ABSTRACT Permana, Areza Eka. , 2014. Effectiveness Test of Noni Fruit Extract (Morinda citrifolia Fructus) As anthelmintic Worms Ascaridiagalli In In Vitro. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Supervisor: (1) Soebaktiningsih (2) NurKaputrin Background : Intestinal Nematoda is parasite which is often found not only in animal but in human also. Noni fruit ekstract (Morinda citrifolia Fructus) containsof saponin compounds and other compoundswhich is suspected as anthelmintic. Goal : The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of anthelmintic of Noni fruit ekstract (Morinda citrifolia Fructus) to Ascaridia galli worm by In Vitro. Method : This experiment was a True experimental which used 6 Ascaridia galli worms which were divided into six groups. The first to the fourth group were given a Noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia Fructus) by concentration 6 %,, 8 %,, 10 %,, 12 %, the fifth group, positive control, was given piperazine 4 %,, the sixth group, negative control, was only given NaCl 0,9%. Each of consentration which had been diluted in 20 ml aquadest was given to every petry dish which contained 6 Ascaridia galli worms. It was observed in every 15 minutes and calculated the LT100 from each of consentration of Noni fruit ekstract (Morinda citrifolia Fructus). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION : Noni fruit ekstract (Morinda citrifolia Fructus) concentration 6 %,, 8 %,, 10 %,, 12 %, gave significant results as anthelmintic to Ascaridia galli worm by In Vitro (p<0,05). The average of the fastest death in consentration 12 % with the LT 100 168 minutes(2 hours 48 minutes). Piperazine had a time to kill faster than concentration of ripe papaya seed extract with LT 100 135 minutes(2 hours 15 minutes). Conclusion : Extract of noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia Fructus) proved to have an anthelmaintic effect to Ascaridia galli worms, the higher concentration of the extracts has a faster kill time Ascaridia galli worm. Piperazine has a faster kill time than with extracts of noni (Morinda citrifolia Fructus). KEYWORD : Athelmintik, Ascaridia galli, Extract of noni fruit,




ABSTRACTPermana, Areza Eka. , 2014. Effectiveness Test of Noni Fruit Extract (Morinda citrifolia Fructus) As anthelmintic Worms Ascaridiagalli In In Vitro. Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Supervisor: (1) Soebaktiningsih (2) NurKaputrinBackground : Intestinal Nematoda is parasite which is often found not only in animal but in human also. Noni fruit ekstract (Morinda citrifolia Fructus) containsof saponin compounds and other compoundswhich is suspected as anthelmintic.Goal : The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of anthelmintic of Noni fruit ekstract (Morinda citrifolia Fructus) to Ascaridia galli worm by In Vitro.Method : This experiment was a True experimental which used 6 Ascaridia galli worms which were divided into six groups. The first to the fourth group were given a Noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia Fructus) by concentration 6 %,, 8 %,, 10 %,, 12 %, the fifth group, positive control, was given piperazine 4 %,, the sixth group, negative control, was only given NaCl 0,9%. Each of consentration which had been diluted in 20 ml aquadest was given to every petry dish which contained 6 Ascaridia galli worms. It was observed in every 15 minutes and calculated the LT100 from each of consentration of Noni fruit ekstract (Morinda citrifolia Fructus).RESULTS AND DISCUSSION : Noni fruit ekstract (Morinda citrifolia Fructus) concentration 6 %,, 8 %,, 10 %,, 12 %, gave significant results as anthelmintic to Ascaridia galli worm by In Vitro (p