ABSITE Keyword Breast Summaries


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Transcript of ABSITE Keyword Breast Summaries

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ABSITE Keyword Summaries

Breast Key Words): (missed 3 rd /4 th /5 th years)

(2009)Adjuvant Rx breast ca (1/0/1)Indication Brca 1, 2 testing (0 missed)Contraindic segmental mastectomy stage I cancer (0 missed)Rx B-cell lymphoma breast (3/1/1)Rx inflamm ca breast (3/2/1)Rx lymphedema (5/1/1)Rx recur ca breast (2/3/2)

(2008)Histology assoc subseq breast ca (0/1/0)Breast tumor indic SLNB (5/3/2)Etiol unilat breast enlargement man (10/5/5)Most common cause nipple discharge (0/2/0)Rx breast mass post neoadj chemorx (3/1/1)Rx DCIS breast male (2/2/0)

(2007)Charact SLNB (2/2/1)Rx atypical ductal hyperplas br (1/2/1)Rx inflamm ca breast (7/2/5)Rx intraductal papilloma (1/3/1)Dx lypyhedema (3/3/2)Rx Ca breast neg SLNB (4/3/2)Contraindic TRAM flap reconstruct (4/1/3)

(2006)Rx post-menopausal breast ca (2/1/3)Rx gynecomast assoc anabol steroids (5/2/3)Rx LCIS breast (1/2/0)Incr cancer incid tamoxifen rx (0/0/1)Rx phyllodes tumor breast (1/0/1)Rx DCIS >1cm (2/0/3)Pt w/ highest rate breast ca (3/1/0)