr otectorate such as Swaziland, might reflect not only loyalty to the Em pire, but also local concerns and ambitions and even help shape the post war world.

(a) Ashley Jackson, The British Empire and the Seco nd World War, London/New York: Hambledon Continuum, 2006. Pp. xvi i, 604. Illus., notes, biblio., index. $19.95 paper. ISBN:185285517 7

(b) Review: 0991/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Aviso: 9. ACIPSS – Arbeitstagung am Freitag, 5. Ju ni 2009 --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Bitte vormerken: Die 9. ACIPSS-Arbeitstagung findet am 5. Juni 2009 in Graz statt. ACIPSS-Newsletter-Bezieher erhalten in einer separaten eMail umgehend Mitteilung über das Programm, welches auch in Kürze auf online gestellt werden wird. 0992/09 ------------------------------------------- -------------------- Media - alerts --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ am Fr, 08.05. um 22:20 Uhr auf Dmax Die Jagd nach den verlorenen Fliegern Dauer: 58 Minuten (a) Inhalt: Die Jagd nach Kampfflugzeugen ist ihre Lebe nsaufgabe. Um seltene Maschinen aufzuspüren, die im 2. Weltkrieg abgestür zt sind, reisen sie rund um den Globus. Millionär und Flugzeugsammler Jerry Yagen aus Virginia finanziert die Expedition, Murray Griffiths betreib t eine Werkstatt in Australien, wo die Maschinen wieder flott gemacht w erden, Mechaniker Adam Maley vervollständigt das Team und bringt mit seine m West Virginia-Dialekt eine eigene Note in die Männerrunde. Die Suche nach einem Abfangjäger vom Typ Lockheed P-38 Lightning führt das Team mitten i n den Dschungel von Papua-Neuguinea. am Sa, 09.05. um 00:00 Uhr am ZDF dokukanal Unternehmen Alicia - Der lange Weg zu U-1195 Dauer: 45 Minuten (b) Beschreibung. Nur 18 Menschen überleben das Desaste r auf See. Der amerikanische Ingenieur Peter Robbins forscht seit vielen Jahren nach Wracks von deutschen U-Booten aus dem Zweiten Weltk rieg. Auf seiner Spurensuche im Horst-Bredow-Archiv in Cuxhaven stöß t Robbins auf das Schicksal der U-1195 und die Namen der Überlebenden . Schon bald steht für den US-Amerikaner fest: Gemeinsam mit Rudi Wieser, dem ehemaligen Mechaniker an Bord, will er die Fundstelle erkunden und betauchen. Das Team sucht nach Zeugnissen der Geschehnisse von damals. Eine Untersuchung der

