Acceptance Speech by President Elect, Uhuru Kenyatta

Victory Speech by President- Elect of the Republic of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta 09 .03.2013 My fellow Kenyans, thank you. Thank you for all your patience and your support along the way Asanteni Sana. I thank God for sustaining us and for bringing us this far. I thank all those who have remained vigilant in prayer for our nation during this time. I want to thank the people of the republic of Kenya who have shown patience over the last few days as we all awaited the outcome of this election. I thank the thousands of officials who worked with the IEBC to make this, the most free and most fair general election in our nation's history. Despite the challenges that you faced, you managed to keep the trust of Kenyans and to do your job professionally. 1


President-Elect of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta made his victory speech on 08.03.2013 at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi; Kenya.

Transcript of Acceptance Speech by President Elect, Uhuru Kenyatta

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Victory Speech by President- Elect of the Republic of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta

09 .03.2013

My fellow Kenyans, thank you.

Thank you for all your patience and your support along the way

Asanteni Sana.

I thank God for sustaining us and for bringing us this far.

I thank all those who have remained vigilant in prayer for our nation during this


I want to thank the people of the republic of Kenya who have shown patience

over the last few days as we all awaited the outcome of this election.

I thank the thousands of officials who worked with the IEBC to make this, the

most free and most fair general election in our nation's history.

Despite the challenges that you faced, you managed to keep the trust of Kenyans

and to do your job professionally.

While we look forward to a day when electoral results are relayed in real-time to

curb anxiety, we acknowledge that every process can be refined and I pledge to

give you my support as you seek more efficient ways to conduct future elections.

I would also like to acknowledge and thank the police and all security agencies for

their diligence and commitment to ensuring security.


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I would especially like to acknowledge the police officers who lost their lives on

the eve of the elections. They made the ultimate sacrifice, laying down their

lives,in the name of democracy.

To their families, I offer my sincere condolences for your loss and I assure you

that I, and the people of Kenya are standing with you in prayer.

The incidents that took the lives of our officers are a reminder that security

remains one of the biggest challenges in our nation. It is unacceptable to see such

violent and unnecessary loss of life. As we move forward, I pledge to meet all

threats to our national security with the full force of Kenya's resources and with

utmost urgency.

To the Kenyan media - you have shown remarkable responsibility as this country’s

fourth estate. You have shown sensitivity in the dissemination of news and

impartiality in your treatment of the results. You have no doubt helped to keep

the country calm.

We are grateful for this, and we will continue to consider you our true partners as

we embark on our journey.

To the presidential candidates – I salute you all.

You have contributed to ensuring a robust democratic process.

I in particular want to single out my brother, Raila Odinga, for his spirited



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I know that all the candidates have made tremendous personal sacrifices for the

progress of our country and today, I welcome them to join us in moving our

nation forward.

My fellow Kenyans today, we celebrate the triumph of democracy; the triumph of

peace; the triumph of nationhood.

Despite the misgivings of many in the world- we demonstrated a level of political

maturity that surpassed expectations.

We dutifully turned out; we voted in peace; we upheld order and respect for the

rule of law and we maintained the fabric of our society.

That is the real victory today. A victory for our nation. A victory that

demonstrates to all that Kenya has finally come of age. That this, indeed, is

Kenya’s moment.

I am honored and humbled that in a free and fair election- you, the people of

Kenya, have placed your trust in me- to lead our nation as your next President.

I am here because of you.

I am here because of the unyielding support of millions of Kenyans, from all walks

of life, from every corner of our nation, who sacrificed their time, energy and

resources to make this campaign a success.

Thousands of you volunteered through Team Uhuru. Hundreds of you mobilized

through grassroots organizations. Hundreds of you campaigned through your

university associations and millions of Kenyans across the nation engaged us

through our various online platforms.


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Throughout this process you, the people, have remained unwavering in your

belief not only in me - but in the possibility of a stronger, more prosperous Kenya.

A Kenya that has room for all our hopes and aspirations.

