A REVISION OF TRICHANTHA (GESNERIACEAE) Conrad V. Morton The small genus Trichantha Hooker, composed of small, epiphytic herbs or subshrubs with red or red and yellow striped, conspicuous flowers, grows in the mountains of Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador. A member of the African violet family, it was described in 1844 based on two new species, each known from single collections made by Thomas Lobb from unspecified localities in Colombia. The genus has remained one of the least known of the Gesneriaceae. It was originally distinguished from Columnea and AUoplectus primarily by the presence of small, clavate appendages borne on the corolla tube at the base of the sinuses of the lobes of the limb. These appendages, conspicuous in the living plants but not always obvious in dried material, are of unknown function. Hanstein 1 reduced Trichantha to a synonym of Colum1l<1a sect. Stenanthus. Bentham and Hooker retained it as a distinct genus, placed betwoon Columnea and AUopl ectus, noting that in some char- acters it was closer to AUoplectus than Columnea. Fritsch in 1897 (in Engler and Prantl, Die N atiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien) expressed the same opinion. No other species have ever been described in Trichantlta. However, in 1959 I described a cultivated plant as Columnea moorei,' placing it in the section Systelostema rather than Stenanthus because of the leaves being in equal rather than unequal pairs. I did not observe any appendages on the corolla tube, although there is a tuft of hairs in the sinuses where the appendages would be, but Dr. H. E. Moore, who has material growing in the Bailey Hortorium did observe minute appendages in living plants. He subsequently sent me some fresh flowers and I was able to see them too, although it must be admitted that they are extremely minute, almost aborted, and might be overlooked by anyone not definitely searching for them. The presence of appendages indicated a probable relationship be- tween C. moorei and Trichantha. I Lfnnua 34 : 387. 18& . • Balleya 7:65. 1


Conrad V. Morton
The small genus Trichantha Hooker, composed of small, epiphytic herbs or subshrubs with red or red and yellow striped, conspicuous flowers, grows in the mountains of Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador. A member of the African violet family, it was described in 1844 based on two new species, each known from single collections made by Thomas Lobb from unspecified localities in Colombia. The genus has remained one of the least known of the Gesneriaceae. It was originally distinguished from Columnea and AUoplectus primarily by the presence of small, clavate appendages borne on the corolla tube at the base of the sinuses of the lobes of the limb. These appendages, conspicuous in the living plants but not always obvious in dried material, are of unknown function.
Hanstein 1 reduced Trichantha to a synonym of Colum1l<1a sect. Stenanthus. Bentham and Hooker retained it as a distinct genus, placed betwoon Columnea and AUoplectus, noting that in some char­ acters it was closer to AUoplectus than Columnea. Fritsch in 1897 (in Engler and Prantl, Die N atiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien) expressed the same opinion.
No other species have ever been described in Trichantlta. However, in 1959 I described a cultivated plant as Columnea moorei,' placing it in the section Systelostema rather than Stenanthus because of the leaves being in equal rather than unequal pairs. I did not observe any appendages on the corolla tube, although there is a tuft of hairs in the sinuses where the appendages would be, but Dr. H. E. Moore, who has material growing in the Bailey Hortorium did observe minute appendages in living plants. He subsequently sent me some fresh flowers and I was able to see them too, although it must be admitted that they are extremely minute, almost aborted, and might be overlooked by anyone not definitely searching for them. The presence of appendages indicated a probable relationship be­ tween C. moorei and Trichantha.
I Lfnnua 34:387. 18& . • Balleya 7:65. I~".
Subsequently, Dr. Moore described another cultivated plant as Oolumnea illepida Moore.' This species, quite unlike any previously known species of Trichantha, was also placed in sect. Trichantha on the basis of the presence of appendages on the corolla tube.
A search through the vast quantity of unnamed Gesneriaceae in the U.S. National Herbarium hrought to light eight additional species of the most varied nature in regard to the habit, leaves, calyx, and corolla but all with appendages on the corolla. My opinion as to whether all these plt,nts are properly associated by this one character has regularly varied . It is conceivable that these appendages have originated independently in several unrelated groups. On the other hand after now having "Titten careful descriptions of all of them and having thought deeply about them, I believe that they do belong together. Although they are varied I cannot find that anyone of them seems to be more closely related to !tny species of another group of Columnea or Alloplectus than to each other.
I have veered from this way to that also in regard to the question of including Trichantha in Columnca. The difficulty is that the sec­ tions of Oolumnea are based partly on the character of whether tbe leaves of a pair are equal or strongly unequal. But in my species of Trichantha both kinds of leaves occur, and it" species would therefore have to be distributed between two sections, of Columnea (sect. Stenanthus and Systelostoma) or else Trichantha retained as a section based on the single character of corolla appendages with lear characters varying as they do not in other sections of Oolumnea, an uncomfort­ able situation. It may be that the lear characters used in Columnea are not fundamental and should be abandoned as sectional characters, but I am not as yet prepared to go that far.
Another objection to retaining Trichantha as a section of Columnea is that it really does have relationships with Alloplectus, especially in the character of the quadrate or broa.der thnn long anthers. The anthers of Oolumnea are, at least typically, oblong. Some species of Allopleclus sens. lat. to be sure do also have oblong authers, but in­ vestigation may show that these species are referahle to Drymonia or perhaps represent a distinct geuus Erythranthus.
Inasmuch as tbe question of generic limits in this group of Gesneri­ aceae is still controversial , it seems to me wisest to rctain TrichanJ.ha as a genus, witb the full realiza.tion tbat further research will very likely bring some realignments. The number of essentially unknown described species and tbe number of undescribed species, particularly from Colombia, is so large that any attempt at generic or sectional readjustment would be premature.
IBatley. 8:56. 19&().
Genus Trichantha
Trichantha Hook. Icon. Plant. 3: 1.666. 1844. Columnea sect. Trichantha Kuntze in Post &: Kuntze, Lex. PI. Pho.n. 136. 1904.
Small more or less scandent epiphytic subshrubs or succulent, shrublikc herbs, with slender, usually hirsute stems, these often radicant, unbranched above the base; leaves of a pair equal or un­ usually very unequal, the smaller often stipule-like and often soon deciduous, the larger rather short-petioltLte, the blades lanceolate to ovate or even suborbicular, acuminate or cuspidate or rarely obtuse, usually cuneate at the unequal base, rarcly rounde.d, herbaceous in texture, remotely and minutely denticulate above the middle, or (in T. moorei) just slightly crenulate, dull green above, rarely shining (in T. moorei), green Or usually tinged with red beneath, hirsute above with many-celled, yellowish or reddish elongate hairs, hirsute beneath (or rarely strigose), often also sPltrsely strigillose wit.h minute, st.raight, appressed, 2-celled, "IJayonet"-shaped hairs, the basal cell minute, yellowish or dark, the terminal cell milky-white, very sharp at apex, pinnately veined, the lateral veins mostly 4-7 pairs, obscure above and slightly raised beneath; bracts at. base of peduncles minute, hirsute, usually subullLte, deciduous; flowers solitary, axillary, or sometimes geminate or ternate, the peduncles elongate, often thickened toward apex, hirsute, often pendulous; calyx 5-lobed to base or nearly, the lobes very slightly unequal, the posterior a little shorter and narrower, usually red but sometimes green or green at base and red at apex, entire (in T. aliena), merely deeply toothed (in T. illepida), or deeply, pectinlLte-dissected with narrow central portion and 2--4 pairs of elongate, linCltr-filiforrn latemllobcs, hirsute externally with multicelluilLr, usually red-walled hairs and often also with minute appressed 2-cclled hairs, often with sessile glands also, inside glabrous, strigose, hirsute, or densely sericeous, often with numerous sessile glands toward base; corolla slightly oblique in calyx, essentially tubular but sometimes a little ventricose in the middle and slightly contracted in the throat, saccate at the posterior base, hirsute with multicellular hairs externally or sometimes densely long-tomentose (in T. rosea and T. aliena), glabrous within except for the glandular­ pilosulous throat, tbe limb usually narrow, the lobes erect or rarely spreading, slightly or obviously bilabiate, the two upper lobes partly or almost wholly united into an eroct galea, the two lateral lobes mostly deltoid, the lower lobe shorter and narrower, hirsute or tomen­ tose externally, glabrous within except for the glandular bases, the tube clear red or usually striped, the base color yellow with dark maroon stripes heginning at the base of the corolla or near the middle and running to the sinus of the lobes or occasionally stopping short
of the limb, the lobes all yellow, yellow with dark margins, red with yellowish margins, or the galea all dark red-maroon, the sinuses of the limb provided with elongate, linear or cIllvate appendages, these spreading borizontally, yellow or red, hirsute (especially at apex) or long-red-tomentose (in T. rosea) , or the appendages obsolete nnd hardly to be observed in dried material (T. moorei); stamens 4, connate at base into tl sheath up to 1 cm. long, adnate to the very base of the corolla tube, the filaments gillbrous, slender, elong!lte; !lnthers glabrous, quadrate, or broader than long, at (irst lightly connute into Ii square, briefly exserted, later withdmwn into the corolla tube by contortion of the filaments , becoming free; stallli­ nodium none; ov~ry serieeous; style elongate, glabrous or usulIlly pilosulous; stigma bilobed, exserted after the Dnth.rs ure withdrawn; disk reduced to a large or smull, bilobed or entire, ghtbrous, fleshy, posterior gland, or occasionally (in T. aliena) 2 slllull free, posterior glands; fruit a white spherical berry (in T. leuschtri, the only fruit known) .
Lectotype: Trichantha minor Hook. Of the two original species, T. minor is the first one listed and the one combinecl by Hooker with t.he generic description.
