Abstract Descafeinado

This article was downloaded by: [UGR-BTCA Gral Universitaria] On: 26 March 2014, At: 05:11 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Register ed Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/bfsn20 Caffeine in Coffee: Its Removal. Why and How? K. Ramalakshmi a  & B. Raghavan a a  Department of Plantation Products, Spices, and Flavour Technolo gy , Central Food T echnological Research Institute, Mysore 570 013, India Published online: 03 Jun 2010. To cite this article: K. Ramalakshmi & B. Raghavan (1999) Caffeine in Coffee: Its Removal. Why and How?, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 39:5, 441-456, DOI: 10.1080/10408699991279231 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10408699991279231 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE T aylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accurac y , completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by T aylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. T aylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution i n any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. T erms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http:// www.tandfonline.com/pa ge/terms-and-conditions

Transcript of Abstract Descafeinado

  • This article was downloaded by: [UGR-BTCA Gral Universitaria]On: 26 March 2014, At: 05:11Publisher: Taylor & FrancisInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House,37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK

    Critical Reviews in Food Science and NutritionPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/bfsn20

    Caffeine in Coffee: Its Removal. Why and How?K. Ramalakshmi a & B. Raghavan aa Department of Plantation Products, Spices, and Flavour Technology, Central FoodTechnological Research Institute, Mysore 570 013, IndiaPublished online: 03 Jun 2010.

    To cite this article: K. Ramalakshmi & B. Raghavan (1999) Caffeine in Coffee: Its Removal. Why and How?, Critical Reviews inFood Science and Nutrition, 39:5, 441-456, DOI: 10.1080/10408699991279231

    To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10408699991279231


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    Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 39(5):441456 (1999)


    Coffee is one of the most popular beveragesconsumed throughout the world. The earliest docu-mentation of coffee dates back to the tenth cen-tury. However, coffee may have been cultivatedin Ethiopia, where it is indigenous, as early as 575AD.1 The cultivation of coffee spread to Yemenaround 1400 AD. The coffee plant was intro-duced to the West Indies by the French in 1725AD, from where the cultivation of coffee spreadto South America. Around the same time the Dutchintroduced the plant to Java, Surinam, and SriLanka. Later the cultivation of coffee spread toAfrica and India.

    Coffee plants belong to the family Rubiaceae.They are green shrubs with funnel-shaped flow-ers that develop into a pulpy fruit known ascherry, which contains two seeds otherwisecalled coffee beans. Coffee grows wild in Africaand Madagascar, and the genus includes a largenumber of species. Only three of them, namely,

    C. arabica, C. canephora (Robusta), andC. liberica, have been used successfully in com-mercial cultivation.2 Coffea liberica, however, wasdevastated during the 1940s by epidemics oftracheomycosis, due to infection by Fusariumxylaroides, and commercial growth of this spe-cies has effectively ceased. Both C. arabica andC. canephora are available in a large number ofvarieties and cultivars. The former yields greencoffee seeds bigger (longer) in size, better in aromaand generally fetches a higher price.3 The latter issmaller, round, and yields a thicker brew. Twobasic methods of processing, namely, dry (natu-ral) and wet (washing), are used together withancillary processes, including grading, cleaning,and polishing. In the dry method, the berries aresun dried and the coverings are removed by hull-ing. The beans are later cured in curing works.The product obtained is known in the trade ascherry coffee. In the wet method, the coveringsare removed while the berries are still wet in aseries of steps consisting of pulping, fermenting,

    Caffeine in Coffee: Its Removal. Why and How?K. Ramalakshmi and B. Raghavan*Department of Plantation Products, Spices, and Flavour Technology, Central Food Technological ResearchInstitute, Mysore 570 013, India

    Referee: Dr. Donald N. Schenholt, Gillies Coffee Co., P.O. Box 320206, Brooklyn, NY 11232

    * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

    ABSTRACT: The popularity of coffee as a beverage is ever increasing despite the fact that there are reportsantagonized to its consumption. Of the several factors cited, the alkaloid caffeine present in coffee can causeaddiction and stimulate the central nervous system. It has an effect on the cardiovascular system with a slightincrease in blood pressure and heart output. It undergoes biotransformation in the human body to form methylatedderivatives of uric acid. In recent times, much effort has gone into the research on the removal of caffeine in coffee,resulting in a specialty product called decaffeinated coffee. Decaffeination methods mainly employ organicsolvents or water or supercritical carbon dioxide. These methods with their attendant advantages and disadvantagesare reviewed in this article.

    KEY WORDS: caffeine metabolism, physiological effects, solvent decaffeination, water decaffeination, supercriticalcarbon dioxide, decaffeination of coffee.




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    washing, and drying. The product obtained isparchment coffee. The processing of green coffeeis summarized in Figure 1.

