Кachak: Reading as a tool of children's development from 6 months

Reading as a tool of children's development from 6 months: project "All of Ukraine Reads to Kids" Tetyana Kachak, candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Precarpathian National University named after V.Stefanyk, member of the Ukrainian Research Center of Children’s and Youth Literature Центр дослідження літератури для дітей та юнацтва _________________________________________________ Ukrainian Research Center of Children’s and Youth Literature

Transcript of Кachak: Reading as a tool of children's development from 6 months

  • Reading as a tool of children's development from 6 months:

    project "All of Ukraine Reads to Kids"

    Tetyana Kachak, candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of

    Precarpathian National University named after V.Stefanyk, member

    of the Ukrainian Research Center of Childrens and Youth Literature

    _________________________________________________Ukrainian Research Center of Childrens and

    Youth Literature

  • The "All of Ukraine Reads to Kids" initiated by the Foundation ABCXXI - "All of Poland Reads to Kids" under the "All of Europe Reads to Kids"

  • For the first Ukrainian Research Center of Childrens and Youth Literature attempts to change stereotypical approaches to reading for children. Nowadays in Ukraine a large-scale campaign d promoting early reading for children is not conducte. This project is aimed to show that reading makes big impact on children and their future. In addition to this innovative aspect of the project is that it creates an open space for the development of child individuality and creativity through reading, which in Ukraine is not known. "

    President of the Ukrainian Research Center of Childrens and Youth

    Literature Uljana Baran (Hnidets)

  • The project "All of Ukraine Reads to Kids"

    is aimed at: raising awareness of the society about the importance of reading to children from an early age and educating parents and teachers to encourage early intellectual development of children, their reading and communicative skills, distribution and introduction the idea of early reading to children. The motto of the campain: "Read your child since birth 20 minutes every day! "

  • What does reading go for children?

    Why sould we read for children?

    Considering reading as a means for children's development from 6 months, we give answers to key


  • During listening and reviving text the child develops: thinking and imagination, sense of feeling and

    understanding language, active speech (and thus

    communicative skills)memory and imagination;

    expand horizons and knowledge about themselves and the world around;

    habits o learning independent reading.

    Reading is the key to knowledge and mental development of the child.

    In the process of understanding read material the child:

    learns models of behavior; learns universal values of the

    subsequent formation of personal moral qualities,

    extends the idea of national, family, civic values,

    gets the boost not only to identity but also to the development of reflection (communicative, personal, intellectual),

    acquires the ability to evaluate their own and others' behavior from the standpoint of moral norms.

    Reading is means of moral education of the child.

  • In the process of perception of artistic reality, the child learns to:

    distinguish beautiful and the ugly,

    values the beautiful in nature, life, art,

    aesthetic of the language.

    Reading contributes to the aesthetic development of the child.

    The process of reading for child provides

    mastery of speech, direct emotional communication

    of an adult and a child, positive communication, specific activity of the child and

    prevents the development of the so-called "child in capability"

    meeting needs of child in impressions, formation of self-awareness and self-development

    Reading promotes mental development of the child.

  • What should we read for children?

    What criteria should we consider when choosing books for reading?

  • Modern printing offices offer a wide range of books for preschoolers. They are made of sold cloth, books with fluffy inserts, books, puzzles, books-games with coloring elements and books with stickers, books with maps and figures of heroes. Subject and genre nature of the proposed texts for preschoolers are also different.

  • Books should be chosen for children's reading designed for children, interesting and coherentBased on content - something important for the child or those which can help find out something important,

    good literary language, or in fine translation,which teach rational thinking,which provides deep knowledge and / or interesting entertainment,which promote respect for children, people, beings, animals, nature, country, respect for social norms,

    which develop good taste and a sense of humor or responding to the age of the child and sensuality that do not cause fear and anxiety,

    which carry a positive moral example, promote certain models of behavior,which develop aesthetic perception,forming optimism, self-confidence and a positive attitude to the world,avoiding stereotypes associated with gender, race, nationality,avoiding violence as a "way of life" and the way to solve problems.

    (from the experience of the authors of "All of Poland reads to Kids")

  • book to read

    to childre


    What are the criteria for selecting books of reading for children

  • To help parents, educators, organizers of children's entertainment to choose a book as part of the project "All of Ukraine Reads for Kids" we should :- develop and distribute lists of the best books

    to reading childrens from 6 months age according to different categories of readers-listeners;

    - announce new texts the contest of Best books for children";

    - collaborate with authors and publishers to in terms of reading in preschools, creating libraries for family reading and more.

