AC12, Unit 2

AC12, Unit 2


AC12, Unit 2. Credibility (Credible). Definition : believability. Synonyms: Trustworthy Reliable convincing. Antonyms : Unbelievable Unlikely Unreal unreliable. Examples: A rocket scientist talking about space A farmer talking about soybeans A mechanic explaining a carburetor . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of AC12, Unit 2

AC12, Unit 2

Credibility (Credible)

Antonyms: Unbelievable Unlikely Unreal unreliable

Synonyms: Trustworthy Reliable convincing

Examples: A rocket scientist

talking about space A farmer talking about

soybeans A mechanic explaining

a carburetor

Definition: believability

Credibility (credible) sentences If someone is

known for telling lies, I wouldn’t trust them as a credible source.

A person I do think is credible is…


Antonyms: Interest Curiosity Energetic

Synonyms: Laziness No concern No interest boredom

Examples: Lying around for days

at a time Turning in no

assignments Not going to work for

a week

Definition: Lack of energy or


Apathy Sentences

Our workplace has so much apathy. No one cleans, and now mold is growing in the lounge.

You can tell someone has apathy if…


Antonyms: Real Authentic Genuine valid

Synonyms: Fake Artificial Pretend counterfeit

Examples: Cubic zirconia Silk flowers Drag queens Elvis impersonators

Definition: not real or genuine

Pseudo sentences

The old ring looked expensive, but the green gem was only a pseudo-emerald.

A pseudo-friend would…


Antonyms: Timid Shy Weak fearful

Synonyms: Confident Firm forward

Examples: Tell someone to

leave you alone Speaking to boss

about a problem Asking for a raise

Definition: Act confidently;

stand up for yourself

Assertive Sentences

Be assertive when in a conflict, but don’t become too forceful or angry.

I have to be assertive when…


Antonyms: Random guess Shot in the dark

Synonyms: Deduction Conclusion

Examples: Cows are out. Inference:

someone left gate open. Mud puddles in the

morning. Inference: It rained in the night.

Tree branches are moving. Inference: It’s windy.

Definition: An educated guess

based on the evidence

Inference Sentences

If you find a boy lying on the sidewalk, your inference is he fell down.

The fire alarms start going off. My inference is…



Synonyms: Word substitute Word alternative

Examples: For dying:

Pass away Pass on Went to a better

place At peace

Definition: A milder, more

pleasant word/phrase that replaces a negative word/phrase

Euphemism Sentences

Funeral home owners sometimes have to use euphemisms with grieving families.

A euphemism for someone getting fired is…



Synonyms: Question Investigation

Examples: Asking why someone

hasn’t paid Looking into new

ovens for your bakery Asking about job

openings at a business

Definition: Act of asking

Inquiry Sentences

You may write a letter of inquiry to a company to see if they are hiring.

I’m inquiring about any spare boxes you may have that I could use for a school project.

A police detective may inquire if…


Antonyms: Request Suggestion

Synonyms: Challenge Taunt Threat

Examples: Marry me or we break

up. Help me, or we’re no

longer friends. Clean up this mess or

you’re fired

Definition: Final demand

Ultimatum Sentences

My dad gave me the ultimatum of either go out for sports or get a job.

An ultimatum a parent might give is…

Antonyms: Harmony Agreement

Synonyms: Conflict Disagreement

Examples: Having a problem Having an argument

with a friend A disagreement with

you and your parents

Definition: a feeling of



Dissonance Sentences

After my argument with my parents, the dissonance was so uncomfortable that I went for a walk.

There was a dissonance between the friends because…


Antonyms: hidden unclear Hard to see

Synonyms: Obvious Apparent Easy to see

Examples: A headline of a

newspaper Red at a Nebraska

game US flag on a flagpole

Definition: noticeable, sticking


Prominent Sentences

The US flag should always fly higher than other flags in the most prominent position.

When designing an ad, the ____________ should be prominent.