A Practical Truth and Test 14 February - Capitol Com

CAPITOL COMMISSION BIBLE STUDIES TUESDAY (14 FEBRUARY) AT 7:15AM, 123 CAP TUESDAY (14 FEBRUARY) AT 12 NOON, 123 CAP A Practical Truth and Test 14 February Ron J. Bigalke , PhD / PO Box 244, Rincon, GA 31326‐0244 / www.capitolcom.org / [email protected] RON J. BIGALKE, PASTOR/MISSIONARY,CAPITOL COMMISSION, 912.659.4212 Tuesday, 14 February 2012 First John 4:7-21 – “A Practical Truth and Test” Introduction “Light,” “love,” and “life” are the characteristic words found in First John. The first two chapters emphasize “that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all” (1:5). The purity of God’s nature is the reason why those who sin need “an Advocate” (2:2). The next two chapters emphasize “how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God” (3:1). On the basis of a vital union with Jesus Christ, the children of God have divine love “perfected . . . so we may confidence” when the Lord returns again (4:17). The last chapter of First John emphasizes how eternal life is received. Our study this week reveals how love is not only a practical truth of Christianity, but also a practical test for having the confidence that one is indeed a child of God. Nevertheless, obedience to the Great Commandment (Matt 22:34-40) is not only an authentic characteristic of a child of God, but also a requirement for all governing authorities (Rom 13:1, 3-4) because they are to be ministers of God “for good.” Matthew 22:36-39 – “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And He said to [the lawyer], “‘ YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD. . . . ’ “This is the great and foremost commandment. “The second is like it, ‘ YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF .’ A PRACTICAL TRUTH (4:7-13) For the third and final time, First John introduces the subject of love “from God.” Love is again related to the doctrine of salvation, and specifically to assurance of such (4:7—5:3). The subject of love occurs with the most frequency in 3:1—5:12. Scripture asserts that God’s love is primary. We are to “love one another, for love is from God.” If we love as God loves, it proves we have been “born of God” and know God, because He is the only source of love. We must admit that individuals who are not “born of God” can demonstrate sacrificial love in remarkable manners. Therefore, how is that everyone who loves is “born of God?” Certainly, it would be erroneous to conclude that anyone who demonstrates love is a child of God, regardless of whether they “believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ” (3:23). The answer to the question demonstrates why in-depth (verse-by-verse) Bible study is crucial so that we are “accurately handling the word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15). The answer is determined by the context because Scripture has already affirmed that the true child of God both believes and loves. Romans 5:5 — and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 6:4 – Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. Even those who are not children of God are able to love because they have been created in the image of God. Romans 5:5 (cf. 6:4) teaches that the love that is acceptable to God is that which He gives—with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit—to effect a new nature (regeneration). By the free agency of the Holy Spirit and then through faith and repentance, those who are born of God receive a new nature (heart, mind, and will). Therefore, love cannot be genuine if it does not contain any of the basic and most important principles of the love of God in Christ. . . . GOD INITIATED SALVATION SO THAT OUR RESPONSEBY DIVINE GRACEIS TO HAVE FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST AND REPENTANCE IN BOTH BELIEF AND BEHAVIOR.... One who is not born of God cannot love as God expects and requires, although such an individual may demonstrate passionate affections. Perhaps we may expect too much from someone who is not a child of God. Perhaps the lack of true love you may have received from someone is because they do not know God. If you are a child of God, the most loving response that you can demonstrate is to love God as a matter of first priority, and demonstrate love for others by sharing the good news of God’s grace CAPITOL CAPITOL BIBLE STUDY BIBLE STUDY Location: Location: 123 CAP Time Times: TUESDAYS @ 7:15 AM @ 12 NOON

Transcript of A Practical Truth and Test 14 February - Capitol Com






A Practical Truth and Test    14 February 

Bible Study Title Ron J. Bigalke, PhD / PO Box 244, Rincon, GA 31326‐0244 / www.capitolcom.org / [email protected] 



Tuesday, 14 February 2012 First John 4:7-21 – “A Practical Truth and Test”

Introduc t ion

“Light,” “love,” and “life” are the characteristic words found in First John.

