A shared horizon Reconciliation Action Plan - Deloitte US Reconciliation Action Plan Deloitte’s...

A shared horizon Reconciliation Action Plan

Transcript of A shared horizon Reconciliation Action Plan - Deloitte US Reconciliation Action Plan Deloitte’s...

A shared horizon Reconciliation Action Plan

About Deloitte

In Australia, the member firm is the Australian partnership of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and its affiliates (together Deloitte Australia) has more than 520 partners with close to 6,000 people located in 16 offices across the country.

Deloitte Australia provides a broad range of audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients. It has expertise that spans industry sectors including automotive; consumer business; energy & resources; financial services; government services; life sciences & health care; manufacturing; real estate; and technology, media & telecommunications.

Our vision for reconciliation

Deloitte Australia aims to work in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to offer leadership, enhance respect and understanding, and to create opportunities in the communities in which we live and operate. Aligning with our Diversity Policy, this program articulates our commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We aspire to the following goals:

1. Respect and build trust in our relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other local stakeholders where we operate and serve the local community

2. Communicate openly with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities

3. Assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in identifying positive economic development opportunities

4. Promote business opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

5. Increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural awareness and cultural safety education throughout our business

6. Provide a working environment that is supportive of all employees

7. Encourage the participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned business enterprises in our procurement processes.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan

Deloitte’s inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) makes tangible the firm’s intent to further engage and collaborate with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia. We have many existing links with Australia’s First Peoples, be it through the advice we provide to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations, our presence with offices in places where we interact with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, our procurement arrangements or our long-standing support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander initiatives and organisations through The Deloitte Foundation.

Our first RAP is an opportunity to develop a stronger and clearer vision; to excite and encourage the participation of our 6,000 people; to build on what we do as a large and important business to contribute to reconciliation; and play a part in ensuring all Australians share in the best of what our country has to offer. We want to make a contribution to, and learn from, Australia’s First Peoples and acknowledge their place in our history and culture and their future part in making Australia a proud and successful nation.

Our first RAP is built on strong foundations. Deloitte is a values-driven organisation. Living our culture is one of the five pillars of Deloitte’s corporate vision. We work to the highest standards of integrity and ethics in all we do, reinforced through our quality programs, and training and awareness initiatives. Importantly, we understand the value of diversity and extending opportunity to all our people, as evidenced by Deloitte’s extensive recognition in this arena: consistently voted Employer of Choice for Women by the Australian Government’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA); Inclusive Workplace of the Year, Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI), 2012. We believe we can leverage our culture and values towards making our RAP an effective, living set of actions and outcomes.

Our RAP responds to Reconciliation Australia’s invitation to address three areas: relationships, respect and opportunities. We intend to put a particular focus on two potentially high impact areas of activity that relate to our sphere of influence:

• Leveraging Deloitte’s diverse service offerings to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples build governance and business capacity in their organisations as the basis for the empowerment and advancement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Our RAP includes an initiative through the Community and Social stream of our Responsible Business agenda to devote a part of our pro bono and skilled volunteering program towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their organisations

• Scoping the potential for a project to build evidence of Native Title successes and failures in strengthening communities and delivering employment, improved health and education. A successful study would provide a vital foundation for informing the current Federal Government’s policy initiatives in pursuit of improved outcomes for Indigenous Australia. This approach draws on the capacities of Deloitte Access Economics in evaluation and welfare analysis.

We at Deloitte look forward to the opportunities afforded by our first Reconciliation Action Plan to strengthen links with Australia’s First People and help build capacity of their communities and organisations. We are excited by what lies ahead.