Key to the Species
Corolla tube densely hirsute-tomentose, the surface completely concealed; corolla lobes fleshy and thick, erect, small, subequal; corolla completely glabrous within throat; style glabrous.
Leaves of a pair 8ubequal, green beneath; calyx lobes entire, cn. 2.8 em. long, green at base and red at tips; appendages of the corolla 4-6.5 mm. long, red-hirsute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. T. aliena
Leaves of a pair strongly unequal, the smaller 8t.ipult~-likc lllld soon deciduous, strongly tinged with rose beneath, or rarely green; calyx lobes not more than 1.5 em. long, deeply pectinatcly dissected, with 2-4 pairs of linear lateral lobes, red throughoutj appendages of the corolla extremely COll­
spicuous, 15-20 mm. long, densely rosc-tomelltose . . . . . . 2. T. rosea Corolla tube merely hirsute, much of nc surface visiblc; corolla lobcs, at Icast
the lower three, thinner, spreading, the upper two lobes at least partially united into an erect galea; corolla glandular-pilosulous within throat, at least at the base of the galeaj sty le pilosulous.
Calyx lobes spathulate, entire; leaf-blades lanceolate, 5--6 times as long as wide. Leaves of a pair subequal ............. . 3. T. formosa
Calyx lobes toothed or dissected; leaf-blades oblauccoiatc, lanceolate, elliptic, or suborbicular, relatively bronder.
Leaves of 8. pair equal, very small, 14-16 mm. long: internodes very short only about 1 em. lo"og; appendages minute, hardly observable in dried material; calyx lobes green, with conspicuous red hairs .. 4. T. moorei
Leaves of a pair strongly unequal, the small less than half as long as the larger, of teD stipulc--like and deciduous, the larger at least 30 mm. long or usu­ ally much more; intcrllodcs at least 2.5 cm . long (except in 1'. ille}Jida); appendages well developed; calyx lobes red (green in T. illepida).
Calyx lobes green, pectinate-toothed but not dissected, the teeth 4-6 pairs on each side of the lobes, not more than 2 mm. long; internodes short (1-2.5 em. long) and stout (the upper ca. 3 mm. in diameter); leaf· blades rcd~blotched beneath or retl all over . . . . .. 5. T. ilIepida
Calyx lobes red, de<lply dis::lcctcd, the lincar~filiform lateral lobes 2-4 pairs, 4-15 mm. long; internodes longl.~r and more lilender; leaf~blade8 green beneath or sometimes tinged with reddish but Dot red-blotched or deep red a11 over.
Leaf-blades elliptic or broadly dliptic, short;..acuminate or cuspidate, large, the larger 14- 15 em. long and 5 em. wide or more, hirsutej internodes elongate, mostly 7- ] 2 em. long (or shorter in T. tropicali8) ; appendages yeLLow with maroon HpCX (o r clear yellow in T. tropicali8).
Corolla clear red, not striped except for 2 inconspicuous dark stripes ncar the apcx on the upper Side, these running to the margins of the galea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. T. tropicali.
Corolla yellow or "citron green," with uroad vertical stripes of dark maroon.
Leaf-blades foveolate above, not bullate, beneath without minute, white, 2-eelled, appresscd, "bayonetf1~shaped hairs mixed with the long, pluriccllular hairsj galea and lateral and lower lobes apparently all dark maroon. . . . . , . . , , 7, T. major
Leaf-blades bullate above, the long hairs borne on tubercles, not foveolate, beneath with some minute " bayonet"-shaped hairs among the long on(~Sj galea yellow with maroon margins, appar­ ently the lateral and lower lobes all yellow ... 8, T. buUata
Leaf-blades lanceolatc or elliptic-lsoceolatc, long-acuminate, the larger not more tha n 5.5-9 ern. long and 3.7 em, widej internodes less than 7 em. long; appendages clear yellow (red in T, clara).
Leaf-blades glabrous above except near margin, not at all hirsute bencn.th hut spnr.scly 8trigillose with minute, white, appressed, 2-celled, U bayonet" -shaped hairs. Galea dark maroon, the lateral and lower lobes ydlow. . , , . . . . . . 9. T. minor
Leaf-bladea hirsute above, hirsute beneath or strigillose. Corolla clear light red t.hroughout, not at all striped, the galea
darker red, the lateral and lower lobes red with very narrow yellowish margins; appeuda.ges red .. , . , , . 10. T. c1are
Corolla obvioul3ly striped with dark maroon, with narrow yellow stripes, the galea maroon and the other lobes yellow or all lobes yellow; appendages yellow,
Corolla tube with broad maroon stripes running to the sinuses of the lobes or up into the galea.; galea. dark maroon, the other lobes yellow , . , . . . . , . . . , . 11. T. teuscheri
Corolla tuhe with broad maroon stripcs and narrow yellow stripes, the maroon stripes fading out belore reaching the sinuses of the corollaj galea and other lobes all yellow. . 12, T. elegane
1. Trichantha aliena Morton, sp, nov.
Caules rubri iuternodiis elongutis crassis rubro-hirsutis; folia de­ eussata, per parin subnequnliu, brevi!cr petiolat"" laminis oblongis vel oblanceolatis, utrinque viridibus, npice breviter acuminatis, basi late cuneatis obliquis, utrinque hirsutis subtus non strigillosis; flore
solitarii longe pedunculati; calycis lobi magni integri lanceolati basi angustati apice longe et acriter acuntinati, deorsum virides sursum rubri externe hirsuti illtus albo-sericei et glandulosi; corolla magna rubra tubulosa basi s"ccata, tuba externe valde ubique rubro-hirsuto, intus glabro et eglanduloso, limbo vix bilabiato, lobis subliberis sub­ aequalibus crassis erectis posterioribus marginibus infiexis, intus glabris, appendicibus linearibu8 magnis hirsutis; stylus glaber, Sursum ampliatus.
Stems not radicant at the nodes, the internodes elongate, 5--7 cm. long, red, thick, 4 mm. in diameter, hirsute, the hairs spreading, red­ dish, many-celled, the cross walls dark red, ca. 1.5 mm. long; leaves of a pair subequal, decussate, short-petiolate, the petiole 6-7 mm. long, densely yellow-hirsute, 1-1.5 mm. in diameter, the blades oblong to oblanceolate, 5X2 cm. to 8.5 X 3.4 cm., short-acuminate, broadly cuneate and slightly unequal at base, remotely dent.iculate, green on both sides, hirsute above with yellowish, several-celled hairs, whitish hirsute beneath, the hairs many-celled, ca. 3-4 Il1m. long, small "bayonet"--shaped hairs absent, the lateral veins 6 or 7 pairs, obscure above, slightly raised beneath; flowers solitary in the leaf-axils, long­ pedunculate; bracts minut,e, subulate, ca. 2 mIll. long, hirsute and also sparsely yellow-glandular; peduncles 1.7-2 cm. long, ca. 1.2 mm. in diameter, green, reddish-hirsute; calyx lobes free, very slightly un­ equal, lanceolate, ca. 2.8 cm.long, ca. 2.5 mm. wide at base, 6.5-7 mm. wide above base, gradually long-sharp-acuminate, entire, herbaceous, green toward base, tbe upper third conspicuously red, sparsely red­ septate-hirsute without, lacking appressed "bayonet"-shaped hairs, thin-white-sericeous wit.hin and also glandular; corolla red, ca. 3.8 cm. long, 4 mll!. wide at hase, 7 mm. wide in the saccate portion above base, then contracted to 4.5 mm., the tube without visible stripes due to the dense pubescence, cylindric, ca. 7 mm. wide, densely hirsute with long, red, multicellular hairs covering the wbole surface, glabrous and eglandular within even in throat, tbe limb small, only slightly irregular, the lobes fleshy, all free, erect, dark red with narrow Iigbter margins, the two posterior the largest, 4.5-5 mm. long, thick, with ineurved margins, densely septate-hirsute externally, glabrous within, the lateral and anterior smaller, ca. 3.5 mm. long, obtusish with in­ curved apex, tbe appendages conspicuous, 4-{l.5 mm. long, very slender, dark red, conspicuously red-hirsute; stamen sheath ca. 3 mll!. long, the filaments very slender, glabrous; anthers included; ovary white-scriceous at apex; style glabrous, strongly thickened upwardly; disk composed of 2 small (1 mm. long), free, posterior glands.
Type in the herbarium of tbo Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, collected at A1taquer, Department of Narifio, Colombia, May 1876, by E. Andre (no. 3311).
Caules radicantes, internodiis brevibus graeilibus hirsutis; folia per paria inaequalia, minora stipuliformia; folia majora breviter petiolata, lamina elliptica, longe aeuminata, basi obliqua, inconspieue dentie­ ulata, supra hirsuta, subtus rosen, hirsuta et strigosa; lIores solitarii, bini vel terni; culyx roseus, lobis disseetis, lobis lateralibus 2-4-jugis, linearibus, externe roseo-hirsutus, intus albo-sericeus; corolla pulchella, tubo cylindrico externe dense et perspicue ubique roseo-hirsuto, superficie non visibili, intus in fltuce glabro et eglanduloso, limbo regulari, lob is crassis atrorubris parvis ereetis, appendicibus valde valde elongatis, 1.5-2 em. longis, densissime roseo-hirsutis; stylus glaber.
