A*-~VtTj-B-T7wN-^^ MOUNTAIN WEaTER^U^sN^VIDEND.-In · Rector-st,onehouramtatmrelnntt-s high...

Bnmmtr Htioxl*._ A*-~VtTj-B-T7wN-^^ can T 'ft si w.-little Park Hon*- Ave minutes* walk from __.*,_£_-_ Vie* of river Imut, W- to 912 per week. .JBU'buX 34, I _rrvjown._N_T.-- ^-^sMl-IsT-slFlSLAND. " The Prospect A 'S,i aoi'sfc" -rtii-nviiLlllR, **V. _i\ laerloot Urougheut. new manse*ement; *oW °,-h,« -athuis and tlslilug etception_ly nuo. In *»._________-; M i.i tawitag. MHtar.ls aod children's vlay r»»m. g_aiii~entlLiiti»J""« N y, (Oeseri'.tlve clrtu- _EF_J^--^ * CO. Proprietory_ .TtiaMIC -ITYT~H. J..The "Amyl-,7' _TliA.-sf f__a STf mea hotwe, fifty yard* trots, A,°^e^-Un-s_->.Thfri: tine ocean view fcroad plax- h*ach __-_-___7^« .>*.»«' w*H -unlsbv-. 'oom*. Ad. SJlCs Rjt*^lt^Y_Pi-pH«r*m_JF.._ Box14.40._ T-RI'liY PARK, Biurhtoii Yilla, Third-ave. A ...d -lean -cation unei.rp.-S ed, board 9* to til T~-_a'I Is FAMILY hvinsr alone In a ootusro 'A __!wh-. to £"twV«r three children*, board for the **___. _h.. thev wi_ have a inutile-* care: a.. minnies RTSoro iffij-Sk a_Ts*mB_t4- irom the "tatioj ES.¦., suitable pst*_t* Call er ed-f-SS Mrs. H. Fl! ILLIPS. Cranford. N J. "¥"_". ARM-HOUSE in the Catskills, trood _A board beautiful ls-*__*Bi ,.g.ffiJ^j r«I*jr«"<^ __-*«* OEOROE HEDUl^BeSt D«r*__. N- Y, *_T"FK\V 1£(.K) VI8 jet at MAple Luwn ; iTarf* A * .____-_-_ lerms *li to SS a full and *atlsf*r| orr JA un-xeeptlor*'ie <*rm» *' ^^Jj^^ M.«,. BENEDICT^ ennivaieut tiventox tAestoBoy. -..*..¦.¦ . Katuitali. N. Y.. MEMA SOMMER KE**K)RT~-extensiv*lj ' ' -._..- -a* -tiiatml eu Harlem R.R. l_i indfurniwedUireMk;!)**.- Tenn UKO BO K Vt*. CTOK.jt.BMBltV A- TLANTIC HOUSE, OCEAN BEACH, N. J. Oeest fro-.ene te Oeto-sr-M yard* tre-n th* Part -ithw-sva- views from *very rooai. exteu-ve plana- .*<-- a^r^titB-for-a-iasa^ _. ^.^ -m^^ _T-_KSlilKE HILL. F-rnttd*\ Tyriu_hani, D Ma** -Beet family resort ta New-Earland atscouime- *(_. liMi sales.icI scenery and duvee 1, Vi! Kl sere tann: m_<t. l<«r. ttilUaeM, Aa; mooing spring water on over, fltx'r near storkbtldfe snd Lenox. Dr. JOSEPH J4.*_4. Preprtetor. TDLACKBL'KN HOUSE, r> SUMMIT, H. J. A few choice room* et il! nM engagvsd. BLOCK ISLAND, R. l.-SUMMER AT SEA. J> -Favorite leeort ter New-Ye** ueople, OCEANVIEW 20TKL Ha* more isruiar boarder* than any hotel on At- ntil (ioast. liefer to Dr. II. Holbrook Curtl*. S61 Madlaon- ave. tsen 1 b.r nInstr*itedciroalar. O. P. MARDEN. Mauagor, 4_ _*»¦*!* «_, BoiUs._ OARD NEAR CITY, Wat«?r depot; COn- Brci in.: rooms, Hi tr*-*»<t*ilv. Atl.iress li-NHY D1TMIM. l.ttUe Nick, L. I. B BOARD AT NYACK for a few g.ntlcnien and la.'.i'-sin private family hoiine )arr*eand beautiful, all modern improvement- Ieee.. high: extensive view; isa houisiif New-York by railroadair Hu-laon Riser steamboat scconiiiinil'ti-ias tor horses aird Oa,ma_ee. Addrua* A. H., Roi lo. Tri-nne ode*. CASTLE RIDGE, Tarrytown;' time from Rector-st, one hour amt atm relnntt-s high sud healthy; Bvemliiiit.'s flinn tinpot, low prion* ant easy terms. Scud for d.-illative map fieo. WILLIAM kt. HU YT ak cu.. _li Vanderbilt-ev*-, eppeeitssjii-n-i^Central^Depe^ CATSKILL" MOUNTAIN BOARD. . Larsre uoiiati mat roo.*, (rend table, sprltig wster, milk. ire. toe di U'a-s and walks, simile; tarin sod art*-: elevation .-OOH feel term* ni oder st* seven rollo* fioni Hunter Deput Referent-*. William H.lMHigl.L14P iiroadwav. iHbHKUM AN MV-NWi-Rproprltitor WuiiUiain House, _i_U*ui, _ie_ae CO.. N. Y._ riATSKILL MOUNTAIN RAILROAD, from V. Cabskill Leadtng. on the Hudson TUrrr. THE SHORT- iaT, Ql'ICKE-T aad BEST R*)CTE vo or from Hotel Kaateas-till. <-tttkill Mountain Houne. TAN NER8VILLK, Pslenviile. Cairo, Dnrliiun ant othci Mi mn tain rtesoris. Twelve Dslly Train* connect with all Hudson Kiver Line* nt travel «nd trake time sdvert'sed. HOTEL KAATKR^K I l.t. BBd MOVNTXIN HuCSE p»-jen**er* *av* Two Hours by this R-tote. Ask for tbrou*;h tickets via CATSKILL. For Usit-Ulnes aud map* add-_i C. A. BEACH, Soperintertrtent, _ Cats-Ill. N. Y. C"~OlTXTRY HOARD.At a farm-uoutej txvo bau. ti em ell/ sud live minnies' drive from depot* : lia. cation ha-aithy large lawn tad _is'le. term* motifi.aie. Per- .atiua1 litt-i view at 600 0tb-ave. for two days, or *di*rc*ta Mrs. Hr. WIL LI AM HORTON. (-**_4*vlUe. Orange Comity. N. T. nONGRESS HAJ_L,__ SARATO-A Kl*KINGS. OPENS FOR THE -.KASO- JU.fl 1* RATES. S3 K> AND $4 PER DAT. I LEMENT A OOxTrROFRIKTOR-. CLAFLIN HOUSE, BECKET, MASS.- Anion,-thi BEKK-sUIKK HII.I-S; alxUi *-*m.u elev*, ilsa, I,Viii teet shove the sm i bo malsris timt-cUss in every pal_M_. city referenoe*. Farilnacriiilivecirculisr address _A. Q. IKOSts, J roprietor, heektu Ms**. riATSKILL MOUNTAINS-BECKER HOME* \. BTKAD«o*reB*u: lane tarns-house. PHOTOr.tAPH sud iw*-ricuhue BEAK'is -JaKlll.Nu AOENCY. 1.400 Bre_Jway, aeor »4t_-l^ Boooi t._ pOLUMBIA WHITS >l i.i'HUB SPRINGS, \j ne ir H-.iitsoB. N.Y.; 'Hitit sea-Mi i high gi-oun-is: li.mum Int hickory nov*. Writ* tor ii -*.ra4si4 circular, guing tualysls aud full pea--ilsa*. EDGroMU HOUSE, New-London. Coiiu., On Long Island Hostud. Otaes frosa Jun* to October, iieauilial aal beathful: no malana; ao hay-lever p«i ie t tlrsina.e. Lo-a'lou tuistirpassed caa, electric bell*, lele- rraa_aast all modem coaveatenee*. R. H. EDOCOMB. Mauager .IVIMI OF TBS CATSKILLS." .sjf T**4NgRsVILL_ Or*SMCiiutV. N. T_ furecser boardine-bouss eeavwo..tte all paints ol 1 titer**. Dee-Daif BtUetr_n HeuMM'saad Eaatei-kill latte. Piealy Bf *_a_e awl good Beard. _ Address N.T. SCRIBNER Pre***-S»eg. GLENWOOD HOUSE. DELA WAKE WATER OAP. PENN. NOW OPEN-CAPACn Y NW. For hetlUi. pleasnr* snd romfirt this house I* uusurpsseed. Kxeee.iiaxly wei. adapted Ut the act ouiu.station of lam lies. Address _OROBOE W. /.ira. LER, Proprtet-jr. sfiLEXKRlE PAI_LS HOL'.-iE, Gla-co, N. Y. VJT BOO feet elevation. Boaling bathing, flahlnr. Bosrta free). J. M iWEK. JK. propritst-r. Wit_ pbot-trraph at B*s-**Jt.ia*-tlng Agency, l.JUO Broadway. fiEEN H< ^trsETMn. j. J. Waldron pro. Vt j.ri.-lr.rss, Kast Durham. N. Y.. ti.mg. Particulars BEA k's -.lAliDlNO AOENCY. 1,.'-._--- rn ay._ TIOT1.L KAATERSKILL, ¦,",¦ CATSKILL MOUNTAINS, ELEVATION S.00. FEET, NOW OPEN. THB LAROEST AND MOST POPULAR MOUNTAIN HOTEL IN TUE WORLD, KAATKRsiKILL STATION, the tennlou* of the new KAATKRiKILL RAILItoAD. ls within half s Billen! HO. TKL KAATEK-k'I I.Tt aut ls actr-iMbie iU Romloui by Uie N. Y. Central bbc Hadaoa Rivet Rsl ro.d. aosl steeailanats. and liv tli< New Yors, Weat Shore and Batalo Hallway vu Kings,-!,* ~ D1KLCT TELEO**APH CONNRCTION WITH TUE PKINCJPAL MTOCK EXCHANOE- Addra-* _, A. (IILLETT, _Kaatersklll Poet Oflk«. Orecur County. N. Y. KAATERSKILL RAILROAD. NEW ALL-KAIL ROUTE DIRECT TO Ht .El. KAATI 1t_n_II,_, Cattkill Me-ntttln Hone*. Lauret 11-ase, Haine* (omer* and las'te.ni-. Pa-ssagers save tune. A\0II)1W ) HOCK-a-l AOIN'I CPTHfc. MOUNTAINS end al ema eharres fer baggsre. Cloe* eot'iiections st Rsleeb-k and Kingston wita Hudson Mivei liailroan. Weal {**>r__*K'm*:'**'.*«*. Dayi-ite -UaiuO-tU eau 1.st-oul NUbi- Uar !st-_neT_ Ask for ticket* VIA BTuNY CLOVE AND KAATERMKILL ROUTE. F. B. HI BU A UH. Gen. Pas* Ag!.. _ lt.'-tlt-it. .\. Y. HOTEL BRIOHTON, BKIUHTON KEACH. CONEY ISLAND, CU ABLE- A, LELAND), Prosaletor. _?r^J^T'-t*<V**'r*ttttrmttt laleveaUg. by the cele- _"' C1l"-*r.'" "***. -sd orchsatra an lat- Lae lead- *,uu .Take tr* ls* leaving FUtbosh «v_. Brooklyn, mrtrr half ittl _,-,__U .-.*». -»«» I*** P *" Ret_nili,g leave .yerr kali boiar nOULM p. », ur By Beat* to new ian old pier*. Maa. lakataL JJl^TE-DiOUNTAIX, l*UOSPlsCT_--US_n TUE CENTRE OF TUE CAT-KILL_ Opposite lb* woadertui stony Clova, ls trpe-ed fer g-uests, sc- «c_me*siisg soo, N*«y house; ail ss-tara taspreveeseut* tpiendsd fiUl-g. Tbs Unset lecsUoa on the Mountalos, JAMES CAN-SANK, iTopnet-.r, n...._.__H»ster, N. Y. OTEL ALBION; ~-.- ATLANTIC CITY, M. I. E-**__yt_-_-t-l»ud t-u-cijsv. M m appoiet-an-. NOW OPWL 0-WTZ * «W_ -_1 -.-._-^__^_P»x>»-«)toi- HEA TH HOUS^ -3__=___ -CHOOD-.Y** MOUNTAIN RPRINOK *ST J TM* best ¦onntaln resort adtacee. to Newport via. Mg dnve*. besnlliul scenery, no nu^uiosa. He** t0l eTr?u'. WaX-mi *' W***-_tK*>!' LOI.E-A.N HOTEL HUMAUOCK. Si-taat^ Miss >*>. Vlewl-ailon. O.C R R.. S- rat__froi* Re*-»* _._«.t teputsr hotel os the Atlast.i oe*** an* i-m ai m". lettie td» otral; vegetable* fi om suiroundiag farms i.i«riJi .fsttei*. Adtlre.ifor citouimt V. H. _AM__l.v "-"'..1 HOTEL OCEANIC, BARNEOAT CITY. OfIAN CO, N./. tsttec-y '-.; first-class la sll tte*p»*tat»ent_ pmy rsrd*fn>_ the it..an. Hay fsver uti k so wu. Beet tisluug oe -teii*st. i iain* by Penuaylvaula RH. via Treutou _M. H. BU-BY. Propnetor. KlNi.s HOTEL. Ai_ityTill«, St-ath 8id«\ _la»u_ IsiaoS. trat-claas aotx-tnno latlon oe reaaeuAkle ¦eras; SOmlirsa fro- .nsw York vis l-u< Istant RaiUseati. l_.rbTei<sr**st-_B 7 trelaedally: boatlag, gusiilag, lisli _ and i-*-i-g. Sue drives 8 daily utmOm, tolegrspb Xw-a. Jiklaaie*' walk _-_. depoL Mrs E.C KINO A HON. I.AiE HOUSE, illGIILAND MIIaLS, N.Y.- _* Fifty ailie*. Erte; * heaitliy, trta-hOy lake and mountain ^tjfciattas tastily raise, l.-ular, ti, CROMWELL. KLAJsD'd OCEANJHOTEU LONU BKANCH. CJ A BLEB * Wa RR KN L-LAN D. JIL ~M*mtt temmajattaaitu* LaiaoA Hotat, B«._t»v*y. 97-1 s_i itBUnts. t5B-__- IWsAKJVBiioxki. jrXNWlC-, w*h-f-. */ T*J "**maea New. Yorli snd Roetoo. 4*tt» T.__ -.-.* *\AW*-NO, Jil.. 8 VAjf LELAXJ*. list., 1_",,. mm *. '¦¦¦_!¦ -»t IseJscd ^^.JjteL B-_d*-»y. y7»a-4A-_t-_J. [j1** _-EORGfiL- MOHICAN BOUHE AND COTTaiOK-l i_.,. .*0-OPK«f. JOsetlt en _»-?* war-st. Csj, M. Y, 5t_-s»^S.. **"**< "-. ******* tm* sss pis last as; LtjSsearJ.^^ prlvsey; Imetat- __.**.-_^__f___c~»(»»; «>very f-jUltr fur busting. Bah- rsstx-*- ma arivm, _t_ ^j T^,^BtM _.._ ^^_ s-UtrsstUtl 1. WINBLOW. fi-marer \%iz^ts. MOUNTAIN HOME HOUSE, LITTLETON, N. H., will open J u net. Tlie ground* are large nd shady. Pur* .pring water. No hay fever o rasia-. Baud .or circnlar. E. D. RAW-I K. Proprietor. MOUNTAIN SLOPE HOUSE, ANDES, 1*1 jDelawaie County, N. Y.; ob tarni; near Iowa; dally mall Mid telegraph bouse new room*, large and airy Hum liiotlei-t*. IRA W UYZE1L M ANUANSET HOUSE, 8. FFOLK COX'NTY. N. T. KOW OPEN. This qnlet and shady seaside resort is delightfully tdtnated on sbt-ller Island. 93 luili-s east of N*W>York Hy. Accra- stkle by the L. I. R. B. from New York mil by steamers daily fr.u aad lo Nsw-1 ats lou ami Hart ford. Cona, l-.xt.-t.l- lett yachting, rowing, flshui*, bethina' arni iinvlug. WIL>s()N A CHATKIKI.l). l'loprietor*. MOUNTAIN VIEW.-Board-_g in thc Cat* kills elevation ..OOO l*et, sreoery unsnr|t»*sed; ro- mantle, view* sul-tantial table willi varieties; line maple glove mar the house, lee i-tt-ain amtuienientaj free run- v_.s_ts when staying Ungli. of time, txtf te97 per wet*. _L. OAKR1-ON, Cairo, N. V. V AXION AL HOTEL AND--_STAU__-NT, "**' M XIN rsl'.. OCEAN OROVE. M. J. Pirst-elase ta ail appointments. _MORROW A DAY, Proprietor*._ VEl'TUNE HOUSE, IN OCKAN KEACH. -.J., OPENS Jl.'Ni-' Hi. No mosquitoes beautiful drive* fJ yards from snrt. MB-. MANDKUAN. ORANGE MOUNTAINS.-Eleirautfarui re_i- dence. Doted tor flu. stenerv sud neatness to city 2b .elnntsa*'drive from mange depotr tlret riess in every nar Ocular^ jitabllng for korsea. A-rtrse* R 1 J., Orange, N. J. f_SBORNE HOUSE. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., " f ls now ti wen. Ha* llice.licet I.ration and furnishes Oin beat table fer the le*et money, i'lainj aud Innat tor nee of jru esw. JAB. H. GOODWIN. Proprietor. OCEAN GttOV_n*7jT" M'KAY VIEW NOW OBEN. KIXTH SEASON. AtxeoaaatO.stitiiis fur 2(M it n emIa Ve_ulatloa anti sewerage 1.trteciv lacee tM-eaii aud lake Un* lawaa and shade. Latw iates (or J une and St-utrui..'. _AiMrees Mm JOSEPH xx ii I IE, Pox _067__ PROSPECT HOUSE, Hetlilt Ik id. Whim Moun¬ tain*. N. H. A ntce, quiet, summer bnaiding-house. Bend fur t-1-.S. AC,_(IKO-1KW, PHILLIPS. PENINSULA HOUSE, I H/A BRIO UT, N. J. Nht*tvttrtnnf**err*.i New York via dandy Hook. Tgnsl to any seasite hotel fur he*lthfulne*s, scenery, woking and act vice. Claaaical snd popular _Mst daily by 1'aiin's well known oinifeat.rt, Ureu-tis extend from river_to oeeaat_ PAVILION HOTEL, Islip, LomMaad, now I open. JAME'S SLATER, of the TaERKELVY,* .'.th- ave. snd ____, owner and proprtoU- PROSPECT PARK HOTEL, Cat-WB, N. Y. A Now open blt oat tl oa aa eiegaat plateau overt.*kliifi Uie liiidaou Uiver, view* au-orpassed- Terms t-Wtersi. Aud-..** JAMES SMITH. _PToptlet-T. P~ROSPECT HOUSE. BAY aSIIOKB. LONO ISLAND. «ituat»d in full view of the ocean on the (.teat South Iuy. bastin- riuiMt Hailing and Taclnliiit in tie vicinity ot *4>w York '1 heoitly hotel I:-aird directly tm the water, lt* eltua Uon lenders ti free from luaecta or maieris. Two or ihi_* very desli-ble cottages to rent nesi hotel .xr.etlal tetras lor Jase. N. P. SEWELL. CU MM E irBO-TlHV^Situation really beaut i- »' fol. eminentlv health.il anal verv easy of aces**, no [¦.ins spertsd li. make <mr truest* rornfoilalile sud harpy. A. w. CHAPMAN. Parker fl*ob*. Un hiia-ld < ...n.ia, tone. _C_LMEB BOARD AMONG THI CATS- RILLs, for a limited number of gnest*. at a healthy, coot, shady plsee. oesr Mt.iel Plesassnt. on t»ie elster and lielsware lta!iro*d gned table, beautiful *cemirv. splendid driven, poet albon, Irlisa-rapn, no mo*ajuiit.«, i*rn*s UMstlei ile. A titi res* A LULU. LAKE. tko Coraer. Ciat-T Ca. M. Y. CPBING ______ REACH. .^ M.-MoL' TU HOUSE AND CARLTON II Ol'.-I E. NEA GIRT. BEACH HOI* HK. UOVIiEtl NOW Qs-MT. NEW HOTEL IA. AYRTTE. Btrtad and Chestnnt Btreet*. Philadelphia. Application* lor root. eau be Blade to sar ef the »l*iv* BSt__¦ _ _. C. MALTBY. QTORM KING^ON^ITIi; Ml I WON. 1) MOl'M'AlN UOl'ME. at ea eb-vating of 1.300 feet above see level; superb view; aband asre p-ire waler frew new Artesian well; livery eta'.le, au 1 all the arji-iulmenis of ibis )i~i«eihs>rr>nghly flrat-s-laa*. Addi.** MOUN TAIN llOU-K. Cornwall Ht-iglns. N, Y. _^^^_ s S MIHI HOUSE. CORNWALL ON TUE 1ICDBON. tl ennuin »lr. River view. Flue driving._ C. A .SMITH. CANDS POINT HOT EU Banda I'"int. Ll. kl Hrtecl farollv resort en the Berth ahore of I,. I., io firths* from citv Uue bath.ne. Isnaliaar and nallian -ead tar e*»..- lars. I .tu. swooerate. un and afttir I no-lay. Jua* Ut, ibe sie-aoier Jueepblua will leave .**.*. *f_ Peet (Ul* 1'ler is-aX, E. lt.. dally, at li:. a ra. returning at 4 itu ...tn. t. CCN-PAl'tiH. CURING HOUSE, 1M.K-U bland, IL I. IO ci*us June 2(1, cloeee Octoh.-r Proprietor *vli-i.wnt-r nf r_Jcbral.tl CiiaivlHaat* ffprtnr* locatino. sr nnis_iils-es* latte, tare, do. ¦¦.«n>*_»*"i. ear- riage* to every boat. writ* for __c_uir. li. il. MITCHELL proprietor. _________________________________ CHUBEL FINCH- Glen Falls "Farm, near lt U..Catskills, ha* pleasant g.irtis wishes a tew mure l.eanhlul waterfall*, lovely ensdn u_se milk, run .». noliveyanoe (ree Irvin si.titu Cairo to ..Mip<ei staylug three weeks terms t|iiil» uns1e.»i- Atlsl.*. s|i I UKL El Nell. 4_lro. Oreiane t'tiuuir, New-York. B .1 Sd CEA CLIFF lliTllsR, Leotur .-nanrf, tmnmt »» June *4ti..Dellrhttul r*-eort for too guest., e!evat...n ;-. feet; bathlni; bt.atlt.g citUge adlai eui tor troests without Hui.iron meals at lint* i'KL. DAILEY, I'lWprtelui* (in i.I.r* 74 Weet li u st. 1 MIE WEST FOI NT HOTEL. Ol'EN THItOUOIlofT TRE YEAR. TUE ONLY HOTEL ON THE Ml Ll I AKY PO«T. ALBERT H. C-AM.l I'rupi 1*4***. rpSR ALLAIRE. r-lMUNO LAKE BEACH. W. t. A flrt-t-el»*» farnlly hotoL 1 itt itu- laella, gae. Ever) rm** ocean view. _A__~e» E M. KHHAKIMix **ptinp I* ts, N. J. HPflEMANSION HOL'.-E, OrmoR-, N.J.. oflirt J unetjnallel la-lltlssi to Uailiet tooalug for suunner boartl. 