About The Munay-Ki Shamanic Rites - HealingjHands · About The Munay-Ki Shamanic Rites: The Nine...

About The Munay-Ki Shamanic Rites: The Nine Rites of Initiation to Wisdom & Empowerment The Next Step in Our Evolution “Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being.” -Rumi The Munay-Ki is the Nine great Rites of Initiation of the Medicine Way. The word munay means “I love you as you are”. The Munay-Ki are the nine gates that heal us and transform our human energy field into that of homo luminous, the next step in our evolution. The Munay-Ki is the codes for the new human. These codes are energetically transmitted through 9 Rites into the “Luminous Energy Field”, helping us to heal and transform our energy fields into that of Homo Luminous. Munay-Ki heals the wounds of the past-your karmic and genetic inheritance. They re-inform / activate your DNA to its full potential, enabling you to grow a new body – one that ages, and heals differently. The Munay-Ki will not disturb or disrupt you in any way, but are available to support you in your efforts to bring a bit more light and healing into the world, and also into your world. They also protect you from the negativity and fearful energies in the world today. The Munay-Ki Rites are initiations intended to help the person receiving them to become a person of wisdom and power. Unlike traditional Q'ero initiations, which are given once the student has acquired the requisite skills to handle their impact, the Munay-Ki are given without any preparation or training. This has been controversial with many shamanic teachers who believe lack of preparation for an initiation can, and does, cause psychological difficulties for many people. The Rites of the Munay-Ki accelerate the transformation process of human consciousness and awakens the "seer" within and the ancient and future wisdom within you. They transform and upgrade your luminous energy field, into the "new" human being of Light and Love. Three Rites are "installed" in the luminous energy field. The six lineage Rites are transmitted energetically, and connect us to the luminous ones who are available to assist us and work with and thru us on our journey toward personal healing, earth stewardship and enlightenment.

Transcript of About The Munay-Ki Shamanic Rites - HealingjHands · About The Munay-Ki Shamanic Rites: The Nine...


The Munay-Ki

Shamanic Rites: The Nine Rites of Initiation to Wisdom & Empowerment

The Next Step in Our Evolution “Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot.

Seek the path that demands your whole being.”


The Munay-Ki is the Nine great Rites of Initiation of the Medicine Way. The word munay

means “I love you as you are”. The Munay-Ki are the nine gates that heal us and transform

our human energy field into that of homo luminous, the next step in our evolution. The

Munay-Ki is the codes for the new human. These codes are energetically transmitted through

9 Rites into the “Luminous Energy Field”, helping us to heal and transform our energy fields

into that of Homo Luminous. Munay-Ki heals the wounds of the past-your karmic and genetic

inheritance. They re-inform / activate your DNA to its full potential, enabling you to grow a

new body – one that ages, and heals differently. The Munay-Ki will not disturb or disrupt you

in any way, but are available to support you in your efforts to bring a bit more light and

healing into the world, and also into your world. They also protect you from the negativity

and fearful energies in the world today.

The Munay-Ki Rites are initiations intended to help the person receiving them to become a

person of wisdom and power. Unlike traditional Q'ero initiations, which are given once the

student has acquired the requisite skills to handle their impact, the Munay-Ki are given

without any preparation or training. This has been controversial with many shamanic

teachers who believe lack of preparation for an initiation can, and does, cause

psychological difficulties for many people. The Rites of the Munay-Ki accelerate the

transformation process of human consciousness and awakens the "seer" within and the

ancient and future wisdom within you. They transform and upgrade your luminous energy

field, into the "new" human being of Light and Love.

Three Rites are "installed" in the luminous energy field. The six lineage Rites are transmitted

energetically, and connect us to the luminous ones who are available to assist us and work

with and thru us on our journey toward personal healing, earth stewardship and


Traditionally, many of these Rites, known as "karpays", were only gifted, Shaman to Student,

during the rigorous years of initiation and training on the medicine path of a Healer or

Wisdom Keeper. Some Rites could only be received directly from Nature and Spirit, to the

few who lived with extraordinary dedication and sacrifice. Today, because of the rapid

changes on the earth, and the urgent need for us to collectively, as humans, make a shift in

our consciousness, the Q'ero elders of the high Andes of Peru have come forward to offer the

"Munay-Ki Rites" to all those who feel called to them.