Stems radicant at the nodes, the internodes short, 2-4 cm. long, somewhat zigzag, 3-4 mm. in diameter, shining, somewhat ridged in drying, hirsute, the hairs reddish, spreading, many-celled, borne on slight tubercles; leaves of a pair strongly unequal; larger leaves short­ petiolate, the petiole 5-10 mm. long, hirsllto, 1 mm. in diameter, the blades narrowly elliptic, 7X2.4 em. to 9X3.4 cm., herbaceous, gradu­ aUy long-acuminate at apex, rounded nnd strongly unequal at base, inconspicuously denticulate, green and sparsely hirsute above, the hairs 5-7 celled, (,he basal cells paler yellowish Rnd enlarged, the others pale reddish with dark red cross-walls, beneath rose-red aU over, hirsute with spreading multicellular reddish hairs and also sparsely strigose with closely appresseu, white 2-celIcd, "bayonet"-shapcd hairs about 0.4 Jlun. long, the la ternl veins about 6 pairs, obscure above, elevated beneath; smaller leaves of" pair stipule-like, not over 2.2 crn. long and I em. wide; flowers 1-3 in nn axil; bra.cts minute, linear, scarcely 2 mm. long, hirsute, eglllnduillr; peduncles 7-9 nun. long, hirsute; calyx rose-red, the lobes free, subequ"l, 13-15 mm. long, the central portion lanceolate-attenuate, ca. 2 mm. wide at base, ca. 3 mm. wide above base, the apical half filiform and scarcely 0.5 mm. wide, dissected, with 2-4 pairs of linear luterallobes, these up to 5 mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide, conspicuously red hirsute without and on lobes, densely white-serieeous within and also with sessile yellow glands; corolla brilliant rose-red, without visihle stripes due to the dense pubescence, ca. 4 cm. long, 4 mm. wide at base, 6.5 mm. wide at the saccate portion ahove bnse, above base 3 mm. wide gradually increas­ ing to 6 mm. wide at middle, scarcely if at "II contracted in the throat, conspicuously and densely hirsute externally, tbe hairs red, long, multicellular, completely covering the corolla surface, glabrous within, the limb scarcely bilabiate, narrow, not wider than the tube, the lobes fleshy, dark red within with very nnrrow yellowish thinner margins, erect, subequal, all free, subtriangular, ca. 4 mm. long and 301m. wide at base, acutish, red-hirsute at base externally, white-hirsute at apex,
680-018 63 2
glabrous and eglandular within, even in throat, the appendnges red, extremely conspicuous, 1.5-2 em. long, very densely hirsute with long red, multicellulnr hairs; filaments unitcd for 6 mm. at base, extremely slender, ca. 0.25 10m. thick, glahrous; unthers not exscrted, connate quadrntely at first, bronder than long, ca. 1.5 nlill. long, 1.7- 2 mm. wide, glabrous; ovary slllall, glabrous at base, spursely white-pilose at IIpex; style stoutish, Cll. 3.5 cm. long, glabrous; disk reduced to a slllall, bilobed, thick, glabrous, posterior glllnd.
Type in the U.S . Nlltional Herbarium (no. 2370204), collected at Rio Catripe, Intendcncia del Chocn, Colombilt, at 100 m. elevation, in wet forest, Jan. 17, 1947, by Oscar Haught (00. 5437).
Pllratype: Colombia: Between La Oreja and Quibd6, ChocD, Apr. 1,2, 1931, W. A. Archer 1677 (US).
Additional specimen examined: Quihdn, JanUtLrY, 1872, R. B. White (K). A note by White reads: "Of the enclosed frngment I can only say that it is an herbaceous plant 9 t.o 12 inches high, alternate llloceolate velvety leaves. Seed? Habitat, Quibd6 woods of Atrato Valley. Most lovely colour. It 1V0uld seem as if all these hairy plan ts were placed in wet regions to in t.ake the most of the moisture. Nothing can be more lovely than these bedewed flowers . Illness prevented me from attending to the drying of my specimens collected in some parts of my Quibd6 journey and thus many were spoilt and lost." Certainly refemblc t.o T. rosea, but leaves are absent Rnd so the forma is IIncertain.
20. Trichantha rosea forma viridis a-Iorton, (, nov.
A f. typic" foliis subtus viridibus costa basi excepta differt, foliis forsan majoribus usque ad 17 X 6.5 em. longis.
Type in the U.S. Nation"l Herbarium (no. 1771980), collected on the ridge along Yernciii V"lley, upper Rio Sun Juan, Corcovndo region, Intendencia del Choc6, Colombia, at 200-275 1U. elevation, Apr. 24, 25, 1939, by E . P. Killip (no. 35239).
Pamtype: Colombilt: C6rdoba, Dept. EI Valle, 50-100 m., Feb. 17,1939, Killip &: Garcia 33418 (L'S).
2b. Triehanthn rosea forma latifoUn Morton, f. nov.
A f. typica foliis brevioribus ct lntioribus, maximis 6X3 em., subtus viridibus vel vix rosco-tinctis differt.
Type in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, collected in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 7700- 8800 ft. elevation, June 16, 1880, by W. Kalbreyer (no. 1793).
Paratype: Colombia: Cultivated by Veitch, from seeds sent by Kalbreyer, probably colleeted at the same time as tbe type cited above, with which this specimen is mounted IIC).
The two leaf variations described above are given only the rank of "forma," since it is uncertain just how taxonomically significant they are. The brilliant rose-colored leaves of f. rosea certainly contrast strongly with the green leaves of f. viridis, but these two grow in the same geographic and climatic area, the Pacific lowlands (50-275 m.). Tbe small-leaved f. latifolia may be mOre distinct since it comes from the highlands (ca. 2400 m.) of a different department. This species is one of the most distinctive by its regular (not bilabiate), densely rose-tomentose corollas, with extraordinarily long and conspicuous appendages.
3. Trichanlba formosa Morton, sp. nov.
eaules graciles, internodiis hrevibus roseo-hirsutis; folia non valda inaequalia, petiolata, laminalineari-oblonga, acuminata, basi cuneata, remote denticulata, utrinquo hirsuta, subtus viridi, pilis minutis appressis nullis; flores 1- 3 axillares, longe pedunculati, pedunculo roseo-birsuto; calycis lobi subaequali spathulati integri virides vel rubri, basi angustati, apice acuti, utrinque hirsuti; corolla tubulosa, tubo luteo, perspicue atrorubro-lineato, exlerne glanduloso-hirsuto et minute pilosulo, limbo parvo bilabiato, lobis rubro-marginatis, intus glabris.
Stems radicant at the nodes, the internodes normally ca. 3 em. long, 2.5-3 mm. in diameter, densely rosy-hirsute, the hairs many-celled, with reddish lateral walls and dark septae, 2-2.5 mm. long, widely spreading; leaves of a pair slightly but not conspicuously unequal, the smaller more than half as long as the larger, the upper short­ petiolate (ca. 7 mm.), the lower longer petiolate (IS mm.), the petiole densely red-hirsute, slender, 0.5-o.S nun. thick, the leaf-blades linear­ oblong, 6 X 1.2 em. to IO X 1.6 em., broadest near middle, acuminate, equally cuneate at base, herl>Rceous, remotely and inconspicuously denticulate, green above, hirsute, the hairs several-celled, pale, ca. 1.5 mm. long, green beneath, the midrib red, densely pale-hirsute or the hairs along the midrib reddish, minute, white, "bayonet"-shaped bairs lacking, the lateral veins ca. 6 pairs, obscure above, slightly elevated beneath; flowers I to 3 in an axiI, long-pedunculate; peduncles up to 4.2 cm. long, densely rosy-hirsute; calyx lobes green or red, subeqUltl, 9-11 mm. long, spat.hulate, narrowed at base and ca. 1.5 mm. wide, broadened upwardly, 2.5-3.3 mm. wide, acute at apex, entire, densely birsute externally, tbe hairs pale or reddish, several­ celled, 1.5-2 mm. long, and also sparingly strigillose with appressed, minute, white, 2-celled, "bayonet"-shaped hairs, densely hirsute within and also with a few, sessile, yellow glands toward the base; corolla ca. 4.3 cm. long, ca. 2 mm. wide at base, ca. 4 mm. wide in saccate portion above base, the tube cylindric, becoming 6 mm. wide
above the middle, very slightly contracted in throat, dull yellow with conspicuous maroon stripes running from ncar the base to the sinuses, sparsely hirsute externnlIy, the hairs spreading, ca. 2 mm. long, many-celled , the terminal cell glandular, and also with numerous spreading unicellular eglandular hairs 0.25 mm. long or les", glabrous within, except for the obviously glandular-pilosulous throat at the base of the galea, the limb obviously bilabiate, the upper 2 lobes united into a slightly bilobed glliea 4 mm. long, this almost entirely ma.roon, the 2 lateral lobes hroadly deltoid, ca. 3 mm. long and wide, broadly margined with maroon, the lower lobe narrower and rela­ tively longer, all lobes sparsely hirsute without, glabrous wit·hin, the appendages inconspicuous, 1-2 mm. long, yellow throughout or dark marOon at base and yellow at apex, long-hirsute at apex; filaments united in a sheath ca. 2 mm. long at base, very slender, glabrous; anthers included, lightly connate but soon free, ca. 2.5 mm. long and broad, the (:ells somewlu,t separated by the thi<:kened connect.ive; ovary strongly white-villous; st.yle slender, densely hirsutulous up­ wardly; stigma bilobcd; disk redured to a minute, dark, scarcely emar­ ginate posterior glnnd.
Type in the U.S. National lIorburium (no. 1518165), collected at Umbria, Comisarin del Putumnyo, Colomhin, nt 325 Ill. elevation, January-February 1931, hy G. mug (no. 2114).
Parnt.ypo: Colombin: Umbrln, Oet.ober-Novcll1bcr 1930, Klug 1822 (US).
