A Whirlwind Tour of Test::Class


Transcript of A Whirlwind Tour of Test::Class

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Page 2: A Whirlwind Tour of Test::Class

  OO tests for OO code   Nice performance boost   Easy-to-organize test suites


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use strict;!use warnings;!use Test::Exception 0.88;!use Test::Differences 0.500;!use Test::Deep 0.106;!use Test::Warn 0.11;!use Test::More 0.88;!

use parent 'My::Test::Class’;!sub some_test : Tests { ... }!


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use Test::Class::Most! parent => 'My::Test::Class’;!

sub some_test : Tests { ... }!


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lib/!| Person/!| `-- Employee.pm!`-- Person.pm!

t/!| lib/!| | My/!| | | Test/!| | | `-- Class.pm!| | TestsFor/!| | | Person/!| | | `-- Employee.pm!| | `-- Person.pm!`-- test_class_tests.t!


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package My::Test::Class;!use Test::Class::Most ! attributes => ['class'];!

INIT { Test::Class->runtests }!

sub startup : Tests(startup) {…}!sub setup : Tests(setup) {}!sub teardown : Tests(teardown) {}!sub shutdown : Tests(shutdown) {}!



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package My::Test::Class;!use Test::Class::Most ! attributes => ['class'];!

INIT { Test::Class->runtests }!

sub startup : Tests(startup) {…}!sub setup : Tests(setup) {}!sub teardown : Tests(teardown) {}!sub shutdown : Tests(shutdown) {}!



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package My::Test::Class;!use Test::Class::Most ! attributes => ['class'];!

INIT { Test::Class->runtests }!

sub startup : Tests(startup) {…}!sub setup : Tests(setup) {}!sub teardown : Tests(teardown) {}!sub shutdown : Tests(shutdown) {}!



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package My::Test::Class;!use Test::Class::Most ! attributes => ['class'];!

INIT { Test::Class->runtests }!

sub startup : Tests(startup) {…}!sub setup : Tests(setup) {}!sub teardown : Tests(teardown) {}!sub shutdown : Tests(shutdown) {}!



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sub startup : Tests(startup) {! my $test = shift;! return if $test->class;!

my $class = ref $test;! $class =~ s/^TestsFor:://;!

eval "use $class";! die $@ if $@;!



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package Person; !

use Moose;!

has ‘first_name’ => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' );!has ‘last_name’ => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' );!

sub full_name {! my $self = shift;! return $self->first_name . ' ' ! . $self->last_name;!}!



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package TestsFor::Person;!

use Test::Class::Most parent =>'My::Test::Class';!

sub constructor : Tests(3) {! my $test = shift;! my $class = $test->class;!

can_ok $class, 'new'; ! ok my $person = $class->new, ! '... and the constructor should succeed';! isa_ok $person, $class, ! '... and the object it returns';!}!


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package TestsFor::Person;!

use Test::Class::Most parent =>'My::Test::Class';!

sub constructor : Tests(3) {! my $test = shift;! my $class = $test->class;! can_ok $class, 'new'; ! ok my $person = $class->new, ! '... and the constructor should succeed';! isa_ok $person, $class, ! '... and the object it returns';!}!


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package TestsFor::Person;!

use Test::Class::Most parent =>'My::Test::Class';!

sub constructor : Tests(3) {! my $test = shift;! my $class = $test->class;! can_ok $class, 'new'; ! ok my $person = $class->new, ! '... and the constructor should succeed';! isa_ok $person, $class, ! '... and the object it returns';!}!


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package TestsFor::Person;!

use Test::Class::Most parent =>'My::Test::Class';!

sub constructor : Tests(3) {! my $test = shift;! my $class = $test->class;! can_ok $class, 'new'; ! ok my $person = $class->new, ! '... and the constructor should succeed';! isa_ok $person, $class, ! '... and the object it returns';!}!


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package TestsFor::Person;!

use Test::Class::Most parent =>'My::Test::Class';!

sub constructor : Tests(3) {! my $test = shift;! my $class = $test->class;! can_ok $class, 'new'; ! ok my $person = $class->new, ! '... and the constructor should succeed';! isa_ok $person, $class, ! '... and the object it returns';!}!