    The initial step in the preparation of any con-sumable product from coffee is roasting. Thepopularity of coffee as a beverage is due to manyfactors, such as aroma, taste, therapeutic effect,etc., that develop after roasting. Roasting is anoperation of exposing the bean to a warming pro-cess so that bound moisture and the dry bean isheated to more than 200C. Roasting alters thecolor, size, and shape of the bean. Many types ofchemical reactions take place during roasting, viz.,pyrolysis, oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, poly-merization, and decarboxylation.4 After develop-ing the coffee flavor by roasting, it is desirable toefficiently extract the roasted coffee solubles andvolatiles that contribute the to coffee flavor.Roasted beans cannot be ground directly afterroasting, because they are too soft. So the beansshould be cooled and ground.5


    A. Composition of Coffee

    The chemical composition of green coffeemainly depends on the variety of the coffee, al-though slight variations are possible due to agro-climatic conditions, agricultural practices, andprocessing and storage. The average approximatecomposition of coffee is given in Table 1.

    B. Caffeine in Coffee

    Caffeine is of major importance with respectto the physiological properties of coffee and alsoin determining the bitter character. Caffeine isone of the most widely used psychoactive sub-stances in the world, its estimated global con-sumption being 120 000 tonnes per year.6 This

    FIGURE 1. Processing of coffee. (Source: Varnam et al. 1994 (Ref. 2). Reproduced with permission.)




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    has resulted in a great deal of interest in theeffects of caffeine on the body and the mind.

    Coffee is consumed because of its desirablebitter taste and for its medicinal benefits. Theeffect of coffee on human physiology varies fromperson to person and also on the quality and quan-tity of coffee consumed. The caffeine content ofgreen coffee bean varies according to the species;canephora (robusta) coffee contains about 2.2%,arabica about 1.20%, and the hybrid arabusta1.72%. Environmental and agricultural factorsappear to have a minimal effect on caffeine con-tent. During roasting there is no significant loss interms of caffeine. A typical cup of regular coffeecontains 70 to 140 mg of caffeine, depending onpreparation, blend, and cup size.7

    C. Caffeine Metabolism

    Chemically, caffeine is a purine derivativexanthine with methyl substituents attached atpositions 1, 3, and 7. Reports on the biosynthesisand degradation of caffeine in coffee are limited.Both processes occur more rapidly in immaturethan mature fruit. The main biosynthesis routeutilizes the purine nucleotide for the formation ofcaffeine, as shown in Figure 2.

    In coffee plants caffeine is synthesized fromxanthosine via 7-methyl xanthosine, 7-methylxanthine, and theobromine. S-adenosyl methion-ine (SAM) is the actual source of the methylgroups. The caffeine is degraded relatively slowlyand involves demethylation steps to yield theo-bromine and theophylline. Theophylline is catabo-lized to xanthine via 3-methyl xanthine. How-ever, it is unclear whether 3-methyl xanthine and/or7-methyl xanthine are intermediates in the con-version of theobromine to xanthine.8 Xanthine ismetabolized to urea, as shown in Figure 3.

    Caffeine is moderately soluble in water, yet itis also hydrophobic enough to easily pass throughbiological membranes, probably for the most partby passive diffusion. Thus, caffeine is rapidly andcompletely absorbed from the gastrointestinaltract. More than 99% of caffeine is absorbed fol-lowing its oral consumption, and peak plasmalevels are generally attained within 15 to 45 min.9Furthermore, following absorption of caffeine, itis widely distributed in the body. In humans, 70%of a dose of caffeine is initially converted to 1,7dimethyl xanthine and a further 25% similarlydemethylated to form theophylline and theobro-mine. Less than 5% is metabolized by two reac-tions that do not involve demethyl-ation.10,11 Therate of caffeine elimination can also vary mark-edly within a species, including man as a functionof age, endocrine status, disease, or the presenceof other drugs (Table 2).

    A useful index of the rate of caffeine metabo-lism and excretion is its half-life in plasma, thatis, the time required for plasma caffeine levels tobe diminished by 50% as a result of biotransfor-mation and excretion. The plasma half-life ofcaffeine varies considerably among the animalspecies (Table 3).

    D. Physiological Effects of Caffeine

    For the average consumer the physiologicaleffects of caffeine are very closely associatedwith drinking coffee. There have been severalreports on the phsychological effects of caffeineconsumption1217 and its effects in conjunctionwith the consumption of alcohol and smoking1822and drugs.2324 During the last decade, much at-

    TABLE 1Chemical Composition of Coffee

    Component Composition (%)

    Reducing sugars 1.0Sucrose 7.0Pectin 3.0Starch 10.0Pentosan 5.0Hemicellulose 15.0Holocellulose (fiber) 18.0Lignin 2.0Oils 13.0Protein 13.0Ash 4.0Chlorogenic acid 7.0Other acids 1.0Trignolleine 1.0Caffeine 1.0

    Source: Guide on Food Products, 1992 (Ref. 5).