This species, the only olle known from t,he Amflzoninn watershed, may be related to T. illepida, whieh hns fI eorolla quite simil"r in shape and color, but lacks the numerous, smnll unicellulnr hnirs and gland­ tipped longer ones of T. formo,<a. The spathulnte, entire calyx lobes arc unique in this sectioIl .
4. Trichantha moorei (1Iorton) :l\"1 orton, comb. nov. Columnca moorei 1\Torton, Bailcya 7:55, f/{/.15. 1959.
Stems succulent, scandent, at lenst 30 em. long and probably much longer, unbranched (except probably at hase), probably not radicant at the nodes, tbe internodes very short, about 1 cm. long, fleshy, glabrescent, minutely slrigillose with 2-eellcd "bayonet"-shaped hairs and also with a few multicellular hairs toward the npcx, bearing 2 pairs of conspicuous glnnds (these often coalescent in pnirs) at each node hetween the leaves lind just below the stipulnr line, the inter­ nodes short find regular, 10- 12 mm. long; leaves thiek-Ocshy, dnrk green and shining nbove, light green beneath, obviously decussate, those of Ii pair equfll, short-petiolate (the petiole 3 mm. long, 1 mm. thick, glabrat<1), t,he blades broadly ellipt.ic,~very uniform in size, 14-16 mm. long, 10-12 mm. wide, obtuse at base and apex, almost
entire but with one or two low broad inconspicuous crenations on each side, almost glabrous, bearing a few minute appressed hairs beneath especially on the midrib, the margins obviously ciliolate with several­ celled hairs; flowers solital'Y in an axil, bibracteate, the bracts minute, linear, 1-2 mm. long, deciduous, pilosulous; peduncles arching, curved at apex, 3-4.5 cm. long, slender, 1 mm. thick at base, becoming en­ larged and 2-3 mm. thick at apex, red, conspicuously long-setose­ pilose, the hairs red, 2-3 mm. long, many-celled, spreading at right angles; calyx green, 5-parted, the lobes erect, equal, 12- 15 mm.long, 8- 11 rom. wide including the teeth, conspicuously and deeply pectinately parted, the central portion of the lobe lanceolate, about 3 rom. wide, the teeth 4-6 pairs, linear, spreading horizontally, the basal ones about 3-4 mm. long, the uppermost about 2 mm. long, all 0.8-1 mm. wide just above the base, conspicuously red-gland-tipped, the body and teeth externally conspicuously long-red-hirsute, the bairs 2-4 mm. long, many-celled, sharp-pointed, and also with a few, appressed, white, 2-celled, "bayonet"-shaped bairs, internally nearly glabrous but with a few stiff red hairs and also slightly glandular; corolla Buberect in calyx, red (except the lobes), 5-5.5 em. long, gibbous at the posterior base, the gibbosity 3 mm. wide, the tube 3-4 mm. wide just above the gibbosity, gradually enlarged upwardly but only slightly ventricose, 10-11 mm. wide near the apex, spnrsely but conspicuously hirsute externally, the hairs 4-6 mm. long, red, many-celled, sbarp-pointed, horizontally spreading, nnd also with minute spreading hairs, glabrous within except townrd the throat, where conspicuously glandular­ pilosulous, the throat only slightly contracted, the limb slightly bilnbiate, the two upper lobes red, with narrow yellow margins, erect, partly connnte, rounded, 4 mm. long, connate for about 2 mm., sparsely ciliolate, glabrous within at apex but strongly capitate­ glandular lower down, the three lateral lobes clear yellow, not red­ margined, slightly plicate at the angles between the lobes, erect, subequal, subdeltoid, about 5-6 mm. wide at the base and 5 mm. long, sparsely hirsute externally, more or less ciliate, glabrous within and not capitate-glandular, the appendages yellow, extremely minute and hardly observable in dried specimens; stamens attached to the corolla at the very base, the filaments pale yellowish-white, connate at the base for 4-5 mm., free upwardly, somewhat curved but not contorted, glabrons, the anthers slightly exserted, all [our permanently connate, subquadrate, about 1 mm. long and wide, the cells oblong, fully dehiscent longitudinally, glabrous; staminodium none; ovary oblong in outline, 4-4.5 mm. long, densely white-sericeous; style white, straight, 5-5.5 cm. long, exserted, pilosulous; stigma bilobed; disk reduced to a solitary posterior gland, this white, thick, fleshy, not bilobed, ca. 1-1.5 mm. wide, 1.5-2 mm. long.
Type in the U.S. Kat-ional Herbarium (no. 2216847) , from material cultivated in the greenhouses o( Blliley Hortorium, Ithaca, N.Y., collected by H. E. Moore, Jr., in 19,'i8, originally received (rom an ullspecified locality in P'lllRllla through Mr. Puul Arnold o( the House of Plants, Binghamton , N.Y. This plant bad been sent to Mr. Arnold by Mrs. Catherine B. Shepherd of Arlington , Va., who in turn received it (rom ~Ir. ~lUl·tin s. gllwyer, of Gatun, Cunal Zone. Another specimen hils been received directly from l\-Ir. Arnold.
5. Trichantha iIIl?pida ( Moon ') Morton, comb. nov. Columnea illepida :MOOTC', BuiJeyo. 8: 56, fifl. 19. 1960.
Stems stout, probably not. radimn! at the nodes, t.he internodes short, 1-2.5 em. long, vcry stout , the upper ones ClI. 3 mill. in diameter, somewhat zigzug, strongly ridged whell dry, hirsute, the hairs spread­ ing, yellow, mult icellulllJ", eglllndulllr, 2- 3 IIInl. long, borne on tubercles; leaves subdistieholls, not bllllate , those of a pair strongly unequal; larger Icaves short-petiolate, the petiole 0.3-2 C!fl . long, hirsute, the blades variable in HIII'pe from ov.te-Ianceolate to oblanceolate, up to 13 CIll . by 5 Clll. , aculllinate or subeuspidate at apex, broadly eunent.c "nd strongly uncqulll ILt base, minutely and remotely denticulate, grecn above, hirsute, the hairs colorless, several­ celled, 1.5- 2 111111. long, beneath green with conspicuous red blotches or red all over, septate-hirsutulous nil over, with also a few, appressed, 2-cellod, "bayonet"-shuped hairs, the lateral veins 5 or 6 (to 9?) pairs, slight.]y elevated on both sides; smaller lellves o( It pair carly deciduous, like the htrger but subscssile, not over 2.5 cm. long; flowers several in an axil, slender pedicellate; bracts minute, ca . 4 XO.75 ntln ., hirsute and with sessile yellow glands; peduncles red, I 111111. t·hick or less, hirsute; calyx green, herbaceous, 1.5-2 cm. long, the lobes free, slightly unequal, t.he posterior shorter nod Ilarrower, t he central portion 2.5- :l.5 1I1l1l. wide, strongly pectinate-toothed, the teeth 4 or 5 (6) pairs on each side, lineur, the lurger 2 1It111. long and 0.5 mlll . wide, hirsutulous on bot·h sides with {.olorless hairs, some long and Illuny­ celled, sOllie short and 2-celled , both surfaces also with sessile yellow globular glands; corolla ca . 5 em. 101lg, slightly oblique in the calyx, slightly spurred at the posterior bllse, the tube dull, clear yellow, conspicuously st riped wi th ,," .. ·oon from just below tbe middle h> tbe base of the sinuses between the lobes, the stripes 0.5- \ mm. wide, the tube 7.5-10 nun. in diurnct er ,wllr the middle, slightly contracted in the throat, externally spnrsely hirsute and provided also ,vith some small spreading unicellular hllirs, glabrous within except for the glandular-pilosulous throal-, tire limb bilabiale, ca. 15 mm. wide, the galea (posterior lip) 5.5-6 mill. high, bilobed, conspicuously spotted with maroon, the two lateral lobes deltoid, ca. 5 mm. long,
5-6 mm. wide at base, margined with maroon , the anterior lobe ca. 4.5 mm. long and 4 mm. wide at base, margined with maroon, all the lobes hirsute externally lind with short, white, thick-based unicellular hairs also, the nppcndnges yellow, inconspicuous when dry and not over 1 mOl . long; s(·amens included; anthers quadrately connate; ovary green, pilose; style puberulous; stigma bilobed; disk reduced to a whitish, bilobed posteri or gland.
Type: A cultivated specimen in the Bailey Hortorium, of unknown • provemence.
Additional specimen examined: C ultivated: Fantastic Gardens, South Miami, Fill., Feb. 25, 1954, 11. G. Wilson.
The specimen from Fantastic Gardens was determined as a new species by me in 1954. It was guessed to be eitber from Tingo Maria, Peru, or from the Panama Canal Zone. JJater inquiries (or more and better material brought the news thnt the plant had been lost. The plant thltt later turned up in the Bailey Hortorium without accession data was supposed to be from either Tingo Maria , Peru, or Ecuador. It is almost certainly (rom seeds or a pllln t sent (rom Fantastic Gar­ dens to the Bailey Hortorium sometime around 1954, rather thun a new introductionJ as shown by the mention of Tingo Maria, Peru , in both cases. The determination of th" real locnlity will have to await a collcction of the species in the wild . Thc locality Tingo Maria is not likely, because no other species of Trichantha is known from Peru and because the climntic conditions ill Tingo l\faria are different from those where the othel' species grow. The PlUlama C'lnal Zone does not seem likely either, bec.",se this ."en hILS been well collected and it does lIot seem likely that this conspicuous plllnt would have been overlooked by others. The locality Ecuador is much more likely, but there seems no evidence in its favor.
Tbis species does not sbow any dose relationship witb tbe others. It differs especially in its broader, toothed rather than dissected calyx lobes from T. elega"8, T. teuscheri, and others.
