AASVET Translate Cah

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  • 8/10/2019 AASVET Translate Cah


    4.5. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)

    For the second phase, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed on variables Culture learning

    in Design and Technology. This analysis was conducted to identify and prioritize a large number of

    questionnaires into constructs under a certain variable from the sample (Chua, 2009; Tabachnick &

    Fidell, 2006).

    EFA was conducted to get the best new construct from data that obtained from the study

    sample (Hair, et.al, 2009: 773). The main purpose of EFA is to identify the constructs available in

    selected variables to be used in other analyses. This process requires the process to drop items that are

    not correlated to form single-construct in a questionnaire.

    Analysis of these factors will be performed to confirm the collection of items in the

    instrument Culture School and was clustered by factors that really represent the content aspects to be

    evaluated as described by Nunnally (1978). Apart from the determination of the historical design of

    the instrument is done, factor analysis conducted for the validity of the variables in the learning

    culture of design and technology education.

    Here is a step-by-step procedure proposed by the EFA as Hair et. al (2010), Tabachnick and

    Fidell (2006), Sekaran (2000), Sheridan (2005), Sheskin (2007), Henson and Roberts (2006) and

    Coakes and Steed (2005):

    i. Items that have the 'anti-image correlation matrix

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    The above procedure was carried out repeatedly until formed the constructs with distinctive

    items. It involves several iterations item rotation to form the constructs or components required and

    has a distinctive items (Mahaliza, Norlia & Shahril @ Charil, 2011).

    Chua (2009) states the determination of the items whether should be removed or not,

    depending on the purpose of the study, if the purpose of the study is to make a distinction between the

    constructs, the items should be removed because an item cannot be represented by two constructs in

    the analysis comparison between the constructs. Factor analysis is a procedure used by previous

    researchers to identify, reduce, and compiling the questionnaire items in the specific constructs under

    a dependent variable in the study.

    4.6. Factor analysis of variables Culture learning in Design and Technology

    Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFAs) results in the learning culture in education Design and

    technology explain procedures anti-image correlation analysis shows the correlation coefficient is

    greater than 0.5, and this gives the impression that factor analysis can proceed. Measure of sampling

    adequacy of the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity showed that the KMO

    value is .918, while the Bartlett Sphericity test is significant with the Chi-squarenya 5695.62 on 378

    degrees of freedom.

    Table 8 Test Suitability Factor Analysis and Uniform Items KMO and

    Bartlett "s Test Against Cultural constructs of learning in design and technology education

    Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy .918

    Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square Spherecitydf




    4.6.1. Uniformity of the Cultural learning in Design and Technology Items

    Table 9 shows the uniformity of the items in the learning culture of design and technology education.

    The consistency is between .430 to .717.

    Table 9 The Uniform Cultural learning in Design and Technology Item


    Initial Extraction

    B1 Teacher delivering the lesson content with clear languageB2 Teachers deliver the subject matter in a simple wayunderstoodB5 Teachers teach according to my ability levelB6 Fun teaching meB7 Teachers reward studentsB8 Teachers use a variety of teaching techniques

    C9 Teacher told me about the school's goalsC10 Teacher gave me the opportunity to make decisionsC11 Teacher told the steps that should be taken













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    C14 I was told about the academic improvement planD16 Teachers into the classroom rightD17 Teachers leave the classroom rightD18 Students fined if found in violation of rules

    D19 Students with discipline problemsD20 Recorded student attendance at school every day

    D21 School rules notified to studentsD22 School staff safety a priorityD24 I feel safe at this school

    D25 School environment is cheerfulD26 School environment encourages learning

    E27 Teachers understand my feelingsE28 Teachers treat me as a friendE29 Teachers treat students with good regardlessE30 Teachers be fair to studentsE31 Teachers willing to listen to my opinion

    E32 Teachers give good service to me

    E33 Teacher available to me regardless of the timeE36 Teachers are prepared to meet me wherever



























    Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

    An orthogonal rotation by varimax method was conducted to determine the factors in

    explaining the variance in the number of Eigen values greater than 1. Orthogonal rotation is selected

    to ensure that the observed variables are not correlated (jocko uncorrelated) to each other. Moreover,

    it can make sure "factor structure matrix" fit and match "factor pattern matrix" when "factor

    correlation matrix" is "Identity matrix" (Henson & Roberts, 2006). To determine the items belong to

    certain factors, varimax method has been turning these factors with its own capacity. The main

    purpose of this method is done to maximize the cargo variant with increased load factors high and

    lower low values for each factor (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2006).

    4.6.2. Total variance of constructs Cultural learning in Design and Technology

    There are six components to the eigen value larger than 1. These six factors accounted for 56 864%

    change in the overall variance. An orthogonal rotation by varimax method has been determined that

    there are six factors to explain the total variance. Factor 1 accounted for 30 536% of the total

    variance, and factor 2 of 7288% of the variance, factor 3, by 5944%, 4 factors of 4.784%, the factor of

    5 by 4213%, and 6 factor of 4.098%. Other factors did not significantly contribute to the total

    variance of the eigen value less than 1.

    Table 10. total variance explained (n=588) The Cultural Component learning in Design and


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    Total Variance


    Initial Eigenvalues

    Extraction Sums of Squared


    Rotation Sums of Squared



    % of Cumulative

    Total Variance %

    % of

    Total Variance Cumulative %

    % of

    Total Variance Cumulative %

    1 8.550 30.536 30.536 8.550 30.536 30.536 3.80

    13.570 13.570

    2 2.041 7.288 37.824 2.041 7.288 37.824 3.04

    10.888 24.458

    3 1.664 5.944 43.768 1.664 5.944 43.768 2.58

    9.243 33.701

    4 1.340 4.784 48.552 1.340 4.784 48.552 2.56 9.165 42.8655 1.180 4.213 52.766 1.180 4.213 52.766 2.07

    7.400 50.266

    6 1.147 4.098 56.864 1.147 4.098 56.864 1.84

    6.598 56.864

    7 .915 3.267 60.131

    8 .880 3.143 63.274

    9 .821 2.932 66.206

    10 .749 2.676 68.882

    11 .722 2.580 71.462

    12 .690 2.464 73.926

    13 .645 2.303 76.230

    14 .614 2.194 78.424

    15 .584 2.087 80.510

    16 .560 2.001 82.511

    17 .542 1.936 84.447

    18 .523 1.870 86.316

    19 .484 1.730 88.047

    20 .450 1.606 89.652

    21 .435 1.555 91.207

    22 .411 1.468 92.676

    23 .392 1.401 94.077

    24 .364 1.300 95.376

    25 .356 1.272 96.648

    26 .335 1.197 97.845

    27 .318 1.136 98.981

    28 .285 1.019 100.000

    Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

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    4.6.3. Varimax rotation for Cultural Components of learning in design and technology


    To determine the items included in these factors, varimax method has been turning these factors with

    its own capacity. Found 1 factor has 6 items, factor 2 has 6 items, factor 3 has 5 items, factor 4 has 5

    items, as well as factor 5 has three items, factor 6 also has three items (see Table 11 below).

    Based on the analysis of the above factors, the researchers found that one factor is the items

    that represent Interactions With Student Teachers, factor 2 refers to Sharing Plans, factor 3 describes

    the Emphasis on Education, 4th factors related to Safety and Regularity, factor 5 is about feelings and

    cheer students, while the factor 6 is concerned with the readiness of teachers.

