Accenture interview question

1. Tell me about yourself? This question is commonly asked by most interviewers. It is a simple question; however, as the first one, it gains you more confidence and helps you create the first impression for the interviewers. a. Answer structure: • Make a brief of your personal information: name, hometown, age and family status. • Education: state your main diplomas and certificates in relation to the job. • Experience: state 3 examples of your experience as you think the most suitable for the job. • Point out your strengths and weaknesses: This will help the employer assess you more clearly whether you are suitable to the position. Also, describe 3 – 7 strengths on education, experiences, skills and abilities. b. Answer tips: • Give brief and relevant information: Remember that you have a little time to answer and this is the first question that impresses the employer. Therefore, try to give relevant information to the position. You should practice with this question at home. Do not include any irrelevant information in the question. • Don’t make up the information: The employers have many ways to check the accuracy of the information you provide. As this is the first question, it is easy for them to remember your answers. • Manage your time of answering within 2 – 3 minutes. • Provide with more details and figures: This makes it easy for the employers to assess you and may make them impressed. For example, instead of just “help increase the sales”, you can try “help increase the sales by 24.7% within 3 months…. • Provide sufficient evidence: such as degrees, certificates or presentation attached to your resume. 2. What are your greatest strengths?



Transcript of Accenture interview question

Page 1: Accenture interview question

1. Tell me about yourself?

This question is commonly asked by most interviewers. It is a simple question; however, as the first one, it gains you more confidence and helps you create the first impression for the interviewers.

a. Answer structure:

• Make a brief of your personal information: name, hometown, age and family status.• Education: state your main diplomas and certificates in relation to the job.• Experience: state 3 examples of your experience as you think the most suitable for the job.• Point out your strengths and weaknesses: This will help the employer assess you more clearly whether you are suitable to the position. Also, describe 3 – 7 strengths on education, experiences, skills and abilities.

b. Answer tips:

• Give brief and relevant information: Remember that you have a little time to answer and this is the first question that impresses the employer. Therefore, try to give relevant information to the position. You should practice with this question at home. Do not include any irrelevant information in the question.• Don’t make up the information: The employers have many ways to check the accuracy of the information you provide. As this is the first question, it is easy for them to remember your answers.• Manage your time of answering within 2 – 3 minutes.• Provide with more details and figures: This makes it easy for the employers to assess you and may make them impressed. For example, instead of just “help increase the sales”, you can try “help increase the sales by 24.7% within 3 months….• Provide sufficient evidence: such as degrees, certificates or presentation attached to your resume.

2. What are your greatest strengths?

This is one of the simple but most difficult questions. This can be a chance for you to show your strengths but also be risky answering this question.

a. Answer structure:

I have a number of advantages accumulated during my working process, but in my opinion, these following advantages shall help me succeed if I have the chance to work in your company:

List 3 strengths and explain why you have these advantages and conclude with some benefits from those advantages in your former job.

b. Answer tips:

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b1. Identify your strengths. First you should note that the strengths may include:

- Education: including knowledge, degrees, certificates and even self-learnt knowledge.

- Experience: Lots of work are hard-training or requires candidates to work at once. Therefore experience is great strength.

- Skills: including techniques, management skill or leadership skill, soft skills.

- Abilities.

Lists 5 – 10 of your strengths.

Then consider which advantages are needed for the applying job, and assess the importance of each advantage.

Compare your advantages and those advantages needed by the applying job to select 3 outstanding ones to present.

Practice presenting your advantages in the order of scale.

b2. List your 3 greatest strengths.

b3. Only list the strengths related to the job.

c. Answer samples

As a team leader, I can deal with challenges and great pressure very well. To me, being fair and righteous in my decision is crucial to the overall performance of the team. Only being a fair and hard-working leader can make your team members work hard and reach a high performance.

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?

No one is without weakness; Don’t hesitate to answer questions like this.

a. Answer structure

You can answer in these following ways:

. Turn your strength into weakness.

I am a perfectionist, so I do not like to handle my work to others because they often get the work done not as fast and qualified as I do.

