ACCIDENT & INCIDENT INVESTIGATION · 2014-10-07 · HSG245 Accident & Incident Investigation Form...

Represent Influence Negotiate ACCIDENT & INCIDENT INVESTIGATION Course Directors Lyn Harris & Graham Richens

Transcript of ACCIDENT & INCIDENT INVESTIGATION · 2014-10-07 · HSG245 Accident & Incident Investigation Form...

Represent Influence Negotiate



Course Directors

Lyn Harris & Graham Richens

Represent Influence Negotiate


Fire Alarm

Meals, Breaks, Toilets

Smoking area

Mobile Phones

Dress Code, Behaviour.

Represent Influence Negotiate


To familiarise safety leaders with the

principles of

‘Accident & Incident Investigation’.

Represent Influence Negotiate


Discuss causes of accidents & incidents

Be aware of investigation policies

Consider different approaches to investigations

Help to prevent reoccurrences

Understand reasons & benefits of investigations

Gain Experience by Case Studies & Practicals.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Brief Introductions


Branch Board

1 thing you would change in your Force?

Represent Influence Negotiate

List 10 causes of accidents in the


1. Lack of Information

2. Lack of Instruction

3. “ “ “ Training

4. “ “ Supervision

5. Human Error / Failings

6. Criminality

7. Poor Policies, Procedures, Practices

8. Inadequate Equipment or Resources

9. Tiredness

10. ‘F’ Factor.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Reasons for Investigations?








Represent Influence Negotiate

Legal Reasons For Preventing Accidents

Compensation claims in civil courts

Out of court settlements

Enforcement notices

Corporate fines

Personal fines



} Criminal


Represent Influence Negotiate

Benefits of Good Health & Safety Standards



sick leave



staff turnover

↑ performance

↑ productivity

↑ morale

↑ legal compliance

↑ reputation.


Represent Influence Negotiate

HSE Statistics


Fatalities = 148

Major/Specified = 19,707

Over 7 day “ = 175,000 (formerly 3 day)

Other Injuries = 78,222

Work illness = 1.1 Million

Work costs = £13.8 Billion.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Police Service Injury & ill-

health statistics 2010

Fatal Injuries




Over 3 day

2 340


3 119

Represent Influence Negotiate

£ Cost to

Greater Manchester Police

Police Officer strength 2008

7992x £250 x 8.5 days = £16,983,000

Support Staff strength 2008

4353x £150 x 9.5 days= £6,203,025

235 Officers per 100,000 populous

Home Office Statistical Bulletin 30th September 2008

Represent Influence Negotiate

Worst Industries?




Waste Recycling


Represent Influence Negotiate

RIDDOR – Reportable Outcomes

Enforcing Authority to be notified of:

Fatalities result of work accident

Specified injury

Hospitalisation of person

Off work over 7 Days

Industrial Diseases

Dangerous occurrence

Form of Report


Phone 08453009923

Accident Book BL510.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Accident & Near Miss

Accident = Event that results in injury, ill health or loss

Near Miss (HSE) = An event that, while not causing harm, has the potential to cause injury or ill health.

Dangerous Occurrence (RIDDOR): If something happens which does not result in a reportable injury, but which could have done, it may be a listed dangerous occurrence

Represent Influence Negotiate

What are your Forces

investigation policies,

procedures, or practices?

Does your force investigate Acc’s & Near misses?

Do they Review ‘Risk Assessments’ after?

Is ‘Reporting’ Encouraged or Discouraged?

Do they seek to ‘Blame’, or ‘Learn & Develop’?

Do they work ‘Together’ with all ‘Parties’?

