
Abortion controversy

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Abortion controversy

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Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi said the government is ready to issue a government regulation on reproductive health that includes the chapter on legal abortions. The government will implement it began August 16, 2014. In the regulatory requirements stated legal abortions; partly as a result of rape and medical emergencies. The debate also appears in the society. It reopened old debate about the practice of abortion.

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Hippocrates (460-370 BC), a leading medical expert Greece, do not support the practice of abortion. "I will not give a lethal drug, if asked, and I also would not give such advice. In the same way, I will not give drugs to a woman who could result in abortion, "wrote Hippocrates in On the Nature of the Woman. But the practice of abortion goes wide in Greece.He Greeks did not regard abortion as a murder or indecency, any method of abortion. "There is no law governing abortion and the state only intervene if it is related to the protection of the right to host (owner) women, in the condition he free or slaves," wrote Nikolaos A Eroticism Vrissimtzis in Greece.

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In Asia, the practice of abortion contained in the reliefs at Angkor Wat, Cambodia. This temple was built in the 12th century. "Relief abortion appears in the panel on the picture of hell level 32. A woman on her back; naked with their hands tied; and 20 weeks pregnant. There was a man who massaged her stomach using a pestle, "wrote Malcolm Potts et al in" Thousand-year-old depictions of Massage Abortion, "contained in The Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. People in the Malay Archipelago and the Philippines were also intimate with a massage to the practice of abortion.

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ocals regard the practice of abortion as a regular occurrence. "In the epic Malay History (1612) abortion is described as a regular occurrence," wrote Anthony Reid in Southeast Asia In the Period of Commerce.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Aristotle assumptions about the fetus under attack from Ferdinand Kember, a physician. He doubted that stage of fetal life begins on the 40th day after fertilization.

According Kember, not the beginning of an important point quickening the development of babies. "Kember discovery implies that existing soul at conception," wrote Jeffrey H Reiman in Abortion and the Ways We Value Human Life. So the practice of abortion can be considered as the murder of human beings. Opponents of abortion also receive wind. In some countries, they demanded that the government ban the behavior of the abortion law.

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A number of countries then formulate rules on abortion. In the United States, some federal states prohibited it. The newspapers were no longer free to advertise the practice of abortion. Some are allowed subject to conditions, for example, still allow therapeutic abortion (for the safety of the mother). The important thing to do medically.Entering the 20th century, the pro-abortion rebound. It is associated with the emergence of the movement and the idea of feminism in western countries. According to them, abortion is not about when life begins, but about a woman's right to determine his choice.

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In Indonesia, the laws on abortion had been there since 1918. "This Act makes abortion for the sole purpose of abortion becomes a crime," wrote Gayung Kasuma in "Abortion in Java Behavior Colonial Period," contained in Cities in Java. The colonial government issued this law due to see abortions that endanger the lives of women, like the way a traditional massage.

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This law survived until independence. The government prohibits all kinds of abortions. Even so, the shaman and the doctor opened it in a closed practice. Once uncovered, the practice of making a commotion. Such as the case of Dr. CL Blume in Jakarta in the 1960s. He was charged with opening practice of abortion for seven years. The abortion techniques follow techniques in Western countries: injecting patients with pantopan containing morphine. "The goal is to make the content of suffocation," wrote Kompas, August 16, 1969. All of the abortion process only takes about 20 minutes.

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Up to now the debate on abortion is still ongoing in many countries. While abortion technique development is so rapid. The worldview of women against pregnancy was never uniform. There were enjoying it, others do not want it at all.

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