'I iain* svstT tonr to city. SO sitaele* THE NEW LANCASTER llol'sE (WUt- Miniiitiiliis -r.is.iii for ltd guests; gas, *let trie l.a-i.s. all tn.slete luinrnvess.iuts; .very thing uew. Hie meal cona |>l«<te Heiel and the ptettl-it town tn ibeiirsntte rs'su, rooias may lu- setruieal ai rate* a* Inw *. ia m*l(teut wllh good far*. Jrav circulars aud lenu* addr..* M.I) A. LINDHKY 4 CO.. _______________ ?TMIE WENTWORTH NEWCASTLE. N. IT.. WILL OPE- JUNK tt. It ha* _***.___-___¦ Iwr ttO guest*, and offer, more attraction* than any ot ber s«_*lde r* sort on tbe Allantlr Cv**t. Esr*.-_l sd vantages for boaUag, fleal ag aad bathing. Contains every moderu applla_r_ ap*. et**** rutilus, best BB*.BB lt.la. I_r«r» fssrloi spsss. tif»l elnvatast. Music Hail tor .iiKraag and tlHtelru-ais. 'ITUM-air* ol 'a. piece*. Ir..rill.r A iieya. Billiard lloa.tu. Mt.im X'arht fm es unions. s*ii iud Kow Roat*. Klrat-Cla.I IJvervand H.uiiitis- Ms .it-, i.rounds lilamluai.I by elwtitc llehi. W*aia.i Linioa loiegTapb atallon la tbe i..usu. 'J be Htork ticker give* ram- »tsnt rep..: ts nf Ike Stack maiVet. 1 wo miles from I'oti*. int sith aud I wo lioairs' rid* frutai bualaio by Easters Kauitmd. s- of tbs hot. ai w*»» in waiting. A fbi I*** .urt-stooullt V. II. _ORO HUE F. THOMPSON. Manager. rjMTED STATES HOTEL. TRt LAROEHT IN ATLANTIC CITY. NJ. LS NOW Ol'i-'s EUR THE sKAWiN tit IrtMi. MK.NJAM1.N H. BhUWN. JAM Eft P hcoit, M*aa_er Drp ©ooOs. CARP-iTS.-Gn-iit ndO-tfOB] 3W^8<»t)Op EngUsh ead I-im**Uc Aaauastor i. tills ___._¦ a tttttt trow fruin tl lu par tar-). trHtfclMJARD KSaAVP A CO.. Hlkth _v_ sad UU-St. V UE8H CAN 4V-»8 M A Ff1HGS. -A «_r«- M. Jud ptircha.ul at anetlun. arrived t*xi tate fer eonirart de'lverv, ai le** tuan oo*tof impel UUtiu lin* laney palUras tlo per roll ol 4(iyards, ot i*c uer yard. wli._i. chook and taacy itvies, sown luw a* 15a uer yard. _bUh-'AHli AN Al'. A Ci#. »41tU-ave. *_4J5t_ sL_ INGRAIN CARPETS..2.0 jiit-ceBboBtqaalitj Xexlin soper ingrain* al T.V- per yam. but Pl* a li Ii ns aw £ c6t.i-sth.sva tad 13t_-art. CARPETS. Great khIi*. .SiMJ ^yiooi-i best Tst- st t-y Rr tiHstjis at 7.*>e por rani. -HKI'PAllD K.tArP AC:)., ul Uh «ve. endltthet. Cankin-j flotiK* and BottKrrt. KB-t-K OROKHHBCE UBA.-4T B. tUBLIT Members Ns«-YMit s_-k «zek*__*. Groesbock &L Schley, iUAl-EJU AND liKOKEiW. M BROAD ti l KEE r. NSW-TOBE. .«t-_-y*arma te_rt____lp__. ____**_. sstd Waskts-taa Kissam, Whitney & Co., Bankers and Brokers, ll BIU.AJ- 8TRKKT, M11.1.«s Ht II.jmm., ISTERKBT ALLOWED OM DEPOBIT AOOOUMT MHB 31 -T TO DBA ET AT HUHT, UOVKltNM KHT, BTATE MUNCIPAL AND HAli.lliiAD SKi'UIUTIK- BOTJOHT AND KOLI) OS COM MIH-1 ON. SXllt CASU OU 1 PUN MA ROI N^_ "OPOYKE A CK7 J-ANKEKH NO. lt HI.NK-- I'. Kjt iiAiiir. ri ilium; De* Oereral Basking Buidaeee, aliew Interest is Ismiu. buy toil **ll niVMtU-N-. beads sad ell securities te.lie it Iii* bteck Eta.angA cid make literal mHvanors es* aunt*. WOOD, HUESTIS A CO, tl PINE -TR-BT. HEW YORK, 0ANKKRH AM8 lt*tOR__-K bUC*-_*-t.B- TO WOOD tfb DAVIS, HMM orders la all seciidtte* listed at IBs Mew-York Stock Eschattj*. Ft.il MALE: JflRBT C_-,fs_ RAII.R'lAI. IBT MORTOAOE RO\DH. OAOBOEC X*OOD. C. M. II .BSTIts, I- M. MXX'AN. ¦fT-ttnn.iL ll l*<:..taNl st Nata-Ills. Ci llieBUtasr.I Ti-iiiiesstae. ls :...- lag lae itesffaua AU i.>i. Iiisldttis and other io.ihois uf said **->t*_*_-S arm .erotero Perety noiitled i_ piesenl the avie* " I att.'-tallou tut aaymeai. W. E. BAKU, lb, Caeiler. .financial, SPECIAL ATTENTION given to tlie piirchaao I-' sud sale of Foetal Tetleerapb Co. hs.ian and .cork. HENRY BllOr). A WAR. IK LP. til Broadwsv. _Members tt. Y. Htock Et._ ^y II. JOHNSON, BROKER IN PETROLEUM. Rooms 5 and 0, 55 Broadway. I .vITED PIPE LINE CERTIFICATE"! bought and sold for cash or carried on margins. QaotaHsna -lrnUhetL Kital Facile Railroad Ccipy. Notice I* hei-t)y given mai the following number* ut tlie bond* nf tlie i\.rUi<T0 Pacific Railroad Company* rr.ttn ivoreit.lk division. weiethl*day drawn in scoordanre with the retintremeBt* of the trtwt mortarsge, vi*., tl.cm lioND* SNCAJ M.X lOHl 1211 ititi 107 'wt Noe. 5415 574 6H.i Noni No*. 775' 1064 tot] Hts 4 KIHI KIHI Pill lotti li-M «(i. , c.". I-.11 Bl li.lV 6-ii' 8451 1176! is.-.d 1177 H7HI 117* 879 Uh! B37l laos H4I4I 12*4 Sos. 12*4*1 Iwu l'.'ii: 13-1 14171 1421 14.t_' 104 MKS Nus Noe No*.! Nos.] Ne¬ ls*- poui no* s-44_i tM*; 15411 DUM! 'iiVi U1XI7I «'-'50 liltlT IKil.lj '271'-' 'tOIVH 4*7« HUH lHt»7l -78.IJ Mttll f-19 Ki'.. It-3 iliHi 400111 4370 164*| 104*. 2772 110- 11-9' 1».X7; HRH ill-.", Hil 1714; l»('.i -!M01. il 1 AO huuds I, ii. 1»*S0 'J'.li)4 3--I1 17VI ll".)'.* -20 IT. '1XS5 I7h- -J07l' i-l.'tl 35'») J.'.iin I'.ends. Nos. A.-Bl to 4,:48d tne. 4,14-4 to l.tsi'J Im-, 4.404 lo 4.4 Iii inc. 4,419 to 4.4'a. Ins). 44 Booda The principal anti at-crned pald ni.un p..vs..mail..ii j-_j j-!>i lH45! Vilili I4U.J iii)-. Wtri\ _-»s_J.| J770i $100 bosila. Nos 4.5-41 to 4,505 toe, 4.lani it, 4.til.', hui. 4.1.17 lo 4.61s. Inc. 4,(1-9 to 4.7Kl* lue. 14H Bonds. Interest nf which hood* will be ie .lillis of tlie Kamier*' l-«nu snit Triist ("t-tipsiiv, Noe. 'JO and 22 Vt llil*in«t.. New York. Tbe latssresl ea Ibe shove bonds will cesse ou ant alter slxtv dav* from this date. New-Sock. June 21. l.eBS. THE ARAIER-' LOAN AND TRUHT COMPANY. Ti nate*, _urn 'i i'"t ion. ._______ CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN R. ll Sinkinq Fund 5 Per Cents of 1933 Kilt KALK BY KUHN, LOEB & CO., 31 -AH*4Ar-**T. NOTICE. cle ari .<* dkpart_ii:.\t (ir THK New-York Stock Clrori_&-honse ^-**o<-iaticn. NO. 41 KXt II A.M.1,1-1.A<t Member* of the Nsw Vol Mix-k Pirh*na*e ann have sinnett the roe* and rea-ulau sss of the i la.arinc Dei.rt ai* nt t.f iii. Now Vms t.M it i*l**rlnj bouM \s<... iatl rs an bi ni'y ut-lifi*- (Asl the cWut-ln** "f Ihe fa.iowf-i*: nstn.sl seor ks, XV ret era I until. M Cam isaaimou. Uss!* wait. l_.rl*w*mn aad XX'-slet- a std luiou Pat-lit, will touiBieut-*- ihi VV .sine*. dav. Killi July. Mst*-! .'st-"f psi sll thal mrtyT-Rn .-Bur li*tore il p, ut ou rs..i iud*) iteit.will be intet! Hats of turtle* wha-Misa «!*. attire* ate rvs-o'deil. »cd turnlsbisd toe__ tantiideron (tn- l-.ilt inst The eirtialiite h.... wi I lu- lound tn the reading r«.ta nf the NewYnrk **i<>. k rirhaniri" nulli .'< u. tu stui itt Hunk finnis »ti,l l»- lurulshe,I upon swain-all .n sith* Clearing liepai Un.st. »u.l a ty iult!u>r lui. lualiou lw***d "' will be trliteilu.l) si*" »- R. L. KOW AR DH. Mnnaxer. New York. July M lawJf, Gaiunqo Dan'rxO. THr. BAX* rvs ***ns.ie Mi. *.', Btrr. kv*. «_ * NSW X'..|i_. JUI) ll. l*tS-. I 1*HE MOAK!) tlV rUUtsTKEM l.itx.- tins ila) tt-t.-lart-d U- Usn-: interns! under (hr Bi..M*.*ssof h.. '. lew* io iii lust -it 111..11':.". rntiiiiK th*. Miih Jun*, a* follows: Al th* rat*, nf TH UPI A lt DOJil HALT .*__ CK NT Ber annum nu ali sum* ul live dellars and *(.*»ar 1, itay.blf us aut altur Ute third Mo'.day. bel. (the loth ti this n-nnth. 'I l.ls it.l"r«_t ls rsrrled al oner loth* ctr 'lt of det».alt'.rt ea primly.I txs Ute let laat. whare lt elatutle eia-tiy a* . oa- I*t.il. Il elli bo enter* 1 on U>- j.sss-hook* at*ny Uais when if i-ulr-1 on rni'l »da*r Kt* IBU sst i.K.iKi.A 4 ABOr WARD. ls-_relarv III -OaStrs's H tsa. r-.r - ta ,s.i* 7"~ 74 and 7-i XV ti -i > sw Yt'tS. Jnly t. 1-lA < .T.IE 1I.ISU:k> HAVE UKDE8KI) ll! VT 1 IVIKIiK-T be paid to de->oalLira eutiUtst Oieivt.. for theil* laontl.i ended Win ul. int.. ss ft,; nw. Ob .rooiiol'i not fit*.rltnt Ow* Tbaoeaiid Itsiiar-s st tim rete i.r till lt PK ll I KN r par c.nit*. na at-a-utit* lars or titan OB* I buna*.t Dollar*, bul tint st- r*e.lmr Tar " I hnuaai- O-laii al th* r*t* t.i lilli! 1. PK.lt i'K-Tp»»r inntiin Aad *ett-iait* lsr«»r ihsn TIIIIKK. TH' if * X H fi t'OI.I.AKH *i th- i*i- t.f lin. i-t'R (EM par anuusa. poy ab'*** . ml af tr i Mnnday. Il'-lh lil lae I Tin later.*! alli be ulacrl to .ts lit .,f .1»_| Ui_ ,, prla. i-el wm ii -At Y. irniaeat. 111 .UV P. J4 Alfsll \l i Cast Dim6fn& Sotuer lin**.-! ttl Misist, i.ttrttr ¦ Mn is Rt tiMsti. lt ne<t si,,j nsw. Yuba. J sly IA I ilVllitsNO Na fi¦». I iieri'KUtiir M<tS I JU.Y 1 / UIVIIiKMi ..f I-Hill X KM- PKR -iltAUK Nit (..rn ilsnsrwl fur Jimr., I-, si. s » i.. ti. r ,,t i;,s irs.islet sfrnt* Lminsbery A H»-rrin. Mils BallAiat ls f4r..»d st ou the Juth lust Tranefer beots rios* on ihe 'ANS taal. _ l."l N->BKI(\ A ll V.>.1.V ian.I-i iR-nls 1/JG1I1 Y Kuluin DIVIDEND. QTss-t or .iu Nsw voss Kgt nani- i._ co..) Ks M Wm x Nsw Vnm Jnlv ll.inst S Tlias Heard of inc-, tor* hste |M* Say drctsr.1 » arm- au una. ulvM*-t| ot nix Pi.il CKJtl |.av*;.l- on and af Uar Ute Sttt-soth inst (ll An I... rtsry. NOTICE is lu-tvliv 4.1 rea timi tli«* tau doe July 1. liss- aa this Pti-lwl l.l.L.r n,s -siai* at ohio will be patti a'. Ute An..-'Lau lo.ian<.- V.' .ls. ti Y.. trom thr 1st I* th* I'li'i uri ait I I'.. i.tftr, in .. ii-i.iiii* rhf tr*n*'*t |..«>ks will bvr.o.Hi ea tb* lOrn mst. *ual .Minsanssl uu Um Itilh ol Jnr. ls tl John r on.kv i k. Auditor ut .nuiav JAMK-s VA' KRWM A!* h- ,.Urr of Hut*. ll. A. HOLLI Mo-two)'. ll, *ai|j.ru*y .e**L CeeBiiila*tuii«i'**f l*. staklas- Kee- f'elombus. o.. Jon* lt. IH-ti sol l*s sukm. K4B4 C i WIII-.l-'/'-.ll. s. OPFICE OF THE DELAVi IRE AND IM'D- h.l\l l.Nll.HI si W V..' 'a. J \K tl list Tb* t«>ri.ls of lii.i , .,ui|,auy falim.- ilus, Jul, I. Issi, wilt Ur reajWmasal ai pst au I ¦. t H.-.1 iiifte.i on belaf proa* ti 1*4 el ttl* (.tee and aa*l(U.l to Uta i omi.aur __ jAMk-si-, HAnrr.tts»s*o*--._ CAINT PAUL AND NORTHERN PACIFIC ll KAU.WAV 'OMI'ANX A anal annual divldnad of ll lil I. PKR Cl '. OBUM rsjiuai si.m-s ol tins t oin pan y will l.t. patt at tin* bankin-- Louse of Vi um.ip l.ai.la-r A Om, 'Jil Haassb st., >»* Y,.rk oa sa.I attar July lt. le Storkt.-Mrs of record Jane to. I MA Th* U*e*f*r lat.-* wiill. elus*. fran* J aa* J1 to July 10, liolh lin lustre Ry enter of lb* tamur*. _ORO K JON RR. Tr***nrer. nutt K ur Wviot. r\w,', A I O., I Na «... H.t..a nw trX Nsw X usa, Jinm -'i, its.i \ THK KEOHI.AR SK Ml-A.V.M Al. DIVI- IiK.Mi ol* POUR |.er eeal ha* bo,ti il*, lal eil by Ut* Lil rw lot* of lilia i..lupauy. pt)thia July 10. lat*.i at our ulOca, aa abov*. Th* transfar-*-ks will dat* Jaiy 2 st t p. nu sad re -|.*n July 17. _ll. H rABHONH. A»s *Unt MeCieUry._ I'.lat.t4 47, Ntl. IK WalX-ST I NSW-Yl>B_,Julyt., 1SHS J .-ITO BOARD OF TRI BTEE- ul Un* Mount M. Pieaaaot Milling rraia nan r hsve this dev d*ra_red a nlildeud ..Mo. f\ ol PIPTh_.M ' K.NTS PKR -til Alli, on Uie t sinui siot.k of said cutnpsuy, payable at ihe nfflo* uf Mt\**ni lashtlaw A io, No. 14 -all-at.. Joly 111. Trautfer book* will bs Smsas obj tb* 1 Itt Bsd reraain clo*.1 neill ibe 7tri inat. __ IU MlY HAX. Via* Preeklent. Ori'S ' OTnSBBTsL IBSISASI i co.. 1 NO. IM BBOaUWAY. NSW- . O :S. Jilly 1.', 1S1.I ( I^HE Ronni ol DiicclajrK of tins 1 ouijiuiiv lia vc il.l* day il- l_r_l sn INIKUKVI liiVIDKM) ef 1 tl UK K AM) ON KU ALP l'l. il IS I upon Uitt ispllal uf the t .mpaii), and iij-on th* amount o' Ita " euarautee stir tins " rikI "*'t*i lal i a>*«r v* luuai* " iloiuitvl Lu -tursuaut* ot (lie provldoas of ttie art of th* I.rlslature nf tina Mate of New York, -tasa.d April m. 1X74 a* *m«uas«M|, uatui.I "Aa sit le uroV.1* satuiiiv a_*la*t eilt*otdi ,*iy ouflsjtratioas and fur Ute creation uf ssl ol, fun.I* bp tire inturauo* -Ota- |>a*ies"i. pstabl* on tl*aiaud Aisoa -st lill" HIVIDKM) tiffslXTY PkRCRNT topBrtiilpaMsr pollnr holders, deliv¬ erable un aad af l er ?"th Heptem teer a*n. I'het- also eu.ir tbat trie oiliest t-iis'.aiull-,.--strip Issttts, Utal ot l*i7f», b* i* deas_*d la t.»*t uu autl attar Hist date. ('lilt's Pk( kl, ^^^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_Kerr* .: r. 'HIS .11. 1'AIU _l.X.Vka)i,U.s* MAMIUSA lUII.WAt lo. 1 Gt Wau-- .-rt.. Nsw Yoh_. > Jun* 3d. I SSS. ) THK nanni (T(ifirt4»rly dividrnd of 2 i-ir cent ha* thia tay hems declare- na the capital alock ef Un* i'iiiii anv, iiaysbleat this offlre on and after An_*st 1. Itt*-. tu slot khollier* of e. ord ou Hist tlste. 'lb* mock traotfer baok* will be closed st 3 o*sl-nk p. m. en Moadsr. J alp 1(1. aad will b* ie*i-_- st IU o'clock a. s*. us . taui-Uv. Au_u«l IR EDWARD T. NICHOU*. JB^ ^_____^_. Assistant M-ietary.^ THJl MncA-ntt TBtnrv ('ompahv, 1 VMI MBOAOW4V, KlW.Yiitt. > _ _ Jaae 20. i-si. >. TD MERCANTILE TBU8T COMPANY will A pas..ia*., f..i tut »r.i prait-rim* Ktar.klioiiie*¦ ot tb* Manliallaa Hallway (ciiurtauv lu wbusr favoi a dlvlrtasod was ti*rUr_i payable on Julv '.. their t latins tn said dividend* sn.l tea.*v* aa e_n_n-nnt et* sueb Hillas* anau*a par li by aa aa- ais-ninnotet ifc-i ri alum io * dlvittaad fi*stu Uie Mew York li.-vst-l tui.ioatl ompaii) i'..i like atiiouut In case the mer- set ee-reaiaerit beiwnea the Uiree elevated railway oo**paidee tammi* be aa\|a_ted Utval id till WA RD U AfO-TOOMKHV. Traaamrar. qn»r rriIE LONG ISLAND RAITkoaD < <.. * fh* Hoard af I drooler* have Uti* dav des-lered a . l-riy dlvb-Miil of ONA Perl *otu tn iiuon therapllJ *l"«-k ot thl* ( t-niianr, parable thu isl day of Aiirnst eeil,*ttb* n*V>*of Ute (Vrtds Btakiar 'io fis Broadway. >. Y. T_a tiaarfer -Mks will clo** Pfld ap, J sly BO, ead raepao I bul* *^*.*Vl»~*i''-a *»**¦ H. ORA Vt-*.'l'l July OBS- m _, ( urrBB l|l MIS HlBISlK... I ai AMDM WAtA-m., Mw Yuu. July ll. ina- I THE JH)ARI>,7.K,,TRUSTki:H OF THIS ** _*___ya__B teelaiat a enarteti** tlvltead of OMK aU.l','_UjiK*_. ASl> TW_1,TY>IVK TMOLflAND ls_L- -AliH. parable lo stu, _i.oi_.ra of letxnd st eoiapsay'* oltc* MlMtnatlaT J ely ls, 1b«S. Tnu-fet book* cloe* Jnly IS ast raoaea Jaiy 17,1-tt. _ W. H_ MARTIN, T*_s*-a*ar._ O-PBS ( ssiati Pai l»ir Klt. ( OHFABV, I T,,,,__ , . ia_B 1-_ast__r-. Jaiy lt, lt*.-1. HREE DOLLARS tier aasu- will be paid «* piae*_i*__si af Di VI URN D WARRANT Na. it si t__Heft.ie ut u lb* uinc. ul Ut* l -mia**). K3 lltoad at.. N*w Yte». Transfer t»-.k* win be cli-eti from J p. -a. J uiy 1 . ts IBS.M.A4M-M- Rv evaer et «.*¦.* el Dts-et**-*- k. H. MiLLKR. jr., M-reliuj. Di-ftenfr ff.tices. WEaTER^U^sN^VIDEND.-In now of th* ..-ri..us lneoTiv-mlenre, ko mans- ixrioiib from mallt Inti* and vexatious still*, axattist the XVcsteru Union Telegraph Compsay. I have arrangpd with the Mercantile Trust Company to advance io all *loi-lholtleni of ths Western Villon Telerraph company on anti after July ld. H4R.4, the amount of meir dividends, pat abie ou that day. upon a*slgu- nient to me at the ottlce of eaid Trust Cotrj'auu/ of their right to receive therine. JAY OOULD. Nr.w-Yi'SK. July il, 18H3. fflimna. omi or ttik in--it>rsiiKttn Mt****, co.,; DU A.M. Wi BBOADWAL Room 41. NK- Yu-k.. Jnly IU. )Ks;t. AN ADJOURNED UttfltWoT'tSm stitw- _1 bolder* ot the Huudttrherg -luina* Company, for the elf, tltm of a Iloinl of TnulSSS for the ensuing veal, and BMB other bn Ines* ae mav lie presenteil before lt, will be hehl at the oitlne of the enropanv. No. tri Broadway, on -'t-dnesda. August 1, 18-1, SI ll p. m. 7 raosfer hooks close July 'JO and iiv.nen Aua-iistt. lUria. _ C. A.CAMKRON, -..¦ retary. tottan .tcaititf. ANCHOR LINE. II. S. Mail Steamship* XX Hallfrtim Nasw-York *very -s»tur tar t»,- OLABOOXV VU !->__. _»___,.. Preta Pier Jd. .vtocta .liv«r- DKVONIA ....Julv 14. I: tn. I Kl ll I'iPl A .July 3*. n ion. ClltCA-sHiA. Jnlv -l.'i*. m. amiioki a Aug. 4 Qa. m. Cabin J-mT-st').' KI. -*:ui 1 litiie, tl). ,.,.., .****¦''*.'.. > it*_t-i. BJ *. rn in L tit LIX J-RPooi. and uURRNtTOVYN rtEitVICB. _ Prom Piertl North Hiv m. -JT__.__,OHK M,u Julv lt. au<.i»t 14. rXepL-t. PURNP.NHIA »alls Annis) 4. Isa**, s. October 13. Hst.(IRA -. IA san* Atie-at JX.