    Table 11 Rotated Component Matrix for Cultural Variables learning in Design and Technology

    Exploratory Rotation Method

    Varimax and Uniform Value Items (n = 588)

    Disclosure Item Component

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    (Teacher Interaction with Students)E29 Teachers serve students well without

    calculate the backgroundE31 Teachers willing to listen to my opinion

    E28 Teacher consider me as a friendE30 Teachers be fair to studentsE27 Teachers understand my feelings

    E32 Teachers give good service to me

    (Sharing Plan)C10 Teacher gave me the opportunity to makeresultsB7 Teacher reward studentsC9 Teacher told me about the school's goalsC14 I was informed about academicimprovement planB8 Teachers using a variety of teachingtechniquesC11 Teachers tell the steps that must be taken

    (Emphasis on Education)

    B2 Teachers deliver the subject matter in a waythat is easily understoodB1 Teacher delivering the lesson content withclear languageD16 Teachers into the classroom rightB6 Fun teaching meB5 Teachers teach according to my ability level

    (Safety and Regularity)D18 Students fined if found to have violatedrulesD20 Recorded student attendance at schoolevery dayD21 School rules notified to students





















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    D19 Students with discipline problemsD22 School staff safety a priority

    (Feelings and Fun)

    D25 School environment is cheerfulD26 School environment encourages learning

    D24 I feel safe at this school

    (Readiness Teacher)

    E36 Teachers are prepared to meet me whereverE33 Teacher available to me regardless of the

    timeD17 Teachers ready to leave class right









    The Eigenvalue 8.550 2.041 1.664 1.340 1.180 1.147

    Percentage of Variance Explained 30.536 7.288 5.944 4.784 4.213 4.098

    Cumulative Percentage of Variance Explained 30.536 37.824 43.768 48.552 52.766 56.864

    4.6.4. Dropping Items After Varimax Rotation In constructs Culture school

    There are 9 items that have been dropped in the culture of learning in education Design and

    technology after a varimax rotation. Item is removed and identified as cross-loading items. Please see

    Table 12 below.

    Table 12 Abortion Items After Varimax Rotation to construct learning culture in education Design

    and technology

    No. Item Statement


    Teachers get my views on the appropriateness of schedule additional classes.Safety of the school environment are emphasized.Teachers relate subject matter with my past experience.Teachers praise students with positive behaviors.Teachers are willing to listen to my personal problem.Teachers use a variety of teaching aids such as charts, radio, and cassette.Teachers get my views on topics that should be emphasized.Academic success of the school was announced to studentsTeachers help solve my learning.

    5.0 SUMMARY

    The main purpose of this study is to report the validity and reliability of the items in the questionnaire

    Culture School used to measure the views of secondary school students in Malaysia. This study uses

    the basic theory and statistics to identify these items constituting 28 items Cultural learning in design

    and technology. Questionnaire proposed learning culture in education Design and technology that

    contains 44 items proposed by the validity of the expert analysis and exploratory factor analysis. Only

    28 of an item is received and collected questionnaires to be learning culture in education Design and

    technology of the final version. Factor analysis for the 28 items was created six key factors. Eigen

    value indicates that the questionnaire items is more than one contributing factor to the total variance

    of 56.86%. These factors is the emphasis on education, planning, sharing, security and orderliness,teacher and student interaction, emotion and excitement of students and teacher.

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    Results from this study suggest learning culture in education Design and technology

    dimensions to produce the good reliability to measure student views on the role of school culture in

    improving their academic performance. The reliability of the whole item of the six dimensions (28

    items) in the actual study was .910. Therefore, these items suitable for use in exploratory research.

    This study has its weaknesses and limitations of participants consisted of high school students

    (grades 2) only. Therefore, future studies should be extended to primary school students, and also

    involves principals and teachers as the most basic and important unit in developing the school's

    academic success. But it is hoped that the instrument learning culture in education Design and

    technology will be useful to researchers inventory especially interested to understand more about the

    role of culture in learning design and technology education, particularly in boost academic

    achievement of students in Malaysia as a whole.


    Abu Bakar bin Nordin, (1995). Affective evaluation. Kajang: Time Enterprise