The Munay-Ki will clear your luminous energy field of the psychic sludge left by past traumas.

As you raise your level of vibration, these luminous beings will come to you and guide you.

Many of you have received such a calling from Spirit, and long to make a difference in the

world and in your life. When you come to the path of the Earthkeepers with sincere intention

and an open heart, you’ll soon notice that you’re not alone. You’ll find yourself in the

company of like-minded people who strive to live by ethics and vision. And you’ll find

yourself in the company of Earthkeepers who lived on this planet many thousands of years

ago, luminous beings who are now part of the great matrix of life. These Earthkeepers will

add their power and vision to yours.

Three Rites are "installed" in the luminous energy field. The six lineage Rites are transmitted

energetically, and connect us to the luminous ones who are available to assist us and work

with and thru us on our journey toward personal healing, earth stewardship and


As you experience the Munay-Ki, you’ll feel the presence and sense the wisdom of these

luminous ones who have broken out of linear time and now dwell in sacred time, in infinity,

free from the grip of karma and rebirth. When we partner with the Earthkeepers from the

future, we make available to ourselves knowledge that can upgrade the quality of our DNA.

This runs contrary to scientific wisdom, which says that our genes can only be informed by the

past, by the gifts and illnesses our ancestors had.

The Rites are gifted as "seeds" and must be cultivated by the recipient with Fire, Attention,

and Intention. The mentorship and stewardship programs offered are intended to support

you through the journey of the Rites, deepening your connection to the energy and power

of each rite, and assisting you in cultivating them into sources of beauty, power and wisdom.

Receiving the Munay-Ki Rites is a must for professional healers, and everyone who needs to

make a shift in consciousness!

People receiving the Rites have a range of response from subtle to profound. Some

experience immediate shifts in perception, awareness, insights, etc.

As you receive the Munay-Ki, your Chakras will become clear and you’ll acquire what the

Laika know as the rainbow body. This is when your Chakras glow with their original radiance.

Remember that each of the Chakras has a color, and when they’re shining with their original

light, they emit the colors of the rainbow. When they’re dulled by trauma from this and from

previous lifetimes, our LEF (Luminous Energy Field) acquires a grayish hue and our Chakras

become pools of psychic sewage. Once we acquire a rainbow body, the luminous

Earthkeepers can reach out to us because they recognize that we share a common vision

and calling. Sometimes, people will perceive these ancient Earthkeepers as Native American

Elders, wearing robes from Asia or furs from Siberia, or even feathers from the Amazon.

Sometimes you’ll be able to perceive their thoughts and feelings. And you will have access

to their wisdom and their stories. Eventually, as you experience the 7th, 8th, and 9th initiation,

you can download a new and better version of the software that informs the LEF (Luminous

Energy Field) , which will then inform your DNA, giving it instructions on how to create a new

body that will age, heal, and die differently.

There’s nothing you need to do to attract these luminous Earthkeepers. They’ll come to you

when you invite them to do so and are ready to receive them. When the student is ready,

The master appears. They will not disturb you in any way, but are available to support you in

your efforts to bring a bit more light and healing into the world. They’re also there to protect

you from the negativity and fearful energies in the world today.

These Luminous Ones are our Medicine Lineage. They’re Humans who rose to the level of

Angels. Some are in bodies, some are in spirit form, but all have a mandate to protect those

who are looking after the well-being of the planet. The Buddhists call them Bodhisattvas. They

are the finest spiritual allies anyone can have, and they provide us with knowledge on how

one becomes an Angel. This is what the prophecies of the Laika mean when they tell us that

we have the potential to become Homo Luminous. We can develop the luminous energy

fields of Angels within our lifetime. The Munay-Ki offers us the energetic keys to do this.

When we evolve to Homo Luminous, we no longer have to call on Angels and Archangels to

help us find a parking spot or our fortunes, because we are becoming like them. Remember

that in the Bible, God said, “Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live


As we become Earthkeepers, we join the ranks of the Angels, who come from many different

worlds and were the original souls present after the Creation. They don’t cycle through

bodies as we do, because they don’t need a corporeal form, as they don’t need to learn

and grow during an existence in the material world. They have everlasting life, and are the

Keepers of many worlds in many galaxies.