-sept, -u. t'sblu;)*M»n». a.) lo Jl'10: ar_>-tiiiT tot i ii a uJlktt itt .second(.Din sui «jf iri<« ii div* Anchor Mae tlrafU issied tl lo west r*t t, ari pall friti.' Ch si vein -u-flsu I. tc. utsij sit iretn I Por (--ease. Cabin Pitas, Ilsa of Turi. *o^ sp-uyti _nKNOKRno.N* BttOl UK R.I 7 Bowlla** tlvteu. BOROKA IX LINK. New ant t'lreoi lise lo ths south of Praasw, _ NKW-VORK ANO BOROKA I X DIRK T. CHATKAt LXOVILlsK, 4.'»O0tor_..Thur*., Jnly 76 CHATKAL LAPIT-. 4,111. tun* .Thar*.. Ail*. HS I-.*ra -l**s*-tle-«s»u._.. IBetr w*H4t. Parry). Brookiru. TrsvsiUis mr Kr*. », so tin anl Inly, I'vt-isst. Paaa. Rh e. Ac., will sive tine an 1 eijsu«a hr tt Ut tull. ai. Celila tlnrliifiin* wins), t-W -Ussnii, tl J >oi passsxeapeiv t > F. Lg-OULAMOJ-ft. ?.BeBTST.tt. jnUNARD LINK. KOTI('J_-**LANB ROUTE." FlPiSt KEW-VUk* IO LIVERPOOL/IA liDHS-;.. TOWN. PROM P1BR NO. 4(1 NORTH RI Yt*. II. -sKRVlA.W_lu*_l_v. Juli- t4,.lif-_ m *.( X rn IA.VYetlaeadav. Julr ¦'... "t40 a. ra (1ALI.IA.Wetlac-lav. Au.-. l.Jp.in ROTH ma...XX'i-erkday. Aug. H,V a. rn Kieatuer* suer kesl . tl., not ..s_ry ste*, ags. ( altin nss-are. M I sad >! ) I. riteer»Kt-ti-'s-tst t 4ii 1 (rj u Ul parn if Karoo) at rory low late*. Pru _hl au.l->i_sa{e o tics, So. t ll itvll-ar tinten. x m; Nun ll. BRO tt* N .* <fo.. Afont*. GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC (OMI'ANY. VB Between New-York aa I Herr*. I omp«ny'sp(ei ti tv,. So. ti Xorth River, t nt _vrtI s Iravellens tey Ibis Hu* aviait l. st** trjisU iv kin Ttl* I rall, way anti Hie di* otiift.it nf eros du*: thi ihtiiiei ls a snail -sat. But .Ul nain etWu-tlie ooro^iiir's ilu.-k at ll avie n- lett f.ti Vms .i nv.ll ur slea hits, llia-g-t-e chocked al .New York Hin-si'i to Tana LAB.(Anon. ( tiiil.-r .Wartna-trtav. Jnlvl-4. t*j. at ll .AIN. i mine,tu.Wr-owstlsv. Inly 2'.. » B. ni N"RM AN DIE. Mai van.XX e.i_«r.l»>-. Auk 1.4 p. ul Checks pty thin al als- "it. lu a n .mn io sa.l. as lb i Ban itu X'r.in .Hatill'iite or I'.nt ) ..i fretgt I .tn I |.tstit;ti *jii-v ti _UI 1-. lil. i.i.lii.i.s. Agent, No. ti Iiow!ln*r Ore**. Cl ERMAN AND H.S. MAIL STEAM ERS. Jl .Milli ll ..I.R Xl IN I.MIYH -Ti-A.Xl.-li I* ll s i-. lil, WI I.S .NEW. YORK. ¦sn'I ila -li iv AND BR RMRN. MAIN* Kalttr.lav. Jail lilisALl li. -al .r. av. Jn'v 21 IIHRI*! St ..lt.***v. julv IM WK 'A W.t.-fri. tit ltA'lr.<*l,P PAH-. ao K *...._ NKWYORK t) HO. T'HAXP- __. lo-.. HAV_-or HUK-KN'. ntatft i AI'.in.tHM-i MKCOND ct BIN ....tUB __ -ll KRAiiK.t-0. R«ur_ _-tatsf_r*du-re.t-iii, Presati Hteora.i c«rtlt cal**, tii. -iisa_sr* «_, tyan |*i*r'b"t emu .-s*a-)iil au 1 N. I OKI.RH Mrs A i >.. J l'..,w!in» (itet-. /.LION LINT. VA IMITIIi -TAT**- MAIL BIKAXIKR- ii.it gu KPN »rown and livrhpuoi* l-SVlu* catii ... lt.. loot of tslU/sA. WY IMT No.laa-day. Juiyl7.:tA» '. X.Tuestiar. Jul.- Xl. 7JO a. tu . -IN.Tim.dav, Jnly ill, *.':*-p. tn SKI-ON A. u-tsta.. Ans. 7, 7 ;4 i a.ta .njaaIia.Haiunlar. Aiie-usi ll. lil 10 ant Or taaee auusiern ar* null nunn * ii .' tit.ii. oas. p*rtrna-uls. a.i.l ana furiilslii. I srttti evety i.-tpil.ili-to in.tk t the |-s**ee S'-roaa the Al.Mlle Bott1 S-S Sid aKr.-esiile. hsv lt- balli ruo:n. SBBBslB* ***a*A drawlns-rnnni. piano and ilitiary al«si rapssn-ii.e | siiree >n, stewardee* »nd r»la-r*r osI ui ii .leam*,, j,.,. ., ,,,.,,,, trr *u upiaer ar.',. thusiu- . utiti. Ih'ss* kirai.-st of ail itiiui ifs, at ara, pail lat I vcutlU- ttl_tl*M i:_bia|MM_st"(Brar'irti'if 11 siat-rwoai. fto. $40 asl tl li lateiBi*.ate, »M. newitts:* si lue tai. t nlll. I, .Nt. VU H KU AI itt AX XX ll.LIAMH _ OCION INMAN ROYAL MAIL LINE SI EAMElls 3 .UK Ul > -i s 4 ., , RPOOL. CITY' OP. .1. -il..; sill KUAV.iuifii,.! ts) mia rx "i t'lMTHKAl.¦ R i'AY, Julr l-l » *. m. (l.X I] MIKHXY. Xii- I. 10.Klara. bram Plat 4 L *. urta Ri ver, foot of I.r ir-sv CARIM CAIeiAtlfi. s-siaei «1 ij. la *.-us li*: v PAO. KTl I ll U,i -lt i'i' .», s-'l Purri*.,,-- .tc appr lodi- MXt AV *sli:AM*4IIlP C'_ l-Biilexl. ll Mid 41 Rr ia tw tv s Y -leiput* tHU.e. N'u. lot Hoata tjlajt ^:ATIONAL LINE.-Eroin I'ir-r 'AW N. R. I PHI*. 1 IX I lilllOl. AM' ls" I KN-lnWN. ka.YIT. a slr I i' m I N..i. .. nh, ju.y vi. 0 a. m. fill LON I'ON DIM KI'I*4 T.|V P.lANCI Ml/'tst 1 *< p. m. fania «a» lt STU not war I tis**** Si* pr*r»»il atnarat*. tjca<-,*Jtl. P. W.J. kLtOl' Maaagae.ue and ,'J Br-Mlway N. | V ova scoilA Md HEWFOUNDLAND. I il itt. xivi RLL Ii' dispatch first-el*** ii- I io. Norm Hirer. . aeiy ian itavs for IIAI.IPAX. M. and HT. lORNS. Tn, KicaJlenlpat*s-(er aa aaliBntSi Pot t-irrii ar»o»uUlBia_ nertie.liars sppiv e. il Rf.AUAN. fieri.. .N .wilt iii ter. l-ACIEIC MME HTF.AMSHIP COM PANI '8 I UMIOt CALI PORN I A. nan nw nu ULAND*. JAPAN. I 111*4 A, MRW-ZJC XI.4.NLI. Al -slllALlA. CRN . 1 KAI. and -ol' I ll A Xi Min X aad MKXi> " Plo_ New Yo*, pier fool a-. I .1 N. SJ_ Per -aa raarteoe, na the st'i-vi i, .,f PaortmA ' ITY "P I'AKA sails rltaw.T, Julv -JO. aooo. Can ort-ll nf for i'*utras au 1 Mouth America ami *t*tlOA Proas--lau Pi i tn- .. isl a* l ilrauum ca. Por Jacana* I .ni 11. O and ti. sst. (him |. ...is -_liirti»v, inly Tl. noon. Kit areiueucaet-otttwes rsi-i Kr ison.. sal Y*koa**«A kt i-sa-lsl rata*. PorlloN-oi.ti.r, n i /i tl.ANO aad AU4TRALIA. i X OP NTONK.X s^tr . ^srnr.lav Ia I -. aa arr" *.: el l-mloa nail* at sao Krano4»e.A Por frelstt, p*«ea*-e eel taaxara ia for aanoa. aa,, rai''.) a paul's Ollie**e (hs pier |t«tt 'aaa: st.. Nor.lt iliv-ar. II. J BIM.LAY. htl|aennti-drnt. REI) 8T--S LINE. Eur Antworp mid r-ru_ -ailln-.'ron Ns* X art at I V il esra it* ir r -i*UirJky. . a t n. ... ss nt lt.. iu'y ii 11 rn Hilt. MANI. .-»!-.r,iay Julv '.'I. '.*. ia B_...n*. *i*4ss ri > ev ¦¦aiklav ni u irnuu aitUJi**. I- irsi t-aitiu, Mal »') "I'irsii, kll.lti *1')J. MeeOBd (i^lW)I ..i. ur ...hi. tl.H. -sie-a-x-s, fli prto.vi %.) ll XX-iil'lin .% - 'l-l. lno*r_ A rents. .. ilroa.lavs». Ki IVA I. MME lo THEiNETHERLA-lDS Ml**iaier»lB*v.i o'apt-ar foi. tf iiuit-i. larttfJ;,f Pt-lt AM 'IKRDA- px-4. I.KKRDAM Uei.te-d*y. July is, Sp. rn poii Korr-iiiiAM- ML ROTTKJlDAM .xXeaue-Ur. July VJ, ll « m. lstCaitin. ? i) nserif v tlJ ur aa ai I. <( <- li. UAAA Uk- ')aso*r»l Acent. tb -until Wllltsm^t. Kl NI il, MiYl-i .? i'o.. I xx MORRJUs, VT - \l I..lan -I., Kieialit A_tA M B'way, HOB. Vasa. Alt. UNITED -TATES AND GERMAN MAlia NTKAMKRrs..Hsmouri* American Patrk*.' i',itiiyanv*s lau* for I'l.X kluC 1 lliLonlu*). i U .-.li Bo lill- iPs-isk. aud ll A Mill.'Kt i rssiaii.uv sr taais-t iniii-i ll -_ , -un. I'nurs. Julv I'.. J HaHMOnIa. I'hur* July "Jd Ml.i MA .sar,July-I I B 'HI-MIA ....-*'.. Jalv *_4 fta-M I Pans r-itral: Ku tl a'llu. kl lt. oecuud Labia. tao Sissratf*. ill Prenel.l rte,-r»-e tickets. Klrit (able nsHalurday Nteaiuers. Sdi aiMttTU Cn tirsiuaratas rruli nlstitl. isenltii "l-unste' UaaBttB." * C.MiA.aDi * ..'. lieu. Asl*.. Ne. el ilniatl-sL. **. Y, C. a Kiri! ARD A 00, Ooh. Pass. Ajiv 61 il way. N._k_ WHITE .SI AK LINK. I NI Ii- li -.1 Al K- A NH HOYA I. M XII.HTRAMKIlri POM 14I.' I N-IOXX'N AM) 1 IXKItl'Ool. Ni'TK Th* steamers of lb'* Um-, lake the I.aa Knnte ies-oiubi..iiil-l lt) Lietileuaat Mauiy, li. n. N., ou boll. IA. t.ilWHtsl ai,,I homeward vovaje*. MK.Tx N.NIC, Capt. Parry. saturday, July 14, n*oa. rkI'I lille. ( apt. Irvin*. aTbmady. July lit, 4 p. ni M.I d', (apt i.1,-adell *s*turd*y. July VN. iukui OK ll Ma NIC. Capt -ennajly.Ksturrtay. A us 4. 4p ni AUK1 A TIC, lap*. Jeoeiage Ihureday. Au.. U. U.M) a rn YUuH T UR XV ll IT A -TAR DOCK, MMT UP W - 101 II HI Th-.** slea re ar* atilform in elie *nd unsurpassed In ap- put tutu, nt, lue -aisin*. -i«i.r.-oin» WS.B awl Kath r....ins sn- le. e ai.ml.hips asiit-re the noise una uml.on are least felt, startling a decree of i-oiiitort lillhorlo nnatialuahi* KA i --.-Kaloon t«0*im tlOO. Rellim ll.ksl.son favev- ¦ hie Innua. Nt,-ei-g* froia Uie B)ld Conntry. tal; Imai .New York. tax. T Uaar sleauiors carry neither ratlin, *h*ep nor pig*. l'orlnsp*. lloii of plsns aiu! olhrt Intoiiuat.on ap;.ly at the f_HB***_-. B.BBflL aNo. UT Bro*dway, New York R J. CURTIN, Ap-BL C. I. RAUTLRTT A CO, Ak-Bl*. Bt-I.n HAIlItm A ( All ll 1, .xs-i-uta. Phl.»tS*lphia. *Zo UJtiom it man Concau. THE CHARITY ORGANIZATION 80- I ITKTY will inv-.ti-at- all ra*** of slltNt*d want ead diMirima referred U lueni. iacludiuf- st,eel Heexai* and liecslns Latter Wilts'-, fn-.i of charge, aal tepon result to au ul tar*. If fi.ular, urutopt »ntl ami _lt-t|i.al» help will b* soujlil fur aatrli, if fiaudulcuL eturta will lie matte io sin.t.res* it. **n'i appllt ant* saioe aad sdtre«s hy mali, lele Jrsph or Ulephoae (..md '.'lirttti to Ik* Boetetv, Na ^s*t>___________________-^____.._... W~!LLIAM THOMAS ARNOLD", Dih*pium-1.--- I'ur.tiaut I* the act of l-srilaotent .tl anal MSal Vic totla. Chap. IC. Iiitiinl.1 ** Au act ta du teer amsnd tb* law ol nioparty sad io reiia-e TnuMe*."noU<.I* hsieby clveu thai all ii«dllur» an.l other aersoii* lia.lus auy rleluis ur tlMuaod* aaralD»t the tetata-of William Tb ima* Arnold, loin erly rsvsrldtas _l the Hully Bm* T avrra. H*i»p*i*ail. la th* t -uai) ol M itltli***i. bailaie nf ita cn y nf New York, la th* lui eal rs Uta* uf Auierita. 4T*uti*s__- (wno d'.aa on the ,1k day of -arch. H*a.'»t. au who** will wa* proved lotne K-niiii iial Itaaiitrv efthe probate ixivlstoa of Mer Ma)t-iy * nish Coiirtot Justit.. ..titlielth.lr. e«AB_v_-, IB77. byUeoiaw Howard, ttie eircutoi therein naoiedi ar* ret|iilrea to semi the psrtlciilsrslu wrillng "f lh«ir rlslms ur demand* to u\ Hie untie.-Jil*-, tte soln-H ors lor the said et- -tor. on ur Painui the loth tlay of Aii-iist. lnsr.l. aft*r which ilalas th* *aid ex¬ ecutor will pmaaeu tai ilUUlhula tho aaaeU ut tbe *anl d-ceeaedaiuoRgsttheptsrsonsenUtled Ih-e.., navies lexanl univ loth* ol sims and demand* of which ba shall tbe.i have _*_ ..od. e Haled thl* -td tl*r of Jua*. 1-H.I. LAMBAlli. PAIt.U A -UAKKxPKAK, . -*-¦--*" HJaii.B »L. Radford Koa, XX*. C.. t-s.letter* for the sst- Rxeeatur. let Cream. II ORTON'S ICE CR-sAJI, cnARLOTTK ROHflB sat JRLLY. ALWAYS PCRR ant HKLICIOUS. ^_ ,._..w ladlvlduai BRICKS OP ICM L'HJEAX. erl*. PAIRS. PARTIRW, Ao. Trr Umbi ami rou will use se other. -KfOTUr ' Wi itt ave.. l.*tt Btna-**-**. *l» caa__*_ st. tl. TL. BM 4 JJ Puil*u-sL, liiouklru. teantti aub filcttuigf. ^I-E IMPENDING CRISIS. E. J. DON NELL. Esq.. ol Nsw Yort til., Under the auspices os* the NEW-YORK PRK.K I'HA Dlr* CLUB. will deliver aa addis.a in IRVING HALL, ou MONDAY KVJ__JNO, JULY 16, at ti o'clock, on TUE ROBBERY OP A PROTECTIVE TABI-P AUDITS APPROACJUNU DOOR. An Important movement la to ho Inangnrated, snd all frlcudj ol industrial ilherty »ro t>arneitly iuvitod to atteud. Bi-. A TS PRK E. 15 Cit. Weal tfgtate lot Sale. T. s w e^Tii-ira »a!o. Very de*irable for lnvestmeat. RV LA ND A WHITING, 6 Beetmaa.*._ T OT IN WORTII-sf., in-ir WetTHroHdway, XJ for wile. RU LAND XV lin INO, 6 Heekuiaa-sL sTonntrn J-ropcrtn Sot Sale ait- Ho Itt, ACCESSIBLE ami healthy country re_iden<*. or stiiliarliiin. .situated on front tu.ruutain slope over¬ looking broad it .rltan Valle,- ; ur lum exposure aad siiei- tore ir.tn raw eaet winda grsni view*: pletureeqa* eo- vir.ru*; good sin aa inalari*. nu uiecqultoee; excellent, nevei-fsillug spiiug. vuh (tab'tng Vouus oiohard and wooded lu gilts- withlu 3 miie* of Bound Brook dspoto, *Bd i nilles from Pindortir or .Somerville rrsiinent express train* to New York, Phil idetphta or Long Branch; emim (eti.tu 4.1 mi yearly ; low Uxea . hons,, anti gio"atls susceptible of indefinite eniisiu eineui ; lv'-rot.ui h..ii.* sui taun.y scree. $1'-ADO i wllh tliirty sere* sdhilning >JJlaX,O0ii. Csu be rented fer the season at 9400. Address OWN KR, El Mara. N. J. _ BLOOM FIELD PROM-RTY.-For l-T-Ton XX'f-tilugrou-st. KliKi-utle'.d, N. J., formerly owned sal occupies! Jasue* A. iledden. a tirst las* residence lu e first ciaae lueaiton contains iii rooina, all mi pr oi mien ta. ia tuns- plete rep.li. irootl staiile. lainajra-hoiise. henner,. Au as**, about two seri- ot laud, lux-lug* Iron lace of 271 feet on Washington.*!, sud SUO (eat on Midland ave., tvs tmuutaa from two tli-r-U on Montclair Rr*nrh of M A K. lt. H.: a baigalu. Apply tu J. J. __ViN_, Ibo Broad.l., Newer*. POR SALK or TO LET, at a jrre_t bartjrain. A -Tlie hatitist-sest Iinu**eii Jereey Citv l(els;ht». brown .tone front. Ph..adelpbta pr.rss.-d-hrlck aides, piate-xiass wu. dows, two lot*ul laud. Ut/ aliiduw* iivenookiuar lawn. )*rge maple trees, excellent iieljliltorlmod. only flftt-eu raiuliles fi otu New-Yura *l,l*. 'I lil* pl*a;e i annot be duplicated st double the prue-skeil. Apply to owner. JOHN at. JO-Kb, 17ti Du-Bf-iti.. ... Y.. sRer ii o'clock p nt. I .TOR SALE..A conntrr rwidpncfi of 53 arri-*, sll ls a high suite ot culla vall-m. beautifully silt-.sled in the ulea*tntest [tart of toe town til .ieoeva a brick manet.* wiih ii.... outbuildings au I f-n es a Ba-t grove nf k atna*, land uiil.ri.liaiueil willi hie. itnt very produ<.ive glows 4(1 bushels of whesi per tere genies apple aud pear orchard, and truilof all Kinds iu ilia'i.laue* is aut aaetpeustva |.ar¬ io tmep up, bul 1* itrttLsi.taiuiag. au I has not it* supeiior of IU size lu the mut-. Geneva I* u:i*urp-a«s- 1 in me beauty of Its lake and *i-en»ry. with Hun (Shoot*, c.il'ofe, ehtiiaiUes. mar¬ keta ami stores. I'osaes-.>u ^Iven at sheri notice. Apply on IhepretntaeetoOICRRI r il r-aMlT.i. (leneva. N. Y. MORRISTOWN PROPERTY For~-_le.-Sit avt imt* on sussex ave., formerly owned by Sile* B. t.>n- ¦ta. The house Isa two story Prent-h-rtKif .'concrete." rsm laius Ja rutilus, anl ali modern Improvement* stable. Ac, oa Ni" p*rw__t_t, wllh ll) '4 st-1es ot lautL well shack. I with *li*d- and fi ult tie**. Tlie property will be divider! to cull pur- rh»*t'ta Thl* property having been taken under foreclosure, a "louis a persou of tno< tnrai* means aa oppurl nulty to nncute a horns in avery healthy locality at a low tlgiire awl easy tenn*. Apply to J.J. l*_YI-_, Too Bm»tl st., Sew«i_, N. J. ORANGE (N. ... HEAL ESTATE SPF.- ¦ il tv.Rash.mc".*, sale ant rent, f arula'ii I end until r iileli. I. vicinity all tle.ioti H.-MILTON A Pf 1.1. ER.'i Plea CI'MMI l\ N. J..For Snit-'.ir, ane* of Tiui-7 l » IO mlnuto*' walk temi depot. tneat'en high, healthy ; welt wo-lad. tine hiil'dlng sHee. with exteueive view*, stil.i entire or In plo'* B KOOY A CU., 145 Broad¬ way, or ARCHIBALD ORA IK, SiiujmlL_ SEASIDE VILLA PLOTS it Oakley P-Trk l' "U Ko. kaway Reach--('he ip for rash. A-pie rcttrl- i.nris im ssioons. will tm soil'or .-"iii.*-* pin-poses oalv ('all In fun iesm ur wrtto for map.* UlTCHfOCK A J'l.N TUN. 14 hanmer* st. N Y. CEaVSIDE COTTAGE LOIS ANO HOTEL O -sin Mon thorln-sr nartof Ri.tkawav Reat-li "Oak-lev Park," whla-liextend a rrom ths Rav to th* (hem elegant .veuut-jtisi opa.i.-sl thr mgh sil»u<li.\ oe tar grtiv.), elnae lo _SB_B*_.lBta_a*_ resti-.i-i'ijmt ie e-ariir* resi.eeU'iillty aad I'uaifurt. a.l in tore i.siuor aaI Ire*a llirciliJOCA A UiiM- TON, No li I L-iiiL..-lia st.. I_Y._ r|TO LET..In mm ol tlie niost pleasant loca- X ti.,i,rt Iii Jerenv i itv. part of a thrtstr-story ami basement lille, house; .n«uer ot rip...-, mher tart ti.fan I siry with river bre.-'e and view uf waler, within ten minuter walk of ('..rCaiitii uni liiasiii.ss.M-sire-t Kerries sll Improvements has im-..., |.ui lu order since Mey I. burs* can pasi within a few steps of honan, nefen mrs required. Andree* ltLi LIA ISLL. Jersey Ci ly I'oSl lillico. ilotixb ano Hoovm. K_-t3i_- \ COUPLE of ))!<xi»aiit front room**; 8888R§\ flout: u- tn* mudtrato. lou Rest 3.Ut-*L, between .