Last but not least, I am here because of my family:

My wife, Margaret; our children and all the members of my family.

However, this is has never been about me, this has been about you- about the

people of Kenya. You have put your faith not in one man , but in a team.

In our Deputy President – Elect: Hon William Ruto. A man with a proven track-

record, who has demonstrated to all of us, his ability to both speak and act with

un-matched zeal and energy.

You put your trust in my sister, Charity Ngilu and my brother, Najib Balala both of

whom have remained committed to serving the people and putting our nation


You put your trust inTNA, URP and the wider Jubilee family.

And because you gave us this trust, I am proud to say that the majority of women

who were elected to parliament come from the Jubilee Coalition – a fact that

demonstrates this teams commitment to supporting women and to supporting

the full implementation of all the provisions within our constitution.


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I want to say to all the Jubilee aspirants- those who won, and especially, those

who did not – you have done your parties, and this coalition- proud.Your

dedication, to the ideals that the Jubilee Coalition represents has been an

inspiration to me. We came together as a team, and we will continue to work

together as a team- for the good of all the people of Kenya.

However , today is about more than one Coalition or Party.

It is about all Kenyans: those of you who voted Jubilee and those who did not.

My fellow Kenyans, My pledge to you is that as your President, I will work on

behalf of all citizens regardless of political affiliation.

I will honor the will of Kenyans and ensure that my Government protects their

rights and acts without fear or favor; in the interests of our nation.

To all those who won various seats –regardless of what party or coalition you may

belong to - let us remember that we are , first and foremost, Kenyans, and that

the people have bestowed upon us the responsibility to work for them.

I extend a hand of friendship and cooperation to you so that together, we can

truly serve the Kenyan people.

In the nearly 5 decades since independence, we have made great strides as a


Kenya has experienced huge success but there have also been enduring problems.

In the last 10 years, under the Presidency of Mwai Kibaki we have begun to

overcome many of our national challenges.


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We are indebted to his leadership and grateful for the services he has rendered to

our country.

As I assume office, my task, and the task before us all is to secure the gains we

have made while focusing on solving the challenges that remain.

My fellow Kenyans, the elections are now over.

Today, in itself, is not an end ; it is a beginning and there is much work to be done.

That work begins with all of us taking personal responsibility for the future of our

country- the inheritance of our children.

For those who are celebrating let us be modest in victory. To those who voted

for any of my opponents - let us keep in mind the broader victory of Kenya, and

continue to uphold peace. Let us remember that while, in a democracy, some

contestants must, inevitably, lose - the citizens of a country never do. In this

election, every vote mattered and from this moment, every voice that contributes

to the national dialogue- will be heard.

Fellow Kenyans, our duty now is to return to our lives. To return to our jobs, our

businesses; our farms – and continue making the daily decisions that will

transform Kenya.

I promise to do my part, but I need every Kenyan to play their part as well.

To our brothers and sisters in the region and in Africa as a whole we appreciate

your support and encouragement before, during and after the elections. This is

the true spirit of Africa. We look forward to playing our rightful role in the region


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and in the continent. The African star is shining brightly and the destiny of Africa

is in our hands.

To the nations of the world I give you my assurances that I and my team

understand that Kenya is part of the community of nations and while as leaders

we are, first and foremost, servants of the Kenyan people, we recognize and

accept our international obligations and we will continue to co-operate with all

nations and international institutions– in line with those obligations.

However we also expect that the international community will respect our

sovereignty and the democratic will of the people of Kenya.

Indeed it is the desire of the people of Kenya to be a nation that is at peace with

itself, at peace with her neighbors, at peace with our continent and at peace with

the world at large.

We will pursue this ideal - upholding the values enshrined in our constitution and

continuing in the spirit embodied in the words of our national anthem

Oh God of all creation

Bless this our land and nation

Justice be our shield and defender

May we dwell in unity, peace and liberty.

Plenty be found within our borders.

Thank you,

God bless you


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And God bless the Republic of Kenya.