Account Sharing in the Context of Networked Hospitality Exchange

Airi Lampinen @airi_ Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT *Research done at Microsoft Research New England Account Sharing in the Context of Networked Hospitality Exchange


Presentation given at #cscw2014 Full paper available at the ACM Digital Library, pre-print freely downloadable from

Transcript of Account Sharing in the Context of Networked Hospitality Exchange

Page 1: Account Sharing in the Context of Networked Hospitality Exchange

Airi Lampinen @airi_!Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT!

*Research done at Microsoft Research New England!

Account  Sharing  in  the  Context  of    Networked  Hospitality  Exchange  


Page 2: Account Sharing in the Context of Networked Hospitality Exchange  Non-­‐monetary  Networked  Hospitality  Exchange  

Network  hospitality  (Molz,  2011):    The  ways  users  of  hospitality  exchange  services  connect  with  one  another  via  online  tools,    and  the  kinds  of  relaAonships  they  perform  when  they  meet  each  other  offline  and  face  to  face  

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Why  are  account  sharing  and  network  hospitality  important  for  CSCW?    •  Many  popular  and  emerging  online  sharing  

and  collaboraAve  consumpAon  systems  allow  people  to  engage  in  network  hospitality  and  in  other  types  social  exchange  of  goods  and  services  

 •  People  oFen  live  together  with  others  and  co-­‐

own  resources  -­‐  services  that  support  opening  up  domesAc  spaces  and  sharing  other  types  of  resources  need  to  take  this  into  account  

 •  This  project  sheds  light  on  the  account  

sharing  challenges  encountered  by  mulF-­‐person  households  who  offer  to  host  strangers  in  their  homes  through  

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Case  Study  of  Account  Sharing  on  

•  In-­‐depth,  semi-­‐structured  interviews  with  16  individuals  from  8  households  of  more  than  one  people  who  offer  to  host  couchsurfers  in  their  domesAc  spaces  

•  Primary  focal  points  of  the  analysis:  1.  SeNng  up  and  maintaining  profiles  2.  Handling  CouchRequests  3.  WriAng  and  receiving  references  

aFer  hosAng  couchsurfers  

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Challenges  Related  to  Account  Sharing    in  the  Context  of  Network  Hospitality  

1.  PresenAng  mulAple  people  in  a  single  profile  

2.  CoordinaAng  negoAaAons  over  access  to  domesAc  space  

3.  RepresenAng  in  a  fair  way  the  reputaAon  hosts  have  accumulated  together  over  Ame  

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“Right  now,  it’s  just  male,  female,  or  mul5ple  people.  And  then  you  can  put  mul5ple  pictures  or  you  can  describe,  but  there’s  no  way  to  actually  say  we  are  this  person,  this  person  and  this  person.  And  not  all  of  us  have  a  way  to  log  in  and  see  the  site  unless  we  just  share  my  login.”    "

Challenge  I:  PresenFng  MulFple  People  in  One  Profile          

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Challenge  II:    NegoFaFng  over    Access  to  DomesFc  Spaces      

“We  definitely  always  look  at  the  request  and  talk  about  it  together  [..]  I  don’t  think  one  of  us  would  say  yes  or  no  to  someone  before  we  had  talked  about  it.”      


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Challenge  II:    NegoFaFng  over    Access  to  DomesFc  Spaces      

”Yeah  usually  the  way  we  do  it  is  he  checks  the  account,  but  he  sends  me  the  details  and  then  we  discuss  whether  those  days  work  and  then  I  respond  to  him  and  he  writes  back  and  then  he  starts  cc'ing  me  on  any  email  exchanges  he  has.”      


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“Yeah,  I  would  guess  that  we'd  probably  write  it,  because  I  bet,  like,  if  we  had  a  really  fun  5me,  then  we  would  probably  want  to,  like,  sit  together,  and  say,  oh,  this  was  fun,  that  was  fun,  and  write  about  it.  And  if  we  were  like,  a  liIle  peeved,  then  I  think  we  would  want  to,  like,  talk  together  about  how  to  be  polite  but  also  be  honest”.      

