A Parent

A Parent's Prayer to St. Joseph O glorious St. Joseph, to you God committed the care of His only begotten Son amid the many dangers of this world. We come to you and ask you to take under your special protection the children God has given us. Through holy baptism they became children of God and members of His holy Church. We consecrate them to you today, that through this consecration they may become your foster children. Guard them, guide their steps in life, form their hearts after the hearts of Jesus and Mary. St. Joseph, who felt the tribulation and worry of a parent when the child Jesus was lost, protect our dear children for time and eternity. May you be their father and counsellor. Let them, like Jesus, grow in age as well as in wisdom and grace before God and men. Preserve them from the corruption of his world, and give us the grace one day to be united with them in Heaven forever. Amen. Parent's Prayer All praise to You, Lord Jesus, Lover of children: Bless our family, And help us to lead our children to You. Give us light and strength, And courage when our task is difficult. Let Your Spirit fill us with love and peace, So that we may help our children to love You. All glory and praise are Yours, Lord Jesus,


A Parent

Transcript of A Parent

A Parent's Prayer to St

A Parent's Prayer to St. Joseph

O glorious St. Joseph,to you God committed the care of His only begotten Sonamid the many dangers of this world.We come to you and ask you to take under your special protectionthe children God has given us. Through holy baptismthey became children of Godand members of His holy Church.We consecrate them to you today,that through this consecrationthey may become your foster children.Guard them,guide their steps in life,form their hearts after the hearts of Jesus and Mary.

St. Joseph,who felt the tribulation and worry of a parentwhen the child Jesus was lost,protect our dear children for time and eternity.May you be their father and counsellor.Let them, like Jesus,grow in age as well as in wisdom and gracebefore God and men.Preserve them from the corruption of his world,and give us the grace one day to be unitedwith them in Heaven forever.


Parent's Prayer

All praise to You, Lord Jesus,Lover of children:Bless our family,And help us to lead our children to You.

Give us light and strength,And courage when our task is difficult.Let Your Spirit fill us with love and peace,So that we may help our children to love You.

All glory and praise are Yours, Lord Jesus,For ever and ever.


Parents' Prayer for Their Children

O God the Father of mankind, who hast given unto me these my children, and committed them to my charge to bring them up for Thee, and to prepare them for eternal life: help me with Thy heavenly grace, that I may be able to fulfil this most sacred duty and stewardship. Teach me both what to give and what to withhold; when to reprove and when to forbear; make me to be gentle, yet firm; considerate and watchful; and deliver me equally from the weakness of indulgence, and the excess of severity; and grant that, both by word and example, I may be careful to lead them in the ways of wisdom and true piety, so that at last I may, with them, be admitted to the unspeakable joys of our true home in heaven, in the company of the blessed Angels and Saints. Amen.

O Heavenly Father, I commend my children to Thy care. Be Thou their God and Father; and mercifully supply whatever is lacking in me through frailty or negligence. Strengthen them to overcome the corruptions of the world, whether from within or without; and deliver them from the secret snares of the enemy. Pour Thy grace into their hearts, and strengthen and multiply in them the gifts of Thy Holy Spirit, that they may daily grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; and so, faithfully serving Thee here, may come to rejoice in Thy presence hereafter. Amen.

A Parent's Prayer for their Children

O Heavenly Father,I commend my children unto Thee. Be Thou their God and Father; and mercifully supply whatever is wanting in me through frailty or negligence. Strengthen them to overcome the corruptions of the world, to resist all solicitations to evil, whether from within or without; and deliver them from the secret snares of the enemy. Pour Thy grace into their hearts, and confirm and multiply in them the gifts of Thy Holy Spirit, that they may daily grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; and so, faithfully serving Thee here, may come to rejoice in Thy presence hereafter.


Parents' Prayer for Their Children

Lord God! Thou hast called us to the holy state of matrimony and hast been pleased to make us parents. We recommend to Thee our dear children. We entrust them to Thy fatherly care. May they be a source of consolation, not only to us, but chiefly to Thee, Who are their Creator. Be watchful, O Lord; help and defend them. Grant us the grace to guide them in the way of Thy commandments. This we will do by our own perfect observance of Thy holy law and that of our holy Mother, the Church. Make us conscious of our grave obligation to You and bless our efforts to serve You. We humbly ask this blessing from the bottom of our hearts, for ourselves and for the children whom Thou hast been pleased to give us. We dedicate them to Thee, O Lord. Do Thou keep them as the apple of Thy eye and protect them under the shadow of Thy wings. Make us worthy to come, at last, to heaven, together with them, giving thanks unto Thee, Our Father, for the loving care Thou hast had of our entire family, and praising Thee together through endless ages.Amen.

Prayer of Parents for Their Children # 1

O Jesus, Lover of Children, bestow Your Most precious graces on those whom You have confided to our care. Increase in them Faith, Hope and Charity. May Your love lead them to solid piety, inspiring them with dread for sin, love of work and an ardent desire of worthily approaching Your Holy Table. Preserve in them innocence and purity of heart; and if they should offend You, grant them the grace of a prompt and sincere repentance. From Your Tabernacle watch over them day and night; protect them in all their ways. Grant that they may acquire the knowledge that they need to embrace the state of life to which You have called them. Grant us a sincere love, constant vigilance and generous devotedness towards them. Grant us all consolation on earth and eternal reward in heaven.

Prayer of Parents for Their Children # 2

O Lord, omnipotent Father, we give you thanks for having given us children. They are our joy, and we accept with serenity the worries, fears and labours which bring us pain. Help us to live them sincerely. Through us you gave life to them; from eternity you knew them and loved them. Give us wisdom to guide them, patience to teach them, vigilance to accustom them to the good through our example.Support our love so that we may receive them back when they have strayed and make them good. It is often so difficult to understand them, to be as they would want us to be, to help them to go on their way. Grant that they may always see our home as a haven in their time of need. Teach us and help us, O good Father, through the merits of Jesus, your Son and our Lord.Amen.

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