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    FIGURE 2. Formation of caffeine in Coffea arabica fruits.

    tention has centered on the development of coro-nary heart diseases. A number of studies havebeen focussed to determine the effect of coffee/caffeine on heart diseases.2527 Rosemarin28 ob-served conflicting results from epidemiologicalstudies on coffee and coronary diseases. He sug-gested that coffee may induce cardiac arrhythmias,including potentially lethal ventricular ectopy incertain individuals. A decrease in the relative riskof coronary deaths with coffee consumption wasfound in the Norwegian study,29 wherein coffeeconsumption was correlated with serum choles-terol levels and blood pressure. The effects ofcoffee on blood pressure and heart rate, using 107normal adults (18 to 33 years old) were reported

    by Bak and Grobbee.30 After a large-scale studyin Norway comprising about 38,000 men andwomen in the 35- to 54-year-old age group,Tverdal31 examined the association between thenumber of cups of coffee consumed per day anddeaths from and coronary heart disease when tak-ing other major coronary risk factors into ac-count. Mean cholesterol concentrations increasedfrom the lowest to highest coffee-consuminggroup. The relative risk for men who consumedless than one cup and those who consumed nineor more cups of coffee per day was estimated tobe 2.2. For women, the corresponding relativerisk was 5.1. Epidemiological studies have shownthat the consumption of coffee at an acute level




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    FIGURE 3

    TABLE 2Factors Modifying Caffeine Elimination in Man

    Factor Half life in plasma

    None 56 hPregnancy 18 hOral conceptives 10.7 hCigarette smoking 34 hLiver failure Several days

    Source: Von Borstel, 1983 (Ref. 9). Reproduced withpermission.

    produces a number of short-term responses, in-cluding an increase in blood pressure, plasmarenin activity, urine production, and gastric acid

    secretion. The effect of coffee consumption onblood lipids, cholesterol, and blood pressure wasinvestigated by Stensvold et al.29 Bak and his co-




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    workers32 reported on the effect of coffee on se-rum cholesterol, and Van Dusseldorp et al.33 in-vestigated the effect of decaffeinated vs. regularcoffee on serum lipoproteins. Coffee consump-tion has been linked to cancers in many organs,but currently there appears to be little or no sup-portive evidence for these contentions.

    There are many reports of caffeine linkingwith cancer of the bladder,3436 the pancreas,3739and breast disease.40 The risk of cancer of thecolon and the rectum in relation to coffee con-sumption was investigated by Rosenburg et al.,41who suggested that coffee consumption was notrelated to an increased risk of large bowel cancerand that heavy consumption of coffee might re-duce the risk of colon cancer. The way coffeeinterferes with sleep differs considerably fromperson to person. There are people who willhave sleepless night even after a cup ofdecaffeinated coffee and others who sleep peace-fully after a double espresso. Thus, caffeine is abehavioral stimulant that produces dose-depen-dent subjective effects in humans. The effect ofcaffeine on alertness was investigated byZwyghuizen et al.,42 who observed that caffeineincreases daytime alertness and vigilance. Anopposite effect of caffeine was reported byRogestein,43 describing the cases of six patientswho had severe sleepiness apparently inducedby caffeine.

    Several authors have contributed reports at-tempting to determine whether women who con-sume caffeine-containing beverages take longerto become pregnant than those who abstain fromsuch drinks. Wilcox44 reported that consumption

    of more than one cup of coffee per day was asso-ciated with a 50% reduction in conception rate. Inanother study45 an association was found betweencoffee consumption and delayed conception.


    In man, a fatal dose of caffeine is estimated as10 g or about 50 to 100 cups of average coffee(depending on strength and volume). It can causeexcessive influence on the central nervous andrespiratory systems, characterized by restlessness,excitement, insomnia, and possibly mild delirium.People do suffer from sleepiness, nervousness,intestinal discomfort, heart stimulation, and othereffects after drinking excessive amounts ofcoffee. Excessive can be one cup for some, twocups for others, and three cups for people in gen-eral. Those who habitually drink coffee require alarge dose for stimulation. This is because theydevelop a tolerance to the drink, whereas a non-coffee drinker will get stimulating action fromeven a single cup of coffee. Individual tolerancesto dosages vary with age, sex, physical condition,environment, and other factors. Young peopleusually react negatively to drinking coffee. Middle-aged people find it stimulating and relaxing. Olderpeople find it a useful stimulant, but avoid it dueto negative body reactions.

    A. History of Decaffeination

    Runge first discovered and isolated caffeinein the late nineteenth century, and Roselius devel-

    TABLE 3Caffeine Biotransformation in Some Species

    Species Half life in plasma (h) Major initial metabolites

    Man 56 Paraxanthine (1,7DMX)Macaca monkey 6 Theophylline (1,3DMX)Beagle 4 Theophylline (1,3-DMX)Rat 1.52 Theobromine (3,7DMX)Mouse 1.5 Theobromine (3,7DMX)Rabbit 1 Paraxanthine (1,7DMX)

    Note: DMX: Dimethyl xanthine

    Source: Von Borstel, 1983 (Ref. 9). Reproduced with permission.