Initiation Rites

The training of the Earthkeepers has an energetic component, a series of initiations that help

us to develop a new architecture in our luminous energy field. The Rites anchor each of the

critical junctures in the process of becoming homo luminous.

The nine Rites are the sum total of attunements that we go through as we transit from the

body of a human to the body of Angels.

These Rites were first given to Ancient Teachers by Angelic beings, and now are passed on

from Teacher to Student. When an Earthkeeper gifts the Munay-Ki to a student, it is the

lineage of luminous beings that transmits itself, that leaps from the head of the master to the

student as they lean into each other and touch, forehead to forehead. To transfer this

energetic information, the Earthkeeper simply maintains sacred space and embodies the

vibration of the level she wants to transmit. While you can’t undergo these initiations on your

own, once you receive them, the Rites are yours to transmit to others as you wish. But there is

one caveat. The Rites are offered “free of charge”. You may charge a fee to coach a client

during the changes that they will go through as they receive the Rites, for the space

provided and additional expenses, but not for the Munay-Ki itself.

The Nine Rites

The nine Rites are broken up into three categories:

Foundation Rites

Lineage Rites

Rites to Come

The Foundation Rites consist of:

1. Bands of Power Rite

2. Healers Rite

3. Harmony Rite

4. Seer’s Rite

The Lineage Rites consist of:

5. Daykeeper’s Rite

6. Wisdomkeeper’s Rite

7. Earthkeeper’s Rite

The Rites to Come consist of:

8. Starkeeper’s Rite

9. Creator Rite (aka Spiritkeeper’s Rite)

The 1st First Rite consists of protections installed in your LEF (Luminous Energy Field). These are

known as the Bands of Power, and consist of Five Energetic Bands representing Earth, Air, Fire,

Water, and Pure Light. These bands are installed in your Luminous Energy Field, and act as

filters, breaking down into one of the five elements any negative energies that comes your

way so that these energies can feed you instead of making you toxic or ill. The Bands of

Power are always “on”, and negative energies bounce right off them -and go directly to the

earth where they belong and can be mulched. In a world filled with fear, the bands provide

essential protection. In review herewith the different Bands: - The Black Bands around the 1st

and 2nd Chakras representing Earth, the Red Band around the 3rd Chakra representing

Water, the Gold Band around the 4rth Chakra represent Fire, the Silver Band around the 5th

Chakra represent Wind / Air, the White Band around the 6th Chakra representing Pure Spirit.

Additionally each band has threads that go down into the ground under your feet and are

connected to the Rainbow Glacier and Gold and Silver Rivers from the Crown or 7th Chakra,

Holy Snow-Capped Mountain, down the spine and around the tailbone. The rainbow

fountain weaves it all together and the rainbow bridge connects you to the upper world, the

world of your becoming that you source yourself from. The bands themselves are part of our

energy body. They roughly correspond to the seven Chakras in the Eastern tradition, running

from the crown to the base of the spine.

The 2nd Second Rite is the Healers Rite – “In Quechua, the Hampe Rites”, which connects you

to a lineage of Shaman Earthkeepers from the past that come and assist you in your personal

healing. The Laika know that we have tremendous spiritual assistance available to us. These

luminous beings work on us during our meditation and sleep time to heal the wounds of the

past and of our ancestors. The energy of this rite also awakens your ability to assist others in

their own healing. This rite also assists you to shift old behavior patterns that you may have

inherited from your parents or grandparents.

The 3rd Third Rite is the Harmony Rite – “In Quechua, the Ayni Karpa”, in which you receive

seven different Archetypes into your Chakras. In the 1st Chakra, you receive the archetype

of serpent; 2nd Chakra the jaguar/puma; 3rd Chakra the hummingbird; 4th Chakra the

eagle/condor. Then, three Archangels go into your upper three Chakras. Huascar Inka, the

Keeper of the Lower World (our unconscious) is transmitted into the 5th Chakra. Quetzalcoatl,

the feathered serpent God of the Americas, and Keeper of the Middle World (our waking

world),) goes into the 6th Chakra. And Pachakuti, Protector of the Upper World (our super

conscious) and keeper of the time to come goes into the 7th Chakra.

