Abortion essay

Dear Mr. Samuel Alito, There have been many allegations regarding abortion. I was informed by my local newspaper that you voted pro-abortion on the Roe vs. Wade case and my concern is why you went for it. Everyone has different ways of thinking but we should never think differently about how God gave us our body to conceive of it. As Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Willke say, Alive means that this being is growing, developing, maturing, and replacing its own dying cells. It means not being dead. Having life is God’s most precious gift and by not taking it it’s like we are denying God. I consider myself a very religious human being and therefore I oppose to abortion a hundred percent. I feel that women who have abortions are not thinking straight of their actions and by the government approving of it makes the case even worse. There shouldn’t be any excuse made by whether a mother is thinking of having an abortion. No such thing could cover up why a woman is having an abortion. Many say the need to have an abortion is because their economic status is very poor or the case with others might even be rape or others say it’s going to affect her health. I feel that God does mighty things and if he created that child to be brought to earth then so be it. Mr. Alito there are many allegations whether abortion is right or wrong, and I believe that abortion is wrong because from


poli sci class

Transcript of Abortion essay

Dear Mr. Samuel Alito,There have been many allegations regarding abortion. I was informed by my local newspaper that you voted pro-abortion on the Roe vs. Wade case and my concern is why you went for it. Everyone has different ways of thinking but we should never think differently about how God gave us our body to conceive of it. As Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Willke say, Alive means that this being is growing, developing, maturing, and replacing its own dying cells. It means not being dead. Having life is Gods most precious gift and by not taking it its like we are denying God. I consider myself a very religious human being and therefore I oppose to abortion a hundred percent. I feel that women who have abortions are not thinking straight of their actions and by the government approving of it makes the case even worse. There shouldnt be any excuse made by whether a mother is thinking of having an abortion. No such thing could cover up why a woman is having an abortion. Many say the need to have an abortion is because their economic status is very poor or the case with others might even be rape or others say its going to affect her health. I feel that God does mighty things and if he created that child to be brought to earth then so be it. Mr. Alito there are many allegations whether abortion is right or wrong, and I believe that abortion is wrong because from the start that a women conceives a baby. It is then that lives a human being and since you being a pro-choice you wouldnt agree. You would say differ. You would say since the infant is not born yet and it hasnt taken a first breath therefore it is not murder. In 1995 you signed a Pro-choice colleague's opinion deferring to a federal interpretation of Medicaid rules that required funding for certain abortions. That dwelt about it being reasonable to women who felt that their life was at risk or that they had been incest or raped. All of these situations to me are not acceptable for having an abortion. Everyday there are criminals sentencing jail time for murdering. When having an abortion is the same thing as murdering it just doesnt look as bad because the government says it is okay for women to have an abortion if she fits under the circumstances.Not only are women murdering they are hurting themselves too. Because of the abortion are not indeed appealing. Something can go wrong and they can be scared for life. So you see by approving this applying theses supposes ably solutions the government is just creating more. But I dont only blame the government. I also blame the women that do this horrible action. Thus, I feel that if the government would stop this no one could possibly get an abortion anymore. Consequently this will not occur because ever since they passed this law in 1973 no other law has been able to change it. The other laws have just made it a little stricter but none have actually gotten rid of the abortion law and we are not going to get rid of it if the government keeps approving those laws. At least the government should pass a law stating that women should have their babies no matter the circumstances and put them up for adoption. But nothing even close to this has been done. In the future I hope to see improvements. But my reference to you wasnt to All laws purporting to legalize all abortions are not law because they violate Gods law against murder! (John Loftton).