Acceptance Speech by Deputy President-Elect, William Ruto

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Transcript of Acceptance Speech by Deputy President-Elect, William Ruto

  • 7/29/2019 Acceptance Speech by Deputy President-Elect, William Ruto


    Acceptance Speech by Deputy President Elect, William Ruto

    I want to thank all the great people of Kenya for the mandate they have

    graciously bestowed on the Jubilee Coalition by electing my brother Uhuru

    Kenyatta to be President, and I Deputy President. I salute every citizen who

    peacefully and robustly exercised their right of political participation and

    contested an election, or voted. Regardless of who you elected, I recognise and

    salute your commitment to democracy and fair and transparent political

    competition. You also voted for the biggest candidate and winner in this election:

    a peaceful and united Kenya. If you voted for us, or for our competitors you did

    well, lent your voice to the task of moving forward, and exemplified a fine

    patriotic undertaking to watch over your country's leadership. No words can

    really express the love and gratitude I feel towards the great people of this

    beautiful country, but a heartfelt ASANTE SANA will do.

    My wife; it has been quite a journey, and the Lord has been faithful. You have

    been a true pillar of strength, brilliant companion and constant inspiration. I know

    that you did not sign up for some of the responsibility that has fallen upon you

    along the way, but I am thankful that you have been courageous and faithful

    about it. With your support, I am stronger, and for this, I thank you with all my


  • 7/29/2019 Acceptance Speech by Deputy President-Elect, William Ruto


    Our campaign teams, volunteers and supporters: you have been marvellous

    beyond words. You constitute the Digital Brigade that has won a gruelling

    campaign and the hearts of Kenyans. I know that we will enlist more believers,

    mobilisers and servants of the people to defeat poverty and underdevelopment,

    and transform Kenya. I am proud to be associated with each one of you. Accept

    our sincere gratitude. God bless you.

    I also salute our worthy competitors in this exciting political contest: my brothers

    Hon Raila Odinga, Musalia Mudavadi, Peter Kenneth, Mohamed Dida, Paul Muite

    and my dear sister Martha Karua as well as their running mates. This contest was

    tough, and you presented the rigour, commitment and vigilance required to

    ensure that the voice of Kenyans is heard, and that true democracy is entrenched

    in our national culture. I do not doubt your patriotism and commitment to offer

    leadership. That is why we reach out with open arms, so that we unite in

    brotherhood to work together wheresoever possible, to show the people of

    Kenya that the contest was not about losing; for each of us is worthy, and each of

    us can be victorious in meaningful ways. To use a popular expression, please let

    us keep in touch.

    The Jubilee Coalition's manifesto has received the people's stamp of approval. We

    have committed ourselves to work tirelessly to unite Kenyans, accelerate

    economic growth, improve livelihoods, secure the country and provide excellent

    infrastructure. We have made specific pledges to the youth, the women, the old,

    the children and many sectors of our national life. It is our manifest intention to

  • 7/29/2019 Acceptance Speech by Deputy President-Elect, William Ruto


    execute that manifesto in full. We wish to keep our word. Therefore, as we stated

    before, we shall work hard. We shall rise early and work hard all day, every day,

    until every pledge is discharged, and every promise kept.

    The process of transforming Kenya has began in earnest. Our Parliament, both the

    Senate and National Assembly, has the youngest legislators in Kenya's history,

    many of who are sponsored by the Jubilee Coalition. Already, we have

    transformed how Kenyan perceive leaders and leadership. The relationship

    between the mwananchi and the politician has been elevated to a new level of

    synergy, consensus and servant leadership. This is the beginning of the march

    towards the Kenya we want for ourselves, and our children.

    The work of building this nation will require conscientious management of

    national resources. Implicitly, therefore, the Jubilee government must fight

    corruption and entrench managerial best practices in the full recognition of the

    fact that by law and in fact, the mandate bestowed in this election is also a public

    trust. Success in redeeming our pledge will depend in managing the relationships

    that our country's well-being depends on in a forward-looking, pragmatic,

    respectful way that prioritises national needs and the need to adjust traditional

    relationships accordingly. The Jubilee Coalition aspires to be truthful, faithful,

    diligent, vigilant and obedient servants of the people of Kenya. Our democracy

    has grown into a stable and consistent national culture. We must cherish and

    celebrate it always. The freedom to imagine, think and speak is the power that

    unlocks our imaginative, creative and innovative energies. This is the essence, not

  • 7/29/2019 Acceptance Speech by Deputy President-Elect, William Ruto


    just of our competitive advantage, but also of faith in our people's strength to

    confront novel challenges without flinching, and with an eye on success. The

    Jubilee government will look ahead and listen to all the imaginative and creative

    voices which will chart the way forward for us.

    With God our Creator protecting, guiding and inspiring us, with all our people and

    communities united in the quest for dignity, freedom, prosperity, I promise the

    people of Kenya today that no obstacle will be too great, no burden too onerous

    and no hurdle insurmountable. The Jubilee Coalition calls on each of us,

    irrespective of political affiliation, tribe, race or creed to dedicate ourselves

    wholly to improving our common good and collective destiny.

    Kenya is one nation, and we are one people.

    God bless you.