Academy for healthcare improvement mclinden & myers a continuous state of beta

A continuous state of beta Designing and implementing a learning exchange for chronic care Daniel McLinden, EdD Senior Director, Learning & Development Associate Professor, General & Community Pediatrics Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Sarah Myers, RN, MPH Senior Quality Improvement Consultant James M Anderson Center for Health Systems Excellence Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Academy for Healthcare Improvement May 30, 2014 And the ICN Exchange project team

Transcript of Academy for healthcare improvement mclinden & myers a continuous state of beta

A continuous state of beta

Designing and implementing a learning exchange for chronic care

Daniel McLinden, EdD Senior Director, Learning & Development Associate Professor, General & Community Pediatrics Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

Sarah Myers, RN, MPH Senior Quality Improvement Consultant James M Anderson Center for Health Systems Excellence Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

Academy for Healthcare Improvement May 30, 2014

And the ICN Exchange project team

C3N Project: The Setting for Innovation

Transform the health, care and costs for all children and adolescents

with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis by building a sustainable

collaborative chronic care network, enabling patients, families,

clinicians and researchers to work together in a learning health care

system to accelerate innovation, discovery and the application of new


The context

Make it possible for a geographically

dispersed community of clinicians,

scientists, patients, and parents to pool

their knowledge and learn from each

other to improve outcomes.

The Challenge

“Once you open the

possibility that people are

not only using the web as a

platform … but to pool their

efforts, knowledge, and

resources … the

possibilities for what they

can create are astounding

(Benkler, 2001)."

Create a learning resource that will radically change for

the better what people know about how to implement an

effective and reliable care delivery system to treat and

manage chronic disease beginning with pediatric

inflammatory bowel disease.



There needs to be a

place to exchange

tools, processes,

stories and lessons


What would that place be like?


Physician Sandy Roan.

M.D. Pediatric GI Doctor,

specializing in IBD at a

hospital outpatient clinic

Nurse- Veronica

Mayfield, RN: One of

four nurses at a

Pediatric GI clinic

Uri Sternberg, Age 17:

Diagnosed 8 years ago

with Crohn’s

Healthcare Ecology Model. (2010). Clinical Collaborative Care Network (C3N).

Cooper, A. (2004). The inmates are running the asylum: Why High-Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and Ho to Restore the Sanity. Indianapolis, IN: SAMS.

Pruitt, John & Adlin, Tamara. The Persona Lifecycle : Keeping People in Mind Throughout Product Design. Morgan Kaufmann, 2006.

Our Approach: Focus on Design

…feel like this

Make this…

Our Approach: Focus on community

Planning the design: Inspired by Pinterest, the popular social media site and informed by Network users.

Doing iterative tests: Site design and functionality are adapted and refined.

Studying and acting on what we learn from site metrics and user feedback:

• Growing use among each professional group.

• Continual need to re-organize and optimize content

• Co-production of features and functionality with the community.

Our Approach: Focus on Improvement Science

Our Approach: Focus on evidence

ImproveCareNow Exchange

Follow us on twitter: @ICNExchange

Where We are Today

• Scaling up to meet the needs of a growing


• Incorporating or connecting with patient and

parent partners.

• Making sure the best resources are the easiest to find.

If you want

to go fast

go alone.

If you want

to go far

go together.

African Proverb