-. and Lesli gt u a.ea_ I.ELEGANT ALCO TE BOOM; rIbo other I rtsuns every et ntenlemre; ample tloeets; excellent boeill, delightful location *l*o. table boarr]. IS'J Last 47th st., near 1- xi.gtou ave end elnvatetl siatk-i. CTH-AVE. 909..Extra iHnte second floor; .- uar'le* declriug trasslrut ur permanent boanl csa tM at umuioalait-tl at autuuier price)i; alao tiber large apart¬ ment*, liefereot-ea._ ._ | EAST 'JO I'II-ST..Suits of rooms witli . >.¦§ pi a ate bath roana pris at* Ubi* or Wlthonl board, au¬ gie room*. _ EAST L7TII-8T.._t_/Y_-__i Park. rt*n*l*nl sod pei-uiaaeui boarder* l*k*a. ilvtis* aud appointment* Ulai taaa*. Wost Silt. IK IfEST '-OTU-ST..Kepairs noxv rompli-lc. tr Ki.ur stories, '.'rs feet w'de, fine situation, beautiful iitaitns lo let I-ept iJeuilst's nffloe. Immediate poeaeeeioa; lani trum rsaplsjaibar li op.so daliy IrtHa lu tat._ 231 | I WEST 10TH-8T., NEAR /ilJLAVE.- I w lMasarable routns with nr without boani. buisaier price*: liausiaut »1 ii pt r .lay. Tabletsiard. xjitmiiiottB tDa:ttfO--.f-.ntilt*-. A~ T LOUNE-5io>8 SWEDISH EMPLOY- M I NI st.I '.' V 4"S 4lh av- first clas* c-k* ftiam- har. artur, kltcheumall* butlers, coach.en and gardener* ; alto lal*ny arrived -swedish gilla wailing lor situ*!._». \ MME. EKSTKOM'S Ajrencr for foreijrn s a aervaota. ladle* oaa secure eapebi* anal well i.:oanaeuo- esl -sw. dish and miter i'rutastaut servants tor all capacities. 174 I etiiigtoii-avs.____^__ Al.SWEDISH mtv;int*. .ill pswitions, for I famllle*. hotels. Ac, .!*. -swedish and Herman (arm hands at low wages. girl* )usl landed for huiiaework. city or ...in'iy. CARL ORlatokoLU, Itt *-*st '..lh-*!-, titm- X.ti*. _¦_ (*( m >K..By a younsr wom-m ; -illinj; to as- J sist wllh washing and Ironing, good baker; elly or romilly, good elly ralereure. 4'Ju Till ave. 1 DRESSMAKER.Who is Hist-class in eut- " tr.u and tilting wou'd like » few engagements by th* nay ot wees. AOtlreaa lt. is., Tubana Krause* Otto*, Wi Kant 14 th sk_ I.MKS'l'CLASS COOK. _. rUtaT-CLAsM I ll AM RK RM AID, KIK.1I I I..XH.H XX All'ltK.'v-s, .1 RM. ULAH- LADY- _All), with unrtrei.ttonalbe rrf"r-»uce*. at the Kl'tsroPAL OO- iil'I.RATI VU U.Nti)N'*4 new psrlors, M Kast li.hst_ 'IKES ttl all ii.ti(iii;iliti('» at imine and I li.-i.liig Uonsesfoi fssnal* help, No. 34 Leal t.Ui-sL; do charge* wUa(*v*r._ Hot SE WORK uud GENERALLY USEFUL. liv a very neat, ia;al,ie young girl, for city oi cona- try not atralu of work williug. goa.il with ti li.nen. an ei- telieiit w-lris*. and ran aew ind do plain cooking good latindins* ali »t H* (ith ave pear 17th .*._- NURSE and SEAMSTRESS..By a steady, i.sia.-1-ialiia- I'ttitt-auiit woman eipsrienct- anti nlealy etlneated emnpetout to have the ear* of children kimi, laiibfui naree ia sick**** u»efui sorvaai i_ * ga.-t (TntsUaa family -M"t lefi'ieuce*.' 'stun Weet li*!li st. Ui si door. ( Situdtioiifl a)anteo--mal.9. A FUST-CLASS SALESMAN starlin** on sn t-iletiitetl join nev lltruiuh tl.o XV asl nu eil* tc* will lake ott-isou roaiuilsaluii for salable mon liuuilis*. Addrras MARTI.N. Tribune t'ptowa ('(Bea, 1.1I3B Broadway. i'e\v IDiintc). U'AMKI) AT THE RIVERSIDE PRESS, Vt i 4 tl Rill IKIK. MAS-s.. gotst Hook Ktlg* Hilder*. Noise nut t-uip*ieat wortuiiu ol *l*edy hsbli- neatl appir . i)r.t)-9-.-. NAVK LKl-AUrUKXl', 1 XV kell IM. MS J nata .1. I *-'t ( I.ROEOSALS FOR PU HUH ASE OF VES- t Nh l>t In arrnratanca wllh Ute piuvi-ousof tb* Alli section ot h* a<t o' Congrasa making appropriations to sup¬ ply d*ticiotii les. »hproveal Man'h 4. 1W.I, seale I prui-nals wnl bei receives! at ihe Navy Heparliaent until aonu on Min-day. seiiianiher lt, HO-l. at wuleh Uaie aasl place they will lae on, ned for tho pure hare of rm lain veuteie which hava been strlLaen titun the Navy Register, nuder aiiUionty of au »ct of (.ingres* approted August 4. ISM, aad which tl totleef-M. tor tl* beal Inteiesuof iV linlietl M*i**to selL _. Tue vresals ullerett their at'psaleeii v».u* autl their amctUV are i Tho Coug.e-e. 9PU_ I UemtP, t'J.i-4): *_%**_**&> autlRabtne. $10.40(1. al roiisiuoutb. R. H. Iowa. _M__*l \ lags ra f-T (ail; am* Obkm, t J.7O0. at Booina. Rlu* Ught, ^ r_-kKl..rl__ kV4.4IBI. al Ra* leSBilsu. faiiB. Nsw^Or. l-k-_«-J(-i tea tb* *to.k*i, at Hackett* Heibor. N. Y. «_. __S_-JM »"-*-. at .Nsw-Vork. llurllrurloB.-1.000. Olstice. ».ie* puty itl -'00. Moire., *a()0. aad IHcUlor.WU.H-i. at I-saut. ls\ktoi Peon. Vrollc. AH.IA10, and Relief. 9i.l*»l at Waaaiaata- l>- ci- xa*b._*i-»r. *ri-*oo ; Mhaw*»ui, tx...Soo. un.I ait^uuaJi tlOatoo, al Norfolk. lU-uok*. AI7.'-K), at -C_BB_ ivnn. awnee, tt.UOO, »nd Ue-weeii, pbOO. *l Voil Hov al. «. (. 1'rvpttaala ai u»t ba *ut-*ltted In a aaalatt envelope, aa-reaead lilllie -aec.teiuiy of (he Navv. XVaiUuDgto*. I), i; .and tudt.rseu " 1'iiii.iisals for the pun iiaae of vt.aeis." so ss to itl»tli,gin*li (hein fi.'in tiliiei f.oiuiii'iuicaiiiius. -Nuoffer fur niora Uiau oue \e*tiii.louid beluomdetl wilbla one prupoaal. _ 1 he ve»sei» will be *old. fm caali. to Uie iierson or persoa*. or farnot'*!ion or 0. paraUuua. oOeruig tho highest prite* tlieteloi alma * Ibe appisuted value Uieieof l*_eh bid or pro- uuaai must be aociaiipsui*- hy a depo-t lu cash (or s*U«fa*> Lt-tory tviilOedtheck) of nut lea* than 10 psr neat ot Ute amoani of the offer or propo-U. sud alua a bond with » p~a*i ant* i-tiual to toe wbol* uoioiiut ul tba u«*r. wits two or amaw suietlea tB U* appnerad by ike Hecretary ol tbe Navy, coa- illtlouad'fui Uie p*yui»ul_t tb* remaluUir »<) pal ceut of lb* ¦mount uf such offer or uro*-**-l withlu thltty d»ys from tea ttateof its ns eput-ka. Ia ea_> default ls mad* in the pay- mean of mo reis-lnlai* lei per ttvat, or say pert ibeit-L wlOilu thal Ubi*. aatU casOl tlapoait ul Ul mn real aliall I- t-aaial«Ui*-l a* fuif-tert (n Ihe (Juverurueat. and »liall be applied aa dir*, led lu ihe set ni Marrh 3. lrsHa. All tepeaita ant boaAs ot lilttiri, whoee propoe*i**s_iil not ba aeo-pteit.wRIba rs. un-*- teUieia »l_Un eavaa sara altar t_a -pent*.*; al i_* .'cSTJpnraUoe to the liepartni-it a prtntett II*)_f8*__* nl»bes?;g1-,ii.gi|.--*l laftii-anjUaa *>3_;<_t!'_»__t_. _¦*?!__' .lea fw-e .( Mas sat baaSs^ wbleb MMn^tamt^Mtttmm Tba rtusili east be nk«*al*H at aay Oatt by »pp mg am aaa t_.aa*Bd*-t*of lb* T*s__ ____« nmrhaw- Roe* lhepaitrhaeer* ian.t remove tb* rtsmmlt^f^**^m*mmZr theh-alteeft-e Ysrts er »x««aa. withta etarA reaao-aa a MM at aa-, me t,e* B. tA^ltmmmrttmAtei, .. AJiuLXK ^^ IRKr*larv ol tts Mat.. ftW-M-Mnts. TIASERALL, POLO fl*ROUND81 ODAY. .T* ,._. s -tLaNTXO* tra. K-Y-TOK-H. * oana called * p. m._____*__¦.*» Bt*rt*y Qa-SINO. B-0_-iv_7__d _____". .___ ~ve*T_ve_ln*at9: SatnTday Matine* at 9. ll^^S!lfl2_?W&l 1U^rM1^ i«k_tRittW-. MB*, ._ T-ftltCR MKTflT-ALEM, by «hs MOC AU LL OPtRA-OMItACB OOMPAUT, rJ^.gs-K- .»*>> tolWwad bj* S GRAND PROMRKADV Ca-l_o Orel00 *% aoor *-vd Roof °-*« bT -TOBi__'#, HAVERLY'S THEATRE, 14th-tt..C-r.6tl*-_T/ _-£* *_-CK*B SURPRJ.gR PARTY. PO P. Monday, JjUy 9 Two Week*. P< >P. Kvasqlof* til., Metis*** l-tv. _POP. MACRaT__1 MAE__VA_0__ MADISON Square TTi_5__. Ww'} Ac 2 ..*_-.£ Curtain rl*e* at-SOi Matinee Wednee-kys uttty. THR RAJ AH. I nm .od month of the Men y Oomt-V la four TUE RAJAH. I sots « irtteuat Lao-rhler JKvarv Boa__ THK RAJAH. | greeted with .rH"" °||TiillT-*r^ -*- -1 ________!*. MONMOUTH PARK RACES. LONO BRANCH, N. J. RVBRY T-_»_AT. thckhdaY ead baTI'HOAY, te Aos-st tt. Rae*. promptly st '-Sup. m. Train* ead Bo*U41r*ei te iar*e. ter. ral Rlt. of .NJ. lAUarlr aa. Varrr. lit, », ll a- WK. 13.1ft. I'i.At pt flt. Peiiiutriv*ul» RR.. C-tlaadt Mst Oae- broe**_ *U -errie*. 7:IO, P a. ia. li at. Baals, viet -i_8. M. R., H. 10:15. llil.lt. ni. 12 16 a. m. fart. Round Trip. Including sdinUsioo to Plait, tl tO. J. li. CO.-s l __. -ec. ORO. L. LORILLARD. r .trnr«ion- i -STARI-Ti. -TA* (I i.KX ISLAND. OLKN IHLA.in. OLKN I HI. A.NIX OLEN IrsLA.N ll. AMERICA'- DAY -SUMMER BEAU RT. TWO ORAND C0SCERT8 DAI LY, ORAFI'LLA'* UNRIVALLED BAND. UILLER'S CU. RRRATKD PO RR* KT QUARTRT ARD CONNER*. Kit,R ni RhOI RANT BAND. DINNER* A LA CA RTE. oi.lfasUiou-i Rhode 1 siana CLAM BARE. RATIUNO. Boat tug- K:shla_ Howling. Rite Range Billi**-*. ZOOLOOICAL GARDEN. kl.Kl.V-itXClHCHLAHD. OLEN ISLAND STEAM BBB LEAVE Pier 18. Jewell'* Wharf. 1 »:)d st.. North ill vac Itrooklyn. East River, X!<*. ni -.10 A Sk ROU. m. wA*9m,m. tMfta.-. | lo.it*. re. 10 ito* ui. lc.45a.*_ 11:1. a av 12:45 p.m. 1.00 p. m. i_-_o_ *a*-.p.fl_ tlft p. Bb I C:4ftp.*a. s.uop. bl sic.»-. MfC*. 4 KO ¦ tn 6 **-* tx tM RETURNING, lear* OLKN lsU.N'0 lOrlta.' .». |*_d_k*, st Sitd-st aad Pier lil, ll Hi a. bl sud l'J: "tu a. ra, landina* St Pier 1H only: A e. a_. landing at ;t-l «t »it- iamrlft XX barf 5 p m.. lau dla g at 3-1 *(. oaly, t SO. 7:00 aaa tt* P- ia., ali la-,di*<_ sift CR-NTS. K-X'URMONTICBETH slO C-XTH. ^ -CONEY LSLANO, A NKWYORK AND BEA BEACH ROUTE. EXCURSION TICKETS, 40 CEN TR. Por children under font teen say day but Humour. 10 cent*. FOUR _Il.I-.is Sliulil-K, iso Ml N;_.__ UU IC lilia, ead 10 ceau cheaper tl.su say ttl-ir Rsm. leading pass/-.. direct at the vary eeertre of the Uland. XX eat Ri ik li lou. the Ma* _«_trh Vwiatta, Umi Iree eud of the Ocean Iron Pier, connel ling with the Klevatod Raidread fer Brighton Beach Race t'ourw aud lit.el. A -Twenty mien lea- sall acteas New-V erk I (ar ha- aaa! etea- minnie*' ride (brough lb* v«ry gar.len of i.oag I slant*. Bo-ata leave West J d-sk, N lt.. it. .j io, 10-0. ll. 11 Ai) a. nj j '-'(I. 1. 1:10, 2 ._, 3, 3.40, l-.'iH, ft, 5 40. li -0,7, 7.4V0. -J JU. r p m. Boats leave Pier B. N lt., ?0 minute* later. Returning i taine leave loony Islau-1 for lei d and Weet -ld**., N. R.. 7-5, ISO. 9:30. 10:15. 10:55. 113*) a. Bk; 12 16 12 it. l;-5. ttib, t;5», 3 36, 4 15, * 56, ft 3i, 8 15, t-8. 7 4.,, I 15, sVM, 0 4b, IO la p. m. _isundsy* sud holiday* * very 30 mlaate*._ A -HUI«ON~RIVi_R BY D/kYLIGHT.- JA, ORAND EX<'~R4ION T-) WRIT POINT AND NKXYRURO. Dally (egeept sui Urti fr >.a PiUtos-st. Hr.,air* C*f An- Dei) ai S a _, X't-tryvt. Pier. «4:.i>, ail XVeU .'.'I it at J a. m.. tty the fast and elegaat Day Line steamers, ALBANY AND C. VIHHARI'. Hetiimlug antro at '.-. l-st.. 6 40. Ves-i-ek., 850. eat Brooklyn b.15._ UKKiHTON" BEACH. I* HOT Kl. BRIGHTON. LONG rSLANtt Train* leave KUUiush evemi t, stu-,pi*; at V'aorl -.Mit see. nue, at ti lu, i.ij, ri I j, sal hall h nany fruia ii. lj a. ul li 10:45 p. Bl. Leave Rrsifort at « *4R. 7:*). eVrlS. (rr*ift PV4. ltrtt. lt X> anti ball lao arly Iroo* U:tl *>*_.** 1)01 p. av. Ale* at I » Jl p. m. t-sve Prospect Park at (111 Ml 11\ P.l\ 9t\ 11 JV lu j", sod every tlftenn minute* freq* 11:T1 a. ro te tts-SI p.-m. IlKTi.Ksisti Lk.ivg Bsi.iiirtxi srssr nrr<jt t*_njr*i rib. ll Hip. BL HORnki CAR ('O.N.SRCriO.NS Kroiu ultoa. Wall-k. liatalB, maa I-A. aal itoi»ava'.t-»t. Ferries. I RON STEAMBOAT COMPANY. THE ONLY ALL-WATER ROUTE MSMVM CONEY ISLAND ¦MM GRRAT IRON OCKAN PIRR. WL_T nitlOHTON HK-CIT. BRIOHTON RI'AC ll. MA.MIAITAX BEAOO. COOLE-T, CLF.ANP.RT, RArRIT AND QDIORRR- ROU TR The onlt-line hevtng caelu*iva conti.I af sll th* tacks susi1 piers at will.ti it I.b ls pa*.tuaara thus prsvttulaar auuiylug eh anges finn boats lo cars, lari.g out la stioata wai aug lt lautt aud other vexatious delays. l.-AVE PIER NO. 1 NORTH RIVER tor th* GREAT IRON OCKAN PIER AT 9. 9 lb. IOHO. 11;15 a. m. 12 ia. 12-46, lrSO. 2r IS. 3, 3 43, 4:30, ft IS. «. « 46. 7:30, »;15. U. 03D pm. I.i AX K THK ORKAT IRON OCEAN PIER al CON KY I-I.A.M's lil. 10 lo. ll. 11:40 a. au 12.30. LIA i, 2.4-3-41, 4: IS. 6, S.45, 6 30. 7 15. H. X4X. J»-_0. I 0 IS, 11.15 p. m. "N siNDlYI aud HOLIDAYS SoaU wUi tte rea HALE HOURLY. EXCtT-JnO- TICKETS, FIt-TY CKNTS. BRIOHTON RKACH ead MANHATTAN RKACH art only TI.V xi I NUT r;s* WALK fis.es the Iran Pier* aa* Wf*>T liRIiiHTMN BKXCII DKf.i r. and are reaciei-r KI.KX A r_l) RAILROAD, .st**.* aal Carnagie, raauiag In ronnectloa with the hoat* ol this CO_l'A\V. (ON TINUOUSLY DAY and KVK.NINO. FARE FIVal CEN TA SPECIAL NOTICE Th* Rlevated Rall war* hive oavesal a new st susi et IA I l-.KX ri. At lion ihe ulta and mn nrcau.a -n-s. lira ulr ouposlle the Iron st -tuii-tat t niaiu'i I'avili .a. Pier L North River Passengers .lesion j to *.*.. t»»U» will lear* the car* at that petnt Paa*euger* from Jd and .ld arsaa* ititi helliag Ire-* sts-uiu-il excurelun IlckeU. will he m.Mttttt Ut dUtaal t«h syeniie Musi at Svitl KHiTrfr-. liv- I'ltsION TICK Ki's for sals at all down towe trault Mella, >s of liis KI.KX AIKII RMI.-AV.s al t-CeuU asO-, inc ud nj railway tare hoth w»y*._ ORAND COffCERT- oa Pavil on Plar No 1. NorthlUver.fr»- Stetp. ».,**_ a to 11 p. ai. SACRKD CONCERTS ON SUNDAYS. 1 ONO REACH. Concerts.Uria by' SCIIRRINER'S I .NRIX'ALLliD ORCHESTRA. from OerllB. si .1- to G iu the alturmaam, aad 1.3* ta lt lu tte evening. Lotu- H.-.uti Hot'| Tahiti d'ltoie Dinner*. Lons lleucb Restaurant, wllh ike li-el cuisine aad ex ce! leal at rrte*. l'l.e nearest Reach to New York which lies dlreclljr opel tbe Ocean. Ten Kniress Trains dally. le»vintI)otli t-tii Isl ind Cltjr and Klalhush ave , litookljru, makia; Uta run ta the Beach Uk SO minute* For 11 nie tables se* laing Island RR. Co '. ad- verttseraent la all newspaper* Price* at lens Keach Hotel by (he wee'a and raonth. for families aed petuiaaent gne-stn. eau ai range- ao.-oisltng ta i-s..i;s fioi.i 442 lo*;.' per week fur iloati.it. roam* oct.-upto- hr twu peison* aud hom fin to a_*< for single roome. It. H. SOl'THOAT-. Prepnatii- f OtrfG BRANCH. Ij - CuJIXll.NCINO MONDAY. JULY 10, Tb* iroa etea.boau will leave BRIOHTON NEW IRON Plltlt, CONEY IBLANUk 1.11 LONO BBANCU IRON I'lKR St 10 a. m. sad 4 p. ra. ltut-rala*. le* rs LONO BRANCH IRON PIER ai 11 ito ». m. sad tt. s. at. Take coney I*laud heats (iou Pier Ne, 1. NerU Bi ve-, evoiy furtytvrt *al au te* le cen eec t wILB tba taat._ MAN1IATiAn7,FsA0H, np.w route now opkn. VIA EA.sT Mia-*.-, and 7TH SP. ferne*. I eave Kast 34Ui *L Ferry *6 '-il. aad 7.00 to BAU ul bl -KX lOrloa. m.. aad half hourly ireta 11 io a tn to o *.<) p. -a. l^iav* 7ih-et. every twenty minute* from 0 a. ia. to p ak. Jam** .-. lp u.al oa sundsv Leave ..snhatt-a Reach at *7 ti. 10:10. Il;i9 A m. Silt half houriyfrem 14 *.> to 1 ).'.-) p.ia. k i- if sum in- kele ria III-st. ftO rents, notu.Hr* % t».r/. VIA BAY lill).it. RtesiBerD.R. MARTIN leave* feet sf XV *ill*h»ll.*t. (tir^ taluu* of Ml the aleselad aal ways* U tatty .'tuiJUia. ' ll: lo iv in Trains leiye Manhattan Beac*! at *4-l_ il) » __ til heurli frore li 10 a m. io.) IO p a*, aud 10:3. p. tu. . ltMns marked taus de nut rua un Hislafi. Kicui-wb TleteU ter asia at all daw a irmee Mal leas.af tte Klevat-l Railway* Pttca ttl raniU, lai.ludlng Li«v*ted Rall- wav P-i** sb.I li'e-tv. gi-dMthet way VU Kast SsXiA-st Kerry or Bay Rata.. Raggagva ealtel for aad d-lveret betweaa _»*h»Uiv. R**_-ea- ear aolat lo Nsw York belita-I .th-tl) ac arm iva liv ita Long ladaad K t pres*, tte .*_ .apreaiilasto ku haiiau boat h. Rata, OU ceaU per pleo*. MAONiriCRNT PIRKtrORR- EVERY TCEtDAt. THURBDAY AND KATI.'RDA X BVRNl.NO-. ORAND NAVAL aad atlLJTAMY .PB-TA-LB. THE BOMBARD- MUS I' OP ALEXANDRIA. «M BPS_«» DRILLED ANO _M I PPEi) TROOPS. _ 01LM0RK*8 WORLD-RENOWNED OONCBHTE KV RR>' _t_f~K EN DON AND EVEN INO._ ROCKAWAY REACn. _,_____.._ ISew-Vors. Wt-st-ss-a ead Raakajrar UM. Train, leave a* roRaw* I. I.«'.. a. ¦.. ftttk 1**-. HW U m. lot, *-03, i (JA AtAO. t:*0.*i.mk1-tA.*tO. "uwick.\ Z _S*TO'__> 8^3^-fa*^_f Ti* Klattbu-l-av*. *. Bk., Blt t:it. Brklt .»..i, -*. *-*.. ~ 2 _it___.tVw-Aft M*. Uiltt. navl^W *}__? n4 TrS_r--i- *__ .*»«__T_vt rt-*1?* *". frt--.'7,47. 8itV: i____^_t_L*/ sb. ta I. I. «Mf- 4:Mt»i_..*»"»t-"__^___JL B. tr*. 1 Lit A tB. ate ___U_.J___t^^si_??«_^^ rsgUMMK^TOl^_^Mti- Maues-I PBrti- ~^2a\\\^ *

