Abu Bakr (r.a.a) by Majdina

By: Majdina Imani Widodo My Scrapbook: Abu Bakr As-Siddique Omar bin al’Khattab

Transcript of Abu Bakr (r.a.a) by Majdina

Page 1: Abu Bakr (r.a.a) by Majdina

By: Majdina Imani Widodo

My Scrapbook:Abu Bakr As-SiddiqueOmar bin al’Khattab

Page 2: Abu Bakr (r.a.a) by Majdina

Abu Bakr

Abu Bakr never worshipped idols. Once, when Abu Bakr was small, his father took him to a temple full of idols and told Abu Bakr that the idols were his Gods. But Abu Bakr knew better. He threw a rock at the idol and it fell. And he did that to prove the idol worshippers in the temple that these idols are just stone and rock.

Page 3: Abu Bakr (r.a.a) by Majdina

Abu Bakr never drank alcohol even before it was forbidden. Why? Because whenever he saw someone who drank alcohol, that person does stupid things without thinking. And Abu Bakr didn’t want to be like that, so he asked Allah if He could forbid alcohol.

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Abu Bakr was the best friend of the Prophet (S.A.W.) as well as the first man to embrace Islam.

Abu Bakr loved the Prophet more than himself.

When the Prophet (S.A.W.) asked Abu Bakr to embrace Islam, Abu Bakr accepted without hesitation and the Prophet (S.A.W.) walked away happily.

Page 5: Abu Bakr (r.a.a) by Majdina

One day, Abu Bakr and the Prophet (S.A.W.) sat down and talked. Suddenly, a man came up and insulted Abu Bakr with rude insults. But Abu Bakr just sat there with patience and the Prophet (S.A.W.) sat there smiling. But after a few more insults Abu Bakr just had enough and insulted the man back. When Abu Bakr insulted the man, the Prophet (S.A.W.) frowned and walked away. Abu Bakr stopped and ran up to the Prophet and asked what happened. The Prophet said in reply, “When you just sat there when the man insulted you, an angel was defending you. But when you insulted the man back. The Shaytan came and it was’nt right for me to sit there.”

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One day, when the Prophet (S.A.W.) and Abu Bakr were out in the desert, they found a little boy herding some sheep. They asked if they could have some milk from the sheep. But the boy said, “I’m sorry but I can’t give you any milk because these sheep don’t belong to me. They belong to my master. After the boy said this, the Prophet (S.A.W.) and Abu Bakr were so happy with the little boy because he do things behind his master’s back.

The little boy and the sheep

Page 7: Abu Bakr (r.a.a) by Majdina

The Competition between Omar bin

al’Khattab and Abu Bakr One day, the Prophet (S.A.W.) asked the sahabahs to bring as much money for charity. Omar bin al’Khattab wanted to give the most money. When all of the sahabahs brought the money in, the Prophet asked Omar, “What have you left for your family?” Omar responded proudly, “I have left half of my fortune.” Then the Prophet asked Abu Bakr, “What have you left for your family?” Abu Bakr said, “I have left my family Allah and His Messenger.”

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Omar bin al’Khattab

Omar bin al’Khattab was very tall and strong.

Many people were scared of him.

Even the Shaytan was scared of him.

So when Omar bin al’Khattab embraced Islam, Prophet (S.A.W.) was very happy because they now have a strong believer.

Page 9: Abu Bakr (r.a.a) by Majdina

How Omar became a Muslim

Before Omar became a Muslim, he hated Islam very much. So one day, he decided to kill Muhammad (S.A.W.). On his way, a man asked him where he was going and Omar said that he was going to kill Muhammad (S.A.W.). But the man told Omar to check on his sister because she became a Muslim. So Omar ran to his sister’s house and slapped her. He told her to show what she was holding behind her back and it was a Qur’an. Omar wanted to see what it was but Omar’s sister told him to have wudu and showed him how to. After Omar did is wudu, he took the Qur’an and started reading it. After he finished reading, he was amazed and said, “Why are we running away from this?”

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