Action Responsibility Timelines Measurable target

Establish a RAP Working Group comprising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians from within and outside of Deloitte (e.g. Diversity, Procurement and other professionals with relevant experience), including the leader of Oxfam’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs

Working Group Chair Ongoing – operative since October 2013

Committee established, meeting at least six times per annum

Continue established community partnerships with not-for-profits that have Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander specific programs in education, health, women’s rights, capacity building, economic development and community empowerment

Director, Responsible Business

Ongoing – operative Current partnerships: Oxfam, Yalari, The Smith Family, World Vision, Red Cross, Association for the Blind (WA), Princess Margaret Hospital, The Reach Foundation, the Salvation Army, UNICEF, Good Return, Dress for Success Sydney

Build relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and individuals in suitable locations via pro bono work and core business (see Opportunities section)

Working Group and the Brisbane, Darwin and Perth offices

October 2014 Identify three target communities/groups (drawing on Deloitte’s geographic footprint in the NT, QLD, WA and Western Sydney) and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and where Deloitte has existing relationships

Develop relationships with contacts involved in Indigenous affairs in the private sector, government and not-for-profits

Partner located in Northern Australia

June 2015 Identify three target communities/groups (drawing on Deloitte’s geographic footprint in the NT, QLD, WA and Western Sydney) and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations where Deloitte has existing relationships

Celebrate National Reconciliation Week (NRW)

Working Group Chair 27 May-3 June 2015 Hold at least three significant activities in Deloitte offices to recognise and celebrate NRW

Deloitte recognises that relationships are absolutely vital as we are a people business. This is established through our continuing Making Moments Matter program, of which three aspects particularly epitomise the importance we place on collaborative and ongoing relationships; walk in their shoes (empathy), work it together (collaboration) and change the lens (perspective).


Action Responsibility Timelines Measurable target

Develop relationships with contacts involved in Indigenous affairs in the private sector, government and not-for-profits

Partner, Public Sector Group

December 2014 Conduct two meetings over a period of 12 months with key Government bodies and private sector representatives to expand existing RAP partnerships and identify new partnerships

Identify internal RAP champions in each Deloitte office; develop action plans for RAP champions

Diversity Manager September 2014 RAP champions in all 13 officesRAP champions to promote the RAP within their office and actively encourage participation in local initiatives

Map Deloitte capability and existing relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations using our CRM platform, supplier database, and partner/staff survey

Senior Consultant, Responsible Business

September 2014 Research completed and results fed into other relevant activities contained in RAP


Action Responsibility Timelines Measurable target

Scope methods to promote cultural awareness among staff and partnerships (e.g. through Korin Gamadji Institute, NCIE, online cultural awareness training: Lunch ‘n’ Learn sessions)

Diversity Manager December 2015 Set up a Yammer group Identify appropriate cultural training provider

Raise awareness across the organisation on the consistent and appropriate use of Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians

Diversity Manager/Working Group Chair

June 2015 Develop an organisational protocol for Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians Develop a communication plan to raise awareness of the protocol

Celebrate NAIDOC Week. Scope the potential to showcase the art of Australia’s First People in all Corporate Hospitality areas during NAIDOC week

Partner, Public Sector Group/RAP champions

December 2014 Host at least one internal event each year during NAIDOC WeekExamine Deloitte’s HR policies to determine that there are no barriers for Deloitte’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and partners accessing leave to celebrate NAIDOC week

Provide access and ongoing promotion of the Reconciliation Australia ‘Share our Pride’ website to continue to raise awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures and histories

Communications Manager, Responsible Business

October 2014 Access provided via Deloitte Foundation pages on DAIS and Deloitte.com.au

Review Deloitte’s Getting Started @ Deloitte Induction program to include information on Deloitte’s commitment to reconciliation

Diversity Manager September 2014 Content embedded in induction material

Investigate scope for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander names for meeting rooms in Deloitte offices

Head of Corporate Sourcing

September 2014 Decision on whether to re-name selected meeting rooms and implementation plan in a number of Deloitte offices

Deloitte has a diversity and inclusion policy to recognise the importance of creating an environment which supports and values diversity. This is underpinned by respect for all individuals, regardless of gender, disability, religion, education, age, socio economic background, language, sexual orientation, or cultural background. We are committed to improving our understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures and history as part of this broader diversity policy through the ‘respect’ action items on the RAP.


Action Responsibility Timelines Measurable target

Develop a strategy for ensuring that part of Deloitte’s volunteer and pro bono work includes a focus on building partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures and organisations. This strategy should be built around capacity building, and development of lasting relationships. For example, this would include:• Making businesses and not-for-

profits more sustainable• Assistance with start-ups • Leadership training.

