Accelerated Learning 2.0

Accelerate d Learning 2.0


Accelerated Learning a learn how to learn program. How your brain and memory work

Transcript of Accelerated Learning 2.0

  • 1. Accelerated Learning 2.0

2. Accelerated Learning a"learn how to learn" program. 3. We each have a preferred learning style. 4. If you know and use the techniques that match your preferred way of learning 5. you learn more naturally Because it is more natural for you, it becomes easier. And because it is easier, it is quicker. Hence the name Accelerated Learning. 6. 1. You can learn anything you want to learn 7. 2. Learning how to learn is the most important thing you can do 8. 3. You can learn faster by knowing how the brain works 9. 4. To earn more you need to learn more 10. 5. You can achieve any goal by developing the skill needed to achieve it 11. Brian Tracy "It used to be that the main difference between people in our society was between those who'have more' versus those who 'have less .'Today, however, the difference is between those who 'know more' and those who 'know less. 'says Brian Tracy 12. Its a Changing World 13. "According to an IBM study, by 2010,the amount of digital information in the world will doubleevery 11 hours." 14. The digital universe in 2007 was equal to almost 45 gigabytes (GB) of digital information for every person on earth or the equivalent ofover 17 billion 8 GB iPhones. 15. DISAPPEARING JOBS Economists at the University of California2004 report predicts... 16. ...that, by 2015, approximately3.5 million white-collar jobs representing $151 billion in wages will move overseas.By the end of this year, the report sees830,000 jobs leaving. 17. UNCERTAINTY You can no longer buysuccess tomorrowwith what youknow today . You can no longer rely on your employer to provide ajob for life. There is no security on this earth; there is only opportunity. GENERAL DOUGLAS MACARTHUR 18. 9 29 Assoc. Deg. Bachelor Degree Start School 100 Finish H.S. 80 Start College 52 SCHOOL DROPOUTS 20 28 14 62No post high school degree EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTU. S. AGE 25+ 19. So What Can We Do AboutIt?... 20. Learning how to learnneeds to take priority over what we learn Learning how tothink logically and creativelyis critical if we are to solve complex personal and social problems effectively. 21. YourBrain and how it Works 22. Your Brain 23. Your Three Brains Reptilian or Primitive Brain Limbic or Mammalian Brain" Neocortex, cerebrum or Human Brain 24. Your Three Brains 2 Reptilian Related to actual physical survival and maintenance of the body.LimbicPrimary centers of emotion Neocortex Language, including speech and writing 25. Left and Right Brain Photo Source: Wired Magazine Right BrainRandom Intuitive Holistic Synthesizing Subjective Looks at wholes Left BrainLogical Sequential Rational Analytical Objective Looks at parts 26. Your Memory SensoryMemory Forgotten Transferred Rehearsed Long-TermMemory Short-Term Memory Transferred Retrieved Forgotten 27. 6 StepM. A. S. T. E. R. Plan To Accelerated Learning 1 RelaxedM ind 2 A cquire Facts 3 S earch Out The Meaning 4 T rigger Memory 5 E xhibit What You Know 6 R eflect On What You Know 28. 1 RelaxedM ind 29. 2 A cquire Facts Learning Styles 30. Learning Styles Find a subjects natural order of learning

  • Our eyes can process much faster than our ears.
  • Processing a picture is much faster than reading a paragraph with its hundreds of symbols.
  • Pondering the meaning of new information is crucial to mastering it. Ponder time should be up to the student, not the teacher or the electronic delivery.

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic(Physical) 31. Multi-Sensory Learning 32. 3 S earch Out The Meaning 33. No Learning Without Emotion!

  • Pondering adds emotion to what is being learned
  • Positive and productive emotions aid learning
  • Negative emotions can block learning
  • When a purposeful choice is required, emotion comes into play
  • Something viewed as valuable brings emotion to the table

Emotion forms the cement of memory Emotion generates the motivation for learning 34. 4 T rigger Memory

  • Ideal Sequence
  • Relax/deep breath
  • Learn
  • Break
  • Summarize
  • Make notes
  • Brief review
  • Sleep
  • Brief review

35. 5 E xhibit What You Know 36. 6 R eflect On What You Know 37. Summary

  • You can learnanything you want to learn
  • Learninghow to learnis the most important thing you can do
  • You canlearn fasterby knowing how the brain works
  • Toearn moreyou need to learn more
  • You canachieve any goalby developing the skill needed to achieve it
  • with Accelerated Learning

38. Sources of Information Accelerated Learningby Colin Rose and Malcolm J. Nicholl with Brian Tracy The Brain Bookby Peter Russell Multimedia Learningby Richard E. MayerBrain Rulesby John Medina The Back of the Napkinby Dan Roam A Whole New Mindby Daniel H. Pink Age Proof Your Brainby Tony Buzan Tony Buzan'sThe Mind Map BookSoftware used:iMindMap by Tony Buzan and 39. Produced by Harold Carey Jr.Instructional Designand Internet Consultant [email_address] 801-376-9280