This answer is only appropriate if you are a good employee, not a manager.

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. Turn your weakness into opportunity:

You can turn your weaknesses into opportunities for you to learn and overcome challenges, for example:

I am a perfectionist and I often require people to work as myself, but I realize that if I tolerate then my employees cannot make any progress. Thus, I decide to handle my work so that my employees have the chance to experience and face with difficulties.

b. Answer tips

Do not show that you are a perfect person, yet do not mention too specifically.

Assess the weakness

- List 3 – 5 your true weakness.- Give solutions to your weakness.- Consider whether these weaknesses are related to the job or not?- Select some weaknesses to practice for the interview.

c. Answer samples

- Perfectionist: I can be described as a perfectionist; however, that could be my weakness. I focus too much on details and this often gives much pressure on my subordinates; however, I am trying to resolve this weakness. Stepping back and looking at a bigger scenario should be a better way of moving on than going straightforward and focusing on smaller details.

- Not good with customers: I am not very good at communicating directly with customers; as a result, I’d like to sit at back office. But don’t misunderstand. I like people, too, just not the best salesman in the world, or even a good salesman. I feel it will be much better to take a supportive role than an initiative one.

- Hate paperwork: Working with paperwork is really frustrating to me. I always have difficulties dealing with this. I think it will be easier for me to do all my paperwork at a certain time rather than complete each of them at different times. That’s too hard to keep up with.

4. Why did you quit your last job?

a. Answer structure

Give the reason why you leave your last job.

Explain the reason in 1 minute.

Reason samples:

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• Applying for a more challenging position.• Having a chance to work in a larger and more robust organization.• Opportunity to work in a more technologically advanced environment.• Salary increase.• Applying for a more senior position.• Termination of contract (date).• Change of profession or area of expertise.• Further education.• Travel.

b. Answer tips

• Give the best reason, do not mention too many.• Do not talk bad your last company, your boss or your colleague.• Do not emphasize the past; focus on the reasons and the answers towards your future. Clearly point out your targets and career orientation.• If the company downsizes or stops doing business in certain field, give the reason and number convincingly.

5. What kind of salary are you looking for this accounts payable position?

you looking for?

a. Answer structure

Provide salary scale which is acceptable for you. Or answer that: I’d like to have the salary which matches my ability. Yet I’d also like to know the salary scale for this position.

Then explain that you will give the more specific number if you know work details.

b. Answer tips

• In any case, you should not answer this question right away because the salary you recommend can be too high or too low.• Before answering, ask for description for the job; the goals, the difficulties and how to assess the working performance.• You can also give the answer via email after the interview.• Do not answer this question too generally or too safe, the interviewers like numbers. You can answer in a certain range, but you need the job requirements before giving the exact number.

c. Answer samples

Sample 1: I don’t care very much about salary. What means more to me is the policy and working environment the company is offering and supplying me with.

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Sample 2: I look up to salary not to make ends meet, but to enjoy my life. I’m afraid I am not the one who only concerns about paying bills but not others. Therefore, when I look for a job, I expect a high consideration which suits my ability and goals.

6. What experience do you have in accounts payable field?

a. Answer structure

You can answer this question in the following steps:

• List your relevant experiences and responsibilities of each of your work in the past.

• Then present 1 – 3 achievements and difficulties in each job.

• Synthesize what you learn from these experiences.

b. Answer tips

• First you should note that: detail your experience you have in your resume.

• With the unique experience for your applying job, highlight it in the key competencies.

You have little or no experience in this field. Don’t worry, you may work in another position but still have the skills to perform this task.

The most important among those experiences is the learning ability as well as the skills gained in this job.

c. Answer samples

I have working in this field for 2 years and currently been half way through my education on engineering. I also participated in several training courses about AutoCAD design and rather got familiar with this. I am confident that I can manage these duties very well.

7. Why do you think you would do well at this accounts payable job?

a. Answer tips

List your qualifications (including knowledge, abilities, and skills) which are suitable for the job.