This transmission helps the recipient connect with the Power of each Archetype (the

organizing principles of the universe) and their own energy centers. It is important to

remember that these Archetypes are transmitted into your Chakras as seeds; these seeds

germinate with Fire, and you have to perform a number of brief Fire (or candle) meditations

to awaken them and help them grow. Afterward, they help combust the psychic sludge that

has built up in your Chakras, so that your Chakras can shine with their original light as you

acquire a rainbow body. These Rites helps you to shed your past the way the serpent sheds

her skin, all at once leaving the old behind. These Rites are only given to recipients who are

willing to do the work to grow the seeds of these Archetypes.

After the transmission of the Rites, the initiate needs to connect to each Archetype

individually for a period of at least 2 weeks each. To connect, the initiate opens sacred

space with “Fire” (i.e. candle) and calls in the archetype. Every day for 2 weeks, the initiate

connects to the Archetype and asks for guidance and the sharing of their wisdom and gifts.

At the end of the 2 weeks, the initiate closes out the Archetype and calls in the next

Archetype. The whole process takes approximately 14 weeks. If the initiate does not feel they

connected to an archetype, they can call them in again. “The Harmony Rites should not be

passed on unless the recipient has completed this process”.

There are many ways to work with the Archetypes. The idea is to befriend each one so it can

assist you in your life. As with any relationship, the more time and attention you give to it, the

deeper it grows. Each morning you can light a candle and begin a meditation calling on the

archetype you are working with that week. Focus on its energy and let is speak to you. During

the day, open your consciousness to see how things going on in your life could be related to

that archetype.

Develop your own relationship with the Archetypes, forming your descriptions from your own


“These can also be given in full-grown form. Here is a description of each of the Archetypes.

They are like friends that you can call on to help you in any situation”:

Serpent - 1st Chakra – is the Mother of the Waters and has been the archetype of the

healer throughout many cultures. It is the one who teaches us to shed our personal

past the way she sheds her skin – the primary life force, the one who dives deep,

deep – who knows the way into the deepest places inside of ourselves – the One who

walks with beauty on the belly of the Mother – the One who knows the way back to

the Garden, the place of innocence. Serpent is the connection with the feminine.

Serpent is the one who we call on, to shed heavy energies wounds and emotions

from others, and to fully engage with our core relationship to the earth. She helps us

look at situation as a matter of fact, without getting caught in the emotions, to

remain cool and calm.

Jaguar/Puma – 2nd Chakra – is the Mother-Sister Jaguar who knows the way across

the rainbow bridge to the world of mystery – the One who swallows the dying sun,

teaching us to step beyond fear, violence and death. The archetypal connection to

the life force of the jungle, everything that is green; steward of the life force –

Luminous Warrior who has no enemies in this world or the next – represents the

Life/Death principle and renewal. Also to help us disengage from any battles, to be

fearless in knowing and asking for what we truly desire and leaping into our chosen

destiny. She can help us track in a very sensitive and invisible way for what is truly

going on with a person or situation. She can help us reclaim our passion for life.

Hummingbird (Ancient Ones) – 3rd Chakra – the Ancestors, Grandmothers and

Grandfathers, Ancient Memories, Ancient Wisdom – the Ones who have stepped

outside of Time but slip through the curtain to help us remember the ancient ways –

the way of the Hummingbird who drinks directly from the nectar of Life – not built for

flight yet undertakes and accomplishes the impossible journey. Teaches us to live life

fully. She helps us connect to our ancient wisdom and wisdom to come by being

able to master time, to step out of the grip of linear time. She helps us become

unattached to what we identify with and to specific outcomes, so that we have

nothing left to defend and can simply enjoy the sweetness of life from the

perspective of the witness or creator.

Condor or Eagle – 4th Chakra – the great Archetype of the East, the place of the rising

Sun, the place of our Becoming – principle of seeing from high perspective, vision of

clarity and beauty, the great wings of the condor hold the heart, teaches us to see

with the eyes of the heart – the One who pushes us out of the nest to spread our own

wings so that we may always fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit. Help us to look at

the big picture and broadest perspective and to keep the vision of what we want to

create most in our lives, to dream our world into being and use our feelings as

guidance and a critical part of our asking, our prayer. Condor/eagle helps us to

honor our own heartfelt desires and know that we can manifest them with the grace

of Great Spirit.

