A United Strategy For Social Media Marketing In Healthcare Brand Management



A United Strategy For Social Media Marketing in Healthcare Brand Management

Transcript of A United Strategy For Social Media Marketing In Healthcare Brand Management

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Page 2: A United Strategy For Social Media Marketing In Healthcare Brand Management

Name of presentationCompany name

John G. Baresky

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Page 4: A United Strategy For Social Media Marketing In Healthcare Brand Management

• Social Media’s Profile

• Utility for Brands

• Challenges

• A United Strategy

• Rationale

• Brand E-Media Universe

• Social Media Tactics

• Social Media Monitoring

• Brand Website Tactics

• Brand Website Monitoring

• Clinical/Sales Field Applications

• Tactical Integration

• A United Strategy

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• Social media is the evolution of chat rooms and bulletin boards we grew up with on the Internet

• More widely distributed via Blackberry/PDAs, cell phones, podcasts, etc. in addition to conventional computer-based sharing

• Ever-widening number of venues and variety of participants engaged in simultaneous exchange

• Audio/visual content easily accessed and instantly shared

• Participation driven by personal/professional interest and highly individualized purposes

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• Over 80% of physicians use a computer on a daily basis in their practice

and consider it one of their top decision information resource tools

• E-prescribing mandates by commercial insurers and Medicare further

drive physician’s daily interaction with electronic media

• Communicate attributes of your brand/product

• Assess opinions regarding your brand/product

• Learn more of marketplace as focused spectator to activity taking place,

information exchanged and content featured in social media forums

• PhARMA guidelines limiting communication/promotion options

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• C l i n i c a l V i l l a g e

• H e a l t h e v a

• i M e d E x c h a n g e

• M e d i c S p e a k

• M e d i c a l P l e x i s

• O z m o s i s

• P e e r c l i p

• P h y s i c i a n C o n n e c t

• Q u a n t i a M D

• R a d R o u n d s

• R e l a x d o c

• S e r m o

• S o c i a l M D

• S o s i d o

• S t u d e n t D o c t o r N e t w o r k

• S y n d i c o m S p i n e C o n n e c t

• T i r o m e d




Healthcare professional venues increase

by medical specialty and function

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• There are numerous options for healthcare professional brand stakeholders to engage social media

• Some venues dedicated to healthcare professionals are not accessible to marketing interests although sponsorship opportunities exist

• New venues easily developed and widely communicated to potential users, requires ongoing monitoring and prioritization

• Users may fragment their participation between multiple venues and/or migrate en masse to others

• Venues operate according to their own rules/standards

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• Audio, video and text interfaces allow for multiple layers of content and participation across domestic and international markets

• Content, topics and participants readily change

– Your brand may not always have center stage

– Brand’s prominence may not always be assessed/measured

– Participants may not always be brand stakeholders

– You and your brand can’t be everywhere at once

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• Establish your brand’s website as a central base of all Internet marketing


– Fortify its capabilities so it’s equally immersed within social media

– Continuity/transparency across new and established social media

venues is key

• Selectively engage social media preferred by specific physician

specialties and other healthcare professional brand stakeholders

– Consistently position brand in social media through messaging and

content inertia, orient the social media participant to brand’s website

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• As social media options increase and participation widens, the FDA and other agencies will devote more resources to develop guidance/requirements for them

– Clinical/promotional accuracy and continuity is important to centralize and maintain throughout electronic media presence

– Comprehensive information beyond the package insert such as clinical studies, formal presentations and updated interactive content can be easily accessed by healthcare professional stakeholders

– Social media content often fragmented, stakeholders or participants can be guided to brand site’s deeper, clinically-oriented material

– Content can be controlled and participation more directly engaged/monitored via brand website

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• Centralize internet dollar spend on brand site and select social media,

maximize interchange between them

• Significant content capability through brand website may offer more

options than some social media forums (combined audio, text, video,

print-on-demand, etc.)

– Interactive content exchange

– Measurable

– Direct access for analysis

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Your Brand





Connectivity/transparency across new

and established user environments is key

New Venues

Future Interfaces






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• Fortify brand position/value in social media representation

– Limit choice of social media venues based on brand’s highest professional stakeholder participation, focus brand content/resources

– Position the brand in relevance to specific social media venue but minimize dilution of its primary identity/value

– Design applications to also account for social media participants with iPhone, Blackberry, other access points

– All clinical/promotional forays into social media forums are consistently referred or linked to brand’s website

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• Blog sponsorship offers tangible benefits but overexposure in one or more

may lead to “infomercial” portrayals

• Collaborate with your internal clinical/medical staff to monitor physician-

only and other limited access social media venues

– What social media do their practicing counterparts use?

– What is being communicated/shared between them?

– How may they be directly/indirectly reached in the limited access

venue, what are their primary open professional destinations?

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• Continue to assess professional stakeholder participation in the social

media you are directly engaged with

• What does dialogue/interaction consist of, is the brand’s participation and

activity producing value?

• Where are social media participants channeling in/out of your brand’s

website, how is it changing?

• Are other established or emerging social media venues being monitored

showing opportunity for direct participation?

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• Position brand website with an optimum profile for social media

participants to have easy steerage/access to

– Regularly assess search engine optimization, continue to re-optimize

site code

– Implement metatag integration throughout website

– Ensure top organic search potential

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• Fortify brand website, engage professional stakeholders via survey,

advisory boards and other interaction to align content, maintain

contemporary interfaces and provide ongoing new information

– Account for physician, nurse, pharmacist and managed care clinician

interests, determine their website/social media usage and preferences

– Identify optimum ways to meet online resource needs via website and

social media

– Feature wider content, higher degree of interaction, utilize

audio/video/animation capabilities to fullest extent possible

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• Cultivate present/ongoing professional brand stakeholder user

intelligence on social media and website usage through compiling and


– Page hits

– Where viewers are coming from

– Key word effectiveness

– Repeat visitation

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• Augment the brand’s internet and social media presence with clinical and

sales field applications

• As appropriate, develop specific web/social media pilot initiatives

facilitated through clinical and field sales professionals:

– Managed care pull-through support

– Augment communications for product launches

or new indications

– Communicate availability of clinical studies

and interactive presentations

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• Significant utility to reach no-see physicians and other limited access

healthcare professional brand stakeholders

• Highly focus the objectives of these initiatives to avoid impression of

brand/product clutter

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• Strategically position/promote your website and social media presence

– Utilize Marketwire, RSS, Twitter and other messaging /interlinking

conduits to thread your social media placements and website

– Increase prominence of website address in sales collateral, press

releases and other conventional communications

– Integrate website capabilities /social media placements within

conference exhibits and similar venues for clinical/promotional

exchanges and demonstration purposes

– Selectively engage e-mail communications, avoid spamming

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• Directly align brand’s web and social media presence with professional

stakeholder user patterns and needs

• Fortify brand’s website as a base of operations, continually update

content, maximize interchange with targeted social media

• Position brand website as a “go-to” in social media presence

• Concentrate resources, monitor select social media venues for increasing

or decreasing opportunities

• Augment web initiatives with clinical and field sales support

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Name of presentationCompany nameJohn G. Baresky