Transcript of A*-~VtTj-B-T7wN-^^ MOUNTAIN WEaTER^U^sN^VIDEND.-In · Rector-st,onehouramtatmrelnntt-s high...

Page 1: A*-~VtTj-B-T7wN-^^ MOUNTAIN WEaTER^U^sN^VIDEND.-In · Rector-st,onehouramtatmrelnntt-s high sudhealthy; Bvemliiiit.'s flinn tinpot, lowprion*anteasy terms. Scud for d.-illative mapfieo.

Bnmmtr Htioxl*._A*-~VtTj-B-T7wN-^^ can

T 'ft si w.-little Park Hon*- Ave minutes* walk from

__.*,_£_-_ Vie* of river Imut, W- to 912 per week.

.JBU'buX 34, I _rrvjown._N_T.--^-^sMl-IsT-slFlSLAND. " The ProspectA 'S,i aoi'sfc" -rtii-nviiLlllR,**V. _i\ laerloot Urougheut. new manse*ement;*oW °,-h,« -athuis and tlslilug etception_ly nuo. In

*»._________-; M i.i tawitag. MHtar.ls aod children's vlay r»»m.

g_aiii~entlLiiti»J""« N y, (Oeseri'.tlve clrtu-

_EF_J^--^ * CO. Proprietory_.TtiaMIC -ITYT~H. J..The "Amyl-,7'_TliA.-sf f__a STf mea hotwe, fifty yard* trots,

A,°^e^-Un-s_->.Thfri: tine ocean view fcroad plax-h*ach __-_-___7^« .>*.»«' w*H -unlsbv-. 'oom*. Ad.

SJlCs Rjt*^lt^Y_Pi-pH«r*m_JF.._ Box14.40._T-RI'liY PARK, Biurhtoii Yilla, Third-ave.A ...d -lean -cation unei.rp.-S ed, board 9* to til

T~-_a'I Is FAMILY hvinsr alone In a ootusro'A __!wh-. to £"twV«r three children*, board for the

**___. _h.. thev wi_ have a inutile-* care: a.. minnies

RTSoro iffij-Sk a_Ts*mB_t4- irom the "tatiojES.¦., t» suitable pst*_t* Call er ed-f-SS Mrs. H.

Fl! ILLIPS. Cranford. N J.

"¥"_". ARM-HOUSE in the Catskills, trood_A board beautiful ls-*__*Bi ,.g.ffiJ^j r«I*jr«"<^

__-*«* OEOROE HEDUl^BeSt D«r*__. N- Y,

*_T"FK\V 1£(.K) VI8 jet at MAple Luwn ; iTarf*A *

.____-_-_ lerms *li to SS a full and *atlsf*r| orrJA un-xeeptlor*'ie <*rm» *' ^^Jj^^ M.«,. BENEDICT^ennivaieut tiventox tAestoBoy. -..*..¦.¦ .

Katuitali. N. Y._¦ .

MEMA SOMMER KE**K)RT~-extensiv*lj' '-._..- -a* -tiiatml eu Harlem R.R.

l_i indfurniwedUireMk;!)**.- TennUKO BO K Vt*. CTOK.jt.BMBltV

A-TLANTIC HOUSE, OCEAN BEACH, N. J.Oeest fro-.ene te Oeto-sr-M yard* tre-n th* Part

-ithw-sva- views from *very rooai. exteu-ve plana- .*<--

a^r^titB-for-a-iasa^ _. ^.^ -m^^

_T-_KSlilKE HILL.F-rnttd*\ Tyriu_hani,D Ma** -Beet family resort ta New-Earland atscouime-

*(_. liMi sales.icI scenery and duvee 1, Vi! Kl sere tann:m_<t. l<«r. ttilUaeM, Aa; mooing spring water on

over, fltx'r near storkbtldfe snd Lenox. Dr. JOSEPHJ4.*_4. Preprtetor.TDLACKBL'KN HOUSE,

r> SUMMIT, H. J.A few choice room* et il! nM engagvsd.

BLOCK ISLAND, R. l.-SUMMER AT SEA.J> -Favorite leeort ter New-Ye** ueople, OCEANVIEW

20TKL Ha* more isruiar boarder* than any hotel on At-

ntil (ioast. liefer to Dr. II. Holbrook Curtl*. S61 Madlaon-

ave. tsen 1 b.r nInstr*itedciroalar. O. P. MARDEN. Mauagor,4_ _*»¦*!* «_, BoiUs._OARD NEAR CITY, Wat«?r depot; COn-Brci in.: rooms, Hi tr*-*»<t*ilv. Atl.iress

li-NHY D1TMIM. l.ttUe Nick, L. I.BBOARD AT NYACK for a few g.ntlcnien and

la.'.i'-sin private family hoiine )arr*eand beautiful, allmodern improvement- Ieee.. high: extensive view; isahouisiif New-York by railroadair Hu-laon Riser steamboatscconiiiinil'ti-ias tor horses aird Oa,ma_ee. Addrua* A. H.,Roi lo. Tri-nne ode*.

CASTLE RIDGE, Tarrytown;' time fromRector-st, one hour amt atm relnntt-s high sud healthy;

Bvemliiiit.'s flinn tinpot, low prion* ant easy terms. Scud for

d.-illative map fieo. WILLIAM kt. HUYT ak cu..

_li Vanderbilt-ev*-, eppeeitssjii-n-i^Central^Depe^CATSKILL" MOUNTAIN BOARD. . Larsre

uoiiati mat roo.*, (rend table, sprltig wster, milk. ire.

toe di U'a-s and walks, simile; tarin sod art*-: elevation.-OOH feel term* ni oderst* seven rollo* fioni Hunter DeputReferent-*. William H.lMHigl.L14P iiroadwav. iHbHKUM ANMV-NWi-Rproprltitor WuiiUiain House, _i_U*ui, _ie_ae

CO.. N. Y._riATSKILL MOUNTAIN RAILROAD, fromV. Cabskill Leadtng. on the Hudson TUrrr. THE SHORT-iaT, Ql'ICKE-T aad BEST R*)CTE vo or from HotelKaateas-till. <-tttkill Mountain Houne. TAN NER8VILLK,Pslenviile. Cairo, Dnrliiun ant othci Mimn tain rtesoris.

Twelve Dslly Train* connect with all Hudson Kiver Line* nttravel «nd trake time sdvert'sed. HOTEL KAATKR^K I l.t.BBd MOVNTXIN HuCSE p»-jen**er* *av* Two Hours bythis R-tote. Ask for tbrou*;h tickets via CATSKILL. ForUsit-Ulnes aud map* add-_i

C. A. BEACH, Soperintertrtent,_

Cats-Ill. N. Y.

C"~OlTXTRY HOARD.At a farm-uoutej txvobau. ti em ell/ sud live minnies' drive from depot* : lia.

cation ha-aithy large lawn tad _is'le. term* motifi.aie. Per-.atiua1 litt-i view at 600 0tb-ave. for two days, or *di*rc*ta Mrs.

Hr. WILLIAM HORTON. (-**_4*vlUe. Orange Comity. N. T.





CLAFLIN HOUSE, BECKET, MASS.-Anion,-thi BEKK-sUIKK HII.I-S; alxUi *-*m.u elev*,

ilsa, I,Viii teet shove the sm i bo malsris timt-cUss in everypal_M_. city referenoe*. Farilnacriiilivecirculisr address

_A. Q. IKOSts, J roprietor, heektu Ms**.

riATSKILL MOUNTAINS-BECKER HOME*\. BTKAD«o*reB*u: lane tarns-house. PHOTOr.tAPHsud iw*-ricuhue BEAK'is -JaKlll.Nu AOENCY. 1.400Bre_Jway, aeor »4t_-l^ Boooi t._pOLUMBIA WHITS >l i.i'HUB SPRINGS,\j ne ir H-.iitsoB. N.Y.; 'Hitit sea-Mi i high gi-oun-is: li.mum

Int hickory nov*. Writ* tor ii -*.ra4si4 circular, guingtualysls aud full pea--ilsa*.

EDGroMU HOUSE, New-London. Coiiu.,On Long Island Hostud. Otaes frosa Jun* to October,

iieauilial aal beathful: no malana; ao hay-lever p«i ie ttlrsina.e. Lo-a'lou tuistirpassed caa, electric bell*, lele-rraa_aast all modem coaveatenee*.

R. H. EDOCOMB. Mauager


furecser boardine-bouss eeavwo..tte all paints ol 1 titer**.Dee-Daif BtUetr_n HeuMM'saad Eaatei-kill latte. Piealy Bf*_a_e awl good Beard.

_Address N.T. SCRIBNER Pre***-S»eg.


NOW OPEN-CAPACn Y NW. For hetlUi. pleasnr* sndromfirt this house I* uusurpsseed. Kxeee.iiaxly wei. adaptedUt the act ouiu.station of lam lies. Address

_OROBOE W. /.ira. LER, Proprtet-jr.

sfiLEXKRlE PAI_LS HOL'.-iE, Gla-co, N. Y.VJT BOO feet elevation. Boaling bathing, flahlnr. Bosrtafree). J. M iWEK. JK. propritst-r. Wit_ pbot-trraph at

B*s-**Jt.ia*-tlng Agency, l.JUO Broadway.fiEEN H< ^trsETMn. j. J. Waldron pro.Vt j.ri.-lr.rss, Kast Durham. N. Y.. ti.mg. ParticularsBEAk's -.lAliDlNO AOENCY. 1,.'-._--- rnay._TIOT1.L KAATERSKILL,¦,",¦ CATSKILL MOUNTAINS,



KAATKRsiKILL STATION, the tennlou* of the newKAATKRiKILL RAILItoAD. ls within half s Billen! HO.TKL KAATEK-k'I I.Tt aut ls actr-iMbie iU Romloui by UieN. Y. Central bbc Hadaoa Rivet Rsl ro.d. aosl steeailanats. andliv tli< New Yors, Weat Shore and Batalo Hallway vuKings,-!,*



Addra-* _, A. (IILLETT,_Kaatersklll Poet Oflk«. Orecur County. N. Y.


Ht .El. KAATI 1t_n_II,_,Cattkill Me-ntttln Hone*. Lauret 11-ase, Haine* (omer*

and las'te.ni-. Pa-ssagers save tune.A\0II)1W ) HOCK-a-l AOIN'I CPTHfc. MOUNTAINSend al ema eharres fer baggsre. Cloe* eot'iiections stRsleeb-k and Kingston wita Hudson Mivei liailroan. Weal{**>r__*K'm*:'**'.*«*. Dayi-ite -UaiuO-tU eau 1.st-oul NUbi-Uar !st-_neT_ Ask for ticket*VIA BTuNY CLOVE AND KAATERMKILL ROUTE.

F. B. HI BU A UH.Gen. Pas* Ag!..


lt.'-tlt-it. .\. Y.


_?r^J^T'-t*<V**'r*ttttrmttt laleveaUg. by the cele-

_"' C1l"-*r.'" "***. -sd orchsatra an lat- Lae lead- *,uu

.Take tr* ls* leaving FUtbosh «v_. Brooklyn, mrtrr halfittl _,-,__U .-.*». -»«» I*** P *" Ret_nili,g leave.yerr kali boiar nOULM p. », ur By Beat* to new ian oldpier*. Maa. lakataL


Opposite lb* woadertui stony Clova, ls trpe-ed fer g-uests, sc-

«c_me*siisg soo, N*«y house; ail ss-tara taspreveeseut*tpiendsd fiUl-g. Tbs Unset lecsUoa on the Mountalos,

JAMES CAN-SANK, iTopnet-.r,

n...._.__H»ster, N. Y.OTEL ALBION; ~-.-

ATLANTIC CITY, M. I.E-**__yt_-_-t-l»ud t-u-cijsv. i« M m appoiet-an-.NOW OPWL

0-WTZ * «W_ -_1-.-._-^__^_P»x>»-«)toi-HEA TH HOUS^ -3__=___

-CHOOD-.Y** MOUNTAIN RPRINOK *ST JTM* best ¦onntaln resort adtacee. to Newport via.

Mg dnve*. besnlliul scenery, no nu^uiosa. He** t0l eTr?u'.WaX-mi *' W***-_tK*>!' LOI.E-A.N

HOTEL HUMAUOCK. Si-taat^ Miss >*>.Vlewl-ailon. O.C R R.. S- rat__froi* Re*-»* _._«.t

teputsr hotel os the Atlast.i oe*** an* i-m ai m".lettie td» otral; vegetable* fi om suiroundiag farms i.i«riJi.fsttei*. Adtlre.ifor citouimt V. H. _AM__l.v



tsttec-y '-.; first-class la sll tte*p»*tat»ent_ pmyrsrd*fn>_ the it..an. Hay fsver uti k so wu. Beet tisluug oe-teii*st. i iain* by Penuaylvaula RH. via Treutou

_M. H. BU-BY. Propnetor.

KlNi.s HOTEL. Ai_ityTill«, St-ath 8id«\_la»u_ IsiaoS. trat-claas aotx-tnno latlon oe reaaeuAkle¦eras; SOmlirsa fro- .nsw York vis l-u< Istant RaiUseati.l_.rbTei<sr**st-_B 7 trelaedally: boatlag, gusiilag, lisli

_and i-*-i-g. Sue drives 8 daily utmOm, tolegrspb

Xw-a. Jiklaaie*' walk _-_. depoLMrs E.C KINO A HON.

I.AiE HOUSE, illGIILAND MIIaLS, N.Y.-_* Fifty ailie*. Erte; * heaitliy, trta-hOy lake and mountain

^tjfciattas tastily raise, l.-ular, ti, CROMWELL.KLAJsD'd OCEANJHOTEU


~M*mtt temmajattaaitu* LaiaoA Hotat, B«._t»v*y. 97-1s_i itBUnts. t5B-__-

IWsAKJVBiioxki. jrXNWlC-,w*h-f-. */ T*J "**maea New. Yorli snd Roetoo.

4*tt» T.__ -.-.* *\AW*-NO, Jil.. 8 VAjf LELAXJ*.list., 1_",,. mm *. '¦¦¦_!¦ .» -»t IseJscd

^^.JjteL B-_d*-»y. y7»a-4A-_t-_J.[j1** _-EORGfiL-MOHICAN BOUHE AND COTTaiOK-l

i_.,. .*0-OPK«f.JOsetlt en_»-?* war-st. Csj, M. Y,

5t_-s»^S.. **"**< "-. ******* tm* sss pis last as;LtjSsearJ.^^ prlvsey; Imetat-__.**.-_^__f___c~»(»»; «>very f-jUltr fur busting. Bah-

rsstx-*- ma arivm, _t_ ^j T^,^BtM _.._ ^^_

s-UtrsstUtl1. WINBLOW.

fi-marer \%iz^ts.MOUNTAIN HOME HOUSE,

LITTLETON, N. H.,will open Junet. Tlie ground* are large nd shady. Pur*.pring water. No hay fever o rasia-. Baud .or circnlar.

E. D. RAW-I K. Proprietor.

MOUNTAIN SLOPE HOUSE, ANDES,1*1 jDelawaie County, N. Y.; ob tarni; near Iowa; dallymall Mid telegraph bouse new room*, large and airy Humliiotlei-t*. IRA W UYZE1L


KOW OPEN.This qnlet and shady seaside resort is delightfully tdtnated

on sbt-ller Island. 93 luili-s east of N*W>York Hy. Accra-stkle by the L. I. R. B. from New York mil by steamersdaily fr.u aad lo Nsw-1 ats lou ami Hart ford. Cona, l-.xt.-t.l-lett yachting, rowing, flshui*, bethina' arni iinvlug.

WIL>s()N A CHATKIKI.l). l'loprietor*.

MOUNTAIN VIEW.-Board-_g in thc Cat*kills elevation ..OOO l*et, sreoery unsnr|t»*sed; ro-

mantle, view* sul-tantial table willi varieties; line mapleglove mar the house, lee i-tt-ain amtuienientaj free run-

v_.s_ts when staying Ung li. of time, txtf te97 per wet*.

_L. OAKR1-ON, Cairo, N. V.


Pirst-elase ta ail appointments._MORROW A DAY, Proprietor*._


No mosquitoes beautiful drive* fJ yards from snrt.MB-. MANDKUAN.

ORANGE MOUNTAINS.-Eleirautfarui re_i-dence. Doted tor flu. stenerv sud neatness to city 2b

.elnntsa*'drive from mange depotr tlret riess in every nar

Ocular^ jitabllng for korsea. A-rtrse* R 1 J., Orange, N. J.

f_SBORNE HOUSE. OCEAN GROVE, N. J.," f ls now ti wen. Ha* llice.licet I.ration and furnishes Oinbeat table fer the le*et money, i'lainj aud Innat tor nee ofjruesw. JAB. H. GOODWIN. Proprietor.


AtxeoaaatO.stitiiis fur 2(M it nemIa Ve_ulatloa anti sewerage1.trteciv lacee tM-eaii aud lake Un* lawaa and shade.

Latw iates (or J une and St-utrui..'.

_AiMrees Mm JOSEPH xx ii I IE, Pox _067__

PROSPECT HOUSE, Hetlilt Ik id. Whim Moun¬tain*. N. H. A ntce, quiet, summer bnaiding-house. Bend

fur t-1-.S. AC,_(IKO-1KW, PHILLIPS.

PENINSULA HOUSE,I H/A BRIO UT, N. J.Nht*tvttrtnnf**err*.i New York via dandy Hook. Tgnsl

to any seasite hotel fur he*lthfulne*s, scenery, woking andact vice. Claaaical snd popular _Mst daily by 1'aiin's wellknown oinifeat.rt,Ureu-tis extend from river_to oeeaat_PAVILION HOTEL, Islip, LomMaad, nowI open. JAME'S SLATER, of the TaERKELVY,* .'.th-ave. snd ____, owner and proprtoU-

PROSPECT PARK HOTEL, Cat-WB, N. Y.A Now open bltoat tl oa aa eiegaat plateau overt.*kliifiUie liiidaou Uiver, view* au-orpassed- Terms t-Wtersi.Aud-..** JAMES SMITH.


BAY aSIIOKB. LONO ISLAND.«ituat»d in full view of the ocean on the (.teat South Iuy.

bastin- riuiMt Hailing and Taclnliiit in tie vicinity ot *4>wYork '1 heoitly hotel I:-aird directly tm the water, lt* eltuaUon lenders ti free from luaecta or maieris. Two or ihi_*very desli-ble cottages to rent nesi hotel .xr.etlal tetras lor

Jase. N. P. SEWELL.

CUMMEirBO-TlHV^Situation really beaut i-»' fol. eminentlv health.il anal verv easy of aces**, no

[¦.ins spertsd li. make <mr truest* rornfoilalile sud harpy. A.w. CHAPMAN. Parker fl*ob*. Un hiia-ld < ...n.ia, tone.

_C_LMEB BOARD AMONG THI CATS-RILLs, for a limited number of gnest*. at a healthy,

coot, shady plsee. oesr Mt.iel Plesassnt. on t»ie elster andlielsware lta!iro*d gned table, beautiful *cemirv. splendiddriven, poet albon, Irlisa-rapn, no mo*ajuiit.«, i*rn*s UMstlei ile.

A titi res* A LULU. LAKE. tko Coraer. Ciat-T Ca. M. Y.




Btrtad and Chestnnt Btreet*. Philadelphia.Application* lor root. eau be Blade to sar ef the »l*iv*



QTORM KING^ON^ITIi; Ml I WON.1) MOl'M'AlN UOl'ME. at ea eb-vating of 1.300 feetabove see level; superb view; aband asre p-ire waler frew newArtesian well; livery eta'.le, au 1 all the arji-iulmenis of ibis

)i~i«eihs>rr>nghly flrat-s-laa*. Addi.** MOUN TAIN llOU-K.Cornwall Ht-iglns. N, Y. _^^^_



tl ennuin »lr. River view. Flue driving._C. A .SMITH.