Keeper of the Lower World/Huascar – 5th Chakra – Lord of life; Lord of death.

Historically, one of two sons of the last Inka. Huascar was the keeper of the medicine

teachings and was killed by his brother who then banded together with the Spanish.

He became the harmonizing principle of the Lower World – the chaotic dark place of

all creative potential. He is the renewer of the Earth and our own personal need of

renewing our own earth, fields that are fallow, places that need aerating. The gift of

Huascar is to harmonize our relationship with our Shadow. Huascar, keeper or

harmonizing principle of the lower world, the subconscious, who helps us to go there

and see what we truly are and what we truly want in life and call back parts of us

that we may be missing along with the passion and gifts that we receive and that we

then bring to the world (soul retrieval). We call on Huascar to help us determine our

truest and most subconscious being and to help us with our shadow work embracing

and thus no longer attracting those aspects of ourselves that we would rather not

experience. The great paradox of what you push against gets bigger, what you resist

persists, and what you embrace disappears.

Keeper of the Middle World/Quetzalcoatl – 6th Chakra – Lord of the dawn, the day

bringer, the morning star. He brings harmony and order. Organizer of this world that

helps us to pay our bills, keep our appointments, and maintain our relationships,

health and well-being in daily life and general quality of life. In other traditions this

archetype is also known as Kokopelli, Kukulkan, Koni Raya and many others. With the

help of Quetzoquatl, we don't have to micromanage our life. Quetzal is a beautiful

jungle bird and coatl is a serpent. A feathered, winged serpent that has acquired

flight – the organizer of the middle world

Protector of the Upper World/Pachakuti – 7th Chakra –, organizer of the upper world,

the keeper of possibilities who helps us to dream a new and better world and life into

being (the destiny retrieval). Pachakuti helps us to call on our next evolution, to step

out of linear time and recognize and change that which we would like to change

before it manifests. Coming into relationship with Pachakuti allows us to recognize

what can be changed and changing it before it is born.

In summary:

o Serpent helps heal the physical body and helps us as we move through the

medicine wheel in the south.

o Jaguar helps heal the emotional body and helps us as we move through the

medicine wheel in the west.

o Hummingbird helps heal the spirit body and helps us as we move through the

medicine wheel in the north.

o Condor/Eagle helps heal the mental body and helps us as we move through

the medicine wheel in the east.

o Huascar helps heal our unconscious world of shadow and helps us to channel

all aspects of our being.

o Quetzalcoatl helps heal our conscious world and brings harmony to our

everyday life.

o Pachakuti helps heal our super-conscious world and helps us connect to the

magic of spirit to transform our lives in unimagined ways.

The 4th Fourth Rite is the Seer Rites – “in Quechua, the Kawach Rites”. This rite installs filaments

of light extending from your visual cortex in the back of your head to your third eye and heart

Chakras. This practice awakens your ability to perceive the invisible world. Many students find

that a few months after receiving the Seer Rites, they’re able to perceive the world of energy

around them with their physical eyes. It helps you to see and know, not only from your

analytical mind, but more importantly from your heart and intuitive perception.

The 5th Fifth Rite is the Daykeeper Rites – “in Quechua, the Pampamesayoq Rites”. The

Daykeepers were the Masters of the Ancient stone Altars found in Sacred Places throughout

the world, from Stonehenge to Machu Picchu. The Daykeeper is able to call on the power of

these ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the world. This rite is an energetic

transmission that connects you to a lineage of Laikas from the past. According to lore, the

Daykeepers call on the sun to rise each morning and set each evening, made sure that

humans were in harmony with mother earth, and honored the ways of the feminine. The

Daykeepers were the midwives who attended births and deaths, as well as being the

herbalists, or curanderas. They were generally women, and were knowledgeable about the

ways of the feminine earth. This initiation begins the process of healing your inner feminine,

and helps you to step beyond fear and practice peace.

The 6th Sixth Rite is the Wisdomkeeper Rite – “in Quechua, the Altomesayoq Rites”. The

legends say that the ancient wisdom resides in the high mountains. The ice-covered peaks

were revered as places of power, just as other mountains around the world, from Mt. Sinai to

Mt. Fuji to Mt. Olympus, have been honored as places where humans meet the divine… In

the Andean Tradition, the mountains are referred to as apus, which means the spirit of the

mountain. The lineage of Wisdomkeepers is medicine men and women from the past who

defeated death and stepped outside of time. The job of the Wisdomkeeper is to protect the

medicine teachings and share them with others when appropriate. This rite helps you to step

outside of time and taste infinity.