Is there a Positive Health & Safety Culture?.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Which events should be



Potential consequences

Likelihood of adverse event recurring

Not simply the injury / ill health suffered on this occasion

Include ‘Near Misses’.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Consider different approaches

to investigations


Accident & Incident Investigation Form

Protocol for Liaison (Work-related deaths)

Represent Influence Negotiate

Help to prevent re-occurrences

Immediate Response

Inform All Stakeholders

Gather & Analyse Information

Identify Possible Causes

Suitable Risk Control Measures

Agree Action Plan & Implementation

Monitor & Review.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Benefits arising from an


Understanding of how / why things went wrong

True snapshot of what really happens, and how work

is Actually done

Identifies deficiencies in risk control management

Prevention of further similar adverse events

Prevention of losses

Improvement in morale and attitude towards H&S.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Accident Investigation

In addition, investigation will enable services to:

Report certain accidents and dangerous occurrences to

the HSE, Reporting Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous

Occurrences Reg’s 2013 (RIDDOR);

Comply with Social Security (Claims and Payments)

Reg’s 1979. Preservation of data about injured persons,

Enables claims for industrial disability to be processed.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Rights, Wrongs, & Entitlements?

1. What Must the Force do?

2. What should Safety Reps Do / Not do ?

3. Accidents Good/Bad Practice?

Reg 6-7 Safety Reps & Safety Committees

Reg 6 = Inspections after A.I.O.& D’s

Reg 7 = Provision of Information

JBB Circular 30 / 2010 Computer Data.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Accident / Incident Investigation,

Issues to be covered

Circumstances of accident / incident

What preventive measures were in place

before the accident

Breaches of relevant legislation

What measures are necessary to prevent

recurrence of accident/incident

Person(s) who can implement changes.

Represent Influence Negotiate

A.I.I. Form Reported by:

Date/time of event:


Ill Health Minor Injury Serious Injury

Major Injury

Brief details (What, where, when, who and emergency measures taken):

Ref no:

Accident and Incident Investigation Form


Represent Influence Negotiate

Accident / Incident


Step 1: Gather Information

Step 2: Analyse the information

Step 3: Identify risk control measures

Step 4: Action plan & implementation.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Step 1 - Information

Gather information

Where & When did the event happen

Who was injured / involved

How did the event happen

What activities were being carried out

Anything unusual

Were safe working procedures foIIowed

Injuries / ill-health effects caused.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Step 2 - Analysis

Should be objective and unbiased

Identifies consequence of events that led

up to accident / incident

Identifies the immediate causes

Identifies the underlying & root causes

Achieved by asking WHY?.

Represent Influence Negotiate

A typical ladder accident

Represent Influence Negotiate

Fall from a ladder: what happened and

why? John breaks his leg

John is on ladder Fall due to gravity John falls off

Access to the roof

To replace tiles

The ladder slips

Ladder not secured

Represent Influence Negotiate

Immediate and Underlying Causes

Immediate causes: personal and job factors

Underlying causes: organisation and management

Represent Influence Negotiate


Immediate causes

Premises, Equipment, Procedures, People

Underlying causes

Planning, Risk Assessment, Organisation,

Attitudes, Morale, monitoring, review.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Human failings/factors









no rule

wrong rule

rule breaking





Represent Influence Negotiate

Case Study


Step 1 - Gather Information

Step 2 – Analyse.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Case Study: Assault

John is assaulted

John is at his desk Flying monitor John struck by monitor

To deal with the public Thrown by assailant He is unprotected

Angry man Unsecured monitor Screen removed His duty

Represent Influence Negotiate

Step 3 – Risk Controls

Identify risk control measures missing,

inadequate or not used

Compare actual conditions/practices with

those required by legal requirements,

codes of practice and guidance

Provide meaningful recommendations that

can be implemented.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Step 4 – Implementation

Action Plans with SMARTA objectives

Specific, Measurable, Achievable,

Relevant, Timescales, Agreed

‘Management, safety professionals,

employees & reps should discuss the

contents of the action plan

Prioritise the implementation of risk control

measures, according to risk assessment.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Case Study


Step 3 - Risk Control Measures

Step 4 – Action Plan.

Represent Influence Negotiate

Case Study: Assault

Steps 3 & 4

Fit rising screen to front desk

Secure computer monitor to counter

Secure chairs in the area

Install CCTV camera in front desk area

Train receptionists to defuse potentially

dangerous situations.

Represent Influence Negotiate

HSE References

HSG48 - Reducing error and

influencing behaviour

HSG245 – Investigating A&I’s

HSG65 – Successful H&S Management

Stat’s – Police, Security, Law & Order

INDG453 Reporting Accidents &

Incidents at work.

Represent Influence Negotiate



Safe Journey Home!

Represent Influence Negotiate


