A Step-by-step guide to installing and configuring your ... WI-FI/gui… · wifi bridge thinks it...

A Step-by-step Guide to Installing and Configuring your Vonets VAP11G Wifi Bridge (c) 2011 Zarar Iqbal D0033 21/6/2011

Transcript of A Step-by-step guide to installing and configuring your ... WI-FI/gui… · wifi bridge thinks it...

Page 1: A Step-by-step guide to installing and configuring your ... WI-FI/gui… · wifi bridge thinks it is talking to a wired connection. ... A Vonets 11g wifi bridge 6. A Vonets installation

A Step-by-stepGuide to

Installing andConfiguringyour VonetsVAP11G Wifi


(c) 2011 Zarar Iqbal

D 0 0 3 3 2 1 / 6 / 2 0 1 1

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About this guide

he main aim of this guide is to guide youthrough putting your wireless network ID ontoyour wifi bridge.

The configuration program which comes on the diskincluded with your wifi bridge takes you through threesimple steps, after which your wifi bridge is ready togo.

To configure your wifi bridge , you first plug it into aPC and run the included CD from the PC. After this,you can then plug your wifi bridge into any internet -capable device and that device will be able to connectquite happily to the wireless network of your choice!

This guide has been written to make easier the proc-ess of configuring you wifi bridge for the first time. Wehave tried to write it as simply and thoroughly as possi-ble so that it is easy for most customers to understand.

I t is a response to our customers who have raisedquestions regarding the wifi bridge and how to config-ure and use.

We hope it provides you with useful support. If youhave any suggestions for improvements, or it does notanswer all of your questions, please don’t hesitate tolet us know. As the customer, you come first! Don’tworry—you can contact us directly or by message andwe’ll take you step-by-step through the process of set-ting up your wifi bridge. Hopefully, this guide shouldhelp you sufficiently, but if not, you can find our con-tact details at the back of this guide.


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What the bridge does


The wifi bridge takes signals from your wired device,e.g . Satellite box, game console, and turns them intowireless signals your wireless router understands.

I t acts as a bridge between your chosen device andyour wireless network. The device connected to thewifi bridge thinks it is talking to a wired connection.

The wifi bridge turns your chosen device into awireless device.

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The wifi bridge works up to a range of 30 metres,and its signal strength is the same as any other wirelessdevice you might use, such as a laptop computer,

Range of transmission

which may vary according to physical conditions, suchas metal structures, walls the atmosphere, and time ofday.

The wifi bridge saves you the time, expense and dis-turbance of install ing lengthy cables throughout yourhouse.

I t also gives you with the f lexibil ity of being able tomove devices throughout your house easily, l ike anyother wireless -enabled devices, whether they are print-ers, gaming consoles, satellite receivers or desktopPC’s, etc.

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The power adapter socket

At the end of the wifi bridge are two wires. At theside of the base of the wires is a small hole. This is thepower adapter socket. This socket takes a poweradapter connector and can be used to power the wifi

bridge if the device to which it is connected doesn’thave enough power.

The power socket is also used with devices that arealready powered by a 12 volt power adapter.

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The USB connectorThe USB connector on the wifi bridge provides the

wifi bridge with electricity. The wifi bridge does notuse the USB connector to send data.

The wifi bridge’s USB connector fits onto the end ofa power connector. You can pull off the USB connectorto reveal the power connector.

If your target device already uses a power adapter,then to power both your device and the wif i bridge, plugyour device’s power connector into the wif i bridge andplug the wif i bridge’s power connector into your device.

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The yellow/orange light

This l ights up when the wifi bridge is receivingpower. If the wifi bridge has nor been configured, thelight wil l be solid, i.e. not f lashing . If the wifi bridgehas been paired successfully with your PC, the lightwill f lash on and off. We will come onto this more laterin the guide.

This l ight comes on shortly after you have success-fully configured your wifi bridge with a network. Itflashes when the wifi bridge it is transmitting data to anetwork.

The blue light

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Installation requirements

The installation software will work on Windows 7,Windows Vista and Windows XP. These instructionswere designed using a PC running Windows 7

You will need:

Access to a PC running Windows 7 with1. an RJ45 (internet) socket2. a USB port supplying 12V current*3. An active internet connection4. A wireless router with an active internet connec-

tion (which can be secured or unsecured)

You’ll also need:

5. A Vonets 11g wifi bridge6. A Vonets installation disk7. The target device that you want to make wire-

less, e.g . game console, satellite receiver. Thedevice must have:

A. A USB port with 12V supply*B. An RJ45 (internet) socket

* I f you don’t have a USB por t wi th 12V power, you’ l l need to buy a poweradapter to supply power to the wif i br idge. These can be bought cheaply oneBay, f rom Argos and your local e lectr ica l / e lectronic reta i ler .