The 7th Seventh Rite is the Earthkeeper Rite – “in Quechua, the Kurak Akuyek Rites”. This rite

connects you to a lineage of Archangels that are guardians of our galaxy. They’re reputed

to have human form and be as tall as trees. The Earthkeepers, who are stewards of all life on

the Earth, come under the direct protection of these Archangels and can summon their

power when they need to in order to bring healing and balance to any situation. The rite of

the Earthkeepers helps you learn the ways of the seer, and to dream the world into being.

The 8th Eighth Rite is the Starkeeper Rite – “in Quechua, the Maillku or Mosok Karpay Rites”.

This rite anchors you safely to the time after the great change that was said will occur on or

around the year 2012. According to lore, when you receive this rite, your physical body

begins to evolve into that of Homo luminous. The aging process is slowed down, and you

become resistant to diseases you were once vulnerable to. When you receive these Rites,

you acquire stewardship of the time to come and all future generations.

The 9th Ninth Rite is the Creator Rite / Aka Spiritkeeper Rite – “in Quechua, the Taitanchis Ranti

Rites”. When you receive this initiation, you awaken the God-light within you acquire

stewardship for all of creation, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of

galaxies in the universe. This rite has never been available before on the planet. Although

there were individuals who attained this level of initiation, and awakened their Christ or

Buddha consciousness, it was never possible to transmit this from one person to another, until

today. So while Spirit-to-human transmission happened on occasion, human-to-human

transmission was impossible until now. The Creator rite was brought forth and gifted to us by

Inka Elders in the Andes during the summer of 2006. There is a force within each of us that

longs for expansion, to know and experience new and better things beyond our current

awareness. You could even call it the spark of life within us – the Fire, the inner creative force

that activates this impulse. The Creator Rite ignites that spark, awakens that creative wisdom,

so it can rise to its full potential. Perhaps you have felt that urge in your own life – maybe it

starts at dissatisfaction with the status quo – a discomfort for life as it is. It can also feel like

something is calling you, calling you out of your complacency, like an inner voice saying

“isn’t there something more, something better?” When we recognize we can co-create our

lives rather than wait for life to happen, then a new energy source is unleashed and we

begin to see life differently

“According to lore, the wisdom teachings of the Earthkeepers go back more than 100,000

years. During this time, the teachings have gone through many transformations, as mountain

peoples migrated to lush farmland and then crossed the ice in Siberia into the thick forests of

the American continent. Today, we’re going through another evolution as we bring this

ancient body of knowledge into the 21st century. And although the outer form of the

teachings change, the inner form remains the same.”

“-Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.-“

“We are even higher than the heavens; we are greater than the angels; why

should we not transcend both? Our lodging-place is Majesty”

- Rumi

The Munay-Ki: Nine Rites of Initiation to Wisdom & Power

There are nine Rites of Passage which are given in nine sessions. Please contact me for

upcoming classes.

This website is dedicated to the Munay Ki Shamanic Rites of Initiation, in an attempt to initiate

as many people as possible, to enable humanity to shift their consciousness, for the

betterment of mankind. Humanities shift will take a few years to fully integrate. Be part of the

energy evolution! Now is the time to raise your consciousness, take back control of your life,

and become more aware and self-responsible.

Prophecy says: “Let the dawn come. Let all the people and all the creatures have peace, let

all things live happily, for love must not only be between humans, but between all living

things. They said, we are the children of the sun, we are the children of time and we are the

travellers in space. Now is the time to go out into the world and spread the light. The sacred

flame has been kept for this purpose and now the time approaches when you will be

required to love all things, to love a world that has gone crazy, to rebalance the heavens

and the Earth. For the time of warning has come to pass and we do not have long.” Mayan

Grand Elder Don Alejandr

The Rites of the Munay Ki are Sacred Shamanic Rites of initiation from Peru; energetic

transmissions that help you to shift into a new way of being. They are the seeds that change

the vibration of your energy field and help you come into alignment with your soul’s purpose.