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    oped the first decaffeinating process for coffee inGermany in 1900.46 In 1912 Roselius foundedKaffee Hag, the original commercial decaffeinatedcoffee. Similar operations were started in the U.S.by Kaffee Hag before World War I, but they wereexported by the U.S. General Foods later boughtout the Sanka trademark in 1932, and the pro-cess for exclusive use in the U.S. Since WorldWar II, there has been a very significant rise in theuse of decaffeinated coffee. One reason is thatwith the increased use of robustas possessingdouble the caffeine content, consumers pass overthe margin of being comfortable after drinkingcoffee to being uncomfortable. Interestinglyenough, decaffeination removes robustas harsh-ness (as well as flavor) and irritation leaving abland coffee beverage with little flavor, whetherconsumed as R&G coffee or instant coffee.Newyork is a Swiss water town for specialtycoffees. Swiss water was introduced to the Ameri-can market in Newyork in 1979, and French waterdecaffeinated coffee was introduced in 1992. Theuse of solvent super critical CO2 for decaffeinationof coffee, commercialized by HAG-GF in Ger-many, is based on the 1970 patent of Kurt Zosel,a scienist at Max Planck Institute, Germany.

    Secrecy has been a policy of almost all coffeebean decaffeinators, so little process data havebeen published. Patents have been the major sourceof public information. However, process know-how has become progressively available as theindustry has spread out and more and more com-panies and people have become involved. Therehave been numerous process developments indecaffeination technology, the most importantbeing solvent extraction of caffeine from prewetted

    beans with, for example, dichloromethane or ethylacetate decaffeination using carbon dioxide andaqueous extraction using a solution of green cof-fee extract or water process.

    B. Solvent Decaffeination

    Until the mid-1970s, all the decaffeinatonmethods used the solvent method only. Over theyears mankind has utilized alkalis, acids, and eventried charging coffee with electricity in an effortto decaffeinate it. More often than not, the result-ing beverage tasted decapitated as well asdecaffeinated. Benzene, chloroform, ether, alco-hol, trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, ac-etone, ammonium hydroxide, and sulfuric acidhave also been used during this century todecaffeinate the beans. The solubility of caffeinein various organic solvents is given in Table 4.

    Ethyl acetate decaffeination is a process wherethe solvent owes its origin to natural sources.46

    There are two basic methods for producingdecaffeinated coffee using solvent, direct solventextraction of the beans and water extraction of thebeans followed by solvent extraction of the caf-feine from the water extract. In green coffee,caffeine is fixed to the chlorogenic acid. In orderto separate the caffeine from the chlorogenic acidand to allow the solvent to get access to the caf-feine and to enable the latter to escape at thesurface of coffee, the green coffees moistureshould be increased. This can be done by treatingthe beans either with super-heated steam or soak-ing followed by steaming.47 In the direct solventextraction process, green coffee beans are first

    TABLE 4Solubility of Caffeine in Organic Solvents

    Solvent Solubility%(W/V) Temperature C

    Trichloro ethylene 1.5 29Dichloro methane 9.0 33Chloroform 15.0 25Dichlro ethylene 1.8 25Acetone 2.0 25Ethyl alcohol 1.5 25Ethanol 4.0 77Ethyl ether 0.2 20




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    steamed to increase their moisture content, thenthey are treated with solvent to remove most ofthe caffeine. The beans are next heated to removethe residual solvent and excess moisture. In theindirect method, green beans are steeped in hotwater to dissolve caffeine. Next the water is sepa-rated from the beans and treated with the solventto remove caffeine. Then the flavor ingredients inthe water are returned to the beans, which are thenrinsed to wash off trace amount of the chemical.Decaffeinated coffee made by the indirect methoddoes not pose the problem of residual solvent inthe beans.

    1. Methylene Chloride

    Until the mid-1970s, methylene chloride wasconsidered to be the best solvent for extraction ofcaffeine with satisfactory results. Methylene chlo-ride is a colorless liquid with a pleasant sweetishodor, boiling at 104F. Its vapor is not flammable,and when mixed with air is not explosive.48

    Animal tests by the National Toxicology Pro-gram indicated that methyelene chloride was asafe solvent at low concentrations. At high levelsof 4000 ppm, laboratory mice exhibited cancersymptoms, whereas rats did not. The Occupa-tional Safety and Health Administration, USA,has estabilished current permissible exposure lev-els in the work place at 500 ppm. No cases ofhuman cancer have been attributed to this sol-vent.49

    The FDA has promulgated regulations thatrequire methylene chloride levels below 10 ppmin decaffeinated coffee. After the extraction ofcoffee, the wet beans are dried at 212F, whichboils off most of the residual solvent. Roastingthe coffee beans further removes residual solvent.Accordingly, the industry operates well below the10 ppm level, with detectable amounts of 2 or 3ppm. However, during recent years, doubts havearaisen about its risk to humans.50

    It is ironic to note that the reason for the ban onthe methylene chloride was not because of possibleill health effects. Rather, methylene chloride hasbeen identified as leading suspect in the allegeddepletion of ozone layer. Any process using it,therefore given the inevitability of a certain amount

    escaping into the atmosphere during the solventmanufacture, transport, and use, presents a risk andthis includes decaffeination of coffee.