Working Group Chair/Director, Responsible Business

December 2014 Specified number of organisations supported

Specified value of pro bono assistance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations

Monitor the recruitment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and partners

Diversity Manager July 2014 Ensure an effective process to monitor recruitment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and partners

Revise Induction checklist to encourage all employees to update their personal details via ESS, specifically around identification as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander staff member

Scope opportunities to promote greater participation by Australia’s First people in accountancy training and jobs through collaboration with the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia (ICAA)

Director, Procurement/Consulting ICAA contact

September 2014 Discussions held with ICAA

Scope the prospects for a project to study Native Title outcomes

Partner, Deloitte Access Economics

September 2014 Scoping complete and decision made on whether study achievable

‘Creating opportunities’ will be embedded throughout existing services within Deloitte, such as The Deloitte Foundation and Deloitte Access Economics, to ensure we provide opportunities to grow and learn together across a range of areas that can involve many staff and partners, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations. This integrated approach will be collaborative for mutual knowledge sharing and understanding.

Action Responsibility Timelines Measurable target

Expand supplier diversity through:• Work with Supply Nation to identify

appropriate suppliers to include in Deloitte procurement tenders

• Strategic sourcing to attend Supply Nation training and networking events

• Second tiering – using our existing supply chain to influence key suppliers to engage with Supply Nation

• Meetings with key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander business representatives to share procurement experience and learning – and building strategies for increased engagement.

Head of Corporate Sourcing

September 2014 Build relationships by hosting one Supply Nation relationship development function per year

Facilitate one meeting per year between senior leaders of Supply Nation and key suppliers at C-Suite Level

‘Mentor Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in business, the public sector and other positions of leadership’

Diversity Manager December 2014 Explore the possibility of incorporating greater support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women into our Inspiring Women Initiative

Applying Deloitte’s and the Deloitte Foundation’s expertise in social innovation to the benefit of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations

Director, Responsible Business

November 2014 Four contestants in Changemaker’s Festival ‘Social innovation pitch night’ type events

Tracking progress and reporting

Action Responsibility Timelines Measurable target

Publicise RAP through various internal and external communication channels

Communications Manager, Responsible Business

September 2014 Publicity undertaken

Present annual progress at significant Deloitte events

Working Group Partner Reported April 2015 Report progress on RAP at major Deloitte events

Report on RAP annual progress internally and externally

Working Group Chair/Working Group Secretary

Reported June 2015 Report produced

New area created on DAIS (our intranet) within Diversity section to include a copy of RAP, and kept updated with relevant articles/materials

Complete and submit Reconciliation Australia’s annual Impact Measurement Questionnaire at the end of our first 12 month RAP period

RAP to be reviewed annually Working Group Chair/Working Group Secretary

Reported April 2015 RAP to be reviewed with Working Group and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders

RAP to be refreshed annually Working Group Chair/Working Group Secretary

Reported June 2015 Review to be approved by Reconciliation Australia and made available internally and externally

Include highlights of RAP annual progress within Deloitte’s Annual Responsible Business Report

Director, Responsible Business

Reported April 2015 Relevant details included in Responsible Business Report

We at Deloitte look forward to the opportunities afforded by our first Reconciliation Action Plan to strengthen links with Australia’s First People and help build capacity of their communities and organisations. We are excited by what lies ahead.

This publication contains general information only, and none of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, its member firms, or their related entities (collectively the “Deloitte Network”) is, by means of this publication, rendering professional advice or services.

Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your finances or your business, you should consult a qualified professional adviser. No entity in the Deloitte Network shall be responsible for any loss whatsoever sustained by any person who relies on this publication.

About Deloitte

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see www.deloitte.com/au/about for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms.

Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte brings world-class capabilities and high-quality service to clients, delivering the insights they need to address their most complex business challenges. Deloitte has in the region of 200,000 professionals, all committed to becoming the standard of excellence.

About Deloitte Australia

In Australia, the member firm is the Australian partnership of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. As one of Australia’s leading professional services firms, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and its affiliates provide audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services through approximately 6,000 people across the country. Focused on the creation of value and growth, and known as an employer of choice for innovative human resources programs, we are dedicated to helping our clients and our people excel. For more information, please visit Deloitte’s web site at www.deloitte.com.au.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

© 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.



Dennis GoldnerRAP Working Group ChairMobile: 0414 999 041email: [email protected]