  • What tips on choosing books for children can you offer?

  • How should we read for children?

    Who should read for children?

  • Experience of Polish colleagues: we should read for children

    each day, preferably at the same time, at least 20 minutes

    with fun for children using voice (quiet, fast, slow, in a high and low voice, with pauses, etc.), facial expressions and gestures, game situations


  • Now the focus on children's reading through the active position of libraries, publishers, in the community has increased significantly.

    The problem is only that there is no state program for the development and support of children's reading, publishing and more.

  • The main difference of family reading from other its kinds is that parents using the book, begin to work truly at their child's spiritual development, the formation of personality

    T.M. Chichkan

    Parents should read for children

  • Promoting family reading is one of the objectives of the Centre, which can be implemented through various projects, events and promotions:- creative reading,- family birthday celebrations of literary heroes, - literary competitions- collaboration with family planning centers, clubs of

    childs development and leisure,- dialogue with parents (advice, guidance, support)

    creation of clubs "family reading".

  • Some tips that may be helpful to parents

    begin to acquaint kids with reading from the first years of life. Reading for child extends its outlook, helps to get the pleasure of reading, provide knowledge and vocabulary;choose a book for reading together with your child;

  • child learns to listen to the book first, then to turn over the pages, to remember the words that see or hear. Reading provides an opportunity to laugh and cry along side with the characters in the book;

    daily find time for the book.

  • Development of future reading culture, readers interest of the child largely

    depends on the environment in which it lives

  • We should read for children in pre-schools

    Positive experience of marathon reading "Tell your child a story", initiated by Lviv City Council and conducted in preschool establishments in the city with the participation of famous artists, athletes, journalists and public figures. Center maintains such practice by the project Men-Legends

  • We should read for children in the library Modern libraries offer new projects to attract preschoolers to reading: - reading with the participation of librarians, psychologists, parents;- reading games (eg, "Play with

    your kids in the books ...");- Read in roles, - author readings, presentations

    and so on.

  • Positive evaluation results give such projects of librarian reading author Eugenia Pirog "Add Reading", "silver book," during which reading and work involves children of all ages, and to promote reading we involve writers, illustrators, educators, teachers, parents.

  • Ukrainian Research Center of Childrens and Youth Literature already has experience of working with libraries. In training the leaders of the "All Ukraine reads for Children" - educators, teachers, librarians, organizers of children's education and entertainment in children's clubs, parents will be directed Trainings Workshops Conferences workshops promoting reading for


  • Ukrainian Research Center of Childrens and Youth Literature in the program "All of Ukraine Reads to Kids will continue to implement projects aimed at developing children's reading and promoting quality of modern books for children.

  • Projects Ukrainian Research Center of Childrens and Youth Literature Author Project by Mariana Savky "People


  • The project "From large to small," in which the literary prize "Grand Hedgehog" is awarded (Director Marianne Kiyanovska)

  • Projects "creative reading" (by Galina Pavlyshyn) and "educational hours with a book" (by Ulyana Baran)

  • Literary festival "Wonderland"Celebrating "International Day of Children's


  • International project "Literature. Children. Time" with the support of Robert Bosh reading


  • International project "Literature. Children. Time" with the support of Robert Bosh reading FON

  • What realization project "All of Ukraine Reads for Kids" can be offered by the Ukrainian Research Center of Children's and Youth Literature?

  • Stages of the projectDevelopment of promotional campaigns.Site creation. Video to promote early reading for children

    on radio and television.Publication and presentation of the handbook "Creative

    ReadingPublication of illustrative booklet "The first book of my

    child" for children from 6 months to 3 years of modern Ukrainian poetry writers.

    Training (presentations, training sessions, interactive workshops, etc) for experts in elementary education, libraries and other organizations involved in education and development of children from all regions of Ukraine in Lviv.

  • Comments and suggestions Panelists:

    What positive results can be expected from the project "All of Ukraine Reads to Kids" in our society?

    Who can support this project?

  • Thank you

    1 2 3The project "All of Ukraine Reads to Kids" 5 6 7 9Books should be chosen for children's reading 11 12What tips on choosing books for children can you offer? 15 16Parents should read for children 18Some tips that may be helpful to parents 20 21We should read for children in pre-schoolsWe should read for children in the library 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32Stages of the project 35 36