    2. Ethyl Acetate

    Although there is no demonstrated hazards tohuman health by way of traces of methylene chlo-ride residue in decaffeinated coffee, exaggerationof its suspected carcinogenicity has led to a searchfor a solvent free from toxicity criticism. Thesolvent of choice has become ethyl acetate, anatural component detected in coffee aroma andfound to occur naturally in many fruits such asbananas, apples, and pears. It may be syntheti-cally produced from petroleum sources. Ethylacetate is an ester and is a clear, volatile, flam-mable liquid, with a characterisic fruity odor anda pleasant taste when diluted. Because it is com-pletely digestible and consumed daily in a widerange of foods, from salad dressings to fruit des-serts, its toxicity has never been questioned by theFood and Drug Administration or others. Ethylacetate has been approved for decaffeination ofcoffee by the US FDA since 1982. Unlike theguidelines for methylene chloride, there is no setlimit to the residual amount of ethyl acetate thatmay remain in the beans. Morrison et al.51 de-scribed a continuous method for the accelerateddecaffeination of green coffee beans involvingwetting of the beans followed by countercurrentextraction using ethyl acetate for 3 to 5 h. Theresidual solvent is removed by steam stripping. Inanother patent,52 the same authors described themethod for removal of residual solvent preferablyethyl acetate by flash evaporation using an alter-nating cycle of pressure variation. Cafiver inOrizaba, Veracruz, Mexico, markets ethyl acetate-decaffeinated Mexican coffee in the U.S. andCanada, as do several other European and South-ern Hemisphere American decaffeinators.Decaffeination of robusta coffee beans was car-ried out in this laboratory (unpublished data) us-ing ethyl acetate.53 The method consists of in-creasing the moisture content in green coffee beansfollowed by extraction. The condition of extrac-tion and the quality of decaffeinated coffee arepresented in Table 5.




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    C. Decaffeination with Carbon Dioxide

    The most selective process for removing justcaffeine and not the other flavor precursors fromcoffee is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is usu-ally not thought of as a solvent, because it is a gasat normal atmospheric pressure and temperature.However, when it is compressed to a pressuregreater than 50 times atmospheric, it becomes adense liquid-like fluid. In this state it has otherliquid-like properties, such as the ability to dis-solve other materials when it is in a heavy glassor steel container under pressure.54 It has a densityabout 80% that of water, but its viscosity is only7%. These properties make it very penetratingand easy to recirculate using pumps, pipes, andvalves. The solubility of caffeine in dry carbondioxide is low, but if the carbon dioxide is satu-rated with water the solubility is tripled. Carbondioxide does not affect the carbohydrates (sugars,starch) and peptides (proteins) that during roast-ing are converted into the various compoundsresponsible for the flavor and aroma of brewedcoffee.

    Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless, andtasteless gas that gives no solvent residue or hasany deleterious effects when used as a solvent. Itis also noninflammable and noncorrosive and canbe liquified at a temperature below 88F by ap-plying a pressure above 73 atms.55 The gas be-comes supercritical at a pressure of approximately72 bars and a temperature of approximately 90F.

    The carbon dioxide decaffeination process wasdiscovered and developed by Kurt Zosel. Theprocess was patented in the early 1970s and li-censed to Cafe HAG and General Foods. Because

    the start up costs of a carbon dioxide decaffeinationplant are quite high, this chemical-free methodhas been used primarily to decaffeinate large quan-tities of commercialgrade coffee. Carbon dioxideis a natural component of roasted coffee itself.Freshly roasted coffee beans contain a fairly highlevel of carbon dioxide, which escapes as a gasover several days.

    There are several patents available on carbondioxide decaffeination of coffee. Caffeine can beextracted from green beans using supercriticalfluids, for example, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, ni-trous oxide, methane, ethylene, propane as theextractants.56 Efficiency of carbon dioxide can beimproved by treating it with dimethyl sulfoxidebefore decaffeination of either wet or dry greencoffee seeds.57 Caffeine can also be extracted fromroasted coffee using liquid carbon dioxide.58 Ingeneral, the process of decaffeination using car-bon dioxide can be described as follows. It beginswith mixing green coffee beans with water tobring the moisture content to about 50%. Thebeans swell, pores open and caffeine is convertedinto a mobile form that can diffuse out of thebean. The moisturizing step is essential fordecaffeination irrespective of the solvent used.The swollen beans are loaded into a thick-walledstainless steel extractor that is then sealed. Liquidcarbon dioxide is pumped in at the operating pres-sure of about 300 atms and is heated to about150F. After the system is filled, carbon dioxideis recirculated between the extractor and scrub-ber. Carbon dioxide flowing through the extractordissolves caffeine. In the scrubber, caffeine isremoved from carbon dioxide using water. Ma-nipulating the carbon dioxide to water ratio is key

    TABLE 5Decaffeination of Coffee Using Ethyl Acetate

    Time of Total solubleMaterial: extraction Caffeine solids removedsolvent (h) Treatment removed (%) (%)

    1:5 8 27C 3739 9101:5 14 27C 4244 14151:5 8 Hot water circulation 6264 34361:5 16 Hot water circulation 7880 4042

    Source: Ramalakshmi et al., unpublished data (Ref. 53).




