About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable...


Transcript of About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable...

Page 1: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops
Page 2: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops

About Us

Page 3: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops

Sunday 24th January @ 19h00We have a date with the

planet!Join us for the internationallyacclaimed documentary HOME


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SSuunnddaayy 2200tthh MMaarrcchh @@ 1199hh0000EExxpplloorree iiddeeaass ooff tthhee mmiinndd,,mmeemmoorryy aanndd ddeessttiinnyy wwii tthhEEtteerrnnaa ll SSuunnsshhiinnee ooff tthhee

SSppoottlleessss MMiinndd ((22000044))

AAll ll ssccrreeeenniinnggss aarree ffrreeee ooff aaddmmiissssiioonn!! BBrriinngg yyoouurr oowwnnssnnaacckkss.. TTeeaa // ccooffffeeee // wwaatteerr && sseeccuurree ppaarrkkiinnggaavvaaii ll aabbllee..NNeeww AAccrrooppooll ii ss BBrraaaammffoonntteeiinn1122tthh FF lloooorr,, OOrriioonn HHoouussee,,4499 JJoorrii sssseenn SSttrreeeett,,BBrraaaammffoonntteeiinn

Page 4: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops
Page 5: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops
Page 6: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops
Page 7: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops

This personis an

African!This person

is aPhilosopher!

Page 8: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops
Page 9: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops

First ClassIs Free!

Page 10: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops

PPhhiilloossoopphheerrss AArroouunndd YYoouu

Page 11: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops
Page 12: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops

Patchwork Souls

Page 13: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops

Patchwork Souls

Page 14: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops
Page 15: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops
Page 16: About Us · — Steven Biko SpaceforRent Have an event and need space? Rent one of our comfortable rooms for any event. New Acropolis can accommodate you! EVENTSINCLUDE Various workshops