A quality EY audit

In Girl with a Pearl Earring, Vermeer used the Fibonacci sequence to create a composition of perfect proportion, harmony and beauty. A quality EY audit

Transcript of A quality EY audit

In Girl with a Pearl Earring, Vermeer used the Fibonacci sequence to create a composition of perfect proportion, harmony and beauty.

A quality EY audit

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Innovating the audit to drive quality and valueMaking it even better and more relevant to you

In our journey to build a better working world, we are continually innovating to advance the audit so that it better meets the evolving demands of business, regulators and investors. We’ve engaged several of the world’s leading strategy and design firms to be part of our innovation journey, advancing our technology, analytics and the skills and breadth of our people.

Our aim is to build confidence in business and capital markets by providing high-quality assurance that is relevant today and in the future. We want to be known for delivering consistent high quality audits, while meeting regulatory benchmarks; providing greater transparency to investors and the markets; and evolving the audit to deliver more meaningful insights to audit committees and company boards.

“ We believe a high-quality audit helps to build a better working world.”

Mark A. Weinberger EY Global Chairman and CEO

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Innovating the audit to drive quality and valueMaking it even better and more relevant to you

In our journey to build a better working world, we are continually innovating to advance the audit so that it better meets the evolving demands of business, regulators and investors. We’ve engaged several of the world’s leading strategy and design firms to be part of our innovation journey, advancing our technology, analytics and the skills and breadth of our people.

Our aim is to build confidence in business and capital markets by providing high-quality assurance that is relevant today and in the future. We want to be known for delivering consistent high quality audits, while meeting regulatory benchmarks; providing greater transparency to investors and the markets; and evolving the audit to deliver more meaningful insights to audit committees and company boards.

We believe that auditing in today’s world is both a science and an art. Science is the accuracy and rigor, the technical, procedural and methodical. Art is the independent thought, professional skepticism and judgment developed by our people over time. Together, they drive quality, confidence, transparency and perspective.

We’re innovating to make the audit better — combining advanced technology and online tools with individual auditor judgment and expertise to deliver higher quality with more relevance and value.

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Delivering confidence, transparency and perspective

Delivering greater confidence in financial reporting and in capital markets

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Confidence — feel confident in your financial reporting

Transparency — gain on-demand visibility into your company’s audit

Perspective — see your business from a different perspective and anticipate and respond to trends, opportunities and risks

The EY audit is focused on quality, bound by a service approach that is connected, responsive and insightful.

Delivering confidence, transparency and perspective

A quality EY audit

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A quality

EY audit

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ConfidenceFeel confident in your financial reporting through a high-quality audit that is tailored to your business and sector and is focused on identifying risk.


• Confidence in financial reporting: Deliver high-quality, reliable and relevant reporting enabled by EY Canvas, our state-of-the-art global online audit platform that supports our teams to stay focused on your risks.

• Understand business risks: Gain a clearer view and understanding of your risks, brought to you by our teams using EY Helix — our data analytics suite.

• Increase stakeholders’ confidence: Safeguard your reputation and increase the confidence of investors, market and regulators as you make decisions based on risk-focused information, provided by our consistent global audit.

• Work with trusted professionals: Trust in our dedicated team to deliver a high quality audit, bringing you professional skepticism, expertise and experience.

TransparencyGain on-demand visibility into your company’s audit through our transparent audit approach.


• Enhanced efficiency: Receive real-time global updates on the status of the audit and improved means of communication, delivered through one online platform, EY Canvas.

• Manage your exposure to risk: Get a clearer view of your global audit and identified risks, delivered by all teams using one consistent methodology and one online audit platform.

• Faster issue resolution: Deal with issues and avoid surprises through timely information enabled by greater visibility into your audit.

PerspectiveSee your business from a different perspective and anticipate and respond to trends, opportunities and risks through insights obtained throughout the audit.


• Anticipate and respond to emerging trends: Leverage the strength of EY’s global networks to help you anticipate trends, identify the implications and develop a response.

• Get an enhanced view of your business: Gain meaningful insights into your business — delivered by our teams using EY Helix, our suite of data analytics.

• Gain another perspective: Understand business improvement opportunities identified through our benchmarking capabilities, expertise and constructive challenge.