CANDS POINT HOTEU Banda I'"int. Ll.kl Hrtecl farollv resort en the Berth ahore of I,. I., io firths*from citv Uue bath.ne. Isnaliaar and nallian -ead tar e*»..-lars. I .tu. swooerate. un and afttir I no-lay. Jua* Ut, ibesie-aoier Jueepblua will leave .**.*. *f_ Peet (Ul* 1'ler is-aX, E. lt..dally, at li:. a ra. returning at 4 itu ...tn. t. CCN-PAl'tiH.

CURING HOUSE, 1M.K-U bland, IL I.IO ci*us June 2(1, cloeee Octoh.-r

Proprietor *vli-i.wnt-r nf r_Jcbral.tl CiiaivlHaat* ffprtnr*locatino. sr nnis_iils-es* latte, tare, do. ¦¦.«n>*_»*"i. ear-

riage* to every boat. writ* for __c_uir. li. il. MITCHELLproprietor. _________________________________

CHUBEL FINCH- Glen Falls "Farm, nearlt U..Catskills, ha* pleasant g.irtis wishes a tew mure

l.eanhlul waterfall*, lovely ensdn u_se milk, run .».

noliveyanoe (ree Irvin si.titu Cairo to ..Mip<ei staylug threeweeks terms t|iiil» uns1e.»i- Atlsl.*. s|i I UKL El Nell.4_lro. Oreiane t'tiuuir, New-York. B .1 Sd

CEA CLIFF lliTllsR, Leotur .-nanrf, tmnmt»» June *4ti..Dellrhttul r*-eort for too guest., e!evat...n ;-.

feet; bathlni; bt.atlt.g citUge adlai eui tor troests withoutHui.iron meals at lint* i'KL. DAILEY, I'lWprtelui*(in i.I.r* 74 Weet liu st.



rpSR ALLAIRE.r-lMUNO LAKE BEACH. W. t. A flrt-t-el»*» farnlly hotoL

1 itt itu- laella, gae. Ever) rm** ocean view.

_A__~e» E M. KHHAKIMix **ptinp I*ts, N. J.

HPflEMANSION HOL'.-E, OrmoR-, N.J.. oflirtJ unetjnallel la-lltlssi to Uailiet tooalug for suunner

boartl. 'I iain* svstT tonr to city. SO sitaele*

THE NEW LANCASTER llol'sE (WUt-Miniiitiiliis -r.is.iii for ltd guests; gas, *let trie l.a-i.s.

all tn.slete luinrnvess.iuts; .very thing uew. Hie meal cona

|>l«<te Heiel and the ptettl-it town tn ibeiirsntte rs'su, rooias

may lu- setruieal ai rate* a* Inw *. ia m*l(teut wllh good far*.Jrav circulars aud lenu* addr..*

M.I) A. LINDHKY 4 CO.._______________


WILL OPE- JUNK tt. It ha* _***.___-___¦ Iwr ttO

guest*, and offer, more attraction* than any ot ber s«_*lde r*

sort on tbe Allantlr Cv**t. Esr*.-_l sd vantages for boaUag,flealag aad bathing. Contains every moderu applla_r_ ap*.et**** rutilus, best BB*.BB lt.la. I_r«r» fssrloispsss. tif»l elnvatast.Music Hail tor .iiKraag and tlHtelru-ais. 'ITUM-air* ol 'a.

piece*. Ir..rill.r A iieya. Billiard lloa.tu. Mt.im X'arht fm es

unions. s*ii iud Kow Roat*. Klrat-Cla.I IJvervand H.uiiitis-Ms .it-, i.rounds lilamluai.I by elwtitc llehi. W*aia.i LinioaloiegTapb atallon la tbe i..usu. 'J be Htork ticker give* ram-

»tsnt rep..: ts nf Ike Stack maiVet. 1 wo miles from I'oti*.intsith aud I wo lioairs' rid* frutai bualaio by Easters Kauitmd.

s- of tbs hot. ai w*»» in waiting.A fbi I*** .urt-stooullt V. II.



LS NOW Ol'i-'s EUR THE sKAWiN tit IrtMi.MK.NJAM1.N H. BhUWN.

JAM Eft P hcoit, M*aa_er

Drp ©ooOs.

CARP-iTS.-Gn-iit ndO-tfOB] 3W^8<»t)OpEngUsh ead I-im**Uc Aaauastor i. tills ___._¦ a tttttt

trow fruin tl lu par tar-).trHtfclMJARD KSaAVP A CO.. Hlkth _v_ sad UU-St.

VUE8H CAN 4V-»8 MA Ff1HGS. -A «_r«-M. Jud ptircha.ul at anetlun. arrived t*xi tate fer eonirartde'lverv, ai le** tuan oo*tof impel UUtiu lin* laney palUrastlo per roll ol 4(iyards, ot i*c uer yard. wli._i. chook andtaacy itvies, sown *¦ luw a* 15a uer yard._bUh-'AHli AN Al'. A Ci#. »41tU-ave. *_4J5t_ sL_INGRAIN CARPETS..2.0 jiit-ceBboBtqaalitjXexlin soper ingrain* al T.V- per yam.

but Pl*a li Ii nsaw £ c6t.i-sth.sva tad 13t_-art.

CARPETS.Great khIi*. .SiMJ ^yiooi-i bestTst- st t-y Rr tiHstjis at 7.*>e por rani.-HKI'PAllD K.tArP AC:)., ul Uh «ve. endltthet.

Cankin-j flotiK* and BottKrrt.KB-t-K OROKHHBCE UBA.-4T B. tUBLIT

Members Ns«-YMit s_-k «zek*__*.

Groesbock &L Schley,iUAl-EJU AND liKOKEiW.

M BROAD ti l KEE r. NSW-TOBE..«t-_-y*arma te_rt____lp__. ____**_. sstd Waskts-taa

Kissam, Whitney & Co.,Bankers and Brokers,




Kjt iiAiiir. ri ilium;De* Oereral Basking Buidaeee, aliew Interest is Ismiu.buy toil **ll niVMtU-N-. beads sad ell securities te.lie itIii* bteck Eta.angA cid make literal mHvanors es* aunt*.


bUC*-_*-t.B- TO

WOOD tfb DAVIS,HMMorders la all seciidtte* listed at IBs Mew-York Stock

Eschattj*.Ft.il MALE:



ll l*<:..taNl st Nata-Ills. Ci llieBUtasr.I Ti-iiiiesstae. ls :...-

lag lae itesffaua AU i.>i. Iiisldttis and other io.ihois uf said**->t*_*_-S arm .erotero Perety noiitled i_ piesenl the avie*


I att.'-tallou tut aaymeai.W. E. BAKU, lb, Caeiler.

.financial,SPECIAL ATTENTION given to tlie piirchaaoI-' sud sale of Foetal Tetleerapb Co. hs.ian and .cork.

HENRY BllOr). A WAR. IK LP.til Broadwsv.

_Members tt. Y. Htock Et._


Rooms 5 and 0, 55 Broadway.I .vITED PIPE LINE CERTIFICATE"!

bought and sold for cash or carried on margins. QaotaHsna-lrnUhetL

Kital Facile Railroad Ccipy.Notice I* hei-t)y given mai the following number* ut tlie

bond* nf tlie

i\.rUi<T0 Pacific Railroad Company*rr.ttn ivoreit.lk division.

weiethl*day drawn in scoordanre with the retintremeBt* ofthe trtwt mortarsge, vi*., tl.cm lioND*




Noni No*.775' 1064tot] Hts 4KIHI KIHIPill lotti li-M

«(i. ,


8451 1176!is.-.d 1177H7HI 117*879 Uh!B37l laosH4I4I 12*4



Nus Noe No*.! Nos.] Ne¬ls*- poui no* s-44_i tM*;15411 DUM! 'iiVi U1XI7I «'-'50liltlT IKil.lj '271'-' 'tOIVH 4*7«HUH lHt»7l -78.IJ Mttll f-19Ki'.. It-3 iliHi 400111 4370164*| 104*. 2772 110-11-9' 1».X7; HRH ill-.", Hil1714; l»('.i -!M01. il 1 AO huudsI, ii. 1»*S0 'J'.li)4 3--I117VI ll".)'.* -20 IT. '1XS5I7h- -J07l' i-l.'tl 35'»)

J.'.iin I'.ends.Nos.

A.-Bl to 4,:48d tne.4,14-4 to l.tsi'J Im-,4.404 lo 4.4 Iii inc.4,419 to 4.4'a. Ins).

44 BoodaThe principal anti at-crned

pald ni.un p..vs..mail..ii

j-_j j-!>i lH45! Vilili I4U.J iii)-. Wtri\ _-»s_J.| J770i$100 bosila.

Nos4.5-41 to 4,505 toe,4.lani it, 4.til.', hui.4.1.17 lo 4.61s. Inc.4,(1-9 to 4.7Kl* lue.

14H Bonds.Interest nf which hood* will beie .lillis of tlie Kamier*' l-«nu

snit Triist ("t-tipsiiv, Noe. 'JO and 22 Vt llil*in«t.. New York.Tbe latssresl ea Ibe shove bonds will cesse ou ant alter

slxtv dav* from this date.New-Sock. June 21. l.eBS.


_urn 'i i'"t ion. ._______

CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN R. llSinkinq Fund 5 Per Cents of 1933


KUHN, LOEB & CO.,31 -AH*4Ar-**T.

NOTICE.cleari .<* dkpart_ii:.\t

(ir THK

New-York Stock Clrori_&-honse ^-**o<-iaticn.NO. 41 KXt II A.M.1,1-1.A<t

Member* of the Nsw Vol Mix-k Pirh*na*e ann have

sinnett the roe* and rea-ulau sss of the i la.arinc Dei.rt ai* nt

t.f iii. Now Vms t.M it i*l**rlnj bouM \s<... iatl rs an bi ni'yut-lifi*- (Asl the cWut-ln** "f Ihe fa.iowf-i*: nstn.sl seor ks,XV ret era I until. M Cam isaaimou. Uss!* wait. l_.rl*w*mn

aad XX'-slet- a std luiou Pat-lit, will touiBieut-*- ihi VV .sine*.dav. Killi July.Mst*-! .'st-"f psi

sll thal mrtyT-Rn .-Bur li*tore il p, ut ou rs..i iud*) iteit.will beintet! Hats of turtle* wha-Misa «!*. attire* ate rvs-o'deil. »cd

turnlsbisd toe__ tantiideron (tn- l-.ilt instThe eirtialiite h.... wi I lu- lound tn the reading r«.ta nf

the NewYnrk **i<>. k rirhaniri" nulli .'< u. tu stui itt

Hunk finnis »ti,l l»- lurulshe,I upon swain-all .n sith*

Clearing liepai Un.st. »u.l a ty iult!u>r lui. lualiou lw***d "'

will be trliteilu.l) si*" »-R. L. KOWAR DH. Mnnaxer.

New York. July M lawJf,

Gaiunqo Dan'rxO.THr. BAX* rvs ***ns.ie Mi. *.', Btrr. kv*. «_ *

NSW X'..|i_. JUI) ll. l*tS-. I

1*HE MOAK!) tlV rUUtsTKEM l.itx.- tinsila) tt-t.-lart-d U- Usn-: interns! under (hr Bi..M*.*ssof

h.. '. lew* io iii lust -it 111..11':.". rntiiiiK th*. Miih Jun*, a*

follows:Al th* rat*, nf TH UPI AltDOJil HALT .*__ CKNT Ber

annum nu ali sum* ul live dellars and *(.*»ar 1,itay.blf us aut altur Ute third Mo'.day. bel. (the loth

ti this n-nnth.'I l.ls it.l"r«_ t ls rsrrled al oner loth* ctr 'lt of det».alt'.rt ea

primly.I txs Ute let laat. whare lt elatutle eia-tiy a* . oa-

I*t.il.Il elli bo enter* 1 on U>- j.sss-hook* at*ny Uais when if

i-ulr-1 on rni'l »da*r Kt* IBU ssti.K.iKi.A 4 ABOr WARD. ls-_relarv

III -OaStrs's H tsa. r-.r - ta ,s.i* 7"~74 and 7-i XV ti -i > sw Yt'tS. Jnly t. 1-lA <

.T.IE 1I.ISU:k> HAVE UKDE8KI) ll! VT1 IVIKIiK-T be paid to de->oalLira eutiUtst Oieivt..

for theil* laontl.i ended Win ul. int.. ss ft,; nw.

Ob .rooiiol'i not fit*.rltnt Ow* Tbaoeaiid Itsiiar-s st timrete i.r till lt PK ll I KN r par c.nit*.na at-a-utit* lars or titan OB* I buna*.t Dollar*, bul tint st-

r*e.lmr Tar " I hnuaai- O-laii al th* r*t* t.i lilli! 1.PK.lt i'K-Tp»»r inntiinAad .» *ett-iait* lsr«»r ihsn TIIIIKK. TH' if * X H fi

t'OI.I.AKH *i th- i*i- t.f lin. i-t'R (EM par anuusa. poyab'*** . ml af tr i Mnnday. Il'-lh lil lae ITin later.*! alli be ulacrl to .ts lit .,f .1»_|Ui_ ,,

prla. i-el wm ii -At Y. irniaeat.111 .UV P. J4 Alfsll \l i Cast

Dim6fn& Sotuerlin**.-! ttl Misist, i.ttrttr ¦

Mn is Rt tiMsti. lt ne<t si,,j nsw. Yuba. J sly IAI ilVllitsNO Na fi¦». I iieri'KUtiir M<tS I JU.Y1 / UIVIIiKMi ..f I-Hill X KM- PKR -iltAUK Nit

(..rn ilsnsrwl fur Jimr., I-, si. s » i.. ti. r ,,t i;,s irs.isletsfrnt* Lminsbery A H»-rrin. Mils BallAiat ls f4r..»d st ou

the Juth lust Tranefer beots rios* on ihe 'ANS taal.


l."l N->BKI(\ A ll V.>.1.V ian.I-i iR-nls

1/JG1I1 Y Kuluin DIVIDEND.QTss-t or .iu Nsw voss Kgt nani- i._ co..)

Ks M WmxNsw Vnm Jnlv ll.inst S

Tlias Heard of inc-, tor* hste |M* Say drctsr.1 » arm-

au una. ulvM*-t| ot nix Pi.il CKJtl |.av*;.l- on and af UarUte Sttt-soth inst (ll An I... rtsry.

NOTICE is lu-tvliv 4.1rea timi tli«* taudoe July 1. liss- aa this Pti-lwl l.l.L.r n,s -siai* at

ohio will be patti a'. Ute An..-'Lau lo.ian<.- V.' .ls.

ti Y.. trom thr 1st I* th* I'li'i uri ait I I'..

i.tftr, in .. ii-i.iiii* rhf tr*n*'*t |..«>ks will bvr.o.Hi ea tb*lOrn mst. *ual .Minsanssl uu Um Itilh ol Jnr. ls tl

John r on.kv i k. Auditor ut .nuiavJAMK-s VA' KRWM A!* h- ,.Urr of Hut*.ll. A. HOLLI Mo-two)'. ll, *ai|j.ru*y .e**L

CeeBiiila*tuii«i'**f l*. staklas- Kee-

f'elombus. o.. Jon* lt. IH-ti

sol l*s sukm. K4B4C i WIII-.l-'/'-.ll. s.

OPFICE OF THE DELAVi IRE AND IM'D-h.l\l l.Nll.HI si W V..' 'a. J \K tl list

Tb* t«>ri.ls of lii.i , .,ui|,auy falim.- ilus, Jul, I. Issi, wilt Ur

reajWmasal ai pst au I ¦. t H.-.1 iiifte.i on belaf proa* ti1*4 elttl* (.tee and aa*l(U.l to Uta i omi.aur

__jAMk-si-, HAnrr.tts»s*o*--._


ll lil I. PKR Cl '. OBUM rsjiuai si.m-s ol tins t oin pan ywill l.t. patt at tin* bankin-- Louse of Vi um.ip l.ai.la-r A Om, 'JilHaassb st., >»* Y,.rk oa sa.I attar July lt. le Storkt.-Mrsof record Jane to. IMATh* U*e*f*r lat.-* wiill. elus*. fran* J aa* J1 to July 10,

liolh lin lustreRy enter of lb* tamur*.

_ORO K JON RR. Tr***nrer.

nutt K ur Wviot. r\w,', A I O., INa «... H.t..anw trX

Nsw X usa, Jinm -'i, its.i \

THK KEOHI.AR SK Ml-A.V.M Al. DIVI-IiK.Mi ol* POUR |.er eeal ha* bo,ti il*, lal eil by Ut* Lil

rw lot* of lilia i..lupauy. pt)thia July 10. lat*.i at our ulOca,aa abov*.Th* transfar-*-ks will dat* Jaiy 2 st t p. nu sad re

-|.*n July 17._ll. H rABHONH. A»s *Unt MeCieUry._

I'.lat.t4 47, Ntl. IK WalX-ST INSW-Yl>B_,Julyt., 1SHS J

.-ITO BOARD OF TRI BTEE- ul Un* MountM. Pieaaaot Milling rraia nan r hsve this dev d*ra_red a

nlildeud ..Mo. f\ ol PIPTh_.M ' K.NTS PKR -til Alli, on Uiet sinui siot.k of said cutnpsuy, payable at ihe nfflo* uf Mt\**nilashtlaw A io, No. 14 -all-at.. Joly 111. Trautfer book* willbs Smsas obj tb* 1 Itt Bsd reraain clo*.1 neill ibe 7tri inat.

__IU MlY HAX. Via* Preeklent.

Ori'S ' OTnSBBTsL IBSISASI i co.. 1NO. IM BBOaUWAY. NSW- . O :S. Jilly 1.', 1S1.I (

I^HE Ronni ol DiicclajrK of tins 1 ouijiuiiv lia vcil.l* day il- l_r_l sn INIKUKVI liiVIDKM) ef

1 tl UK K AM) ON KU ALP l'l. il IS I upon Uitt ispllal ufthe t .mpaii), and iij-on th* amount o' Ita " euarautee stir

tins " rikI "*'t*i lal i a>*«r v* luuai* " iloiuitvl Lu -tursuaut* ot(lie provldoas of ttie art of th* I.rlslature nf tina Mate ofNew York, -tasa.d April m. 1X74 a* *m«uas«M|, uatui.I "Aasit le uroV.1* satuiiiv a_*la*t eilt*otdi ,*iy ouflsjtratioasand fur Ute creation uf ssl ol, fun.I* bp tire inturauo* -Ota-

|>a*ies"i. pstabl* on tl*aiaud Aisoa -st lill" HIVIDKM)tiffslXTY PkRCRNT topBrtiilpaMsr pollnr holders, deliv¬erable un aad af l er ?"th Heptem teer a*n. I'het- also eu.ir

tbat trie oiliest t-iis'.aiull-,.--strip Issttts, Utal ot l*i7f», b* i*

deas_*d la t.»*t uu autl attar Hist date. ('lilt's Pk( kl,^^^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_Kerr* .: r.

'HIS .11. 1'AIU _l.X.Vka)i,U.s* MAMIUSA lUII.WAt lo. 1Gt Wau-- .-rt.. Nsw Yoh_. >

Jun* 3d. I SSS. )

THK nanni (T(ifirt4»rly dividrnd of 2 i-ir centha* thia tay hems declare- na the capital alock ef Un*

i'iiiii anv, iiaysbleat this offlre on and after An_*st 1. Itt*-.tu slot khollier* of e. ord ou Hist tlste.'lb* mock traotfer baok* will be closed st 3 o*sl-nk p. m.

en Moadsr. J alp 1(1. aad will b* ie*i-_- st IU o'clock a. s*.

us . taui-Uv. Au_u«l IREDWARD T. NICHOU*. JB^

^_____^_. Assistant M-ietary.^THJl MncA-ntt TBtnrv ('ompahv, 1

VMI MBOAOW4V, KlW.Yiitt. >__

Jaae 20. i-si. >.TD MERCANTILE TBU8T COMPANY willA pas..ia*., f..i tut »r.i prait-rim* Ktar.klioiiie*¦ ot tb*Manliallaa Hallway (ciiurtauv lu wbusr favoi a dlvlrtasod was

ti*rUr_i payable on Julv '.. their t latins tn said dividend* sn.ltea.*v* aa e_n_n-nnt et* sueb Hillas* anau*a par li by aa aa-

ais-ninnotet ifc-i rialum io * dlvittaad fi*stu Uie Mew Yorkli.-vst-l tui.ioatl ompaii) i'..i like atiiouut In case the mer-set ee-reaiaerit beiwnea the Uiree elevated railway oo**paideetammi* be aa\|a_ted Utval id

tillWA RD U AfO-TOOMKHV.Traaamrar.

qn»rrriIE LONG ISLAND RAITkoaD < <..* fh* Hoard af I drooler* have Uti* dav des-lered a .

l-riy dlvb-Miil of ONA Perl *otu tn iiuon therapllJ *l"«-k otthl* ( t-niianr, parable thu isl day of Aiirnst eeil,*ttb*n*V>*of Ute (Vrtds Btakiar 'io fis Broadway. >. Y. T_atiaarfer -Mks will clo** Pfld ap, J sly BO, ead raepao I bul*

*^*.*Vl»~*i''-a *»**¦ H. ORAVt-*.'l'lJuly OBS-


_,( urrBB l|l MIS HlBISlK... I

ai AMDM WAtA-m., Mw Yuu. July ll. ina- I

THE JH)ARI>,7.K,,TRUSTki:H OF THIS** _*___ya__B teelaiat a enarteti** tlvltead of OMK

aU.l','_UjiK*_. ASl> TW_1,TY>IVK TMOLflAND ls_L--AliH. parable lo stu, _i.oi_.ra of letxnd st eoiapsay'* oltc*MlMtnatlaT J ely ls, 1b«S. Tnu-fet book* cloe* Jnly IS astraoaea Jaiy 17,1-tt.

_ W. H_ MARTIN, T*_s*-a*ar._O-PBS ( ssiati Pai l»ir Klt. ( OHFABV, I

T,,,,__ , _« .ia_B 1-_ast__r-. Jaiy lt, lt*.-1.

HREE DOLLARS tier aasu- will be paid«* piae*_i*__si af Di VI URN D WARRANT Na. it si

t__Heft.ie ut u lb* uinc. ul Ut* l -mia**). K3 lltoad at.. N*wYte». Transfer t»-.k* win be cli-eti from J p. -a. J uiy 1. tsIBS.M.A4M-M- Rv evaer et «.*¦.* el Dts-et**-*-

k. H. MiLLKR. jr., M-reliuj.

Di-ftenfr ff.tices.WEaTER^U^sN^VIDEND.-In now

of th* ..-ri..us lneoTiv-mlenre, ko mans- ixrioiib frommallt Inti* and vexatious still*, axattist the XVcsteru UnionTelegraph Compsay. I have arrangpd with the MercantileTrust Company to advance io all *loi-lholtleni of ths WesternVillon Telerraph company on anti after July ld. H4R.4, theamount of meir dividends, pat abie ou that day. upon a*slgu-nient to me at the ottlce of eaid Trust Cotrj'auu/ of their rightto receive therine. JAY OOULD.Nr.w-Yi'SK. July il, 18H3.

fflimna.omi or ttik in--it>rsiiKttn Mt****, co.,;

DU A.M. Wi BBOADWAL Room 41.NK- Yu-k.. Jnly IU. )Ks;t.