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    to this operation. In the extractor there is a highratio of carbon dioxide to water. In the scrubberthe ratio is not so high because extra water isadded there. The scrubber water preferentiallycarries away the caffeine. The recirculation iscontinued for 8 to 12 h, depending on the initialcaffeine content of the green beans. The targetcaffeine content for the decaffeinated beans isusually 0.08%. If the beans are arabica with onlyabout 1% caffeine to begin with then the recircu-lation time is nearer to 8 h. At the end of recircu-lation, carbon dioxide is pumped from the systemto a strong tank and is recycled to the next batch.The beans are unloaded from the extractor fordrying. At this point they still contain moistureand a trace of carbon dioxide. The subsequentdrying step reduces the moisture to its originallevel and vaporizes the carbon dioxide.59

    The advantages of this process are that (1)there is no harmful residue because carbon diox-ide is a safe, nontoxic material that is completelyand easily removed from the decaffeinated coffeeas well as from the aqueous solution of byproductcaffeine, (2) the product is of a superior qualitywith flavor and appearance very close to that ofundecaffeinated coffee and superior to the prod-ucts obtained from other decaffeination methods,and (3) losses of coffee solubles (other than caf-feine) are quite low, less than other decaffeinationmethods, resulting in greater product yield. Thereare two major restrictions of carbon dioxidedecaffeination. In developing this process, oneneeds to optimize the precise processing param-eters.60 There has to be a great deal of knowledgein the operation of high-pressure facilities in gen-eral, and there has to be a very good technicalinfrastructure for maintenance of the plant.Decaffeination plant using carbon dioxide beingcapital intensive is commercially feasible only atan annual capacity of atleast 3000 tons per year.

    D. Water Decaffeination

    The water process using water for de-caffeination was developed by the Coffex Com-pany in 1938 in Switzerland. However, commer-cialization of the process was slow; only in thelate 1970s, was coffex able to realize the commer-

    cial production, with an initial capacity of 4000tons per year. Caffeine has a specific solubility inwater that varies widely with temperature. At roomtemperature, caffeine dissolves in water at a maxi-mum solubility of 2%, whereas it can dissolve inboiling water to make a 70% solution. An addi-tional factor in the aqueous extraction is that thecaffeine is combined with organic acids withinthe green bean cells. This must be hydrolyzed byheat to liberate the free caffeine.

    1. Swiss Water Decaffeination

    The idea of water decaffeination was origi-nally thought of by Jean Maclang in 1934, whodecided to remove caffeine from coffee withoutusing a chemical solvent. Until the late 1970s,scientists and engineers at Coffex modified theprocess to prevent the removal of the coffee fla-vor with an activated carbon filter and then starteda chemical decaffeination plant in Switzerland.61In the original Swiss water process, green coffeebeans were soaked in hot water and caffeine andflavor from the green beans dissolved into thewater.62 The water was then circulated through anactivated carbon filter that removed the caffeine.The beans were then removed and transferred toa drying tank and the water to an evaporatorwhere it was concentrated. When the beans werehalf-dry, the flavor-charged water was sprayedback into the beans and the flavor was reabsorbed.In the mid 1980s, the procedure was refined atCoffex North America plant in Vancouver,wherein the flavor-charged caffeine-free waterwas used to remove caffeine from the subsequentbatches of beans.63 After a batch of beans hasbeen processed and the carbon filter removed thecaffeine, a new generation of Swiss waterdecaffeination uses this flavor-charged water todecaffeinate subsequent batches of beans. Thecaffeine-free water absorbs the caffeine from thenew beans, but the flavor components cannot passinto the already flavor-saturated water. The key toSwiss water decaffeination is that the originalflavor components never leave the bean. So thedecaffeinated beans retain their original rich, fullflavor and are 100% chemical free. The varioustypes of Swiss water coffees available are Colom-




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    bians, Mochal/Java blends, Kenya AA, Brazilsantos, Strictly Hard bean Guatemalas, andSumatra Arabica.64 Although the Swiss water pro-cess was reported to yield a less tasteful brew thanother methods of decaffeinated coffees,65 this de-ficiency was overcome during the late 1980s.