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Check for ports and power

Your PC and target device must have the correctports, sockets and electricity supply. In some cases, de-vices don’t have what is needed to make your wifibridge work.

To make sure all devices have what is needed, youare now going to perform some simple checks. This willalso show whether or not your wifi bridge is poweringup.

First, you need to check the USB port on your PC.

To do this:

• Plug your wifi bridge’s USB connector into theUSB port on your PC

• Plug your wifi bridge’s RJ45 connector into yourPC’s RJ45 socket

• Wait a few seconds.

> I f a yellow/orange l ight f lashes inside the wifibridge, it means that your USB post supplies enoughpower to the wifi bridge.

> I f a yellow/orange l ight does not flash inside thewifi bridge, you will either need to use a different port(on a different PC if necessary) and fail ing this, youwill need to use a 12 volt external power adapter topower the device.

Next, repeat this power-checking process by plug-ging your USB connector into the target device.

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Installing the disk software

What’s on the disk supplied with the wifi bridgeThe software on the mini CD disk comes in four

parts: the autorun menu, a user manual which is inPDF format and which you can view and print out, aprogram installer for the configuration uti lity and aprogram installer for the drivers required to allow thewifi bridge to communicate with your PC.

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The installation menu

Put the CD into the PC’s CD player. A menu shouldappear (see picture below) on your screen shortly afterthe disk has been inserted.

> If a menu does not appear , access the files on thedisk (see below) from the Computer icon on your desk-top and click on the application called, ‘autorun’ (seebelow). After clicking on this application’s icon, a

menu shoulda p p e a r o nyour screen.

First use of the disk

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There are two menu options at the top of the menu.Each option is for a different version of Windows.

> To check which version ofWindows you are using , rightclick on the ‘My Computer ’/‘Computer ’ icon on your desk-top.

Select ‘Properties’ from thecontext menu that appears.

A box containing systeminformation will appear.Among this informationshould be the name of theversion of Windows youare using , i.e., WindowsXP, Windows Vista or inthis case, Windows 7.

The installation onscreen menu

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Installing the softwareThis process is relatively straight -forward, so to save

time, no pictures are shown: the process involves a se-ries of clicks on ‘Next’ buttons and so forth. Don’tworry because you don’t see any friendly pictureshere: again - the process is very straight -foward.

The installer program box

Once you have selected an option from the on-screen menu, the installer program brings up a boxwhich reads,

‘Welcome to the VAP11G configure forWIN7/VISTA/WINXP Setup.’

Click Next>

Accepting the licence agreement

Accept the licence agreement to proceed with theinstallation.

Click Next>

Selecting the installation directory

Select the appropriate directory in which to installthe software.

Click Next>

(By defau lt , the di rectory i s set to the Program f i les d i rectory . I f you havetr ied to ins ta l l the sof tware before , a box wi l l appear ask ing i f you want tooverwri te the a lready ins ta l led sof tware. Cl ick Yes )

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Naming the Start Menu program folder name

The software will ask you for a name for the folderthat wil l appear in the Start menu Programs folder. Bydefault this is set to VONETS VAP11G. You can leavethis as it is or change it.

When you’re done, click Next>

Confirmation of the settings

The program will now say it is ready to install andshow you a l ist of all the settings you have agreed to sofar. Read the details on the list.

If you are happy with these, click ‘Next’.

Installation of the configuration program

The installer program will now install the configura-tion program to the folder you have specified. Thisshould take about five seconds.

Completion of the installation of the configurationprogram and installation of Wincap

Once installation is complete, a box will appear tell-ing you that the installation process was successful.

IMPORTANT: Before you click Finish, pay attentionto the lower left -hand corner of the box. There is acheck box with the words, ‘Install Wincap. Wincap isrequired for the VAP11G configure software to runproperly!’ Make sure this box is ticked and Click‘Finish’.

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Phew! Well done! You’ve almost completed the in-stallation of the configuration software!

Just a l ittle further to go!

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Installing WinCap

Your PC also needs a program called WinCap toconfigure the wifi bridge, so we are now going to in-stall this.

The WinCap program details box

When the WinCap installer program runs, a box ap-pears with the details of the WinCap program, such asthe version and software producers.

Click Next >

Welcome message

Next, a welcome message appears, tell ing you thatthe installer is going to install the WinCap program onyour PC.

Click Next >

Agreement box

Next, an agreement box appears. To proceed, youmust click on ‘I Agree’.

System information box

Next, a box containing system information appears.

Click Install.

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Software installation

The installer software then installs the WinCap con-figuration software. This takes about ten seconds.