6. Trichantha tropicaUe Morton, sp. nov.
Caules elongati, radicantes, internodiis elongatis graciIibuB hirsutis; folia per paria inaequnlia, minora stipuJiformia, majora magna, ellipticn acriter acuminate. basi rotundata remote denticuJata, supra hirsuta, subtus viridia hirsuta et apprcsso-strigiIlosn; pedunculi pen­ duli apice valde incrnssati; calyx ruber dissectus, lobis lateralibus 2-vel 3-paribus lincariuus rubro-hirsutis; corolla basi gihhosa, tubo rubro non lineato, apice Bupm'iore exccpto, hirsuto, limbo biIabiato, galea atrorubra pallide marginata, lobis lateralibus flavis rubro-marginatis, lobo inferiore flavo basi rubro-maculato.
Stems ca. 40 cm. long, radicanL at the nodes, the internodes 4-5 cm. long, reddish, rugose, slender, only 2.5 mm. in diameter near base, coarsely hirsute, the hairs persistent, borne on slllall tubercles, 7-9-celled, red, 4- 5 mm. long; leaves of a pair strongly unequal; larger leaves short-petiolate, the petiole 8-10 mm. long, stout, 1-1.5 mill. in diameter, hirsute, the blades elliptic, lO X 4.8 Clll. to 14 X5.21cm., the "pex sharply and rather abruptly long-acuminate, rounded and slightly unequal at hase, herbaceous in texture, incon­ spicuously and remotdy denticulate, uniformly hirsute above, the hairs ca. 5 mm. long, many-celled, hyaline, beneath paler green, similarly hirsute with elongate, spreading, dark, many-celled hairs with dark cross-partitions, and also with small (0.5 mm. long), appressed, 2-celled hairs, the basal cell sWIlIl, yellow, the terminal cell elongate, white, sharp; smaller leaves of a pair early dcdduOIIS, short-petiolate, the blades lanceolate, not over ca. 1 em. long and 3 mm. wide, hirsute like the larger leaves; flowers solitary or geminate; bracts deciduous; peduncles pendulous, 2.5- 3 .. 5 cm. long, ca. 1 mm. thick at base, strongly enlarged and 3 mill. thick at "pex, densely red-hirsute; calyx red, the lobes (ree, slightly urwqual, 1 he 4 dorsul and lateral about 16 mm. long in flower, the posterior one shorter, ca. 14 mm. long, all deeply dissected, the central portion ca. 3 mm. wide at base, 0.3 mill. wide upwardly, with 2 or 3 puirs of linear lateral lobes, these 8-10 mm. long, 0.3 llUll. wide, the central portion red-hirsute without and also with some inconspicuous, "bayonet"­ shaped, white, appressed hairs, slightly strigillose within, hirsute at apex, bearing sessile yellolV glands toward base, the lobcs long­ ciliate with red, several-celled spreading bail'S; corolla ca. 5.5 em. long, oblique in calyx, ca. G mm. wide at the conspicuously saccate base, the tube narrowed above hase to 3 mm., the tube clear red nearly throughout, not striped except (or 2 inconspicuous dark stripes ncar the apex, these running to the margins of the gulea, becoming 7-8 mm. wide at the middle, sparingly I'eddish-septnte-pilose ex­ ternally, lacking small whit·isb unicellular hairs, gj"brous within except in the glandular-pilosulolls throat, slightly contracted in throat and 5.5-6 mill. wide, t.he limb bilabiale, the galea ca. 5 mm. long and 7 mm. wide, rounded and bilobcd at apex, dark red with a paler border, the lateral lobes broadly deltoid, ca. 4 mm. long and 4 mm. wide at base, yellow in middle, with dark red margins, the posterior lobe 3.5 mm. long and 2.5 nun. wide, yellow wit.h a dark red basal spot, the appcnduges conspicuous, yellow, 3- 3.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. thick, clavate, glabrous except the conspicuously roo­ pilose apex; filaments united at base into a sheath 1 cm. long, glu­ brous, extremely slender; anthers not exserted, borne ncar corolla throat, united into a square about 4 mm. long and wide; ovary
conic, sparsely white-sericeous; style slender, slightly pilosulous; disk reduced to a coarse, slightly bilobed, posterior gland.
Type in the U.S. National Herbarium (no. 2370203), collected in the San Juan de Micay Valley, Department of EI Cauca, Colombia, at 100 m. elevation, Dec. 28, 1946, by Oscar Haught (no. 5406).
By its clear red, unlined corollas, and red, deeply dissected calyces related only to T. clara, which differs in the size, shape, and pubes­ cence of the leaves.
7. Tricbantha major Hook. Icon. Phmt. 7: l.687. 1844. Columnea major Hanst. Linnaea 36:388. 1865-6.
Stems 15-20 cm. back from the apex 3-4 mm. thick, tbe internodes elongate (9-12 em.) or shorter (4.5 em.), obviously hirsute with long (5 mm. long or more), many-celled pale-brown hairs, these numerous but still distant and not ohscuring the surface; stems radicant, the adventitious roots thread-like, borne near the nodes; leaves of a pair strongly unequal; longer leaves petiolate, the petioles 6-13 mm. long, hirsute, the blades broadly elliptic, 6.5 X4.5 cm. to 14 X7cm., abruptly cuspidate at apex (ca. 1 cm.) rounded and strongly unequal at base, inconspicuously and remotely toothed upwardly, thin-herbaceous the upper surface not bullate, at maturity obviously foveolate, slightly paler beneath, strongly hirsute on both sides. the hairs 4.5 mm. long, many-celled, distant and not obscuring the leaf surface. "bayonet"­ shaped hairs absent, the principal veins 4 to 6 pairs, strongly curved, obscure above, apparent and slightly raised beneath, the veinlets obscure; smaller leaves short-petiolate, the blades subrotund, about as wide as long, slightly cuspidate, mostly 1.5-2.5 em. long, hirsute; flowers axillary, geminate (always?); bracts subulate, 5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, hirsute, eglandular; peduncles 3-3.5 Clll. long, apically thickened, long-hirsute, the hairs many-celled, with dark reddish cross-walls; calyx red, 2.5-3 cm. long, the lobes free, subequal, deeply laciniate, with the lobes ca. 3 em. wide but the central lanceolate portion only 2-2.5 mm. wide, the lateral lobes 2 pairs, subequal, mostly ca. 1.5 cm. long, ca. 1 mm. wide at base, long-attenuate, the central lobe ca. 2 em. long, stroogly long-hirsute externally, and also strigillose with "bayonet"-shaped hairs, within hirsute toward apex and with sessile glands toward base; corolla erect in calyx, ca. 4.5 cm. long, yellow with conspicuous dark red or maroon vertical stripes running to the sinuses of the limb, tubular, scarcely ventricose, the tube becoming ca. 5.5 mm. wide about the middle, slightly long­ hirsute externally, with also a few short, colorless, I-celled, spreading hairs, hardly contracted in the throat, glaodular-pilosulous within throat, the limb just slightly irregular, the lobes hirsute externally and with sessile glands, all dark colored, subrotund, 3-4 mm. long, entire,
not ciliate, the appendages yellow with dark apices, clavate, spreading, ca. 4 mm. long, 10llg-hirsute at apex only; anthers barely exserted frolll the corolla tube, persistently connate, broadly oblong, ca. 1.5 nllll. long, 0.9 mm. wide; ovary white-sericeous; style pilosulous; disk reduced to a bidentate, fleshy, gh,brous posterior gland ca. 2 mm. high.
Type in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, collected in Colombia by William Lobb (no. 117). No definite locality is given, but since the species has been twice collected in tbe region of Barbacoas and since Lohb is known to have collected there, it is likely that the type came from there.
Additional specimens examilled: Colombia: Province of Barbacoas, Dept. of N nrilio, SOO Ill . alt., J. Triana (US). Corregimiento Santander (Buenavistll) to Barbueous, vcrtiente del Rio Telembi, N arino, 840-200 m., Aug. 3-5, 1948, 11. Garcia-Barriga 13176 (HNC).
8. Trjchantha bullata Morton, sp. nov.
Caules elonguti, internodiis dongatis; folia per pari 0. inaequalia, minora lanceolala, majora elliptica, remote denticuluta, supra bullata, vnlde hirsu!fL, subtus rubescentia, hirsutfL et strigos", basi inaequalia, apice acumilmta; c!tlycis lobi rubri, externe perspicue hirsuti, intus apice hirsuti, deorsum p,lree strigillosi, lobis vlllde pinnatisectis, lobulis latel'"libus 4 vel 5 utrinque latere; corolla in tuba Hava et Iltrobrunneo-rubro-Iinentll, lineis faucem non attingentibus, lobis paullo inaequnlibus, /lavis, rubro-marginatis, appendicibus validis, hirsutis.