AN ADJOURNED UttfltWoT'tSm stitw-_1 bolder* ot the Huudttrherg -luina* Company, for theelf, tltm of a Iloinl of TnulSSS for the ensuing veal, andBMB other bn Ines* ae mav lie presenteil before lt, will behehl at the oitlne of the enropanv. No. tri Broadway, on-'t-dnesda. August 1, 18-1, SI ll p. m.7 raosfer hooks close July 'JO and iiv.nen Aua-iistt. lUria.


C. A.CAMKRON, -..¦ retary.

tottan .tcaititf.ANCHOR LINE. II. S. Mail Steamship*XX Hallfrtim Nasw-York *very -s»tur tar t»,-

OLABOOXV VU !->__. _»___,..Preta Pier Jd. .vtocta .liv«r-

DKVONIA ....Julv 14. I: tn. I Kl ll I'iPl A .July 3*. n ion.ClltCA-sHiA. Jnlv -l.'i*. m. amiioki a Aug. 4 Qa. m.

Cabin J-mT-st').' KI. -*:ui 1 litiie, tl).,.,.., .****¦''*.'.. > it*_t-i. BJ *. rn in L titLIX J-RPooi. and uURRNtTOVYN rtEitVICB._

Prom Piertl North Hiv m.

-JT__.__,OHK M,u Julv lt. au<.i»t 14. rXepL-t.PURNP.NHIA »alls Annis) 4. Isa**, s. October 13.Hst.(IRA -. IA san* Atie-at JX.-sept, -u.t'sblu;)*M»n». a.) lo Jl'10: ar_>-tiiiT tot i ii a uJlktt itt

.second(.Din sui «jf iri<« ii div*Anchor Mae tlrafU issied tl lo west r*t t, ari pall friti.'

Ch si vein -u-flsu I. tc. utsij sit iretn IPor (--ease. Cabin Pitas, Ilsa >« of Turi. *o^ sp-uyti

_nKNOKRno.N* BttOl UK R.I 7 Bowlla** tlvteu.

BOROKA IX LINK.New ant t'lreoi lise lo ths south of Praasw,


CHATKAt LXOVILlsK, 4.'»O0tor_..Thur*., Jnly 76CHATKAL LAPIT-. 4,111. tun* .Thar*.. Ail*. HS

I-.*ra -l**s*-tle-«s»u._.. IBetr w*H4t. Parry). Brookiru.TrsvsiUis mr Kr*. », so tin anl Inly, I'vt-isst. Paaa.Rh e. Ac., will sive tine an 1 eijsu«a hr tt Ut tull. ai.Celila tlnrliifiin* wins), t-W -Ussnii, tl J>oi passsxeapeiv t >

F. Lg-OULAMOJ-ft. ?.BeBTST.tt.



PROM P1BR NO. 4(1 NORTH RI Yt*. II.-sKRVlA.W_lu*_l_v. Juli- t4,.lif-_ m

*.( X rn IA.VYetlaeadav. Julr ¦'... "t40 a. ra

(1ALI.IA.Wetlac-lav. Au.-. l.Jp.inROTH ma...XX'i-erkday. Aug. H,V a. rn

Kieatuer* suer kesl . tl., not ..s_ry ste*, ags.( altin nss-are. M I sad >! ) I.riteer»Kt-ti-'s-tst t 4ii 1 (rj u Ul parn if Karoo) at rory low

late*. Pru _hl au.l->i_sa{e o tics, So. t ll itvll-ar tinten.x m; Nun ll. BRO tt*N .* <fo.. Afont*.


I omp«ny'sp(ei ti tv,. So. ti Xorth River, t s» nt _vrtI s

Iravellens tey Ibis Hu* aviait l. st** trjisU iv kin Ttl* I rall,way anti Hie di* otiift.it nf eros du*: thi ihtiiiei ls a snail-sat. But .Ul nain etWu-tlie ooro^iiir's ilu.-k at ll avie n-lett f.ti Vms >« .i nv.ll ur slea hits, llia-g-t-e chocked al.New York Hin-si'i to TanaLAB.(Anon. ( tiiil.-r .Wartna-trtav. Jnlvl-4. t*j. at

ll .AIN. i mine,tu.Wr-owstlsv. Inly 2'.. » B. niN"RM AN DIE. Maivan.XX e.i_«r.l»>-. Auk 1.4 p. ulChecks pty thin al als- "it. lu a n .mn io sa.l. as lb i Ban itu

X'r.in .Hatill'iite or I'.nt) ..i fretgtI .tn I |.tstit;ti *jii-v ti

_UI 1-. lil. i.i.lii.i.s. Agent, No. ti Iiow!ln*r Ore**.


-Ti-A.Xl.-li I* ll s i-. lil, WI I.S .NEW.YORK.¦sn'I ila -li iv AND BRRMRN.

MAIN* Kalttr.lav. Jail lilisALl li. -al .r. av. Jn'v 21IIHRI*! St ..lt.***v. julv IM WK 'A W.t.-fri. titltA'lr.<*l,P PAH-. ao K *...._ NKWYORK t) HO. T'HAXP-__.

lo-.. HAV_-or HUK-KN'.ntatft i AI'.in.tHM-i MKCOND ct BIN ....tUB

__-ll KRAiiK.t-0.

R«ur_ _-tatsf_r*du-re.t-iii, Presati Hteora.i c«rtltcal**, tii. -iisa_sr* «_, tyan |*i*r'b"t emu .-s*a-)iil au 1

N. IOKI.RH Mrs A i >.. J l'..,w!in» (itet-.


ii.it guKPN»rown and livrhpuoi*l-SVlu* catii ... lt.. loot of tslU/sA.

WY IMT No.laa-day. Juiyl7.:tA»'. X.Tuestiar. Jul.- Xl. 7JO a. tu

. -IN.Tim.dav, Jnly ill, *.':*-p. tn

SKI-ON A. u-tsta.. Ans. 7, 7 ;4 i a.ta

.njaaIia.Haiunlar. Aiie-usi ll. lil 10 antOr taaee auusiern ar* null nunn * ii .' tit.ii. oas.

p*rtrna-uls. a.i.l ana furiilslii. I srttti evety i.-tpil.ili-to in.tk t

the |-s**ee S'-roaa the Al.Mlle Bott1 S-S Sid aKr.-esiile. hsvlt- balli ruo:n. SBBBslB* ***a*A drawlns-rnnni. piano andilitiary al«si rapssn-ii.e | siiree >n, stewardee* »nd r»la-r*r osIui ii .leam*,, j,.,. ., ,,,.,,,, trr *u upiaer ar.',. thusiu-. utiti. Ih'ss* kirai.-st of ail itiiui ifs, at ara, pail lat I vcutlU-ttl_tl*Mi:_bia|MM_st"(Brar'irti'if 11 siat-rwoai. fto. $40 asl tl li

lateiBi*.ate, »M. newitts:* si lue tai. tnlll. I, .Nt. VU HKUAI itt AX XX ll.LIAMH _ OCION

INMAN ROYAL MAIL LINE SI EAMElls3 .UK Ul > -i s 4 ., , RPOOL.CITY' OP. .1. -il..; sill KUAV.iuifii,.! ts) mia

rx "i t'lMTHKAl.¦ R i'AY, Julr l-l » *. m.

(l.X I] MIKHXY. Xii- I. 10.Klara.bram Plat 4 L *. urta Ri ver, foot of I.r ir-sv

CARIM CAIeiAtlfi. s-siaei «1 ij. la *.-us li*: v PAO.KTl I ll U,i -lt i'i' .», s-'lPurri*.,,-- .tc appr lodi- MXt AV *sli:AM*4IIlP C'_

l-Biilexl. ll Mid 41 Rr ia tw tv s Y-leiput* tHU.e. N'u. lot Hoata tjlajt

^:ATIONAL LINE.-Eroin I'ir-r 'AW N. R.I PHI*. 1 IX I lilllOl. AM' ls" I KN-lnWN.

ka.YIT. a slr I i' .¦ m I N..i. .. nh, ju.y vi. 0 a. m.fill LON I'ON DIM

KI'I*4 T.|V P.lANCI Ml/'tst 1 *< p. m.fania «a» lt STU not war I tis**** Si* pr*r»»il atnarat*.

tjca<-,*Jtl. P. W.J. kLtOl' Maaagae.ue and ,'J Br-MlwayN. |V ova scoilA Md HEWFOUNDLAND.

I il itt. xivi RLL Ii'dispatch first-el*** ii- I io. Norm Hirer.

. aeiy ian itavs forIIAI.IPAX. M. and HT. lORNS. Tn,

KicaJlenlpat*s-(er aa aaliBntSiPot t-irrii ar»o»uUlBia_ nertie.liars sppiv t»

e. il Rf.AUAN.fieri.. .N .wilt iii ter.


1 KAI. and -ol' I ll A Xi Min X aad MKXi> "

Plo_ New Yo*, pier fool a-. I .1 N. SJ_Per -aa raarteoe, na the st'i-vi i, .,f PaortmA

' ITY "P I'AKA sails rltaw.T, Julv -JO. aooo.

Can ort-llnf for i'*utras au 1 Mouth America ami *t*tlOAProas--lau Pi i tn- .. isl a* l ilrauum ca.

Por Jacana* I .ni 11.

O and ti. sst. (him |. ...is -_liirti»v, inly Tl. noon.

Kit areiueucaet-otttwes rsi-i Kr ison.. sal Y*koa**«A kti-sa-lsl rata*.

PorlloN-oi.ti.r, n i /i tl.ANO aad AU4TRALIA.i X OP NTONK.X s^tr . ^srnr.lav Ia I -.

aa arr" *.: el l-mloa nail* at sao Krano4»e.APor frelstt, p*«ea*-e eel taaxara ia for aanoa. aa,, rai''.) a

paul's Ollie**e (hs pier |t«tt 'aaa: st.. Nor.lt iliv-ar.II. J BIM.LAY. htl|aennti-drnt.

REI) 8T--S LINE. Eur Antworp mid r-ru_-ailln-.'ron Ns* X art at I V il esra it* ir r -i*UirJky.

. a t n. ...ss nt lt.. iu'y ii 11 rn

Hilt. MANI. .-»!-.r,iay Julv '.'I. '.*. ia

B_...n*. *i*4ss ri > ev ¦¦aiklav ni u irnuu aitUJi**.I- irsi t-aitiu, Mal »') "I'irsii, kll.lti *1')J. MeeOBd

(i^lW)I ..i. ur ...hi. tl.H. -sie-a-x-s, fli prto.vi %.)ll XX-iil'lin .% - 'l-l. lno*r_ A rents. .. ilroa.lavs».

Ki IVA I. MME lo THEiNETHERLA-lDSMl**iaier»lB*v.i o'apt-ar foi. tf iiuit-i. larttfJ;,f

Pt-lt AM 'IKRDA-px-4. I.KKRDAM Uei.te-d*y. July is, Sp. rn

poii Korr-iiiiAM-ML ROTTKJlDAM .xXeaue-Ur. July VJ, ll « m.

lstCaitin. ? i) nserifv tlJ uraa ai I. <( <-li. UAAAUk- ')aso*r»l Acent. tb -until Wllltsm^t.

Kl NI il, MiYl-i .? i'o.. I xx MORRJUs,VT - \l I..lan -I., Kieialit A_tA M B'way, HOB. Vasa. Alt.

UNITED -TATES AND GERMAN MAliaNTKAMKRrs..Hsmouri* American Patrk*.' i',itiiyanv*s

lau* for I'l.X kluC 1 lliLonlu*). i U .-.li Bo lill- iPs-isk.aud ll A Mill.'Kt i rssiaii.uv sr taais-t iniii-i ll -_ ,

-un. I'nurs. Julv I'.. J HaHMOnIa. I'hur* July "JdMl.i MA .sar,July-I I B 'HI-MIA ....-*'.. Jalv *_4fta-M I Pans r-itral: Ku tl a'llu. kl lt. oecuud Labia.

tao Sissratf*. ill Prenel.l rte,-r»-e tickets. Klrit(able nsHalurday Nteaiuers. Sdi aiMttTU Cn tirsiuaratasrruli nlstitl. isenltii "l-unste' UaaBttB."* C.MiA.aDi * ..'. lieu. Asl*.. Ne. el ilniatl-sL. **. Y,

C. a Kiri! ARD A 00, Ooh. Pass. Ajiv 61 il way. N._k_WHITE .SI AK LINK.

I NI Ii- li -.1 Al K- A NH HOYA I. M XII.HTRAMKIlriPOM 14I.' I N-IOXX'N AM) 1 IXKItl'Ool.

Ni'TK Th* steamers of lb'* Um-, lake the I.aa Knnteies-oiubi..iiil-l lt) Lietileuaat Mauiy, li. n. N., ou boll. IA.t.ilWHtsl ai,,I homeward vovaje*.MK.Tx N.NIC, Capt. Parry. saturday, July 14, n*oa.

rkI'I lille. ( apt. Irvin*. aTbmady. July lit, 4 p. ni

M.I d', (apt i.1,-adell *s*turd*y. July VN. iukui

OK llMa NIC. Capt -ennajly.Ksturrtay. A us 4. 4p ni

AUK1 A TIC, lap*. Jeoeiage Ihureday. Au.. U. U.M) a rn


101 II HITh-.** slea re ar* a tilform in elie *nd unsurpassed In ap-

put tutu, nt, lue -aisin*. -i«i.r.-oin» WS.B awl Kathr....ins sn- le. e ai.ml.hips asiit-re the noise una uml.on are

least felt, startling a decree of i-oiiitort lillhorlo nnatialuahi*

KA i --.-Kaloon t«0*im tlOO. Rellim ll.ksl.son favev-¦ hie Innua. Nt,-ei-g* froia Uie B)ld Conntry. tal; Imai

.New York. tax.T Uaar sleauiors carry neither ratlin, *h*ep nor pig*.l'orlnsp*. lloii of plsns aiu! olhrt Intoiiuat.on ap;.ly at the

f_HB***_-. B.BBflL aNo. UT Bro*dway, New YorkR J. CURTIN, Ap-BL

C. I. RAUTLRTT A CO, Ak-Bl*. Bt-I.nHAIlItm A ( All ll 1, .xs-i-uta. Phl.»tS*lphia.

*Zo UJtiom it man Concau.

THE CHARITY ORGANIZATION 80-I ITKTY will inv-.ti-at- all ra*** of slltNt*d want ead

diMirima referred U lueni. iacludiuf- st,eel Heexai* and

liecslns Latter Wilts'-, fn-.i of charge, aal tepon result to

au ul tar*. If fi.ular, urutopt »ntl ami _lt-t|i.al» help will

b* soujlil fur aatrli, if fiaudulcuL eturta will lie matte io

sin.t.res* it. **n'i appllt ant* saioe aad sdtre«s hy mali, lele

Jrsph or Ulephoae (..md '.'lirttti to Ik* Boetetv, Na 7»

^s*t>___________________-^____.._...W~!LLIAM THOMAS ARNOLD", Dih*pium-1.---

I'ur.tiaut I* the act of l-srilaotent .tl anal MSal Vic

totla. Chap. IC. Iiitiinl.1 ** Au act ta du teer amsnd tb* law

ol nioparty sad io reiia-e TnuMe*."noU<.I* hsieby clveuthai all ii«dllur» an.l other aersoii* lia.lus auy rleluis ur

tlMuaod* aaralD»t the tetata-of William Tbima* Arnold, loin

erly rsvsrldtas _l the Hully Bm* T avrra. H*i»p*i*ail. la th*

t -uai) ol M itltli***i. bailaie nf ita cn y nf New York, la th*

lui eal rsUta* uf Auierita. 4T*uti*s__- (wno d'.aa on the ,1k

day of -arch. H*a.'»t. au who** will wa* proved lotne K-niiii

iial Itaaiitrv efthe probate ixivlstoa of Mer Ma)t-iy * nishCoiirtot Justit.. ..titlielth.lr. e«AB_v_-, IB77. byUeoiawHoward, ttie eircutoi therein naoiedi ar* ret|iilrea to semi

the psrtlciilsrslu wrillng "f lh«ir rlslms ur demand* to u\ Hie

untie.-Jil*-, tte soln-H ors lor the said et- -tor. on ur Painui

the loth tlay of Aii-iist. lnsr.l. aft*r which ilalas th* *aid ex¬

ecutor will pmaaeu tai ilUUlhula tho aaaeU ut tbe *anl

d-ceeaedaiuoRgsttheptsrsonsenUtled Ih-e.., navies lexanluniv loth* olsims and demand* of which ba shall tbe.i have

_*_ ..od. e Haled thl* -td tl*r of Jua*. 1-H.I.LAMBAlli. PAIt.U A -UAKKxPKAK,

.-*-¦--*" HJaii.B »L. Radford Koa, XX*. C..

t-s.letter* for the sst- Rxeeatur.




Trr Umbi ami rou will use se other.-KfOTUr '

Wi itt ave.. l.*tt Btna-**-**. *l» caa__*_ st. tl. TL.BM 4JJ Puil*u-sL, liiouklru.

teantti aub filcttuigf.^I-E IMPENDING CRISIS.

E. J. DONNELL. Esq.. ol Nsw Yort til.,Under the auspices os* the

NEW-YORK PRK.K I'HA Dlr* CLUB.will deliver aa addis.a in

IRVING HALL, ou MONDAY KVJ__JNO, JULY 16,at ti o'clock, on


An Important movement la to ho Inangnrated, snd allfrlcudj ol industrial ilherty »ro t>arneitly iuvitod to atteud.


15Cit. Weal tfgtate lot Sale.

T. swe^Tii-ira»a!o. Very de*irable for lnvestmeat. RV LAND A

WHITING, 6 Beetmaa.*._T OT IN WORTII-sf., in-ir WetTHroHdway,XJ for wile. RULAND XV lin INO, 6 Heekuiaa-sL

sTonntrn J-ropcrtn Sot Sale ait- Ho Itt,ACCESSIBLE ami healthy country re_iden<*.

or stiiliarliiin. .situated on front tu.ruutain slope over¬looking broad it .rltan Valle,- ; ur lum exposure aad siiei-tore ir.tn raw eaet winda grsni view*: pletureeqa* eo-vir.ru*; good sin aa inalari*. nu uiecqultoee; excellent,nevei-fsillug spiiug. vuh (tab'tng Vouus oiohard andwooded lu gilts- withlu 3 miie* of Bound Brook dspoto,*Bd i nilles from Pindortir or .Somerville rrsiinent expresstrain* to New York, Phil idetphta or Long Branch; emim(eti.tu 4.1 mi yearly ; low Uxea . hons,, anti gio"atls susceptibleof indefinite eniisiu eineui ; lv'-rot.ui h..ii.* sui taun.yscree. $1'-ADO i wllh tliirty sere* sdhilning >JJlaX,O0ii. Csube rented fer the season at 9400. Address OWN KR, ElMara. N. J.


BLOOMFIELD PROM-RTY.-For l-T-TonXX'f-tilugrou-st. KliKi-utle'.d, N. J., formerly owned sal

occupies! Jasue* A. iledden. a tirst las* residence lu e firstciaae lueaiton contains iii rooina, all mi pr oi mien ta. ia tuns-

plete rep.li. irootl staiile. lainajra-hoiise. henner,. Au as**,about two seri- ot laud, lux-lug* Iron lace of 271 feet onWashington.*!, sud SUO (eat on Midland ave., tvs tmuutaafrom two tli-r-U on Montclair Rr*nrh of M A K. lt. H.: abaigalu. Apply tu J. J. __ViN_, Ibo Broad.l., Newer*.

POR SALK or TO LET, at a jrre_t bartjrain.A -Tlie hatitist-sest Iinu**eii Jereey Citv l(els;ht». brown.tone front. Ph..adelpbta pr.rss.-d-hrlck aides, piate-xiass wu.dows, two lot*ul laud. Ut/ aliiduw* iivenookiuar lawn. )*rgemaple trees, excellent iieljliltorlmod. only flftt-eu raiuliles fi otuNew-Yura *l,l*. 'I lil* pl*a;e i annot be duplicated st doublethe prue-skeil. Apply to owner. JOHN at. JO-Kb, 17tiDu-Bf-iti.. ... Y.. sRer ii o'clock p nt.

I.TOR SALE..A conntrr rwidpncfi of 53 arri-*,sll ls a high suite ot culla vall-m. beautifully silt-.sled in

the ulea*tntest [tart of toe town til .ieoeva a brick manet.*wiih ii.... outbuildings au I f-n es a Ba-t grove nf k atna*,land uiil.ri.liaiueil willi hie. itnt very produ<.ive glows 4(1bushels of whesi per tere genies apple aud pear orchard,and truilof all Kinds iu ilia'i.laue* is aut aaetpeustva |.ar¬io tmep up, bul 1* itrttLsi.taiuiag. au I has not it* supeiior ofIU size lu the mut-. Geneva I* u:i*urp-a«s- 1 in me beauty ofIts lake and *i-en»ry. with Hun (Shoot*, c.il'ofe, ehtiiaiUes. mar¬keta ami stores. I'osaes-.>u ^Iven at sheri notice. Apply onIhepretntaeetoOICRRI r il r-aMlT.i. (leneva. N. Y.

MORRISTOWN PROPERTY For~-_le.-Sitavt imt* on sussex ave., formerly owned by Sile* B. t.>n-¦ta. The house Isa two story Prent-h-rtKif .'concrete." rsmlaius Ja rutilus, anl ali modern Improvement* stable. Ac, oaNi" p*rw__t_t, wllh ll) '4 st-1es ot lautL well shack. I with *li*d-and fi ult tie**. Tlie property will be divider! to cull pur-rh»*t'ta Thl* property having been taken under foreclosure,a "louis a persou of tno<tnrai* means aa oppurl nulty to nncutea horns in avery healthy locality at a low tlgiire awl easytenn*. Apply to J.J. l*_YI-_, Too Bm»tl st., Sew«i_, N. J.

ORANGE (N. ... HEAL ESTATE SPF.-¦ il tv.Rash.mc".*, sale ant rent, farula'ii I end until r

iileli. I. vicinity all tle.ioti H.-MILTON A Pf 1.1. ER.'i Plea

CI'MMI l\ N. J..For Snit-'.ir, ane* of Tiui-7l » IO mlnuto*' walk temi depot. tneat'en high,healthy ; welt wo-lad. tine hiil'dlng sHee. with exteueiveview*, stil.i entire or In plo'* B KOOY A CU., 145 Broad¬way, or ARCHIBALD ORA IK, SiiujmlL_SEASIDE VILLA PLOTS it Oakley P-Trkl' "U Ko. kaway Reach--('he ip for rash. A-pie rcttrl-i.nris im ssioons. will tm soil'or .-"iii.*-* pin-poses oalv('all In fun iesm ur wrtto for map.* UlTCHfOCK A J'l.NTUN. 14 hanmer* st. N Y.

