A Life of Togetherness

a life of togetherness

Transcript of A Life of Togetherness

a l i f e oftogetherness

Tom was a California boy

curious about the world

his classmate Dennie had dreams, too

her creativity would bloom in the classroom

they were friends for years

until a 1958 dance rewrote their lives

there, Dennie lost her earrings and stole Tom’s heart

in 1960, they vowed togetherness

their family grew into four

Tom worked long hours away from home

Dennie tried a new hat with great success

every commute brought them closer

when Tom retired they started living their dream

finally, they had time to explore

enjoy their growing family

and raise llamas on their farm

later, the simplicity they craved

was found at Paradise Valley Estates

there, life has engaging, effortless detail

to make their years ahead even sweeter

their days ring with the laughter of friends

or the quiet of two hearts in perfect unison

enjoying the love created by a pair of lost earrings long ago