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package TestsFor::Person;!

use Test::Class::Most parent =>'My::Test::Class';!

sub constructor : Tests(3) {! my $test = shift;! my $class = $test->class;! can_ok $class, 'new'; ! ok my $person = $class->new, ! '... and the constructor should succeed';! isa_ok $person, $class, ! '... and the object it returns';!}!


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package TestsFor::Person;!

use Test::Class::Most parent =>'My::Test::Class';!

sub constructor : Tests(3) {! my $test = shift;! my $class = $test->class;! can_ok $class, 'new'; ! ok my $person = $class->new, ! '... and the constructor should succeed';! isa_ok $person, $class, ! '... and the object it returns';!}!


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prove -lv -It/lib \! t/lib/TestsFor/Person.pm !

# INIT { Test::Class->runtests }!


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t/TestsFor/Person.pm .. # !# TestsFor::Person->constructor!

1..3!ok 1 - Person->can('new')!ok 2 - ... and the constructor should succeed!ok 3 - ... and the object it returns isa

Person!ok!All tests successful.!Files=1, Tests=3, 0 wallclock secs!Result: PASS!


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package TestsFor::Person;!Use Test::Class::Most parent => ‘My::Test::Class’;!sub constructor : Tests(3) { … }!

sub full_name : Tests(4) { ! my $test = shift;! my $person = $test->class->new(! first_name => 'Adrian',! last_name => 'Howard',! );!

is $person->first_name, 'Adrian', 'first_name correct';! is $person->last_name, 'Howard', 'last_name correct';!

can_ok $person, 'full_name';! is $person->full_name, 'Adrian Howard',! '... and it should return the correct fullname';!}!


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$ prove –vl -It/lib t/TestsFor/Person.pm!t/TestsFor/Person.pm .. # !# TestsFor::Person->constructor!1..7!ok 1 - Person->can('new’)!ok 2 - ... and the constructor should succeed!ok 3 - ... and the object it returns isa Person!# !# TestsFor::Person->full_name!ok 4 - first_name correct!ok 5 - last_name correct!ok 6 - Person->can('full_name')!ok 7 - ... and it should return the correct fullname!ok!All tests successful.!Files=1, Tests=7, 0 wallclock secs!Result: PASS!


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package Person::Employee; !

use Moose;!extends 'Person';!

has ‘employee_number’ => ( ! is => ‘ro’, ! isa => ‘Int’,!);!



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package TestsFor::Person::Employee;!

use Test::Class::Most parent => 'TestsFor::Person';!

sub employee_number : Tests(2) { ! my $test = shift;! my $employee = $test->class->new(! first_name => 'John',! last_name => 'Public',! employee_number => 17,! );! can_ok $employee, 'employee_number’;! is $employee->employee_number, 17, ! '... the employee number is correct';!}!1;!


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t/TestsFor/Person/Employee.pm .. # !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->constructor!

1..16!ok 1 - Person::Employee->can('new')!ok 2 - ... and the constructor should succeed!ok 3 - ... and the object it returns isa

Person::Employee!# !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->employee_number!ok 4 - Person::Employee-

>can('employee_number')!ok 5 - ... the employee number is correct!# !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->full_name!ok 6 - first_name correct!ok 7 - last_name correct!ok 8 - Person::Employee->can('full_name')!ok 9 - ... and it should return the correct


# !# TestsFor::Person->constructor!ok 10 - Person->can('new')!ok 11 - ... and the constructor should

succeed!ok 12 - ... and the object it returns isa

Person!# !# TestsFor::Person->full_name!ok 13 - first_name correct!ok 14 - last_name correct!ok 15 - Person->can('full_name')!ok 16 - ... and it should return the correct

fullname!ok!All tests successful.!Files=1, Tests=16, 0 wallclock secs!Result: PASS!


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t/TestsFor/Person/Employee.pm .. # !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->constructor!

1..16!ok 1 - Person::Employee->can('new')!ok 2 - ... and the constructor should succeed!ok 3 - ... and the object it returns isa

Person::Employee!# !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->employee_number!ok 4 - Person::Employee-

>can('employee_number')!ok 5 - ... the employee number is correct!# !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->full_name!ok 6 - first_name correct!ok 7 - last_name correct!ok 8 - Person::Employee->can('full_name')!ok 9 - ... and it should return the correct


# !# TestsFor::Person->constructor!ok 10 - Person->can('new')!ok 11 - ... and the constructor should

succeed!ok 12 - ... and the object it returns isa

Person!# !# TestsFor::Person->full_name!ok 13 - first_name correct!ok 14 - last_name correct!ok 15 - Person->can('full_name')!ok 16 - ... and it should return the correct

fullname!ok!All tests successful.!Files=1, Tests=16, 0 wallclock secs!Result: PASS!