CEaVSIDE COTTAGE LOIS ANO HOTELO -sin Mon thorln-sr nartof Ri.tkawav Reat-li "Oak-levPark," whla-liextend a rrom ths Rav to th* (hem elegant.veuut-jtisi opa.i.-sl thr mgh sil»u<li.\ oe tar grtiv.), elnae lo_SB_B*_.lBta_a*_ resti-.i-i'ijmt ie e-ariir* resi.eeU'iillty aadI'uaifurt. a.l in tore i.siuor aaI Ire*a llirciliJOCA A UiiM-TON, No li I L-iiiL..-lia st.. I_Y._r|TO LET..In mm ol tlie niost pleasant loca-X ti.,i,rt Iii Jerenv i itv. part of a thrtstr-story ami basementlille, house; .n«uer ot rip...-, mher tart ti.fan I siry withriver bre.-'e and view uf waler, within ten minuter walk of('..rCaiitii uni liiasiii.ss.M-sire-t Kerries sll Improvementshas im-..., |.ui lu order since Mey I. burs* can pasi within afew steps of honan, nefen mrs required. Andree* ltLi LIAISLL. Jersey Cily I'oSl lillico.

ilotixb ano Hoovm.K_-t3i_-

\ COUPLE of ))!<xi»aiit front room**; 8888R§\flout: u- tn* mudtrato. lou Rest 3.Ut-*L, between .-.

and Lesli gt u a.ea_I.ELEGANT ALCOTE BOOM; rIbo otherI rtsuns every et ntenlemre; ample tloeets; excellentboeill, delightful location *l*o. table boarr]. IS'J Last 47thst., near 1- xi.gtou ave end elnvatetl siatk-i.

CTH-AVE. 909..Extra iHnte second floor;.- uar'le* declriug trasslrut ur permanent boanl csa tMat umuioalait-tl at autuuier price)i; alao tiber large apart¬ment*, liefereot-ea._._ | EAST 'JO I'II-ST..Suits of rooms witli. >.¦§ pi a ate bath roana pris at* Ubi* or Wlthonl board, au¬

gie room*. _

EAST L7TII-8T.._t_/Y_-__i Park.rt*n*l*nl sod pei-uiaaeui boarder* l*k*a. ilvtis*

aud appointment* Ulai taaa*.

Wost Silt.

IK IfEST '-OTU-ST..Kepairs noxv rompli-lc.tr Ki.ur stories, '.'rs feet w'de, fine situation, beautiful

iitaitns lo let I-ept iJeuilst's nffloe. Immediate poeaeeeioa;lani trum rsaplsjaibar li op.so daliy IrtHa lu tat._


| I WEST 10TH-8T., NEAR /ilJLAVE.-I w lMasarable routns with nr without boani. buisaier

price*: liausiaut »1 ii pt r .lay. Tabletsiard.

xjitmiiiottB tDa:ttfO--.f-.ntilt*-.

A~T LOUNE-5io>8 SWEDISH EMPLOY-M I NI st.I '.' V 4"S 4lh av- first clas* c-k* ftiam-

har. artur, kltcheumall* butlers, coach.en and gardener* ;alto lal*ny arrived -swedish gilla wailing lor situ*!._».

\ MME. EKSTKOM'S Ajrencr for foreijrns a aervaota. ladle* oaa secure eapebi* anal well i.:oanaeuo-esl -sw. dish and miter i'rutastaut servants tor all capacities.174 I etiiigtoii-avs.____^__

Al.SWEDISH mtv;int*. .ill pswitions, forI famllle*. hotels. Ac, .!*. -swedish and Herman (arm

hands at low wages. girl* )usl landed for huiiaework. city or

...in'iy. CARL ORlatokoLU, Itt *-*st '..lh-*!-, titm-X.ti*. _¦_

(*( m >K..By a younsr wom-m ; -illinj; to as-J sist wllh washing and Ironing, good baker; elly or

romilly, good elly ralereure. 4'Ju Till ave.

1 DRESSMAKER.Who is Hist-class in eut-"

tr.u and tilting wou'd like » few engagements by th*

nay ot wees. AOtlreaa lt. is., Tubana Krause* Otto*, Wi Kant14 th sk_I.MKS'l'CLASS COOK._. rUtaT-CLAsM I ll AM RK RM AID,

KIK.1I I I..XH.H XX All'ltK.'v-s,.1RM. ULAH- LADY- _All),

with unrtrei.ttonalbe rrf"r-»uce*. at the Kl'tsroPAL OO-iil'I.RATI VU U.Nti)N'*4 new psrlors, M Kast li.hst_'IKES ttl all ii.ti(iii;iliti('» at imine andI li.-i.liig Uonsesfoi fssnal* help, No. 34 Leal t.Ui-sL;

do charge* wUa(*v*r._

HotSEWORK uud GENERALLY USEFUL.liv a very neat, ia;al,ie young girl, for city oi cona-

try not atralu of work williug. goa.il with ti li.nen. an ei-

telieiit w-lris*. and ran aew ind do plain cooking goodlatindins* ali »t H* (ith ave pear 17th .*._-

NURSE and SEAMSTRESS..By a steady,i.sia.-1-ialiia- I'ttitt-auiit woman eipsrienct- anti nlealy

etlneated emnpetout to have the ear* of children kimi,laiibfui naree ia sick**** u»efui sorvaai i_ * ga.-t (TntsUaa

family -M"t lefi'ieuce*.' 'stun Weet li*!li st. Ui si door.


Situdtioiifl a)anteo--mal.9.

AFUST-CLASS SALESMAN starlin** onsn t-iletiitetl join nev lltruiuh tl.o XV asl nu eil* tc* will

lake ott-isou roaiuilsaluii for salable mon liuuilis*. AddrrasMARTI.N. Tribune t'ptowa ('(Bea, 1.1I3B Broadway.

i'e\v IDiintc).U'AMKI) AT THE RIVERSIDE PRESS,Vt i 4 tl Rill IKIK. MAS-s.. gotst Hook Ktlg* Hilder*. Noise

nut t-uip*ieat wortuiiu ol *l*edy hsbli- neatl appir .

i)r.t)-9-.-.NAVK LKl-AUrUKXl', 1

XV kell IM. MS J nata .1. I *-'t (I.ROEOSALS FOR PU HUH ASE OF VES-t Nh l>t In arrnratanca wllh Ute piuvi-ousof tb* Alli

section ot h* a<t o' Congrasa making appropriations to sup¬ply d*ticiotii les. »hproveal Man'h 4. 1W.I, seale I prui-nals wnl

bei receives! at ihe Navy Heparliaent until aonu on Min-day.seiiianiher lt, HO-l. at wuleh Uaie aasl place they will lae

on, ned for tho pure hare of rm lain veuteie which hava been

strlLaen titun the Navy Register, nuder aiiUionty of au »ct of

(.ingres* approted August 4. ISM, aad which tl totleef-M.tor tl* beal Inteiesuof iV linlietl M*i**to selL _.

Tue vresals ullerett their at'psaleeii v».u* autl their amctUVare i Tho Coug.e-e. 9PU_ I UemtP, t'J.i-4): *_%**_**&>autlRabtne. $10.40(1. al roiisiuoutb. R. H. Iowa. _M__*l\ lags ra f-T (ail; am* Obkm, t J.7O0. at Booina. Rlu* Ught,

^ r_-kKl..rl__ kV4.4IBI. al Ra* leSBilsu. faiiB. Nsw^Or.l-k-_«-J(-i tea tb* *to.k*i, at Hackett* Heibor. N. Y. «_.

__S_-JM »"-*-. at .Nsw-Vork. llurllrurloB.-1.000. Olstice.».ie* puty itl -'00. Moire., *a()0. aad IHcUlor.WU.H-i. at

I-saut. ls\ktoi Peon. Vrollc. AH.IA10, and Relief. 9i.l*»l at

Waaaiaata- l>- ci- xa*b._*i-»r. *ri-*oo ; Mhaw*»ui, tx...Soo.un.I ait^uuaJi tlOatoo, al Norfolk. lU-uok*. AI7.'-K), at

-C_BB_ ivnn. awnee, tt.UOO, »nd Ue-weeii, pbOO. *l VoilHov al. «. (.1'rvpttaala aiu»t ba *ut-*ltted In a aaalatt envelope, aa-reaead

lilllie -aec.teiuiy of (he Navv. XVaiUuDgto*. I), i; .and tudt.rseu" 1'iiii.iisals for the pun iiaae of vt.aeis." so ss to itl»tli,gin*li(hein fi.'in tiliiei f.oiuiii'iuicaiiiius. -Nuoffer fur niora Uiau oue\e*tiii.louid beluomdetl wilbla one prupoaal. _

1 he ve»sei» will be *old. fm caali. to Uie iierson or persoa*.or farnot'*!ion or 0. paraUuua. oOeruig tho highest prite*tlieteloi alma * Ibe appisuted value Uieieof l*_eh bid or pro-uuaai must be aociaiipsui*- hy a depo-t lu cash (or s*U«fa*>Lt-tory tviilOedtheck) of nut lea* than 10 psr neat ot Ute

amoani of the offer or propo-U. sud alua a bond with » p~a*iant* i-tiual to toe wbol* uoioiiut ul tba u«*r. wits two or amaw

suietlea tB U* appnerad by ike Hecretary ol tbe Navy, coa-

illtlouad'fui Uie p*yui»ul_t tb* remaluUir »<) pal ceut of lb*

¦mount uf such offer or uro*-**-l withlu thltty d»ys from tea

ttateof its ns eput-ka. Ia ea_> default ls mad* in the pay-mean of mo reis-lnlai* lei per ttvat, or say pert ibeit-L wlOilu

thal Ubi*. aatU casOl tlapoait ul Ul mn real aliall I- t-aaial«Ui*-la* fuif-tert (n Ihe (Juverurueat. and »liall be applied aa

dir*, led lu ihe set ni Marrh 3. lrsHa. All tepeaita ant boaAs

ot lilttiri, whoee propoe*i**s_iil not ba aeo-pteit.wRIba rs.

un-*- teUieia »l_Un eavaa sara altar t_a -pent*.*; al i_*

.'cSTJpnraUoe to the liepartni-it a prtntett II*)_f8*__*nl»bes?;g1-,ii.gi|.--*l laftii-anjUaa *>3_;<_t!'_»__t_. _¦*?!__'

.lea fw-e .( Mas sat baaSs^ wbleb MMn^tamt^MtttmmTba rtusili east be nk«*al*H at aay Oatt by »pp mg am aaa

t_.aa*Bd*-t*of lb* T*s__ ____« nmrhaw- Roe*lhepaitrhaeer* ian.t remove tb* rtsmmlt^f^**^m*mmZr

theh-alteeft-e Ysrts er »x««aa. withta etarA reaao-aa a

MM at aa-, me t,e* B. tA^ltmmmrttmAtei, ..AJiuLXK^^ IRKr*larv ol tts Mat..

ftW-M-Mnts.TIASERALL, POLO fl*ROUND81ODAY..T* ,._. s

-tLaNTXO* tra. K-Y-TOK-H.*

oana called * p. m._____*__¦.*» Bt*rt*yQa-SINO. B-0_-iv_7__d _____"..___ ~ve*T_ve_ln*at9: SatnTday Matine* at 9.

ll^^S!lfl2_?W&l 1U^rM1^ i«k_tRittW-. MB*,._ T-ftltCR MKTflT-ALEM,by «hs MOCAU LL OPtRA-OMItACB OOMPAUT,rJ^.gs-K- .»*>> tolWwad bj* S GRAND PROMRKADV

Ca-l_o Orel00 *% aoor *-vd Roof °-*« bT -TOBi__'#,

HAVERLY'STHEATRE, 14th-tt..C-r.6tl*-_T/_-£* *_-CK*B SURPRJ.gR PARTY.PO P. Monday, JjUy 9 Two Week*.P< >P. Kvasqlof* til., Metis*** l-tv.

_POP. MACRaT__1 MAE__VA_0__MADISON Square TTi_5__. Ww'} Ac 2 ..*_-.£

Curtain rl*e* at-SOi Matinee Wednee-kys uttty.THR RAJ AH. I nm .od month of the Men y Oomt-V la fourTUE RAJAH. I sots « irtteuat Lao-rhler JKvarv Boa__THK RAJAH. | greeted with .rH"" °||TiillT-*r^

-*- -1


LONO BRANCH, N. J. RVBRY T-_»_AT.thckhdaY ead baTI'HOAY, te Aos-st tt. Rae*.promptly st '-Sup. m. Train* ead Bo*U41r*ei te iar*e.

ter. ral Rlt. of .NJ. lAUarlr aa. Varrr. lit, », ll a- WK.13.1ft. I'i.At pt flt. Peiiiutriv*ul» RR.. C-tlaadt Mst Oae-broe**_ *U -errie*. 7:IO, P a. ia. li at. Baals, viet-i_8. M. R., H. 10:15. llil.lt. ni. 12 16 a. m.fart. Round Trip. Including sdinUsioo to Plait, tl tO.J. li. CO.-s l __. -ec. ORO. L. LORILLARD. r

.trnr«ion-i -STARI-Ti.




OLEN ISLAND STEAM BBB LEAVEPier 18. Jewell'* Wharf. 1 »:)d st..

North ill vac Itrooklyn. East River,X!<*. ni -.10 A Sk ROU. m.wA*9m,m. tMfta.-. | lo.it*. re.

10 ito* ui. lc.45a.*_ 11:1.a av12:45 p.m. 1.00 p. m. i_-_o_*a*-.p.fl_ tlft p. Bb I C:4ftp.*a.s.uop. bl sic.»-. MfC*.

4 KO ¦ tn 6 **-* tx tMRETURNING, lear*OLKN lsU.N'0 lOrlta.' .». |*_d_k*,

st Sitd-st aad Pier lil, ll Hi a. bl sud l'J: "tu a. ra, landina*St Pier 1H only: A e. a_. landing at ;t-l «t »it- iamrlftXX barf 5 p m.. lau dlag at 3-1 *(. oaly, t SO. 7:00 aaa tt*P- ia., ali la-,di*<_sift CR-NTS. K-X'URMONTICBETH slO C-XTH.


Por children under font teen say day but Humour. 10 cent*.FOUR _Il.I-.is Sliulil-K, iso Ml N;_.__ UUIC lilia,

ead 10 ceau cheaper tl.su say ttl-ir Rsm.leading pass/-.. direct at the vary eeertre of the Uland.XX eat Ri ik li lou. the Ma* _«_trh Vwiatta, Umi Iree eud of theOcean Iron Pier, connel ling with the Klevatod Raidread ferBrighton Beach Race t'ourw aud lit.el.A -Twenty mien lea- sall acteas New-V erk I (arha- aaa! etea-

minnie*' ride (brough lb* v«ry gar.len of i.oag I slant*.Bo-ata leave West J d-sk, N lt.. it. .j io, 10-0. ll. 11 Ai) a. nj j

'-'(I. 1. 1:10, 2 ._, 3, 3.40, l-.'iH, ft, 5 40. li -0,7, 7.4V0. -J JU.r p m.

Boats leave Pier B. N lt., ?0 minute* later.Returning i taine leave loony Islau-1 for lei d and Weet-ld**., N. R.. 7-5, ISO. 9:30. 10:15. 10:55. 113*) a. Bk;12 16 12 it. l;-5. ttib, t;5», 3 36, 4 15, * 56, ft 3i, 8 15, t-8.7 4.,, I 15, sVM, 0 4b, IO la p. m.

_isundsy* sud holiday* * very 30 mlaate*._A -HUI«ON~RIVi_R BY D/kYLIGHT.-JA, ORAND EX<'~R4ION T-)

WRIT POINT AND NKXYRURO.Dally (egeept sui Urti fr >.a PiUtos-st. Hr.,air* C*f An-

Dei) ai S a _, X't-tryvt. Pier. «4:.i>, ail XVeU .'.'I it at Ja. m.. tty the fast and elegaat Day Line steamers,

ALBANY AND C. VIHHARI'.Hetiimlug antro at '.-. l-st.. 6 40. Ves-i-ek., 850. eat

Brooklyn b.15._UKKiHTON" BEACH.I* HOT Kl. BRIGHTON. LONG rSLANttTrain* leave KUUiush evemi t, stu-,pi*; at V'aorl -.Mit see.

nue, at ti lu, i.ij, ri I j, sal hall h nany fruia ii. lj a. ul li10:45 p. Bl.Leave Rrsifort at « *4R. 7:*). eVrlS. (rr*ift PV4. ltrtt. lt X>

anti ball lao arly Iroo* U:tl *>*_.** 1)01 p. av. Ale* at I » Jlp. m.t-sve Prospect Park at (111 Ml 11\ P.l\ 9t\ 11 JV

lu j", sod every tlftenn minute* freq* 11:T1 a. ro te tts-SI p.-m.IlKTi.Ksisti Lk.ivg Bsi.iiirtxi srssr nrr<jt t*_njr*i rib.

ll Hip. BL HORnki CAR ('O.N.SRCriO.NSKroiu ultoa. Wall-k. liatalB, maa I-A. aal itoi»ava'.t-»t.







The onlt-line hevtng caelu*iva conti.I af sll th* tacks susi1piers at will.ti it I.b ls pa*.tuaara thus prsvttulaar auuiylugehanges finn boats lo cars, lari.g out la stioata wai aug ltlautt aud other vexatious delays.l.-AVE PIER NO. 1 NORTH RIVER tor th* GREAT

IRON OCKAN PIER AT 9. 9 lb. IOHO. 11;15 a. m. 12 ia.12-46, lrSO. 2r IS. 3, 3 43, 4:30, ft IS. «. « 46. 7:30, »;15. U.03D pm.

I.i AX K THK ORKAT IRON OCEAN PIER al CON KYI-I.A.M's lil. 10 lo. ll. 11:40 a. au 12.30. LIA i, 2.4-3-41,4: IS. 6, S.45, 6 30. 7 15. H. X4X. J»-_0. I 0 IS, 11.15 p. m."N siNDlYI aud HOLIDAYS SoaU wUi tte rea HALE


BRIOHTON RKACH ead MANHATTAN RKACH artonly TI.V xi I NUT r;s* WALK fis.es the Iran Pier* aa*Wf*>T liRIiiHTMN BKXCII DKf.i r. and are reaciei-rKI.KX A r_l) RAILROAD, .st**.* aal Carnagie, raauiagIn ronnectloa with the hoat* ol this CO_l'A\V. (ONTINUOUSLY DAY and KVK.NINO. FARE FIValCENTA

SPECIAL NOTICETh* Rlevated Rall war* hive oavesal a new st susi etIA I l-.KX ri. At lion ihe ulta and mn nrcau.a -n-s. lira ulr

ouposlle the Iron st -tuii-tat t niaiu'i I'avili .a. Pier LNorth River Passengers .lesionj to *.*.. t»»U» will lear*the car* at that petntPaa*euger* from Jd and .ld arsaa* ititi helliag Ire-*

sts-uiu-il excurelun IlckeU. will he m.Mttttt Ut dUtaalt«h syeniie Musi at Svitl KHiTrfr-.

liv- I'ltsION TICK Ki's for sals at all down towe traultMella, >s of liis KI.KX AIKII RMI.-AV.s al t-CeuU asO-,inc ud nj railway tare hoth w»y*._

ORAND COffCERT-oa Pavil on Plar No 1. NorthlUver.fr»- Stetp. ».,**_a to 11 p. ai.


1 ONO REACH.Concerts.Uria by'


from OerllB. si .1- to G iu the alturmaam, aad 1.3* ta lt lu tteevening.

Lotu- H.-.uti Hot'| Tahiti d'ltoie Dinner*.Lons lleucb Restaurant, wllh ike li-el cuisine aad ex ce! leal

at rrte*.l'l.e nearest Reach to New York which lies dlreclljr opel

tbe Ocean.Ten Kniress Trains dally. le»vintI)otli t-tii Isl ind Cltjr

and Klalhush ave , litookljru, makia; Uta run ta the Beach UkSO minute* For 11 nie tables se* laing Island RR. Co '. ad-verttseraent la all newspaper*Price* at lens Keach Hotel by (he wee'a and raonth. for

families aed petuiaaent gne-stn. eau b« ai range- ao.-oisltng tai-s..i;s fioi.i 442 lo*;.' per week fur iloati.it. roam* oct.-upto-hr twu peison* aud hom fin to a_*< for single roome.

It. H. SOl'THOAT-. Prepnatii-

f OtrfG BRANCH.Ij -


Tb* iroa etea.boau will leave


St 10 a. m. sad 4 p. ra. ltut-rala*. le* rs


ai 11 ito ». m. sad tt. s. at.

Take coney I*laud heats (iou Pier Ne, 1. NerU Bi ve-,

evoiy furtytvrt *alaute* le cen eec t wILB tba taat._MAN1IATiAn7,FsA0H,np.w route now opkn.

VIA EA.sT Mia-*.-, and 7TH SP. ferne*.I eave Kast 34Ui *L Ferry *6 '-il. aad 7.00 to BAU ul bl -KX

lOrloa. m.. aad half hourly ireta 11 io a tn to o *.<) p. -a.l^iav* 7ih-et. every twenty minute* from 0 a. ia. to p ak.Jam** .-. lp u.al oa sundsvLeave ..snhatt-a Reach at *7 ti. 10:10. Il;i9 A m. Silt

half houriyfrem 14 *.> to 1 ).'.-) p.ia.k i- if sum in- kele ria III-st. ftO rents, notu.Hr* % t».r/.

VIA BAY lill).it.RtesiBerD.R. MARTIN leave* feet sf XV *ill*h»ll.*t. (tir^

taluu* of Ml the aleselad aal ways* U tatty .'tuiJUia. '

ll: lo iv in

Trains leiye Manhattan Beac*! at *4-l_ il) » __ tilheurli frore li 10 a m. io.) IO p a*, aud 10:3. p. tu.

. ltMns marked taus de nut rua un Hislafi.

Kicui-wb TleteU ter asia at all dawa irmee Malleas.af tteKlevat-l Railway* Pttca ttl raniU, lai.ludlng Li«v*ted Rall-wav P-i** sb.I li'e-tv. gi-dMthet way VU Kast SsXiA-st Kerryor Bay Rata..Raggagva ealtel for aad d-lveret betweaa _»*h»Uiv.

R**_-ea- ear aolat lo Nsw York belita-I .th-tl) ac arm

iva liv ita Long ladaad Ktpres*, tte .*_ .apreaiilasto kuhaiiau boat h. Rata, OU ceaU per pleo*.MAONiriCRNT PIRKtrORR- EVERY TCEtDAt.





ROCKAWAY REACn. _,_____.._ISew-Vors. Wt-st-ss-a ead Raakajrar UM.Train, leave a* roRaw* I. I.«'.. a. ¦.. ftttk 1**-. HW

U m. lot, *-03, i (JA AtAO. t:*0.*i.mk1-tA.*tO."uwick.\ Z _S*TO'__> 8^3^-fa*^_fTi*Klattbu-l-av*. *. Bk., Blt t:it. Brklt .»..i, -*. *-*.. ~

2 _it___.tVw-Aft M*. Uiltt. navl^W*}__? n4 TrS_r--i- *__ .*»«__T_vt rt-*1?* *".frt--.'7,47. 8itV: i____^_t_L*/ sb. ta I. I. «Mf-4:Mt»i_..*»"»t-"__^___JL B. tr*. 1 Lit A tB. ate

___U_.J___t^^si_??«_^^rsgUMMK^TOl^_^Mti-Maues-I PBrti-