StCIllS elongllle, up to 2 m. long (sec. Lehmann), the internodes elongute, normally 7-12 CIll. long, very slender, 2-3 mIn. in diameter, dark red, shining, rudicRnt at the nodes, usually somewhat zigzag, hollow, densely yellow-hirsute, the hllil'S :1--4 nun. long, spreading, eoarse, bome on prominent tubercles, lIIultiseptnte (7-9-celled), the septile dark; lCIlves of a pair strongly unequIII, the smillieI' ones often deciduous, thus 1II1l.kiug the ICII ves appear alternate; internodes elon­ gate, those uelow th" "pex 7- 9 "Ill. long; larger lenf-blndes elliptic, 15X6 cm. to GX2.3 Clll. (uppermost), gradUlllly and sharply acuminute, l'cllIolely denticulntc, the base rounded, slightly unequal, IIbove green, not foYcolnte, slightly bullate, strongly hirsute, the huirs borne on prominencr.s, elongate, 3-4 mlll. long, spreuding, yellow with dark cross-walls, 7-9-celled, ueneath green or usually I'l'ddish or deep dark red, not bullate Or foveolate, strongly hirsute as upper surface, with some short II bayonet-hairs" intermixed, short­ petiolate, the petiole red, 7-14 Jlllll. long, thick, hirsute; snlllller leaf of " pair nalTowly hmceolale, not more than 3.5 XI eIn., long­ aUenullte, the base cuncllte, hil'SUtc; flowers solitury 01' 2 to 4 in nn axil; hracts subulate, lllinuLe, scarcely 5 mm. long, hirsute, deciduous;
peduncles 2.5-3.5 em. long, exceptionally thick, long-red-hirsute; calyx 5-lobed to base, the lobes approximat<lly equal, ca. 2.5 cm. long, deeply pinnately parted, the central portion linear-Ianceolate, ca. 3 mm. wide at base, tapering gradually to the acute apex, the lateral lobes 4 or 5 on each side, linear, the lower about 13 mm. long, about 1 mm. wide at the base, gradually tapering to the acuminate apex, conspicuously hirsute without, the hairs very long (4-5 mm.) . they (as well as the calyx lobes themselves) Bordeaux red wheu fresh (sec. Killip), violet-carmine when dry, simple, pluricellular, th. cell wall obvious even to the naked eye, very numerous on the mar­ gins, and also strigose with "bayonet"-shaped hairs, within hirsute at apex, sparsely strigiUore below; corolla ca. 6 em. long, narrowly tubular, conspicuously saccate at the dorsal base, about 7 mm. wide at the base, 4.5 mm. wide above the saccate portion, gradually ex­ panding clavately toward the apex and slightly curved toward the ventral side, reaching 10 mm. in diameter, slightly contracted at the throat (9 mm. wide), the total lengt h of the corolla tube approxi­ mately 5.5 em., the limb scarcely expanded, glILndular-piiosulous within throat, not much wider than the tube, the three ventral lobes ovate or almost semicircular, obtuseJ 4 nlill. wide at base, 2.5 mm. long, the two dorsal united at base, bearing clavate Or oblong append­ ages in tbe sinures, these yellow wilh marOon apices, reflexed, about 2 mm. long and 1 10m. wide (thc lowest ventral one narrower and longer, about 3 mm. long, when dry ), the dorsal one borne on the back of the two united dorsal lobes, the tube externally densely pubescent with two kinds of hairs, some very short, few-<;elled, colorless, sharp-point.ed, numerous all over the surf"ce although not prominent on the saccate base, the others similar to the red calyx­ hairs, confined to the upper half of the tube, extremely long and conspicuous toward the apex and especially on the appendages, the tube "citron-green" (sec. Killip) with broad stripes of burnt-lake, these often about 3 mm. wide Or even more, stopping about 5 10m. below the throat except the broad one running to the middle of the galea, the lobes light cadmium-yellow margined with red, the append­ ages conspicuous clavate, ca. 2 mm. long, yellow with maroon apex, long-hirsute and also with numerous, sessile, yellow glands; filaments longer than the corolla but twisted and curved so as not to be exscrted, very slender, ca. 0.2 mm. wide, didynamous, broadening toward the base, finally uniting with each other into a tube (broken on the dorsal side) about 6 mm. ahove the base, this tube becoming adnate to the corolla tube at about 1 nun. above the base; anthers borne about 5 mm. below corolla throat, glabrous, quadrately united, the four forming a rectangle 5 mm. high and 4 mm. wide, the cells par­ allel, not confluent, opening from base to apex, the connective square,
fleshy, glabrous; ovary oblong, 5 mm. long, conspicuously villous at apex, the hairs colorless, pluricellular; style ca. 5 Clll. long, slightly exserted, flattened and about 1.5 mm. wide at the almost glabrous b"se, becoming narrower above and densely glandular-puberulous; stigma bilobed, bearing a few long, wbite, villous hairs; disk reduced to one large, transversely oblong, glabrous, unlobed, dorsal glnnd 1 mm. long and 1.5 mm. \\~de.
Type in the U.S. National Herbarium (no.'1142440), collected at "La Gallera," Micay Yalley, Department of El Cnuea, Colombia, nt 1800-1900 m. elevation, July I, 1922, by E. P. Killip (no. 7928). Isotype in the New York Botanical Garden.
Paratypes; Colombia; Near Rio San Joaquin, "La Gallera," :Mieay Yalley, Department of El Cauca, 1100-J300 m., Killip 7803 (NY). West Andes of Popayan, Depart.ment of EI Cauea, J200-J600 m., Lehmann 6000 (K, US). La Costa, near EI Tambo, Department of El Cauca, 900-1200 m., WI! Sneidern 4G7, 622, 704 (all S).
This species, evidently confined to moist virgin forest of the Western Cordillera of tho Department of El Cauca at middle elevations, is obviously related to T. major, which is still surely different in it.s minutely foveolate upper leaf-surfaces, its cuspidate ratber than acuminate leaf-blades, its rotund rather than lanceloate smaller leaves of a pair, and its longer and more slender lobes of the calyx lobes.
9. Tricbaotho minor Hook. Icon. Plant. 7: t. 666. 18·14. (But not Bot. Mag. Curtis : t. 54e8. crr. T. deyaM.)
Columnea minor Hanst. Linnaea 34:387. 1865-6.
Stems slender, not radicant (?), the internodes 3-3.5 em. long, 2.5-3 mm. thick 20 cm. back from the tips, densely hirsute, the hairs more numerous, closer, shorter (ca. 3 mm.) than in T. major, mostly clearly antrorse rather than spreading; leaves oC a pair unequal (?); larger leaves petiolate, the petiole 5-7 mm. long, antrorsely hirsute, tbe blades laneeolate, 3.5X1.2 to 5.5 X2 em., gradually acuminate at apex, broadly cuneate and oblique at base, inconspicuously and remot" ly denticulate, thick-herbaceous, glabrous above at maturity, except near the margins, these with numerous, conspicuous, 4-6-eelled brownish ascending hairs 3 mm. long or more, dark-green above, paler beneath, reddish, inconspicuously strigillose with straigbt sharp 2-celled white hairs on the surCace, antrorsely hirsute on the midrib and especially on the margins with straight, many-celled hairs, the veins about 6 pairs, inconspicuous above, slightly elevated beneath, the veinlets obscure on hoth sides; flowers axillary, solitary or gem­ inate; bracts inco nspicuous, linear, ca. 5 mm. long, birsute and also with sessile glands; pedulldes 1.5-2 cm. long, thickened toward apex,
strongly hirsute, the hairs spreading, slender, 3-4.5 mm. long, with red cross-walls; calyx red, 2-2.5 cm. long, deeply laciniate, the central undivided portion only 2-2.5 mm. wide, the lateral lohes 2 pairs, linear, 1.3-1.6 cm. long, 0.6-0.8 mm. wide, long-attenuate, hirsute on hoth sides and margins and also bearing some appressed minute sharp white 2-celled hairs; eoroll .. erect in calyx, ca. 4 em. long, tubular, hirsute externally with long many-celled hairs and also short-pilosulous with spreading, unicellular hairs, the tube somewhat ventricose, becoming 8 mm. wide at the middle, slightly contracted in the throat, probably glandular-pilosulous witbin at base of galea, the limb slightly bilabiate, the galea 5 mm. long, dark red, the other 3 lobes 3 mm. long, probably yellow, the appendages clavate, ca. 3.5 mm. long, ca. 0.8 mm. thick, long-hirsute at apex.
Type in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, col­ lected by William Lobb (no. 175). According to Killip (Smiths Misc. Coli. 87(1): 5. 1932) no. 175 was collected at "Barbacosa," Colombia, which is undoubtedly a slip for Barbacoas, in the Depart­ ment of Nariiio, Colombia.
Additional collections examined: Colombia: Alto de Armada, Department of Narillo, 1458 m. alt., May 22, 1876, E. Andr. K 36 (K, NY, US). The ability to pla<:c this locality in Nariiio is due to the kindness of Dr. L. B. Smith in making availahle his unpublished paper on Andre's itinerary.
The character of having the leaves entirely glabrous on the upper surface except at the margins easily separates T. minor from other species with which it might be confused, e.g. T. cicgans or T. teuscheri.
A confusion is introduced by the plant illustrated in Curtis' Botanical Magazine plate 5428 as T. minor. A specimen autbenti­ cating the plate is preserved in the herbarium at Kew, mounted on the same sheet as the type of T. minor; it was received from tbe Veitch Nursery in April 1864, just at tbe time the plant was illustrated. Although this plant is similar to T. minor, it cannot really be the same, differing in the size and pubescence of the calyx, the coloration of the corolla limb and the pubescence of the upper leaf surface. This horticultural specimen, of unknown provenience, belongs to the species here described as T. elegans.
10. Trichantha clara Morton, sp. nov.
Caules radicantes, penduli, tenucs, parce hirsuti; folia per parin inaequalia, minora stipuliformia, majora lanceolata vel oblongo­ ianceolata, supra medium denticulata, supra parce hirsuta, subtus strigosa; calyces rubri, lobis alte iaciniatis, lobulis lateralibus 2- paribus, externe rubro-hirsuti et etiam strigosi, intus apice parce hirsuti basi glabri paree glandulosi; corolla rubra, non Iineata, limbo
paullo bilabiato, lob is 3 inferiol'ibus rubris mnrginibus angustis flavescentibus, 2 superioribus basi maculam atrem externe gerentibus, appendicibus perspicuis rubris.