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t/TestsFor/Person/Employee.pm .. # !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->constructor!

1..16!ok 1 - Person::Employee->can('new')!ok 2 - ... and the constructor should succeed!ok 3 - ... and the object it returns isa

Person::Employee!# !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->employee_number!ok 4 - Person::Employee-

>can('employee_number')!ok 5 - ... the employee number is correct!# !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->full_name!ok 6 - first_name correct!ok 7 - last_name correct!ok 8 - Person::Employee->can('full_name')!ok 9 - ... and it should return the correct


# !# TestsFor::Person->constructor!ok 10 - Person->can('new')!ok 11 - ... and the constructor should

succeed!ok 12 - ... and the object it returns isa

Person!# !# TestsFor::Person->full_name!ok 13 - first_name correct!ok 14 - last_name correct!ok 15 - Person->can('full_name')!ok 16 - ... and it should return the correct

fullname!ok!All tests successful.!Files=1, Tests=16, 0 wallclock secs!Result: PASS!


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t/TestsFor/Person/Employee.pm .. # !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->constructor!

1..16!ok 1 - Person::Employee->can('new')!ok 2 - ... and the constructor should succeed!ok 3 - ... and the object it returns isa

Person::Employee!# !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->employee_number!ok 4 - Person::Employee-

>can('employee_number')!ok 5 - ... the employee number is correct!# !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->full_name!ok 6 - first_name correct!ok 7 - last_name correct!ok 8 - Person::Employee->can('full_name')!ok 9 - ... and it should return the correct


# !# TestsFor::Person->constructor!ok 10 - Person->can('new')!ok 11 - ... and the constructor should

succeed!ok 12 - ... and the object it returns isa

Person!# !# TestsFor::Person->full_name!ok 13 - first_name correct!ok 14 - last_name correct!ok 15 - Person->can('full_name')!ok 16 - ... and it should return the correct

fullname!ok!All tests successful.!Files=1, Tests=16, 0 wallclock secs!Result: PASS!


Page 30: A Whirlwind Tour of Test::Class

t/TestsFor/Person/Employee.pm .. # !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->constructor!

1..16!ok 1 - Person::Employee->can('new')!ok 2 - ... and the constructor should succeed!ok 3 - ... and the object it returns isa

Person::Employee!# !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->employee_number!ok 4 - Person::Employee-

>can('employee_number')!ok 5 - ... the employee number is correct!# !# TestsFor::Person::Employee->full_name!ok 6 - first_name correct!ok 7 - last_name correct!ok 8 - Person::Employee->can('full_name')!ok 9 - ... and it should return the correct


# !# TestsFor::Person->constructor!ok 10 - Person->can('new')!ok 11 - ... and the constructor should

succeed!ok 12 - ... and the object it returns isa

Person!# !# TestsFor::Person->full_name!ok 13 - first_name correct!ok 14 - last_name correct!ok 15 - Person->can('full_name')!ok 16 - ... and it should return the correct

fullname!ok!All tests successful.!Files=1, Tests=16, 0 wallclock secs!Result: PASS!


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sub startup : Tests(startup) {! my $test = shift;! return if $test->class;!

my $class = ref $test;! $class =~ s/^TestsFor:://;!

eval "use $class";! die $@ if $@;!



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  TestsFor::Person::Employee inherits TestsFor::Person’s tests

  We don’t hard-code the class name   Inherited test methods rock!


