A study on Preschool children's Body Mass Index

A Study on Pre-School Children’s Body Mass Index T.Mukunthan P.Senevirathna Dept. Early Childhood and Primary Education Faculty of Education The Open University of Sri Lanka 31.03.2012


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Transcript of A study on Preschool children's Body Mass Index

Page 1: A study on Preschool children's Body Mass Index

A Study on Pre-School Children’s Body Mass Index


P.SenevirathnaDept. Early Childhood and Primary Education

Faculty of Education

The Open University of Sri Lanka


Page 2: A study on Preschool children's Body Mass Index

Out Line

• Introduction

• Problem

• Objectives

• Sample

• Data Collection

• Findings

• Conclusions

• Recommendations

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• Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person’s weight and height

• BMI = Weight in Kilograms (Height in Meters) x (Height in Meters)

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Introduction ( Continue)

• BMI is a reliable indicator of body fatness for most children and teens

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Introduction (Cont.)

Category BMI RangeUnder Weight less than 18.5

Normal Weight 18.5 to 24.9

Over Weight 25 to 29.9

obesity more than 30

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• Overweight in children has become a matter of growing concern

• In developed societies, several studies have shown increasing numbers of overweight children

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• To find the pre-school children’s BMI category

• To find the relationship between the students’ BMI and their family background.

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Sample(Children belong to 4 years and 5 years age range)

Gender Pre school

Boys Girls Total

1 31 34 65

2 29 32 61

Total 60 32 126

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Data Collection Methods

The children’s weight and height were measured in kilo gram (kg) and meter

BMI calculated used the formulaBMI =             Weight in Kilograms             

(Height in Meters) x (Height in Meters)

Students Social information collected by the interview of the parents and teachers

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Under Weight

40(31%) 51(40%) 91(71%)

Normal 18(14%) 13(10%) 31(24%)

Over Weight

02(1.6%) 04(3.4%) 06(5%)

Total 60 68 12804/12/23 Faculty of Education-OUSL 10

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BMI Category Pecentage

Under Weight

Normal Weight

Over Weight

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BMI Category and Gender








Low Weight Normal Weight Over Weight



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BMI Vs. Social background

• 85% of the children out of the low weight stay at the day care centres after the school hours. Both parents these children are go to work

• Only 2% of the children out of the underweight categories are staying at the daycare centers

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BMI Vs. Social background

• 92% of the children under low weight category come from high socio-economic states family

• 82% of the children from the normal weight category are from the low income families

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• These results indicate that, more students are in the underweight category

• Most of the children staying at the daycare centres are in the underweight category

• Children’s BMI is not dependent in family income

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• Conduct awareness Programme to the Parents with the help officials from the MOH office.

• Prepare diet list for children and give to the parents

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