Challenge  III:      Sharing  the  Benefits  of    a  Trustworthy  ReputaFon        

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“the  first  5me  I’m  hearing  about  feedback”    

Challenge  III:      Sharing  the  Benefits  of    a  Trustworthy  ReputaFon        

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Not  knowing  what  kind  of  a  reputaAon  one’s  household  has  online  may  be  problemaAc    For  instance,  lesser  opportuniAes  to  benefit  from  a  good  reputaAon  accumulated  through  joint  hosAng  efforts  

Challenge  III:      Sharing  the  Benefits  of    a  Trustworthy  ReputaFon        

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Designing  for  Shared  Use:    Shared  Profiles  and  ReputaFon      •  A  profile  that  showcases  posiAve  references  is  likely  to  

increase  its  owners’  success  in  requesAng  a  place  to  stay  (or  in  receiving  visitors  to  host)  –  how  to  allow  everyone  involved  in  hosFng  to  benefit  fairly?    

•  Current  design  provides  li`le  assistance  for  transferring  reputaAon  to  a  new  context  –  how  to  support  conFnuing  parFcipaFon  as  a  reputed  member  aOer  a  life  change?    

•  How  about  designing  mulF-­‐person  profiles  as  collecFons  of  components  that  can  be  combined  and  decomposed  as  needed?  (Consider  the  trade-­‐offs!)  

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Designing  for  Shared  Use:    Shared  Access  and  Awareness           •  Some  parAcipants  were  not  contented  with  the  

affordances  provides  for  cooperaFve  coordinaFon  

•  When  it  comes  to  facilitaAng  cooperaAon  among  mulAple  household  members  who  are  sharing  an  account,  however,  seemingly  easy  fixes,  such  as  allowing  mulAple  redirect  addresses,  may  introduce  inadvertent  challenges  

•  Group-­‐level  coordinaAon  is  not  an  issue  that  could  be  ‘solved  by  design’,  rather  provide  users  with  meaningful  choice  and  encourage  joint  reflecFon  

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Designing  for  Shared  Use:    Shared  Access  and  Awareness           •  Asking  people  to  consider  clearly  arFculated  choices  when  they  are  seNng  up  a  shared  account  in  an  online  

system  could  help  them  reflect  on  and  discuss  together  how  to  handle  their  account  

•  Next  to  opAons  from  which  to  select  in  seNng  up  a  profile,  the  setup  process  could  be  accompanied  with  a  short  list  of  issues  household  members  should  agree  upon  and  examples  of  how  others  have  resolved  them:  –  who  maintains  the  profile?  –  how  are  decisions  over  whom  to  host  made?  –  who  answers  messages  and  writes  references?  

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•  Key  challenges  of  account  sharing  in  the  context  of  networked  hospitality  exchange  include    1.  presenAng  mulAple  people  with  a  single  profile  2.  coordinaAng  and  negoAaAng  responding  to  CouchRequests  3.  sharing  the  benefits  of  a  good  reputaAon  in  a  fair  way      

•  Similar  issues  may  occur  in  other  instances  of  network  hospitality  as  well  as  in  systems  that  facilitate  online  exchange  or  ridesharing  

 •  Amidst  the  rising  rhetoric  of  a  ‘reputaFon  economy’,  

what  are  the  inclusions,  exclusions,  and  inequaliAes  that  reputaAon  metrics  may  renew  or  create,  especially  if  they  fail  to  acknowledge  people’s  account  sharing  pracAces?  


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•  Money:  Account  sharing  pracAces  in  non-­‐monetary  vs  monetary  networked  hospitality  exchange  

•  Household  types:  Differences  in  terms  of  preferences  and  pracAces  for  account  sharing    

•  Beyond  network  hospitality:  Account  sharing  when  it  comes  to  sharing  other  types  of  resources,  such  as  cars,  bikes,  or  other  tangible  items  

Future  DirecFons    

Acknowledgements    The  research  for  this  paper  was  conducted  while  at  MicrosoF  Research  New  England.    I  wish  to  thank  the  parAcipants  and  acknowledge  Mary  L.  Gray,  Nancy  Baym,  the  Social  Media  CollecAve,  colleagues  at  HIIT  and  the  anonymous  reviewers  for  invaluable  advice.    The  work  was  finalized  with  funding  from  the  TEKES  project  FuNeSoMo.  

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