The accompanying journey provides a safe and sacred space where you are deeply

supported and guided to clear all that is in the way of fully expressing your light. Now is the

time to open your heart and speak from your soul, magnifying your intent and supporting

each other on this great journey forward.

For the first time in our evolution, these Rites are being transmitted person to person. We are

passing them on, rather like a virus, one that empowers rather than incapacitates one that is

filled with love rather than fear, and one that makes us available for life rather than


You will know if you are called to this work- you will want to receive and also learn how to gift

these nine great initiations to others, you will know by the yearning in your soul for something

other than that which you are experiencing in the world. You already know deep within you

that there is another way to live, another way to participate in creation.

No previous experience is necessary in order to receive the Rites. Join us on this sacred

journey to receive and learn how to pass on all 9 Rites to others, to assist them in raising their

vibration and to usher in the new age of consciousness, as humanity’s consciousness shifts

and awakens for the betterment of our planet.

The Rites are given through an attunement healing process, during which the recipient will

receive the healing and also the transmission. These Rites are sacred and powerful and your

life changes after receiving it. Rites take months to years to integrate and work with you

during your own spiritual development.

When you receive the nine Rites, your Chakras will have the opportunity to become clear

and you'll acquire what the Earthkeepers know as the rainbow body, as your Chakras glow

with their original radiance.

"We have been the keepers of a body of processes, of Rites, that usher in who we are

becoming as a people, as a planet. These processes are not only for the Indians, but for the

entire world." - Don Manuel Quispe (Peruvian Shaman)-

As you experience the 7th, 8th, and 9th initiation, you can download a new and better

version of the software that informs the luminous energy field, which will then inform your

DNA, giving it instructions on how to create a new body that will age, heal, and die

differently. There's nothing you need to do to attract these luminous Shamans. They'll come

to you when you invite them to do so and are ready to receive them. When the student is

ready, the teacher appears. They will not disturb you in any way, but are available to support

you in your efforts to bring a bit more light and healing into the world. They're also there to

protect you from the negativity and fearful energies in the world today.


Strengthens your intuition and healing abilities.

Heals and balances your inner feminine and masculine.

Activates communication with your guides and helps you to perceive energies with

your physical eyes and ears (not just your inner or mind’s eye).

Opens and facilitates healing of your Heart Chakra.

Increases and enhances your capacity and ability to create.

Accelerates your spiritual evolution by shifting your consciousness.

Enables you to stand in your own power, assert your boundaries and take back

control of your life!

Assists you to manifest at a faster pace.

Assists you to clear limiting belief systems, heal and release issues from the past and

past lives, which have been creating blockages in your life.

Some students have reported being able to see energies more clearly afterwards, as well as

receiving messages from their guides (who they had not communicated with ever), and also

having visions or receiving answers in the form of pictures popping into their minds.

I recommend to everyone who is on a spiritual journey to receive the Munay Ki Rites as they

truly are life-changing, and need to be passed on to as many people as possible, in integrity

and “in munay”, in order to assist with humanity’s great shift.

You are born with everything that you need to bring forth the gifts that you are here to share.

Within your heart are the codes of creation, the memory of all that has been and all that will

be. No matter where you’ve been and what has happened in your life, this memory remains

unaffected and is always accessible.

From an energy medicine perspective, the subtle memories, or imprints of the unfinished

business of your life, your ancestry and the collective story, live in your cellular body and

human energy field. These imprints act like filters that distort your perceptions of the world

and keep you from recognizing the eternal wisdom of the heart. It is time to release the way

these imprints inform you and illuminate your heart. Within this wisdom is the vision of the

world in which your children’s children will live. You have chosen to come down at this

incredible time in the evolution of humanity to be part of a great shift. Within you is an

integral piece that is a key to unlocking a golden era of peace that has been prophesied for


From a scientific perspective the heart’s electromagnetic field is 5 000x stronger than any

other organ in the body. When you express from your heart you send a powerful vibration

into the universe. The laws of physics tell us that like attracts like, this means that the world

around you will organize to match this frequency and bring this vibration into being.