Stems radicant at the nodes, the terminal branchlets pendulous, slender, sometimes flexuous, the internodes short (1.5 cm.) or usually longer (up to 6 em.), ca. 2 mm. thick 20 cm. below tip, reddish, sparsely hirsute, the hairs stiff, antrorse, ca. 4.5 mm. long, many-celled; leaves of a pair strongly unequal; larger leaves short-petiolate (ca. 5 mm.), the blades laneeol"te to oblong-Ianceolate, 4.5 X1.5 em. to 5.7X 2.7 cm., gradually and sharply acuminate at apex, oblique at base and broadly cuneate to subrounded, remotely but sharply toothed above the middle, the minute teeth recurved in drying and visible only from the lower side of the leaves, light green above, the surface not foveolate, sparsely long-hirsute all over, paler and sometimes reddish beneath, sparsely strigose, the hairs stiff, appressed, 2-celled, the basal cell short, dark-colored, the terminal cell white, bayonet­ shaped, the veins 4 or 5 pairs, arcuate, obscure above, very slightJy prominulous beneatb, the veinlets obscure on both sides; smaller leaves stipule-Iike, 5-14 mm. long, ovate to linear-lanceolate, with pubescence above and beneath like tbe larger leaves; flowers gemi­ nate, borne in the axils of the larger leaves; bracts 2, minute, hirsute, eglandular, deciduous, linear, ca. 5XO.5 nun.; peduncles slender, 2-2.5 em. long, thickened toward apex, long-red-hirsute, tbe hairs slender, widely spreading, many-celled, 3.5-4.5 mm. long; calyx red, ca. 15 mm. long, the whole calyx with the lobes ca. 2 em. wide, the 5 lobes free, deeply laciniate, the central portion ca. 1.5 mm. wide, the lateral lobes (2 pairs) suhulate, 9-10 mm. long, 0.4-{).5 mm. wide, conspicuously long-red-hirsute, and also sparingly strigose like the lower surface of the leaves ,,;th white, bayonet-shaped hairs, glabrous within (except at the hirsute apex), and with a few, sessile glands at base; corolla all clear red, without stripes, erect in calyx, 4.5- 5.5 em. long, slightly saccate at posterior base, 3 mm. wide just ahove base, ventricose upwardly, becoming 8 fllln. wide above middle, slightly contracted in throat, where 6 mm. wide, externally long­ hirsute with many-celled, red, flaccid hairs with dark cross walls, also a rew small, spreading sha.rp-pointed, 2-celled hairs, the limb slightly bilabiate, tbe two upper lobes partly connate, 2- 2.5 mm. long, red with a dark spot at base externally, glandular-pilosulous at base, the three lower ca. 1.5 mm. long, clear red, with narrow, yellowish margins, the appendages conspicuous, clavate, red, 3-4 111m. long, 1 mill. thick at apex, apically long-hirsute; filaments connate at base for 5 mm. or more, glahrous; anthers perhaps exserted briefly, hut normally borne ahout medially in the tuhe by curling of the filaments, COflnate at first but finally free, broader than long, ca. 1.5 mm. long
and 2 0101. wide, tbe cells contiguous but separated by a flesby con­ nective; style minutely glandular-pilosulous; stigma 2-parted, pilosul­ ou,; ovary white-sericeous; disk reduced to a small posterior gland, this dark colored, inconspicuously 2-lobed, CR. 1 0101. long.
Type in the U.S. National Herbarium (no. 1853860), collected at Piedra de Moler, Hoya del Rio Digua, Cordillera Occidental, Depart­ ment of EI Valle, Colombia, at 900-1180 m. elevation, Aug. 19-28, 1943, by J. Cuatrecasas (no. 14922).
Para types: Colombia: La Elsa, Hoya del Rfo Digua, Dept. of EI Valle, 1000-1200 m. alt., Nov. 9, HJ43, "enredadera herbacea; ramas purpurens; hoja h6rbaceo crasa, verde en el haz, gris clara en el enves; pedunculo cardeno; caliz con pelos cardenos; corola cardena," Cuatre­ casas 15312 (US). Between La Oreja and Quibd6, Intendencia del Choc6, Apr. 1,2, 1931, Archer 1687, 1688 (US). La Costa, near EI 'rambo, Dept. of EI Cauca, 1000-1400 m. alt., 1935-1936, von Sneidern 469, 497, 498 (S).
A species of wider distribution than most, probably being not uncommon in its special, undisturbed habitats.
n. Trichantha teu!!Cheri Morton, Bp. nov.
Planta epiphytica, caulibus elongatis vix ramosis, leviter rubro­ hirsutis; folia per paria valde inaequalia, minora saepe stipuliformia, majora lamina lanceolato-elliptica, longe acuminata, basi vix obliqua, remote denticulata, supra hirsuta, subtus viridi vel rubro-tincta, scptnto-hirsuta, pilis unicellularibus nullis; flores pcnduli. longe pedunculati, pedunculo valde rubro-hirsuto; calycis lobi dissecti, parte centrali lineari-lanceolati externe rubro-hirsuti et parce strigillosi, intus basi glandulosi, lobis lateralibus 2-vel 3-paribus linearibus utrinque hirsutis; corolla tubulosa late rubro-lineata. vi" flavo-lineata, lineiB tlavis anguBtissimis, externe hirsuta, intus in fauce glanduloso­ pilosula, limbo bilabiato, lobis Buperioribus in galea rubra connatis, lobis lateralibus ot inferioribus tlavis, appondicibus tlavis conspicuis apice hirsutis; stylus apice glanduloso-pilosulus.
Stems elongate, 70 em. long or more, the internodes elongate, 3-6.5 cm. long, very slender, ca. 1.5 mm. in diameter, red, sparsely but conspicuously red-hirsute, the hairs spreading, 1-2 mm. long, several­ celled, the lateral walls pale rosy, the cross-partitions dark red; leaves of a pair strongly unequal; larger leaves petiolate, the petiole 6- 13 mm. long. slender, ca. 0.8 mill. in diameter, hirsute like the stems, the blades lance-elliptic, mostly ca. 5X2 Col., the largest 8.5 X3.7 cm. varying to 9X2.7 cm., the apex gradually or rather abruptly long­ sharp-acuminate, the base broadly cuneate or slightly rounded, only slightly unequal at base, herbaceous in texture, the margins remotely and minutely denticulate, above dark green, not bullate Or foveolate,
conspicuously hirsute, the hairs spreading, yellowish, 2-5 celled, 1-2 mm. long, beneath green with red veins or more or less suffused with red all over, deciduously hirsute, the hairs yellowish (or reddish along the veins), several-celled, 1-2 Illm. long, and also with a few small, white appressed "bayollet"-shaped Imirs, the J"teral veins 5 or 6 pairs, obscure above, slightly raised beneath; smaller leaves of a pair often minute and stipllie-Jike, 5 mm. long or less or sometimes larger and up to 3 cm. long by 11 mm. wide, on petioles ca. 5 mm. long; flowers solitary or commonly 2 or 3 in an axil; bracts minute, subulate, 1.5- 2 Illm. 101lg, hirsute, and also yellow-glandular; peduncles 2-3 cm. long, curved, red-hirsute, conspicuously thickened toward apex; cl1lyx 5-lobed nearly to base, the lobes 16-18 mm. long, red, deeply dissected, the central portion linear-Ianceoh,te, 2.5-3 mm. broad at base, attenuate and only 0.5 mm. wide at apex, conspicuously red­ hirsute externally, the hftirs spreading, many-celled, 2-3 mm. long, with red lateral walls and dark red cross-partitions, and also with a few appressed "bayonet"-shaped hairs, not hairy within but at base densely glandular, the glands globular, yellow, sessile, tbe lateral lobes 2 or 3 pairs, linear, 4.5-6.5 mm. long, ca. 0.5 mm. wide, con­ spicuously red-hirsute on both sides; corolla pendulous, 4-4.5 cm. long, 4 mill. wirlc at base, 7 mOl. wide in saccate portion above base, then narrowed to 3.5 mm., the tube slightly ventrieose, becoming 7-8 mm. wide about the middle, gmdually narrowed to 5 mm. in throat, dark red with very slender nnd inconspicuous yellow lines running to the base of the middle of the lobes, the yellow areas broader towltrd base of eorolht tube, hirsute externnlly, the hairs spreading, rather sparse, ca. 2 mm. long, several-celled, colorless, with colorless cross-pnrtitions, eglandular, smull unicellular hairs present but few, glahrous within except for the densely glandul.r-pilosulous throat, tbe limb bilabiate, the 2 upper lobes united into an emnrginate galea, this ca. 4 mm. long and 6-7 mill. wide, dark red, glandular-pilosulous at base, the laterallohcs all ydlolV, deltoid, ca. 3 mm. long and 4 mm. wide at base, the lower lobe yellow elliptic, ca. 4 mm. long and 2.5 mm. wide, the appenrll1ges yellow, eonspicuous, ca. 4 mm. long, clavate, ca. 1 mm. wide at apex, conspicuously hirsute at apex, the bairs colorless or slightly tinged with red; filaments united into a sheath cu. 7 mm. bigh at base, slender, glabrous; antbers lightly cOllnate at first, soon free, l.5 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, the connective prominent, dark; ov,try conic, puberulous at base, lightly white­ sericeous at apex; style ca. 3.8 cm. long, sparsely pilosulous at base with unicellular hairs, at apex glandular-pilosulous, the hairs several­ celled; stigma conspicuously bilobed; disk reduced to " bilobed thick fleshy glabrous posterior gland ca. 2 mm. high and wide; fruit a globular, wbite berry 1 cm. in diameter (sec. Teuscber).