    2. French Water Decaffeination

    Ed. Wakeham, a trader for Cofinco, intro-duced French water decaffeinated product for thefirst time using french water, with a pH factor ofseven. French water decaffeination was introducedin Newyork by 1992. It is currently available forColombian coffee and is decaffeinated using onlythe purest ground water.66 The process consistsof soaking the coffee beans in hot boiling waterfor over 24 h when water leaches out caffeine aswell as coffee solids from the beans. After thisprocess is completed, the water is drawn off, thebeans are dried, and the decaffeination processcontinued. As the beans are drying, the watercharged with caffeine solids is purified through anatural filter that absorbs the caffeine without anychemical reactions with water. The caffeine-freewater is then added to the beans that have beendried. The dry beans act as a sponge reabsorbingthe coffee solids back into them. The beans aredried once again. This results in 99.9% caffeine-free beans. The advantage of drying beans twiceis that they contain less residual water andabsorbtion of coffee solids is more.

    E. Various Absorbents

    Caffeine is transferred from steamed greenbeans to an intermediate from that it is recoveredby thermal desorption.67 Some of the absorbentsused are activated charcoal, molecular sieves, silicagels, bentonites, and organic ion-exchange resins.

    1. Nitrous Oxide

    The applicability of nitrous oxide as solventfor caffeine depends on the relatively high solventpower of nitrous oxide for this substance.68 The

    solvent power of nitrous oxide for caffeine whencompared with carbon dioxide is higher. The pro-cess of decaffeination using nitrous oxide as agaseous solvent has to be carried out in the sameway as any separation process employing a massseparation agent in a two-step process, the first ofwhich is the decaffeination and the second isthe separation of caffeine from the solvent.Decaffeination by this process is carried out usingnitrous oxide at a pressure of 200 bar, with anextraction time of about 10 h corresponding totwo extraction cycles per day.

    F. Decaffeination of Coffee Extracts

    There are a number of patents relating todecaffeination of coffee products, rather than greencoffee involving the use of organic solvents andsupercritical carbon dioxide. It would be neces-sary to remove first all the organic volatiles thatare responsible for the aroma/flavor beforedecaffeination. Caffeine containing green coffeeextract can be decaffeinated by contact with caf-feic acid which forms an insoluble caffeine/caf-feic acid, complex and can be separated easily.69The process of using caffeic acid for decaffeinationis applied in roasted coffee extract also. The aromaof roasted coffee is not lost or impaired by thisprocess.70 There are also processes available fordecaffeination of coffee extracts using carbondioxide,71,72 ethyl cellulose, activated carbon,73and dimethyl sulfoxide.74

    G. Microbial Decaffeination

    There are reports in the literature using mi-croorganism for decaffeination of coffee. Themicroorganism is of Acinetobacter sp. and usescaffeine as its only source of C and N. The pro-cess involves an aqueous coffee extract that isincubated with the microorganism under aerobicconditions until a substantial part of the caffeineis metabolized, after which the cells of the micro-organism are separated out. The advantage of theprocess is that the product obtained is free fromthe usual solvent residues remaining after con-ventional treatment.75




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    Aqueous caffeine-containing liquids, for ex-ample, coffee extracts are decaffeianted by eitherfermenting the liquid with Pseudomonas micro-organisms, Pseudomonas putida NRRL B-8051,P. fluorescens NRRL B-8052, and P. fluorescensNRRL B.8053 or by contacting the liquid with acaffeine-mobilizing enzyme preparation isolatedfrom the above.76


    Decaffeinated coffee remains a strong andprofitable segment of the specialty coffee indus-try. The number of decaffeinated coffee consum-ers has grown more than 4- to 5-fold in the last 4decades.77 Decaffeinated versions of specialtycoffee drinks are becoming increasingly popularin the U.S., and numerous coffee shops and res-taurants are adding more varieties of decaffeinatedcoffees to their menus. Therefore, 20% of theworlds coffee produce can be decaffeinated, withthe existing capacity of decaffeination plants tomeet the requirements of decaffeinated coffeeconsumers.

    The prices of decaffeinted coffee are sub-jected to a wide variation and it is well known thatSwiss water usually costs more compared withcoffees decaffeinted using other processes. Find-ings indicate that Swiss water coffees generallysell at approximately $20 per kilogram, whereasdichloromethane decaffeinated coffees sell at ap-proximately $17.50 per kilogram. Prices for a cupof regular vs. decaffeinated coffee were similiar,with 84% of retailers charging the same price forboth types. A few charge more for decaffeinatedcoffees. Decaffeinated coffee cup sales, there-fore, represent a promising and profitable oppor-tunity for specialty coffee retailers.78,79


    A. Definition and Composition

    The International Standards Organisation(ISO 3509-1989) has defined decaffeinated cof-fee as coffee from which caffeine has been ex-tracted.80 There is considerable national legisla-

    tion specifying the maximum residual amount ofcaffeine. In the U.K. and most other Europeancountries, the maximum caffeine content fordecaffeinated roasted coffees is set at 0.1% (drybasis), although in the U.S. there is no specificlegislation, but manufacturers generally claimthat more than 97% of the caffeine has beenremoved. For de-caffeinated instant coffee, inEuropean community countries, the maximumcaffeine content is set at 0.3% (dry basis). Thisfigure is generally accepted elsewhere in theworld except in the U.S. where a 97% elimina-tion figure is usual.