You can refer to the answers in “what are your greatest strengths?”

Show the relation between your job ambition and how you can carry it out.

b. Answer samples

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Sample 1: I believe I will do this job very well. I have adequate experience and skills for this responsibility. Besides, I’m enthusiastic and very dynamic which shall devote all my effort and mind to perform my duties.

Sample 2: Definitely, I will do well. I already have much experience in this job and I will not let those experiences not being utilized for a greater benefit. I am willing to learn and will improve my qualification for such a greater benefit.

Other accounts payable interview questions:

8. What is a Non-PO Invoice?

9. What is a tolerance limit with respect to invoice processing?

10. What is debit and credit from the banks point of view?

11. In the invoice, the value of the tax code is not present but in the idoc the value of the tax code is present. How to populate it in the invoice using the IDOC?

12. Please explain end to end process of accounts payable?

13. What is a Work flow? And take Retail shop as example and explain the Work flow of the Retail shop?

14. What is the difference between Payments-Liquidation(Disbursements) & Dividend Warrants Liquidation?

15. What are the steps involved in finalization?

16. What is the Debit Balance recovery? How we can recover if we wont have any future transactions from supplier?

17. Which area of accounting are you strongest? Which area of accounting would you like to improve?

18. What is the meaning of TDS? How it is charged?

19. What is interest on Capital?

20. What is another name for a real account in accounting? is it a permanent account or a temporary account?

21. What is consolidation?

22. 1What is different between automatic Payments Batches and automatic payments?

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23. What are steps to define supplier?

24. What steps would you take before making a payment?

25. What is debit and credit from the customer point of view?

26. What is debit and credit from the banks point of view?

27. What do you understand by Intercompany Settlement?

28. What is the difference between EFT & Wire?

29. What do you mean by Mischarge Correction?

30. Where would you like to be in five years? Ten years?

31. What made you choose to apply to Accounts payable?

32. What have you learned from your past jobs?

33. Tell me about your last position and what you did?

34. What do you know about the position of Accounts payable?

35. What are key tasks for Accounts payable?

36. What are top 3 knowledge/top 3 skills for Accounts payable?

37. What are KRAs/output of position: Accounts payable?

38. How to measure/appraise your position: Accounts payable?

39. What do you know about this company?

40. Do you have any questions?

Page 8: Accenture interview question

What is the meaning of Trial Blance?Hai Laposs Hardware

Pvt Ltd Amit  4   1254

Provison for payments (benefits received but bill not received at the closing of accounts)(utilites, Telephone, Rent)

    1   1004

How can pass the entry stock goods loss by fire or theft

    2   1200

what is Goodwill? What kind of Asset for the company?

Accenture   4   1775

Give example of an intangible Asset that is depriciable     3   1317

What is the meaning of Decommissioning liability, explain in which serious we will use?

    1   1902


    2   1506

What is SOX?     2   1769



    3   1796

what is liability? give some entry     4   1708

What is the accounting entries for future dated payment method

    3   2103

How to do foreign currency payment     3   1552

Difference between Provisions and reserves     4   2340

What is consolidated financial statement.

what is sox?     4   2142

how to make budgeting ?     4   1621

Explain the impact of working capital in general business activities?

Accenture   0   147

What is bank reconcilation a/c Genpact   5   2175

The Actual Rent was 12000,in the month of Feb i had paid 15000 and in the month of march i had paid 3000. Pass the necessary Journal entry for this.

Sunshine Genpact

  24   4248

I have faced so many interview in top compinies and I have been asked, why are looking for change or why you want to leave your current employer or give the reason to leave the current company. So could you please advice what should be answer on these question, as i have been rejected so many time due

    4   1974

Page 9: Accenture interview question

these question.

what are the supporting documents of expenses?     6   2129

reconcilation Accenture   14   3139

Sale of Rs.10000, where in 50% is on credit and there 10% discount on the immediete payment. Pass a journal entry for this

    26   3234

What is the full form of GAAP?     22   6649

When will the cash Book have a Credit Balance?