• Evolve for the future: Receive insights and perspectives on matters, such as corporate culture, sustainability and corporate governance to help to shape your reporting and business for the future.

A quality

EY audit

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TransparencyGain on-demand visibility into your company’s audit through our transparent audit approach.


• Enhanced efficiency: Receive real-time global updates on the status of the audit and improved means of communication, delivered through one online platform, EY Canvas.

• Manage your exposure to risk: Get a clearer view of your global audit and identified risks, delivered by all teams using one consistent methodology and one online audit platform.

• Faster issue resolution: Deal with issues and avoid surprises through timely information enabled by greater visibility into your audit.

PerspectiveSee your business from a different perspective and anticipate and respond to trends, opportunities and risks through insights obtained throughout the audit.


• Anticipate and respond to emerging trends: Leverage the strength of EY’s global networks to help you anticipate trends, identify the implications and develop a response.

• Get an enhanced view of your business: Gain meaningful insights into your business — delivered by our teams using EY Helix, our suite of data analytics.

• Gain another perspective: Understand business improvement opportunities identified through our benchmarking capabilities, expertise and constructive challenge.

• Evolve for the future: Receive insights and perspectives on matters, such as corporate culture, sustainability and corporate governance to help to shape your reporting and business for the future.

Revealing a deeper perspective on your business to anticipate risks and explore opportunities

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EY HelixOur global suite of data analytics

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EY CanvasOur state-of-the-art global audit platform

EY Canvas, our next generation global audit platform, enables us to deliver a higher quality audit by:

• Linking all teams through one global methodology and one online global audit platform to deliver one seamless audit to you

• Allowing us to better identify risks and appropriately respond to those risks so we can report findings promptly

• Supporting centralized planning and monitoring of the global audit, providing enhanced capability to the primary team

• Quickly customizing our audit approach and making relevant changes across all geographies to support the ever-evolving regulatory environment

• Providing the ability to monitor the status of the audit in real-time

• Allowing us to capture, flag and share global audit findings as they arise

• Improving how information and requests between our teams are shared and monitored through our online portal

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EY HelixOur global suite of data analytics

EY Helix, our suite of analytics, enables us to deliver a higher quality audit by:

• Providing greater confidence in financial reporting as we identify hidden patterns and trends in your financial data and provide better business insights

• Allowing us a deeper understanding of your business by analyzing larger populations of audit-relevant data to present a fuller picture of activities and identify the risks that matter

• Identifying trends and anomalies in your processes and controls, helping direct our investigative effort in the right areas

• Delivering relevant feedback and insights during the audit, so you can optimize your business processes and controls

• Saving your team valuable time and effort through our globally-integrated data capture and extraction tools

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EY Canvas, our next generation global audit platform, enables us to deliver a higher quality audit by:

• Linking all teams through one global methodology and one online global audit platform to deliver one seamless audit to you

• Allowing us to better identify risks and appropriately respond to those risks so we can report findings promptly

• Supporting centralized planning and monitoring of the global audit, providing enhanced capability to the primary team

• Quickly customizing our audit approach and making relevant changes across all geographies to support the ever-evolving regulatory environment

• Providing the ability to monitor the status of the audit in real-time

• Allowing us to capture, flag and share global audit findings as they arise

• Improving how information and requests between our teams are shared and monitored through our online portal

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EY AtlasOur state-of the-art global accounting and financial reporting research platform

EY Atlas, our new research platform, enables us to deliver a higher quality audit by:

• Providing faster, better and more relevant research results

• Being fully integrated with EY Canvas and providing our audit team the most relevant up-to-date accounting, auditing and industry information

Our EY Atlas Client Edition also gives your team direct access to EY technical insights relating to accounting, financial reporting and regulatory filing matters.

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Providing enhanced transparency and visibility into the audit process

EY Atlas, our new research platform, enables us to deliver a higher quality audit by:

• Providing faster, better and more relevant research results

• Being fully integrated with EY Canvas and providing our audit team the most relevant up-to-date accounting, auditing and industry information

Our EY Atlas Client Edition also gives your team direct access to EY technical insights relating to accounting, financial reporting and regulatory filing matters.

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EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory

About EYEY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidencein the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.

EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separatelegal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com.

© 2015 EYGM Limited.All Rights Reserved.

EYG no. AU3650

ED 0616

This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice.


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