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Wracks soll Aufschluss geben über die möglichen Urs achen, die letztlich zum Untergang der beiden Schiffe führten. am Sa, 09.05. um 06:45 Uhr am ZDF dokukanal Die Luftbrücke: Legende und Wahrheit Dauer: 45 Minuten (c) Beschreibung: Die ZDF-Dokumentation reflektiert ein Kapitel der Geschichte, das zunehmend von Klischees überlagert wird. Drohte damals ein dritter Weltkrieg? Wie total war diese Blockade wirklich? W aren die westalliierten Versorgungsflüge der einzige Weg, den freien Teil B erlins am Leben zu erhalten, oder bot die spektakuläre Operation auch Gelegenheit, politische und militärische Macht im Kalten Krieg zu demonstri eren? Und gab die Luftbrücke den letzten Anstoß zur Gründung der Bund esrepublik Deutschland? Die große Politik bot die Kulisse - doch die Autore n rücken eindringliche Erfahrungen und Schilderungen von Zeit- und Augenze ugen ganz verschiedener Schauplätze und Ereignisse in den Mittelpunkt. Hist oriker ordnen die Ereignisse ein und geben verblüffende Einblicke in ein nur scheinbar wohlbekanntes Kapitel der Nachkriegsgeschichte, des sen "Happy End" zu Beginn keineswegs absehbar war. am So, 10.05. um 00:00 Uhr Meine Geschichte: Die Berliner Luftbrücke Dauer: 15 Minuten (d) Inhalt: Alexander Galkin, Jahrgang 1922, war währen d des Zweiten Weltkrieges Politoffizier. Er wurde 1945 als Militä r-Korrespondent der Sowjetunion in Berlin stationiert. Bis 1948 arbeite te er sehr eng mit seinen amerikanischen, englischen und französischen Kollegen zusammen. Mit der Währungsreform der Westalliierten änderte sich dieses gute Verhältnis schlagartig. am So, 10.05. um 16:25 Uhr am WDR tag7: Allein gegen die Waffenindustrie Dauer: 30 Minuten (e) Inhalt: Was kaum jemand weiß: Deutschland ist weltw eit die Nummer Drei der Waffenexporteure - Umsatzprognose steigend - selbst in der Krise. Einer, der sein bürgerschaftliches Engagement im Widerstan d gegen die Produktion von Kriegsmaterial sieht, ist Jürgen Grässlin. Mit ungebrochener Vehemenz stellt sich der Realschullehrer schon seit über 25 Jahren gegen deutsche Waffenhersteller, wie die Firma Heckler und Koch, o der Großkonzerne wie Daimler Chrysler. Eine zermürbende Aufgabe, für die er sich in seiner Freizeit, ehrenamtlich auch als Vorsitzender einer Friedensgruppe, engagiert. Ein Kampf "David gegen Goliath". Vor kur zem konnte Jürgen Grässlin den Einsatz deutscher Waffen auch im Georg ien-Krieg nachweisen. Der ehemalige Grünenpolitiker wird nicht müde, die Verkaufspraktiken und Waffenbaulizenzvergaben der deutschen Rüstungskonze rne öffentlich anzuprangern und ihnen ihre zerstörerischen Geschäf te vorzuhalten. tag7 begleitet den überzeugten Kriegsgegner zu Gespräche n bei Politikern, zu Protesten in der Industrie und auf seinem Weg in Kr isengebiete. Wie erfolgreich kann ein einzelner Mensch gegen eine gr oße Industrie antreten? am Mo, 11.05. um 23:20 Uh auf 3Sat Kreuz & Quer: Auszeit vom Terror? -Ein Peacecamp im Waldviertel Dauer: 30 Minuten (f) Inhalt: 33 Teenager zwischen 14 und 17 Jahren, jüdi sche und arabische Israelis, Ungarn und Österreicher, haben im Juli 20 08 das Peacecamp in Reibers im Österreichischen Waldviertel besucht, ge meinsam gelacht, geweint, gestritten, gespielt und Fragen gestellt. Die Teenager sind