When you live in Munay, you live in harmony with the earth and the cosmos. When you

attune with this vibration the universe conspires on your behalf and you are guided in every

moment. Just as the hummingbird travels 5 000 miles each year without worry as to how it will

make its epic journey, you will be guided to your highest destiny.

As the world around you changes, find the courage to look inside your heart and uncover

the gifts that are yours to share. Break free of fear, break free of what you think is right,

forgive yourself and others, have compassion and patience for yourself and every living

being / thing. Most importantly, love and honour all that you are; have been and will be! Sit

in the stillness of your heart, and see the reflection of Creation’s story. Be the clear lake that

reflects everything within and without and sing your song of life…

Once you have received all 9 Rites, you will be gifted a Pi-Stone. The Pi-Stone represents our

power and ability to be a conduit between the manifest and unmanifest world; it is the key

to the hyper dimensional matrix. The shape of the stone is a representation of the human

Luminous Energy Field that enters through our feet up the spine, out our head and back

down the length of our outstretched arms.

Please note: you must have received and grown the seeds of all 9 Rites, including all 7

harmony Archetypes, in order to share them with others!!

If you wish to receive the Rites, please contact me. The Rites are also passed on to those who

do not wish to pass them on to others.

Additional Information - Explanation of a Mystical and Energetic Tradition:-

There has been a lot of discussion about the origins and authenticity of the Munay-Ki. It must

be kept in mind that the Andean tradition is not an organization; it is ancient practices that

serve people by keeping them in harmony and balance, both within themselves and with

each other. These ancient practices assist us to tap into the laws of nature and creation so

we can flow with these natural currents of life without having to manage our lives on a purely

physical or practical level. The practices and initiations awaken our own inner knowledge

and expand our consciousness to see and know things in remarkably new ways. This tradition

has no institutional facilities, nor hierarchy of leaders who tell people how they must behave

or how they should do things. Rather is a tradition that works on the mystical and energetic

levels. It understands we are part of a larger whole. The sun that rises every day gives us life;

the seeds we plant give us sustenance. It is a tradition that knows that we reap that which

we sow. It is a tradition that knows the importance of balance and reciprocity – the principle

of that which we give, we receive and what we receive, we give. This is the law of nature

and the created order of things. It’s about living in right relation with ourselves, others and all

of creation.

The Andean tradition reminds us that we are intimately connected with everything and

everyone around us. If we are in balance, then we are in rhythm with the natural flow of

things. Life then requires much less effort to accomplish so much more. The energy and

purpose of the Munay-Ki is connected to an ancient tradition that reminds us of who we

really are, beyond culture, religion and country. Alberto offered the Munay-Ki outside of his

own organization, setting it free to spread as far and wide as it has within only a few years.

The world-wide interest in these Rites is evidence that they are awakening people to wisdom

and knowledge held for many years by only a few, mostly in remote areas. Many people

who receive these Rites say that they feel as though they are remembering it, as though they

had received them before in a past life. Others have said that they feel reconnected to all

that is, and have found themselves calmer, more peaceful and unable to eat meat.

The time of hierarchy, ego-power and control is over. Anyone can receive the Munay-Ki

Rites, with no previous healing or shamanic experience, and after learning how to give them,

they can be shared with as many people as they like and teach others how to do the same.

People are drawn to these Rites because they change lives in a positive way. No ultimate

authority is needed to control the movement of the Rites. There exists the trust and belief that

through these Rites we are connecting to a higher source, to become co-creators of the

world we are dreaming into being.

Logic and the Physical vs Unseen Worlds:-

In our modern world, we can feel pulled between the known world of material reality and

the unseen spiritual world. We tend to trust our thinking analytical mind and practical

experience in the everyday world, more than the unseen energy of the spiritual world and

even the Munay-Ki tradition. In order to embrace the essence of the Andean Tradition, you

can connect on an energy level with the elements, nature and divine creation. You can trust

this energy flow is guiding you and taking you where you want to go. That requires letting go

of the need to know and understand things in a logical analytical way. This can create some

stress, since most of us have been taught well how to analyze and understand everything as

a way of controlling our reality. It feels much safer to most of us than the spiritual path,

because it is so familiar. This way of controlling things is, however, just an illusion. The more you

connect with nature, the elements and your inner-self, the more you will learn to trust that the

divine is assisting you, offering you opportunities to choose life, simplicity, happiness and