The first two chapters emphasize “that God is Light, and in Him there is no

darkness at all” (1:5). The purity of God’s nature is the reason why those

who sin need “an Advocate” (2:2). The next two chapters emphasize “how

great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children

of God” (3:1). On the basis of a vital union with Jesus Christ, the children of

God have divine love “perfected . . . so we may confidence” when the Lord

returns again (4:17). The last chapter of First John emphasizes how eternal

life is received. Our study this week reveals how love is not only a practical

truth of Christianity, but also a practical test for having the confidence that

one is indeed a child of God. Nevertheless, obedience to the Great

Commandment (Matt 22:34-40) is not only an authentic characteristic of a

child of God, but also a requirement for all governing authorities (Rom 13:1,

3-4) because they are to be ministers of God “for good.”

Matthew 22:36-39 – “Teacher , which i s the great commandment in the

Law?” And He said to [ the lawyer] , “‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE

LORD YOUR GOD. . . . ’ “This i s the great and foremost

commandment . “The second is l ike i t , ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR



(4:7-13) For the third and final time, First John introduces the subject of love

“from God.” Love is again related to the doctrine of salvation, and

specifically to assurance of such (4:7—5:3). The subject of love occurs with

the most frequency in 3:1—5:12. Scripture asserts that God’s love is primary.

We are to “love one another, for love is from God.” If we love as God

loves, it proves we have been “born of God” and know God, because He is

the only source of love.

We must admit that individuals who are not “born of God” can

demonstrate sacrificial love in remarkable manners. Therefore, how is that

everyone who loves is “born of God?” Certainly, it would be erroneous to

conclude that anyone who demonstrates love is a child of God, regardless of

whether they “believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ” (3:23). The

answer to the question demonstrates why in-depth (verse-by-verse) Bible

study is crucial so that we are “accurately handling the word of truth” (2 Tim

2:15). The answer is determined by the context because Scripture has already

affirmed that the true child of God both believes and loves.

Romans 5:5 — and hope does not disappoint , because the love o f God

has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spir i t who

was g iven to us .

Romans 6:4 – There fore we have been buried with Him through bapt ism

into death, so that as Chris t was raised from the dead through the

g lory o f the Father , so we too might walk in newness o f l i f e .

Even those who are not children of God are able to love because they

have been created in the image of God. Romans 5:5 (cf. 6:4) teaches that the

love that is acceptable to God is that which He gives—with the outpouring

of the Holy Spirit—to effect a new nature (regeneration). By the free agency

of the Holy Spirit and then through faith and repentance, those who are

born of God receive a new nature (heart, mind, and will). Therefore, love

cannot be genuine if it does not contain any of the basic and most important

principles of the love of God in Christ.





One who is not born of God cannot love as God expects and requires,

although such an individual may demonstrate passionate affections. Perhaps

we may expect too much from someone who is not a child of God. Perhaps

the lack of true love you may have received from someone is because they

do not know God. If you are a child of God, the most loving response that

you can demonstrate is to love God as a matter of first priority, and

demonstrate love for others by sharing the good news of God’s grace



123 CAP 

TimeTimess ::   

TUESDAYS @ 7:15 AM @ 12 NOON 





Georg ia  A Practical Truth and Test 

 through faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. Such love is characteristic and

only possible by a true child of God.

God’s nature is the evidence that “the one who does not love does not

know God” (4:8). God’s love was manifested supremely by sending “His

only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him” (4:9;

cf. 3:16). God’s immeasurable gift was not a response to the love of

humanity; rather, God initiated salvation so that our response—by divine

grace—is to have faith in Jesus Christ and repentance in both belief and

behavior from those things formerly separating us from God. Faith is a

biblical word that refers both to intellectual assent and also to relationship

commitment or trust. Repentance is the conscious turning from sin toward

God, which leads to a transformation from the old nature and practice.