    B. Physical and ChemicalCharacteristics

    Decaffeination is a process applied to greencoffee after which the decaffeinated green coffeeis roasted and ground or converted into instantcoffee exactly as for the corresponding non-decaffeinated products. The composition of thesedecaffeinated coffees apart from caffeine contenttherefore will be almost corrospondingly identi-cal. However, there are slight differences, andalso of flavor, depending on the particulardecaffeination process employed. Decaffeinatedcoffees have always been being rated inferior intaste and aroma properties as well as appeal, be-cause beans are subjected to severe treatment suchas steam stripping and the final stage of drying.The net result is that decaffeinated coffee beanschange color and are often not as green as theywere originally and vary in shades from darkbrownish black, to dark green (at best), to reddishbrown and are sometimes discolored. The colorof the final decaffeinated beans is strongly influ-enced by the acidity of the green beans. If this isnot controlled, during the process of decaffeinationthe final bean colors vary from orange to redbrown. Most of the bean surface waxes are re-moved, giving the beans a dull appearance beforeand after roasting. If sugars have been allowed toremain on the surface, these burn during roasting,lending an appearance to the roasted beans. Tastechanges resulting from decaffeinated coffees usu-ally make robusta beans much milder in taste andaroma; it often upgrades the harsh arabica beansinto a milder and more acceptable beverage.




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    Decaffeinated beans roast differently thannatural green beans with less bean expansion, lesspopping, etc., because the sucrose content hasbeen altered. Udayasankar et al.81 compared theappearance of the green beans decaffeinated byboth supercritical carbon dioxide and dichloro-methane, and observed that the appearance of thebeans decaffeinated with the former was like nor-mal beans except that they were puffed slightly,whereas in case of the latter the beans looked greyand shrivelled due to the long hours of steamingduring solventization. The decrease in total solublesolids in decaffeinated beans was due to depletionof caffeine, but the higher loss of soluble solidsfound in dichloromethane decaffeinated coffeebeans may be due to leaching during steaming toremove the solvent residue in the beans. The colorand the appearance of the roasted decaffeinatedcoffees were observed to be similar irrespectiveof the method of decaffeination. From Table 6 itcan be concluded that there is decrease in petro-leum ether extract in the case of solvent-extractedbeans, but it is very less in supercritical-extractedcoffee beans.


    Caffeine, the alkaloid present in coffee, is nottolerated by some people. This necessitates thedemand for decaffeinated coffee. Because therobusta variety of coffee is rated inferior in aromaquality and fetches less price to the producer, itcould be used as the starting material for thepurpose of decaffeination. Earlier methods madeuse of chlorinated solvents for the extraction of

    caffeine. However, the harmful effects of the sol-vent residues have made it imperative to look foralternate safer solvents. Ethyl acetate is one suchsafe solvent permitted in most countries.

    There have been several reports regarding theuse of carbon dioxide as a safe solvent in asupercritical extraction system for the de-caffeination of coffee. The major advantages ofthis solvent are that the extraction can be carriedout at near ambient temperatures, the solvent doesnot leave any residue, and it selectively extractscaffeine, leaving behind aroma precursors andwater solubles such as carbohydrates and protein.

    Roasting characteristics, namely, density,swelling ratio, and breaking strength, play animportant role in determining the quality ofdecaffeinted coffee. While the swelling ratio ofdecaffeinated coffee was comparable to thecaffeinted coffee, the breaking strength was morein decaffeinted coffee ranging from 17.70 to 9.95lb/in, for light to dark roasts. The cup quality ofdecaffeinated coffee is very much dependent onthe degree of roasting; the color of roasted beanshas to be much darker compared with caffeinatedcoffee to get a brew of matching cup quality.Further, the quality of roasted and grounddecaffeinated coffee required is also more, almost1.5 times the caffeinated coffee. This is quiteunderstandable considering the fact that the totalsoluble solids in the decaffeinated coffee are muchlesser compared with caffeinated coffee.

    From the foregoing facts encompassing physi-ological effects of coffee, it is not possible toflatly say that coffee consumption is healthy orunhealthy. However, with the increasing aware-ness and health consciousness, the market for

    TABLE 6Proximate Analysis of Decaffeinated Roasted and Ground Coffee

    Crude Pet. etherTotal Total N proteina Caffeine extract Tannins

    Type of coffee ash (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

    Untreated 4.5 2.6 14.2 2.12 9.70 10.30Dichloromethane extracted 4.3 2.2 14.5 0.05 4.50 10.10Supercritical CO2 extracted 4.4 2.3 14.8 0.06 6.00 11.00

    a Noncaffeine N 6.25

    Source: Udayasankar et al., 1986 (Ref. 81). Reproduced with permission.




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    decaffeinated coffee may expand in the years tocome.


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