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einander näher gekommen und teilen, zurück in ihren Heimatländern, gemeinsame Erinnerungen an diese Zeit. - Film über das Camp. am Di, 12.05. um 13:45 Uhr auf alpha RAF - Deutschland im Fadenkreuz - Die Anfänge Dauer: 10 Minuten (g) Inhalt: Morde, Anschläge, Entführungen - 30 Jahre l ang überzog die "Rote Armee Fraktion" (RAF) (West-) Deutschland mit terro ristischen Akten. 1977 erreicht der RAF-Terror während des so genannten "D eutschen Herbstes" seinen Höhepunkt. Die Sendereihe zeigt die Anfänge der RAF, porträtiert die Gründergeneration und beleuchtet die Ereignisse im Deutschen Herbst bis zur Selbstauflösung der RAF im Jahr 1998. Die RAF mag G eschichte sein, in der Diskussion um vorzeitige Haftentlassungen ehemalige r RAF-Terroristen zeigt sich aber, dass dieses Kapitel noch nicht abgeschlo ssen ist. am Di, 12.05. um 22:05 Uhr am mdr Die Gestapo - Henker an der Heimatfront Dauer: 43 Minuten (h) Gestapo weitgehend auf das "Altreich" zurückgedräng t. Die Gestapo bekommt eine neue Aufgabe: Sie soll dafür sorgen, dass die Heimatfront hält - um jeden Preis. "Abweichler", Kritiker und Gegner des Regimes sollen "ausgeschaltet" werden. Schon kleinste Vergehen wer den hart bestraft. Als Zeitzeugin berichtet Eva Rössner, wie ihr Großvater wegen Hören eines "Feindsenders" mit zweieinhalb Jahren Zuchthaus bes traft wurde. Der Jazzmusiker Emil Mangelsdorff und die Zeitzeugen Wo lfgang Lauinger und Franz Kremer erzählen, wie sie als so genannte Swin gjugend von der Gestapo verfolgt, verhaftet und gefoltert wurden. Ihr Verge hen: Sie hatten verbotene Jazz-Musik gehört. Ins Visier der Gestapo geraten jetzt auch noch jene wenigen Juden, die mit einem nichtjüdischen Pa rtner in so genannter Mischehe leben. Zum Beispiel Clara Greding aus Fran kfurt. Ihre Töchter erzählen, wie ihre Mutter in die Lindenstraße 27 be stellt wurde, Sitz der Gestapozentrale in Frankfurt. Hier herrscht Heinric h Baab. Laut späterer Zeugenaussagen soll er sich damit gebrüstet haben, 387 Frauen "vernichtet und ausgelöscht" zu haben. Baab lässt Clara Greding im Januar 1944 nach Auschwitz deportieren. Dort wird sie ermordet. Hein rich Baab wird nach dem Krieg zu einer lebenslangen Haftstrafe verurteilt - eine Ausnahme, viele seiner Gestapokollegen kommen straffrei davon. am Mi, 13.05. um 23:35 Uhr am mdr Schnappschüsse vom Krieg - Tony Vaccaro - Der Sold at mit der Kamera Dokumentarfilm Dauer: 45 Minuten (i) Inhalt: "Die Fotokamera hat mir geholfen, diesen Kr ieg zu überleben. Ich wollte diese Hölle festhalten, weil ich dachte, das glaubt uns später niemand, wie grauenhaft es war. So rannte ich oft s chneller, versuchte mich noch besser vor den Kugeln der Deutschen zu schütze n und trotzdem gleichzeitig alles zu sehen." Do, 14.05. um 09:45 Uhr im hr Das Stasi-Gefängnis Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Dauer: 30 Minuten (j) Inhalt: Kaum ein Ort in der DDR war so geheim wie d as Gefängnis des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit (MfS) in Berlin-H ohenschönhausen. Die Untersuchungshäftlinge, die dort einsaßen, wussten nicht, wo sie sich befanden; oft wussten sie nicht einmal, in welcher Stadt sie waren. Die Geschichte dieses Ortes spiegelt den Kalten Krieg e benso wider wie die deutsche Teilung. Sie begann 1946, als der sowjetis che Geheimdienst eine ehemalige Großküche zum Untersuchungsgefängnis und Internierungslager für

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Nazi-Funktionäre umbauen ließ. 1951 wurde es vom Mi nisterium für Staatssicherheit übernommen. Das MfS selbst entzog sich jeder Kontrolle durch Parlament und Ministerrat. Nach dem Bau der M auer 1961 landeten im Stasi-Gefängnis Hohenschönhausen vielfach jene Bürg er, die mit dem neu geschaffenen Strafrechtstatbestand der "Republikflu cht" in Konflikt gerieten, seit Ende der 1970er Jahre auch jene, die eine Reform des DDR-Sozialismus einforderten. In der Sendung kommen Zei tzeugen beider Seiten zu Wort: ein Stasi-Vernehmer, für den das Untersuchung sgefängnis ein ganz normaler Arbeitsplatz war, und Häftlinge, die sich hier zu verantworten hatten. Nach dem Fall der Mauer öffneten sich 1990 die Tore eines der geheimsten Orte der deutschen Teilungsgeschichte. H eute ist das Untersuchungsgefängnis Hohenschönhausen Gedenkstätt e und Museum.











Deadline for application: 12 May 2009 ******************************************* This newsletter is EDITED by Verena Klug and publis hed by Disclaimer: ACIPSS reserves the right not to be res ponsible for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of informa tion which is incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected. Likewise ACIPSS is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from his pages. If any damage occurs by the use of information presented t here, only the author of the respective pages might be liable, not ACIPSS wh o has linked to these pages. (If sections or individual terms of this sta tement are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact.) The views expressed in commentaries are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy, position, or opinions of ACIPSS. You receive this newsletter in accordance with § 10 7 (4) Telekommunikationsgesetz (TKG)

Page 31: ACIPSS nl 09-19 · ACIPSS-Newsletter 19/2009 2 0954/09 Swedish National Charged with Hacking and Theft of Trade Secrets 0955/09 Wem gehört die EU?

ACIPSS-Newsletter 19/2009 31

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