Type in the U.S. National Herbarium (no. 2370201), collected in the Montreal Botanical Garden, by M. Raymond and M. Gougeon (no. 2135-56), from material originally collected by Henry Teuscher in Ecuador in a wet moss-covered forest at an altitude of ca. 3400 ft. near the road from Cuenca to Quayaquil, on the Pacific slope of the Andes, about 20 to 25 road-miles beyond Ducur coming from Cuenca in the spring of 1956.
Paratypes: All grown from cuttings of the type plant in the Mon­ treal Botanical Garden: Bailey Hortorium, June 1959, Moore 7745 (US); University of California Botanical Garden, July 27, 1959, HutchisllTl (V.C. 58. 263).
This plant has been identified erroneously with TrichanUw. minor, under which name it is well illustrated in the Delectus Seminum et Sporarum, no. 22, 1957-58, of the Montreal Botanical Garden (frontispiece). An article concerning its discovery and character­ istics was published by Henry Teuscher in the National Horticultural Magazine (vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 172- 174. July 1958), along with a full­ page illustration of the plant in fruit. Another mention is by Paul Arnold in an article entitled "American Gesneriad Reintroduced from Canada" (Gesneriad Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, p. 3. 1959).
Mr. Raymond submitted a specimen to mein 1957 of Mr. Teuscher's plant, asking about the determination as Trichantha minor, but I was unable to verify it, in the absence of the type or any authentically named material or even of any detailed and adequate description. I now have the holotype of T. minor before me, kindly sent on loan from Kew, and it shows a related but obviously different species. The two can be distinguished as follows: Leaf-bla.des glabrous e.bove except at the margins, beneath sparingly strigillose
on the surface with appressed minute (0.5-0.6 rom. long), 2-cclk>fJ, whitA. ~ sharp hairs, the midrib appressed-piloee with long, many-celled hairs; ca lyx large, more than 2 em. long, the lobes externally with Borne minute apprcsscd white hairs as well as long, many-celled hairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. minor
Leaf·blades hirsute all over above, hirsute benea.th , minute, white, Z-ceUed hairs few or absent; calyx 1.6-1.8 em. long, or sometimes smaller, hirsute, lacking minute, white hairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. teuscheri
12. Tricbantha elegaD. Rose, sp. nov.
Caules graciIes, rubescentes, intcrnodiis brevibus dense rubro­ hirsutis, pilis tenuibus; folia per paria inaequalia, minora saepe stipuliformia, majora elliptic" vel ovato-elliptica, acuminata, basi rotundata et obliqua, supra hirsuta, subtus parce strigillosa; calyces mediocres, roseo-rubri, lobis valde laciniatis, laciniis lateralibus 2- paribus, Iinearibus, e"terne rubro-hirsutis; corolla in tubo late pur­ pureo-rubro-Iineata, anguSte flavo-lineata, faucem versus f1ava, limbo
flavo, non linellto, viridi-marginato, appendicibus magnis flavis clava tis hirsutis.
Small succulent epiphytic herb, the stellls radicant at the nodes, little branched, the illtcl'Ilodes short (1.5 Clll.) or moderately elongate (to 4 CIII.), somewhat zigzag, 2 mm. thick or less 10 cm. back of the apex, densely hirsu te, the hairs 3-4 Hun . long, red, flaccid, mllny-celled, nnd also strigose \dlh apprcsscd, bayonet-shaped 2-celled hairs, the basal cell small, red, the apical white, sharp-pointed; leaves of a pair strongly unequal; larger leaves short-petiolate, the petiole 3- 4 mm. long, densely hirsute, the blades elliptic, or ovate-elliptic, 2.8 X 1.2 to 8X3.5 em., gradually Ilnd sharply acuminate, rounded and oblique at base, inconspicuously ulld remotely toot.hed, light green above, the surface not fowolutc, long-hirsute, the hairs coloriess, flaccid, many­ celled, bencath paler and reddish, spUI'ingly IUld inconspicuously strigos(', the hairs bayonet-shaped, "ppresscd, 2-eelled, the basal cell short, the apical cell elongate, white, sharp-pointed, with longer, several-celled, straight, yellowish hairs along the midrib !md some­ Limes principal veins, the veins 4 or 5 pairs, not prominent above, obvious and very sligbtly elevated b~n ea.th , strongly rcd-colored along the veins, the veinlets obscure on hot.h surfllces; smaller leaves mostly stipule-like and not over 8 01' 9 lllm. long, but occasionally better developed IUld almost half as long as the larger, similarly pubescent.; flowers geminate in the axils of the lltrger leavcs ; bracts minute, linel1r, densely hirsute; peduncles 1.8-2.3 em. long, densely hirsute, und also I1ntl'orscly strigose with bl1yonet-shaped hairs like those of the lower leaf surfaces; calyx aU dark rose-red, ca. 2 cm. long and wide (incl. the lobes), 5-parted to the base, the sepals deeply laciniate, the central portion 2.5-3 mm. wide, the I"ternl lobes 2 pairs, linear, 8-11 mm. long, 0.5-0.6 mill . wide, externally strongly recl­ hirsut.e, and also with whiLe, upprcssed, Hbayonetll-shaped hairs, within spl1rsely hirsute and "Iso slightly strigosc with "bayonet"­ shaped hairs; corol]" :3-4 ern. long, erect in calyx, rose-red at base, with broad dark purplish-red stripes upwardly running toward the sinuses of the lobes but stopping short of thCln, and narrow yellow lines, the yellow becoming general toward the throat, the tuhe 4 mill. wide Ilt hase, ven tricose upwllrdly ano becoming 7-8 mm. wide Ilt middle, ohviously long-hirsute, and bearing also minute, spreading, acute, I-celled hairs I1nd globular sessile yellow glands, slightly con­ tracted to throat, this wilh numerous ghtndular hairs \vithill at the base of the galen, this ca. 6 mm. wide, the limb yellow with greenish margins, slight.ly irrcgul"r, 2 lobes ca. 3 Illm. IOllg, 3 lobes ca. 2 mill. long, the nppclIdagcs yellow, obviolls, dRvlLte, 2.5-3 111 In . long, long­ hirsute npicnlly; fillllHcn ls IOllg-coOlhttC Ilt. IJnsc, gluhrolls; unthers bltrely exsertcd from the corolla tllue lit ant.hesis, connate, eventually
free, quadrate, ca. 1.6 mm. long and 2 mm. wide, the cells not contig­ uous, separated by the enlarged connective; style glandular-pilo­ sulous; stigma obviously bilobed; ovary white-sericeous; disk reduced to a dark-colored, glabrous, truncate, entire posterior gland ca. 1.5 mm. high.
Type in the U.S. National Herbarium (no. 2370202), collected on the road between Quito and Santo Domingo, Province of Pichincha, Ecuador, at 1300 m. elevation, Apr. 3, 1942, by Oscar Haught (no. 3215). Portion of holotype deposited in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden.
Paratypes: Ecuador: Vicinity of Ayabamba,' Province of El Oro, Oct. 15, 16, 1918, Rose &. Rose 23462 (NY, US). Rich, moist luxuriant forest along trail from Sambotambo, following headwaters of Rio Moro Moro, south to Buenaventura at and along highway to Portovelo, Province of El Oro, 1035-1800 Ill. alt., Aug. 29, 1943, "pendent epiphyte from branches; leaves subcorinceous, dltrk dull green above with sulcal., midrib, pale gray green below with lavender nerves; pedicels and calyx deep rose; corolla purple, the lobes with yellow appendages and green tips, their margins covered with rose­ colored hairs," Steyermark 54202 (US). Dense rich jungle hetween Rio Blanco and Rio Norcay, on road between Chacanceo and Molle­ turo, Province of Azuay, at 1520 m. alt., June 4, 1943, "pendent epiphyte; calyx rose-orchid; corolla tube purple ror % part, then greenisb-yellow for upper S, the appendages on corolla lohes yellow; leaves silvery green, below suffused with lavender," Steyermark 52820 (F, US). Another, slightly doubtful, collection is [',hmann K 273 (K), without locality; the sheet bears a penciled word which may be "Guechi," II Gucshi," or "Guesbi," but it is uncertain if this is a com­ mon name or a locality.
As indicated ahove in the discussion under 7'. minor, this is the spedes illustrated in Curtis' Botanical Magazine t. 51,28 (1864) as T. m~·nor.
4 Ayapamba OD tbe label, but this Is an error, as shown by Rose', field notebook.
[Synonyms in italics. New species, new naInes, and combinations in boldface. Page numbers of principal entries in italics.)
Alloplectus, 1, 2 Columnea, 1 r 2
illepida, 2, 12 major, 15 minor, 18 nworei, 1, 10 sect. Steoanthus, 1, 2 sect. Systelostema, I, 2 sect. Trichantha, 2, 3
Drymonia,2 Ei'ytbranthus, 2 Trichantha, 1, 2, 5, 13
aliena, a, 4,6 bullata, 5, 16
Trichantha -Continued clara, 5, 15, 19 elegao., 5, 13, 18, 19, IS CormollB, 4, 9, 10 iUepida, 3, 4, 5, 10, 1 B ma.jor, 5, 15, 18 minor, 4, 5, 18, 19, 23, 25 moorei, 3, 4, 10 rosea, 3, 4, 7, 8
f. latiColia, 8, 9 f. resea, 9 f. viridis, 8, 9
teuaeheri, 4, 5, 13, 19, tl, 23 nopicalis, 6, 1 S
U .•• GOYUICM'"' ,IIIITI ••• "ltl,lIn