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Attribute Name Phase

Tests(startup)! When the test class starts

Tests(setup)! Before each test method

Tests(teardown)! After each test method

Tests(shutdown)! When the test class finishes


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  Connect to a database (often in startup)   Set up fixtures/transactions (setup)   Clean fixtures/rollbacks (teardown)   Disconnect from database (shutdown)   (They’re a better place for object construction)


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package TestsFor::Customer;!

use Test::Class::Most! parent => ‘My::Test::Class’,! attributes => [‘dbh’];!

sub aaa_connect_to_db : Tests(setup) {! my $test = shift;! my $dbh = DBI->connect(…);! # or $test->{dbh} = $dbh;! $test->dbh($dbh);!}!

sub some_test : Tests {! my $test = shift;! my $dbh = $test->dbh;!…!

package TestsFor::Person::Employee;!

use Test::Class::Most! parent => ‘TestsFor::Customer’,! attributes => [‘employee’];!

sub bbb_employee : Tests(setup) {! my $test = shift;! my $employee = $test->dbh->…;! $test->employee($employee);!}!

sub kill_employee : Tests {! my $test = shift;! my $employee = $test->employee;! can_ok( $employee, ‘suffocate’ );!


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package TestsFor::Customer;!

use Test::Class::Most! parent => ‘My::Test::Class’,! attributes => [‘dbh’];!

sub aaa_connect_to_db : Tests(setup) {! my $test = shift;! my $dbh = DBI->connect(…);! # or $test->{dbh} = $dbh;! $test->dbh($dbh);!}!

sub some_test : Tests {! my $test = shift;! my $dbh = $test->dbh;!…!

package TestsFor::Person::Employee;!

use Test::Class::Most! parent => ‘TestsFor::Customer’,! attributes => [‘employee’];!

sub bbb_employee : Tests(setup) {! my $test = shift;! my $employee = $test->dbh->…;! $test->employee($employee);!}!

sub kill_employee : Tests {! my $test = shift;! my $employee = $test->employee;! can_ok( $employee, ‘suffocate’ );!


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package TestsFor::Customer;!

use Test::Class::Most! parent => ‘My::Test::Class’,! attributes => [‘dbh’];!

sub setup : Tests(setup) {! my $test = shift;! my $dbh = DBI->connect(…);! # or $test->{dbh} = $dbh;! $test->dbh($dbh);!}!

sub some_test : Tests {! my $test = shift;! my $dbh = $test->dbh;!…!

package TestsFor::Person::Employee;!

use Test::Class::Most! parent => ‘TestsFor::Customer’,! attributes => [‘employee’];!

sub setup : Tests(setup) {! my $test = shift;! $test->SUPER::setup;! my $employee = $test->dbh->…;! $test->employee($employee);!}!

sub kill_employee : Tests {! my $test = shift;! my $employee = $test->employee;! can_ok( $employee, ‘suffocate’ );!


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Before Tests

sub startup:Test(startup) {! my $test = shift;! $test->SUPER::startup;! # finish your startup!}!

sub setup : Test(setup) {! my $test = shift;! $test->SUPER::setup;! # finish your setup!}!

After Tests

sub teardown:Test(teardown){! my $test = shift;! # finish your teardown! $test->SUPER::teardown;!}!

sub shutdown:Test(shutdown){! my $test = shift;! # finish your shutdown! $test->SUPER::shutdown;!}!


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# t/test_class_tests.t!# Don’t Do This!!use lib ‘t/lib’;!

use TestsFor::Person;!use TestsFor::Person::Employee;!



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# Don’t Do This because you’ll forget one!!use lib ‘t/lib’;!use TestsFor::Person;!use TestsFor::Person::Employee;!use TestsFor::Database;!use TestsFor::PurchaseOrder;!use TestsFor::Alibi;!use TestsFor::Embezzlement;!use TestsFor::PaddingMySlides;!Test::Class->runtests;!


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# Do This!!use Test::Class::Load ‘t/lib’;!


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  Finds your test classes for you   My example relies on

INIT { Test::Class->runtests } in My::Test::Class.

  Run the test suite: prove -l t/test_class_tests.t!

  Or a single test class: prove -lv -It/lib t/TestsFor/Person.pm


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  Name test classes after their classes (if possible)   Name test methods after their methods (if possible)   … you can’t name a method new()!  Create your own base test class   … with stub test control methods   Name test control methods after their attribute   Don’t put tests in your test control methods   Do not hardcode the name of the class to test!


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  Part 1: Getting started with Test::Class   Part 2: Inheriting Test::Class tests   Part 3: Making your testing life easier   Part 4: Using test control methods   Part 5: Test::Class Tricks


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  Beginning Perl, Wrox Press   Introduction to Perl   CPAN   Modules   Objects (Moose!)   Testing   PSGI+Plack   DBIx::Class   Catalyst   And more!