True, biblical love is not anemic or wimpish. The greatest display of love

is the Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death (4:10). Our response to the work

of Jesus Christ is faith and repentance. Jesus gave His life on the cross of

Calvary as “propitiation for our sins.” God solved our problem at His

expense! Therefore, “if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another”

(4:11). The standard of love is God. If we want to know what is the

character of God, we have an objective example of His love based upon

what He did for us in sending His Son.

1 John 3:13 – By this we know that we abide in Him and He in us ,

because He has g iven us o f His Spir i t .

God, who “no one has seen . . . at any time,” also demonstrates His love

by accomplishing His purposes in those who are truly saved (redeemed).

God’s love is perfected and visible “if we love one another” (4:12). The

invisible God can actually live “in us.” One manner in which the world is to

understand God’s love is through the life of a child of God. God’s love is

perfected by reaching those He loves: the world (John 3:16). The ability to

demonstrate this love is based upon receiving “His Spirit” (4:13). Just as it is

with any of God’s commands, obedience to them is made possible only with

God’s provisions, which proves whether “we abide in Him and He in us.”


(4:14-21) We have not seen Jesus in the flesh. How then do we evaluate the

assertions of those who claim to have experienced heavenly journeys during

which they saw God in heaven? According to Scripture, such experiences are

impossible because God cannot be seen. However, verse 14, asserts that the

Apostles did see “the Savior of the world” and provide eyewitness

“testimony,” which was attested “from the beginning” (1:1), during a time in

which false assertions could be reproved. Unlike false claims with regard to

the Savior, the writers of Scripture (who were inspired by God) can testify

that they knew Jesus Christ, and as a consequence of this personal (albeit

verifiable) knowledge they “have believed the love which God has for” those

who trust in Him (4:15-16; cf. Acts 1:8).

The love of God accomplished its purpose. Those trusting in Him have

no fear of “the day of judgment” (4:17; cf. 2:28). The love of God gives

“confidence” to the child of God that they truly belong to the Lord,

“because as He is, so also are we in the this world” (4:17). Not only may a

child of God have confidence before the Judgment Seat of God (Gk. bema),

but also can live a life that expresses that confidence. If God’s love was so

great that He sent “His only begotten Son,” then He will certainly guide

those who “live through Him,” even as they are “in this world” (4:9, 17-18).

God first loved and made a relationship with Him possible (4:19). The

refutation of false teachers and prophets (antichrists) is made in verse 20. “If

someone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar.” It is difficult

to prove whether we love God because we cannot see Him. However, we

can prove our love for God—to others and ourselves—by the love we

express toward those we can see. For this reason, we have a verifiable

command: “the one who loves God should love his brother also” (4:21).

Believers in Christ are engaged in a spiritual battle against the forces of

darkness (cf. Eph 6:10-17). It is wonderfully comforting to know that we

have a “band of brothers/sisters” in Christ who is battling with us. First

John tells us how to discern those who are our brothers/sisters from those

who are not. We are also given a practical truth and test to evaluate whether

our claim to know and love God is true. Being certain therein is crucial to

know whether we truly “have eternal life” (5:13). Those who know God (and

those who posses governing authority) have great blessing and responsibility to

obey the Great Commandment.

Thank you for allowing Capitol Commission the honor to provide ongoing Bible studies to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to talk with me, or contact me by email or phone (912.659.4212).

We are praying for you personally throughout the day and week (1 Tim 2:1-4).  

ABOUT CAPITOL COMMISSION Capitol Commission state directors are pastors/missionaries who teach weekly verse-by-verse Bible studies for legislators, lobbyists, and staff members. State directors also meet personally with many government leaders to proclaim God’s grace in salvation, to encourage our leaders, pray with them, and provide biblical counsel. The mission of Capitol Commission is to reach the Capitol community for Christ, one person at a time, to disciple them, and to prepare them for a lifetime of ministry, wherever God chooses to place them.

Capitol Commission is a charitable and religious nonprofit corporation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Capitol Commission, Georgia, is supported by the generous gifts of businesses, churches, and individuals. Capitol Commission is not a state-funded work; rather, those with a heart for the Capitol community fund it. Please join us in this ministry!