A novel experience

How can you connect conflicts and problems from a classic novel (Where the Red Fern Grows ) to current issues in your personal life today? How are these problems still relevant? How can you connect with others using the novel? A Novel Experience (Collaboration between classes within a school)



Transcript of A novel experience

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How can you connect conflicts and problems from a classic novel (Where the Red Fern Grows) to current issues in your personal life today? How are these problems still relevant? How can you connect with others using the novel?

A Novel Experience(Collaboration between classes within a school)

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Meetings with fellow 6th grade staff member:

Determine purpose Learn technology Discuss digital

citizenship and netiquette

Set up random groups between 2 classes

(collaborated in evenings via Facetime)

Technology:Limited access to technology – schedule use

Learning curve for Chromebooks

Ipad /Facetime lessons

Upload files and links to Edmodo

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Tools Used

Edmodo:1.Easy to use2.Students liked look of it – like Facebook3.Created avatars and completed personal information4.Several lessons on use of Edmodo 5.Set up chat area for students6.Groups of 10 students


1.Edmodo worked well except for videos2.Faster start up3.Assigned numbers on Chromebooks

Google Sites:Hosted videos and links

Ipad/Facetime:Lessons between classes

School Tube:Hosted student videos

IRubric: Hosted rubrics embedded on Google Site

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Google Site

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Edmodo Guidelines - Posting Messages 1.Post a note to the whole group if your question is about something the whole group should know (assignments, instructions, dates etc.) 2.Send a note only to your teacher if you want to talk about something that doesn’t relate to everyone. 3.Don’t post personal questions to the group. 4.Keep conversations on topic. 5.If you’re not sure if a word or joke is okay, then it’s probably not. Refrain from posts that tease, bully, annoy, spam, or gossip about any other member.

Groups If you think there is something inappropriate posted in an Edmodo group, tell a teacher immediately.

Punctuation & Grammar 1.No txting lingo. We r ur teachers…show us that u have learned how 2 spell. 2.DO NOT PUT SENTENCES IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. 3.Do not end sentences with more than one exclamation mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or question mark???????????? 4.Please please please do not repeat a word more than necessary.

Guidelines Discussed with both groups using Facetime

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Code of Conduct

Edmodo Code of Conduct

1.I will use one of the avatars included with Edmodo for my profile picture or use one that I have appropriate legal permission to use (i.e. in the public domain).2.I will use posts to discuss school-related content only.3.I will use a respectful tone of voice when posting. All school rules and consequences related to harassment apply.4.I will use appropriate grammar instead of texting language. 5.I will limit my use of sarcasm to avoid misinterpretations.6.I will not reveal any personal information on Edmodo. This includes telephone numbers, addresses, emails, etc.7.I will not post photos or videos showing myself or classmates without permission.

Student signature:____________________________________

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Rubric for Response

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Prompts#1 Explain how you have a character trait like Billy and why? Give examples from the book to support your reason. 2. Read and reflect on another student's response. Remember to follow the rubric guidelines and proper netiquette. * Put your response for #1 in the box at the top that says "type your note here...".

#2 (Determination - loyalty - family - sacrifice - unconditional love - willpower) Select one of the words above and explain why it is the overall theme for the novel. Give examples from the book to prove your point. Put your answer in a post so others can respond.

#3 CHANGE- Characters are constantly changing in books. This is not different than how you have changed and grown so far this year. Describe in a new entry how you feel Billy has changed as a character and why you feel that way? What evidence can you give me to prove your point?

#4 CONFLICT/PROBLEM: Throughout the book, Billy encounters many conflicts and problems. Describe one of these conflicts and compare it to your own life. Do you have similar conflicts as Billy? Be sure to answer completely.

#5 Evaluate and reflect back on the posts you have made on Edmodo. What did you do well? What do you need to work on? Evaluate your experience so far working with Edmodo. Be specific, please.

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Response Examples“I think I did very well on my posts because I answered the

questions thoroughly with words that described what I said. When I replied on people's posts I said one good thing about their post and a thing they could add on. I saw that I used the same ideas in most of my posts so I need to work on that. I don't like Edmodo because I think that pencil and paper is easier to use, and you can't cheat.”

“I can relate to one of the conflicts in the story. When Old Dan climbed up the tree, Billy was afraid he was going to jump off and break his legs. One time my dog jumped off the porch and couldn't get up so we thought he broke one of his legs. He was finally able to get up, but still had a limp in his stride, he is fine now. Billy and I both made a connection that our dog's leg could have been broken.”

“I am like Billy because we are both determined to do things in life. An example in the book was that Billy knew that his parents wouldn't buy him his two hounds, so he was determined to get his wish of the hounds and he did just that. The reason why we are both determined is that I am determined to do certain things in life or I have set high goals in life, like one of my goals is to go to colleges and graduate college, and that is how Billy and I are alike.”

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1.Groups were set up between 2 classes

within a building in Edmodo

2.Guidelines were reviewed and rubrics for

scoring discussed

3.Initial lessons were taught using Facetime


4.Students were taught the tools

5.Chat room was set up in Edmodo for

“handshake” time (synchronous)


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6. Prompts were given weekly - students

reflected and responded to others


7. Groups in classrooms created vocabulary

presentations (rap/skit/comic strip)

that were videotaped using Ipad and

shared on SchoolTube with other class.

Links were found on Google Site

8. Students viewed videos between


9. Self-assessment


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Videos ChoicesGoogle Site-https://sites.google.com/a/ripon.k12.wi.us/mrs-wisneski

Rap Comic/Cartoon


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What would I do differently?

1.Spend more time teaching how to communicate digitally. Even with Facetime lessons, consistency was not always evident.

2.Work with staff members that had more expertise with technology.

3.Include more self-assessment in each step of the process.