ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc. Town Hall Meeting September 1 2015 ACF Windy City...

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc. Town Hall Meeting September 1 2015 ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

Transcript of ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc. Town Hall Meeting September 1 2015 ACF Windy City...

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

Town Hall MeetingSeptember 1 2015

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.


• Review the Motion at Hand• Discuss the Process• Committee Members• Disclosure• Vision• Open Floor for Discussion• Next Steps

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

The Motion

MOTIONTo change the by-laws to allow the Board of Directors, at their discretion, to dissolve the

chapter for the purpose of forming a new Chapter of the American Culinary Federation and to transfer all assets of the chapter, after the payment of debts and obligations, to the

new organization.

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

The Precedence

Article XAmendments to Bylaws

Any member of the ACF WCPC may make a written proposal to amend these bylaws. The Board of Directors shall forward the written proposal to the membership.

At the next general meeting no sooner than 60 days after the proposal is distributed to the membership, a vote on

the proposed change shall be taken. The proposed amendment shall require a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative

vote from voting members present to be adopted.

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

The Process

• Present the Motion• Schedule and Conduct the Vote• Assemble a committee to follow the Chapter

Formation Guidelines as defined by ACF National

• Collect list of members wishing to sit on the newly formed chapter

• Legally dissolve present chapters and close the individual corporations

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

Who got us here

• Committee– John Reed CEC. CCA – President ACF WCPC– Joe Aiello, CEC, AAC – President ACF CCC– Tom Ryan, CEC - Treasurer ACF CCC– Jeff Lemke, CEC AAC – Treasurer ACF WCPC– John Draz, CEC, CCE – Board of Directors RCA– John Kartje, CEC, AAC – Past National Sargent at

Arms, Past President ACF CCC

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

Disclosure and Discussion

• Both Chapters completed a full disclosure meeting in which cultural, financials, corporate and legal issues were presented– There are no real issues preventing the closure of

the current 2 chapter system– Consolidation was the best course of action– What was best for North East Illinois

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

The New Organization– Creating and managing an on-line, real time and personalized

culinary network via our website, direct communication and one-on-one personal networking

– Developing, attracting and conducting nationally recognized professional culinary education and professional development events that support certification and career advancement

– Being a visible and active member of the Chicago’s food and chef community by supporting food focused out-reach programs and educational institutions through volunteerism and philanthropy

– Recognizing and preserving the accomplishments of the professional chef community and the craft of cooking in the City of Chicago and its influence on our future endeavors.

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

Member Benefits– Access to a larger membership and on-line network under

a common brand – The elimination of choosing which side to belong– No new dues increase and a commitment to minimize any

additional costs through out the year– A wider range of events and activities for the members to

pick and choose from that are on their schedule– The benefits associated with being part of the oldest and

largest professional culinary organization in the country– Access to the only recognized culinary certification

program in the country– More opportunities and resources to improve your own


ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

Organizational Benefits – A united and sustainable leadership focused on a singular

agenda– Articulated and documented operational best practices– An open book mentality of fiscal responsibility and disclosure– An immediate increase in useable assets to fund membership

activities– A clear singular agenda for attracting resources and support

from the food community, vendors and other professional organizations

– Reduced operating costs and leadership expenses providing more investment into membership activities

– Professional management and advisors accountable to the membership not the incumbent leadership

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

Support• Kyle Richardson, CEC, CCE, AAC - National

Secretary, Previous Past Vice President Central Region

• Brian Hardy, CEC, CCA, AAC - Central Region Vice President

• Joe Monestaro – Director Strategy and Global Development Kendall College

• Matt Hinkle, CEC – Current President Chicago Chapter of Club Chefs, Member WCPC

• Michael Garbin, CEC, AAC, HOGT – National Chair Certification Committee, Chairman of the Board

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

My Personal Journey

• Why– Responsibility as President– My belief in what the ACF has done for my

professional career

• My Commitment• Acceptance of consequences

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.


• This is your time to – Ask questions– Voice Concerns– Choose to be engaged– Provide suggestions – Decide what is best for you– Put the 200# Gorilla on the table

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

Next Steps

• Call for the Vote Date• Cast your Vote• Accept the consequences of both a Yes or No

Vote• Decide how to move forward based on the


ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

Comments and Questions

• Motion to accept motion of Dissolving Both Chicago ACF Chapters and forming a new entity; 1st Linda Rosner and 2nd Michael Artlip

• Michael Garbin question; past Presidents dues paid, will no longer exist.

• Would all assets be frozen; they have agreed in kind to due that. Chef Reed will clarify with Chef de Cuisine

• How does the transition happen?

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

• Who is responsible for consolidating Chapters? This will be the responsibility of the above committee with the addition on new members who specialize in specific needs of the process

• Brian Lorge; consolidation will cost both chapters dollars• How do we encourage Celebrity Chefs to join and buy in. This will

be part of a strong foundation and encompassing philosophy • Would club chefs be interested in a single chapter scenario? Matt

Hinkle, President of the Club Chef’s believes it would increase interest in partnership and participation

• Joe D observations; – Commented on how ACF provided career enhancement,– How his interactive with trade associations, especially with interaction

with RCA showed the benefit of 3rd party overseer or professional management company

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

• Vote on the motion to move forward; all aye• Call for vote date; Motion for vote November 2-6, 2015 by Michael

Garbin and 2nd by Michael Artlip; all aye• Vote will be an online vote open to voting members only and for a

specific time to allow as many members as possible to participate• Recommendations from the floor. We will continue to operate as

separate chapters until the vote has been verified but suggested that until then some collaborative events be held by both chapters

• From Michael Garbin; Can you give your voting proxy to someone else to vote on your behalf. Will not be needed due to the on-line vote process.

• Motion for online vote by M. Artlip; all aye• Motion to dismiss – M. Artlip, 2nd L. Rosner

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.

Motion for a 5 day opportunity to vote from 9pm November 2nd to Friday, November 6th at 9pm.Motion to end the meeting by Michael Artlip; all aye.

ACF Windy City Professional Culinarians Inc.