After installation of the configuration software

After installation, a confirmation message appears toconfirm that the WinCap software has been installedonto your PC. Click Finish.

Installation takes about 10 seconds

You can now remove the disk. You are ready to usethe configuration program to configure your wifi bridgeusing your PC so it will work with your target deviceand your wireless network.

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Now you’ve installed the configuration software, youmust use that software and your PC to put your wire-

less network ID onto your wifi bridge.

That’s what we’re going to do next!

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Configuring the wifi bridge

Connect the wifi bridge to your PC

Make sure that you have followed the instructions sofar and that your wifi bridge is connected to your PCand that your wifi bridge is receiving power.

Run the configuration program

Locate the VONETS VAP11Gfolder in the Start Menu (ifyou chose a different foldername, then locate this folderin the start menu). Configura-tion happens in three shortsteps.

Configuration - Step 1

• The program looks forthe wifi bridge

• The program will runand a box will appearon the screen.

> A message appears say-ing that the program is look-ing for the wifi bridge.

> When the program has f inished looking for the

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wifi bridge, it will display a l ist of the wifi bridges ithas found.

> This information is displayed in two columns. Onecolumn is for the name of the wif i bridge and the secondcolumn is for the MAC address (unique ID number) ofthe wifi bridge.

> There should beone entry in the box,which is the entry foryour wifi bridge.

PROBLEM: If there isno entry, fol low the ad-vice found in FAQ’s,question 7.

Once the configura-tion program has foundyour wifi bridge, useyour mouse to moveyour cursor up to the en-try for your wifi bridge and then click the Next button.

Configuration - Step 2The wif i bridge can only work if i t is connected to a

wireless network. It cansee all the networks inrange, but it can only con-nect to one network at atime. At stage 2 of configu-rat ion, the wif i br idgelooks for al l the wirelessnetworks in range, so thatyou can select one networkto which you can pair thewifi bridge to. You then se-lect the network you wantto wirelessly connect to.

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> Once the wifi bridgehas found all the net-works in range, thesewill be listed in the twocolumns displayed.

> Use your mouse tomove the cursor to thenetwork you want toselect and click on thatnetwork. Click the Nextbutton.

> I f your network does not appear, click on the re-fresh button.

> If after refreshing , your network does not appearin the list, check your wireless router to make sure it isswitched on.

> If you have done all this and stil l , there is no en-try for your network, then follow the advice given forquestion 7 in FAQs.

Secure networks

Some networks require what is called a ‘WEP key ’ .This is another code which your wireless router uses tostop unauthorised people gaining access to your wire-less network. All devices, e.g ., PC, printer, wifi bridge,which connect to your secure wireless network using awireless connection, i.e., not a wired connection, mustknow the WEP key (security code) of that secured wire-less router in order to connect to it.

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Going back to step2 of configuration,there is a column inthe configuration ta-ble titled, ‘Security ’.If a detected wirelessnetwork has no secu-rity code associatedwith it, the word,‘None, appears in thiscolumn. If a networkis secure, the word,’WEP’ appears in thiscolumn.

Selecting a network

For both secure and non-secure networks, to pro-ceed to step 3 of the configuration, you must select anetwork from the list to which you want to connect.

> So now, move your cursor with your mouse up tothe network you want to connect to and click on it.Then click Next at the bottom of the window.

Entering the WEP key

If you selected a non-secure network, the configura-tion program will proceed to step three of the configu-ration process, and we will come onto that in a mo-ment.

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If the network youhave selected is se-cure, you will bepresented with abox in which to in-sert your WEP key*.

If you have the WEPkey for the wirelessnetwork which youselected at step 2,enter the WEP keyin the ‘Key 1’ boxand click ‘Next’,


Step 3 - Confirmation of settings

This is the simplest part ofconfiguration. At this step, abox appears which shows theo l d s e t t i n g s on t h e w i f ibr idge** ( in the le f t -handbox) and the new settingswhich you have just enteredat steps 1 and 2 (in the right -hand box).

> I f you agree with thechanges, click ‘Next’.

*Your WEP key i s a code. I t can be found usual ly wri t ten somewhere onyour wire less router . I f you cannot locate i t , speak with your in ternet pro-v ider / ins ta l ler for fur ther di rect ion. You wi l l need th i s to pair your wi f ibr idge and make i t work with your wire less router .** I f th is i s the f i r s t t ime you are conf igur ing your wi f i br idge , the o ld set -t ings you wi l l see wi l l be the ones we used to tes t the wif i br idge on ourwire les s ne twork back here at IWant1Too HQ.

