Account Planning 101


Transcript of Account Planning 101

What is an account planner?

An account planner is responsible for developing the strategy and setting the initial tone and message for a campaign.

Wait, so what do you do?

Account planners are “the creative’s left brain.”

Account planners “represent the consumer.”

Account planners represent truth.

No seriously, what the %$#! do you do?

It’s complicated.

Advertising used to be simpler.

Today, advertising is anything but.

We live in an age of information.

Planners turn information into insights.

There is strategy behind everything you see.

There is strategy in every stage ofthe CDP.

What’s the CDP?

Communications Development Process

Communications Development Process

Communications Development Process

Communications Development Process

Communications Development Process

Communications Development Process

Communications Development Process

Communications Development Process


So one last time...

What do you do?

I read.

A lot.

I write.

A lot

I use a lifetime’s worth of disconnected experiences to help me connect the dots between disparate ideas.

I am simultaneously a voice of reason and an inspiration for the creative geniuses around me.

I do advertising.