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At this point, the configuration program brings up amessage congratulating you on configuring your wifibridge:

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Connecting your wifi bridge toa power source

Once you have configured the device, i .e. You have putyour wireless network’s information onto the wifi bridge,you are ready to connect the wifi bridge to your chosendevice, e.g ., game console, satel li te receiver, printer, etc.

Step 1: Poweringthe wifi bridge

Plug the usb con-nector of the wifibridge into the USBport of the chosendevice.

> If your chosendevice does not havea USB port, pull offthe USB connectorand insert the powerconnector underneathinto the power socket of yourchosen device.

> If your chosen devicehas neither a USB port nor apower socket, you wil l needto use an external 12v powersupply* and insert i ts powerconnec to r i n to t he ho le(power socket) at the base ofthe wifi bridge.

* Externa l power suppl ies are cheap and can be purchased f rom most e lec-t r ica l suppl ier s , such as those on eBay and on the high s t reet , such as Argos

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Step 2: Making thedata connection

Insert the RJ45 connec-tor of the wifi bridgeinto the RJ45 socket ofyour chosen device.

Step 3: Switch on your chosen device.

Step 4: After several seconds, the wifi bridge l ights wil lstart f lashing . This means that your wifi bridge is receivingand transmitting information and is working properly.

Step 5: Wait about 30 seconds for communications be-tween your wifi bridge and your wireless network to benormalised.

Step 6: Congratulations! You have now made your cho-sen device wireless!

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Here are some customers questions regarding the wifibridge. Note that we test each bridge before we sendit out to make sure that it works.

1. Will the wifi bridge work with my.....?

> If your device has an RJ45 connection socket,which it uses to connect to the internet, then YESwifi bridge will work with it. You may need a sepa-rate 12 volt power supply to power your wifibridge if your chosen device needs more or lessvoltage than this, but ultimately, the wifi bridgewill work with an RJ45-capable device.

> If your chosen device does not have an RJ45 con-nection socket, then – NO, the wifi bridge will notwork with your chosen device.

2. I f I purchase this, will I receive my Sky AnytimePlus service from Sky once I subscribe?

> We have no contract with Sky to supply their ser-vices. This device takes signals supplied by any de-vice that can connect to the internet and sends thesignals it receives from the device to which it is at-tached as a wireless internet signal which can bepicked up by a wireless internet network receiver.

3. I would like to connect my i -can HD set top boxto my wireless internet using its ethernet port. Yourpicture appears to show two plugs. One would gointo i-can's ethernet socket. What is the other for,please?

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> The other connector is a USB connector which de-rives power from the device to which the wifibridge is connected. Underneath the USB connec-tor is a regular power adapter connector, in caseyou do not have a USB port on your device.

4. What is the length of the wires?

> Each wire is 30cm in length, therefore the com-bined reach of both wires is 60cm or 0.6m (justover half a metre or 2 ft)

5. When I run the configuration program, and try toconfigure the wifi bridge I get a message saying ,‘NIC not found’.

> Disable your wireless connection on your PC andthen re-run the wifi bridge configuration software.Make sure your wired connection is activated. Youshould not receive the message this time and theconfiguration software should be able to configurethe wifi bridge to your wireless network with no is-sues.

6. Why does the ‘NIC not found’ message appear?

> The wifi bridge emits wireless signals, so you mustmake sure that any device to which it is attachedhas its wireless capability turned OFF (this mainlyconcerns PCs which can have both wired and wire-less connections at the same time) and its wiredinternet connection turned ON. Failing to do thiswill prevent the wifi bridge from being installed orworking properly and you will receive this error

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7. The yellow light comes on, but the configurationprogramme cannot detect the wifi bridge.

> Sometimes Windows needs a refresh of connec-tions that are already active. When this happens,deactivate your wired connection and then reacti-vate it. After you have done this. Remove the wifibridge from your PC and reconnect it. Try step oneof the configuration program again and hopefullythis time, the program should be able to detect thewifi bridge.

8. My wifi bridge does not light up when I plug itinto the USB port. I don’t think the USB port hasany power coming out of it.

> In this case, you will need to purchase a separate12v power supply. These are cheap enough andyou can get them on eBay and at most electricalretailers, such as Argos. To power the wifi bridgeusing a power adaptor, fit the power adapter ’spower connector into the hole (power socket) nextto the base of the wires on the wifi bridge. Thiswill power the USB.

> If your chosen device already has a power adapter,you can insert the power adapter socket into thewifi bridge, pull off the wifi bridge’s USB connec-tor and insert the wifi bridge power connectorconcealed underneath the USB connector into yourchosen device’s power socket.

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Abdul MajeedI Want 1 TooLyons of BradfordFlorence StreetGreenhil l MillsBradfordYorkshireBD3 8EX

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